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13 Jan.

18, 2018

SIAO, Kristan Mario EAPP

11 – LUX Mme. Mulder

Dear future self,

It’s been ten years now, and you’re officially an adult by now. Are you married?

Do you have kids? Anyways, I hope you’re actually doing well in life. Here I am writing

this letter, full of curiosity and positivity for my own future. Did you actually pursue

you’re dreams of being a pilot? Ten years back, and I’m on my first year of Senior High.

I must say that I’ve never been this tired of all the homeworks and tests. Every day, it

seems to me that we are bombarded with new tasks! Despite all these challenges, my

journey in Senior High has made me realize that I need to start putting effort into my

work if I actually want to achieve great things. It might sound strange, but I would

probably call myself an underachieving overachiever. I put so much expectation on

myself, yet barely put in effort to help myself get to my goals.

All my life, I’ve always wanted to have a successful career; to give back to my

parents and make them proud of the person that they have nourished. I want to be able to

live out my dreams and travel all over the world. But before I can do any of those, I have

to do my best in my studies and actually believe that I am capable of big things. Grade 11

has been so different from the previous grade levels I have encountered. Definitely

approaching the college standards, Grade 11 has been a tough adjustment from Grade 10.
Thankfully, I have amazing friends that help me survive my “days in torture”. Despite

our exhaustions and lack of sleep, we still find a way to make ourselves happy and enjoy

each other’s company. With this, I hope you remember to never isolate yourself from

your friends. What I mean is that as much as it is important to focus on your studies and

work, all the successes that you will be able to achieve in life would not be enjoyable if

you don’t have close friends and family to celebrate them with.

Two years from the time I am writing this, I’d be finished with Senior High and

off to college. Truthfully, up to this day, I’m reluctant and getting doubts as to pursue my

dreams in aviation. I am surrounded by fear, and it discourages me to try and rise to the

challenge. To you, future self, I just hope you are happy with what you are doing. Maybe

my dreams will change in a couple of years, or maybe it won’t. As long as you never

forget to enjoy the experience, then it’ll all be worth it. I hope you are contented with the

person you are right now, and that you’d be proud of the decisions I will make in the near

future. Especially, now that each decision in my life is critical.

I don’t think I am in a position to give you advices, but I just want you to

remember that hardships are only there to make good days even more satisfying. Never

give up, and never lose that passionate heart of yours. I want you to be able to achieve

greatness and I promise to you, future self, that I will do my best for you. I will not let

you down.

Written with sincerity,

Kristan (A Senior High School Student)

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