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2021 中英文北美版
Part II
中華民國一一〇年八月 第四六卷第八期

US$5 Vol. 46 No. 8 August 2021

An Azure World
圖/文•林旻萱 版面設計•馬英凱

保護區內,因海域地形平 T he popular diving spot of Houbihu in Ping­
tung County is located within Kenting Na­
tional Park. The rich marine ecology of the flat,
愛好潛水的民眾,潛進這片湛藍的 shallow seabed attracts divers from around the
世界中,欣賞美麗珊瑚礁,並與各 world to admire the coral reefs and swim among
種魚群不期而遇,感受優游在海中 schools of myriad fish species in beautiful, tranquil
的寧靜與美好。 surroundings.
(photo and text by Lin Min-hsuan/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語

這是來自於不同國家的成長背景、不同領 此外,2020年台灣東部第一座非營利的野
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 域的學習歷程,但卻都以「台灣」作為其人 生動物救傷暨復健中心在台東池上成立,讓
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 陳銘政 生歸宿的生命故事。看半導體技術專家水沼 《光華》編採團隊深入台灣野生動物救護的
Director: Henry M.J. CHEN
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Editor-in-Chief: Ivan CHEN 仁志為了「愛」來到台灣,並協助台日電子 現場,帶來第一手的訊息,還有台灣老市場
主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編/ 鄧慧純 劉亭均
產業的合作發展;看獲得荷蘭藝術最高獎項 的影像選集、緬甸華僑的聚集地華新街,再
Deputy Editors: Cathy TENG, Rina LIU
文 字 編 輯/ 陳群芳 蘇俐穎 謝宜婷 「皇家藝術獎」的畫家帕斯卡,如何融入台 加上近年來熱門的基隆七堵瑪陵坑等第一線
Writers: CHEN Chun-fang, Lynn SU, Tina XIE
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 王敬勛 馬英凱
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, Henry WANG, 灣的生活,並找到生命中的真色彩。 的現場直擊與紀錄,等著您來探索與體驗。
MA Ying-kai
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: Kent CHUANG
還有入籍台灣的國際知名粒子物理研究者 * * *
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN 裴思達,如何看待台灣的學術環境,以及吸 根據國際能源總署的預測推估,至2050年
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱
Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿 費儒伯 引他的台灣優勢又有哪些?其他諸如已經旅 全球的廢太陽能板將達到9億多公噸,而台
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR,
Phil NEWELL, Robert FOX
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏 行過61個國家的雲端軟體運算專家田記禮, 南大學綠能所的研究團隊則以「永續物命」
Japanese Editors: Yukina YAMAGUCHI,
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘
選擇台灣作為他安身立命之處的緣由,和88 為理念,開發出了領先國際的完全回收系
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香 歲的耶穌會神父谷寒松,在台奉獻一輩子的 統。讓我們一探該團隊如何利用有限的資
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong
泰 文 編 輯/ 王玉雯
Thai Editor: WANG Yu-wen 精彩故事,盡在本期《光華》封面故事的報 源,把廢棄垃圾變成黃金,連帶串起整條產
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa
社 群 編 輯/ 蕭淑憶
導當中。 業鏈,開闢出整體光電產業的一條新路。
Social Media Editor: Dawa HSIAO
* * * 而同樣閃耀國際的,還有2018年於清華
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉
Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉 台灣的社會氛圍與環境制度對於新住民與 大學正式發表的全球第一座無藍害「燭光
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei

資 訊 部 主 任 / 卓宏基
Director of Information Systems: CHO Hung-chi 移工是否仍存在著不平等的現象?或是這種
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
潛藏在檯面下的不平等,仍有意無意地透過 固態照明計畫負責人George Brainard,也特地

我們自身的言行在放送?讓我們透過台灣民 來台取經。「燭光OLED」到底有什麼樣的

族音樂學者、曾獲印尼宮廷親王爵位的蔡宗 優勢,對於生態環境又起了什麼樣的影響,

德教授,跟我們剖析東南亞表演藝術在台灣 讓清華大學材料科學工程學系教授周卓煇,

的現況與困境。 帶我們一同認識這無藍害的耀眼光芒。 l
Putting Down Roots EDITOR’S NOTE

in Taiwan

I n this issue we bring you stories of peo- We bring you a first-hand report on wild- GPN: 2008000038 ISSN1991-525X
原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine

ple from different countries and different life rescue in Taiwan from the Wild One 中華民國95年1月改為台灣光華雜誌
Taiwan Panorama

professions who have chosen to make Tai- Wildlife Hospital, which opened in 2020 in SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
wan their home. For example, we see how Taitung’s Chishang Township as the nation’s  Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
  NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years

love brought semiconductor technology first ever non-profit center for the veterinary
 Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
  US$72/2 years by airmail

expert Hitoshi Mizunuma to our island, treatment and rehabilitation of wild animals.
 North America: US$32/year,
  US$55/2 years by regular mail

where his work underpins cooperation be- And we present a selection of photographs
 Elsewhere: US$45/year,
  US$80/2 years by airmail

tween the Taiwanese and Japanese electron- of old markets, as well as a story on Taiwan’s Taiwan Panorama (USPS 000624) is published

ics industries; and how artist Pascal van der “Little Burma”—Huaxin Street in Zhonghe—
monthly, US$32.00 per year, by Kwang Hwa
Publishing (USA), Inc., 3731 Wilshire Blvd 104,

Graaf, a winner of the Netherlands’ Royal where many ethnic Chinese from Myanmar
Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without written
permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage
Award for Modern Painting, has assimilated have settled. We also visit Maling in Keelung’s paid at Los Angeles, California.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
into local life and found his “true colors.” Qidu District, which has become a popular Kwang Hwa Publishing (USA), Inc., 3731
Wilshire Blvd 104, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA.
We also reveal how internationally re- local tourist destination in recent years.
Modeling by the International Renew-
nowned particle physicist Stathes Paganis Kwang Hwa Publishing (USA), Inc.
3731 Wilshire Blvd 104,
views Taiwan’s academic environment, and able Energy Agency predicts that by 2050, Los Angeles, CA 90010, USA
Tel: 1-888-829-3866 Fax: 1-213-389-0021
what strengths of Taiwan attracted him to the world will be generating more than 900 Email:

live here; as well as what drew the well- million metric tons of photovoltaic panel 董事長:莊璧璘
traveled cloud computing expert Tom Fifield waste per year. However, a research team 助理:葛崇高、廖育楷
President: P.L. CHUANG
to settle in Taiwan and make his life here. from the National University of Tainan is General Manager: YIN Yu-chi
Assistants: Thomas KOH, LIAO Yu-kai
And we tell the wonderful story of how developing a world-leading recycling system
88-year-old Jesuit priest Fr. Luis Gutheinz to deal with these discarded solar panels. We 如欲轉載,請與本社資深行政聯絡。
has devoted his life to Taiwan. All of these explore how they are turning trash into gold, 請寄至本社調換。
All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not
are featured in this month’s cover story. thereby driving the development of an entire be reprinted without our permission.
If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
Do migrant workers and long-term immi- industrial chain. photographs, please contact our senior
administrative editor.
grants still encounter overt discrimination in Another “enlightening” Taiwanese inven- Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
be gladly replaced.
Taiwanese society? Or suffer the effects of at- tion is the world’s first “candlelight OLED”
titudes that may be hidden below the surface, table lamp, which emits no blue light. Pro-
but emerge consciously or unconsciously in fessor Jou Jwo-huei of the Department of
our words and deeds? Professor Ted Tsai, an Materials Science and Engineering at Na-
ethnomusicologist who was bestowed the tional Tsing Hua University tells us about its
rank of prince in Java, helps us analyze the advantages for our health and for the natu-
current state of Southeast-Asian performance ral environment. l 本刊物印刷油墨使用環保認證大豆油墨

arts in Taiwan and the difficulties they face. (Ivan Chen/tr. by Phil Newell)
CONTENTS 中華民國110年8月 第46卷 第8期 Vol. 46 No. 8 August 2021

封面故事 Cover Story

6 台灣是我的基地
Taiwan Is My Base
—Cloud Computing Expert Tom Fifield
文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒

14 愛上第二故鄉
In Love with His Second Homeland
—Physicist Stathes Paganis
文•李珊瑋 圖•林格立

22 找到生命中之所愛與所長

One Place, One Love, One Vocation
—Semiconductor Engineer Hitoshi
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立

30 美之為美的存在
In Search of Life’s True Colors
—Artist Pascal van der Graaf
文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒

40 點亮樂生院的一盞燈

A Beacon of Light for Losheng
—Father Luis Gutheinz
文•蘇俐穎 圖•谷寒松提供

編者的話 來自地方的明信片
Editor’s Note Postcards from Home

2 為愛生根台灣 1 湛藍世界 50 月月好讀

Putting Down Roots in Taiwan An Azure World Variety Pages
文•陳亮君 圖/文•林旻萱 文•關真興、謝明勳
影像對話 Photo Essay
荷蘭籍的帕斯卡隨著太太楊雅雯,從澳門搬到台灣, 56 老市場新靈魂
並已歸化為台灣人。(莊坤儒攝) Old Markets, New Soul
Cover: Dutch artist Pascal van der Graaf moved with his 圖/文•林格立
wife Arwen Yang from Macau to Taiwan, where he has now
become a citizen. (photo by Kent Chuang)
全球視野 Global Outlook

66 鳴個喇叭!華新街
Mingalar Par!
Welcome to Little Burma
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱

島嶼行旅 Around Taiwan

76 讓野生動物重返山林

Returning Animals to the Wilderness:
The WildOne Wildlife Hospital
文•陳群芳 圖•林格立

86 女巫秘境輕旅行
Relics, Riverbeds, and Rose Gardens
—A Day Trip to Maling
文•蘇晨瑜 圖•莊坤儒

產業新創 Entrepreneurship

96 領先全球無藍害燭光OLED

Leading the World in Candlelight OLED:
Safe Lighting Expert Jou Jwo-huei
文•謝宜婷 圖•林旻萱

104 光電產業的最後一片拼圖
The Last Piece of the PV Puzzle:
Recycling Solar Panels
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒

多元族群 Communities

114 感受他們的「聲」命力

Soundscapes of Immigrant Life:
Southeast-Asian Performance Art
in Taiwan
文•劉亭均 圖•林旻萱

Taiwan Is My Base
—Cloud Computing Expert Tom Fifield

文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

澳洲籍雲端運算專家田記禮(Tom Fifield),因為參與

A ustralian cloud computing expert Tom Fifield’s connec-

tion with Taiwan started with his involvement in a global
high-energy physics project, which required him to attend regu-
lar meetings at the Academia Sinica. Having fallen in love with
Taiwan, which he regards as his “base,” not only has he become
a Taiwanese citizen, he has even brought the woman in his life
back to her native island after many years spent overseas.

資訊 Information technology
Fifield has fallen in love with trail racing in Taiwan. He feels that cross-country
running is like meditation, in that it can totally absorb the mind.

身為資訊專家, 田記
As an information
technology expert, Tom
Fifield helped Taiwan’s
government set up
their Taiwan Gold Card

2008年,還是澳洲墨爾本大學大四學生的田記 洲墨爾本大學物理學院授予榮譽院士。
禮,第一次來到台灣,參加在中研院舉辦的大型 田記禮接著又投入日本粒子物理貝爾實驗
強子對撞機(LHC)會議。 (Belle experiment)的資料處理,協助設計Belle
「當時我一年有130天在各國飛來飛去開會, Ⅱ的系統。由於台灣中研院設有高能物理實驗
剛到台灣時,就覺得這個地方有點不一樣。心中 室,又是L H C資料處理的亞洲Ti e r-1 中心,在
第一次有種感覺,可以住在這裡。」留著落腮 2008~2013年這六年間,因為LHC與Belle工作之
鬍,35歲的田記禮回憶說:「我從桃園機場搭巴 故,再加上精於分散式系統(Distributed system)
士到捷運忠孝復興站,搭捷運到昆陽,再換搭巴 運算的他,同時協助澳洲政府建置國家學術雲
士到中研院,覺得台灣交通不錯啊。」 端中心NeCTAR,因而田記禮每年總會來台灣幾
「在我的老家摩寧頓半島(M o r n i n g t o n 次,認識了許多朋友,且愈來愈喜歡台灣。
Peninsula)星期天只有一班巴士,開車到主要的 身為雲端運算專家,他也是O p e n S t a c k程式
城市墨爾本就要1.5個小時。但是在台灣,你站 碼貢獻度排名中名列前茅的開發者。由美國太
在路邊,不用開口,只要露出稍微有點迷路的表 空總署與雲端運算軟體商Rackspace合作研發的
情,就有人主動幫忙,認真地用英語為你指路。 OpenStack,是全球最廣泛應用的開源碼雲端建
沒有其他的國家給我這樣的經驗。」田記禮與台 構軟體,集結來自160個國家的2,500多位志工開
灣的緣份就這樣開始了。 發者,貢獻開源程式碼。當2013年田記禮接下
國小從小三跳讀小五,以資訊系統(information 住在澳洲,已經旅行過61個國家的田記禮覺得:
systems)滿分的分數推甄到澳洲墨爾本大學,田 「台灣位於全球最中間」,於是決定搬到台灣
記禮在大三時,就由老師帶著他參加強子對撞機 居住。
(LHC)計畫,協助處理由75個國家共同合作的 田記禮2016年甚至說服OpenStack基金會,在台
高能物理學所彙整的資料與數據,他因而獲得澳 灣舉辦全球首場OpenStack應用黑客松,並且得到

In 2008 Tom Fifield, who was then still a senior at a half to drive to the nearest major city, Melbourne. But
the University of Melbourne, came to Taiwan for the in Taiwan, you just have to stand at the side of the road
first time, to attend a conference on the Large Hadron with a slightly lost expression on your face, without say-
Collider at the Academia Sinica. ing a word, and people will come and offer help, striving
“At that time I was spending 130 days a year flying earnestly to give you directions in English. I’ve never
from country to country for meetings, but when I first had this kind of experience in any other country.” Thus
arrived in Taiwan I sensed that there was something did Fifield’s personal connection with Taiwan begin.
different about this place. For the first time I had the An IT genius in love with Taiwan
feeling ‘I could live here.’” The bearded 35-year-old Fi- Fifield, who jumped directly from third to fifth grade
field recalls: “I took a bus from Taoyuan International in primary school and was admitted to the University of
Airport to the Zhongxiao Fuxing Metro station, took Melbourne after scoring full marks in information sys-
the Metro to Kunyang, and from there took a bus to the tems, was brought into a Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
Academia Sinica. I got the feeling that Taiwan has quite project by one of his professors when he was a junior.
good transportation.” His role was to assist in handling the information and
“In my hometown, the Mornington Peninsula, there data exchanged by teams in 75 countries working co-
was only one bus on Sundays, and it took an hour and operatively in the area of high-energy physics, and this
work led to his being made an honorary fellow
of the School of Physics at the University of
Fifield next took part in the data process-
ing for the Belle particle physics experiment
in Japan and helped to design the Belle II
system. Because the Academia Sinica has a
high-energy physics laboratory and is a Tier-1
center for processing LHC data, during the
six years from 2008 through 2013 Fifield came
to Taiwan several times each year to carry out
LHC and Belle work. At the same time, with
his skills in distributed system computing,
Fifield assisted the Australian government in
building the NeCTAR Research Cloud. On
his frequent trips to Taiwan, he made many
friends and grew to like the country more
with each visit.
As a cloud computing expert, Fifield is also
one of the leading OpenStack code contribu-
tors. In 2013 he took a position as community

There are so many great things about Taiwan
that Fifield doesn’t miss Australia very much.

美國德州參加OpenStack 年度大會,這也是台灣


灣。 舉辦介紹台灣文化的活動。(田記禮提供)
2019年6月兩人結婚,由於有來自15個國家的 Because they had wedding guests coming from 15 countries, Tom
and Joanna arranged for preliminary activities at Zhishan Garden
人來參加他們的婚禮,擅長軟體的他們,先做了 in the grounds of the National Palace Museum to introduce their
guests to Taiwanese culture. (courtesy of Tom Fifield)
如何兌換新台幣、旅宿資訊等,被朋友評為「簡 喜愛傳統的田記禮與黃惠慈的婚禮,遵循古禮。
The wedding of Tom Fifield and Joanna Huang, who both love
在婚宴當天,先在故宮至善園為賓客舉辦剪紙、 tradition, followed the old ways. (courtesy of Tom Fifield)

市。這一系列的活動,都是為了讓親友感受最棒 田媽媽認為台灣是購物天堂,尤其喜歡逛家樂
的台灣。 福、小北百貨,還是阿瘦皮鞋的會員。聽著自己
連田記禮的父母親都是台灣迷!身為芭蕾舞者 父母親如何喜愛台灣,田記禮在一旁頻頻點頭,
的田媽媽田姍玉(Denise Fifield),有著周遊各 露出會心的微笑。
次到路易莎買咖啡,工作人員就記得她第一次點 外國人留在台灣需符合簽證等相關規定。國發
的咖啡;喜歡到美容院洗頭,可以享受按摩。」 會2018年推出「就業金卡」的新政策,讓在台從

manager at the OpenStack Foundation (now the Open
Infrastructure Foundation), where he had to coordinate
and resolve disputes between developers in various
countries. Fifield, who at that time lived in Australia
and had already travelled to 61 countries, thought that
Taiwan was the most centrally located place on the
globe, and he decided to move here.
Fans of Taiwan
It took Fifield only one month to reach this decision
in 2013, and he even brought his girlfriend—Joanna
Huang, a Taiwanese software engineer who had been
about to get her permanent residency visa in Aus-
tralia—back to her native country.
Soon after they relocated to Taiwan, Fifield took
Huang to the Gongguan area of Taipei to eat spicy duck
blood. “That was just him showing how well he knows
Taipei.” Although born and raised in Miaoli County’s
Tongxiao Township, with her deep-set features Huang
is often mistaken in Taiwan for a Southeast-Asian im-
migrant. She says: “I only began to really love Taiwan
after coming back here with him.”
The couple married in June of 2019. Because there
were guests coming to the wedding from 15 countries,
Tom and Joanna, with their advanced computer skills,
set up a website called “We’re Getting Married!” intro-
ducing things like how to exchange currency in Taiwan
and information on accommodations. A friend declared Having become a citizen of Taiwan, Fifield must do a year
of military service or alternative service. He says he is
that it “looks just like an information website of Tai- happy to have a year in which he can make a contribution
wan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” On the day of the to Taiwan.

wedding, they arranged preliminary activities, includ-

ing paper cutting and a tea party, at Zhishan Garden in
the grounds of the National Palace Museum, with the
goal of introducing Taiwanese culture to their guests.
They held their wedding banquet in a restaurant in tional Development Council adopted the new “Employ-
a historic building in the Shilin Night Market so that ment Gold Card” policy, and Fifield was one of the first
guests could browse through the night market after professionals to get an NDC-approved Employ ment
eating. This series of activities was designed to give Gold Card. Moreover, he and a Frenchman, Eric Kuhn,
their friends and families an opportunity to experience created a non-governmental “Taiwan Gold Card” web-
the best of Taiwan. site to share information about their experiences and
Even Fifield’s parents are big fans of Taiwan. His the application process. Fifield, knowledgeable as he is
mom, Denise, who was a ballet dancer, has visited about the policy and regulations, even acted as an ad-
countries all over the world, but refers to Taiwan as her visor to the NDC’s Taiwan Employment Gold Card Of-
“second home.” fice in creating their official Taiwan Gold Card website.
The Taiwan Gold Card website Pointing to the upper right-hand side of the webpage,
Foreigners who want to live in Taiwan must meet he says: “The home page is in English, and, like Taiwan
the relevant residency requirements. In 2018 the Na- Panorama, it’s bilingual.”

事專業工作的外國人才,可以享有簽證居留與工 位時,所舉辦與總統見面的活動。第一年國發
作許可的優惠。田記禮發現,特別是這項政策沒 會發出188 張就業金卡,拜台灣疫情控制是全球
有以往申請過程繁複、表格複雜的問題,而且對 模範生之賜,加上田記禮等人的協助,累計至今
專業的外國人士太方便了。 (2021)年5月已核發超過2,700張,還有許多矽
他不僅是第一批獲國發會核發就業金卡的專業 谷重量級科技人、知名藝術家申請。
人士,更進一步與法籍的Eric Khun,建置了民間 不只申請就業金卡,去年拿到台灣身分證的田
版的「就業金卡網站」(Taiwan Gold Card), 記禮說:「我很興奮哪!我相信台灣,相信台灣
分享許多個人經驗及申請流程的相關資訊。熟悉 的經濟,相信台灣的人,相信未來很光明,我很
政策與規定的田記禮,並且協助國發會就業金卡 期待今年八月台灣的公投可以投票!」
誌》一樣是雙語的。」 2015年某一天,突然覺得百無聊賴的田記禮,
田記禮以他的姓為名,在台灣創立「伍片田」 週遭朋友剛好都沒有空,他上網隨機報名了在台
公司,自家辦公室牆上,掛著與總統蔡英文合 北市內湖山系舉辦的「探索後花園」12公里越野
照的照片,這是國發會在核發就業金卡滿 1,000 賽跑。
完,是田記禮練習越野跑的路徑。 趣。他因此積極投入越野賽跑,尤其擅長雨天溼
Fifield trains for trail races by running a 20-kilometer mountain
path along a ridge from Dingpu to Nanshijiao in New Taipei City.
It takes him three hours. 二名的好成績。
田記禮與J o a n n a不時會擔任越野跑競賽的志
Since taking up cross-country racing, Fifield has won a number 工,感受到越野跑社群既爭競又互助,有運動家
of trophies.
給台灣。」 l

Fifield not only acquired an Employment Gold Card, 位於板橋的起家厝,享受甜蜜的兩人世界。
Tom and Joanna enjoy the happiness of their two-person world
but last year he also became a citizen of Taiwan. “I’m so at their home in Banqiao.
excited! I have faith in Taiwan, faith in Taiwan’s econ-
omy, faith in Taiwan’s people, and faith that the future
is very bright. I’m really looking forward to the referen- In Taiwan, the only thing that frustrates him is hav-
dum this August, because I can vote in it!” ing to go to the bank. He had not been to a bank for over
Competitive running and military service ten years back in Australia, but in Taiwan he has to go
One day back in 2015, Fifield was feeling bored and every month to arrange overseas remittances. “These
none of his nearby friends was free, so he went online are good opportunities for improving my Chinese and
and casually signed up for the 12-kilometer “Explore learning patience,” says Fifield. If he could complete
Your Backyard” trail race in the mountains of the these banking operations online, it would save him a lot
Neihu District of Taipei City. of waiting time and trouble.
Fifield had no previous experience, and he com- Now that he is a Taiwanese citizen, because Fifield is
pleted his first race only with difficulty. But he also not yet 36 years old he must do a year of alternative milit-
experienced the joy of running across complex terrain ary service. He has even temporarily given up working
with tree roots, rocks, rivers to cross, and steep moun- to wait to be enlisted. His wife is visibly worried.
tain paths to climb. Since then, he has dedicated him- However, Fifield says (with perfect retroflex pronun-
self to cross-country running. He has gotten especially ciation): “Taiwan is my base. I’m very happy to have a
good at races run in slippery conditions on rainy days. year in which I can help Taiwan.” l
In 2018, he took second place in the 21-kilometer cate- (Esther Tseng/photos by Kent Chuang/
gory of the ULTRA Maokong trail race. tr. by Phil Newell)


In Love with His Second Homeland
—Physicist Stathes Paganis

文•李珊瑋 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱


F ate intervened when their gazes met. T hey crossed the

world to seize their happiness.
Internationally renowned particle physicist Stathes Paganis
went from his native Greece to pursue studies in America, where
he fell in love with a woman from Taiwan. They lived for many
years in North America and Europe, but after being blessed with
a child, in 2014 they chose to move to his wife’s homeland.

物理學家 Physics
In 2014, Greek-born Stathes Paganis moved his family to his wife’s
homeland, Taiwan. Having become a citizen, Paganis is proud to
be Taiwanese.

The main mission of the
Taiwan Instrumentation
and Detector Consortium
lab at NTU is to test and
analyze completed particle

在政府經費支援下,裴思達運用台灣的優勢科 「希臘的父母和台灣的一樣,都希望孩子要
技,建置全台第一座「矽基偵測器」,並得到歐 讀一個將來出路比較好的學系。」原本學習電機
洲核物理研究中心緊湊渺子線圈(CMS)實驗, 工程的裴思達,卻因感到無趣勉強完成學士學位
指定為下一代粒子成像量熱器偵測器的生產基 後遠赴瑞士,參加三個月的夏季課程,接觸到大
地,引領台灣精良的軟硬體實力在國際發光。 型強子對撞機(LHC)計畫後,就深深被物理學
由廣達電腦副董事長梁次震出資所建的次震宇 無拘思緒,探索人類的起源與星球未來的發展。
築獎決選與Architizer A+ Awards國際建築獎特別 「這個場景,就是模擬宇宙混沌,生命起源
獎的地標性建物,瞬間把環繞四周,喧擾的車水 的樣子。」裴思達興沖沖地來到宇宙館的休閒空
馬龍摒拒在外。仰望外方內圓的建築中心,挑高 間,指著屋頂的裝潢介紹著,眼中閃爍著對宇宙
38米的觀月中庭天井,讓人有融入宇宙時空的震 和生命的崇敬與讚嘆。1999年取得德州大學奧斯
撼。踏著金屬沖孔板的點狀投影,來到裴思達的 汀分校粒子物理學博士後,在哥倫比亞大學和威
研究室,在挑高四米的空間裡,裴思達用溫暖的 斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校繼續鑽研。2005年到英國
笑容,回憶起成為台灣人的點點滴滴。 雪菲爾大學,由講師到教授,近十年的教學和研
「台灣和我的家鄉很像。」來自希臘的裴思 究中,裴思達的學術成果更上層樓。
達,不但說的一口流暢的中文,還能閱讀漢字。 「台灣的學術研究環境很好。」2014年裴思達做
「我和太太還是習慣用英文溝通,我都是看電視 了一個重大的決定,選擇舉家回到妻子的故鄉──
學中文的。」說起融入台灣生活的經過,裴思達 台灣。他在國立台灣大學物理系任教外,還擔任校
滿臉幸福的笑容。 內新成立的「粒子物理和粒子天文物理學」小組

With government funding, Stathes Paganis has uti- An excellent academic environment
lized Taiwan’s leading technologies to set up the island’s “This scene depicts the primeval chaos of the universe
first silicon detector facility, which has been designated as and the origins of life,” explains Paganis enthusiastically,
a production center for next-generation calorimetric par- pointing to the ceiling decoration in a relaxation space
ticle imaging detectors for the Compact Muon Solenoid he has led us to, his eyes shining with reverence and
(CMS) experiment of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at admiration for the universe and life. After gaining his
the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). doctorate in particle physics at the University of Texas
This program is showcasing Taiwan’s strengths in both at Austin in 1999, Paganis went on to do research work
software and hardware on the international stage. at Columbia University in New York and then at the
Fascinated by physics Univer sity of Wisconsin–Madison. In 2005 he moved
Inside the 38-meter-tall “moongazing” atrium of to the University of Sheffield in the UK, where he pro-
National Taiwan University’s Chee-Chun Leung Cosmo- gressed from lecturer to professor, and over the course of
logy Hall, built with a donation from Quanta Computer almost a decade of teaching and research work his aca-
vice chairman and president C.C. Leung, one has an demic achievements also rose to a new level.
overwhelming sense of being an integral part of the uni- “Taiwan has an excellent academic research environ-
verse and spacetime. In the four-meter-tall space of his ment.” In 2014, Paganis made a major decision, choos-
research office, a warmly smiling Stathes Paganis remin- ing to move his whole family to his wife’s homeland of
isces about his path to becoming a Taiwanese citizen. Taiwan. Beside his teaching duties in the Department of
“Taiwan is very much like my homeland.” Paganis, Physics at National Taiwan University (NTU), he heads
who comes from Greece, speaks fluent Mandarin and can up the school’s Particle Physics and Particle Astrophysics
read Chinese too. “Greek parents are just like Taiwanese
parents—they hope their children can study a subject
that offers good career prospects.” Paganis originally
studied electrical engineering, but found the subject dull, 料製作成偵測器。
so that finishing his undergraduate degree was a chore. The TIDC uses a clean-room environment to produce particle
detectors from silicon wafer material.
But after graduating he attended a three-month summer
school in Switzerland, where he came into contact with 研究生手中拿著六英寸HGCAL偵測器模組,和裴思達(左)
the LHC program at CERN. He found himself deeply 進行討論。
A postgraduate student holds a six-inch HGCal sensor module as
fascinated by physics and the vastness of the universe. he discusses an issue with Stathes Paganis (left).

Stathes Paganis’ son, an only child, is doted on by
Paganis’ Greek family, as can be seen in the face of the
child’s aunt (center). (courtesy of Stathes Paganis)

Paganis greatly values family relationships, and takes his
son back to Greece to visit relatives every year.
(courtesy of Stathes Paganis)

灣矽基偵測器(Taiwan Silicon Detector Facility,
T S i D F)」在2019年3月正式營運,並於今年1
月,在科技部的主導下,結合所有參與的研究團 個探測器實驗之一。2014年,他加入CMS實驗,
隊,組成「台灣高能物理聯合實驗室」(Taiwan 並成為高粒度量能器(HGCAL)計畫委員會的副
I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n a n d D e t e c t o r C o n s o r t i u m, 主席。在一個全球逾60所學術機構參與的組織中
TIDC)。 擔任此職位,無疑是聯絡台灣學術界與尖端科技
在多國先進科學家參觀「台灣矽基偵測器」設 的橋梁。
研究所(BNL)及麻省理工學院(MIT)等20位 曾經在美國紐約、德州、加州三地的實驗室
科學家的肯定,同時期許這項設施能夠為BNL研 間奔波七年的裴思達,單調的生活中,他用運動
究所sPHENIX實驗的追蹤裝置,提供生產空間。 自我調劑。「那時候我常常一個人到金門大橋跑
擔任計畫發起人的裴思達表示台灣被世界上最 步看日落。」說起當時同儕間的一個笑話,裴思
傑出的實驗團隊,歐洲核物理研究中心的CMS 實 達仍然忍俊不已。由於實驗室地處偏遠,生活機
驗,指定為下一代粒子成像量熱器偵測器的生產 能不佳,例如在紐約州的布魯克赫文國家實驗室
基地,未來將提供5,000個感測器模組,而且建造 (Brookhaven National Laboratory)工作時,有研
偵測器核心元件的整個製程,都將在台灣進行, 究生便戲稱在BNL做事,簡直是「Be iN helL」,
這是台灣科技史上重大的榮譽,也是台灣團隊共 無聊得宛如地獄。「來到台灣,感覺生活就像天
同的功勞。 堂般美好。」
2003年,裴思達進入總部位於瑞士的CERN, 「在德州遇到我一生的最愛。」在弟弟經營
參與了超環面儀器(ATLAS)實驗,為LHC中四 的咖啡廳裡,裴思達遇到來自台灣的女學生劉

group (PPPA), which was newly established after his ment at CERN—as a manufacturing center for the next
appointment. generation of calorimetric particle imaging detectors,
Leading us into a laboratory in NTU’s Astronomy– the TSiDF will supply 5000 sensor modules, and will
Mathematics Building, Paganis points out a high-tech set up a complete production process for core detector
precision instrument and tells us, “The Higgs boson— components, all of which will be done in Taiwan. This
also known as the ‘God particle’—was detected at CERN is a proud event in the history of Taiwanese science and
in 2012 using a detector like this.” The discovery of the technology, and is a shared achievement of the Taiwanese
Higgs boson marked a major milestone in the world of teams.
physics. With funding from the Ministry of Science and I n 2003 Paga n i s entered CER N, wh ic h i s head-
Technology (MOST), a group of prestigious Taiwanese quartered in Switzerland, to work on the ATLAS experi-
institutes including Academia Sinica, NTU, National ment (ATLAS: “A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS”), one of the
Central University and National Cheng Kung University four main particle detector experiments at the Large
constructed Taiwan’s first prototype of a similar detector, Hadron Collider. In 2014 he joined the CMS experiment,
with all of its components manufactured in Taiwan. The and became deputy chair of the High-Granularity Calori-
Taiwan Silicon Detector Facility (TSiDF) began operating meter (HGCal) project institution board. His holding this
in March 2019, and in January 2021, under the guidance of position in an organization involving more than 60 aca-
MOST, the participating teams together formed the Tai- demic institutions around the world was undoubtedly a
wan Instrumentation and Detector Consortium (TIDC). bridge enabling him to come into contact with Taiwan’s
After visiting the TSiDF, leading scientists from many academic community and cutting-edge technology.
countries expressed the hope that it could provide a Falling in love
manufacturing base for particle tracking detectors for the When Paganis was in the US, he spent seven years
Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment shuttling between laboratories in New York, Texas and
(sPHENIX) at Brookhaven National Laboratory in the California. A joke that was current among his colleagues
USA. at the time still makes him laugh. The laboratories were
As the initiator of the program, Paganis states that typically in remote locations with little access to ameni-
after being designated by the world’s most outstanding ties; for example, Brookhaven National Laboratory is in a
experi mental team—the one running the CMS experi- rural part of Long Island, New York State. Postgraduate

出 生 地 ——希 臘 米 洛 斯
島(M i l o s I s l a n d)很
Paganis often takes his
son outdoors into the
natural world. He feels
that Taiwan is similar
in many ways to his
birthplace, the Greek
island of Milos in the
Aegean Sea. (courtesy of
Stathes Paganis)

The Paganises’ son
attends an ordinary
school in Taiwan and
is fully integrated into
local life.

鈺屏,「當時我只知道福爾摩沙意思是美麗之 利的中文,裴思達以身為台灣人為傲。「台灣真
島。」在目光接觸的剎那,裴思達立即被劉鈺屏 的有很多地方比別人強,只是你們自己還不知
吸引。「我對她是一見鍾情。」墜入愛河的裴思 道。」其實裴思達決定定居台灣時,也是經過深
達,因為妻子,而認識台灣。 思熟慮,仔細觀察評估過的。「台灣的醫療品質
「希臘和台灣有很多相似的地方。」經常帶 和制度真的很棒,交通建設也很便利。」比起歐
著孩子騎腳踏車,或去海邊游泳的裴思達,父子 美,台灣較低的稅金和油價,更是吸引他的重要
倆徜徉在海水中,彷彿回到地中海的希臘。「我 因素。「而且台灣的治安很好。」裴思達唯一感
們結婚很久後,才有孩子。」期待多年的愛情結 到困擾的,就是近些年來,空氣品質越來越差。
晶,受到雙方祖父母的寵愛。「我們每年都會帶 「有時候會讓我過敏。」他認為未來應該鼓勵用
著孩子回希臘和台灣。」重視家庭和倫理,是雙 電動摩托車取代現有的汽油機車。部份不遵守交
方的共識。為了減輕三地往返奔波的辛勞,而且 通規則的車輛和行人,裴思達也認為應該參考歐
離家多年的妻子,越來越思念家鄉,疼愛妻子的 美的嚴厲罰則,遏阻違規。
裴思達,毅然放棄英國的教職,帶著妻小回到 「台灣的基礎教育很好。」裴思達放心把家安
台灣。「我太太是客家人,又很會做菜。」回到 置在台灣,唯一的寶貝兒子也在台灣接受國民教
新竹芎林,台灣女婿對客家傳統習俗感到親切又 育,完全融入在地生活。假日固定和球友練球的
有趣,好客的裴思達經常邀請好友鄰居們共聚一 裴思達,在足球場上快樂奔馳歡呼。「足球講究
堂,品味妻子的好手藝。 的是團隊默契,做實驗也是一樣。」
說起台灣美食,裴思達如數家珍,香雞排、臭 跨越半個地球,粒子物理權威裴思達,不僅
豆腐配啤酒,乾麵加上一盤豬頭肉,宜蘭鴨賞、 在台灣作育英才,更遇到最佳合作團隊,產出源
蔥油餅,更是造訪時一定要吃的美食。 源不絕的研究能量,和政府共同打造與國際同步
「我有台灣身分證,我是台灣人。」說著流 好。」裴思達說。 l

students would joke that life there was so dull that to
work at BNL was to “Be iN helL.” By comparison, says
Paganis, “Coming to Taiwan is like living in heaven.”
“In Texas, I met the love of my life.” In a coffee shop
run by his brother, Paganis met a student from Taiwan:
Liu Yu-ping. It was love at first sight. Through his future
wife, he learned about Taiwan.
“There are many similarities between Greece and
Taiwan.” Paganis often takes his son out cycling or to the
seaside. When they go swimming in the ocean it is as if he
were back home in Greece, beside the Aegean Sea. While
living in the UK, he recounts, “Every year we would take
our son back to both Greece and Taiwan.” Both Paganis
and his wife set great store by family relationships. To
reduce the burden of traveling between three locations,
the loving husband Paganis boldly decided to give up his
teaching position in the UK and bring his family to Tai-
wan. “My wife is Hakka, and she’s a wonderful cook.” As
a son-in-law in a Taiwanese family from Qionglin, Hsin-
chu County, Paganis finds Hakka traditional customs both
touching and interesting. A very hospitable person himself,
he often invites friends and neighbors to his home to spend
time with his family and enjoy his wife’s excellent cooking. The 38-meter-tall atrium of the Chee-Chun Leung Cosmology
Hall at NTU gives one an overwhelming sense of being part of
Speaking of Taiwanese foods, Paganis reels off a list the universe and spacetime.
of favorites including deep-fried chicken cutlet, stinky
tofu with beer, and dry noodles with a platter of pig’s
head meat, and says that whenever he goes to Yilan he no qualms about settling his family in Taiwan. His be-
makes a point of eating the local smoked duck and scallion loved son and only child goes to an ordinary Taiwanese
pancakes. school and is completely integrated into local life. Paga-
A son-in-law who loves Taiwan nis himself, who trains with amateur footballers at week-
“I have a Taiwanese ID card. I’m Taiwanese!” Speak- ends, runs happily around the pitch shouting for joy.
ing fluent Mandarin, Paganis is proud to be Taiwanese. “What matters in football is team spirit; the same goes
“Taiwan really does have a lot of strengths compared with for conduct ing experiments.”
other places—you just don’t realize it yet yourselves.” In Having traveled halfway around the world, in Taiwan
fact, Paganis decided to settle in Taiwan only after a great respected particle physicist Stathes Paganis not only
deal of in-depth consideration and detailed observation. educates outstanding students, he has also been able to
“The healthcare system and quality of treatment in Tai- collaborate with the most outstanding teams, generat-
wan really are outstanding, and the well-developed trans- ing boundless research capabilities and working with
port networks make life very convenient.” Compared with the govern ment to create an excellent internationally
Europe and North America, Taiwan’s lower taxes and fuel oriented environ ment of integration between industry
prices were also important factors that attracted him. “Tai- and academia, thus enabling more elite personnel to be
wan offers a very safe, low-crime living environment too.” happy to remain in Taiwan and pursue their careers here.
The only thing that bothers Paganis is that in recent years “I love this land, and I believe tomorrow will be even
air quality has been deteriorating. “Sometimes it gives me better,” says Paganis. l
an allergic reaction.” (Lee Shan Wei/photos by Jimmy Lin/
“Taiwan’s basic education is very good.” Paganis had tr. by Robert Taylor)


One Place, One Love, One Vocation
—Semiconductor Engineer
Hitoshi Mizunuma

文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱

化為台灣人。然而, 23年前他到台灣的原因,卻是為了「愛」。

T he fabulous global success of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry has de-

pended in no small part on a comprehensive and well-balanced industrial
supply chain whose members cooperate closely on everything from devices to
technologies. Hitoshi Mizunuma is associate general manager of the Discrete
Marketing Department in the Sales Management & Semiconductor Division of
Toshiba Electronic Components Taiwan. A native of Japan, Mizunuma found
his life’s mission in Taiwan. During more than 20 years toiling away in Tai-
wan’s semiconductor industry, he’s always been happy to share information
with industry peers on the latest technologies and trends. A naturalized citi-
zen since 2020, it was love that prompted him to come to Taiwan 23 years ago.

工 程 師 Engineering
Time with family is the happiest thing in life.

灣超過20年,他還是不敢在台灣騎摩托車。水沼 當時還在日本東京工業大學就讀機械工程的水
太太根據先生規劃好的一週食譜,有效率地買完 沼仁志,認識了同在蕎麥麵店打工的台灣留學生
菜,由太太付錢,先生跟在後面提菜。 陳麗如。兩人相戀三年決定相守一生。水沼仁志
不像日劇裡的「半澤直樹」總是很晚下班, 考慮到,若由陳麗如在日本找工作,不如學理工
負責半導體產線應用工程以及技術行銷的水沼仁 的他到台灣找工作容易,因此他們決定到台灣共
志,這幾年來,五點下班,回家煮飯,他系統地 組家庭,卻遇到第一個難關。
建立了200多道食譜,煮飯前,從電腦打開「チ 雙方父母親認為要先存錢才能結婚,水沼決定
キン南 」(南蠻雞)與「白身魚の香り蒸し」 先留在日本,在東京一家系統整合商工作,陳麗
(蒸魚)食譜,自製南蠻漬醬汁、塔塔醬,將炸 如也回到台灣在華航工作。兩地相思,水沼住在
好的南蠻雞端上桌,這道菜是女兒的最愛,另外 爸媽家,省吃儉用,兩年存了第一桶金,他說:
用水波爐煮秋刀魚給愛吃魚的岳父。晚上七點, 「那時沒有L I N E,生活中最多的花費是講國際
他回到書桌,開始在家加班,與廠商視訊,處理 電話,每天晚上11點45分,與在台灣的女朋友講
工作上的問題。 15分鐘,一個月講到六萬元日幣(約1.5萬元台
看似台灣版「昨日的美食」裡的律師莧史郎, 幣)。」兩年不輟。
力求準時下班,在買菜時精打細算,為妻兒親手 有著好學歷,還有軟體工作經驗的水沼,到台
烹調料理,「居家型大叔」水沼仁志,工作上處 灣結了婚,卻發現找不到心中滿意的工作。為了
理的卻是高端深奧的半導體元件與嵌入式韌體的 克服第二個難關,「事豫則立」,他決定先花一
技術支援。 年的時間好好學中文。
然而,23年前水沼仁志到台灣的原因,並非是 水沼用不太捲舌的日式國語笑著說:「當了一
被日本公司外派到台灣,而是為了遷就正在熱戀 年給太太養的米蟲。」但陳麗如卻很佩服地讚賞:
中的女友,婚後計劃隨著妻子到台灣定居。 「先生有毅力又很努力,每天不畏辛勞,轉三班巴

Hitoshi Mizunuma
uses his fluent
Mandarin to share
information on the
latest trends and
market conditions
in the electronics
industry. (courtesy of
Hitoshi Mizunuma)

Students use their creativity to mold distinctive Penghu rice-flour
dough animal figurines, a fun and stress-relieving activity.

Mizunuma’s main job
involves motor drive and
power semiconductor
device technologies,
which support the
manufacturing processes
of Toshiba’s Taiwan

At 10 o’clock on a Sunday morning, with bustling

crowds milling about in the Binjiang street market, Hitoshi
Mizunuma arrives at the market on the back of a scooter
driven by his wife, Chen Liru. He’s here to buy groceries.
After more than 20 years in Taiwan, he still doesn’t have
the courage to ride a scooter here himself. Mrs. Mizu­
numa efficiently buys the week’s worth of groceries that
her hubby set out in a list. She pays for the groceries, and
Mizunuma follows behind carrying the bags.
Anyone familiar with the Japanese manga and live­
action drama series What Did You Eat Yesterday? might
well think of Mizunuma as the Taiwan version of the law­
yer Shiro Kakei in that story. Just like Kakei, Mizunuma is
a stickler for leaving the office as soon as his shift is over, the Tokyo Institute of Technology when he met Chen Liru,
carefully budgets all grocery purchases, and cooks all the a student from Taiwan working at a soba noodle shop.
meals for his wife and daughter. But don’t be deceived by After three years together, the two decided to make
such homebody interests—at work he’s a shark, busily things permanent, and it occurred to Mizunuma that
arranging technical assistance to help other firms develop rather than ask her to find work in Japan, it would be eas­
cutting-edge semiconductor components, embedded firm­ ier for him, with his tech expertise, to carve out a career
ware, and much more. in Taiwan. And so they started a family in Taiwan.
Mizunuma came to Taiwan 23 years ago not because But despite his strong academic background and
his Japanese company transferred him here, but because experience working in software, Mizunuma had a sur­
his girlfriend was from Taiwan. After they married, he prisingly tough time finding a job to his liking in Taiwan.
followed her back to Taiwan and settled down in his “Well then,” he thought to himself, “success goes to those
adopted homeland. who prepare, no?” So he spent an entire year concen­
To Taiwan, with love trating on improving his Chinese.
Mizunuma was majoring in mechanical engineering at The following year he found a job at the Taiwan

Hitoshi Mizunuma goes grocery shopping with his wife on
weekends, and then chooses recipes from more than 200
on his computer to cook up the family meals.

士到汐止跟我的舅舅學中文,中文進步很多。」隔 「社長獎」。
年,水沼仁志如願地進入當時日本最大的半導體廠 六年前開始,水沼仁志不定期在經濟部工業局
商東芝(Toshiba)在台灣的分公司工作。 舉辦的在職培訓或研討會中擔任講師,協助培訓
由於以往日本在海外的分公司,同時需要雇用 產業人才。
兩組人。以台灣為例,一組是日本派駐到台灣, 全球最大電子產業媒體平台的《電子工程專
負責與總公司溝通的日本員工;一組是台灣的工 輯》(EE Times TW)台灣總經理鄔重儀認為,台
程師負責與在地廠商溝通。有專業又會中文的水 灣半導體製造與IC設計,在全球地位十分突出,
沼,一人等於抵兩人用。 而電子工程專業能夠改變世界的核心,就在於研
水沼仁志一開始在東芝擔任應用工程師 球科技創投的領導人來說,可以說獲益良多。
產業,原本只擅長軟體的他,又到台灣大學資訊 水沼仁志不諱言,常因為時機不好等原因,設
工程研究所念了一個碩士,接著又直攻博士,鎖 計的新產品被取消或是退場。抱持著「有志者事
定電子計算機架構(computer architecture),補 竟成」信念的他說:「遇到失敗,就趕快回到實

branch of Toshiba, which at the time was the biggest trolled key technologies needed for the manufacture
semiconductor maker in Japan. of digital TV modulators, while Taiwan’s MediaTek
The overseas branches of Japanese companies back in produced high­performance system­on­a­chip (SoC)
those days maintained two parallel groups of employees. products. With Mizunuma serving as liaison, the two
In Taiwan, for example, one group comprised Japanese companies got together to make digital televisions to
nationals sent by the company to Taiwan to maintain Japanese speci fications. The resulting products came
communications with the parent company, while the to command a 100% market share in South America,
other group comprised Taiwanese engineers who were and Mizunuma twice received the President’s Award,
responsible for communicating with local customers. But Toshiba’s top honor for its employees.
Mizunuma was a Japanese tech professional who also Six years ago, to help train talent for industry, Mizu­
knew Chinese, and so was able to handle both roles. numa started teaching at in­service training events and
Bilateral cooperation brings results seminars organized by the Industrial Development Bu­
Upon joining Toshiba, Mizunuma first worked as a reau of Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs.
field application engineer, in which capacity he helped Grace Wu is the Asia Pacific general manager of
customers resolve circuit errors and bugs. But the Aspencore, the owner of US­based Electronic Engineer­
semiconductor industry requires an extremely high ing Times (EE Times), the world’s largest digital industry
level of technical expertise. Originally proficient only media platform. In her opinion, the fact that Mizunuma
in software, Mizunuma earned a master’s degree in is able to use his fluent Mandarin to share information
the Department of Computer Science and Information on the latest trends and market conditions in the elec­
Engineering at National Taiwan University, and contin­ tronics industry is a big plus for senior tech executives
ued directly on from there to the PhD program, where and leaders of venture capital firms around the world.
he focused on computer architecture to bring his know­ Lifelong devotion
ledge of hardware up to speed. Mizunuma frankly acknowledges that the products
A decade ago, digital televisions were steadily he designs are often canceled or withdrawn from the
taking over the market. Toshiba, as a leading manu­ market due to poor timing or other reasons, but he re­
facturer of high­frequency semiconductor devices, con­ mains confident that where there’s a will, there’s a way:

To make Japanese-style
udon noodles, Hitoshi
Mizunuma personally
deep-fries wheat gluten
pieces and mixes them
in with tofu skin, green
veggies, hard-boiled
eggs, pork slices, and
spring onions. He’s a
stickler on every detail.

過程中,被220伏特的高電壓觸電到,瞬間心臟麻 說到台灣與日本企業文化的不同,水沼仁志認
痺,非常危險。 為,日本公司整體就像是一堅實的家族,人際關
由於日本東芝在馬達驅控以及功率半導體元件 係很濃密,但不太容易與客戶有朋友般的往來。
的綜合市佔率位居全球第二,配合台灣在工業自動 「在台灣,客戶可以當朋友,私下相處可以不談
化與消費型家電製造的強項,以技術長期支援台灣 公事,話家常,這是我很感動的。」
客戶製程的他發現,要行銷自家的產品,「不只賺 走路上班的水沼仁志,仍不改東京人走路很快
客戶的錢,更重要的是,要幫助客戶賺錢。」 的習慣,時速快達七公里(一般人約4.5公里)。
以馬達驅控的微處理器為例,水沼仁志自製影 喜歡學新知識的他,每天上午五點起床念書,他
片,模擬實機馬達的軟體,傳授最新「無感測無 認為,能夠整合不同領域的技術,「不只很有趣
刷馬達向量控制演算法」的技術。他自豪地說: 嘛!而且只有我能夠做到。」
「當製程發生問題,同業還要回頭問公司的研 在台灣每兩週泡一次湯、每週維持到紀伊國書
發工程師時,我的客戶可以自行調整演算法的參 屋或淳久堂書店的習慣,水沼仁志說:「說中文時
數,或是自行調機,具備驅動下一代馬達的專業 會覺得自己就是台灣人;說日文時,才會覺得自己
知識。」 是日本人。」但現在大部份時間都是說中文,他眉
全球家居設計及製造龍頭的建霖集團台灣總經 毛下彎含蓄地笑著說,上次與日本總公司連絡時,
理潘孟文,從擔任研發工程師時,就與水沼仁志 連「新冠肺炎」都突然忘了日文怎麼說了。
相識,潘孟文指出:「面臨技術與產品開發的困 唯有現就讀政治大學的獨生女水沼翠里,會與
境時,最能看出一個人的真本性,大多的人會推 爸爸說著家鄉話。日本有個常用的詞彙「生き甲
諉卸責,但水沼先生自我要求高,會持續溝通, 斐」(Ikigai),指追求生活的價值與喜悅,對水
堅持到底,這也是他能與我們成為志同道合夥伴 沼仁志來說,台灣,是他生活中溫馨與確切的幸
的原因。」 福,亦是貢獻專業的所在。 l

Hitoshi Mizunuma with
his wife and in-laws at
Himeji Castle in Hyogo,
Japan. (courtesy of
Hitoshi Mizunuma)

Hitoshi Mizunuma feels his work in Taiwan affords
the chance to make good use of his abilities.

“When you experience failure, you have to hustle back Heart and home in Taiwan
to the laboratory and work with other engineers to find Always eager to learn new things, Mizunuma gets
solutions and roll out a new replacement product.” up every morning at 5 a.m. to engage in study. He takes
Toshiba Japan commands the second­largest global delight in his work of integrating different types of
market share for motor drives and power semiconductor technologies: “It’s fun! And furthermore, I’m the only
devices. Mizunuma has discovered that Toshiba, by tap­ one who can get it done.”
ping into Taiwan’s strengths in industrial automation Mizunuma has become quite at home in Taiwan, and
and consumer household appliance manufacturing, “can says: “When I speak in Japanese, I feel I am Japanese.
do more than earn money from its customers; more im­ When I speak in Mandarin, I feel I am Taiwanese.” But
portantly, it can help its customers earn money.” these days he speaks Mandarin most of the time. Indeed,
He states with pride: “When there’s a problem in he admits with a chuckle that the last time he got in
a manufacturing process, our competitors have to go touch with the head office in Japan he suddenly couldn’t
back to head office R&D engineers for help, but our cus­ remember how to say “novel coronavirus” in Japanese.
tomers can take the initiative to adjust algorithm para­ His one child, a daughter named Cuili who is cur­
meters or adjust equipment on their own. They have the rently enrolled at National Chengchi University, is the
professional expertise to drive next­generation motors.” only one around that he can speak with in his native
Kelven Pan is the Taiwan general manager of Run­ tongue. There’s a term in Japanese—ikigai—which refers
ner Group, a world­leading provider of interior design to a special something that brings joy and makes life
services and manufacturer of interior furnishings. As worth living. For Mizunuma, Taiwan is what brings
a former R&D engineer and a long-time acquaintance warmth to his life and a sure-fire feeling of happiness.
of Mizunuma, Pan says: “Mr. Mizunuma expects a lot And on top of that, Taiwan is where he practices his
of himself. He never stops communicating, and sees profession. l
things through to the end. That’s why he’s a close and (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
like­minded partner of our company.” tr. by David Mayer)


In Search of Life’s True Colors
—Artist Pascal van der Graaf

文•曾蘭淑 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

帕斯卡(Pascal van der Graaf),五年前隨著台灣籍的太太

W hen he was 17, Pascal van der Graaf sported a multi-

colored Mohawk hairst yle and wandered the streets
of Apeldoorn to make graffiti. At 28, he won the Netherlands’
prestigi ous Royal Award for Modern Painting. Van der Graaf
moved to Taiwan five years ago with his Taiwanese wife, Arwen
Yang. This year, the bearded 42-year-old decided to apply for
Taiwanese citizenship. He established Pascal’s Art Workshop in
Xin ying District, Tainan City, to explore the infinite possibili-
ties of art through creative activities and education.

藝術 Art
Fifield has fallen in love with trail racing in Taiwan. He feels that cross-country
running is like meditation, in that you can be totally absorbed in it.

Pascal van der Graaf says that sculptors gain inspiration
from the past and explore creative possibilities within the
boundaries of their art.


子。擅長處理色彩變化的他,運用flip flop顏料,讓兔

The sun blazes down in southern Taiwan, and Xinying is

bathed in a serene, carefree atmosphere. In the workshop, a
calm and confident Van der Graaf asks his young students
to put gorgeous colors on their paper with their fingers and
small balls. Observing their progress, Van der Graaf is full of
praise: “This is an excellent painting. Children are artists by
nature. If you were to enlarge this picture to 1.5 by 2 feet and
frame it, it would look just like the successful works you can
see exhibited in art galleries.”
Exploring creative possibilities
In addition to teaching art, Van der Graaf goes into his
workshop first thing each morning to work on a public art
commission project.
He shows us his most recent origami creation: a three-
dimensional rabbit. Adept at manipulating chromatic varia-
tions, he used special pigments to produce “flip-flop” effects,
making his rabbit glitter in the sun with ever-changing
colors. He plans to turn this paper maquette into a full-sized
public artwork made of aluminium and other metals.
Van der Graaf
teaches children to
express themselves
creatively by building

帕斯卡的父親四歲就教他摺紙,他自己再從 帕斯卡2015年去澳門,是因為在網路上認識了
做中學,成就他現今運用摺紙雕塑的能力。他 在澳門科技大學教「中國文化通論」的助理教授
說:「我很享受這個創作的過程,就是tinker and 楊雅雯。
ponder,隨心所欲,摺到那裡,就讓形狀發展到 一開始得知楊雅雯是台灣人時,帕斯卡想起對
那裡。」母語是荷蘭語的他,用英文解釋說: 台灣的唯一印象,是小時候玩的變形機器人玩具
「以我的語言來解釋,可以說是邊做邊玩,就像 由台灣製造,因此他還上網google了一下台灣,
小學時的美術課。」 但完全沒有想到會成為台灣人。
帕斯卡示範摺紙技法,三個三角形可以堆疊成 還是愛情的力量大,兩人每天視訊,有時一講
金字塔,四個三角形可以成為三角柱,再塗上不 話就長達二∼三小時,一個月後,從未來過亞洲
同的3D顏料。他認為,作畫會有規則,創作的藝 的帕斯卡決定從荷蘭到澳門來約會,兩人熱戀三
術是在有限制的界限中,探索更大的自由。 個月後決定結婚。不諱言這是一場賭注,「現在
他教畫的理念,也與雕塑一樣,從不同的視 想想,我很高興我這麼做了。」帕斯卡說。
角切入,才能探究很多不同的可能性。「我不贊 笑著說被愛沖「婚」頭的楊雅雯沒有多久懷
成『我說跳,你就問我要跳多高』的教育方式, 孕,2016年底大女兒Sky出生後,兩人決定搬回台
從小我所受的教育,是要質疑老師教給你的東 灣。原因很多,「澳門沒有太多天然景觀,加上
西。」有著清瘦臉龐的帕斯卡認真地強調:「教 澳門面積小、很擁擠,讓人常常想逃離,尤其不
育應該是讓你發現你所喜歡的事物,創作出能表 希望女兒在以賭場著名的地方長大,來台灣是很
現你自己的作品。」 好的決定,台灣有豐富的自然景觀與人文文化,
尤其是藝術的探索,帕斯卡認為:「與其待在 「這是我人生最嚴重的自我失落。」楊雅雯從小
舒適圈,我更喜歡站到舒適圈外,讓自己得到解 就是資優生,台灣大學藥學系畢業,又到中國大
放。」到亞洲就是離開原來的舒適圈。 陸北京大學拿到中文博士學位,從在教室高談闊

Van der Graaf’s father taught him origami when he When Van der Graaf learned that Yang was from Tai­
was four, and building on that base he taught himself to wan, the only thing about the country that came to mind
create paper sculptures. “I very much enjoy this creative was that the Transformers toys he used to play with as
process—the process of tinkering and pondering. I let a child were made there. He gathered some information
my imagination run wild, developing the shape of each about Taiwan via Google, but never did he foresee that
part of a work by trial and error, like walking a path. It’s one day he would become a Taiwanese citizen.
a playful process, rather like what we used to do in ele­ Van der Graaf video­chatted with Yang every day.
mentary school craft classes.” After a month he flew to Macau from the Netherlands
As an art teacher as well as a practicing artist, Van to see her, despite having never visited Asia before.
der Graaf believes that we have to approach each task After three romantic months together, they decided to
from different perspectives in order to open up a wealth get married. Van der Graaf knew this was a gamble, but
of hidden possibilities. “I don’t approve of pedagogical looking back, he is happy that he did it.
systems that propagate the mantra ‘I say “jump” and you Yang, who says with a smile that she and Van der
say “how high?”’ My own education taught me to chal­ Graaf were head over heels in love, soon became preg­
lenge everything my teachers said.” Van der Graaf tells nant. After their daughter, Sky, was born in late 2016,
us in a serious tone: “Education should help us discover the couple decided to relocate to Taiwan.
what we like and create things that express what we are.” However, moving back
Out of the comfort zone to Taiwan was a huge
“Rather than always staying in one place, I like to get challenge for Yang. “I
the hell out of my comfort zone, to liberate myself.” For felt the most profound
Van der Graaf, to move to Asia was to bid farewell to his sense of loss that I have ever
comfort zone. experienced in my life.” Yang
He traveled to Macau in 2015 because he had met has always distinguished
Arwen Yang online. At that time Yang was an assistant h e r s e l f a c a d e m i c a l l y.
professor at Macau University of Science and Tech­ Having obtained a degree
nology, where she taught Chinese culture. in pharmacy from National

與flip flop顏料,所創
Van der Graaf used
origami and “flip-flop”
pigments to create this

Creating origami
sculptures pushes the
boundaries of creative
freedom within the limits
imposed by the medium.

「權力的遊戲」(power play)。
三次獎,作品還被荷蘭的 Belvédère 美術館等場
帕斯卡隨著台灣太太楊雅雯定居台南。 系列畫作,表現出花的凋謝與燦爛的綻放,在市
Pascal Van der Graaf has settled in Tainan with
his Taiwanese wife, Arwen Yang.


論孟子莊子的教授,到計較柴 到日本旅行,更喚醒了帕斯卡對摺紙
米油鹽的家庭主婦,「我沒有了工 藝術的熱情。颱風天,帕斯卡帶著錄
作,又要帶小孩,我想想只有娘家的父 影機,跑到澳門的海邊去錄海,海浪不
母親可以為我兩肋插刀。」為了娘家 斷沖打上岸,全身溼透的他,回家創作完
的奧援,決定搬到台南新營定居。 成「海」系列,從特定的角度觀畫,還能
對帕斯卡而言,最大的挑戰則是文 的「老子道德經」讀書會中,也多所感
化衝擊。 悟。雖然讀的是英文版的道德經,他說:「許
習慣作為一個直來直往,捍衛自己權益的歐洲 多西方人深受星際大戰系列電影吸引,導演喬
人,帕斯卡舉例說,在澳門,帶著懷孕的太太去 治.盧卡斯在電影中強調的『原力』,其實與道
游泳,泳池旁有人抽菸,他總是直接告訴對方: 德經中的『道』不謀而合。道是生活的實踐,就

Taiwan University, she went on to study for a PhD in 帕斯卡為雙親在台灣準備了舒適的住處,牆上以岳父的算盤
Chinese at Peking University. It was therefore a drastic 為裝飾。
Van der Graaf has prepared a cosy place in Taiwan for his
change to go from expounding on Mencius and Zhuangzi parents to stay in. The wall is decorated with his father-in-law’s
in a university classroom to becoming a penny-pinching abacuses.

housewife. In order to benefit from the help of Yang’s

parents, the couple decided to settle in Xinying. 帕斯卡(右圖的小嬰兒)的哥哥與父母親的合照(左圖),
Culture shock
The photo on the right shows Van der Graaf as an infant, with his
A straightforward European who is mindful of stand- elder brother. His parents and brother are shown on the left. His
mother was pregnant with him when this latter photo was taken.
ing up for his own rights, Van der Graaf has undergone
a great deal of culture shock in Taiwan. For example,
to prevent drivers from illegally parking in front of his
house, he displayed a notice and drew a red line on the
ground, but no one seemed to pay any heed. Eventually something of a lottery for emerging artists, but he won
he realized that this was in fact a “power play.” the award three times, and his works have entered the
At first he would confront the drivers, but when he collections of galleries such as the Museum Belvédère
noticed that this rarely worked, he changed his tactics. in the Netherlands. An early achiever, Van der Graaf
He began to address those recalcitrant rule-breakers accomplished a series of “Flower Pieces,” highlighting
with a polite smile, whereupon they would apologize floral resplendence and decay. These paintings sold
and move their cars elsewhere. To “tackle a problem well, but he found them dull.
with a smile” is the way to gain the upper hand in a Life’s true colors
power play. What inspires Van der Graaf here in Asia is not only
Despite the culture shock, Van der Graaf has found love but also the rich vein of a culture so different from
in his Asian life an inexhaustible source of inspiration. his own. He gains much wisdom from attending his
Before meeting Yang, he had actually been experi- wife’s workshop on Laozi’s Tao Te Ching, even though
encing artist’s block. Yang takes the mickey out of him: he reads this Taoist classic in English. “Many Western-
“He’d had creative constipation for ages.” ers are captivated by Star Wars,” Van der Graaf says. “In
Van der Graaf was awarded stipends by the Nether- these films, what the director George Lucas emphasizes
lands Foundation for Visual Arts, Design and Archi- as ‘the Force’ actually coincides with the ‘tao’ in the
tecture in 2003, 2004, and 2008. He says that this is Tao Te Ching. ‘Tao’ is manifested in our daily lives. For

Entitled Shining Stars of Macau, this painting is part of a series of
seascapes that Van der Graaf created in Macau.

The Van der Graafs’
daughter, Sky, speaks
Dutch, English, Mandarin,
and Taiwanese and
enjoys creating art with
her father.

像第二章講的『天下皆知美之爲美,斯惡已;皆 example, Chapter 2 of the Tao Te Ching elucidates the

知善之爲善,斯不善已』兩極的概念,不像西方 concept of opposites: ‘If everyone knows why beauty
is beautiful, ugliness must already exist; if everyone
knows why goodness is good, evil must also exist.’ This
is unlike the idea prevalent in Western civilization that
good and evil cannot coexist. Laozi’s words make a lot
修、裝潢中古屋中找到志業的楊雅雯,提供藝術 of sense. They fully tally with my life experience.”
洞察力的建議,猶如絕地大師「尤達」的角色。 No longer short of inspiration, Van der Graaf not
楊雅雯與帕斯卡合作申請公共藝術,由楊雅雯負 only pursues his own creative activities but also offers
責寫計劃書,帕斯卡專責創作。楊雅雯說:「我 artistic advice to Yang, who has found her avocation in
十分崇拜他,他有無窮的創意與想法,不願意為 renovating and refurbishing old homes. His role is like
that of Yoda, the legendary Jedi master in Star Wars.
Yang and Van der Graaf have joined forces to apply
for public art project funding: she wrote the proposal,
和,前後相隨。」 and he concentrates on creating the artworks. Husband
至於在台灣有沒有不習慣的事?帕斯卡想了 and wife now work closely together, reminding us of
想說:「台灣的麵包吃起來像海棉,又加了很多 Laozi’s adage: “Sound and voice harmonize with each
糖,有的馬茲拉起士吃起來像塑膠。」但他並不 other, front and rear follow each other.”
在意,而是很珍惜現在所擁有的。尤其是每當有 Van der Graaf is now a Taiwanese citizen. His wife
and father-in-law have given him a Chinese name:
Yang Wenzhi. Van der Graaf, who enjoys spending time
with his lovely son and daughter as well as creating
artworks, says: “Moving to Taiwan is the best choice I’ve
能夠在生活中陪伴可愛的兒女長大,以及享受 ever made.” l
創作的快樂,楊文智說:「搬到台灣,是我做過 (Esther Tseng/photos by Kent Chuang/
最好的決定了。」 l tr. by Brandon Yen)


A Beacon of Light
for Losheng Sanatorium
—Father Luis Gutheinz
文•蘇俐穎 圖•谷寒松提供 版面設計•馬英凱

初遇耶穌會神父谷寒松(Fr. Aloisius (Luis) Gutheinz


O ur first meeting with the Jesuit priest Father Aloisius

“Luis” Gutheinz was at the Faculty of Theology of St.
Robert Bellarmine on the campus of Fu Jen Catholic University.
In contrast to the noisy streets outside, the faculty’s grounds are
a tranquil place of dignified beauty, featuring low grey build­
ings surrounded by grass and trees. This is where the octogen­
arian Father Gutheinz has lived and worked for most of his life.

慈善 Charity
林旻萱攝 photo by Lin Min-hsuan

高眉深目的谷寒松,日常喜愛戴著紳士帽, (左圖)谷寒松(左三)在20歲時加入耶穌會,照片為年輕
一看即知是「阿兜仔」的外貌,卻擁有著韻味十 (left) Father Aloisius “Luis” Gutheinz SJ (third from left) joined
the Society of Jesus when he was 20. The photo shows a young
足的中文名字,甚至能說一口讓人驚訝的流利華 Gutheinz with some of his peers.
具中華文化遺風。 人相距千里之遙,但深厚的親情依舊是他重要的支持。
會辭別故鄉,來到台灣落地生根,對他來說可 (right) Gutheinz (center) was born into a pious Roman Catholic
family. Since coming to East Asia he has been far away from
說是冥冥中註定。谷寒松回憶,出生於1933年的 them physically, but their deep attachment has always given him
valuable emotional support.
他出生於一家十口,虔誠的天主教家庭,在20 尤其喜愛冬季白雪紛飛的時刻──他的中文老師
歲時便加入了耶穌會。學生時代的他,在學校時 為他命名「谷寒松」。
聽到中國的教會因政治受迫害,深受觸動的他當 「如果有一天,百年以前的人穿越時間來到現
下聽見耶穌的召喚:「Luis,你去中國。」這讓 在,鐵定會被嚇一大跳。」谷寒松呵呵笑著回憶
谷寒松「一輩子不曾懷疑過一秒」的聖召,全然 著當時神學院所在的板橋,還是一片油綠稻田,
改變了他的一生。 如今高樓拔地林立,一旁的校園建築也不斷翻
將信仰貫徹於生活 作為神職人員的他,擔任樂生療養院聖威廉堂
彼時,因傳教士在中國的活動相當受限,谷 司鐸長達數十年,同時還是一名宗教學者,擁有
寒松選擇來到同是華人為主的台灣。1961年,他 羅馬宗座額我略大學神學博士的他,長年在輔仁
從荷蘭出發,繞行歐洲一大圈來到地中海,再經 大學聖博敏神學院執教,並曾任研究所所長。他
過蘇伊士運河,進入印度洋,一路行經馬尼拉、 的博士論文研究神學理論與實踐的關係,一輩子
新加坡與香港,最後從基隆上岸。這段漫長的旅 都致力栽培後進,主持編譯、研究工作的他,可
程,花了五個禮拜時間。 說是將信仰貫徹實踐到底。
交界、阿爾卑斯山谷中長滿松樹的鄉間小鎮,他 在台上主持彌撒的谷寒松,神情莊重而嚴肅,

With his deep-set eyes and trademark fedora, Fr. 88-year-old the secret to his health, vitality, and happi-
Aloisius Gutheinz SJ is immediately recognizable as ness, for him there is no doubt that everything is due
a foreigner. But he has a charming Chinese name and to the strength he draws from his faith. This power
speaks Chinese with remarkable fluency, and he likes not only arranged for him to come to a distant and un-
to refer to himself modestly with a traditional term familiar land, it also gives him great adaptability in all
meaning “your humble servant.” He is more of an heir circumstances.
to Chinese culture than many Taiwanese. Faced with the different dietary customs of East
Born into a pious Catholic family of ten, at age 20 and West, he has always been open-minded: “The only
Gutheinz joined the Society of Jesus. The previous things I don’t eat are steel and wood.” When learning
year, while still in high school, he had heard about the Chinese, a difficult language, he relished the challenge:
persecu tion of the Church in China after the Com-
munist takeover. Deeply moved, he immediately heard
a call from Jesus: “Luis, go to China.” This divine call-
ing, of which Gutheinz says, “I have never doubted (上圖)取得台灣身分證後,谷寒松幽默地為父母取了道地
it for a second in my entire existence,” completely (below) After being granted citizenship in Taiwan, Gutheinz
changed his life. humorously chose authentically Chinese names for his parents.
(photo by Lin Min-hsuan)
Practicing faith in daily life
At that time, because missionary activities were (下圖)相當喜歡戶外運動的谷寒松,不放棄在台灣上山下
highly restricted in China, Gutheinz elected to come to 海的機會,圖為他在日月潭游泳時所攝。
(bottom) Gutheinz is fond of outdoor activities, and takes
Taiwan, where people are likewise mainly ethnic Chi- advantage of opportunities for travel in Taiwan. He is pictured
nese. He set off from the Netherlands in 1961, and after a here swimming in Sun Moon Lake.

sea voyage of five weeks, ultimately arrived at Keelung.

First Gutheinz studied Chinese at the Chabanel
Language Institute in Hsinchu. Because he grew up in
a small alpine town called Tannheim on the Austrian–
German border, where there were many pine trees and
where he especially loved cold and snowy days, his
Chinese teacher gave him the name Gu Hansong, with
gu meaning “valley,” han meaning “cold,” and song
meaning “pine.”
Besides having a pastoral ministry at St. William
Catholic Church at Losheng Sanatorium for decades,
Gutheinz is also a religious scholar. With a doctorate
in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University
in Rome, he taught for many years at the Fu Jen Fac-
ulty of Theology and served as dean of the Graduate
School of Theology. For his doctoral thesis he studied
the relation ship between the theory and practice of
theology. Having dedicated his life to training succeed-
ing generations and having overseen translation and
research work, one can indeed say that he has fully in-
tegrated his faith into daily life.
Taiwan is like home
When celebrating mass, Gutheinz is dignified and
serious, but privately he is an optimistic, cheerful, and
extremely popular elderly gentleman. If you ask this

私底下的他其實是一名樂觀開朗,極受歡迎的老 不解之下,他向身邊的大妹谷寒梅傾訴,大妹反
人家。倘若詢問88歲的他健康活力、笑口常開的 問:「你是不是想家了?」這才讓他恍然:「是
秘訣,毋庸置疑源自信仰的支持,這份力量不僅 了,沒錯!我想台灣,想念在台灣的朋友。」
安排他來到人生地不熟的異鄉,也讓他有了隨遇 「這是我這輩子唯一一次想『家』。」他笑著說。
而安的良好適應力。 2017年,谷寒松從當時的新北市副市長侯友
面對東西方大不相同的飲食習慣,他保持開 宜手上接到台灣身分證,名正言順成為台灣一份
放:「除了鋼鐵、木材不吃。」學習起困難的中 子,但在這以前,他的心早已緊緊深繫這片土
文,則興致勃勃:「幸好我很喜歡音樂,四聲對 地,他的另一名言是:「我在台灣,就像在家一
我來說不算太困難。」小時在山裡長大的他,相 樣。」
念奧地利老家?他卻分享起一段往事。 來台多年,谷寒松的另一重要貢獻是他對於痲
1970年,從台灣短暫來到羅馬攻讀碩士學位 瘋病患的關懷服務。
的谷寒松,趁聖誕節前夕回到坦海姆的家,那個 1975年,他受到義大利籍李明德神父邀約,首
午後,待在老家的他忽然渾身不對勁,心中空盪 次踏入位於迴龍的樂生療養院。彼時的痲瘋病尚
盪,仔細揣想,信仰上並沒有任何迷惘,在百思 沒有根治藥物,雖然傳染性極低,但病患受到痲
谷寒松不避諱與病患接觸,朝夕共處。 「在愛裡沒有懼怕」的谷寒松,對踏入樂生心
Gutheinz does not shy away from contact with Hansen’s
disease sufferers, and spends a lot of time with them. 中毫無芥蒂,但當他親眼目睹到多名病患擠在狹

“Fortunately I love music, so the four tones of Man- 奧地利的家人來台(右下圖),一同到樂生探訪病友,和睦
darin weren’t that difficult for me.” Having grown up 共處,猶如真正的一家人。
(bottom right) When family visited from Austria, they went with
in the mountains, he has always been fond of outdoor Gutheinz to call on HD patients at Losheng Sanatorium.
activities, and in Taiwan he has swum in Sun Moon
Lake, and has climbed Yushan (Mt. Jade) 20 times.
The forgotten world of Losheng
Another of Gutheinz’s important contributions personally saw 12 patients who were also suffering
during his time in Taiwan has been his pastoral care of from mental illness confined in small, dark rooms in a
people with Hansen’s disease (leprosy). tumbledown building, he was deeply shocked, and in
Gutheinz first visited Losheng Sanatorium in Xin- a panic he came up with an excuse to “flee” back to the
zhuang, New Taipei City in 1975, at the invitation of the Faculty of Theology, where he wept and prayed.
Italian priest Antonio Sacchettini. At that time there At that time, he thought about how when his elder
was no complete cure for Hansen’s disease (HD). Myco­ sister was 20, she had wanted to become a nun and go to
bacterium leprae, the bacillus that causes the disease, Korea to serve HD sufferers. But just then their mother
is not strongly contagious, but patients infected with suddenly died, and she had to abandon her dream for
it can become shockingly disfigured. For this reason, the good of the family. “I immediately understood that
along with many popular misconceptions about the Jesus had transferred my sister’s calling to me.” With
illness, Losheng, where patients were housed, became an attitude of “if I don’t do it, who will?” he has worked
a place of banishment from mainstream society. with HD patients for the past 40-plus years.
Gutheinz, for whom “there is no fear in love,” had Besides presiding over mass at t he St. William
no reservations about entering Losheng. But when he Catholic Church at Losheng, Gutheinz also provides

Gutheinz’s photo
albums include many
pictures taken with HD
patients. He knows every
individual’s name and
remembers their life
stories in great detail.
(photo by Lin Min-hsuan)

理所當然地認為。 「Good!」正是跟一名重病的病友學到的。
他還在院內舉辦過兩次園遊會,搭建起社會大 隨著年事已高,谷寒松慢慢從一線崗位退下,
眾與病患的橋梁,消弭誤解,幫助病患走出封閉 交棒給晚輩,但退而不休的他仍舊每日行程滿
的環境。 檔,東奔西跑,甚至還有
這些辛勞付出漸漸有了果 醞釀了30多年的研究待提
效,「現在人人都有一間套 筆。他說:「我不忙,但
房,比我住得還更好。」曾 有事。」甚至藉機說文解
有一位對他抱持反對意見的 字:「『忙』是『心死
病友,後來也改口,告訴他 亡』叫『忙』,我不要
療養院的環境是「全世界最 死,我要活!」
好」,無不讓他備感欣慰。 因為長壽的緣故,許多
德蕾莎修女曾經說,慈 此不無懷念:「如果到天
善工作就是在最貧病、窮 Gutheinz has a lifelong passion for learning and 堂相聚,一定給他們大大
still sets aside 15 minutes every day to practice
苦、被遺棄人身上看見耶穌 Chinese. (photo by Lin Min-hsuan) 的擁抱。」但總是樂活在
的存在。谷寒松亦如此,真 當下的他,也真摯地向身
心關愛病友的他,對每個 旁的人強調:「多麼喜歡
病友,都詳熟地惦記著他們的名字、個性與相處 和大家在一起。如果到天堂,應該也和在這裡差
的點點滴滴。他還稱這些與疾病奮鬥一生的勇者 不多吧!」而與其說是活在人間樂土,倒不如
病患是他的「生命導師」,讓他從中學習靜默、 說,是永遠朝氣蓬勃的谷寒松如同天使行走人
忍耐、勇氣與智慧的美德。谷寒松常掛在嘴邊的 間,就像他為樂生所做的,不論到了哪裡,都為
口頭禪:「很好!很好!」、「好得很!」、 人們帶來愛與希望,猶若天堂。 l

religious solace and guidance. To help the patients feel all their lives are his “mentors in life,” and that he has
sincerely accepted, he unreservedly shakes hands with learned from them the virtues of silence, forbearance,
them, gently touches their faces, and dines with them. courage, and wisdom.
He also has crossed over religious boundaries, work- As he has grown older, Gutheinz has gradually re-
ing with the Buddhist Qi Lian Jing She and the Sheng tired from the front lines and passed the baton to the
Wang Presbyterian Church in speaking on patients’ next generation. But despite his being retired, his daily
behalf to the Department of Health (now the Ministry schedule is just as packed as it ever was. He goes from
of Health and Welfare) to seek reasonable and dignified place to place, and he even has research projects that he
living conditions and quality healthcare. has been mulling over for 30 years or more waiting for
Their hard work has paid off. “Right now everyone him to take up his pen. He says, “I’m not busy, but I have
has their own room—it’s better than where I live!” he things to do.” He makes a play on words on the Chinese
says with gratification. character for “busy,” which is a combination of the radi-
Like an angel on earth cal for “heart” with a character for “death”: “Busy means
Mother Teresa once said that what underlies char- ‘the heart dies,’ but I don’t want to die, I want to live!”
ity work is seeing the existence of Jesus in the poor- Father Luis Gutheinz, always abounding in vitality,
est, sickest, and most forgotten. Gutheinz thinks the is like an angel come down to earth. Just as he has done
same way. He genuinely cares about the sick, and he for Losheng Sanatorium, everywhere he goes he brings
precisely recalls each patient’s name, personality, and love and hope to people, as if in heaven. l
details of their interactions. He has even said that these (Lynn Su/photos courtesy of Aloisius Gutheinz/
courage ous people who have struggled with illness tr. by Phil Newell)

God’s love enables Gutheinz to cooperate unreservedly with
groups with different religious affiliations, working together to help
HD patients. (photo by Lin Min-hsuan)

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ao, No

擁有 40年
《國 的歲
法, 家地 月裡
以及 理 特別
雜誌 喜愛
As s 《財 》的 《光
ome 富 》雜 內涵 華》
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記憶 ォー 匹敵 容 』を楽
中有 チュ し、文 は『 しみ
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在美 一片 ン』誌 に読
更有 年 代裡
《光 に匹 タイ ルジ
著「 華》 敵し ム』誌 オグ
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常に『 代の、美 界が
光 華』が しい思い
北徐 あり
/ Xu ます

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閱讀台灣 因為它讓
的風土民 我透過其
情與歷史 他語言來
I love Tai 風采。
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Taiwanes am a because
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外国語で history in
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とができ 土 や民俗、 guages.
る『光華』 歴史など
が大好き を読むこ
Daniel Li
ao, Taoy

Thank you for accompanying us on

Taiwan Panorama ’s 40-year journalistic
odyssey. The heartfelt letters we have
received have encouraged us to be bold
in launching the magazine onto the next
leg of its journey, and we look forward
to traveling with you for years to come....


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◼ 兩個國境鄰接的國家之間,達成決議的事情,理所當然必須遵
◼ 在世界地圖上,看似和平共處的兩個國境相接的國家,往往都為

俄羅斯vs烏克蘭:克里米亞半 克 里 米 亞半 島 開 始 受 到 世 人 矚

島合併的背景 目,是 在 二 ○ 一 四 年 爆 發 的 一 次

各 位 在 高 中 時 學 習 世 界史 的 時 事件。俄羅斯併吞克里米亞半島,

候,我 想 克 里 米 亞 半 島 應 該 只 出 這對現代國際關係而言,簡直是如

現兩次。 「晴天霹靂」一般讓人震驚。

第一次出現時,一定 是在「克 里 這 個 事 件,讓 世 人 們 聚 焦 在 統

米亞戰 爭」。這場戰 役 打 響了主要 治 克 里 米 亞 半 島 的 國 家,也 就 是

戰 場 塞 凡 堡 要 塞 的 名 聲,戰 爭 當 「烏克 蘭」。克 里米亞半島遭到俄

中,由於南丁格爾的活躍,成 為日 羅 斯 併 吞 一 事,可 以 說 是 改 寫 戰

後國際紅十字會成立的契機,這些 後 歷 史 的 一 個 大 事 件。第 二 次 世

內容應該有人還記得。 界 大 戰 之 後,從 來 沒 有 一 個 大 國

另 外 一 次,就 是 在「 雅 爾 達 會 敢 如 此 明 目 張 膽,擅 自「 變 更 領

議」。第二次世界大戰後,美、英、 土」。但 是,俄 羅 斯 的 普 欽 政 權,

蘇三國召開這場會談,討論日後的 卻做出這樣的事情。

國 際 秩 序,而 會 談 的 場 所 就 是 克 烏克蘭的起始
里米亞半島上的雅爾達。 首 先,讓 我 們 先 來 確 認 烏 克 蘭

書 名 :世界史是打出來的
作 者:關真興
譯 者:李建銓 
頁 數:344頁 
定 價 :420元
出 版:漫遊者文化

的地理位置。 抵達伊斯坦堡,這條貿易航路名為

希 臘 的 巴爾 幹 半 島 與 土 耳 其 的 「瓦蘭格之路」。

小亞 細 亞(安 那 托 利亞)半 島,包 十 到 十 一 世 紀,弗 拉 基 米 爾 一 區的名稱,直到二十世紀都尚未成

圍 起 來 的 海 域 即 是 愛 琴 海。從 愛 世統 治基 輔.羅 斯,與 拜占庭帝國 為國名。
琴 海 穿 過 達 達 尼 爾 海 峽和 博 斯 普 關係密切,勢力範圍遠播至保加利 俄羅斯併吞烏克蘭
魯 斯 海 峽(伊斯 坦 堡 沿岸),就可 亞,是國力最強大的全盛時期。一 波 羅 的 海 三小 國 最 南 端 是 立 陶
以看見寬闊的黑海。克里米亞半島 直 到 他 的兒子 雅 羅 斯 拉 夫 一 世 的 宛,西 南 方是 波 蘭,這兩個國家都
位 在 黑 海 北 部,是 一 個 中 央 部 位 時 代,國家仍 舊相當 繁 榮。然而, 因 為 俄 羅 斯 及 德 國 的 侵 略,長 久
凸出的半島。 到 了十二 世 紀,諸 侯 開 始 自 立 門 以來為其所 苦。然而,在中世紀時
克 里 米 亞 半 島 西 北 部,有 一 條 戶,整 個國家 迎向分裂與弱化,到 期,立陶宛和波蘭的國力曾經相當
巨大的河川流入黑海,同時貫穿烏 了十三世 紀 難 以 避 免 遭 受 蒙 古 統 強 盛,甚 至 還 統 治 過 波 羅 的 海 及
克蘭中心部位,名字叫做聶伯河。 治的命運。 黑海這一整片地區。兩國在十五世
這條河川連結了波羅的海和黑海, 「烏克 蘭」這個名稱,最初出現 紀 共 戴 一 君,也 就 是 波 蘭 歷 史 上
形 成 一 條 重 要 的 航 路。最 廣 為 人 是在十二世紀,但是當地民族主義 的亞蓋洛王朝,統治了烏克蘭和白
知 的 事 例,就 是 諾 曼 人利 用 這 條 精神,直到十九世紀才開始萌 芽。 俄羅斯等地。
航路,從 波羅的海出發,經 過黑 海 長 久 以 來,「烏克 蘭」僅 是 一 個地 此 時,居 住 於 烏 克 蘭 以 及 俄 羅

斯南方的高加索一帶的哥薩克 蘭,全面禁止使 用烏克 蘭語,當 地 烏克蘭獨立──克里米亞半島
(俄 語意為流 浪者)民 族,自成一 徹 底 實 施 俄 羅 斯 化。當 時,俄 羅 的紛爭
個社會體制。史稱他們為「自由農 斯、德國和奧地 利,這三個國家 瓜 史 達 林 過 世 後 隔 年,一九 五 四

民」,由於俄羅 斯本土的農奴制度 分了波蘭,其中奧地利取得加利西 年,為了回應烏克蘭境內日益增強

日漸嚴 苛,許 多農 民群起 反彈,加 亞地區,由於統治風格較為自由, 的 民 族 主 義 聲 浪,蘇 聯 藉 著 紀 念

上一些犯罪者和沒落貴族,組成了 該地 就成 為烏克 蘭民族主義的中 簽定佩列亞 斯 拉 夫協議 三百週年

這 個 團 體。這 些 哥 薩 克 人 建 立 了 心。但 是,加利西亞 地區在第一次 的機會,將克里米亞半島割讓給烏

獨 特 的 軍 事 組 織,並 且 採 取 民 主 世界大戰時,曾經遭到俄羅斯軍隊 克蘭。

制度來運作。 占領,烏克蘭的民族主義勢力也受 一九八六年,烏克蘭發生車諾比

不久,哥薩克民族又對波蘭的統 到徹底的鎮壓。 核災事件,這個事件雖然使得改革

治感到不滿,相對 地,由於俄羅 斯 一九 一 七 年,隨 著 俄 羅 斯 二 月 的速度加快,但國內東部以俄羅斯

承 認 哥 薩 克 擁 有 自 治 權,他 們 轉 革 命 爆 發,烏 克 蘭 民 族 組 成 政 治 人 居 多,西 部大多是 烏克 蘭人,這

向 臣 服 於 沙 皇。在 一六 五 四 年 的 組 織,宣 布 獨 立。但 是 十 月 革 命 些地緣政 治相關問題導致 烏克 蘭

佩 列 亞 斯 拉 夫 協 議 中,哥 薩 克 與 後,俄 羅 斯 革 命 政 府 派 遣 軍 隊 前 共 產 黨內部,基 輔 派(烏克 蘭)和

俄羅斯達成這項共識。 往鎮壓。在德軍入侵俄羅斯之後, 莫 斯 科派(俄羅 斯)的對立愈發 激

到 了十 七 世 紀,烏 克 蘭 面 臨 一 俄領 波蘭成 為革命軍與反革命軍 烈。

個 極 大 的 轉 機。對 於 烏 克 蘭 反 抗 內戰的主要戰 場,相對 地,奧領 加 到了一九九一年,烏克 蘭終於 獨

波蘭統治,展開各種鬥爭行動時, 利 西 亞 地 區 的 烏 克 蘭 人也 發 起 獨 立 建 國。除了 加 盟 俄 羅 斯 主 導 的

莫 斯 科大 公 國 提 供 支 援 與 波 蘭 作 立 運 動,烏 克 蘭 陷 入 極 度 混 亂 的 獨 立 國 協,同 時 也 與 西 方 各 國 建

戰,最 後 雙 方 約 定 聶 伯 河 以 西 屬 局面。 立更緊密的關係。

於 波 蘭 擁 有,東 部 地 區 則 成 為 俄 一九 二 ○ 年 代,烏 克 蘭 境 內 興 眾 所 矚 目 的 克 里 米 亞 半 島,在

羅 斯領 土。其後,烏克 蘭依附 於 俄 起 一 股 反 帝 政 勢 力,同 時 強 力 推 一九九七年,俄羅斯也承認該地屬

羅斯,繼續施行自治體制。 動 恢 復 使 用 烏 克 蘭 語,以 及 回 歸 於烏克 蘭。另外,烏克 蘭憲 法規定

十八世紀初,俄羅斯發動大北方 烏 克 蘭 文 化 的 運 動。然 而,到 了 克 里米亞半島是 烏克 蘭唯一的自

戰 爭,烏克 蘭企圖趁 機 獨立,和瑞 一九 三 ○ 年 代,烏 克 蘭 又 再 度 強 治共和國,這一次,普 欽 總 統 採 取

典 結 盟 與 俄 羅 斯 作 戰,最 後 戰 敗 制 施 行 俄 羅 斯 化。而 且 在 這 段 期 強 迫 的 政 策,形 式 上 舉 行 公 民 投

導致俄羅斯加強對烏克蘭的拘束, 間 內,蘇 聯 政 府 開 始 強 制 徵 收 烏 票,但 是 做 法 和 過 去 專 政 主 義 時

哥 薩克民族也因此失去原有的自 克 蘭 的 穀 物,烏 克 蘭 農 民 群 起 抗 代毫無改變,都是以大國的勢力來

由。 議,甚 至 將 做 為「 生 產 工 具 」的 欺壓小國。

十八世紀末期,波蘭再度遭到瓜 動 物 殺 害,造 成一場「人 為」大 飢 另 外,烏 克 蘭 西 部 國 境 與 聶 斯

分,原 屬 波 蘭 領 有 的 烏 克 蘭 成 為 荒,據 說 有 數 百 萬 至 一 千 萬 農 民 特 共 和 國 相 接。這 個 聶 斯 特 河 沿

俄羅 斯的領地,從 此開始,烏克 蘭 因 此 餓 死。時 至 今 日,烏 克 蘭 稱 岸的細長國家,在國際上認定這個

全境都歸俄羅斯所有。 這 個 事 件 為「 烏 克 蘭 大 飢 荒 」, 國 家 應 屬 於 摩 爾 多 瓦 共 和 國(位

徹底鎮壓與俄羅斯化 歐 美 各 國 將 其 定 義 為「 種 族 屠 於 烏 克 蘭 與 羅 馬 尼 亞 之 間)的 一

在 俄 羅 斯 帝 國 統 治下的烏克 殺」。 部 分,此 次 趁 著 烏 克 蘭 問 題 的 機

會,他 們 也 和 烏 克 蘭 東 部 的 俄 羅 初,此 地遭到俄羅 斯占 領,重新 命 摩 爾 多瓦 的民 族 主 義 精 神 再 度 復
斯人一樣,主張 脫 離 烏克 蘭,並 加 名為比薩拉比亞。俄羅斯革命後, 燃,隨著 蘇 聯瓦 解,摩爾多瓦共和
入俄羅斯。 蘇聯與羅馬尼亞為了比薩拉比亞, 國 也 宣 布 獨 立。聶 斯 特 河 沿 岸 比
這 個 與 烏 克 蘭 相 鄰 的 摩 爾 多瓦 展 開 複 雜 的 軍 事 角 力,最 後 蘇 聯 摩爾多瓦具有經濟能力,而且國民
共和國,居民基本上都是羅馬尼亞 徹 底阻 止羅馬尼亞再度統一摩爾 全 體 幾 乎 都 是 親 俄 羅 斯 派。因 為
民 族,而 且 中 世 紀 羅 馬 尼 亞 人 曾 多瓦。 俄 羅 斯 而 產 生 的 第 二個 克 里 米 亞
在此建立摩爾多瓦公國。十九世紀 但 是,在 蘇 聯 改 革 的 過 程 中, 問題,或許將發生在此處。

解鎖!北號誌樓 作者/謝明勳

◼ 港口與鐵道,是高雄最具代表性的歷史符號。
◼ 舊鐵道平行的輕軌捷運,代表著過去的環狀臨港線重獲新生的意象,成為市
◼ 讓我們典藏城市的鐵道記憶,解鎖高雄港站北號誌樓的故事。

黎明前的北號誌樓 一陣呼叫。 不過,對6 01次這種長途的貨物

199 6年7月的某一個半夜,牆上 「高雄港,601次下行接近!」 列 車 來 講,有 時 候 中 途 各 站 裝 載

的時鐘 指著4點10分,天花板 幾 盞 「收到,601次,你等一下進入 A 貨物,或 是 列車 編 組 拆 解、加 掛,

日 光 燈 照 亮 北 號 誌 樓 二 樓,值 班 線2股準備停車。」 延 誤一些時 分,算是家常便 飯。六

的副站長和號誌員,正忙著監視高 6 0 1次 是 從 七 堵 開 來 的 貨 物 列 分 鐘 的 延 誤,算 是 貨 物 列 車 的 日

雄港站列車進出及調車轉線的動 車,終點 站是高 雄港站,表定時間 常啦,不值得大 驚小怪。偶爾也有

態,室內感 覺相當悶 熱,走出戶外 4點08分抵達。列車長用無線電呼 像昨天的 6 01次,因為沿途 貨物較

的緣廊,才感覺一絲微微的涼風。 叫「高雄港站,接 近!」的地方,是 少,停靠時間縮短,竟然提前一 個

這時,掛在靠鐵路側東面牆上的 剛從鼓山站開出來,大約在北斗街 鐘頭抵達呢!

「列車接 近警報器」嗡嗡作 響,幾 平交 道 附 近,這 樣 看來,等 一下進 高 雄 港 站 和 台 灣 其他 兩 百 多 個

乎是同一時間,行車無線電也傳來 站的時候,大概是晚六分鐘。 火 車 站 不 一 樣,是 專 門 的 貨 運 車

站,貨物不需 要睡 覺,所以高 雄 港 港站出發,開往彰化的普通貨物列

站 最 繁 忙 的 時 間,不 是 正 常 人 類 車,沿 途 停 靠 鼓 山、左 營、楠 梓、

清 醒 的時段,而是半 夜時 分,尤 其 岡 山、台 南、隆 田 …… 等 站。列 車

是3點到5點之間,許多從七堵、彰 一路上會摘掉,及掛上各種不同的

化開來的班次,陸 續抵 達;而北上 貨車,例如鼓山站有台灣水泥公司

列車也正好編組完成,準備出發。 的水泥斗車,左營、楠梓站 有中油

水 銀 燈 從 高 聳 的 鐵 架 燈 塔,照 公司的油 罐車,岡山站 有敞車、蓬

射 在 遼 闊 的 站 場,從 五 福 四 路 平 車、石斗車和空軍的油 罐 車,台南

交道、高 雄港 檢車分段,到南邊的 站 有 裝 運 公 賣 局 酒 瓶 的 蓬 車,隆

扇形機關庫,帶著慘白的色調。 田站 有被叫做「黃小玉」的蓬斗車 書 名:解鎖!北號誌樓

作 者:謝明勳
「機 外」是「進站號 誌機 外方」 等等。
頁 數:206頁 
的 簡 稱,進 站 號 誌 機 是 定 義「 站 「 黃 小 玉 」是 台 鐵 員 工 對 裝 載 定 價 :380元
內」與「 站 外」的 界 線,就 像 日 本 黃 豆、小 麥、玉 米貨 車 的 暱 稱;從
出 版:高雄市政府文化局、
傳 統 神 社 的 鳥 居,人 走 過 鳥 居 之 國 外 進 口 的 黃 小 玉,卸 在 高 雄 港 玉山社

後,就 算是 進 入神 聖 的「境 內」。 7 2 號 碼 頭 散 裝 穀 倉,再 一 一 裝 入

這 樣 看 來,北 號 誌 樓 後 面 的 壽 山 蓬斗車,經 臨港線轉 縱貫 線,運往

上,也有一座從高雄神社大鳥居改 永 康、新 市、善 化、隆 田 等 站 的 沙

造而來的忠烈祠牌樓,可以把它看 拉油工廠、醬油工廠、飼料工廠等 色 的「機 械 閘 柄」一字 排開,機 械

作是區分仙境內外的界限呢! 的專用側線。 閘柄前方木地板上,嵌入一顆顆圓

當高 雄 港站內還在進行調車作 因為整串 612次貨物列車,是由 形 的「電 鍵」,經 年 累 月的 踩 踏,

業,或是 路 線被 其他列車佔用,這 載運各種不同貨物,不同目的地的 已 被 磨 得 閃 閃 發 亮,露 出 黃 銅 的

時候,進站號 誌機會顯示 紅 燈,或 貨車 組 成,所以出發前,必須在高 色 澤。在 二十 七 支 機 械 閘 柄 的 後

是 臂 木 式 號 誌 機 呈 現 水平 狀 態。 雄 港 站 構 內,按 照 每 節 貨 車 到 達 方,是 一 整 排上 油 的「 聯 鎖 盤 」,

火車司機看 到,就知道 是「險阻」 站的先後 順序,完成列車編 組。將 垂 直 交 錯 的 鎖 簧 桿 和 縱 鎖 簧 桿,

的意 思,即將 進站的列車,必須在 一節一節的貨車,在不同股道間拉 就 像 許 多 組 複 雜 的 竹 竿 舞 竹 竿,

進 站 號 誌 機 外方 停 車,等 候 進 站 來 推去,前後移動,最後 連掛成一 看起來非常壯觀。  

許可。 列「雜 牌 軍」,是 攀 附 在 貨 車跳 上 火 車 不 像 汽 車,火 車 沒 有 方 向

「構內」是從日本時代沿用至今 跳下的調車工,和駕駛調車機車的 盤,而是藉著扳轉地面的轉轍器,

的 鐵 道 用 語,指 的 是 通 過 進 站 號 司機,最主要的工作。 來 決 定 道 岔 開 通 的 方 向。當 尖 軌

誌 機 之後(內 方)的 站 場 範 圍,也 再 回 到 北 號 誌 樓 二 樓,看 號 誌 靠 密 在 主 要 鐵 軌 內 側,火 車 的 車

就 是「站內」的意 思。構 內的調 車 員如何操作這套 繁複的路 線控制 輪 就 會 順 著 尖 軌 改 變 行 進 方 向,

作 業,從 某一股軌 道,轉進另一股 和號誌系統。 進 入 另 一 條 股 道;或 是 尖 軌 不 靠

軌 道,是 北 號 誌 樓 值 班 人 員 要 監 北 號 誌 樓 的 二 樓,最 主 要 的 地 密,與主要 鐵 軌產 生一 個間隔,車

控的重要工作。 方是北半邊的號 誌作業區,二十七 輪 就 會 沿 著 主 要 鐵 軌 的 方 向,繼

612次,是 表 定 4 點12 分從 高 雄 支 寫 有 不 同 編 號,漆 著 藍 色 和 白 續 前 行。一 般 來 說,道 岔 設 定 在

列車 經常行走的方向,叫開通「定 機械閘柄聯鎖盤後方的黑色「電鎖 以45k m/h r以下的速度,越過進站

位」;若是設 定 讓 火車開往左 邊, 盒」會暫時解鎖,號誌員 順勢踩壓 號 誌 機,穿 過 噹!噹!噹!閃 著 紅

或往右邊,則是開通「反位」。 用力,就可以扳動機械閘柄。 燈 的 五 福 四 路 平 交 道。接 著 一 路

以高雄港站這麼龐 大複 雜的站 號誌員一一扳動四支機械閘柄, 往左邊 拐,先通 過橫 渡線,再往左

場來說,要從站內某一股道出發, 待開通 進 路後,再 扳 轉1號 電 氣 閘 邊拐橫渡線,最後來到轉 轍器,進

開 出 站 外,一 路 必 須 經 過 好 幾 處 柄,這 時,壽 山 下 的1號 進 站 號 誌 入A線群。

道岔,這些道岔的轉轍器彼此有連 機黃 燈一閃一閃,司機 看 到後,右 高 聲 電 話 就 安 裝 在 北號 誌 樓 二

動 關係,可開通一致的路 徑,沿途 臂伸直向前,手 指進站號 誌機,大 樓 緣 廊 窗 邊,可 以 將 號 誌 員 的 指

各 處 轉 轍 器 同 時 鎖 錠,不 能 任 意 聲 喊 出「緩 速 進 站!」,坐 在 右 邊 令,傳送到遠方道岔現場的喇叭,

扳 轉,我 們 稱 為「 聯 鎖 」。以 縱 貫 的助理司機員也舉手指向前方,複 讓 現 場 工 作人 員 清 楚 聽 到,這 是

線 上行列車為例,從高 雄 港站B線 誦「緩 速 進 站!」,這 是 承 襲 自 日 還 沒 有 行 車 調 度 無 線 電 的 時 代,

1股 道出發,必須依 序通 過四處 道 本時 代,鐵路運 轉人 員特有的「指 號 誌 樓 和 現 場 人 員 之 間 連 絡,最

岔。才算離開高 雄港站,駛 入 縱貫 差 確 認」傳 統,現在 則 稱作「呼 喚 有效率的方式。

線的上行正線。 應 答」,希 望 藉 由 眼 到、手 到、口 靠東面的窗邊,還有一部笨重,

北號誌樓的號誌員,也要依序操 到、心 到,消 彌 人 為 失 誤,確 保 鐵 整台漆著朱 紅色,非常醒目的「電

作機械閘柄,用腳踩下閘柄前方地 路行車安全。 氣 路 牌 閉 塞 機 」,箱 體 前 方 寫 著

板 上,圓 形 銅 質 的「電 鍵 」,這 時 601次下行列車再次緩緩開動, 「前鎮」,是作為高雄港站和前鎮

車 場 之 間,臨 港 線 專 用 的 行 車 號

誌 設備。由於 這個區間是單線,無


行駛,因此,藉由高雄港和前鎮 之

間 的 電 氣 通 信 聯 鎖,一 次 只 能 取


的 銅 質 路 牌。號 誌 員 從 閉 塞 機 下


路牌 套內,走到外面緣 廊,綁在 繩

子上垂 降 到 地 面,交 給司機,司機

確 認 路 牌 區 間 後,作 為 進 入 臨 港


一 陣 忙 碌 之 後,時 鐘 指 針 已 經

走 到 5 點,夏 天 太 陽 起 得 特 別 早,

從 高 雄 港 站 北 號 誌 樓 的 緣 廊,望





Old Markets, New Soul
圖/文•林格立 版面設計•王敬勛

Hsinchu’s Dongmen Market still functions as a traditional market in the morning. In addition to
conducting business, vendors and customers enjoy chatting with each other.

Dongmen Market, Hsinchu City


A s a child I lived in a
ma rket d i st r ic t. My
father ran an ice shop on the
ground floor of our house.
Mor n i ng shoppers at t he
market would visit us for
fruit juice and shaved ice
while enjoying a moment’s
peace and quiet. When he
wasn’t busy, my father would
take me round the market,
buying me whatever foods
I fancied. This father-and-
son ritual survived into my
adulthood. Whenever I had a
few days off and returned to
my hometown, I would pay
a visit to the market with my

Dongmen Market, Hsinchu City

Each evening, Dongmen Market transforms itself into a collection of eateries offering international cuisine.

或許是成長過程的記憶,我對於傳統市 It is probably because of these childhood memories that
I have a soft spot for traditional markets. A market is not
merely where people conduct business. It is a place where
kindness and hospitality abound. Nowadays many people
prefer to visit superstores that offer convenient parking,
便,消費者自然轉移到賣場,一次購足生活 where they can get all they want in one go. As a result, tradi-
所需用品,傳統市場也就日趨沒落。 tional markets have been in decline.

Zhongxin Market, Taichung City

曾經是熱鬧鼎盛的新竹東門市場, Hsinchu City’s once-prosperous Dongmen Market

現在上午依舊維持著傳統市場的功能, still functions as a traditional market in the mornings.
Most visitors are faithful old customers; you do not come
across many young people here at this time of day. In or-
der to revitalize the historic market, the city government
has offered youngsters incentives to set up shop here.
了年輕人進駐開店,並且逐漸發展成了 Some of these new establishments have attained celeb-
網紅名店,到了傍晚,傳統市場華麗轉 rity status online. Every evening, the traditional market
身,成了各國特色美食小餐館,也吸引 meta morphoses into a conglomeration of characterful
了年輕族群上門光顧。 international eateries, attracting many young customers.

Taichung’s Zhongxin Market exudes an old-world charm that entices young explorers.

Sixth Market, Park Lane by Splendor, Taichung City

Some shopping malls have replicated the model of traditional markets, offering a more pleasant shopping environment
and recapturing old-time hospitality.

台灣各地的老市場,這幾年也都陸 To cater to the tastes and habits of the younger generations, old
續在轉型或改裝,迎合新世代的消費 markets across Taiwan have been undergoing transformation or
refurbishment in recent years. Some shopping malls have even
deliberately modeled themselves on traditional markets, provid-
ing a better shopping environment and recreating a sense of old-
time hospitality. In a traditional market, people of all ages can find
代都可以在各自的生活體驗中,找到 something that is ordinary but that plucks at the heartstrings. l
跟市場的那份美好連結。 l (photos and text by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Brandon Yen)



Mingalar Par!
—Welcome to Little Burma

文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•王敬勛

「鳴個喇叭!」(Mingalar par)我用緬甸話


A s I set foot onto Huaxin Street in New Taipei

 City’s Zhonghe District, it is like finding myself 
transported to another world. The street is lined with 
stores and signs adorned not only with Chinese, but 
also with unfamiliar Burmese script. The sidewalks 
are full of people, and under the storefront verandas 
people sit around, watching the world go by.
“Mingalar  par!”  I  greet  the  locals  in  Burmese, 
and with that, become just another part of the ever- 
changing landscape here.

Travel to Nanshijiao Station, the final stop on the

Orange Line of the Taipei Metro, and then head south
along Xingnan Road a while, and you will find yourself
at Huaxin Street. The street itself is less than 500 meters
long, with columns at either end that read “South Seas
Tourist Food Street” in Chinese. However, people are

騎樓下的座位坐滿人,熱絡的談天聲不絕於耳, 生活小物。」在華新街上長大的緬甸華僑第二代
Tables under storefront verandas full of both people and
conversation are a common sight on Huaxin Street. 就從這一杯緬甸奶茶開始。
從捷運中和新蘆線末站的南勢角站下車,沿興 公室;緬甸人談生意,都在奶茶店。」他們在這
南路前進,就來到華新街。短短不到500公尺的 裡聯絡情感、交換情報、議論時事。
街道,路口高聳的柱子上,寫著「南洋觀光美食 聚集了大量緬甸華僑的華新街,奶茶隨處可
街」,但更多人習慣稱這裡「緬甸街」。40餘家 見,除了短短一條街上有六家奶茶專賣店,兼賣
的商店,販售道地的緬甸小吃,還有雲南擺夷料 奶茶的小吃店,幾乎百分之百。想喝杯奶茶,隨
理,甚至是印度小吃、泰國菜與港式飲茶,多元 手可得。
文化共冶一爐的現象,悄然挑起了人們的好奇。 從一杯奶茶,還能認識緬甸錯綜複雜的歷史。
巴黎有左岸咖啡館,中國有茶館,在緬甸,則 的文化遺風;也因當時,英國人將緬甸、印度同
有奶茶店。「這一杯奶茶,可以看作是緬甸社交 樣劃入「英屬印度」範圍,造成緬甸的印度移民

A small plate of chapati topped with condensed milk and
a cup of refreshing Burmese milk tea is a typical breakfast
for many Burmese-Taiwanese.

As a congregating place for Burmese-Taiwanese,

Huaxin Street abounds with milk tea. Not only are
there six shops dedicated to selling the drink, it is
also available at virtually every single restaurant
and snack shop. So if you feel the need for a cup of
milk tea, you’ll never be too far from one.
That same milk tea can provide a lesson on
the history of Myanmar. Looking around a little,
one will find Burmese milk tea also referred to as
Indian milk tea. This is because Myanmar’s tea cul-
ture was influenced by British colonization, and the
British Empire considered Myanmar part of “British
India.” Consequently there was considerable Indian
immigration into Myanmar, and these immigrants
fell in love with Burmese milk tea. A great number
of them opened their own tea shops, leading many
to call Burmese milk tea “Indian milk tea.”
While Myanmar’s milk tea culture may be a
result of international mobility, within the country
it also underwent its own localized evolution. The
more familiar with its nicknames of “Myanmar Street” and Burmese didn’t have a taste for the spices used
“Little Burma.” It is home to more than 40 eateries selling au- in Indian masala chai tea, so they chose to forgo
thentic Burmese food, along with Yunnan Dai cuisine, and even them, and with fresh milk difficult to come by in
Indian snacks, Thai food, and Hong-Kong-style dim sum. This Southeast Asia, they replaced it with creamer and
culinary melting pot has piqued the curiosity of many a visitor. condensed milk. While a cup of Burmese milk tea
As coffee is to Paris, so milk tea is to Myanmar comprises just three simple elements—Burmese
Paris is famous for its cafes on the Left Bank of the Seine black tea, creamer, and condensed milk—within
and China for its tea houses. When it comes to Myanmar, the that small, simple cup is a sample of the convoluted
equivalent is milk tea shops. “This cup of milk tea can be seen history and multi-ethnic background of Myanmar.
as a part of the Burmese way of socializing.” So says Lily Yang, Passport to the past
a second-generation Burmese-Taiwanese who grew up on Come and have a cup of Burmese milk tea!
Huaxin Street. If you want to learn more about this street, the Since the Burmese-Taiwanese who live near
best way to start would be with a cup of Burmese milk tea. Huaxin Street are generally blue-collar workers
For Burmese-Taiwanese, milk tea is a daily necessity, and who work shifts rather than stable nine-to-fives,
milk tea shops are important places for socializing and relax- the eateries here are always packed. As we step
ing. It has been remarked that when Taiwanese talk business, into Liyuan Halal Food, despite it being 10 a.m.
they do it in the office; when Burmese talk business, they do the small restaurant is already full of people with
it in the milk tea shop. They come to these shops to connect, plates of chapati and cups of Burmese milk tea at
exchange information, and discuss current events. their tables, ready to start the day.

大增,緬甸奶茶格外受印度人喜愛,紛紛做起奶 點。當年緬甸的尼溫將軍主導的軍政府開始實施
茶生意,故後來緬甸奶茶常又被稱作印度奶茶。 一連串對外國人不友善的「國有化」政策,華人
飲奶茶的風氣,是全球化下的結果,但緬甸奶 經營的店鋪一夕之間收歸國有,華人的報社與學
茶,也經過了在地化的演變。由於緬甸人不喜印 校也紛紛關閉,由政府統一接管。
度奶茶濃郁的香料味,故捨棄不用,且東南亞地 既不想接受被同化的命運,也為了下一代尋找
區鮮乳取得不易,改以奶精、煉乳取而代之。一 出路,緬僑開始紛紛出走海外,形成大規模的移民
杯緬甸奶茶,單純由緬甸紅茶、奶精(奶水)、 潮。包括中國、印尼、馬來西亞、美國、台灣,都
煉乳三元素組成,小小一杯,卻濃縮了緬甸曲折 是選項,其中又以移民到台灣的人數最多。
的歷史,以及多族群的背景。 走一趟華新街便知。這兒的氛圍,不如桃園龍
來喝一杯緬甸奶茶吧!因著住在華新街鄰近 主流的社會中求生存,文化風俗深受浸染,自然而
的緬甸華僑大多是輪班制的藍領,而非朝九晚五 然,華新街上也籠罩著濃濃的緬甸在地氣息。
許多人的桌前正是一碟印度烤餅、一杯緬甸奶 熟門熟路的緬甸華僑、華新街商圈發展協會理事長張標材,
茶,就此作為一日的開場。 帶著我們認識這個特別又美麗的台北小角落。
Aung Win, a Burmese-Taiwanese who is very familiar with Little
在這熱絡的氛圍之下,與我們閒話家常的緬僑 Burma and is the chairman of the Huaxin Street Business District
Development Association, shows us around this wonderful corner
耆老告訴我們,1962年是他們生命中重要的記憶 of New Taipei City.

Amid this lively atmosphere, the elderly Burmese
who chat with us tell us how 1962 is an important
point in their memories. That was when the Burmese
military govern ment, led by General Ne Win, began to
implement a series of nationalization policies that were
hostile to people of non-Burmese ancestry. Stores run
by ethnic Chinese were taken into government control
overnight, while newspapers and schools focused on
the ethnic Chinese community were shuttered as the
government took over.
Not willing to resign themselves to assimilation
and wanting to find some hope for the next generation,
Burmese people of Chinese ethnicity began leaving the
country in droves. Many headed for China, Indonesia,
Malaysia, or the United States, but the destination that
saw the largest number of new arrivals was Taiwan.
Immigrant life was not easy. When they arrived in
Taiwan, many of them found living so far from their
native country difficult and had a hard time adapting
their lifestyles, including how they ate. Over time, just
as Chinese migrants began opening restaurants and
eventually creating Chinatowns in other countries, two
eateries selling Yunnanese and Burmese food opened up
on Huaxin Street some 40 years ago, their compatriots
lining up for a taste of home. Thus was the first incarna-
tion of “Myanmar Street” born.
If you look closely at the signs that line the street, you
will see that the names of the eateries often combine Bur-
mese place names and different culinary traditions, rang-
ing from Yunnan Dai cuisine and Hong-Kong-style yum
cha to Indian and Thai food. Each establishment’s name
is a password that unlocks some insight into the owner’s
ancestry and background, part of a collective echo of
the cultural and ethnic diversity of Myanmar. With
Myanmar sharing borders with China, Thailand, Laos,
India, and Bangladesh, people and cultures have flowed
constantly between the nation and its neighbors in the
past. Myanmar itself is also home to over a hundred dif-
ferent ethnic groups, along with ethnic Chinese whose

Pickled tea-leaf salad (lahpet thoke), curry rice, fish soup with
noodles (mohinga)—Burmese snacks are rich in both aroma and
taste, true attractions for the appetite.

市場旁由緬僑開的雜貨鋪,販售許多罕見的異國香 初次拜訪華新街的人,常會不明就裡,以為這
Burmese grocery stores by the market sell many exotic 是一條包山包海的異國小吃街,但乍看五花八門
spices and seasonings.


移民生活大不易。來到台灣的他們,除了飽受 華新街上流傳著一個詞:「緬麻綁」
離鄉背井之苦,生活習慣也難以適應,飲食也是 (M y a n m a p y a n),即緬語的「從緬甸回來的
其中之一。自然而然地,就像華人在海外紛紛開 人」。在來台灣以前,這群不曾在台灣生活的緬
起了中國餐廳,形成唐人街的風景。40年前,有 僑,因為國族上的認同情感,將「移民」來台的
兩家店開始在華新街鄰近賣起滇緬小吃,老鄉們 遷徙,視為是一種「歸國」,故稱自己叫「緬甸
爭相排隊,一解鄉愁,形成如今緬甸街的前身。 歸國華僑」。
倘若仔細觀察街上店招,街上的店名常結合了 每個緬僑,都藏著一則顛沛流離,精彩而不平
緬甸的地名與不同菜系,除了華人的雲南擺夷小 凡的生命故事。坐在李園清真小吃,來台超過30
吃與港式飲茶,還有印度小吃與泰國菜,每一個 年的老僑、前中華民國緬甸歸僑協會副理事長簡
店名,都是一組身世密碼,除了意味著店主人的 明有,跟我們說起了他的故事。
祖籍與故鄉,更集體呼應著緬甸國內多元融合的 在緬甸密支那長大的簡明有,祖籍雲南,在那
現況。包括因著邊界與中國、泰國、寮國等國接 個「天無三日晴,地無三里平」,地力貧瘠的地
壤,人口流動,文化上自然有來有往,另還有緬 方,因為從事農耕不易,許多人為了討生活,成
甸境內的上百支民族,及來自滇、閩、粵的華人 為商賈從事買賣,而雲南又與緬甸相連,故跨國
移民,以及信奉伊斯蘭教的印度移民等。 貿易相當發達。

ancestors hailed from Yunnan, Fujian, and Guangdong, Road and Huaxin Street. Easily missed by visitors be-
and a number of Muslim migrants from India. cause it is situated a little way off Huaxin Street proper,
First-time visitors to Huaxin Street are often struck this small spot sells authentic Burmese snacks such as
simply by the array of exotic foods, but behind the banana shwe gye cake, htanthi mont (toddy palm cake),
menus, each of these stores and restaurants has its own and egg pudding.
unique story to tell of different individual Burmese In addition to snacks, of course, we also enjoy
within the larger torrent of history. the unmissable cup of milk tea. We are informed by
Meet the Burmese-Taiwanese community friendly locals that Burmese milk tea is much like Tai-
The Taiwanese government’s pivot toward Southeast wan’s own “hand-shaken” tea drinks, with the amount
Asia in recent years has aroused the curiosity of many of tea, creamer, and sugar all able to be tailored to taste,
Taiwanese about the peoples of that region. As a result, something which the owners of the shops take great
the local Burmese community, which had always been pride in doing for their guests.
relatively low-key, has increasingly attracted public at- Buddhist temples began to pop up along Huaxin
tention. “Because of this new policy, some people tend
to lump us in with the so-called ‘new Taiwanese,’ but
there are plenty of us who’ve been here for decades,”
smiles Aung Win, chairman of the Huaxin Street Busi-
ness District Development Association and a Taiwan
resident for over 30 years. 遇路上托缽化緣的僧侶。
Following Aung Win’s lead, we make our way to Most Burmese-Taiwanese are practicing Theravada Buddhists
and continue to follow Burmese customs, courteously
Little Burma Tea and Snacks by the corner of Xingnan interacting with monks on their way to the temple.



華社群,逐漸受到大眾注意。「因為政策的關係,有 國家,華新街上,早從40年前便有佛寺建立,如今
些人會把我們歸類為『新住民』,但住了好幾十年的 一共就有五間寺廟在華新街一帶;虔誠的緬僑,甚
我們其實算是『老住民』。」來台灣超過30年,華 至還在三峽出資建造佛寺,外觀同樣有莊嚴的大金
新街商圈發展協會理事長張標材靦腆地說。 塔,遙然呼應著緬甸「佛塔之國」的美名。當我們
我們在張標材的引路之下,踏入另一家在興南 在店裡啜飲緬甸奶茶,路旁還有托缽化緣的僧侶徐
路、華新街入口的「緬甸小吃店」。這間不在華新 行而過,「小緬甸區」真是名副其實。
街上、容易讓許多觀光客錯過的小店,販售著芭蕉 除了日常上緬甸街尋美食,張標材也表示,緬
糕、棕糖糕、雞蛋布丁等道地的東南亞甜點。 甸華僑還會依循緬甸傳統習俗,在四月的潑水節,
除了甜點,當然不可免俗還得來上一杯奶茶, 以及十月、十一月的點燈節舉行各種傳統儀式,堪
經過當地人熱心的指引,我們才知道,小小一杯的 稱華新街上的盛會。
緬甸奶茶,和台灣的手搖飲料一樣,茶湯、奶精、 當我們踏入這個孕育著許多美麗的人、事、物
糖水的多寡,都可以客製,每一杯都是老闆為客人 的小角落,除了讓人認識到緬華族群的勇敢與熱
量身訂做所端出的自慢之作。 情,也讓人再一次驚嘆台灣社會的豐富與對多元文
此外也值得一提的是,因著緬甸是宗教盛行的 化的吸納能力。 l

Street around 40 years ago, and today the area is home 又被稱作「小緬甸區」的華新街,每年四月必定舉辦潑水節
to five. Devout Burmese have even funded the construc-
tion of a Buddhist temple in Sanxia, New Taipei City, Also known as “Little Burma,” Huaxin Street plays host to
Thingyan (Burmese New Year) celebrations every April, when
which features large, stately golden pagodas, echoing people pray for good fortune by splashing each other with water
Burma’s reputation as a “land of pagodas.” As we sip our and bathing statues of the Buddha in worship.
(photos by Chin Hung-hao)
Burmese milk tea in the tea shops, monks can be seen
walking along the street with their alms bowls, another
way in which “Little Burma” really lives up to its name.
In addition to their daily excursions to Huaxin Street
for Burmese food, Burmese-Taiwanese also continue In this small corner of New Taipei City, home to so
to follow traditional Burmese customs, explains Aung many beautiful things, one can not only learn about
Win, like the Burmese New Year festival of Thingyan the fortitude and hospitality of Taiwan’s Burmese com-
in April and the Thadingyut and Tazaungdaing Festi- mun ity, but also gain a new appreciation for the diver-
vals of Lights that usually fall in October or November. sity and inclusiveness of Taiwanese society. l
When these festivals are celebrated, Huaxin Street (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
transforms into a party, and all are welcome to join in. tr. by Geof Aberhart)


Returning Animals to the Wilderness:
The WildOne Wildlife Hospital

文•陳群芳 圖•林格立 版面設計•王敬勛

I n 2017, a group of wildlife workers frustrated
作者的心。他們不忍東部的救傷資源匱乏,野 by the lack of resources to treat injured wildlife
生動物受了傷,只能費時送到南部或西部,往 in the eastern part of Taiwan founded their own
group, the WildOne Wildlife Conservation Associ-
ation. They then traveled Taiwan promoting their
cause, and in 2020 established Eastern Taiwan’s
first non-profit wildlife rescue and recovery center
成立東部第一座非營利的野生動物救傷暨復健中 in Chishang Township, Taitung County, to rehabil-
心。野灣至今救援超過140隻動物,小到蝙蝠, itate injured animals and return them to the wild.
大的心願。 We hear the rattle and clang of a large animal lung-
ing against the side of a cage, then watch as a conserva-
tion worker anesthetizes the 25-kilogram wild pig with
a dart from a blowgun. A few minutes later, the worker
lifts the unconscious animal from the cage. Caught in a
snare a few days ago, the pig’s leg was severely injured
公斤的野豬。牠是前幾天中了套索陷阱的野豬, and had to be amputated. We happen to arrive just as
因為傷勢嚴重只好截肢,到訪這天正好目睹牠清 its wound is due to be cleaned and redressed. The vets
創換藥。手術台上,獸醫師們替野豬戴上麻醉面 in attendance place an anesthesia mask over the pig’s
罩,接上生理監視器,為牠處理傷口,現場屏氣 snout, connect the animal to machines to monitor its

凝神。 vital signs, and get to work dealing with the wound.
Once the procedure is complete, the worker returns
the pig to its cage and then monitors the animal until it
regains consciousness. Everyone breathes a sigh of re-
才鬆了口氣。像這樣的救傷工作,三天兩頭就在 lief when it awakens. This kind of rescue work is prac-
此處搬演,這裡是位於台東池上的野灣野生動物 tically an everyday event here at the WildOne Wildlife
醫院。 Hospital in Chishang.
Saving wildlife
為野生動物請命 One morning near the end of 2015, Chi Meng-jou,
2015年底某日一早,當時在屏科大野生動物 then a veterinarian with National Pingtung Univer-
sity of Science and Technology’s Pingtung Rescue
Center, received a phone call from a Taitung County
Government official asking for her help with a For-
息,但沒有人力將牠送到屏東。可是一早收容中 mosan Reeves’ muntjac that had been mauled by stray
心的工作才剛開始,綦孟柔只能請對方先找就近 dogs. The animal was at death’s door, and the county
的獸醫院處理;不料,下午對方再次來電,實在 didn’t have anyone available to drive it to Pingtung.
找不到能醫治的地方。匆忙結束工作,綦孟柔和 Chi rushed through the remainder of her day’s tasks,
同事趕往台東,接到山羌再回到屏東的手術室時 and hurried to Taitung with a colleague to collect the




Chiang Yi Lun cleans a wild pig’s wound and then examines
the animal. Looking at the stump of its amputated limb, one can
imagine the pain and fear the animal experienced when trapped.

Chi Meng-jou’s mission in life is
animal conservation. She recruited
partners to found the WildOne
Wildlife Conservation Association.
(courtesy of WOWCA)

muntjac. They weren’t able to get it back to Pingtung times results in the death of both the muntjac and its
and into an operating theater until late that night. By unborn kid. And that’s not to mention the limb injuries
then the animal’s pulse had grown weak and erratic, that traps and snares cause to animals.
and they had no choice but to euthanize it. The center treated a crested serpent eagle that had
The muntjac’s death highlighted for Chi the lack of been taken in by a member of the public but then kept
animal rescue resources in Eastern Taiwan. Hualien in a cage so small and narrow that it broke the bird’s
and Taitung Counties cover a vast area, but at that time wing feathers. The person, who didn’t understand the
didn’t have a single wildlife clinic. Instead, wild ani- bird’s dietary needs, also fed it oysters and other sea-
mals in need of care were sent to Western Taiwan. The food, which they left in the cage to rot and breed mag-
long drive and associated agitation meant delayed care gots. The person kept the eagle for two weeks before
and increased suffering for the animals. This unfortu- taking it to WildOne, where a vet discovered that it
nate state of affairs led Chi, fellow veterinarian Chiang also had broken bones from a previous accident. Unfor-
Yi Lun and other like-minded friends to establish their tunately these injuries had been neglected for so long
own wild animal rescue organization, the WildOne that the eagle’s joints had frozen and become untreat-
Wildlife Conservation Association (WOWCA). able. Having lost the ability to fly, the bird couldn’t be
They then spent three years raising the funds they returned to the wild, and the hospital had to euthanize
needed to set up their own facility. With the money fi- it. “If they had brought it in two weeks earlier, the out-
nally in hand, they leased an unoccupied building at the come would have been different,” says a pained Chi.
Chishang Pastoral Farm Resort, and converted it into Wildlife rescuers have observed innumerable similar
Eastern Taiwan’s only wildlife rescue and rehabilitation cases. Chi recommends that people who happen upon
center, which began operating in August 2020. a wild animal first observe it from a distance, and not
The distance between act without thinking. They shouldn’t bring it home with
Economic development has resulted in human them even if they’re certain that the animal is in diffi-
spaces significantly overlapping wildlife habitat, and culties. Every species has different habits and needs,
Chi’s many years in wildlife rescue have shown her and attempts by untrained individuals to care for wild
that most wildlife injuries are caused, directly or indi- animals are likely to do more harm than good. Instead,
rectly, by people. For example, when road construction members of the public who encounter injured animals
fragments habitats, migrating animals are often killed should dial 1999 for the local government hotline and
by vehicles. When stray dogs attack muntjacs, it some- inform the relevant agency of the animal’s plight.

保育員廖朝盛分享,野灣最近收到一隻誤闖苦 野灣透過市集、講座等各種教育宣導,在孩子心中播
瓜網的大冠鷲,為了掙脫奮力振翅,導致飛羽斷裂 WildOne plants the seeds of respect for animals in
children’s hearts through a variety of educational
影響飛行能力,使牠在野外的生存產生問題。目前 activities. (courtesy of WOWCA)
眾不熟悉牠的習性,胡亂以蚵仔餵食,甚至放任 在野灣,照養動物是全體成員的任務。每天早
海鮮在裏頭長蛆發臭。養了兩周被送到野灣時, 上會準備新鮮的食物,雜食性動物有根莖類、葉
獸醫師發現牠有骨折問題,推測就是因為骨折飛 菜、水果等,肉食動物則準備了雞肉、小鼠、昆
不了,才被撿到。但拖了太久關節早已硬化,造 蟲等,依據各物種的習性給予營養。成員除了上
成無法挽救的傷害,失去飛行能力回不了野外, 市場採買,還會定期到野外採集,準備構樹、桑
只能忍痛將牠安樂死。「如果兩週前就送來,結 葉、野果等,讓動物熟悉野外食物,因為野灣是
果就會不一樣了。」綦孟柔心痛地說。 以野放為目標,不是長期的收容。也因此,不論
類似案例多不勝數,綦孟柔建議,遇到野生動 是餵食或清潔籠舍,同仁都是靜靜地操作,不會
物時先遠遠觀察,切莫輕舉妄動;如果確定動物 跟動物有太多互動,以免牠們太過親近人類,而
落難,也不要撿回家飼養,撥打1999轉知相關單 影響野放後的生活。
位,才是比較好的做法。畢竟每種動物的習性都 走一趟野灣野生動物醫院,會發現動物的籠舍
不同,民眾若給了不合適的籠舍、飲食等,都可 幾乎都用毛巾或帆布蓋住。廖朝盛解釋,應該在
能導致不可逆的傷害。人們一時的關愛反對牠們 大自然裡生活的野生動物,被困在籠舍裡,無處
的生存造成阻礙,恐怕不是大家樂見的。 可逃的現實會令牠們緊張,人類的一舉一動都會

Expecting the unexpected then determine whether it can be returned to the wild.
At WildOne, animal care is everyone’s mission. Every They consider euthanasia once again if an animal can’t
morning workers prepare fresh meals to meet each an- be released back into the wild and WildOne is unable to
imal’s needs, purchasing some of the ingredients from provide it with an appropriate long-term living environ-
the market and collecting others on regular trips into ment. Once the hospital has treated an animal, it de-
the countryside in order to habituate the animals to wild livers “in-patient” care until the animal has healed, and
foods, because WildOne’s goal is to rehabilitate and re- then begins training it for a return to the wild.
lease them, not to keep them in long-term captivity. Liao says that when they evaluate an animal for re-
Walking through the WildOne Animal Hospital, you lease, they first determine whether it can move, feed,
can’t help but notice that nearly all of the cages are cov- and conceal itself. An animal must be capable of all
ered with towels or heavy sheets. Conservation worker three to be a candidate for release. He recalls once treat-
Liao Chao-sheng explains that wild animals confined in ing a crested goshawk that was too weak to stand. Poor
cages become agitated by people moving around them circulation had led to some of its toes swelling, turning
and anxious because they can’t flee. The covers insulate black, and even dropping off. The goshawk’s condition
them from external stimuli, helping keep them calmer. improved under WildOne’s care, and it grew strong
Putting themselves in the animals’ shoes, WildOne again. Liao eventually decided it was time to return the
staff have noticed other things that are typically over- bird to the wild, and moved it to an outdoor training
looked. When setting up the animal hospital, Chiang area. But once there, the condition of the goshawk’s right
decided to call the pantry the “homo sapiens kitchen”
and the animals’ feeding area the “wildlife kitchen.” The
names are a way of expressing her belief that people and
wildlife are equals, that we all live together in this world.
When WildOne receives an injured animal, it first 順利重返山林。(野灣野生動物保育協會提供)
evaluates the injury. If the animal can’t be saved, they During its ten months in WildOne’s care, this young bear grew
from just four kilograms to 40 kg in weight. Here, it is being
euthanize it to end its suffering. If it can be saved, they released back into the wilderness. (courtesy of WOWCA)

讓動物感到驚擾,用布隔絕外界刺激,能讓牠們 月。待傷勢恢復後,再做進一步的野放訓練。
的身心比較安定。 廖朝盛表示,進行野放評估時,行動、覓食、
這些設身處地的著想,也體現在一些不經意的 藏匿三種能力缺一不可,有時候動物看似復原良
細節。建置野生動物醫院時,江宜倫靈機一動, 好,但在野放評估時才出現問題。曾經有隻鳳頭
將茶水間取名為「智人廚房」,調理動物飲食的 蒼鷹原本虛弱到無法站立,腳趾因循環不良而腫
地方則取做「野生動物廚房」,對她而言,人類 脹、變黑,甚至脫落。在野灣的照顧下狀況逐漸
跟野生動物是平等的,都是共同在這塊土地生活 好轉,右腳剩下的前後兩根腳趾也不再脫落,身
的物種。江宜倫笑說,野灣像是野生動物的信仰 體越來越強壯。廖朝盛心想,是野放的時候了,
中心,「我們希望環境健康、人健康,動物也健 將牠移至野放訓練空間,才發現牠的右腳大拇指
康,大家其實是一體的。」保育野生動物沒有人 開始惡化,且太依賴左腳站立而出現前掌炎,導
是局外人。 致無法停棲、獵捕。若將牠野放等於是丟到野外
野灣成立至今,已處理超過140件救傷案例。 等死,最後也只能讓牠安樂死。
野灣收到受傷動物時會先評估傷勢,救不活的會 生命的無常,早已是野灣的日常。但死亡不等
進行安樂死,減輕牠的痛苦;救得活的,要評估 於結束,獸醫師會進行病理解剖,了解死因,也
牠將來能否野放。因為野生動物大多不易親人, 對該物種有更多的認識。每天面對殘破不堪的軀
人類的照顧反倒讓牠處於高壓的焦慮狀態,若無 體,或是明明法律禁用獸鋏,卻仍有動物為此
法提供適合長期圈養的環境,安樂死就會是考量 受苦,種種的無力,並沒有讓野灣的成員就此
動物福祉後的一種選擇。動物進行醫治後,會送 悲觀,他們身上反倒有種正向安定的力量。看
入住院部照養,復原時間短則幾天,長則數年數 到動物們受了傷仍奮力求生的模樣,「相較之

赤翡翠 Ruddy kingfisher

courtesy of WOWCA

領角鴞 Collared scops owl

hallux (its “big toe”) worsened, causing it to favor its left forts worthwhile. “I was so proud of my team,” she
leg. This caused its left foot to become inflamed, leaving recalls, tearing up at the memory.
it unable to hunt or even perch. Since returning the bird But rescuing injured animals is only the tail end
to the wild in this state would have meant leaving it to of wildlife conservation. If we want to stop these
die, they felt they had no choice but to euthanize it. tragedies from occurring in the first place, we have
Life’s impermanence is an everyday reality at Wild- to educate the public. WildOne gives presentations at
One. The organization cares for creatures with broken elementary and middle schools throughout Eastern
bodies on a daily basis, and continues to see animals Taiwan in an effort to sow the seeds of respect for life
injured by traps and snares even though such devices at an early age. The group confronts the public with the
are illegal in Taiwan. Yet, despite such frustrations, the troubles wildlife face by telling the stories of rescued
workers there remain upbeat, filled with a quiet sense animals via Facebook and in-person talks. WildOne
of purpose. believes that the only way to change the situation of
Pulling together wildlife in Taiwan is by making people more aware of
The hospital rehabilitated a bear c ub t hat had it, and is adding an education gallery to its hospital to
blundered into Tait ung’s Guang yuan Village and help people better understand its work.
become separated from its mother. They named the WildOne has received widespread support since
cub Mulas, and over the course of ten months helped
it grow from just four kilograms to 40 kg in weight.
The young bear was ultimately released back into the
mountain wilderness using a helicopter. Chi says that
watching Mulas run into the forest made all their ef- WildOne prepares fresh food every day for the animals in its care.

食蟹獴 Crab-eating mongoose 大冠鷲 Crested serpent eagle

courtesy of WOWCA

黃嘴角鴞 Mountain scops owl

courtesy of WOWCA

下我們沒什麼好抱怨的,讓人比較豁達。」綦 經過10個月的照料,把牠從4公斤,養到40幾
孟柔表示。 公斤。看著廣原小熊被直升機運至山裡,奔跑
對野灣而言,每一次的救援都是挑戰。野灣曾 孟柔想起來仍眼眶泛淚。
經照養一隻誤闖台東廣原村的落單小熊Mulas, 然而救傷工作只是野生動物保育的後端,要
WildOne established Eastern Taiwan’s first wildlife rescue center 將野生動物的現況帶到大眾面前。野灣規劃在
in Chishang, Taitung County, where staff from all over Taiwan
work together to implement their vision for wildlife conservation. 醫院做教育迴廊,預計今年下半年開放預約參
的笑了笑,「沒有啦,喜歡做而已。」 l

讓野生動物重返山林,需要這塊土地上的所有人一起努力。 requirements by providing its volunteers with clear
(野灣野生動物保育協會提供) guidelines on care, enabling frontline workers to focus
Returning animals to the wilderness requires all of us to work
together. (courtesy of WOWCA) on treatment. This division of labor allows it to treat
10,000 injured animals every year with only ten formal
employees. Chi’s experience there was eye-opening, and
inspired her to bring the center’s methods to Taiwan.
its founding, and this year worked with Hotai Motor Founded just four years ago, WildOne has thrown
to build Taiwan’s first wildlife ambulance. The vehicle itself into a host of issues, ranging from animal rescue
provides a clean, quiet setting for the delivery of ur- and public education to worker training and improve-
gent care to wildlife, and makes the trip to the hospital ments to the working environment. It has tirelessly
less stressful for the animals. This increases the rate at pursued its vision of wildlife conservation work while
which they survive the journey, and enables more of balancing its budget and manpower constraints. Hear-
them to return home. ing everyone involved with the group joyfully and
WildOne is also addressing the lack of manpower in enthusiastically discuss their expectations of conserva-
wildlife conservation by recruiting volunteers and com- tion work, one can’t help but be thrilled that Taiwan’s
piling a handbook on wildlife care. Chi’s inspiration for wildlife have such committed advocates in their corner.
this initiative was her experience volunteering at a wild- Chi downplays the compliment, shyly telling us, “It’s
life rehabilitation center in the US state of Minnesota. nothing. We just like doing it.” l
The center’s handbook on the housing and feeding needs (Chen Chun-fang/photos by Jimmy Lin/
of various animal species greatly reduces its manpower tr. by Scott Williams)


Relics, Riverbeds,
and Rose Gardens
—A Day Trip to Maling

文•蘇晨瑜 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•王敬勛


空氣瀰漫著沁人濕潤的青草香。 掌:「剛剛那座土地公廟是有歷史的,以前礦工
我們在遊客中心不遠處的福德宮,見到笑臉 近蓋土地公廟,這間小廟當年由台灣五大家族之
迎人的瑪西社區發展協會總幹事林飛海。林飛海 一的基隆顏家三兄弟興建,三兄弟還在廟門上題
從小在瑪陵長大,對當地人文歷史可說是瞭如指 了門聯。

T he scenery changes from city high rises to lay-
ered mountain ridges on the 30-minute drive
to the Malingkeng Recreational Agriculture Area
old bridge built with glutinous rice. You can also
take in the area’s mining relics and gain a sense of
how the old timers here used to live while explor-
in Keelung’s Qidu District, a secret hideaway in ing secret places known only to locals.
Taipei’s backyard. Spending just half a day here,
you can walk beautiful trails lined with blooming On an early spring morning, not long after sunrise, Ma-
tung trees, play in a riverside park, and visit an ling’s undulating ridges seem sprinkled with gold dust.

早年瑪陵礦業興盛,到處都是礦坑,林飛海的 致壯麗。翠谷橋下的瑪陵坑溪飛流直下,百年來
父親當年就在日德煤礦挖礦,晚上埋炸藥,白天入 在此地沖刷出奇特的壺穴地形,河岸旁的五堵圳
礦搏命。煤礦走入歷史後,瑪陵從繁華歸於寧靜, 遺跡清晰可見。
小軌道少了礦車穿梭,酒家不再鶯鶯燕燕,如同時 林飛海手指下游方向,「那邊就是六堵淨水
間在此凝結,卻意外讓瑪陵成為人間仙境。 廠的取水口,所以我們這裡的水質特別乾淨。」
質特別敏感的馬口魚與台灣石 。「夏天枯水期
我們造訪時還不是旅遊旺季,遊客中心的廁所 如果有人偷排廢水或丟入異物,這些魚就死給你
門才一打開,蹦出一隻驚慌失措的褐樹蛙,在牆 看。」這些台灣特有原生魚種相當嬌貴,時常有
壁上瘋狂彈跳。樹蛙受到驚嚇,我們其實比牠更 人來偷釣,林飛海與當地居民自發組成巡守隊,
害怕。林飛海聽了哈哈大笑:「我們這裡生態特 看見有人鬼祟出沒,就會上前勸誡;碰到有人
別豐富。」看著衛生紙上緩緩蠕動的小蟲,地上 放生丟入外來種如吳郭魚,也會趁夜把牠們抓起
生氣勃勃的野花通泉草,山嶺間古木蔽天、藤蔓 來,全村動員巡守,就是要護漁到底。
知名的百年翠谷橋。站在橋上極目望去,山林青 瑪陵5月雪片片,桐花紛飛,讓當地增添更多浪漫氣息。
When Maling’s tung tree blossoms drop in May, they add to
翠欲滴,河谷中散布著巨石,腳下流澗飛瀑,景 the romantic atmosphere.

A debt to the Earth God 遊客中心可見到當年用於焦炭窯的復刻版文物,借此
At the Fude Temple, not far from the visitor At the visitor center, you can gain a deeper understanding
center, we are greeted by a smiling Lin Feihai, of the area’s mining history by examining tools used at
the coke ovens.
director general of the Marcy Community Devel-
opment Association. Born and raised nearby, Lin
is an expert on the local culture: “That Earth God
temple has a long history. Miners used to believe
that their wealth was borrowed from the Earth
God, so they were accustomed to going there to
pray.” Owners would build Earth God temples
near the mines to keep the good times rolling.
This small temple was built by three brothers of
Keelung’s Yan family, then one of Taiwan’s five
most illustrious clans. The brothers also came up
with the couplet flanking the temple’s doorway.
For a time, the area around here flourished.
But when the coal mines closed, Maling re-
turned to being both a quiet backwater and
something of a marvelous fairyland.
Sticky rice bridge
With Lin and the community association’s
chairwoman, Do Shojen, we drive to the locally
famous Cuigu (“emerald valley”) Bridge.
Lin points downstream: “That’s the water
intake for the Liudu Water Treatment Plant right
there, so you know that the water here is espe-
cially clean.” A glance under the bridge shows
that the water is indeed crystal clear. Formosan
stripe dace and Taiwan torrent carp, species that
are extremely sensitive to water quality, inhabit
the creek. Lin and other locals carry out patrols,
confronting anyone they deem suspicious. If
they discover that someone has released non-
native species such as tilapia, they mobilize
immediately, working through the night to catch
the fish. The entire village is committed to these
patrols to protect the native fish.
The Cuigu Bridge looks brand new, but there
is in fact an historical attraction underneath it:
the remains of an old “glutinous rice bridge.”
A stout hexagonal pier stands under the bridge
deck. Back in the day this was built by locals

翠谷橋看似新穎,橋面下其實還有一大 橋墩,風災一來,整個都倒了。」上游富
看點──百年糯米橋。橋面下矗立著一根 民親水公園內,至今可見倒躺水中的水泥
粗壯的六角形橋墩,是當年居民用糯米混 橋殘骸,而糯米橋長年被溪水沖刷,碰到
合紅石灰、紅糖等材料,再以石塊砌成。 風災水漫橋面,還是屹立不搖,糯米比水
這工法看似簡單的橋墩,卻自1949年以 泥還厲害,真是令人大開眼界。
來,挺過無數次風災。 從橋上翹首望去,就可見到當地知名的
「這橋面重新做過,但糯米橋橋墩怎 地標石獅山。林飛海當年從瑪陵國小畢業
麼沖都沖不斷。」林飛海讚嘆先人智慧, 時,全班都要爬上石獅山,算是當地小學
「先民們技術超強,上游其他用水泥做的 的經典畢旅。瑪陵國小是百年小學,原本



Still standing after many decades, this bridge pier was
built using mortar made with sticky rice. Its longevity
bears witness to the wisdom of earlier generations in
understanding how to coexist with nature. The rocks
under the bridge feature unusual “giant’s kettle” potholes.

from stone blocks held together with a mortar com­ 日治時期派出所的詭譎氣氛,適合愛冒險的人一探究竟。
The spooky atmosphere of this out-of-commission police
posed of glutinous rice mixed with red lime, brown station, which dates to the Japanese era, beckons to the
sugar, and other materials. The construction method intrepid to explore.

may seem primitive, but the pier has survived count­

less typhoons since 1949.
“The techniques used by our forefathers were out­ ating class of the era. Maling Elementary is more than a
standing,” says Lin. “Upstream there were piers con­ century old. In recent years it almost closed because of
structed of concrete that were destroyed by typhoons.” declining enrollment. Now it has turned into a “forest
From Fumin Riverside Park, you can see rubble in the elementary school”—one much loved by the Taipei par­
creek from those toppled concrete bridges. Yet this pier ents who send their children there.
made using glutinous rice still stands erect after many Coke ovens from a past boom
decades of exposure to torrents and typhoons. It is in­ The coke ovens next to Changtan Pavilion on Dahua
deed remarkable that rice has weathered better than Industrial Road are easy to find. There are 24 of them,
concrete. each made of rectangular blocks of stone built into the
From the bridge, you can see a famous local land­ grassy slope. Together they suggest an old city wall or
mark: Mt. Shishi (“stone lion”). The year that Lin gradu­ military fortification. Locals used to pyrolyze coal here
ated from Maling Elementary School, his entire class to make coke. The top­grade stuff went to China Steel,
climbed that peak. It was a typical trip for a gradu­ whereas coke of lower quality was sold to ironsmiths.

起,沒人要燒煤了,如今只能撫石追憶。 史蒂芬尼甜心屋座落於日德礦坑旁,地點隱密,
焦炭窯旁有一整排新砌的烤披薩窯,是杜秀 Stephanie’s Amoureux Maison is located next to the Ride Mine.
The beautiful, secluded location is a great place to enjoy a meal
珍與林飛海利用農村再生計畫經費設立的裝置, on a lazy afternoon.
字要呈現披薩窯跟焦炭窯的連結,我想了半天, 都要我報花況,我都會去觀察指標最漂亮的那一
只好寫出這樣的文字。」只見導覽牌上先介紹焦 棵。」林飛海說的指標桐花樹就位在富民親水公
炭窯製作過程:「進料、封口、燃燒、出窯、冷 園,此處有饒富詩意的桐花步道,最富盛名的高
卻、運送」;再介紹披薩製作過程:「預熱、麵 大桐花則開在水岸邊,每到花季,雪白桐花就會
皮、餡料、進料、出料、享用、運送」。沒想到 緩緩飄落水裡,場景非常詩情畫意,「這棵現在
兩者製作方式居然驚人相似,而且這硬拗的導覽 已經變成我們的『金城武』樹。」林飛海說。
解說,還正經八百地刻在大理石碑上,連杜秀珍 從親水公園往上步行五分鐘可抵達一處私房秘
跟林飛海兩人都覺得超級好笑。 境。路上沒有任何指標,只有路旁有簡陋繩索可
來到瑪陵當然不能錯過桐花,「現在我同學 林飛海小時候常跟朋友跑到這裡玩水,他們

With the rising popularity of gas as a fuel, this method seen drifting down onto the water, a sight that recalls
of coke-making fell out of use, so today the ovens stand beautiful lines of classical Chinese poetry.
only as reminders of what once was. Walking uphill from the park for about five minutes,
May snow: Tung tree blossoms you come to a secret garden. No signs on the road an-
Of course, you cannot come to Maling in the spring nounce its existence. Rather, there are just some simple
without admiring the tung tree blossoms. “These days ropes to climb down to the creek bed, where the bab-
all my old classmates want up-to-date reports about bling water awaits. Next to a large rock there is a deep
their blooming. I always use the most beautiful tree as emerald pool.
an index.” Lin’s index tree is in Fumin Riverside Park, When Lin was little, he would often come here with
where the paths wind gracefully among tung trees. The friends. They would jump into the pool from the rock
most famous giant tree grows on the riverbank. When or mount a swing suspended from a tree. Because of
the trees are blossoming, its snow-white petals can be the shape of a rock next to the creek, they used to call

Recalling fortifications, this mottled wall of old coke ovens is strikingly well preserved.

會從大石頭上跳水,在樹間盪鞦韆,還依溪水旁 拱形落地窗搭配米色系沙發,展現極具格調又輕
岩石形狀暱稱這裡叫「棺材窟」。「其實瑪陵 鬆的氛圍。
又被稱為『女巫的墳墓』,就是因為這裡環境幽 杜秀珍身為瑪西社區協會理事長,其實是不
謐。」林飛海這麼一說,此地意境倒真有點符合 折不扣的「新住民」。十幾年前她相中此地,把
女巫的秘境呢! 整片地連同礦坑口與變電所都買下來,開始一磚
玩了一個早上,肚子已經餓得咕咕叫,我們沿 「移民」瑪陵的人,據說越來越多,一反當年礦
著日德礦坑步道拾級而上,來到座落在玫瑰園內 業人口外流的趨勢。
的史蒂芬妮甜心屋。這座獨特的西式建築由杜秀 享用完精緻的套餐後,我們點了鳳梨水果冰茶
珍一手設計打造,餐廳內陳列蒐羅自世界各地的 與撫慰人心的橙香肉桂橘茶,慵懶地欣賞著歐風
奇珍異品,並有著絕佳的視野,內裝歐風,高大 田園景致,感到十分心滿意足。揮別瑪陵前,又
An expression of the sensibility of the woman who runs it, the 著幾顆農場自種的新鮮猴頭菇,踏上滿足的賦歸
famous Fangyu Farm brings nature into its interior spaces. It is a
good place to pick up a gift to bring back home. 之路。

the place “Coffin Cave.” “In fact, Maling is also known 瑪陵橋橫跨瑪陵坑溪,是當地相當著名的景點地
as the ‘witch’s tomb’ because it is so secluded,” Lin ex- Imposing Maling Bridge, which arches over Malingkeng
plains. It’s hard to disagree. The place does indeed have Creek, is a famous local landmark.

much of the aura of a mysterious witches’ hideout.

Stephanie’s Amoureux Maison
Having explored all morning, our stomachs are apple iced tea and some soothing orange and cinnamon
rumbling. We ascend the Ride Mine Trail and arrive infusion, lazily taking in the charming European-style
at Stephanie’s Amoureux Maison, which is set amid a garden. What bliss! Before waving goodbye to Maling,
rose garden. The unique Western-style building was we wander over to the famed Fangyu Farm, where we
designed and built by Do Shojen herself. Decorated in bump into its owner, Yang-Zheng Jinman. She points us
the European style, the dining room features displays to some shelves where there is a magnificent array of
of curios collected from around the world and provides pomelo and cinnamon floral waters that she makes her-
expansive views. With its big arched windows that self. We end up bringing home several monkey-head
start at floor level and its beige sofas, the room offers a mushrooms grown on the farm. l
stylishly relaxed atmosphere. (Sharleen Su/photos by Kent Chuang/
After enjoying an exquisite set meal, we order pine- tr. by Jonathan Barnard)


無藍害燭光 OLED
抗 藍 害 專 家

Leading the World

in Candlelight OLED:
Safe Lighting Expert
Jou Jwo-huei
文•謝宜婷 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•蕭郢岑

研發產出,當人們在夜間使用時,因為燈光不含 T  he world’s first ever table lamp to use “candle­
light  organic  light­emitting  diodes,”  which 
eliminate  harmful  blue  light,  has  been  developed  in 
Taiwan  and  is  being  produced  here.  When  the  lamp 
is  used  at  night,  because  its  light  includes  no  blue 
計畫負責人George Brainard,也特地來台取經。 wavelengths,  the  body  can  secrete  normal  amounts 
除了有助於人類健康,這項發明也幫助「上帝的 of  melatonin,  helping  to  block  the  development  of 
部落──司馬庫斯」維持生態,昆蟲不再飛向充 cancer  cells.  Even  the  American  scientist  George 
滿藍光的路燈而燙死,星星的光芒也不再被路燈 Brainard, who designed the solid­state lighting sys­
掩蓋。 tem for the International Space Station, has come to 
Taiwan to learn about it. Besides its benefits for hu­
man health, this invention is also helping the  Atayal 
village of Smangus to protect its environment: With­
out blue light in its streetlights, insects will no lon­
式越來越方便,但看不見的危害卻越來越嚴重。蠟 ger fly toward them and be burned to death, and the 
燭燃燒會產生PM2.5,煤油燈會產生刺鼻臭味,日 twinkling of the stars will no longer be hidden.
的LED(發光二極體),耗電量低、亮度高,看似 Jou Jwo-huei, a professor in the Department of Mater-
是照明界一大突破,卻富含藍光,如果在夜間長時 ials Science and Engineering at National Tsing Hua Uni-
versity (NTHU), led an R&D team in developing a table
lamp using organic light-emitting diodes (OLED) with
a visible color spectrum similar to candlelight. Not only
does it eliminate blue light, but compared to LED lamps its
極體)檯燈,不但除去藍光,而且與LED相較, light is better suited to activities requiring up-close vision.
其發光方式更有助於近距離的用眼活動。在手機 In this age of ubiquitous use of mobile phones and tablet
與平板被過度使用的年代,周卓煇要向大眾傳揚 computers, Jou wants to spread the “candlelight OLED”
「燭光OLED」的福音,讓真正的好光被看見。 gospel to enable people to enjoy higher-quality light.
Candlelight OLED: No blue light hazard
燭光OLED:無藍害光芒 When we enter Jou Jwo-huei’s lab, the overhead light-
ing is turned off, leaving only natural light shining into
the room. Two lamps are set out on a desk, one being a
conventional LED lamp and the other a candlelight OLED
的LED檯燈,另一座是燭光OLED三瓣燈,他透 lamp. Looking at us through yellow spectacle lenses—
過黃色的抗藍光鏡片,看了採訪團隊,接著熱情 which block out blue light—Jou says warmly: “Try them
地說:「試試看!兩個差在哪裡?」一打開LED yourselves! What’s the difference between them?” When
燈,刺眼的白光讓人忍不住瞇眼,但燭光OLED the LED lamp is turned on, the glaring white light forces
燈的橘光柔和,眼睛可以直視。 one to squint. But one can look directly at the soft orange
light of the candlelight OLED lamp without discomfort.
“The biggest difference between OLED and LED is in
the light source: OLED is a planar light source while LED
is a point light source,” Jou explains. The light-emitting
中、刺眼,如果要作為照明,就必須先將光線均 units in an LED are smaller than a grain of salt, and the
勻分散,才能使用。相較之下,OLED的結構是 highly concentrated light rays may irritate the eyes. To
兩層半導體性質的氧化物,中間夾著一層比頭髮 use LEDs for lighting, one must first diffuse the light
還細一千倍的發光材料。對眼睛來說,亮度均勻 rays and spread them evenly. By contrast, an OLED is

的平面光比較不會有負擔。 composed of two layers of semiconducting oxides with a

「你們可以摸摸看,燭光OLED燈不會燙!」 多的「藍漏」現象。有些民眾使用橘白光LED檯
周卓煇自信地說。清大照明團隊研發的燭光 燈,卻發現「光越來越藍了!」原因很有可能是
OLED燈色溫只有1700K,遠低於現有暖白光的 黃色的螢光粉開始失效,更多藍光開始釋出。
時讓眼睛休息,對靈魂之窗的傷害很大。 周卓煇是全台第一位開設「工程倫理」課程的
有些LED燈為了達到護眼功用,使用橘白色的 老師,為了準備這門課,他也開始研究「醫學倫
燈光,乍看之下,比藍白光柔和許多,但周卓煇 理」,這才發現平常研究的「光」,對生理運作
提醒,暖白光LED的發光原理是用部分藍光擊打 有重要的影響。
黃色螢光粉,螢光粉的壽命不如藍光LED,時間 「我讀了一千多篇paper,了解到最新的醫學發
久了,便無法再吸收藍光,而導致藍光越來越 展。」周卓煇說,白天照藍光,會刺激松果體分



清大照明團隊研發的燭光OLED於2015 年獲得「國際暗天協
The candlelight OLED developed by the OLED lighting R&D
team at NTHU won the 2015 Lighting Award of the International
Dark-Sky Association.

layer of light-emitting material between them that is 1000
times thinner than a human hair. The even brightness of
the planar light source is easier on the eyes.
“You can feel for yourselves—the candlelight OLED
lamp isn’t hot to the touch!” says Jou with confidence. The
color temperature of the candlelight OLED lamp devel-
oped by the OLED lighting R&D team at NTHU is only
1700 Kelvin, far lower than the 3000K of existing warm
white light lamps. Meanwhile, the color temperature of
cool white LED lamps is around 6000K, and they operate
at high temperatures and emit a lot of energy. People who
work in such environments can do serious harm to their
eyes if they do not rest them regularly.
To protect the eyes, some LED lamps use orange–yellow
light, which at first glance appears much softer than blue– 將「藍害量化光譜儀」放置在白光LED檯燈下,顯示藍
white light. But Jou cautions that the principle behind 光的波峰特別高。
When a quantitative spectroradiometer is placed under a
such LED lighting is to shine blue light onto a fluorescent white LED table lamp, it shows an especially high peak for
blue light.
layer of yellow phosphor. The service life of the phosphor
coating is not as long as that of the blue light LED, so that
after some time it can no longer absorb blue light, leading
to “blue leakage,” with more and more blue light getting 不像LED光照會讓博物館內的名畫漸漸「轉褐」。
out. Some people who use orange–yellow LED table lamps Candlelight OLED lighting is not only beneficial to human
health, it also helps preserve cultural artifacts, whereas LED
notice that over time the light grows increasingly blue. lighting gradually darkens paintings.

This candlelight OLED lamp, known
as the Lily Lamp, was designed
by the First O-Lite Company, a
collaborative partner of NTHU’s
OLED lighting R&D team.

氧化的障礙,讓光可以同時在不同的發光層發 昂貴,一公克高達三∼五萬,因此台灣的光電大廠
光,此外,也在原有的紅色與藍色發光層,多置 友達、奇美、東元早在2006年紛紛退出這個市場,
放一層太陽光互補色的綠色發光層。後來,再於 若要將燭光OLED商品化,需要國際大廠的合作,
2012年開發出燭光OLED。 幸運的是,2018年,在南京第壹有機光電公司的協
這兩項發明都獲得專利,問世後也吸引國際關 助下,清大正式發表全球第一盞燭光OLED檯燈。
流;2015年,製造OLED面板的韓國大廠LG化學 曾因為是全台最晚有電力供應而被稱為「黑暗
公司來台拜訪;同年,還獲得國際暗空協會的年 部落」的司馬庫斯,其實也遭受光汙染,周卓煇
度「照明設計獎」。 有次上山時,發現當地夜晚的自然景色與星空,
這項發明在經濟部計畫補助下,清大與台灣的智 被路燈的強光遮蓋,與牧師討論後,計畫以燭光
晶光電開發量產技術,不過因為OLED的研發費用 OLED燈替換。

This may be because the orange–yellow phosphor has With grants from the Ministry of Economic Affairs,
begun to fail, allowing more blue light to be emitted. NTHU and Taiwan’s WiseChip Semiconductor Com-
Blue light: A right time and a wrong time pany began to develop mass-production capabilities
Jou is the first teacher in Taiwan to offer a course in for candlelight OLED. In 2018, with assistance from the
engineering ethics. To prepare for this class, he began First O-Lite company of Nanjing, NTHU launched the
researching medical ethics. Only then did he discover world’s first candlelight OLED table lamp.
the important impact of light—the usual subject of his The mission: Good lighting
research—on human physiology. The Atayal indigenous community of Smangus,
“I read over 1000 papers in order to get up to date which was known as “the dark village” because it was
with the latest medical developments.” Jou explains that the last place in Taiwan to get electricity, later suffered
when blue light is used at night, it inhibits the secretion from severe light pollution. Once when Jou went up
of melatonin in the pineal gland, so that the hormone into the mountains to do volunteer work there, he dis-
fails to fulfill its antidiuretic and anticancer functions. covered that the natural nighttime scenery and stars
This causes some people to suffer “nocturia”—the need were obscured by bright street lights. After discussing
to urinate at night—and increases the risk of prostate the matter with the local pastor, a plan was made to
cancer in men and breast cancer in women. replace them with candlelight OLED street lights.
In 2014, the medical journal CA: A Cancer Journal for The village is communally managed, and Jou first
Clinicians carried an article entitled “Breast Cancer and made his proposal in the church, introducing the eco-
Circadian Disruption from Electric Lighting in the Mod- logical advantages of candlelight OLED. Work on the
ern World,” which includes a discussion of the candle- project only began after getting everyone’s agreement.
light OLED that was successfully developed in 2012. The Tribal elder Yuraw Icyang recalls the moment when
article points out that death rates from breast cancer are the candlelight OLED lamps were lit. “I was really
higher among women in industrialized nations. If there moved, because the feeling was very gentle, just like
is a connection between nighttime lighting and breast when I was small and my father and adults in the com-
cancer, then improve ments could be made by using munity lit the resin of the Taiwan white pine.” Yuraw
either lighting that varies in accordance with circadian Icyang hopes that the experience of Smangus will help
rhythms, or the candlelight OLED invented at NTHU. more people understand the importance of good light
International attention for health and the environment.
The NTHU R&D team first created a “sunlight-style” In Jou’s view, not only is there not enough good
OLED in 2009, and then developed the candlelight OLED lighting, but genuine protection will only come from
in 2012. knowledge and tools that eliminate blue light hazard.
These two inventions were both patented and attracted This is why he published the book Embracing Darkness
international attention. In 2010, Japanese scientist Junji to promote knowledge about the use of light, and set
Kido, the first person to invent a white OLED, made a up a Facebook fanpage on the hazards of blue light,
special trip to NTHU to exchange views with the OLED posting videos that share medical concepts about the
lighting team. In 2015, staff from the giant Korean firm LG effects of light on sleep. He uses the “blue light hazard
Chem, which manufactures OLED panels, came to Taiwan quantitat ive spectroradiometer” developed and pat-
for a visit. That same year Jou Jwo-huei won the Lighting ented by NTHU to measure office lighting and LED
Award of the International Dark-Sky Association. table lamps, and he publishes quantitative data about

A candlelight OLED lamp installed in a holiday cabin in the
Atayal indigenous community of Smangus. The soft color of the
lamplight sets off the beauty of the natural scenery. (courtesy of
NTHU OLED lighting R&D team)

部落長老優繞.依將回憶燭光OLED被點亮的 線照向天空,造成夜空污染。(清大OLED照明團隊提供)
那刻,「我心裡真的很感動,彷彿看到小時候爸 Candlelight OLED street lights installed in Smangus have rattan
lampshades that limit light pollution by blocking the light from
爸跟部落的長輩點亮五葉松松脂的感覺,很溫 shining upwards. (courtesy of NTHU OLED lighting R&D team)

various levels of blue light regarding the harm they may
cause to the eyes, their effect on melatonin synthesis, and
maximum safe usage times.
專書《擁抱暗黑》推廣用光的正確知識,也開設臉 In collaboration with the Southern Taiwan Science
書粉專「抗藍害專家」,在影片中分享用光與睡眠 Park, the OLED lighting R&D team set up the Orange
的醫學觀念。他使用清大的專利研發「藍害量化光 Babe Technology Company to sell candlelight OLED table
譜儀」,來量測辦公室的燈、LED檯燈,告訴民眾 lamps and blue light blocking glasses. At present, be-
在特定亮度的藍光下,對眼睛的傷害、對褪黑激素 cause the production volume of the table lamps is low, the
prices are high, but they should fall to affordable levels
once production is ramped up. Jou also plans to come out
with an English edition of Embracing Darkness in hopes
of raising the international profile of his “illuminating”
眼鏡。目前檯燈因為少量生產,因此價格昂貴,未 ideas and this brilliant Taiwanese invention, which he be-
來大量產製後,價格會較親民。周卓煇也計畫推出 lieves will be a boon to human eyes and health. l
《擁抱暗黑》的英文版,希望讓這盞「台灣之光」 (Tina Xie/photos by Lin Min­hsuan/
被世界看見,成為更多人眼睛與身體的祝福。 l tr. by Phil Newell) 

Smangus is the world’s first demonstration community for
blue-hazard-free lighting, and in 2020 won a Taiwan Light
Environment Award. (photo by Zhao Yuchen, courtesy of
Coretronic Culture and Arts Foundation)



The Last Piece

of the PV Puzzle:
Recycling Solar Panels

文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒


台南大學綠能所的研究團隊以「永續物命」 是採用矽晶製作的矽晶太陽能電池,因此太陽
為理念,領先國際開發出完全回收系統。他們打 能板的主要材料裡大約是75%玻璃、10%鋁、
造太陽光電產業的循環經濟,為世紀難題找到解 10%EVA塑膠,其他還有矽、銅、銀等。「太
方,也為台灣的光電產業闢出一條新路。 陽能板可以耐受日曬、風吹雨打至少20年,代
夏季中南部艷陽高照,太陽能板努力地做工。 用。」台南大學綠色能源科技學系教授傅耀賢
若是民間集資架設,大家正開心賺進躉售電價, 表示。



M odeling b y the Inte r nat ional R e newable

Energy Agency (IRENA) predicts that the
world will have more than 900 million metric tons
of solar panel waste on its hands by 2050. But find-
ing ways to recycle old panels has already become a
pressing global concern.
A research team with National University of
Tainan’s Graduate Institute of Greenergy is at the
forefront of international efforts to fully recycle
solar panels. The team’s aim is to generate new op-
portunities for Taiwan’s photovoltaic power indus- 投入光電研究20多年,傅耀賢拿著曾經熱門的薄膜太陽能
try by creating a circular economy in solar panels. 電池,娓娓道出產業的興衰。
Fu Yaw-shyan has been researching solar power for more than
20 years. Here, he makes a point about the industry’s ups and
downs by holding up a now obsolescent thin-film solar cell.
As brilliant summer sunlight streams down upon
central and southern Taiwan, the area’s photovoltaic
(PV) panels are hard at work generating power. But
these solar panels won’t last forever. Those made with An international mission
current technology have a nominal service life of 20- Solar panels primarily consist of glass (75%), alu-
some years, and natural disasters can shorten their life minum (10%), and the copolymer ethylene vinyl acet-
expectancy. If we accept the need for large-scale use of ate (EVA, 10%), along with smaller amounts of silicon,
green energy to slow the progress of climate change, copper and silver. “Solar panels are able to withstand
we must also give thought to what to do with retired at least 20 years of wind, rain and sun because these
solar panels. materials are of high quality. They should be recycled

The quartz on the left
can be refined into the
metallurgical grade silicon
(MGS) on the right. MGS
is a key raw material for
the PV and semiconductor

歐洲的太陽光電發展較早,也較快就面臨廢 造成環境汙染的隱憂,這豈不有違發展綠能的初
太陽能板的處理,因此,目前國際上處理廢太 衷,促使傅耀賢與研究團隊,立志要做到太陽能
陽能板回收,主要是由歐盟成立的組織「P V 板完全回收。
Cycle」領頭。PV Cycle的處理方法是先將鋁框
膠,其中塑膠會再以熱裂解的方式,將EVA膠合 求學時代主修化學,傅耀賢2001年博士班畢業
層及背板以高溫氣化,最後回收鋁、矽、銅、 後便進入工研院,鑽研新材料在太陽能的應用,
銀、玻璃等材料。 接著到台南大學任教,繼續太陽光電的研究。20
熱裂解可以想像成是沒有氧氣的燃燒,當太陽 多年不間斷的研究生涯,傅耀賢見證了太陽光電
能板上的材料經過裂解後,會被碳化或是變成氣 的起伏興衰。傅耀賢表示,冶金級的矽曾經要價
體。然而太陽能板的背板裡含有氟,燃燒後的氣 1公斤1萬元台幣,當時矽晶太陽能電池的成本非
體會破壞臭氧層,所以採用熱裂解的方式,必須 常高,於是投入研究能替代矽晶的薄膜太陽能電
建置捕捉有毒氣體的設備,再妥善處理。這也是 池。原本矽晶電池一瓦售價3.4美金,成本1.8美金
為什麼PV Cycle的回收產線需要像煉鋼廠的大空 的薄膜電池具有優勢;隨著矽晶成本降低,現在
間,且一台設備要價將近台幣一億元。 矽晶太陽能電池每瓦只要0.4美金,轉換效率差、
傅耀賢指出,歐洲的回收產業不像台灣發達, 成本相對高的薄膜太陽能電池被淘汰,台灣廠商
對他們而言,E VA、含氟背板的回收產值都太 也倒了好幾間。傅耀賢轉而研究鈣鈦礦太陽能電
低,即使大費周章回收,也無處可用,最後還是 池,並持續尋找能促進產業發展的研究方向。
得找地方掩埋或燒掉;且現階段歐洲也沒有技術 當國際間大力推動綠能,以2050年淨零碳排為
將這些物質從太陽能板上分離,才會一開始就選 目標時,傅耀賢意識到太陽能蓬勃發展的背後,
擇燒掉。傅耀賢以含氟背板的成分PVDF為例, 是廢太陽能板回收的問題。「如果只是燒掉,沒
「PVDF的新料一公斤1,300元,回收後也有幾百 有循環回收再使用,那全世界每年製造的廢棄
元的價值,但當把它燒掉,價值就是零,還要花 物量將以億噸算,這樣太陽能發電還算是環保
錢處理廢氣。」不忍有用的材料被廢棄,還會 嗎?」傅耀賢自問。

and reused,” says Fu Yaw-shyan, a professor in the De- would end up going into a landfill or being incinerated.
partment of Greenergy at National University of Tainan. Europe currently also lacks the technology to mechanically
PV Cycle, a member-based PV takeback and recyc- separate these materials from solar panels, which is why
ling scheme established by the European Union, is cur- processors just burn them off. Fu resolved to find ways to
rently the world leader in solar panel recycling. Proces- fully recycle PV panels because he believes that wasting
sors typically disassemble the aluminum frames of the useful materials and letting them become a pollution con-
panels, then shred the remaining material and heat it to cern is antithetical to the goals of green energy.
vaporize the EVA polymers and backsheets. The process A comprehensive recycling system
enables the recovery of most of the aluminum, silicon, Fu’s background is in chemistry. After completing his
copper, silver and glass in the panels. PhD in 2001, he went to work for the Industrial Technology
Unfortunately, the panels’ backsheets typically con- Research Institute investigating the solar energy applica-
tain fluorine, which is released when the backsheets are tions of new materials. He then became a professor at Na-
pyrolyzed. Flourine damages the ozone layer, so recyc- tional University of Tainan, where he continued his solar
ling facilities have to install equipment to capture it, energy research. Fu has seen the ups and downs of solar at
making the facilities as large as steel mills, and driving first hand throughout his more than 20-year research career.
their construction costs to nearly NT$100 million. When the international community began a big push
Fu says that Europe’s recycling industry isn’t as devel- into green energy, aiming for net zero carbon emissions by
oped as Taiwan’s, and doesn’t bother recycling EVA and 2050, solar power entered a period of rapid development.
backsheets. Even if the Europeans went to the trouble Fu recognized that this growth was going to make PV
of doing so, the materials have so little value that they panel recycling a serious issue.

Fu’s team uses physical reduction to separate
PV panels into layers, enabling them to be
fully recycled. The photos show glass, EVA,
and silicon recovered by the process.

(劉真誠提供 process diagram courtesy of Liu Cheng-chen)

但溶劑會造成二次汙染,即使研究有成,仍沒想過推 光把材料逐項回收還不夠,為讓太陽能板回收
廣。團隊改嘗試物理性技術,以破壞材料接面親和 有機會帶動產業發展,團隊繼續研究回收後的材
力的方式,一層一層的拆解太陽能板。台灣是工具機 料應用,探索商業模式的可行性。核心成員之一
大國,具備精密機械技術的深厚基礎,團隊與多間 的洪嘉聰博士表示,回收技術研發的過程中,其
廠商合作研發,克服機器升溫膠合層會沾黏等問題。 實數度有廠商想向傅耀賢買下技術。傳統的學術
經過不斷地研究,如今最新的技術是,機台在室溫 研究,或許就止步於單項技術開發,但傅耀賢知
下即可進行太陽能板拆解,不需要增溫,可在不破 道,技術轉移後,在商言商,人們只會取用價值
壞材料原有特性的原則下,成功將鋁框、矽晶、玻 高的材料,如矽、銀,而EVA、玻璃等商業價值
璃、EVA、PVDF、貴重金屬等分別回收。 低的材料,可能就被廢棄;所以必須開發各種回

using joint R&D efforts with a number of companies
to draw on their deep well of expertise. Its most recent
method has been to run the machines disassembling the
panels at room temperature, which allows the aluminum
frames, silicon, glass, EVA, polyvinylidene difluoride
(PVDF) and valuable metals to be separated from one
another while maintaining their original characteristics.
Cash-positive recycling
The team has also continued to investigate applications
for recycled materials as a means of furthering the indus-
try’s development. Andrew Hung, a core team mem-
ber, says that many firms approached Fu about buying
technology while the group was still conducting its R&D.
Fu has declined their offers because he feels that business
being business, these companies would only extract and
左起:戴學斌、傅耀賢、劉真誠、柯 reuse the high-value materials, while dumping materials
昊葳、洪嘉聰。 with lower commercial value, like glass and EVA, into the
The team is doing its utmost to build a
circular economy in PV cells by developing waste stream. He believes that finding a real way forward
recycling methods and applications for
recycled materials. From left to right: Dai
on the disposition of old PV panels means developing
Shyue-bin, Fu Yaw-shyan, Liu Cheng- applications for all of the recovered materials, so that
chen, Ke How-wei, and Andrew Hung.
those materials can be fed back into the industrial chain.
Fu says that Taiwan has the advantage of having a
complete recycling ecosystem that enables companies
here to transform waste materials regarded as trash in
other countries into gold.
While the EVA recovered from PV panels isn’t as
pure as virgin EVA (the bonding process results in metal
contamination), the team was able to turn this to their
advantage by developing products that use metal-doped
EVA, such as antistatic shoes for use in clean rooms.
If the PVDF stripped from solar panels is processed
by pyrolysis, it produces hydrofluorocarbons that dam-
age the Earth’s ozone layer. Fu’s team is therefore look-
ing for ways to take advantage of PVDF’s acid–alkali
He established a research group to study the issue in resistance, evaluating the feasibility of using it in indus-
2017. With its background in chemistry, the group’s entry trial paints, piping for industrial wastewater, or even
point was via chemical decomposition. But even though water filters for reservoirs. If they deem an application
their research yielded results, they didn’t seek to com- highly promising, they examine it in greater depth.
mercialize their methods because the solvents required Innovative thinking
were themselves pollutants. They then looked into ap- The team’s goals go beyond recycling to finding ways
proaches using physical reduction, breaking the physical to upcycle and recover materials. The glass that consti-
bonds between the materials and splitting the panels tutes the bulk of a solar panel is a case in point. While
apart layer by layer. But this raised a new problem: as most recyclers find it a burden because of its low resale
their recycling equipment warmed up, the adhesives value, Fu’s team has developed a method to turn it into
used in the panels began sticking to everything. The a different kind of solar panel.
group turned to Taiwan’s machine tool industry for help, In traditional solar panels, f lat glass plates are

收材料的加值應用,將整條產業鏈串起來,才能 水器,評估哪種用途的可行性、商業價值比較
真的為廢太陽能板找到出路。 高,再持續邁進。
法把垃圾變黃金,就像台灣有領先全球的寶特紗 團隊的理念是,不光做到回收(r e c y c l e),
紡織技術。回收料對台灣廠商而言是能節省成本 還要創價(u p c y c l i n g),甚至要做到回復
的原料,不用從石油提煉新料,也不用挖礦,為 (recovery),讓回收後的材料重新變成太陽能
地球省下資源。 板。太陽能板裡占比最大的玻璃,也是最棘手、
從太陽能板上回收下來的EVA,因為封裝膠合 大家最不想碰觸的問題,傅耀賢的團隊卻能將從
的過程會混雜金屬,所以純度不若新料高。團隊 太陽能板回收的玻璃,變成另一種形式的太陽能
化缺點為優點,開發本來就要在EVA添加金屬的 板,延續它的生命。
產品,例如無塵室裡具抗靜電材質的鞋子。在團 傳統的太陽能板使用的是平板玻璃,必須加裝
隊的努力下,現在已有廠商願意使用從太陽能板 鋁框強化玻璃的耐受力。傅耀賢團隊從名為「槽型
回收來的EVA,來製作鞋子、瑜珈墊等。 玻璃」的建材為發想,並將太陽能電池嵌入玻璃
從太陽能背板上刨下來的P V D F,若以熱裂 中,開發出使用回收玻璃製作槽型光電玻璃的製
解的方法處理,其產生的氫氟碳化物會對臭氧 程。核心成員之一、具物理專長的戴學斌博士拿了
層造成破壞,但傅耀賢的團隊卻是利用P V D F 一張名片舉例,本來是一張平平的紙無法耐重,但
抗酸鹼的特性,正在研究要做成工業排水的水 將兩個短邊往內折兩折後,變成ㄇ字型,讓應力能
管,還是工廠用的塗料,抑或是做成水庫的濾 平均展開便能耐重,就是槽型玻璃的原理。

The research team used its PV
channel glass to build a cabin capable
of generating enough energy to power
the electronics inside, demonstrating
the feasibility of vertical solar panels.
(courtesy of Liu Cheng-chen)

mou nted i n a n alum i num frame to provide ext ra
strength. Fu developed a method for turning recycled PV
glass into channel glass, a construction material, and then
added solar cells to the new product. Team member Dai
Shyue-bin, who holds a PhD in physics, uses a namecard
to demonstrate how channel glass works. While a flat
namecard is pretty flimsy, it can hold more weight if you
fold the ends over to create a squared-off u-shape. Dai
says that’s the principle underlying channel glass.
Last September, Fu’s team and the CPC Corporation
built a solar energy cabin from the team’s channel glass.
Team member Dr. Liu Cheng-chen laughs, “The glass
kept getting bashed by hammers during assembly, but
the blows didn’t so much as scratch it. It’s clearly plenty 目標,讓機台具備出口國際的潛力。(劉真誠提供)
strong.” The cabin also produced enough power to run the The team is aiming to fully automate its PV panel recycling
system and make it small enough to fit inside a 40-foot container,
air conditioner inside, which has given the team greater to increase its export potential. (courtesy of Liu Cheng-chen)
confidence in promoting PV construction materials.
The group believes that if solar panels can be integrated
into buildings, builders can provide generating capacity 高,90公斤的人站上去也沒問題。
for just the cost of the construction materials. Fu thinks it Able to easily bear the weight of a 90-kilogram person, the team’s
PV channel glass has a higher safety factor than the glass used
would be feasible to install the team’s new panels in struc- for glass-curtain buildings.

tures such as the noise barriers lining highways and along

pedestrian walkways. In addition to lowering the cost of
integrating PV power, this would also reduce the competi-
tion for land between PV installers and the public.
Building a future for PV
The team has been researching PV panel recycling
for five years, and is currently raising funds to cover the
cost of certifying its PV building material. The group
believes that obtaining both PV and construction certifi-
cations for its product will help broaden the PV industry’s
outlook. The team is also testing out the automation of
its recycling machines with the goal of building a fully
automated production line that can be installed in a 40-
foot shipping container. The success of that effort would
enable PV recycling facilities to be shipped anywhere in
the world they are needed, saving the energy that would
otherwise be used to ship decommissioned PV panels to
a distant recycler. Such technology could open up new
international markets for Taiwan.
Asked whether the team has struggled with any obsta-
cles in the last five years, Fu laughs and says, “We’ve hit
many, but we’ve pushed through them all.” Their recycling
technology alone has undergone three major revisions,

去年九月,傅耀賢的團隊與中油合作,使用 協助下,傅耀賢還要學習企管、募資等各項知
他們開發的槽型玻璃來搭建一間太陽能屋,核 識,早已超過人們對大學教授的想像。包含傅耀
心成員劉真誠博士笑說:「架設的過程中榔頭 賢在內的四位團隊核心成員,已決定就算賣地賣
不時會敲中玻璃,可一點事兒也沒有,表示這 房,也要拿出百萬積蓄,作為公司營運的資金。
個建材的強度真的夠。」而太陽能屋所發的電 戴學斌笑說,傅耀賢像是傳教士,總提醒團隊把
力,也足夠供應裡頭的冷氣使用,增強了團隊 太陽能板回收當成志業。「因為這是對環境有幫
推展光電建材的信心。 助的事,能不能賺錢不知道,但做這件事是快樂
為了增加太陽能占整體發電的比例,勢必得 的。」傅耀賢義無反顧地說。 l


認證,便能為光電產業拓展另一種視野。回收 太陽能板完全回收,
機台設備也已進入自動化的測試階段,團隊還 為廢太陽能板的問題
計畫打造一條全自動化、能裝進40呎貨櫃的產 綠能的目標。
The Taiwanese
線,如此一來便能將回收裝置送到世界各地, research team is
striving to resolve the
節省大型太陽能電廠運輸廢太陽能板所耗費的 problem of PV panel
能源,也意味著台灣能藉由太陽能板回收的技 waste and make
green energy truly
術,在國際市場闢出一條新路。 sustainable by finding
ways to fully recycle
問傅耀賢這五年來是否遇過瓶頸?他笑笑地 solar panels.


and many firms that were initially very supportive of raise millions of NT dollars to fund their operations, even
their efforts have gotten tired of waiting and given up. if they had to sell their own homes to do so. Dai Shyue-
The team is constantly dealing with the challenges of how bin laughs and tells us that Fu is like a missionary, con-
to win grants and raise the technological barriers to entry. stantly encouraging team members to look on PV panel
For the last few years, the government has been encour- recycling as a vocation. Fu himself says, “I’m not sure this
aging universities to establish companies as a means of will ever turn a profit, but I’m happy to be doing it even
getting their research into the hands of industry. Fu’s team so, because our work will benefit the environment.” l
was the first from NUTN to do so. He and the other three (Chen Chun-fang/photos by Kent Chuang/
core members of his team decided that they needed to tr. by Scott Williams)



Soundscapes of Immigrant Life:

Performance Art in Taiwan
文•劉亭均 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•蕭郢岑


S ince the launch of Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy, immigrants from South-
east Asia have been enjoying greater job and financial security. However, their
quality of life and psychological wellbeing still leave much room for improvement.
“This is because we have not been making enough effort to understand the ethnic
cultures of Southeast-Asian countries, nor are we all that willing to do so.” Ted
Tsai, a professor in the Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology at Tainan National
University of the Arts, thinks that while Taiwan as a whole is tolerant of cultural
differences and its people are friendly and warm-hearted, behind this welcoming
façade there are things that require careful examination and amelioration.

(胡明月提供 courtesy of Koming Somawati)

Vu Duy Tuan never played the sao meo flute when
he was in Vietnam, but since coming to Taiwan he
has learned to play it by watching YouTube videos.
The music helps keep homesickness at bay.



「內化的歧視觀念隨時都有可能以某種型態的言語和行 憶語言,更是藉此建構身分認同和抒
動突然出現。」《善良的歧視主義者》作者、長期關注社 發情感,人跟人之間也透過這些來交
會議題的韓國江陵原州大學多文化學系教授金知慧,在書 流和建立關係。」蔡宗德說:「如果
中提出了與蔡宗德同樣的疑問:「多數人都是善良的,都 沒有這些,對他們來說就是生活品質
不想做出歧視的言行,只是自己看不見歧視的時候太多罷 的下降,甚至感覺斷開了與原生母國
了。那麼,我們該如何做呢?」不同的是,蔡宗德將這個 文化之間的連結。」失去精神支柱的
難題,透過針對東南亞民族音樂和表演藝術的研究,梳理 新住民和移工,容易在生活裡迷失方
出如今東南亞新移民在生活層次上的現況和困境,除向台 向、產生不滿。這讓蔡宗德注意到表
灣發聲,也對人們提問。 演藝術背後所代表的真正問題。
「台灣的政經地位與東北亞國家相似,但在音樂、藝術 接近一個直轄市的人口。2019年時蔡
和文化上,其實更接近東南亞各國。」一輩子投身研究世 宗德就曾在研究報告中指出,受新南
界各民族音樂的蔡宗德,身兼台灣東南亞諮詢委員會的委 向政策的影響,東南亞表演藝術變得
員,在文化部文化交流司所開展的《新南向海外交流專題 更受到關注,但若不透過教育或交流

Tsai’s work on Southeast-Asian ethnic music and arate music or performance art from their daily lives.
performance art has yielded valuable insights into the Their hearts and souls are sustained by them.”
current conditions of Southeast-Asian immigrants in Southeast-Asian ethnic music is an art form that fea-
Taiwan and the predicaments they face in their daily tures the intersubjectivity of music, dance, and drama. It
lives. He flags up these issues and invites the Taiwanese allows of freedom and variation, and while it is unique,
people to engage with them. it also displays salient traits shared by other types of
Art in daily life world music and ethnic music. Performance art is an
“In terms of political and economic status, Taiwan essential part of Southeast-Asian people’s heritage. Both
resembles the Northeast-Asian countries, but in music, physically and spiritually, it is integral to their existence.
art, and other aspects of culture, it is actually more akin Where is home?
to Southeast Asia,” says Tsai, who has devoted his life to “After coming to Taiwan, migrant workers and long-
studying ethnic music across the world and is a member term immigrants turn to the traditional performance
of Taiwan’s Southeast Asia Advisory Committee. Ad- arts of their native countries, such as music and dance,
vising the Ministry of Culture’s Department of Cultural in order to alleviate homesickness, preserve their cul-
Exchange on a program of collaborative cultural projects tures, and reconnect with their languages. In doing so,
between Taiwan and Southeast Asia, Tsai articulated a they’re able to attain a clearer sense of their own identity
conclusion drawn from many years of field research: “For and express their feelings. They also interact with each
people of Southeast-Asian origin, it’s impossible to sep- other and forge interpersonal connections this way,” Tsai
observes. “Without these things, they
can’t go on to live a good life, and they
may even feel torn from their native
cultures.” Those who lack emotional
support are likely to lose their sense of
purpose and feel disaffected. Tsai has
come to realize that performance art is
relevant to this serious issue.
In Taiwan the total number of South-
east-Asian migrant workers, long-term
immigrants, and their children now
exceeds 1 million, equivalent to the
population of a major municipality. In
2020 the government organized a con-
ference with a view to gaining a deeper
under standing of the experience of
immigrants in Taiwan. “Studies to date
have shown that there are persistent

Shared languages and traditional musical
culture bring immigrants together. Vu Duy
Tuan’s Vietnamese flute band has numerous
members. Even though few of them are able
to attend every rehearsal, they are always on
the lookout for opportunities to practice and
exchange ideas. (courtesy of Vu Duy Tuan)

層面的執行,終會淪為文化平權的口號而已。去 時間更是占了生活大部分時,儘管有了較佳的新
(2020)年政府重新審視這個問題,舉辦了研究 住民政策,但『表演藝術』還是一種奢侈。」。
交流會,積極深入了解新移民的「異國」生活。 而移工的情況更為嚴峻。無論是否同樣拿著工
「到今年為止的研究顯示,教育和政策的落 作簽證來台,相較其他國家,台灣人對移工的想
實尚有問題,東南亞的表演藝術被認為不夠重 法與印象截然不同。因為大部分移工的工作性質
要。」蔡宗德轉而嚴肅地說:「其實解決新住民 並非高知識專業,而是以體力性質居多,來台工
與移工對生活的需求,才能從根本上提高他們對 作的移工都是體能最佳的青壯年。「他們情感豐
台灣經濟和社會上的付出。」 沛,對生活熱情無限,但沒有時間也沒有錢外,
蔡宗德認為新住民媳婦面臨的問題,主要在於 的族群。
重心放在家庭,自身經濟不獨立,婆家大多希望 越南籍吹笛手武維俊來台大約五年,中文說得
她們儘快融入台灣文化,而非去了解媳婦的母國 還不十分流暢的他,從事傳統製造業,因要寄錢
文化。「當工作或經濟無法獨立時,照顧家庭的 回家,而時常周末加班賺錢,休息時間很有限,
橫笛sao meo。「在越南,我從來沒學過笛子,也

Ted Tsai’s research shows that performance art is
of vital importance to the daily lives and emotional
wellbeing of Southeast Asians in Taiwan.

Huang Chuan-lin (right)
and Tsai Bing Chun (left)
are major contributors
to Ted Tsai’s (center)
research on Southeast-
Asian performance art.
They have founded the
Matahari Ensemble,
dedicated to preserving
and promoting
Indonesia’s traditional
gamelan instruments.

problems in the implementation of education and govern- money home, he often works overtime at weekends. As
ment policies. Southeast-Asian performance art has been a result, he doesn’t have much time at his disposal. “But
dismissed as relatively insignificant,” Tsai says. “In fact, we’re able to meet up with friends whenever there’s a
only if we help immigrants satisfy their daily needs can day off.” Tuan’s fiancée, Do Thi Kim Vien, works in a
we address the fundamental issues and enhance their different place. They met at a Vietnamese gathering.
contribution to Taiwan’s economy and society.” Kim Vien has been in Taiwan for a long time, work-
Between money and culture ing two shifts a day in the hospitality industry. She
Tsai thinks that the problems faced by long-term im- cherishes every opportunity to connect with fellow
migrant women in Taiwan mainly arise from their single- Vietnamese expatriates. “We all work in different cities.
minded commitment to their families, which makes them To save on travel time and expenses, we usually meet
financially dependent. “Even though the government has up in public spaces near railway stations. But when
improved its policies toward immigrants, performance people find us chatting, singing or dancing together,
art becomes an unaffordable luxury when you do not they come and ask us to leave.”
have a job or are not financially independent, and when Discouraged by this unfriendly treatment, they
family life occupies most of your time.” no longer meet up frequently. To assuage his home-
Migrant workers are in an even more difficult situation. sickness, Tuan turned to Vietnamese songs, and later
As most of them are employed as laborers, rather than started to play the traditional Vietnamese flute, sao meo,
as highly skilled workers or intellectuals, they tend to be which helped him reacquaint himself with his native
young people who are physically fit. “They are enthusi- culture. Tuan practices hard. The Vietnamese flute
astic and passionate about life, but they don’t have much band he belongs to has almost 20 members now. “But
free time, nor do they have any money to spare. What’s rarely do more than five or six of us turn up each time.”
more, they’re subject to a lot of restrictions and prejudices, If meeting up is difficult, finding a welcoming place
including religious discrimination.” Tsai adds that current for rehearsals is even more of a challenge, so Tuan of-
policies do not give adequate consideration to migrant ten has to practice alone after work.
workers in Taiwan, who number more than 710,000. What has been overlooked?
Vietnamese flautist Vu Duy Tuan has been in Taiwan “Two years ago, when there was a boom in South-
for some five years. Not yet fluent in Chinese, he works east-Asian performance art, many immigrants were
for a traditional manufacturing company. In order to send very excited about being invited to perform by the

實我遇到的台灣人都很好,只是我們有些人中文 明月很高興在這裡能認識許多印尼朋友,能再度
說不好,他們容易怕我們。」 用母語交談。
「東南亞表演藝術特別興盛的兩年前,很多新 蹈戲劇,積極發展著峇里島舞蹈藝術表演。美麗
住民與移工都很興奮受到政府邀請表演,」蔡宗 的她自稱有一張「很印尼」的臉孔,即使說著一
德說:「他們努力練習母國的傳統藝術,希望跟 口流利的英文,一看就知道來自東南亞。「我跟
台灣更親近。然而沒演出費,沒有時間讓他們排 朋友們去大賣場買生活用品時,店員們會很友善
練,沒有錢租借場地,更別說沒有條款保護他們 地跟我交談,」胡明月說:「他們會問我,照顧
的權益。」東南亞的表演藝術受到現實嚴苛的擠 爺爺奶奶很辛苦吧?這種工作都沒有休假的。」
壓,蔡宗德語帶遺憾:「於是很快地,許多表演 起初胡明月並不明白店員的意思,直到朋友
團體就解散了,部分則 大聲地替胡明月「澄
將亡不亡的;想要成立 清」:「她是個專業的
的,也組不起來。政策 峇里島舞蹈老師!」胡
的不完善,令許多珍貴 明月才意識到,印尼女
的表演藝術和族群文化 性在台灣存在既定的刻
無法振作,而台灣與他 板印象,她們要不是嫁
們合作的機會也越見渺 來台灣,不然就是來台
小。」 做一周上班七日的看護
身為峇里島國際舞 移工。
者的胡明月(K o m i n g 成立全台第一個馬
Somawati),整個家族世 來西亞手鼓團的新住民
代從事表演藝術,她從 吳振南,現任國立教育
小習舞,「在峇里島, 廣播電台主持人,從取
在印尼,唱歌、彈樂器 得政大哲學系博士到表
和跳舞都是日常的一部 演藝術,他受惠於新南
分。」胡明月的母親已 向政策,但也認為在表
經超過70歲,仍然能在舞 演藝術上,確實仍有值
台上毫不停歇、大氣不 得思考的部分,「東南
喘地舞出一整齣劇。 亞的音樂形式是團體式
在來到台灣之前, 的,然而因為工作、身
胡明月隨著研究世界音 分的不同,群體被切割
樂的美籍丈夫胡敏德 身為國際峇里島專業舞者的胡明月,除了 開來。」
(Made Mantle Hood) 在大學授課外,還開了舞蹈工作室,學生 吳振南在馬來西亞
走遍世界各地。胡敏德 As well as teaching dance classes at 時也不曾學過手鼓,來
universities, professional Balinese dancer
受聘來台擔任南藝大民 Koming Somawati runs her own workshop. 台後思鄉,與同鄉人組
Her students include immigrants and their
族音樂學研究所教授兼 children. (courtesy of Koming Somawati) 團,從頭學起到能上場
所長,只會說英語和母 表演。「成員們都是新
語的胡明月跟著到了台灣,她說:「台灣人都很 住民,所以能透過『新住民及其子女築夢計畫』
好,態度很親切也很熱情。知道我不會講中文, 為手鼓團爭取到經費。但其實申請經費的管道
都盡量用英文跟我溝通,我的學生們也是。」胡 十分複雜,要求很多,連新住民看了都很容易

(胡明月提供 courtesy of Koming Somawati)

government,” Tsai says. “They took pains to practice dance, she gives classes at universities, runs a workshop,
performing the traditional arts of their native countries, and has put on many dance and theatrical performances.
hoping to connect with Taiwan this way. However, the “When my friends and I go to buy groceries, the staff at
performers weren’t paid, they weren’t allowed time for the shopping malls often talk to me in a friendly way,”
rehearsals, and there were no funds for hiring venues. Somawati says. “They would commiserate with me on the
Needless to say, there wasn’t any regulation protecting hard task of taking care of elderly people—because this
their rights.” These harsh realities have hampered the kind of work doesn’t give you any days off.”
development of Southeast-Asian performance art in Somawati didn’t understand what that meant until a
Taiwan. Tsai expresses his regret: “Our policies have friend explained to the staff on her behalf: “She’s a pro-
left much to be desired. They have failed to encourage fessional Balinese dance teacher!” It was only then that
the growth of invaluable performance arts and ethnic Somawati realized that Indonesian women in Taiwan are
cultures. Collaborative opportunities between Taiwan subjected to certain stereotypes: that they come here either
and these cultures are dwindling accordingly.” to get married or to work as carers seven days a week.
Balinese dancer Koming Somawati started to dance Ngo Jian Nam, an immigrant who founded Taiwan’s
when she was a child. “In Bali, and in Indonesia as a first Malaysian hand drum troupe, and who is cur-
whole, singing, playing musical instruments, and danc- rently a presenter at National Education Radio, agrees
ing are an integral part of everyday life.” that we need to reconsider our policies on performance
Prior to moving to Taiwan, Somawati traveled the art. “Southeast-Asian music has to be performed by
world with her husband, Made Mantle Hood, an Amer- ensembles. But musicians find it difficult to come to-
ican scholar of world music. Hood got a professorship gether because of their jobs and their different immi-
at Tainan National University of the Arts, where he is gration statuses.”
now head of the Graduate Institute of Ethnomusicology. “All the members of our hand drum troupe are long-
Somawati, who can only speak English and her mother term immigrants, so we have been able to obtain funding
tongue, came to Taiwan with her husband. She feels that from the government’s Dream-Building Program for
“Taiwanese people are nice. They’re friendly and wel- New Immigrants and Their Children. But to be frank, the
coming. When they find out I don’t speak Chinese, they application process is very complex, and there are many
try their best to communicate with me in English. My conditions. Even eligible long-term immigrants may feel
students do this, too.” deterred, let alone migrant workers who do not qualify
A highly skilled dancer, Somawati has a distinguished for funding under the scheme.” The situation described
track record. Committed to the promotion of Balinese by Ngo corroborates Ted Tsai’s research findings.

Ngo Jian Nam (second from left) has formed Tampo, a Malaysian hand drum troupe, with
friends. Believing that music can transcend linguistic and national boundaries, they wish
to share the beauty of their native country with Taiwanese people. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

放棄,更何況是根本沒有經費條例可申請的移 Cultural diversity in Taiwan

“Are we ready to provide them with suitable living
space and adequate room for their pastimes? Further-
more, have we shown enough respect for their religious
讓多元文化在台綻放 beliefs, and have we tried to understand them?” Tsai tells
us that performance art remains under the radar of the
因為研究音樂,就必須連非音樂的部分都了解 New Southbound Policy, even though it is of vital impor-
透徹,「台灣還沒準備好要接納這群來自南國的 tance to the identity-shaping process of Southeast-Asian
人。他們的生活空間我們準備好了嗎?他們的娛 immigrants in Taiwan, to their children’s reception of
樂我們準備好了嗎?甚至,他們的宗教,我們夠 their immigrant parents’ native cultures, and to migrant
workers’ need to express their feelings in daily life.
“To break this vicious circle, there should be policy
reform that takes into account the different needs of
different people. In cases such as the vast population of
二代對東南亞籍父母的文化接受,還是移工對生 immigrants and migrant workers, we have to consider
活的抒發需要。 various factors, from the economy to an individual’s
「要打破這樣的不良循環,政策尚有可以改進 everyday life.” Tsai suggests a possible solution: “Only
的空間,還可以照顧到更多不同需求的人。面臨 by addressing these issues in our education and by

新住民和移工這樣的大族群,我們要從經濟思考 working to change attitudes can we dispel prejudices

and achieve social harmony and unity, turning Taiwan
into a wonderful place that genuinely embraces cul-
tural diversity.”
(Rina Liu/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
寶島。」 l tr. by Brandon Yen)

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