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2023 中英文北美版

Slow Travel in Small-Town Taiwan


Vol. 48 No. 3 March 2023

享受日光浴的麵條------ 關廟麵

Guanmiao’s Sunkissed Noodles

圖/文•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱

是各家製麵廠的關廟麵招 A rriving in Tainan’s Guanmiao District, you see
countless signs advertising Guanmiao noodles
from different makers. After the dough is kneaded, rolled
麵、人工折麵後,整齊排放在 and cut, the noodles are folded by hand, arranged neatly
竹篩上的麵條,被一盤一盤的 on bamboo trays, and moved outdoors to dry in the sun.
搬到戶外的曬麵場,享受陽光 This is the key to Guanmiao noodles’ fragrance and
的洗禮,這也是關廟麵香Q彈 al dente mouthfeel, and their resistance to overcooking.
牙,不易軟爛的關鍵所在。 (photo and text by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語

「各位旅客,《光華》觀光列車即將從台 蘭傳藝園區的糖蔥文化館、傳唱台灣道地傳
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 北出發,沿途經宜蘭、花東、高雄、台南、 統戲曲的漢陽北管劇團,讓你在宜蘭流連忘
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 徐詠梅 嘉義,甚至遠渡離島,帶你走一趟深度台灣 返、意猶未盡。
Director: Catherine Y.M. HSU
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Editor-in-Chief: Ivan CHEN 之旅……」 到了花東雙濱一帶,依山而建、色彩鮮
主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編/ 鄧慧純 郭美瑜
首站來到台北林森北路上的蒲添生紀念 明的原鄉部落就在眼前,趕緊跟著《光華》
Deputy Editors: Cathy TENG, Mei KUO
文 字 編 輯/ 陳群芳 蘇俐穎 謝宜婷 館,由館長蒲浩志與台灣美術史專家蕭瓊瑞 編採團隊,進入一場又一場美食與自然、生
Writers: CHEN Chun-fang, Lynn SU, Tina XIE
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 馬英凱 劉俊良
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, MA Ying-kai, 教授,共同述說在那顛沛流離的年代,蒲添 活與文化交織而成的原民風景;再到高雄小
Lance LIU
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: Kent CHUANG
生的成長歷程及其風格,並看見台灣雕塑藝 鎮,跟著美濃在地文史工作者邱國源、《今
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN 術發展之足跡,與其創作背後之時代意義。 日美濃》總編輯黃森松,還有「美濃農村田
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱
Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿 在旅途的過程中,各位是否有觀察到街邊 野學會」理事長溫仲良等人,走讀美濃客
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR,
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏 五花八門的各式招牌?雖然形式繁雜,卻是 庄,細數美濃開庄數百年累積的飲食風華。
Japanese Editors: Yukina YAMAGUCHI,
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘
饒富趣味與特色,讓人容易親近。探照文化 一路往北來到橫跨台南與嘉義的西拉
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香 執行長李明璁在接受《光華》專訪時說道: 雅國家風景區,放慢你的腳步,讓這具有
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong
泰 文 編 輯/ 王玉雯
Thai Editor: WANG Yu-wen 「招牌是文化的一個縮影……首先,不可否 「永續概念」的景點,和木產業之都──嘉
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa
社 群 編 輯/ 蕭淑憶
認的是華語漢字文化,再來是日本殖民的文 義,沉澱你的心靈,好好體會生活中的美
Social Media Editor: Dawa HSIAO
化,最後當然與全球化有關,尤其來自美國 好;最後來到台灣離島,從金門高粱風獅
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉
Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉 的影響,更晚近一些,甚至會發現屬於在地 爺、澎湖西吉嶼藍洞、七美月鯉灣浮潛、
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei
資 訊 部 主 任 / 卓宏基
Director of Information Systems: CHO Hung-chi 的原住民,和來自鄰近的東南亞國家,都被 蘭嶼日出拼板舟……等各式各樣的美圖美
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
加總進來。」 照,以及聽聽來自越南、印尼、馬來西亞等

接著來到宜蘭,造訪有「東方起司」之 六個國家,來台參加外交部「連結新南向菁

稱的豆腐乳製作產地,以及知名的二胡冶琴 英培育專班」的東南亞學生們的分享,為全

師李十三,讓這需時間堆疊,以及純熟技術 台環島之旅畫下一個「驚嘆號」,期待下次

加持的美味與音色,充滿你的旅途;還有宜 再出發。 l
A Tour of Taiwan with EDITOR’S NOTE

Taiwan Panorama

“L adies and Gentlemen, the Taiwan Pan- Hanyang Beiguan Troupe, which is keep- GPN: 2008000038 ISSN1991-525X
原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine

orama sightseeing train is departing ing alive Taiwan’s authentic tradition of 中華民國95年1月改為台灣光華雜誌
Taiwan Panorama

from Taipei and will be stopping in Yilan, Hua­ Beiguan music and drama. SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
lien, Taitung, Kaohsiung, Tainan, and Chiayi. Continuing south along Taiwan’s East  Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
  NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years

This in­depth tour of Taiwan also includes a trip Coast, we will visit colorful indigenous com-
 Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
  US$72/2 years by airmail

to some of our offshore islands….” munities in Hualien’s Fengbin Township

 Elsewhere: US$45/year,
  US$80/2 years by airmail

Our first stop is the PTS Sculpture Memo- and Taitung’s Changbin Township. There we 社址/中華民國台灣台北市100209中正區愛國西路

rial Museum on Taipei’s Linsen North Road, will experience the cuisine, natural environ-
Address: 3F, No. 2, Aiguo W. Rd., Zhongzheng

where museum director Pu Hao-chih and art ment, lifestyles, and culture of local indige-
District, Taipei City 100209, Taiwan, ROC

historian Hsiao Chong-ray will tell us about nous residents. Then we travel to Kaohsiung,
PO Box 8-398, Taipei Fuxing Bridge,
Taipei City 100908, Taiwan, ROC

sculptor Pu Tian-sheng’s artistic style and where we will learn about the Hakka com-
傳真機/Fax: +886-2-2397-0655 
maturation, and outline the development and munity of Meinong from Chiu Kuo-yuan, 網址/

historical significance of sculpture in Taiwan. a local historian, Huang Sen-sung, pub-


During our journey, I hope you will notice lisher of the community magazine Today’s 著作權所有,本雜誌圖文非經同意不得轉載。
the rich variety of shop signs along our city Meinung, and Wen Chung-liang, chair of the 如發現書頁有裝訂錯誤或污損事情,
streets. Though they come in a confusing community association Rural Meinung Field All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not
be reprinted without our permission.
array of styles, they are fascinating and dis- Learning. If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
photographs, please contact our senior
tinctive. Dr. Lee Ming-tsung, CEO of Search- Next we head northward to the Siraya administrative editor.
Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
light Culture Lab, observes: “Shop signs are National Scenic Area, which stretches across be gladly replaced.

a micro cosm of culture…. Foremost is the parts of both Tainan and Chiayi. The lei-
culture of Chinese characters, then comes surely pace of life in this place, along with
Japanese colonial culture, and finally the Chiayi City—known as “Timber Town”—
impact of globalization and American influ- will calm your souls. Then we go to Taiwan’s
ence. More recently, the cultures of Taiwan’s offshore islands, with readers’ photos from
indigenous peoples and of Southeast Asia Kinmen, Matsu, Penghu, and Lanyu. Last but
have been added into the mix.” not least, we hear about the experiences of 本刊物印刷油墨使用環保認證大豆油墨

Next we go to Yilan, where we will visit students from six Southeast-Asian countries
some makers of the county’s well-known who came to Taiwan to take part in the New
fermented tofu, including “Lee 13,” who is Southbound Policy Elite Study Program, or-
also a renowned erhu fiddle maker. Other ganized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
highlights of our unforgettable stay in Yilan This rounds off our tour, and we look for-
are the Tangcong Culture Hall at the Na- ward to your joining us again next time! l
tional Center for Traditional Arts, and the (Ivan Chen/tr. by Phil Newell)
CONTENTS 中華民國112年3月 第48卷 第3期 Vol. 48 No. 3 March 2023

封面故事 Cover Story

6 漫遊西拉雅
The Transformation of Abandoned Assets
—A Journey to the Siraya National Scenic
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒

16 品味.宜蘭特調
Taking Their Time
—Yilan’s Artisanal Fermenters
文•郭美瑜 圖•林格立

26 雙濱慢食光

16 品嚐阿美族大山大海的餐桌
The World on a Platter
—Amis-Style Eating on
Taiwan’s East Coast
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林格立

36 二通物語.木都風情
Timber Town Stories
—A Stroll Along Chiayi’s Second Avenue
文•鄧慧純 圖•林旻萱

影像對話 Photo Essay

36 編者的話 來自地方的明信片
56 《光華》攝影徵件
Readers’ Photos:
Exploring Taiwan’s Offshore Islands

Editor’s Note Postcards from Home

2 《光華》帶您環島一遊 1 享受日光浴的麵條 50 月月好讀

A Tour of Taiwan with ──關廟麵 Variety Pages
Taiwan Panorama 文•曹銘宗
Guanmiao’s Sunkissed
Cover: Sampling Amis cuisine on the East Coast, basking
in nostalgia amid the old houses of Chiayi... Taiwan
is worth taking time to savor. (photos by Taiwan Panorama
島嶼行旅 Around Taiwan
photojournalists, design by Ma Ying-kai)

66 甜的滋味
—Tangcong Candy and the
Golden Age of Sugar
文•郭美瑜 圖•莊坤儒

76 歷久彌新的美濃客庄

Meinong: An Old Hakka Town Renewed
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱

藝文脈絡 Cultural Trends

88 抓住永恆的氣韻
Molding the Spirit of His Times:
Sculptor Pu Tian-sheng
文•謝宜婷 圖•林旻萱

94 聽它們眾聲喧嘩

Signs of the Times:
Shop Signs’ Place in Taiwan’s Streetscapes
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立

104 北管台灣調
漢陽北管劇團 ┼ 梨春園
In Tune with Beiguan:
Hanyang Beiguan Troupe and
Li Chuen Yuan Beiguan Club
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立

多元族群 Communities

114 帶著「台灣」經驗返鄉

Taking the “Taiwan Experience”
Back Home
—The New Southbound Policy
Elite Study Program
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立
The Transformation
of Abandoned Assets
—A Journey to the Siraya
National Scenic Area

文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

The Siraya National Scenic Area’s Guantian Visitor Center features rounded structures whose design
was inspired by the ritual vessels of the Siraya indigenous people.



A s countries around the world have reopened their borders, inter-

national travel has been revitalized, and Taiwan is also opening
wide its doors to welcome visitors. For this report, we went to the Si-
raya National Scenic Area to explore a number of scenic spots that
embody the concept of sustainability. These include an old military
training site that has been transformed by green architecture, village
ruins that have become a large play area, an abandoned betelnut or-
chard that has been turned into an ecological farm, and a remote com-
munity that makes violins from driftwood. Let’s take a look at how
these idle spaces have been turned into fun and beautiful places.

位於台灣西南部的西拉雅國家風景區,地貌豐 品,走一趟,就能更加認識西拉雅族。
富,有溫泉、惡地,還有多座水庫,轄區橫跨台 這處占地11公頃的園區,原是停用多年的野戰訓
南、嘉義,幅員廣大,是全台第二大風景區。西拉 練場,管理處保留原有的丘陵地形,並利用地勢的
雅的命名,源自長居於此的原住民──西拉雅族。 高低起伏,以半覆土的型式將行政中心巧妙地建造
如今,西拉雅國家風景區裡仍散居著數個西拉雅的 在彷彿地下層的一樓,遊客則能從入口處順著地勢
部落,也保有西拉雅族特有的信仰中心暨議事聚會 直達二樓的遊客中心。三樓則有瞭望台,視野開
場所──公廨。為擁有秀麗景致的風景區,增添豐 闊,可將戶外廣場盡收眼底。園區的大草原上有著
富的人文色彩。 SIRAYA(即西拉雅)字樣,以及梅花鹿的裝置藝
若想認識西拉雅族,位於台南的西拉雅國家風 風鈴木、落羽松等,四季皆有不同風情,十分適合
景區官田遊客中心,可作為入門磚。這座2020年啟 散步、野餐。
用的綠建築,外觀設計融入西拉雅族的元素,廣場 西拉雅國家風景區遊憩課課長張麗君表示,這
上方的採光天井,靈感來自西拉雅族的十字繡工藝 幾年管理處結合山海圳國家綠道,舉辦健行及自行
中常見的八瓣花,牆面也以錯落的八瓣花點綴。而 車活動,也規劃一條菱波官田自行車路線,鼓勵親
遊客中心的弧狀建築體,則是取材自西拉雅族的祀 子同遊。沿線景點有八田與一紀念園區、烏山頭水
壺文化。以阿立祖(Alid,西拉雅語的祖先、祖靈 庫等,可欣賞有「菱波仙子」之稱的水雉在菱角田
之意)為信仰核心的西拉雅族,會用瓶、甕、罐等 翩翩起舞,瞭解八田與一開墾嘉南大圳的故事,細
「壺體」盛裝水或酒來祭祀,因此祀壺為西拉雅傳 細品味官田的自然生態與人文歷史。
心裡還設有西拉雅文化的常設展區,介紹西拉雅族 距離官田遊客中心約十分鐘車程,我們來到鄰
的歷史、信仰、飲食、風俗等,並展示服飾與工藝 近台南藝術大學(簡稱南藝大)的大崎村落創藝

The window frames at the Guantian Visitor Center are painted in
different colors, creating a fun atmosphere. Yellow represents rice
fields and the sunlight that reflects off the reservoirs, while red
and navy blue are colors often seen in Siraya indigenous attire.

Looking out from the Guantian Visitor Center, one can see a large pool of water, a broad
meadow, and blue skies. The view puts the observer in a carefree and happy state of mind.

The Siraya National Scenic Area (SNSA), located in a military field operations training ground that had
southwestern Taiwan, has a rich variety of geographic lain disused for many years. The site’s original hilly
features, including plains, mountains, hot springs, topography has been retained. On the third floor of the
badlands, and reservoirs. Taiwan’s second-largest sce- visitor center there is an observation platform where
nic area, it takes its name from the Siraya indigenous one can take in the outdoor plaza. On a large meadow
people, who have long lived in the area. Today there are close to the plaza the word “Si raya” is sculpted in out-
still a number of Siraya communities scattered through size capital letters, and there is outdoor installation art
the SNSA, adding cultural richness to the area’s gor- inspired by the Formosan sika deer, symbolizing the
geous natural beauty. deer herds that once roamed the Jianan Plain. It offers a
Understanding the Siraya setting where visitors are sure to take photographs.
If you want to learn about the Siraya people, a good Chang Li-jung, chief of the recreation section at the
place to start is the SNSA’s Guantian Visitor Center, lo- SNSA Administration, states that over the past several
cated in Tainan’s Guantian District. This green building, years they have been holding hiking and cycling events
opened in 2020, incorporates Siraya elements into its along the Mountains to Sea National Greenway. They
exterior design. The walls are decorated with the eight- have also mapped out the Lingbo Guantian cycling
petal flower motif that is so common in the cross-stitch route, which is especially suitable for family outings.
embroidery of the Siraya. The building also includes Along the way one can see pheasant-tailed jacana active
rounded elements modeled on Siraya ritual vessels. The in the water caltrop fields, and learn how Yoichi Hatta
Siraya fill various types of vessels, including bottles, pioneered the development of the Jianan Plain irrigation
earthenware jars, and cans, with water or wine as offer- system. This route offers an in-depth taste of Guantian’s
ings to Alid, the ancestors and ancestral spirits that are natural environ ment and cultural history.
central to their religious beliefs, and these vessels are a Playground in a rural community
defining feature of traditional Siraya culture. About ten minutes’ drive from the visitor center, we
The Guantian Visitor Center houses a permanent ex- arrive at the Daqi Creative Art Village Base, adjacent
hibition on Siraya culture. It introduces the traditional to Tainan National University of the Arts (TNNUA). It
Siraya diet and customs and displays clothing and looks like an ordinary rural community, but when you
handicraft items. walk into the information center (known as “The House
The site on which the visitor center and the SNSA of Art Grower”) and pick up a map, it takes you into a
Adminstration buildings now stand was previously magical world in which “village life is fun!”

Lin Jian-ruei (left) and Lo Wan-
tsz (right) put their expertise in
architecture to good use to renovate
derelict buildings in Daqi Village and
use them for fun games.

跟著遊戲地圖的指引,穿梭在老屋之間的小 了大崎聚落。隨著時代變遷,大崎人口外移,空屋
徑,等在轉角的,是精心設計的童趣體驗。像是 逐漸成了廢墟。然而,頹圮的三合院,反倒讓林建
「跳島123」可以擲沙包玩大富翁,看看誰先到終 叡和羅婉慈發揮所長,在一連串老屋改造行動中,
點;「飛越投石器」比賽把球丟得遠;「山溝疊疊 摸索如何從社區圖書館出發,延伸到整個聚落的營
樂」則有色彩繽紛的大型疊疊樂,大人小孩玩得不 運。2020年,改造閒置碾米廠的「藝農號」開張,
亦樂乎;其他還有打彈弓、套圈圈、彈珠台等。而 以選物店的概念展售在地物產與工藝品。遊戲小島
且這些設施,多是取材自改造老屋的廢料,水管、 的體驗也從藝農號出發,到村子的各點遊玩集章,
木條釘成投石器,彩繪廢棄蒸籠,掛在滿是藤蔓的 再回到藝農號兌換冰淇淋,或是品嚐在地農產製作
牆上,就成了可裝飾的標靶。這些創意,讓大崎有 的鮮果冰。林建叡笑說,有時候還能從藝農號的窗
了不一樣的農村風景,到處盈滿笑聲。 前,看到村民為芒果樹套袋、採收。彷彿欣賞質樸
發想這童趣計畫的推手,是自詡「藝農」的兩 的農村實境秀,令遊客感到驚喜。
名青年林建叡與羅婉慈。「種米的是稻農,種水果 跟著林建叡、羅婉慈在村子裡逛上一圈,每座
的叫果農,我們生活在村落裡,以藝術耕耘社區, 廢墟都有故事,像是一間從水庫裡的祖厝拆下屋
『種』好玩的藝術,不就是藝農嗎!」林建叡如 樑,再到大崎重新以編竹夾泥牆搭建的老屋,乘載
此定義。原本就讀南藝大建築所的他們,學生時期 著大崎開墾的歷史,團隊計劃保留老屋的紋理,作
就參與大崎的社區營造。林建叡的碩士論文,即是 為見證大崎文史的展覽空間。不強調修舊如舊,而
改造村子裡歷史悠久的中山堂。這座日治時期作為 以更開放的想像改造成遊戲場,例如,屋頂塌陷的
集會布達的木造空間,經林建叡從設計、募款、改 老屋,不加蓋屋頂,而是結合溜滑梯,拆除危險結
造,被活化為社區圖書館。如今也成了遊戲小島的 構,賦予新的機能,廢墟就有了新生命。惜物的他
手作教室,讓遊客到村裡採集自然素材,動手做一 們,經常在老屋裡挖寶,裁縫機、收音機等,成了
個結合農村地景的彈珠台。 藝農號的裝飾;被卸下的紅瓦片,羅婉慈發想了古
林建叡表示,1920到30年代為了建造烏山頭水 擅長資源整合的兩人,有意在今年秋天舉辦藝
庫,原本居住在水庫原址的居民遷出,才逐漸有 術季。林建叡表示,日本瀨戶內海藝術季有海、新

Following the map along the path that winds among Defining an aesthetic for ruins
the old houses, just around a corner there is a meticu- The village of Daqi grew up in the 1920s as local
lously designed children’s games area. For example, at residents were displaced by the flooding of Wushantou
“Island Hopping 123” one can play Monopoly by throw- Reservoir, but was later largely abandoned. The House
ing small sand bags; at “Flying Catapult” there is a of Art Grower, created by renovating an idle rice mill in
competition to see who can cast a ball the farthest; and Daqi, opened in 2020 and applies the boutique concept
at “Diediele Valley” there is a colorful large-sized Jenga to showcase and sell local produce and crafts. It is also
set. Other activities include slingshots, quoits, and old- the starting point for family experiential activities in
style pinball. Moreover, these facilities are made mostly the play area, and after getting a card stamped at the
from materials that were thrown away when the old various games spots in the village parents and children
houses were renovated. For example, water pipes and can return to the house to exchange the card for ice
pieces of wood were nailed together to make catapults, cream or try out shaved ice with locally grown fruits.
and discarded food steamers were painted in bright col- Walking around the community, every tumbledown
ors to make decorative targets. Thanks to these creative
ideas, Daqi is alive with the sounds of laughter.
The founders of Daqi are two young people, Lin Jian- 歷史悠久的屋瓦,被再製成杯墊、植栽上牆板材,從此有了
ruei and Lo Wan-tsz. Formerly students in the Graduate 新生命。
Old ceramic roof tiles are being remade into coasters and
Institute of Architecture at TNNUA, the two became hanging planters, giving them new life.
involved in community revitalization in Daqi when
they were still students. Lin’s MA thesis was about ren-
ovating Zhongshan Hall, a Japanese-era building in the 藝農號是大崎村落的問路站,展售在地物產與文藝創作,還
village, to turn it into a community library. Today it is 能吃到當季鮮果冰。
The House of Art Grower is the information center for Daqi. It
also a craft classroom where visitors who have gathered sells local produce and cultural and creative items, and also
natural materi als from the village can combine them serves shaved ice with seasonal local fruit.

into items such as pinball tables that incorporate the

community landscape.

At the Daqi Creative Art Village Base, one can experience a
combination of rural lifestyles and a children’s play area. The
photo shows a catapult made from reclaimed building materials.

瀉的大地藝術季有山,而大崎鄰近烏山頭水庫,有 摸看起來尖銳,實則柔軟的肉棘。「蝴蝶的幼蟲其
山有水還有水庫上小島,更有南藝大的藝術資源, 實沒有毒,只有摸到少數毒蛾的幼蟲才會讓皮膚腫
或許可以在水庫小島做藝術裝置,然後搭船巡禮 癢。」劉朝維總會這樣分享著毛毛蟲被人類誤會的
……,各種天馬行空的想像都是可開展的項目,大 故事。「生態需要有人引導」是他營造環境教育場
崎絕對有辦藝術季的量能。從水利人文、農村文化 域的初心,因為唯有讓大眾認識自然,才能發自內
再到藝術創意,大崎的魅力值得探訪。 心保護這塊美麗的土地。
常言道:「花若盛開,蝴蝶自來。」位於嘉義 士佛澤蘭等,也種下肖楠、茄冬等,涵養土壤水
中埔的築夢森居生態農場,原是荒廢的檳榔園,過 分。園區裡還有棵被劉朝維戲稱「會打呼的樹」的
去因為除草劑的使用,土地上只剩檳榔樹和枯草; 彩虹桉,此樹種生長速度旺盛,樹皮會不停脫落,
然而,劉朝維、湯怡楓夫婦十多年的悉心整理、復 而且隨著歲月樹皮的顏色會越來越繽紛。劉朝維總
育,如今生態豐富、蝶舞翩翩。 愛邀請大家貼近樹幹靜心聆聽,水分經由維管束運
「你看,黃裳鳳蝶的幼蟲正要化蛹,就像是用 輸,發出呼嚕嚕像是打呼的聲響,彷彿裡頭躲了群
繩子把自己綁起來。」葉梢上長得像豌豆的東西, 辛勤工作的小精靈,充滿生命的喜悅。
其實是水青粉蝶的蛹;仔細看,葉子上一顆顆白 當自然生態被重建,園區裡能聽見盤旋在天空
白的,是台灣黃蝶的卵。跟著劉朝維的生態導覽 的大冠鷲,果子狸會跑來波羅蜜樹覓食,而地上不
走逛園區,他一下捉了隻樺斑蝶,介紹牠捲曲的口 時出現的土堆,則是鼴鼠在地底生活的證明。鼓勵
器,採蜜時會伸長探進花裡;不一會兒又抓了紅紋 人們親山近水,劉朝維將築夢森居當作山林教育的
鳳蝶的幼蟲,讓我們聞聞牠嚇唬敵人的臭角,摸一 場域,帶著大家溯溪、攀樹,夏天還能到一旁的澐
building has its own story. For example, there are beams tours to view them. From water resources and village
torn out of an ancestral home that was lost to the reservoir, culture to artistic creativity, there are many ways for
which were brought to Daqi and used along with woven Daqi to make the most of its charm.
bamboo wattle-and-daub walls to build an old-fashioned From betelnut grove to eco-farm
house that tells of Daqi’s early history. The aim of ren- Dream River Explore Farm, an ecological farm located
ovation is not to restore the buildings to their original in Chiayi County’s Zhongpu Township, was previously a
condition, but rather to transform them into play areas. disused betel nut orchard. Due to past use of herbicides,
For example, an old house with a collapsed roof was re- all that remained on the site was betelnut trees and dead
purposed by installing a slide. The founders, who cherish vegetation. But after more than a decade of cleanup and
old things, often find treasures in the old houses, such as restoration work by husband and wife River Liu and
a sewing machine or radio, and they use these items to Feng Tang, today it has a vibrant ecology and butterflies
decorate the House of Art Grower. Lo Wan-tsz also came dance through the air.
up with the idea of DIY classes for making coasters and “Look, this golden birdwing caterpillar is turning into
hanging planters out of discarded red ceramic roof tiles. a chrysalis. It looks as if it is tying itself up with string.”
The two founders are thinking of holding an arts festi- As we follow Liu on a guided nature walk through the
val this autumn. Lin Jian-ruei notes that Japan’s Setouchi farm, he catches a plain tiger butterfly to introduce its
Triennale art festival has the sea and the Echigo-Tsumari coiled mouthparts. A little later he picks up a caterpillar
Art Triennale has the mountains, while Daqi is close to of the common rose butterfly and lets us touch its “os-
Wushantou Reservoir with its mountains, water, and me terium,” a defensive organ that the caterpillars of
small islands, and has the artistic resources of TNNUA swallowtail butterflies use to repel predators. Liu’s moti-
on its doorstep. Lin and Lo have plenty of ideas for the vation for creating this environmental education venue is:
festival. For example, perhaps artists can install artworks “People need guidance to understand the environment.”
on the reservoir’s small islands, and people can take boat Embracing the idea of sustainable coexistence with

On the large meadow at the SRNA’s Guantian Visitor Center,
the word “Siraya” is spelled out in giant letters and there are
sculptures of Formosan sika deer. It’s a scene that cries out to be



人口外移、老化是許多偏鄉的境遇,然而,西 劉朝維(左)與太太湯怡楓(右)在廢棄的檳榔園
River Liu (left) and his wife Feng Tang (right) have
木小提琴聞名的小鎮,用製琴工藝作為亮點,不 transformed an abandoned betelnut orchard into a
natural paradise for everyone to come and explore.
距離感受老鷹俯衝抓魚的震撼,或是到山豬島看看 驗豐富的小提琴家黃聖彥來教學,一周三天的製琴
被歌劇吸引的野生山豬……」嘉義大埔的和平社區 課,讓原本務農的居民們有了不一樣的生活風景。
發展協會理事長吳倚豪熱情地介紹家鄉的遊程。故 幾年下來,大埔和平村的漂流木小提琴名聲逐
鄉雖美,他卻總覺得少了什麼,直到一次友人在水 漸傳開,不少民眾前來學製琴,因而被當地的景致
庫旁即興的小提琴演奏,他像被雷打到,原來音樂 與生活氛圍吸引,從跨縣市通勤,最後甚至選擇移
就是他在找的答案。 居到大埔。當地的長輩還組了提琴樂團,經常在台
有意師法義大利的克雷蒙納,以製琴工藝帶動 灣各地公益演出,號稱大埔小虎隊。未來,還將成
地方發展,吳倚豪表示,歐洲的提琴板材多是白松 立提琴故事館,把那些刻有山豬頭、老鷹,彩繪著
木,台灣的森林多樣性豐富,論製琴材料一點也不 每把製琴者故事的小提琴,作為展示。提琴小鎮不
會輸,而大埔每逢大雨就有許多來自阿里山的漂流 賣琴,而是用琴串起人與人的連結,期盼更多人走
木,具有發展提琴小鎮的潛力。於是他邀請製琴經 進小鎮,看見在地的暖心風景。 l

紅肩粉蝶 黃裳鳳蝶幼蟲
A redbase Jezebel butterfly. A golden birdwing caterpillar.

nature, Liu has planted all kinds of edible and nectar- style, and decided to stay. Local elders have even orga-
producing plants, including kaffir lime, blue snakeweed, nized a string orchestra that does benefit performances.
and Kusukusu eupatorium. On the farm there is even a In the future they plan to establish a violin story house,
plant that Liu jokingly calls “the tree that snores”—the where they will display violins and the stories of their
rainbow eucalyptus. He loves to invite visitors to put their makers, who have carved images of boar heads or eagles
ears up against the tree trunk and quietly listen to the on their works, or painted them with colorful patterns.
noise of water being transported through the vascular The violins made in the town are not for sale; instead
bundles, which makes the tree sound as if it is snoring. the instruments are used to build connections between
To encourage people to get out into nature, Liu uses people in hopes that even more visitors will come to this
Dream River Explore Farm as a mountain forest educa- community and see its entrancing scenery. l
tional venue. He takes visitors river tracing and tree climb- (Chen Chun-fang/photos by Kent Chuang/
ing, and in the summer organizes inner-tube rides down tr. by Phil Newell)
the Yunshui River, which runs past the farm. Liu has also
built an environmentally friendly pizza oven where people
can make their own pizzas using local produce. Liu and
his wife have turned this abandoned betelnut farm into a
paradise that both adults and children can enjoy exploring. 束運輸,發出呼嚕嚕的聲響,滿是生命的喜悅。
Little town of driftwood violins Press your ear to the “tree that snores” on the Dream River Explore
Farm, and you can hear the gurgle of water passing through its
Within the Siraya National Scenic Area, next to the vascular bundles. It’s a sound that expresses the joy of being alive.
Zengwen Reservoir, there is a small town that is famous for
its violins made from driftwood. Violin craftsmanship has
become a highlight of the town, and not only have young
people originally from this place returned home, even out-
siders and foreigners have been attracted to settle there.
“Here we can admire the beautiful scenery of the res-
ervoir and get an up-close view of eagles diving to catch
fish, or we can go to Shanzhu Island to see wild boar at-
tracted by the sounds of opera....” Wu Yihao, chairman of
the Heping Community Development Association, enthu-
siastically informs us of possible itineraries in his home-
town, Chiayi’s Dapu Township. Although he has always
found his hometown beautiful, he always felt there was
something missing. It was only when a friend performed
extemporaneously beside the reservoir that he realized
what it was: music.
Taking his cue from Cremona, the Italian city of violins,
Wu decided to try to drive local development by promot-
ing the making of violins. He invited Huang Shengyan,
a violinist and highly experienced violin maker, to come
to give classes in violin making three times a week. Wu’s
efforts have provided local residents, who had previously
all been farmers, with a different kind of lifestyle.
Several years have gone by, and the fame of the drift-
wood violins made in Dapu’s Heping Village has gradu-
ally spread. Many people who came here to study violin
making have been won over by the local scenery and life-

與時光共舞的釀 造滋味
Taking Their Time
—Yilan’s Artisanal Fermenters
文•郭美瑜 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱



F ermented foods such as cheese, miso, and wine

are common parts of modern people’s daily diets,
and fermented tofu and soy sauce in particular are
esse nt ial to East Asian c uisines. Taiwan’s Yilan
County offers an excellent environment for fermenta-
tion, and the Erhu area of its Yuanshan Township is
the most northerly location in Taiwan where ‘Smooth

宜蘭縣境員山鄉二湖地區出產全台最高緯度 宜蘭員山鄉二湖地區是全台緯度最高的鳳梨產區,鳳梨在雪
的鳳梨,在雪山山脈山腳下,經過風雨滋潤、陽 The fields of the Erhu area of Yilan’s Yuanshan Township, in
the foothills of the Xueshan mountain range, provide a tranquil
光照耀的鳳梨,添入豆腐乳製程,淬煉成為可口 environment for pineapples to grow.
好幾世紀以來,人類為保存得之不易的食物, 裡也是全台最高緯度的鳳梨產區,近年有
利用鹽漬、醱酵等方法,在時間的作用下延長或 農主將自種的鳳梨用於釀製豆腐乳,還
轉化食物的賞味,例如,起司、日本味噌、韓國 開放採果、DIY豆腐乳,讓遊客以此
泡菜等,皆是經過醱酵的好滋味;帕瑪森起司、 連結這片青山綠水,也記憶這個
藍紋起司(Blue cheese),這些長時間熟成而獨 在地的美味。
具魅力的美食,更吸引饕客品味與探索。 冬天的清早,《光華》團隊
受地形影響,夏季的宜蘭常有颱風,冬季受東 拜訪於2022年獲宜蘭縣優質
北季風影響,從海面吹進的濕冷空氣碰到山脈, 農業評選銅牌獎的二湖鳳梨
經過舉升而多雨,許多家戶以醱酵的釀造方式儲 館,探訪農家釀造豆腐乳
存食糧,在地的釀造技藝因而發達,豆腐乳也躍 的技藝。該處位於雪山山
上名產店架上。 麓,當車輛轉進蜿蜒的山
有「東方起司」美稱的豆腐乳,各區域有其 徑,停駐在湖西村時,
風味與質地,例如日本沖繩的紅豆腐乳以紅麴釀 眼前巍然的山巒,令人
造,特殊的口味吸引觀光客嚐鮮,在台灣豆腐乳 忘卻都市塵囂。
是清粥小菜必備的庶民菜色,口味有原味,或加 這個純樸的村莊少有車
味三星蔥、紅麴、鳳梨等。 馬喧,偶有鄰家的狗兒追
宜蘭縣員山鄉二湖地區,因氣候及砂礫型土 著發出「噗噗噗」的老爺

Caye nne’ pineapples are g rown . T hanks to the tofu produced in Okinawa, Japan is a favorite among
local climate, the pineapple fermented tofu made Taiwanese tourists, who bring it back as a side dish for
there is especially tasty. Among its artisanal fer- rice porridge. It is also available with added ingredi-
menters are “Lee 13,” a renowned maker of erhu ents such as spring onion, red yeast rice, or pineapple.
fiddles, who broadened his horizons upon return- Because of its climate and gravelly soil, the Erhu
ing to his hometown and now works par t time area of Huxi Village in Yilan’s Yuanshan Township is
making fermented foods. Created from local pro- well suited to planting ‘Smooth Cayenne’ pineapples. It
duce with time and care, these fermented products is the northernmost point in Taiwan where this variety
are well worth exploring and savoring. is grown. In recent years farmers have been using these
pineapples to ferment tofu. They have even opened
Over many centuries, humanity has used methods tourist orchards, where visitors can pick the fruit for
such as salting and fermentation to preserve easily their own DIY fermented tofu. In this way, the locale is
spoiled food. For foods such as miso, kimchi, parmesan becoming linked in travelers’ memories to unforgetta-
cheese and blue cheeses, extended periods of fermenta- ble flavors.
tion create unique flavors that appeal to gourmands. Early one winter morning, we visit the Erhu Pine-
Yilan County is prone to frequent summer typhoons apple Hall in Huxi Village to learn how farmers create
and damp, windy winters, so many households here fermented tofu. The hall itself earned a bronze medal
have traditionally fermented foods to preserve them. for “leisure agriculture” from Yilan County in 2022.
Thanks to those well-honed skills, the fermented tofu You can scarcely hear a single vehicle on the vil-
(a.k.a. fermented bean curd paste) produced in the area lage’s peaceful streets. The pineapples that grow in the
has earned a high reputation islandwide. fields on its mountain slopes are nourished by plentiful
Every locale’s fermented tofu has its own unique fla- rainfall and sweet natural springs. The chatter of chick-
vor and mouthfeel. For example, ens and the calls of wild birds provide the soundtrack
t he red fermented for an enjoyable visit.
The farmer Jiang Chaoqing takes us into the fields to
pick fruit. We hesitate at first, wary of the prickly pine-
apple leaves. “Just take big strides and the leaves will
make way for you!” instructs Jiang. His advice proves
spot on.
Jiang says that ‘Smooth Cayenne’ have small fruit
that are not as sweet as ‘Golden Diamond’ pine-
apples. But they have more fiber, with a slightly
sour flavor and sweet aroma. They are truly
delicious. In the summer these pineapples
are a joy to eat fresh, and in the winter—
with their high fiber and sourness—they
become better suited to processing. Today
they are being added to fermented tofu.

Once the tofu set outside in the sunshine has
dried out, it can be used to make fermented tofu.

Tofu, pineapple, sugar and rice wine are placed into jars in
layers. After a few pieces of licorice are added for flavor, it’s time
to wait for fermentation to work its magic.

金黃色澤 。
Jiang Chaoqing uses pineapples as a substitute for bean or rice
koji. The fermented tofu will retain a golden color.


摩托車狂奔、狂吠,二湖鳳梨館的鳳梨田就位在 才釀製。
雪山腳下,依山而生長的鳳梨,有雨水、甘泉天 江妻則在館內裝瓶;豆腐胚放入玻璃罐中排排
然養成,還有鳥鳴、雞啼伴奏,鳳梨享受著山居 站好,加幾片甘草增添風味,接著舀進一勺鳳梨
幽趣,令人欣羨。 汁、鋪一層鳳梨果肉、覆蓋一層砂糖,再重覆鋪
農主江朝清領著我們到田裡採果,土堆上覆蓋 放的程序,最後鳳梨汁改換成料理米酒,用以殺
了保暖用的黑色塑膠布,田畦搭起了鐵絲架,一 菌,再封蓋裝瓶。
旦寒流來襲可以鋪蓋塑膠布防寒害;尖刺的鳳梨 鳳梨豆腐乳罐頭隨後被搬上屋頂,享受氣候的
葉在田間張牙舞爪,我們前腳才踏進田裡,就感 「馬殺雞」(意:按摩/massage),罐子裡的豆
受到鳳梨葉的「殺傷力」,江朝清喊道:「大步 腐因醱酵而冒出許多小氣泡,代表了生命力,感
向前,葉子自然就會讓路!」一試,果然驗證了 覺豆腐乳在靜置的過程很是享受啊。
老農的智慧。 江朝清說,鳳梨豆腐乳有了鳳梨酵素加持,
江朝清說,土鳳梨個頭小,甜度不如金鑽,但 加上日照,最快一周即可食用,但愈陳口感愈綿
纖維質較高、口感微酸,且香氣十足,吃得到鳳 密,較一般採米麴或豆麴釀造需時約四個月更快
梨的真口味。夏季採收的鳳梨適合鮮食,冬季產 速,且歷時四個月色澤也未褐化變色。
的纖維質高、酸度足,適合用做加工,現用來添 這味大自然特調的鳳梨豆腐乳,口感綿密紮
加製成豆腐乳。 實,減了鹹味,多一些回甘。江朝清說,有到

Flavored by Mother Nature Thanks to Mother Nature’s help, this fermented tofu
At first Jiang used bean koji (the mold Aspergillus has a dense and smooth mouthfeel. It is sweeter and
oryzae) to create standard fermented tofu, but after less salty than standard versions. Jiang recalls that a
the autumn equinox there was insufficient sunlight Japanese person who came to learn about his methods
to warm the jars, so the fermentation process came told him, “The flavor is a lot like Japanese cheese.” US-
to a halt. Then a customer recommended that he use based Taiwanese visitors miss the flavor so much that
pineapple enzymes as a substitute for koji. After many they helped him distribute it in the United States.
failed attempts, he ultimately succeeded, and now he “Yilan has good water, so you know the stuff made
produces pineapple fermented tofu year round. with it is going to be good too.” Jiang displays no lack
Under the covered walkways of the Pineapple Hall, of confidence about locally produced food.
chunks of tofu are drying in the winter air. The pro- Entering Chinese and Western cuisines
cess has been adjusted to meet people’s preference Back when Taiwan was an agricultural society, a
nowadays to cut down on sodium consumption. You chunk of salty and sweetly fragrant fermented tofu
first need to quickly blanch the tofu to remove excess was all that was needed to complement a bowl of rice.
salt. Then you should wait for it to dry in the wind be- Hsieh Pao-chuan, a professor of food science at Na-
fore beginning fermentation. tional Pingtung University of Science and Technology,
Inside the hall Jiang’s wife is bottling the tofu,
putting the chunks into glass jars with a few pieces
of licor ice for added flavor. She then pours in a spoon-
ful of pineapple juice and spreads a layer of the fruit,
which she covers with a layer of granulated sugar,
before repeating the whole procedure but substituting
rice wine for the pineapple juice, as a sterilizer. The
jars are then closed.
At that point, the jars are brought up to the roof to
be exposed to the weather. The jars here show plenty
of bubbles, a sign of their content’s vitality.
Jiang says that this fermented tofu, thanks to the
pineapple enzymes and the exposure to sunlight,
is ready to eat in one week, as opposed to the four
months needed for fermentation with rice or bean koji.
Furthermore, its texture only grows denser with time,
and it won’t go brown even after four months.

Once placed in jars, the pineapple fermented tofu is brought to
the rooftop to bask in the open air and sunshine.

Farmers in Erhu use their pineapples to make fermented tofu and
dried fruit. The dried pineapple has a lot of fiber and a slightly
sour taste. It retains its true pineapple flavor.



酵熟成,西方的藍紋起司的醱酵原理,與豆腐乳 台灣二胡製琴名師李十三,從宜蘭的大自然智慧中,找到使
有許多異曲同工之妙。而台灣農家使用的鳳梨得 Drawing on the wisdom of nature, Yilan-based Lee 13, one of
Taiwan’s master erhu makers, discovered a method to make
以取代麴菌,是因果肉本身含有酵素,減少了豆 lighter soundboxes for his instruments.
西式的披薩、義大利燉飯常加入起司增添濃 李十三的胡琴音質清澈,琴身輕盈,在國際間小有知名度。
郁口感,豆腐乳也很適合做為醬料或調味料。陳 With their bright timbre and light bodies, the erhu made by Lee
have acquired an international reputation.
於西班牙燉飯,或搭配奶油、大蒜調製成大蒜麵 蕩多年後,他自台中返鄉成立工作室,從宜蘭的
包醬,中、西式作法都很美味。 自然環境中,找到更精進胡琴品質的方法,也意
台灣知名的二胡冶琴師李十三(本名李春 作的二胡琴音質清澈,但琴身拉起來略顯重,能駕
正),製作的胡琴在國際間小有名氣,在外地闖 馭者有限,他常思索著有何方法可以使他的胡琴音

The soy sauce brewing in this vat is “breathing deeply.” It requires occasional stirring, at which time one can
judge the progress of the fermentation. Taking a sniff is the best way to gauge how well the brewing is going.

says that the enzymes in the fermenting process break bine it with butter and garlic for a variation on garlic
down the tofu’s proteins into amino acids, making bread. It’s delicious whether used in Chinese or West-
them more digestible, and the high quantities of pro- ern cooking.
biotics are good for the health. Instrument maker turns fermenter
Chen Chien-li, an assistant professor of food science Lee 13 (Lee Chun-cheng) has acquired a bit of a
at National Taiwan Ocean University, explains that fer- name for himself internationally for the erhu fiddles
mentation is a process wherein food is transformed by he produces. After living away from Yilan for many
microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria or mold so as years, he returned to establish a workshop. Thanks
to preserve the food, improve its flavor, or increase its to Yilan’s natural environment, he both discovered
nutritional value. When fermenting tofu, the process a more refined method of making high-quality erhu,
typically involves dehydrating chunks of tofu by salt- and unexpectedly became a “slashie” by starting a fer-
ing, then adding such ingredients as koji, Mucor fungi, menting business.
rice wine, spices, red yeast rice or fruit to the tofu and “My erhu have a good tone. I’ve always been con-
leaving the mixture to ferment and mature. The pro- fident of that.” From early on Lee’s erhu fiddles had a
cess is similar to that of making blue cheese. bright, clear timbre, but it took a lot of bow pressure
Pizza and risotto typically have cheese added to en- to bring the sound out, so few people could play them
hance their flavor and mouthfeel, and fermented tofu well. After spending 20 years in Yilan experimenting
is likewise well suited as a strongly flavored sauce. with different woods and treatments, he finally discov-
Chen says that fermented tofu is typically quite salty ered a preservation method that allowed him to reduce
and is often used in mutton stews to temper the gamey the weight of the soundbox, improving their response.
smell. It can also be used in stir-fries of water spinach, “Bang! The market for them exploded.”
or in fish stews and dipping sauces for seafood, or to With demand for his erhu steadily growing, Lee
spread on bread or add to paella. One can even com- broadened his horizons and began to “play at making

These vats of fermenting soy
sauce and miso can enjoy
notes from erhu fiddles floating
on the wind, as well as the
sounds of nature.

及皮料時,幾乎就確定了,但能否達到預期的境 來到李十三的工作室,接待室後方是製琴工
界,則靠演奏家演繹。琴身減重,材料碳化效果 廠,架上有木材、裁切機具、蛇皮,完工的琴
是關鍵,他在宜蘭花了近20年研究,終於從木材 筒、琴弦、弓桿,還有陳釀的味噌、豆腐乳等。
的保存找到方法,「啪!整個市場就出來了。」 穿過工作室來到後院,屋簷下的烤肉架上,有
製琴市場穩定拓展到日本之後,李十三開始跨 在冷風中享受的炭火微溫的冬季限定白玉蘿蔔,
界「玩」釀造,但製琴與釀造怎會連結在一起? 已烘得皮皺乾癟,湊近一聞,柴魚香味飄香。
李十三說,夏季的宜蘭多颱風,早年婆婆媽媽 「這是台灣人蔘,要低溫烘烤七天,燉雞湯甘甜
利用醃漬、釀造技術保存食物,家戶都有獨門口 無比。」李十三這樣形容。
味,像他自家就常釀豆腐乳、醬油,一缸醬油吃 空曠的草地上,八個大醬缸悠然而立,醬油、
三年,吃完接著釀。 味噌在醬缸內深呼吸,偶而聆聽屋內傳來的二胡
他說,早期不覺得這些是寶,直到有一回, 琴聲,更多的時候,是「洗耳恭聽」自然界的交
將送禮的名酒改為阿嬤的手工豆腐乳,沒想到 響樂章。李十三說著說著,拿起木棍開始攪拌並
幾天後客戶探詢「豆腐乳有沒有賣?」他直覺 「觀照它」,嗅嗅氣味、察看醱酵程度。
送對了。 醬油在東方人的日常中扮演了重要的角色,例
食物能滿載情感與回憶,法國文學家馬塞爾·普 如滷肉、吃水餃,都少不了這一味。李十三選用
魯斯特,在其著名的小說《追憶似水年華》中, 宜蘭在地的黑豆製麴,加入雪山山脈的山泉水,
撰寫了一篇吃瑪德蓮蘸茶的故事,香氣與口感不 以及大量的粗鹽釀造醬油,麴菌產生酵素,分解
自覺地喚起了童年記憶,至今為人稱頌。 豆子的植物性蛋白質,冬天濕氣重則留意溫度
李十三的釀造食,承襲祖母與媽媽的溫馨記 與環境變化,並不時攪拌,得經過六年熟成與壓
憶;豆腐乳的製作,他以糙米製作米麴,夏天製 榨,才得出佳釀。
麴備用,製作豆腐乳時,再將豆腐胚、米麴、 釀一罐豆腐乳、一甕醬油,冶一把胡琴,時間
糖悉數混合裝瓶,並加入原酒殺菌,等待醱酵熟 扮演不可或缺的角色,皆是慢工出細活的藝術呈
成。他端出六個月後開封的豆腐乳,醬香及酒香 現。宜蘭人在慢活城市中,實踐品質與精緻兼具
撲鼻而來,入口的豆腐乳在舌尖化開,口味清爽 的創作技藝,旅人們別錯過從釀造食載入一段時
且不死鹹,還可嚐出前中後段的層次滋味。 空蘊釀的「食光旅行」。 l

fermented foods.” Like many other families, the Lees eaves where some winter­crop daikon radish is being
used to make foods such as soy sauce and fermented dried over charcoal. It carries the aroma of bonito. “This
tofu, and when they ran out they’d make some more. is ‘Taiwanese ginseng.’ It must be grilled on a low heat
He didn’t especially treasure them. But when he gave for seven days. Chicken soup made with it has an in­
some to his erhu customers, they soon asked if he had comparably sweet fragrance.”
any for sale. That’s when he knew that he had selected On the vast lawn sit eight vats in which soy sauce
the right gift. and miso are brewing. Occasionally the sounds of erhu
Food spu rs emot ion a l con nec t ion s a nd mem­ float over from inside the house. To make soy sauce,
ories. The French writer Marcel Proust, in his novel Lee uses Yilan­grown black soybeans along with the
Remembrance of Things Past, tells a story about eating spring water that flows from the Xueshan foothills and
madeleines dipped in tea. Their taste and fragrance large quantities of coarse salt. During the fermenta­
unexpectedly awake intense memories of childhood. tion, the koji mold produces enzymes that break down
The story is still admired today. the plant proteins in the beans. In the winter, when
Lee’s fermented tofu brings him warm memories of humidity is high, you must pay vigilant attention to
his mother and grandmother. In the summer he makes weather changes and stir occasionally. Only after be­
a reserve of koji from brown rice, and then, when ing aged for six years is it fully brewed.
making fermented tofu, he bottles chunks of tofu with Time plays an important role whether brewing soy
the koji and sugar, adds a bit of undiluted distilled sauce and fermenting tofu or making an erhu. These
spirits as a disinfectant, and leaves it to ferment and artisanal endeavors each require great care. While
mature. When the jars are opened six months later, the enjoying a slower pace of life, the fermenters of Yilan
fermented tofu is strongly fragrant and melts on the demonstrate great patience in their pursuit of culinary
tongue. The flavors are refreshing and not overly salty, excellence. Visitors shouldn’t miss the opportunity to
and they come in layers across the palate. taste this county’s “time­travel cuisine.” l
Brewing to the sound of fiddles (Mei Kuo/photos by Jimmy Lin/
Behind Lee’s workshop, there is a grill under the tr. by Jonathan Barnard)

Lee 13 returned to his hometown of
Yilan to make exquisite fiddles and
have fun fermenting. He discovered
the pleasures of being a “slashie” in a
place known for its slow pace of life.

The World on a Platter
—Amis-Style Eating
on Taiwan’s East Coast

文•蘇俐穎 圖•林格立 版面設計•馬英凱



S m all c h u r c h e s look o ut o ve r t h e whal e - g ray

waves striking the shore. Colorf ul Aboriginal
villages that feel more distant than foreign lands to
urban Taiwan nestle against the coastal mountains.
While the townships of Fengbin and Changbin offer
no obvious tourist attractions, visitors come again
and again to e njoy a t ranquilit y and easy- going
atmosphere that is rare in the modern world.

A group goes on a walk with tribal elder Chen Linian to learn about Amis culture.

拜訪雙濱,沒有捷徑。台北出發,至少需要 身輕裝的他,只揹著一只黃藤揹包,這是阿美族
三個小時以上的車程,我們第一站,是花蓮豐 男子用來裝獵物用的。入山前,他噘脣輕輕吹起
濱的豐富部落。午飯在頭目家裡享用,涼拌翼 口哨,據說,這是為了引導風來同行。
豆,爆炒的雨來菇與蝸牛,還有各種野蔬煮成 「在這裡,你們會認識不知道的南島語族的
的大鍋湯。 文化。」陳立年說。在連當地人都自嘲「房子比
「阿美族人除了天上的飛機、路上的車子、 人還多」的部落,看似封閉,其實是迎向大海的
水裡的潛艇不吃,其他基本上都會被吃掉。」 另一個世界,根據人類學家的考據,這裡是南島
同桌共餐的部落大叔陳立年說。被稱作「吃草 語族的發源地,紐西蘭的毛利族人甚至連年來此
的民族」的他們,憑著在自然中走跳的敏銳本 「拜祖先」。
能,雖有農耕文化,日常三餐仍有就地取材的 我們跟著陳立年一起學習「看進森林的深
習慣。都會區的人多少倚賴冷凍食品,陳立年 處」,辨識山豬挖的洞、山羊行走的路徑、猴子
說,阿美族的冰箱,在高山,在大海,冷凍過 留下的糞便、穿山甲刻意吃剩的螞蟻窩,也認識
的,是次級貨。 了阿美族用來製作獨木舟的麵包果與毛柿、部落
飯後,我們尾隨陳立年往山裡走去,「我希望 最後,來到海拔362公尺的半山腰,咖啡香撲
你們把腳步放慢,最好能慢上平地的三倍。」一 鼻,這是豐富部落的頭目許永哲與頭目娘葉美珠

There are no quick routes to the neighboring coastal (左圖)豐富部落裡傳出了咖啡香,吸引著遊客聞香而來。
(above left) The scent of coffee wafts through the air of Tingalaw,
townships of Fengbin and Changbin. We drive for attracting visitors to the village.
more than three hours from Taipei before reaching our
first stop, the Amis indigenous community of Tingalaw
(Chinese name Fengfu) in Hualien County’s Fengbin (右圖)遊客在大自然中體驗炭火烘豆。
(above) Visitors try roasting coffee beans for themselves in the great outdoors.
Township, where we enjoy lunch in the tribal leader’s
home. It’s a communal meal of chilled winged beans,
stir-fried star jelly (Nostoc commune) and snails, along
it looks cut off, the village is actually its own world,
with a soup of mixed wild vegetables.
oriented to the ocean. In fact, according to anthropolo-
“We Amis eat basically everything under the sun ex-
gists, this area was the starting point for the great sea-
cept the planes in the sky, the cars on the ground, and
borne migration of the Austronesian-speaking peoples.
the submarines in the sea,” jokes one of our tablemates,
On our walk, Chen teaches us how to “see into the
village elder Chen Li-nian. Sometimes known as “the deep parts of the forest”—to spot holes dug by wild
grazing people,” the otherwise agrarian Amis regu- boars, trails made by goats, monkey scat, and even ant
larly forage for ingredients. In contrast to city dwellers’ nests partially eaten by pangolins (who are saving the
reliance on frozen foods, Chen says that the Amis treat rest for later). We identify breadfruit and velvet apple
the mountains and the sea as their pantry, and believe trees, both of which Amis use to craft dugout canoes,
fresh foods are better than frozen. shell ginger hearts that can save your life in the wilder-
Entering the Austronesian world ness, and the elephant grass hearts that village women
After lunch, we join Chen for a walk in the moun- like to gather.
tains. “I hope you can walk slowly. We want to move at When we finish our hike, we are 362 meters above
about a third of the speed we would on flat ground,” sea level and smell coffee. It turns out that tribal leader
says the lightly dressed senior citizen. Before we start, Xu Yongzhe and his wife, Ye Meizhu, grow coffee here.
he puckers his lips and whistles softly, inviting the When the couple retired after working in Taipei, they
wind to walk with us. came back home to Tingalaw and planted two hectares
He tells us, “Out here, you’ll learn things you didn’t of mountainside in coffee trees. Their daughter now
know about Austronesian culture.” Locals joke that markets their outstanding East Coast coffee under the
Tingalaw has “more houses than people.” Though “Coastal Coffee” brand.

辛勤農耕的結果。十多年前,他們從台北退休, 雅緻的白玉蝸牛,「這種蝸牛,吃起來有淡淡的
回到老家,在將近兩甲地的山頭上種滿了咖啡 青草香。」連喜食蝸牛的法國人也情有獨鍾。
樹,豆子風味勻淨,再由女兒許清娟打造成「海 對於飼養方式,文宏程也摸索出一套精細的
岸咖啡」的品牌,成為東岸一支獨秀的咖啡莊 操作方法。三分大的田區,依養殖週期區分為種
園。林蔭間,用炭火烘焙的咖啡香,成為遊客踏 螺、小蝸、成長螺、商品螺等區,飼料來源,
入部落的引子。 則是自家種作的有機地瓜葉與木瓜,另外拌入米
離開豐富部落,我們往南抵達台東長濱。在 處理,先依體型分為五個等級:個頭最小的燒酒
這裡,有全台唯一從事白玉蝸牛養殖的AWOS農 螺;中餐廳拿來快炒的一般級;以及合適放在焗
場。踏入茵綠的田間,我們大啖蝸牛潛艇堡,一 烤盅的頂級;和最常出現在西餐盤上,重達30克
邊聽農場主人文宏程敘述起這門生意的起源。 以上的特級。整理好以後,會並放到-65℃的大型
阿美族的他,家中務農,小時他隨著爸爸一同 冷凍庫貯存,全年供應無虞。
是我們的主食,搭配著野生的昭和菜一起吃。」 有人如此描述旅行:「你的生活,是我遠道而
有了這樣的背景,五年前返鄉的他,無意發現 來的風景。」在雙濱旅遊,更能體會這句話的真
蝸牛的高經濟價值,決定以此作為創業的起點。 髓,既然沒有非看不可的景點,對於旅客來說,
只不過,他飼養的不是原住民習慣食用的黑蝸 來此無非就是脫離繁湊的生活,體會阿美族人獨
牛,而是有著陸上鮑魚美稱,口感軟嫩、風味更 特的生活。「在這裡,就是休息,就是吃飯。」

Wen Hongchen operates Awos, Taiwan’s only white jade snail farm.

White jade snails raised on a
diet of papaya and pumpkin
have tender flesh with a slightly
herbal flavor.

White jade snails When Wen returned to his hometown five years
After departing Tingalaw, we head south across the ago, he discovered that snails had commercial value
county line to Changbin Township in Taitung, which and decided to go into the business of raising them.
is home to Awos Farm, Taiwan’s only white jade snail But rather than the ordinary giant African snails (Lis-
farm. There, we nosh on submarine sandwiches made sachatina fulica) more commonly raised by Taiwan’s
with the snails as we listen to Awos founder Wen indigenous peoples, he chose to produce white jade
Hongcheng describe how he started his business. snails (L. fulica “White Jade”), a white variant some-
An Amis from a farming family, Wen spent part times referred to as “land abalone” for their tender,
of his childhood in the fields with his father. “We’d delicately flavored flesh. Wen explains that the meat
leave home on summer mornings carrying only an of these snails has a hint of grassiness in its flavor,
empt y pot and some uncooked rice for lunch. At and that the French are said to be especially fond of
noon, we’d catch snails and frogs living near t he the variety.
fields for our main course, and pair them with wild His farm harvests 3 million snails per year, and
fireweed [Crassocephalum crepidioides].” does the initial processing onsite. This includes sep-
arating the snails into five size grades, ranging from
small “winkle grade” snails and the “ordinary grade”
snails fried up in Chinese restaurants to the large
“special grade” snails weighing 30 grams and upward
most commonly seen in Western restaurants. The farm
then stores the snails in large freezers at −65°C so they
can be supplied to buyers throughout the year.

A white jade snail submarine

雙濱地區最高檔的Sinasera 24法式餐廳,餐廳的
職,慨然赴任。 溫差也不過6∼8℃。說白玉蝸牛是長濱大地的餽
上任後,他大破大立,拆掉旅館一樓的兩間房 贈,實不為過。
間,改裝成正規的法式餐廳,餐廳取作Sinasera 也由於Sinasera 24首開先例,打出口碑以後,
24,「Sinasera」是阿美族語的「大地」,「24」 許多西岸的星級餐廳如RAW、鹽之花,也紛紛向
則指「24節氣」。法式料理一向重視強調地域的 AWOS農場下單。
打造成一場五感交融的文化饗宴,也讓這家餐 串聯當地的農友、工坊
廳,成為當地物產的展演平台。 如此一般,經過楊柏偉的辛勤走訪,這一帶
如同楊柏偉率先使用的白玉蝸牛,呼應的是阿 許多市面難得一見的食材,就像璞玉經過打磨,
美族的飲食文化,也展現出了當地氣候、物產的 在法式餐桌上熠熠發光。包括脫胎自黑蝸牛的白
獨特性。畢竟,AWOS作為目前全台唯一的白玉 玉蝸牛;從太平洋提煉出的手炒海鹽;坊間罕見
蝸牛農場,不僅是因著品質拔尖,更如文宏程所 的柴燒黑糖;南溪部落的苦茶油;台 坂部落的鰻
說,是受惠於長濱穩定的天氣。 魚;鳳林出產,香氣飽滿,但運送尤其不易的豐
「這裡可能是最適合養蝸牛的地方,你相信 香草莓……等。
嗎?」如文宏程的解釋,屬於變溫動物的蝸牛, 楊柏偉認為,餐廳與農家、工坊,應該是魚幫

Sinasera 24的菜餚既精緻又華麗,更創造了
The exquisite dishes at the restaurant Sinasera
24 are opening a dialogue between French food
culture and Amis culture.
Embodying local culture temperature. The fact that Changbin’s temperature
Travel has been described as a only varies by 6–8°C even in winter makes it an ideal
way to experience other people’s ways place to farm them. Viewed in that light, the snails are
of life. A trip to Fengbin and Chang- almost a gift from the local environment.
bin highlights the essential truth of this Connecting with local farmers and artisans
statement. With no must-see scenic desti- Yang’s pursuit of local specialties has brought
nations, visitors come here to escape their own m a ny ra r e a nd h a r d-t o -f i nd i n g r e d i e nt s t o h i s
hectic lives and sample the very different lifestyle restaurant’s tables. These include white jade snails,
of the Amis. “People come here to relax and eat,” says handmade Pacific sea salt, wood-fired brown sugar,
Nick Yang, the executive chef at Sinasera 24, the twin camellia seed oil from the Amis community of Kusa-
townships’ fanciest French restaurant. hala (Chinese name Nanxi) in Changbin’s Zhangyuan
A meal can give you a sense of the warp and weft Village, eels from Tjuaqau (Taiban), a Paiwan commu-
of a local culture, and that’s exactly what Yang aims nity in Taitung’s Daren Township, and very flavorful
to deliver at Sinasera 24. He explains that the restau- but hard-to-transport Toyonaka strawberries grown
rant’s name combines sinasera, an Amis word meaning in Fenglin, Hualien County.
“the earth,” with the number 24, representing the 24 Yang believes that restaurants should have mutu-
solar terms of the traditional Chinese lunisolar calen- ally beneficial relationships with farmers and arti-
dar. Yang notes that French cuisine has always placed sans. He doesn’t just order from them, but also takes
great importance on regional cultures, and says he restaurant staff to visit them so that staff can learn
wants to use what can easily be three-hour-long meals how ingredients are grown or made, and absorb some
at his restaurant to offer cultural feasts involving all of the local culture. He also shares how the restaurant
five senses, and as a showcase for local products. uses the ingredients he buys from them.
Yang’s use of white jade snails mirrors Amis food Yang’s sourcing is in keeping with the spirit of
culture, while also highlighting the local climate and the slow food movement that originated in Italy in
products. After all, the local weather is part of the the late 1980s. Even though his farm-to-table process
reason that Awos is Taiwan’s only white jade snail involves only one restaurant, it is linking up a small
farm. but significant production ecology. This slow food ap-
“This is probably the best place in Taiwan to raise proach enables consumers to tangibly support small-
snails,” says Wen. He explains that the creatures are scale local producers and keeps local tradit ional
cold blooded and easily killed by rapid changes in cultures alive.

這樣的行動,合乎了從義大利開始的慢食運動 但,相較起原住民飲食的粗獷原始,楊柏偉的
的精神宗旨。從餐桌到農田的過程,光是一間餐 料理巧奪精工,精細華麗,是光譜上的另一極端。
廳,就足以串接起一個規模雖小但意義深遠的產 白盤是他的畫布,料理是藝術,自然的變化、田間
業生態系統,藉由「慢食」行動,消費者實際支 的產出,是創作的線索。
持在地的小規模生產者,也保障當地傳統文化的 「每天上班途中,看到稻田結穗、洛神花開;
長久延續。 去到港口,看到盛產的白帶魚、海藻,就知道大自
一旦坐上Sinasera 24的餐桌,讓人驚訝的發覺, 路上只剩下水果店會提醒我現在的季節,但偏偏水
台灣東岸的原鄉部落,居然與千里之遙的法國如此 果店裡,一年四季又常陳列著一樣的東西。」
呼應。法式料理常說的「吃在地、吃當季」,豈不 並不打算推出原民風味餐的他,把當地食材偷
正是阿美族人依循自然節奏的生活態度。不同的 天換日到經典菜式裡,蘸麵包的橄欖油,用苦茶

Sinasera 24行政主廚楊柏偉。
Sinasera 24 executive chef Nick Yang.

是,法式料理強調細節的堆疊,阿美族的菜餚,如 油取代;可麗露必得用上的香草籽,拿月桃子取
同在豐富部落頭目家用過的便飯,或以涼拌、或以 代。他不排斥馬告、刺蔥、苦茄、香檬等風味強
快炒、或以水煮。 烈的食材,但會藉由層層的轉化、醬汁的調和,
「就是很野啦!」Sinasera 24合作的另一個農 替客人打造一條更容易親近的途徑。
友,被稱作「海鹽爺爺」的蔡利木,如此形容阿美 在這個深冬,餐廳推出了別開生面的全肉類野
族的餐桌。野,指的是野生食材未經馴化,也是滋 味套餐。不論大眾接受度為何,楊柏偉想的是,
味的生猛犀利。蔡利木回憶,昔日部落物資匱乏, 想藉由這套料理,向法式料理的野味文化致意,
常連炒菜的沙拉油都沒有,辛嗆的辣椒、蒜頭、生 更暗示阿美族冬季特有的狩獵文化,尋常餐桌難
薑,族人常只是蘸了鹽巴就直接入口。基於這樣的 得一見的兔肉、蜂蛹、鴕鳥肉、綠頭鴨,在滋味
生活經驗,才促使後來的他向耆老請益,學習直接 的層層交融裡,台灣東岸無比遼闊的大山大海,
用海水煮鹽的技術。 就在眼前。 l

typical of Aboriginal cuisine. The plates are his can-
vas, the food his art, and the changing seasons and the
products of the field his inspiration.
“On my way to work today, I saw blooming hibiscus
and ripening paddy rice. When I went to the harbor, I
found an abundance of beltfish and seaweed. Nature
was reminding me what ingredients I should cook.”
The rapid pace of modern life makes it hard to notice
this kind of quiet inspiration. “If I were in a city, the
only thing to tell me the season would be the fruit
stores. But even the fruit stores often sell the same
things the whole year round.”
Yang has no plans to introduce fully fledged Aborig-
inal cuisine to his menu. Instead, he sneaks local ingre-
dients into classic French dishes by doing things like
向耆老學習從海水提煉海鹽的蔡利木,保 replacing the olive oil used for dipping bread with ca-
Cai Limu learned to make salt from seawater mellia oil, and swapping shell ginger seeds for vanilla
from his elders and is helping preserve this seeds in canelé. Nor does he shy away from using po-
traditional salt making method.
tent flavors like those of aromatic litsea (Litsea cubeba),
Japanese prickly ash (Zanthoxylum ailanthoides), scarlet
eggplant (Solanum integrifolium) and Taiwanese tanger-
From rustic to refined ine (Citrus depressa). But he layers transformations and
When you sit down for a meal at Sinasera 24, you’ll sauces to make them more approachable.
be surprised to find how much this Aboriginal village This winter, the restaurant has introduced yet an-
in Eastern Taiwan recalls faraway France. French cui- other new twist: a 100% game meat prix-fixe menu.
sine is often described as being local and seasonal. Isn’t Yang’s idea is to give a nod to French cuisine’s game
that much the same as the Amis approach to living in culture and hint at the Amis winter hunting culture.
accord with the rhythms of nature? But there are differ- The new menu will serve up foods rarely seen on
ences. Whereas French cuisine emphasizes a layering restaurant tables in Taiwan, including rabbit, bee lar-
of details, Amis dishes more often resemble the home vae, ostrich, and mallard, layering and integrating their
cooking we enjoyed in the Tingalaw tribal leader’s flavors to mirror the incredible terrestrial and marine
home: they are generally chilled, fried or boiled. vistas of Taiwan’s East Coast on diners’ plates. l
Yang’s delicate and refined menu is clearly at the (Lynn Su/photos by Jimmy Lin
opposite end of the spectrum from the rustic dishes tr. by Scott Williams)

因為Sinasera 24的串聯,許多罕見
Sinasera 24 integrates ordinary
and hard-to-find ingredients in its
French-inspired dishes. The photo
shows pyramid-shaped crystals of
handmade salt.

慢 漫 走 回「 嘉 」

Timber Town Stories

—A Stroll Along Chiayi’s
Second Avenue

文•鄧慧純 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•馬英凱



T he phrase “first Tainan, second Lugang, third

Bangka” describes the movement from south to
north of Taiwan’s political and economic center of grav-
ity under Qing-Dynasty rule. But did you know that
Chiayi, located in the heart of Taiwan’s western plain,
had wooden city walls even earlier than Tainan, and ex-
perienced industrial development before Kaohsiung?

舊稱桃城、諸羅縣的嘉義市,其木柵城垣早 到。」時至今日,還有許多傳統產業駐守,比如
在1704年就建起,是清領時期一府三縣中最早 充滿草根味的山產行。
者,台灣府(今台南)的城池遲至1723年才修 「山產行是像迪化街上的南北貨店,但是我
築。唯1906年梅山大地震,巨大的天災震毀了發 們這邊稱為山產行。」陳怡秀解釋。中正路上的
展近300年的街道系統,日本人啟動市區改正計 「益昌山產行」,老闆謝文祥再簡單扼要地說
畫,劃出了棋盤式的街廓,當時的二通(今中正 明,「從山上採來的貨品,都稱作山產,舉凡像
路),是本島人交易民生用品的集散地。 木耳、蜂蜜、筍乾、香菇、愛玉籽和金針乾等都
1912年,阿里山林業鐵道通車,1914年被譽為 是。」僅與台北市士林區差不多大的嘉義市,因
「東洋第一」的嘉義製材所完工啟用,匯集了來 為林業鐵道的緣故,在日治時期是重要的陸路樞
自歐美最先進的器械,形成完備的產業聚落,也 紐,南來北往的物資交易都在這邊。謝文祥指著
成就了嘉義「木都」的美名。 對面的雜貨店說,當年那家店過年的時候,生意
發源於台北大稻埕的「島內散步」,2022年來 店家把錢存在銀行,可以想見當年這條街是如何
到嘉義,以「環時好室」為品牌與據點,用散步 的摩肩接踵。
認識家鄉,最先推出的就是二通的故事。 中正路上的其他商號也厲害得不遑多讓。「嘉
島內散步雲嘉南區域總監陳怡秀說起,在日治 義針車行」是已經傳五代的老店了。怎麼看它
時期,大通(今中山路)是日本人活動的區域; 老?看門面上還留著四碼的番號(電話號碼),
二通則被稱為「本島人街」,顧名思義是在地人 就知道是頗有年歲的老店。1944年創業,店內陳
商賈貿易的街區,「人稱二通上面的店+家, 列的自家開發生產的東鄉牌縫衣機,是過去許多
從人出生到入棺材都有,所有的東西都可以買 家庭縫縫補補的回憶,也是許多婦女的經濟來

The city of Chiayi owes its development to the
forestry resources of Alishan.

Formerly known as Taocheng (“Peach City”) and
Zhuluo County, Chiayi was fortified with a wooden
palisade in 1704. However, the massive Meishan earth-
quake of 1906, in the early years of Japanese colonial
rule, devastated the road system that had grown up
over nearly three centuries. In response, the Japanese
redesigned the city with a grid street layout. The street
they named “Second Avenue” (today’s Zhongzheng
Road) became a center where Taiwanese people bought
and sold household goods.
The Alishan Forest Railway began operating in 1912,
and in 1914 the Chiayi Sawmill, a complex of timber
industry buildings that was acclaimed as “number one
in the Orient,” was completed. Equipped with the most
advanced machinery from Europe and North America, 史的老店。店內的縫衣機,藏著過去許多家庭縫縫補補的
it constituted a comprehensive industrial cluster, and 回憶。
The four-digit telephone number still visible over the doorway of
earned Chiayi the nickname “Timber Town.” Chia Yi Sewing Machine shows that this is an old-established
business. The veteran sewing machines on display inside the
Stories passed down through time shop are reminders of the clothes making and mending done in
The walking tour company Walk in Taiwan, founded many homes in the past.

in the Dadaocheng area of Taipei City, set up shop in

Chiayi in 2022. Since establishing “Chiayi in House” as
its brand and base of operations, the company is intro-
ducing Chiayi through walking tours. The first tour they railway, in the Japanese era Chiayi City was an important
devised is built around the story of Second Avenue. hub of overland transportation routes, and a trading cen-
Betty Chen, Walk in Taiwan’s regional director for ter for goods being shipped north or south. Xie points to a
Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan, explains that in the era of general store across the street from his shop and says that
Japanese rule, “Main Street” (today’s Zhongshan Road) back in the day it was so busy in the run-up to the Lunar
mainly catered to Japanese residents, whereas Second New Year that they didn’t close their doors day or night.
Avenue, also known as “Locals’ Street,” was a place Other businesses on Zhongzheng Road are no less
where Taiwanese conducted business. “People said that impressive. Chia Yi Sewing Machine is a venerable store
on Second Avenue you could buy anything from cradles that is now in the hands of the fifth generation of its
to coffins.” Even today, many traditional businesses re- owning family. How do you know it is old? Just look at
main there, such as “mountain product” shops with a the four-digit phone number that is still written above
real grass-roots ambience. the doorway! But it is only when you walk inside this
Xie Wenxiang, owner of Yichang Mountain Products building, which on the outside has an elegant washed
on Zhongzheng Road, says: “‘Mountain products’ means terrazzo finish, that you discover that the old house is
food products from the mountains, such as jelly ear fun- built of cypress wood. There is a story behind every de-
gus, honey, dried bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, tail of the place, from the cypress staircase to the trade-
jelly fig seeds, and dried daylily.” Thanks to the forest mark emblem carved on a wooden panel.

源。而從外觀看是洗鍊的洗石子建築,探到內部 想,那代表我們嘉義人都沒生到壞子孫,都有好
才發現是檜木老屋,檜木的樓梯和木刻的商標標 好地把家業傳承下去呀!」
第四代老闆賴隆毅站在店門口,客人進門先問要 「嘉義是一個麻雀雖小五臟俱全的城市」,離
拜什麼?他說看要拜神明、祖先、好兄弟或是地 鄉五年、返鄉六個月的陳怡秀,喜歡這樣形容她
基主,該準備的紙錢都不一樣,他攤開燒給好兄 的家鄉。當初就立下回家工作的志向,陳怡秀認
弟的經衣白錢,印上梳子、衣服等器物,他解釋 為嘉義是可以舒服生活的城市,她也很是贊同地
Betty Chen says that Chiayi is a city that embraces 尺度大小剛剛好的城市,可以觀光,可以生
anyone with dreams.
這是好兄弟需要的日用品,而且紙跟紙錢怎麼區 離開環時好室時,陳怡秀建議我們循二通再往
分,其中都有大學問。賴信成香業擁有自家的製 東走,會遇見仍保有檜木結構的東市場,這邊是
香工廠,原料都是純正的中藥、檀香和沉香,所 嘉義人的大廚房、大食堂。還有在地居民信仰中
以燒香絕對不傷身。傳統拜拜用的香或現代的薰 心城隍廟,她提醒不要忘記進到正殿,仰頭看看
香,在這間近百年的老店都可以得到滿足。 美麗的藻井,華麗不說,上頭裝飾的人偶,除了
這一代傳一代的故事,讓我想起那天在計程車 東方的彌勒佛、武將外,還藏著數個穿西裝、戴
上的對話。司機跟我們說,有乘客抱怨30年前在 高帽、拄著拐杖的西方紳士和長有雙翼的神像,
嘉義當兵,怎麼30年後再訪嘉義,街道店家都還 是出自溪底派大師王錦木之手。寺廟的志工還引
是一模一樣。司機豪爽的回答客人:「換個角度 導我們看牆上的日文和歌對聯,是日治後期皇民

Betty Chen leads us next door to Lai Shin Chun In- boldly replied: “Yes, but if you look at it from another
cense, where fourth-generation boss Lai Longyi stands angle, this means that we Chiayi people raise our chil-
at the door and asks the customers that enter what kind dren right, because they all take good care of the family
of worship they are preparing for. He explains that the business and pass it on to the next generation!”
spirit money that should be burnt differs depending The scenery of daily life
upon whether one is honoring deities, ancestors, wan- Betty Chen, who left Chiayi for five years and only
dering spirits, or the souls of the former owners or oc- returned six months ago, likes to describe her home-
cupiers of a building. Spreading out some spirit money town in this way: “Chiayi is like a sparrow: small, but
intended for wandering ghosts, he explains that the perfectly formed.”
objects such as combs printed on the paper are every- In the past, Chiayi’s most famous landmark was prob-
day items needed by these spirits. Moreover, there is ably Alishan (Mt. Ali). But in recent years this city where
a whole body of knowledge related to the distinctions life moves at a comfortable pace has been gradually de-
between different kinds of spirit money. veloping into a place where talent flowers. What has most
These stories of businesses passed down from gen- surprised Chen since her return home has been that “this
eration to generation remind me of a conversation I had is a city that embraces anyone who has dreams.”
with a taxi driver that day. The driver told us she had In the travel book The Place: Chiayi City, you can find
had a fare who was revisiting Chiayi three decades after many surprising statistics. In a city with a total area of
doing his military service there, and complained that just 60-odd square kilometers, you can buy shredded
the shops on the city’s streets were all exactly the same turkey meat on rice 24 hours a day, and it has Taiwan’s
as they had been 30 years previously. The taxi driver highest concentration of hand-shaken drinks shops, the

The firm Walk in Taiwan set up shop in Chiayi in 2022 to help people get to know the city
through walking tours. They started out with tours of “Second Avenue.” (courtesy of Chiayi in House)

Lai Longyi, owner of Lai Shin Chun Incense, has a profound knowledge of religious rituals.

化運動時,為保有民間傳統信仰,地方仕紳希望 車,各式各樣的物資與人力因之聚集、流動,促
和日本政府打好關係所做。 成了嘉義市的發展,陳正哲形容,「阿里山森林
這充滿生活感的街道,食衣住行的日常,懷抱 是一個母體,嘉義市好像是她生出來一個小孩,

諸多故事的店家,果然散步是最能夠發現這座城 然後阿里山鐵道就像一條臍帶,她輸送養分,讓
木都DNA 業城市,沒落了。
回顧嘉義木業的歷史,1912年阿里山鐵道通 造屋的風潮再起,還有木業技術的創新改變;陳

The figurines that decorate the caisson
ceiling in Chenghuang Temple include
Western gentry wearing suits and hats
and carrying walking sticks. During tours
of the temple, foreigners find these figures
especially intriguing.

A painted-tile depiction of Mt. Fuji on the “dragon” side of the deities’ shrine in
Chiayi’s Chenghuang Temple. On the other side (the “tiger” side) there is a depiction
of Yushan, known in the Japanese era as Mt. Niitaka.

second highest of coffee shops, the third highest of con­

venience stores, and the highest of parks. Looking at
these superlatives, it seems that people here measure
the city’s worth in terms of settings for daily life rather
than technology or economic power. They have their
own ways of doing things—for example, spreading tell. It turns out that walking is indeed the best way to
mayonnaise on cold noodles or maintaining that tofu discover the fascination of this city, for you have to go
pudding only tastes right when accompanied by soy at a slow pace to fully appreciate it.
milk—and they walk their own road at their own pace. Timber Town
As we leave Chiayi in House, Betty Chen recom­ But there is another side to Chiayi—the legacy of the
mends that we follow Second Avenue eastward and visit timber industry. According to a survey conducted by
the Eastern Market, which still has its cypress­wood Chen Cheng­che, an associate professor in the Depart­
framework. This is a major dining space for the people ment of Architecture and Landscape Design at Nanhua
of Chiayi. There is also Chenghuang Temple, a center University, there are still more than 6,000 wooden build­
of faith for local residents. Looking upward in the main ings in Chiayi, making it the city with the largest con­
hall we see a beautiful caisson ceiling. The human fig­ centration of wooden structures in all of Taiwan.
urines that decorate the ceiling were made by Wang Looking back at the history of the timber industry in
Jinmu, a master craftsman from the Xidi School of Chiayi, the opening of the Alishan Forest Railway back
Quanzhou in China’s Fujian Province. They include not in 1912 gave a big boost to the city’s development. As
only figures from Eastern religions such as the Maitreya Chen Cheng­che describes it: “The forest on Alishan was
Buddha and deified military leaders, but also a number like a mother, and Chiayi was the child she bore. The
of Western gentry wearing suits and hats and carrying railway was like an umbilical cord, supplying the nutri­
walking sticks, as well as winged angels. ents that enabled it to gradually grow.” This lasted until
The shops on Second Avenue have ever yt h i ng 1963, when logging was banned on Alishan, and this city
needed for daily life, and many interesting stories to that had prospered thanks to timber went into decline.

正哲解釋,以前樹木要生長數十年才能成材,現 鐵皮,亂七八糟的棚架陽台,用減法和打燈的方
今利用疏伐的木頭膠合,就能拼成為一塊大料, 式,讓老屋重現原初的樣態,大家才發現當年的
供建築結構使用,這稱為「集成材」的木料,經 房子蓋得有多「水」(台語:漂亮),多典雅。
過測試,強度比同尺寸的原木還要強,是振興木 他提了數個地點讓我們去看看卸妝的成果。
業的重要材料。 位在蘭井街上的「新陽春藥房」,與隔壁是連棟
世界潮流與新興的技術讓「木都2.0」有了機 的兩層樓日式街屋,如今立面修復,重現的二樓
會,希望復振曾經的木業繁華,讓木頭再次走進 圓窗、弧形陽台及雨淋板漆色等,引人遙想過往
常民生活中;陳正哲提出「以修代租」方案,公 的輝煌歲月。80多歲的老闆已習慣許多訪客來探
部門將現有閒置舊監獄宿舍開放出來,引入民間 問,還打趣地跟我們說:「跟這間房子比,我還
小型資本投入木屋修繕,並由專業團隊提供修繕 算是少年。」
經驗;只要求進駐業者的業務要有一件事情與木 位在中正路上的「大益糖果店」,是曾經被
業相關,讓木業相關的行業在此形成聚落。 陳澄波畫入作品的建築,進到屋內跟老闆攀談,
陳正哲帶我們參觀「矯正塾1921」,此處是舊 他不忘指著牆上翻拍的陳澄波畫作,說:「這一



Dayi Store, a candy shop on Zhongzheng Road, has exterior walls
with a washed terrazzo finish, but inside the building is made of
wood. There are still many buildings of this kind in Chiayi.

existing idle dormitories for lease in order to attract the
private sector to invest small amounts of capital into re-
storing the wooden buildings with the assistance of pro-
fessional teams. The only precondition for businesses
to move into the buildings would be that some part of
their activities be connected with the timber industry,
so that wood-related tenants would form a cluster here.
Chen guides us on a tour of “Department of Cor-
rection 1921,” which was the first of the wooden dor-
mitory buildings to be fully renovated. The team that
did the work introduced new technologies to the old
building, combining new and old wood materials
while using new techniques to enhance the structure’s
safety. They demonstrated that the techniques used in
wooden buildings can be modern and up to date, and
that wooden structures can be energy saving and com-
fortable. “This is our show house,” says Chen, and it is
aimed at enabling people to once again experience the
beauty of wooden structures.
Meanwhile, the building next door is an experi-
mental carpentry workshop made by removing the
partitions between four dormitories. Woodworking ma-
chinery has been installed and skills training classes
are being offered. This is needed, Chen says, because
陳正哲提出了「木都2.0」的概念,要再造嘉義木業的榮景。 there are still thousands of wooden buildings in the
Chen Cheng-che has proposed the concept of “Timber Town 2.0”
in hopes of reviving the fortunes of Chiayi’s lumber industry.
city that require renovation.
Revealing old houses’ true face
There is a different strategy for promoting the ren-
ovation of privately owned wooden structures. For old
wooden houses where Chiayi residents still live and
In 2014 Chen’s team moved into the former staff work, Chen proposed a program for “removing the
quarters of the old Chiayi Prison and began to restore makeup” from old buildings. Hoping to inspire peo-
these wooden buildings that had long stood idle. At ple in the back streets to engage with the issue of old
the same time they considered how the restoration of wooden structures, Chen advocated starting by reno-
some employee dormitories could be leveraged to spark vating the facades. “We first take care of the facades, be-
the renaissance of a city. Chen proposed the concept cause these are in a sense public assets.” The approach
of “Timber Town 2.0.” The lumber industry drove the is to remove additions to old houses and add lighting,
prosperous era of “Timber Town 1.0” in Chiayi from and to return houses to their original appearance by
1912 through 1963, and now, with the rise of the issue of restoring windows that had been sealed up, taking
net zero carbon emissions worldwide, there is renewed off sheet-metal cladding, and dismantling ramshackle
interest in the construction of wooden buildings, porches and balconies. Only then do people realize how
under pinned by innovations in timber technology. beautiful and elegant these houses were back in the day.
To help the Timber Town 2.0 plan succeed, Chen pro- Chen mentions a number of locations where we can
posed a program whereby tenants who leased premises see the results of this program. Xinyangchun Pharmacy,
in the old prison dormitories would pay for renovations located on Lanjing Street, is part of a corner row of two-
rather than paying rent. The government would open story Japanese-era townhouses. Today the facade has

been restored, including the round windows and curved
balcony on the second floor of the corner house, and the
board-and-batten wood siding has been repainted. It in-
spires people to think back to the glory days of the past.
Dayi Store, a candy shop on Zhongzheng Road, is
a structure that once featured in a painting by Chiayi-
born artist Chen Cheng-po (1895–1947). As we chat
with the owner inside the shop, he points to a photo of
Chen’s painting hanging on the wall and says: “That is
this building.” Chen Cheng-che adds: “The best part of
this structure is its gable wall, but it was unfortunately
covered up by ugly corrugated steel.” He describes “re-
moving the makeup” from old buildings as being like
discovering a Marvel Easter Egg: every building that is

The renovated Xinyangchun Pharmacy recalls a past age of
prosperity in Chiayi.

行,想必你的口袋路線已經規劃好了。 l

uncovered is full of delightful surprises. For example, But because their houses are connected, there were
many houses have an exterior finish that looks like many matters that both had to deal with, and Chen
washed terrazzo, so at first glance one would conclude Cheng-che thereby became a bridge for communication.
that they are built of brick or reinforced concrete, but When a building’s original facade is laid bare, neigh-
when you remove the exterior they turn out to be con- bors often come out to talk about the appearance of
structed entirely of wood. Chen classifies these as “false the old structures back in the day. Getting people to
fronted” structures, and this building technique is a re- see and discuss the old buildings gives the buildings a
minder of the golden age of wooden buildings in Chiayi. chance to survive into the future.
In fact, restoring houses can sometimes even restore Listening to these slowly emerging stories about old
family relations. The owners of one pair of adjacent wooden buildings and the history of the timber indus-
wooden townhouses had set up separate households try, it seems to me that the itinerary for your next trip
in the previous generation, and although the heads of to Chiayi is already set! l
these neighboring families were obviously brothers, (Cathy Teng/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
they were no longer communicating with one another. tr. by Phil Newell)

Why not come to Chiayi and see its charm for yourself.
月 蚵仔煎的身世:台灣食物名小考
◎ 曹銘宗

《美食考》、《食藝》作者 蔡倩玟


中央研究院台灣史研究所 翁佳音

歲寒三友: 母鴨、羊肉爐未必台灣原 創。儘 管

麻油雞、薑母鴨、 如此,這三種台式補湯絕對與眾不

羊肉爐 同,因為都使用獨一無二的祕方:
在台 灣,麻 油 雞、薑母 鴨、羊 肉 台灣米酒(紅標米酒)。
爐 可 說 是 進 補、禦 寒 最 常 見 的 食 台灣米酒有何不同?中國、日本
物,所 以 有 網 友 戲 稱 為 台 灣 人 過 的米酒都是釀造酒,台灣的米酒則
冬的「歲寒三友」。 是蒸餾酒,酒精 濃 度較高,而且 還
由 於 世 界上 很 多地 方 都 有 雞、 加了大半的甘蔗糖蜜酒精,米酒香
鴨、羊 的 湯 料理,所以 麻 油 雞、薑 中多了甜味。因此,對吃慣台灣米
酒的台灣人來說,如果沒有台灣米 p a n g,木 板 的 意 思),或 說:「生

酒,麻油 雞、薑母 鴨、羊 肉 爐 就 完 會過,雞酒芳;生袂過,棺材枋」,

全不對味,甚至無法烹煮。 生產如果順利,可以享用美味又滋

麻油雞 補的麻油 雞;生 產 如果失 敗,恐 怕

麻油 雞的全 稱是「麻油 雞 酒」, 就要面臨死亡躺進棺材了。

簡 稱「雞 酒 」,除了 薑 之 外,主 角 在 嬰 兒 滿 月 時,也 有 請 客 吃 油

就 是 酒 和 麻 油。酒 是 台 灣 獨 特 的 飯、麻油雞的習俗。

甘 蔗 米 酒,一 般 煮 麻 油 雞 都 要 加 薑母鴨
大 量 米 酒,甚 至 完 全 以 米 酒 來 取 薑 母 鴨 是台 灣 人冬 令 進 補 常 吃
代水。 的 食 物,現 在 大 都 做 成 火 鍋。與
麻 油 也 是 台 灣 的 特 產,台 灣 從 麻油雞相比,薑母鴨 少用了麻油,
荷蘭時代就開始種植、生產麻油。 卻多用了薑,而且 服 膺「薑 是老的
根 據 清 代 文 獻,台 灣 生 產 的 麻 油 辣」,必須用老薑。
有 芝(脂)麻油、蓖(萆)麻油,品 有 人 搞 不 懂「 薑 母 鴨 」三 字 的 書名:蚵仔煎的身世:
質「勝 於 內地」;台 灣 的 蓖 麻油 還 意 思,就 問:「為 什 麼 一定 要 用母 作者:曹銘宗
賣到蘇州、上海、寧波、鎮江等地。 鴨?」哈!台 語 的「 薑 母」就 是 老 頁數:256頁
在台灣,一般稱芝麻油為麻油。 薑,薑 母 鴨 是「 薑 母+鴨 」,不 是
出版時間:2020年9月 九刷
因此,以優質的麻油、獨特的米 「薑+母鴨」。 出版: 貓頭鷹出版

酒,所做出來的麻油 雞,最能代 表 客 家 語 則 稱 薑 為「 薑 嫲(麻)」

「台灣味」,展現台灣 飲 食 文化的 (g i o n g - m a),老 薑 就 是「老 薑

特色。此外,麻油 雞也是台灣 傳 統 嫲 」。苗 栗 縣 大 湖 鄉 有 一 個「 薑

生命禮俗的重要食物。 麻 園 」社 區,就 是 客 家 人 種 薑 的 在台灣,羊肉爐 是一九八○年代

台 灣 的 孕 婦 在 產 後 坐 月 子 時, 地方。(此處客家語標音採教育部 才 開 始 盛 行 的 火 鍋,也 是 冬 令 進
都 會 吃 麻 油 雞 補 身。在 古 早 醫 藥 《台 灣 客 家 語常用 詞 辭 典 》,g 等 補頗受歡迎的食物之一,羊肉大都
不 發 達 的 時 代,由 產 婆 到 家 裡 接 於 教育部台語辭典的k。) 是切塊,也有切成薄片。
生,孕 婦生 產相當凶 險,順產或 難 事實上,薑母鴨大都使用公的紅 《 本 草 綱 目 》記 載 吃 羊 肉 可 以
產 可 謂 生 死 攸 關。所 以 台 灣 俚 諺 面番鴨,一般認為公鴨生性較猛, 「補虛」、「益氣」,台灣人古時就
說:「生 贏 雞 酒 芳,生 輸 四 片 枋」 吃起來較補。 相 信 羊 肉 是 食 補 聖 品,但 早 年 羊
( 芳 音 p h a n g,香 的 意 思;枋 音 羊肉爐 肉腥味重,吃的人較 少,後來 在品

種、料理 上獲 得改善,吃的人 就愈 菜、梅 乾 菜(梅 干 菜),其 實 都 是 漬,菜因 鹽 的作用繼 續出水,菜 就

來愈多了。 用芥菜做出來的! 在 湯 汁 中 發 酵 生 出 酸 味,做 成 又

台北有一家羊肉專賣連鎖店,店 芥 菜 是台 灣 常見 的 十 字 花 科 蕓 香又脆的客家酸菜。一般的「酸菜

名叫「莫宰羊」,招牌寫著:「您來 薹 屬蔬 菜,台語 音k u à - t s h à i,所 心」只有 酸味,而客家酸菜還帶 有

了 就 宰 羊!嘸 來 還 是 莫 宰 羊!」很 以也 被 寫 成 諧 音 的「刈 菜」,客 家 鹹甘味。

多人看不懂,為什麼前一句說要宰 語則稱芥菜為「大菜」。 二、福菜

羊,後一句又說不宰羊了呢? 依 台 灣 過 年 吃 團 圓 飯 的 習 俗, (客家語稱覆菜,台語音
原來這是一句雙關語,前一句的 在 南 台 灣 以 外 的 地 區,芥 菜 又 稱 phak-tshài)
「宰 羊」是國 語,但後 一句 的「莫 「長年 菜」(南台灣的長年 菜是菠 把做好的客家酸菜,再經日曬、

宰 羊 」是 台 語「毋 知 影」(t s a i - 菜),主要 是芥 菜的葉子在一般 蔬 風 乾,在水分 未完全乾燥時,撕成

i á n n)的諧 音,意 思 是不知道。這 菜中最長最大,用來象徵長壽。 長 條塞入 瓶中,再 把瓶子 倒置,讓

家羊肉店的老闆是要說:「我們店 在台灣的客家人,由於族群遷徙 水分流出,最後再 把瓶口密 封,瓶

的羊 肉 很 好 吃,您 來了,我們宰 羊 的歷史背景,加上較為艱苦的生活 子 放 正。經 過 約 四 至 六 個 月 的 發

您吃了就 知道;您若不來,還 是不 環境,發展了以勤儉精神來保存食 酵,就做出比酸菜更有 韻味、最具

知道!」 物、物盡 其用的飲食 文化,例如以 代 表 性 的 客 家 醃 菜。由 於 製 作 過

戰後,很多外省軍人來到台灣, 醃 漬 來 保 存 容 易 腐 壞 的 蔬 菜,再 程 把容 器 翻 轉,客 家 語 叫「 覆」,

在學講 台語時,以外省腔調把「毋 以醃菜搭配肉類做出特色的客家 所以做 好 的 菜 稱 為「覆 菜」,但一

知 影」講 成「 莫 宰 羊」,寫 成 文 字 料理。 般以吉祥的諧音稱為「福菜」。

後相當有趣,也 就 流 傳下來,變成 台 灣 客 家 人 以 芥 菜作 為 醃 菜 的 三、梅乾菜

「台式國語」。 材 料,可 謂 表 現 得 淋 漓 盡 致。首 (客家語稱鹹菜乾,台語一

芥菜的孩子: 先,利 用 稻 作 休 耕 期 間 來 種 植 芥 般仍稱phak-tshài)

菜,就 展現了勤儉精神。等 芥 菜收 把做到一半的福菜,即經日曬、
在 苗 栗 縣 銅 鑼 鄉,由 行 政 院 客 成後,再以傳 統的 醃 漬 方法,依不 風 乾但 尚 未 放 到 甕 裡 密 封 之 前,

家委員會建立的客家文化園區,看 同時間的發酵、日曬和風 乾,依次 再經日曬、風 乾,直到幾乎沒有水

到 客 家 婦 女 醃 漬 芥 菜 的 蠟 像,讓 可以做成: 分,再將之 捆紮成團,就做 成更 加

人 想 到 具有 獨 特 鹹 菜 香 味 的 客 家 一、酸菜 甘醇、可 耐久 藏的梅 乾 菜了。一 般

料理。 (客家語和台語都稱鹹菜) 梅 乾 菜 只 取 葉 子 部 分,但 傳 統 客

台 灣 的 客 家 菜 別 有 風 味,我 們 把 整 株 的 新 鮮 芥 菜,先 經 日 曬 家 梅 乾 菜 是 連 梗 帶 葉 做 的,有 捆

吃過「酸菜炆豬 肚」(炆 是 燜煮的 一至 三 天後 變 軟,以一層菜、一層 紮、零碎兩種。

意 思 )、「 酸 菜 鴨 湯 」、「 福 菜 炆 鹽的鋪排,再由人用腳把菜踩軟、 台灣助選蔬果:

筍乾」、「福菜苦瓜 湯」、「梅 乾扣 鳳梨、蘿蔔、蒜頭
肉 」、「梅 乾 蹄 膀 」等,但 有 人可 (大蒜)
能 不知道,客家 菜使 用的酸菜、福 在 甕 中 經 過 約 一 至 二個 星 期 的 醃 台灣 每逢 總 統、縣市長、立 法 委

員等選舉,在電視 新聞、選舉場子 「菜 頭」,象徵「好頭彩」、「好 彩 「凍蒜」一詞。

上 除了看 到 候 選 人、助 選 員,還 有 頭」。 在 選 舉 最 熱 烈 的 造 勢 大 會,司

三大助選蔬果:鳳梨、蘿蔔、蒜。 台 灣 舉 行 民 主 選 舉 多 年,在 助 儀 高 喊 候 選 人 的 名 字,群 眾 齊 呼

三 大 助 選 蔬 果 可 能 出 現 一 種、 選 場 合,傳 統 上 是 贈 送 候 選 人 鳳 「凍 蒜」,工作人 員同時 搭 配 敲 鼓

兩 種,但 在 冬 季,蘿 蔔、大 蒜 是 盛 梨、蘿 蔔,但 近 年來 新 增了 蒜,因 兩響,現場氣氛High到最高點!

產 期,鳳 梨有時 還能買到,所以常 為 蒜 與台語當 選 的「選」諧 音,如 在 傳 統 中 文,「當 選」指 合 適 的

見候選人雙手捧著三種蔬果。 果當 季 沒 有大 蒜(青 蒜 苗),就 用 人 選,或應當的選擇,都與選舉 無

台灣習俗在喜慶場合要多講好 蒜頭代替。 關。其 實,台 語「當 選 」一 詞 源 自

話,吃 飯 時 可 講 與 食 物 名 諧 音 的 曾 有 國 內 外 學 者 研 究 台 灣 的民 日文 漢 字「當 選」(簡 寫 為当 選,

吉 祥 話,例 如 過 年 講「食 棗,年 年 主 選 舉 文 化,發 現「 當 選 」是 最 t ō s e n)。日本比中國更早引進歐

好」,入 厝(搬 新 家)講「食 雞,起 重要的助選語言。但國語「當選」 美文化,並以漢字翻譯了民主制度

家」,婚 酒桌(喜酒)講「食芋,新 (注音,漢語拼音d āng xu ǎn ) 的詞彙,例如:「選舉」、「當選」、

郎好頭路,新娘緊大肚」。 的平上聲,並不足 以 展現 氣 勢,只 「落選」等,後來才被中文引用。

祝賀時則可講與禮物名諧音 有台語「當選」(t ò n g-s u á n)二 日 本 統 治 台 灣 時 期,經 台 灣

的 吉 祥 話,例 如:贈 送 鳳 梨,台 字連 續高降 音調,最為有力,所以 人 力 爭 多 年,台 灣 總 督 府 終 於 開

語 稱 之「王 梨」(ô n g l â i),象徵 常 在 助選場合高喊。後來,新聞報 放 有 限 制 的 地 方 自 治,允 許 基 層

「 旺 來 」;贈 送 蘿 蔔,台 語 稱 之 紙才創造了與台語「當選」同音的 議 員 半 數 官 派、半 數 民 選,並 在


一九 三 五 年 舉 行 第 一 屆 市、街、 舉 例 來 說,台 灣 人 與 虱 目 魚 枝」(墨 魚),身上很多花紋,長得
庄 議 員 選 舉。這 是 台 灣 人 第 一 (台 語 音 s a t - b a k- h î)已有 四 百 就像一枝 花啊!再來 猜 猜「煙仔」
次 選 舉 投 票,投 票 率 高 達 百 分之 年 以 上 的 關 係,但「 虱 目 」之 名 (正 鰹),就 是身上有煙 霧般的花
九十五,當時由台灣仕紳楊肇嘉主 從 何 而 來,至 今 沒 有 確 切 答 案。 紋啊!
導 的「台 灣 地 方自治 聯 盟 」,所 推 鄭 成 功 的「什 麼 魚?」是 玩 笑 之 但有些推測缺乏說服力。例如:
薦 的 候 選 人都 具有 大學 學 歷 及 正 說,最 後 只 好 以 日 本 時 代 文 人 連 有人說「敏豆」=B e a n+豆,同理
直人格,結果全部當選。 橫 在《 台 灣 語 典 》中 說 是「 番 語 可推「花飛」=花+F i s h。但 鯖魚
當 時 台 灣 會 不 會 就 有 人 喊「 凍 也 」三 個 字 帶 過。近 年 來,台 灣 是台灣普遍的海魚,不是從國外引
蒜」?根 據日本 時 代的《台日大 辭 的 虱 目 魚 想 打 進 中 國 大 陸 市 場, 進,怎需要英語翻譯呢?
典》,也收錄了台語「當選」(注明 但 對 岸 認 為「 虱 」與「 屍 」同 有 人 說「四 破 」( 鰺 科)應 該 叫
是日語),但發音是t o n g - s o á n, 音,又 會 讓 人 想 到「 蝨 子」,最 「四剖」,因為捕獲立 刻用鹽水煮
也 就 是 說 那時 的「當」(t o n g)是 後被改名為「狀元魚」。 熟、剖成四半。但我看 到的是整 條
平聲,不同於現在的「當」(tòng) 其 他 台 灣 人 常 吃 的「土 魠 」、 完 整,或去 頭去骨 剝成兩半啊!另
是去聲。 「午仔」、「嘉臘」、「花飛」、「四 有人 說,這種 魚剝成兩半後,從中
或 許,台 灣 在 戰 後 真 正 步入 競 破 」等 魚,也 是 講 不 出 名 字 的 由 間的直線很容易再剝成兩半,所以
爭激 烈的民主選 舉時 代,台語「當 來。 一共是四半。
選」二字才改 念成最 有力的t ò n g - 基 本 上,這 些 搞 不 懂 的 海 產 俗 有 人 把「午 仔」( 馬 鮁 科)寫 成
suán! 名,可 能 是 早 年 原 住 民 命 名 的 音 「鯃 仔」,但「鯃 」是 中 國 古 書 上
助 選 時,除了贈 送 鳳 梨、蘿 蔔、 譯,可能 是台語 的命 名,前者幾乎 的 魚,所 以 應 該 只 是 借「 午」與
蒜,也可贈送包子和粽 子,這 是國 無解,後者還可以研究。 「吾」(ngóo)同音。
語 諧 音「包 中」的 吉 祥 話。因 此, 有些推 測較為合理。例如:新 北 近 年 來,台 灣 因 為 盛 行 日 本 料
有時也看到候選人收到「五合一」 市 萬 里 區 第 二核 能 發 電 廠 出 水 口 理,所 以 也 常 使 用 日 本 漢 字 的 魚
的助選禮物。 在一九 九 三年發現 的「祕 雕 魚」, 名,尤 其 是 鯛 類,以 提 高 身 價。例
題 外 話,蒜 可 以 冷 凍 嗎?答 案 俗名「花身仔」(鱸形目 鯻 科),應 如:「 嘉 臘 」變 成「 真 鯛 」、「 馬
是可以的,蒜 頭(剝瓣)、蒜 苗(切 該與魚身上明顯的花紋有關。 頭 」變 成「 甘 鯛 」、「 烏 格 」變 成
粒)密封冷凍,可以保存很久。 「 軟 絲 仔」(槍 烏 賊 科 擬 烏 賊 「黑鯛」,連「吳郭魚」都改名「台

台灣人也搞不懂的台 屬 )的 肉 質 比「 花 枝 」( 墨 斗 魚 灣鯛」了。

科 )、「小 卷 」( 長 大 稱 中 卷、透 台灣傳統過年食物的

「花 枝 」是 什 麼 花?「花 飛」想 吉祥涵義
飛去哪?「四破」要破什麼? 當 然 我 們 可 以 再 發 揮 想 像 力。 在 台 灣,農 曆 新 年 是 一 年 之 中

台灣是 海島,海產 豐富,但很多 先 來 想 想「 花 飛 」( 鯖 魚 ),因 為 最 重 要 的 節 目,每 個 家 庭 為了 團

海產的名字,學名很 難 記,俗名卻 魚背上有 花 紋,又 游 得 飛 快,所以 圓、聚餐 所準備的各種 食物,在食

搞不懂。 就「花」+「飛」啊!順便看 看「花 物的名稱、形狀、味道或象徵 上都

後 全 家「圍 爐」吃 年 夜 飯(古早 時 魷 魚:吃魷 魚(魷的正字是鰇)

在 餐 桌下 放置「烘 爐」,把 炭 火 燒 時的押韻吉祥話是「食 魷魚,生囡

旺 取 暖,並 象 徵 團 圓、興 旺 ),準 仔 好 育 飼」(小 孩 健 康 好 養 育)。

備的食物主要如下: 台 灣 傳 統 年 菜 常 見「 魷 魚 螺 肉

春飯:白米飯在碗裡盛滿堆高, 蒜」,將泡 發 過 的 魷 魚 與 蒜 苗、芹

插上 以紙或布 剪成的「春 仔花」, 菜 炒 香 後,把 罐 頭 螺 肉 連 湯 汁 倒

稱 之「 春 飯 」,放 在 神 桌 上。台 語 入鍋中煮沸即成。

的「春」與「賰」(t s h u n,剩餘 之 烏魚子:烏魚是台灣冬季的重要

意)同音,「賰飯」就是剩飯,象徵 漁獲(或養殖),以鹽醃、日曬(乾

米飯有餘。 燥)製 成烏魚子特產。過年團圓吃

年 柑:「年 柑」指在 農 曆 過 年 期 烤烏魚子,以 魚卵象徵多子多孫、

間 上市 的「桶 柑」,這種 柑 橘 原 產 子孫繁衍。

於 中 國 嶺 南,早 年 都 以 木 桶 裝 運 佛 跳 牆:福 州 名 菜 佛 跳 牆 在 台
具有吉祥涵義。 到外地販售。一 般以 五個桶柑,三 灣也非常流行,以諸多珍貴食材用
台 灣 閩 客 族 群 的 傳 統 過 年,在 個 做 底 蒂 頭 向 上,中 間 放 一 個 蒂 文火慢煨而成,寓意「福壽全」。
除夕的前幾 天,家家 戶戶都 要「磨 頭向下,上面再放一 個蒂 頭向上, 大 年 初 一 有 人 來 拜 年,家 裡 的
米 炊 粿 」(台 語 稱 粿,客 語 稱 粄, 疊成「柑塔」(或稱柑墩),放在神 果 盒、果 盤都 要放一些「四秀 仔」
就 是以米做 成的糕 點),主要有以 桌上。柑橘(橘簡寫為桔)的「柑」 (零 食),用 來 招 待 客人,並 講 一
下三種: 與「 甘 」諧 音,「 桔 」與「 吉 」諧 些與零食諧音押韻的吉祥話。
甜 粿:以 糯 米 粉 漿 加 赤 砂 糖 音,象徵甘甜、吉祥。 紅 棗:乾 果,「 食 紅 棗,年 年
蒸 製而成,「甜」(t i n n)與「年」 長年菜:過年 期間都 要吃的「長 好」。
( n î )押 韻,寓 意「 吃 甜 甜 好 過 年菜」,一般指芥菜(刈菜)。在常 糖 仔餅:糖果、餅乾,「食甜,予
年」。 見 的 蔬 菜 中,芥 菜 的 葉 片 最 長 最 你 大 趁 錢 」(台 語「趁 錢 」就 是 賺
發 粿:以在 來 米(秈 米)粉 漿 加 大,象徵 長壽;一 般 把芥 菜 整 葉 撕 錢)。「食甜甜,予 你生後 生」(台
麵 粉、酵 母、糖,經 發 酵 膨 脹 蒸 下煮肉湯,本來有 點 苦味,但 愈煮 語「後生」指兒子)。
到 表 面 裂 開,台 語「發」有發 酵之 愈 甘甜,象徵 苦 盡 甘來。台灣南部 龍 眼 乾:龍 眼 又名 福 圓,「食 福
意,也 象 徵「大 發 財 」、「大 發 好 (台 南 至 屏 東)的「長年 菜」則 是 圓,中狀元」。
運」。 菠 菜,連 紅 根 帶 綠 葉 整 株 一 起 蒸 瓜子:西瓜、南瓜或 葵 花子 做的
菜 頭 粿:以 在 來 米 粉 漿 拌入 炒 煮,也要整株吃,取其長壽。 零食,「食瓜子,好過日子」。
過 的 蘿 蔔 絲、蝦 米 等 配 料 蒸 製 而 雞:一 般 都 用全 雞,台 語「雞 」 土 豆:台 語 土 豆 就 是花 生,「食
成,「菜頭」諧音「好彩頭」(好預 (k e)與「家」(k e)同音,所以說 土豆,食到老老老」。
兆)。 「食 雞,會 起 家」(起 家 是 成 家 立 豆 乾:豆 腐 乾,「食 豆 乾,會 升
到了除夕,就要先 祭拜祖 先,然 業之意)。 官」。


Wai’an Fishing Harbor (Liu Zhaojun)

Wai’an Fishing Harbor is located on Penghu’s Xiyu Island, and the fishing
industry flourished here thanks to the area’s ideal natural topography. Residents
have used much of the money they make from fishing to build homes, so that
multi-story houses are crowded together along the harbor. When the lights are
shining, gazing over the fishing harbor from Sanxian Tower there is an exotic
Greek Mediterranean feel to the scene.

離 探索旅人風情
— 島觀光

Readers’ Photos:
Exploring Taiwan’s
Offshore Islands

Blue Tears (Wang Duntao)

Tourism to Matsu has boomed in recent years. Besides the islands’ unique battlefield history, many people go there
in search of “blue tears”—the blue bioluminescence of the marine dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans, known in
English as sea sparkle. The night sky over Matsu is enchanting, with the Milky Way stretching across the darkness
of the vast firmament and the moon gradually rising from the ocean. But when set off by the glow of blue tears
splashed across the surface of the sea, the scene is even more beautiful. Observing blue tears is largely a matter of
luck, for it is a natural phenomenon that is hard to predict.

Beihai Tunnel (Chen Qixuan)

1968 年為戰略需要,馬祖地區開鑿了不少地下碼頭,專供船舶運補功能。北海坑道位處鐵板海岸線,高 18 公尺,

長 640 公尺,呈井字形交錯的水道,坑道內均由人力一鑿一斧挖掘花崗岩壁而成,一幕幕壯闊的岩壁及幽暗浮
In 1968, many underground docks were built in the Matsu Islands to transport military supplies. The Beihai Tunnel,
located at Tieban on the coast of Nangan Island, is 18 meters tall and 640 meters long, with intersecting waterways.
The tunnel was hacked out of the granite rock by human labor. The imposing tunnel walls and the shimmering
reflections in the dark water highlight this remarkable place.

Mudou Island, Penghu (Chen Ziqing)

目斗嶼燈塔是澎湖最北端的燈塔,也是全台塔身最高的燈塔。由吉貝島坐船到目斗嶼只需要 20 分鐘。目斗嶼像是滄海
The Mudou Lighthouse is the northernmost lighthouse in the Penghu archipelago, and the tallest in all Taiwan. Just a
20-minute boat ride from Jibei Island, Mudou Island is itself like a light in the ocean, shining across the water to guide
fishing boats home.

Wind Lion God Festival (Chen Shengwen)

380 公分,最小有 19 公分,刻工技巧粗糙細緻不一,臉部表情圓眼凸出、呲咧大嘴,有的稚氣、有的莊嚴。座落的位
Belief in the Wind Lion God is unique to Kinmen. As forest cover disappeared from Kinmen many centuries ago, the island
became increasingly exposed to the powerful northeasterly monsoon winds, and statues of the Wind Lion God were
erected to ward off harm from the wind. There are more than 100 Wind Lion statues in Kinmen, each with its own form,
some standing and others crouching, the tallest measuring 3.8 meters high and the shortest only 19 centimeters. The
carving is variously crude or refined, while the faces have protruding round eyes and big grinning mouths. Some of the
statues are childlike, others dignified. They are placed in many different locations, such as at the entrance to villages, in
front of private homes, and on rooftops.

Blue Cave on Xiji Island (Zhang Xiuhuang)

Traveling by boat from Penghu’s county seat of Magong to the Blue Cave on Xiji Island, you will see a unique cave created
by marine erosion. The now uninhabited Xiji Island has tall cliffs made up of orderly ranks of columnar basalt. Along with
the crystal-clear seawater and verdant moss, they form an image that delights the eye.

Snorkeling in Yueli Bay (Xiao Qingliang)

Yueli Bay on Penghu’s Qimei Island is a crescent-shaped natural bay that served as the island’s earliest harbor for
inshore fishing. Yueli Bay boasts the most beautiful coral reefs in all of Penghu. Its special shape, gentle waves, and warm
southerly winds make it an ideal home for tropical fish and coral.

Staghorn Coral off Qimei Island (Chen Meixiu)

台灣離島陸地風光綺麗,然而海下的風景更是一絕。位於澎湖南方的七美島臥牛灣,3 月珊瑚產卵將海岸染成一片浪漫
的粉紅,8 月海下則是一片薰衣草色。七美臥牛灣下,魚兒悠遊在浪漫紫色的鹿角珊瑚,美得令人陶醉。
The scenery visible on land on Taiwan’s offshore islands is beautiful indeed, but the undersea scenery is even more
breathtaking. In Woniu Bay, located on Qimei Island in the southern part of Penghu County, when the corals spawn in
March the coastline is dyed a romantic pink, while in August the reef turns a lavender color. Under the water in Woniu Bay,
fish swim lazily through the enchanting purple staghorn coral, creating an intoxicating sight.

Houliao’s Paradise Road (Wang Qiwen)

“Paradise Road” at Houliao on Penghu’s Baisha Island is an old jetty, and seen from the air it looks like a giant snake in the
sea. In summer the seas around Penghu are blue, but the waters around Paradise Road are jade green, bringing a hint of
cool to the intense summer heat. Today it is one of the most popular scenic locations in Penghu
for checking in on social media.

Check-in Spot at Lanyu’s Dongqing Bay (Pan Tongxi)

When you travel to Lanyu (Orchid Island), one of the can’t-miss attractions is
sunrise at Dongqing Bay. The scenes of the traditional Tao fishing boats and the
sunrise change from day to day, so it is worth making a visual record of your
visit there.


甜的滋味 記 憶 中 的「 糖 金 歲 月 」 —— 糖 蔥

Tangcong Candy and the
Golden Age of Sugar
文•郭美瑜 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑

I n Taiwan people eat candy at the Lunar New Year
and at weddings, while in Taiwanese Hokkien
the phrase “eat sweet things” is an auspicious say-
ing used to wish others well. It is precisely because
徵幸福與美好。 candy has a sweet taste that it symbolizes felicity
19世紀中期前,糖是稀缺性的珍貴食物,現 and good fortune.
糖而初登世界史舞台,日治時期更位居台灣出口 Human beings naturally love sweet things. Queen
貿易之首,並賺進大量外匯。現今,糖的來源 Elizabeth I of England, for example, was renowned for
her sweet tooth. American anthropologist Sidney W.
Mintz notes in his book Sweetness and Power that the ear-
liest sweet things that humans knew of were fruit and
honey. It was only in the last 500–600 years that sugar
人類天性喜歡甜味,英國女王伊莉莎白一世在 made from tropical sugarcane spread across the globe,
位期間,因愛吃糖及甜食,而被人們銘記。美國知 and at first it was a luxury item that the aristocracy used
名的人類學家西敏司(Sidney W. Mintz)在《甜與 to symbolize their status and position. Not until the 19th
權力》一書就提及,人類對於甜味的認識,最早僅 century did scientists develop technologies for refining
來自於水果和蜂蜜,直到過去五、六百年間,熱帶 sugar from sugar beet grown in temperate regions, revo-
lutionizing the global sugar industry.
Records of sugar production in Taiwan go back to
the 17th century. In the early days Han Chinese settlers
紀,科學家從溫帶作物的甜菜中找到煉糖技術,才 occasionally planted sugarcane, but written records only
改變了全球糖業的面貌。 began with the arrival in Taiwan of the Dutch East India
台灣在17世紀就有產糖紀錄;早期是漢籍移 Company in 1624. The company invested capital and re-
民來台零星種植甘蔗,1624年荷蘭人來台開始有 cruited Han Chinese to clear land for sugarcane cultiva-
記載,還提供資金並招攬漢人墾拓、種植甘蔗製 tion and to make sugar. In the era of Zheng Chenggong
(Koxinga), Taiwan’s sugar industry gradually took shape,
and the island became a major producer of cane sugar.
Records held by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation show
that as early as 1652, sugar was exported to Japan. Later,
蔗糖,更位居台灣三大出口品之冠。 during the era of Japanese colonial rule, cane sugar be-
came Taiwan’s leading export product.
Sugar in the Taiwanese diet
中研院台灣史研究所副研究員曾品滄說,日治 Tseng Pin-tsang, an associate research fellow in the
時期日本人在台灣發展現代製糖業,許多台灣的地 Institute of Taiwan History at the Academia Sinica, says

主仍持續經營糖廍,生產台灣人食用的粗砂糖, that under Japanese rule the Japanese developed a mod-

ern sugar industry in Taiwan, while many Taiwanese
landlords continued to operate their own sugar cane
mills, producing coarse-grained raw granulated sugar
配給品,但島內並不稀缺,甚至戰末糧食嚴重欠缺 for local consumption. At that time anyone with money
時,殖民政府無法如數配給米糧,有部分配給品還 could buy and sell sugar. It was only during World War
改為香蕉乾和砂糖,顯然當時的砂糖運不出島外, II that sugar was rationed and trade was restricted. How-
在島內反而有數量過於充裕的困擾。 ever, even then there was no scarcity of sugar in Taiwan.

著有《砂糖之島》的國立陽明交通大學人文社會 In fact, towards the end of the war, when food was in
學系教授黃紹恆認為,台灣產糖,對於飲食有重要 short supply and the colonial government could not pro-
的影響,他細數古早味的糖蔥、龍鬚糖、麵茶,看 vide adequate rice rations, part of the ration was instead
廟會常吃糖葫蘆、過年吃年糕、發糕,客庄還有碗 given as dried bananas and granulated sugar. This shows
that as it became increasingly difficult to transport sugar
off the island, there was actually a surplus of it.
Huang Shaw-herng, a professor in the Department
顯見一年四季,糖在台灣日常飲食扮演重要角色。 of Humanities and Social Sciences at National Yang
黃紹恆說,1895年日治時期,砂糖已是國際商 Ming Chiao Tung University, avers that Taiwan’s long
品,很多國家以機械製糖,品質相去不遠,若要分 history of sugar production has had a major impact on
出高下,只能以生產成本而定。日治時期殖民政府 local diets. He mentions various sweetened foods eaten
致力提高產糖技術,但當時台灣採佃農制,土地租 here, including old-fashioned tangcong (“candy scal-
lion”), dragon’s beard candy (filled candies wrapped
in hand-pulled candy floss), seasoned millet mush, the
sugar-coated haws often eaten at temple festivals, and
the new year’s cakes and sponge cakes consumed at the
歷史,是其他產業所沒有的景象。 Lunar New Year, while in Hakka communities there is
rice pudding made with brown sugar. In modern times
people have developed sweet hand-shaken drinks and
場景來到宜蘭傳藝園區糖蔥文化館,拉糖師傅 boba (pearl milk tea) has become famous around the
卓創慶正在拉製古早味的糖蔥,這難得一見的技 world. Also, sugar is often added to dishes in Southern

藝,吸引許多遊客駐足圍觀。他俐落地將琥珀色的 Taiwanese cuisine. These examples illustrate how sugar

plays an important role in the daily diet of Taiwanese all
year round.
Huang says that in 1895, when Japanese rule began,
一分鐘,琥珀色的糖膏變成了延展性極高的白色長 granulated sugar was already an international com-
條狀,因外形似蔥,故名「糖蔥」,珍珠亮白的色 modity. In many countries sugar production was mech-
澤則顯得十分貴氣。 anized, with competitiveness depending on production
此時,卓創慶迅速地將糖蔥纏繞在木棍上定 costs. Under Japanese rule the colonial government tried
型,接著入內,與兒子卓韋同聯手,快速地將糖 to upgrade sugar making technology, but at that time
agriculture in Taiwan was based on the tenant farmer
system, and land rent led to high production costs. The
international sugar trade was very competitive, and as
Taiwan transitioned from a primarily agricultural society
嚐這一味,還向店家說:「你們把我帶回到小時 to an industrial society after World War II, its sugar in-
候的記憶。」 dustry fell into decline. Nevertheless, the sugar industry
糖蔥不僅是糖果,卓創慶還提供了古早時富 continued in Taiwan for nearly four centuries, a history
貴人家才有的吃法,將糖蔥包進潤餅皮、加香菜 unmatched by any other industry on the island.

糖 蔥 製 作 流 程
Making tangcong

Before making tangcong candy, Zhuo Chuangqing first
uses a large pot to heat a solution of sugar in water
to make a syrup, then uses a smaller pot to slowly
simmer the syrup to make “liquid caramel.”
As the liquid caramel
cools it forms a
pliable dough-
like mass that can
be pulled to make


The amber-colored candy dough is stretched to many times its original
length, and takes on the luster of pearls.

As the hot candy is repeatedly stretched it gradually
takes on a hollow elongated shape.

Once the stretching process is complete, the tangcong is
draped over a wooden rod and allowed to cool and set.
Tangcong is cut into sections which can then be packaged. Refrigeration
prevents the candy from absorbing moisture and improves the texture.

製成糖蔥捲,或加冰淇淋讓潤餅口感較濕潤。潤 糖蔥放進潤餅皮中,搭花生粉、芝麻粉、香菜,是古早味的
餅皮是自製的,卓韋同自信地說:「潤餅皮是阿 Tangcong can be wrapped in popiah with peanut powder, sesame
powder or coriander to make old-fashioned tangcong rolls.
原本做小本生意的卓創慶,曾開過麵店、服飾 爐火、蔗糖、水,糖蔥的製作材料看似簡
店,30年前因岳家無人願意承襲拉糖蔥的技藝,他 單,卻處處是功夫;使用的白糖先煮成糖水,
半推半就地跟著岳父學習,一年後獨當一面,接著 再以慢火熬煮,過程中必須不斷地攪動,直到
繞著全台跑廟會、夜市,因為純熟的拉糖技藝,17 水分蒸發變成糖漿,糖漿起鍋後再隔水冷卻,
年前獲宜蘭傳藝中心邀請,成為長駐的拉糖藝師。 並用手翻動至凝結成糖膏,才能拉製糖蔥。整
卓家自製潤餅皮,麵團是由麵粉、水和的,有「黃金比例」, 而煮糖的過程看似輕鬆,夏天卻悶熱難耐,
餅皮口感軟中帶Q,很有嚼勁。 糖膏的溫度更高達170度,翻動至可以手拉的程
The dough that the Zhuo family uses to make their own popiah
is made from wheat flour and water. One has to get the ratio of 度時也有70度的餘溫,熬煮過程中若有不慎,糖
water to flour just right—what Zhuo Weitong calls the “golden
ratio”—to give the popiah its proper soft and chewy texture. 漿、糖膏沾黏在手上難甩掉,皮膚就會被燙傷,

Making tangcong candy The way people consume tangcong nowadays is to add it
There’s not much old-fashioned handmade candy around to hot coffee or tea in place of granulated sugar, or to add
anymore. In the Tangcong Culture Hall at the National it to braised pork knuckle to make the meat more glossy.
Center for Traditional Arts in Yilan County, master candy Thirty years ago Zhuo Chuangqing learned how to
maker Zhuo Chuangqing is making traditional tangcong make tangcong from his father-in-law, and a year later he
(“candy scallion”), attracting many visitors to gather round went into business for himself, making tangcong at temple
and watch. He deftly wraps a mass of amber-colored candy festivals and night markets. Thanks to his solid mastery of
dough around a wooden peg and repeatedly stretches and the technique, he was invited 17 years ago by the National
folds it with rhythmic movements. In less than a minute, Center for Traditional Arts to become their resident master
the amber dough is stretched out into a long skein of hollow candy maker.
candy. It is named tangcong because its shape resembles a Although the ingredients of tangcong—sugar and
scallion, and its pearly luster gives it a great deal of elegance. water—look simple enough, great skill is required to make
Next, Zhuo loops the skein of tangcong over a wooden it. First white sugar must be mixed with water to make a
rod to let it cool and set, and then works with his son Zhuo syrup, and simmered over a low flame until most of the
Weitong to rapidly cut it into sections, which are quickly water evaporates and the clear syrup is transformed into
packaged to avoid them absorbing moisture. The congtou amber-colored “liquid caramel.” The caramel is then poured
(“scallion bulb”)—the end that was hung on the wooden into a wok floating in water to cool the liquid while turn-
peg as the candy was pulled—is firm and chewy, while ing it over by hand, until it congeals into a pliable dough-
the segments of hollow congbai (“scallion white”) that have like mass that is firm enough to be pulled into tangcong.
been cut from the skein are brittle and crispy. Each type of Throughout the heating process it is essential to carefully
tangcong has its adherents. An elderly visitor tells the Zhuos: control the temperature and moisture content of the syrup
“You’ve taken me back to my childhood!” as well as the heat of the flame, to avoid burning the sugar.

Zhuo Chuangqing learned to make tangcong from his father-in-law. Now his sons and daughters-in-law have
taken on the family business, keeping the tradition alive.

覺得「夠甜」,糖蔥捲吃了一捲又一捲。「糖蔥 本四大會社掌握,戰後由台糖公司接收。
真的喔,不甜不好吃,我講真的。」 製糖產業需求高密度的務農勞動力,也帶動
說起糖蔥的故事,曾品滄說,約在清末或日 地方的發展,雲林虎尾鎮更是先有虎尾糖廠,吸
治初期的古老歌譜《識丁歌》就記載了糖蔥這項 引勞動人口聚集,後有虎尾鎮的發展,而得「糖
食物。卓創慶則告訴我們從老一輩那裡聽來的版 都」之名。台灣糖業在1950年至1965年是最叱咤
本:台灣於戰後最多人投入製作,當時日本人撤 風雲的年代,此後因受國際糖價大幅波動,加上
離台灣,堆放在農會倉庫的糖無人看管,遇雨潮 國內社會經濟結構轉為「以農業扶植工業」,製
濕流出糖膏,老一輩的人就拿回去熬煮,「拉拉 糖產業逐漸式微。
拉就變成這樣了。」 日治時期的43座新式製糖廠,現僅雲林虎尾
台灣的甘蔗主要種植在中南部,製糖廠結合 公噸供內銷,而國人砂糖年消費逾61萬噸,基於
了田地種蔗與製糖工廠的性質,文化部文資局調 生產成本,台糖在高雄小港設立一座現代化的精
查,滿清政府領台以後,台灣各地蔗農成立的糖 煉糖廠,以進口原糖(raw sugar)煉製成特砂白
廍林立,日人治台後發展台灣糖業現代化工作, 糖,供應國內之所需,其餘為民間進口糖。
改良舊式糖廍、成立新式製糖廠,引進資本成立 停產的廠區也逐步轉型為多角化經營,分別發
製糖株式會社,至日治末期,全台共有43座新式 展養豬、蝴蝶蘭、旅館、觀光休閒、生物科技等
製糖廠,資本由包括明治製糖株式會社在內的日 產業。

甘蔗製 糖流程
Making sugar from cane
In summer the cooking process gets intensely hot, for the
syrup has to be heated to 170°C, and even after the candy dough
has been turned by hand and is ready to be pulled into tangcong, it
still has a residual temperature of 70°C. Tangcong makers are thus
at high risk of skin burns, and the oppressively hot working en­
vironment has scared off many folks who had thought of learning
this craft. The number of tangcong masters in Taiwan today can be
counted on the fingers of two hands. But Zhuo Chuangqing’s two
sons have both learned this skill from their father, making them
the third generation in the family to have mastered it. Narrow-gauge trains have long carried
In the past Zhuo has tried making tangcong from imported sugarcane from the fields to sugar refineries.

beet sugar, but he found that it was not easy to handle. He says
that candy dough made from the white cane sugar produced in
Taiwan is more pliable and strong, and handles well. As for the
taste, “It’s hard to tell them apart—they’re both very sweet.”
We try some of the tangcong, and the sweet flavor explodes
in our mouths. Zhuo says that tangcong has to be sweet to taste
good. The sweetness has to be at a level such that young people
who have developed a taste for candy find it “sweet enough”
and will eat one tangcong roll after another. Tangcong rolls are
made by wrapping the candy in popiah skins (thin pancakes). After arriving at the refinery, the sugarcane is
Refinery creates Sugar City pressed to squeeze out the juice.

In Taiwan, the sugarcane varieties used for making sugar
have mainly been grown in the center and south of the island.
According to research by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage of
the Ministry of Culture, during the Qing Dynasty there were a
great many sugarcane mills in Taiwan. The Japanese developed
a modern sugar industry, upgrading the old cane mills and
setting up modern sugar refineries by attracting investment
to establish sugar manufacturing corporations. By the end of
Japanese rule, there were 43 modern refineries across Taiwan,
owned by four major corporations including the Meiji Sugar The cane juice is clarified by precipitation and
Manufacturing Company. After World War II these operations then concentrated into a syrup by evaporation.

were taken over by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation (Taisugar).
The sugar industry required an enormous amount of farm
labor and drove local development. The town of Huwei in
Yunlin County grew up from nothing after a sugar refinery
was set up there, and came to be known as “Sugar City.” Tai­
wan’s sugar industry was at its most robust from 1950 through
1965, but thereafter international sugar prices became highly
volatile, and the island’s economy was transitioning to “using
agriculture to support industry.” The sugar industry steadily
diversified, with the vast areas of land occupied by refineries 糖漿析出結晶粒,還須經過分蜜機,解析結
and their attached sugarcane fields being used to develop Sugar crystals are precipitated out of the syrup
other economic activities such as pig farming, moth orchid cul­ (called “massecuite”), which is passed through
a centrifuge to separate the crystals from the
tivation, hotels, tourism, and biotechnology. molasses, producing granulated sugar.

台糖說,現今產的蔗糖採用在地(自 的糖鐵國家綠道。短期規劃了彰化段及
營農場及契作)的甘蔗,製成 台南段;彰化段串連溪洲糖廠至溪湖
色澤金黃的本土二砂,散發 糖廠;台南段串連岸內糖廠連線
濃郁蔗香,口感與風味 新營、烏樹林糖廠,現正進行
有別於進口糖。目前台 自行車道優化工程。
糖種植的甘蔗及生產的 百年糖廠則具文資與觀光
糖品皆取得農委會農產 價值,橋頭糖廠是全台第一座
品產銷履歷標章,消費者 新式製糖場,廠區綠蔭扶疏,還
可以查詢生產、加工、分 有全台唯一的糖業博物館;蒜頭
裝等製程資料,享用本土 糖廠建於西元1906年,日治時期
蔗糖製的甜蜜滋味。 曾是全台第三大廠,廠內有古樸
目前仍保留運蔗五分車 駛至故宮南院,提供民眾快與慢
的台糖廠區,有雲林虎尾 的軌道體驗,值得一睹其經歷的
糖廠、彰化溪湖糖廠、嘉 「糖代盛世」。而許多糖廠也開
義蒜頭糖廠、台南新營糖 發並販售知名的古早味台糖枝仔
廠、柳營區的烏樹林糖廠 冰,值得一嚐。
及高雄橋頭糖廠等六座, 台灣因產糖而初登世界史舞
除了虎尾糖廠仍做為運送 台,賺取的外匯曾經撐起台灣
甘蔗之用,其餘已轉為觀 經濟的半邊天,並扶植國內工
光休憩用途。 業升級與產業發展。如今,糖
為了記錄台灣糖業發 已是隨手可得的日常消費品,
展史,國家發展委員會在 但古早味的糖蔥、百年糖廠、
既有的糖鐵網絡路廊,結 飄散的糖香、慢版的五分車,
合自行車與運蔗糖的五分 皆令後人回味百年前蔗糖所創
車,擘劃適合旅遊與體驗 造的「台灣糖金歲月」。 l

At the end of the era of Japanese rule
there were 43 modern sugar refineries in
Taiwan, but of these only those at Huwei
and Shanhua still produce sugar today.

The narrow-gauge trains that once transported sugarcane are now tourist attractions.

Of the 43 modern sugar refineries that existed at the end the National Development Council has adopted a plan
of Japanese rule, today only those at Huwei in Yunlin and to create a “Sugar Industry Railway Trail” as part of the
Shanhua in Tainan are still making sugar. The others closed “National Greenway” system. The trail will link together
down mainly due to high labor costs. The two refineries pro- former sugar refinery sites with walking and cycling
duce sugar from December through March each year, making trails along the routes of some of the narrow-gauge sugar
around 50,000 metric tons for the domestic market. Taiwan railways. Thus far construction has begun on sections of
consumes some 610,000 metric tons of granulated sugar per the trail in Changhua County and Tainan City.
year. To reduce production costs, in the 1990s Taisugar built a The old sugar refineries are valuable both as heri-
new refinery at Xiaogang in Kaohsiung, which uses imported tage sites and as tourism resources. Built a century ago,
raw sugar to make white granulated sugar for domestic con- Qiaotou was the first modern sugar refinery in all Tai-
sumption. Sugar is also imported by private enterprises. wan, and it now houses Taiwan’s only sugar industry
Taisugar states that at present its domestically produced museum, the Exhibition Hall of Sugar Industry History.
cane sugar is made from local sugarcane grown in its own Many of the old refineries still sell their own delectable
fields and under contract. The finished granulated sugar is variations on Taisugar’s well-known retro popsicles.
golden yellow in color and has a rich fragrance of sugarcane, The tracks of the sugar railway at the Suantou Refin-
and a different texture and flavor from imported sugar. In ery have been restored to allow the trains to run as far as
2012 Taisugar joined the Traceable Agricultural Products the Chiayi high-speed rail station, and in 2023 they are
program of the Council of Agriculture, which enables end expected to be extended into the campus of the Southern
users to access information about the producers, processors, Branch of the National Palace Museum.
and packagers of sugar sold to the public, so that consumers It was thanks to sugar production that Taiwan first
can be sure of buying authentic local cane sugar. made its appearance on the world stage, and the foreign
The golden age of sugar currency that sugar earned was a mainstay of the is-
The two-foot-six-inch-guage trains that were once used land’s economy, and supported the upgrading and devel-
to transport sugarcane to refineries are still in operation at opment of domestic industry. Today sugar is a common
six current and former refinery sites: Huwei in Yunlin, Xihu consumer product. However, old-fashioned tangcong, old
in Changhua, Suantou in Chiayi, Xinying and Wushulin in sugar refineries, the sweet fragrance of sugar refining,
Tainan, and Qiaotou in Kaohsiung. Huwei is still a working and the slow-moving narrow-gauge trains all still serve
refinery and the trains haul cane there to be processed. At to remind us of the golden age of Taiwanese sugar that
the other sites, the trains today serve as tourist attractions. was built a century ago on sugarcane. l
To document the history of Taiwan’s sugar industry, (Mei Kuo/photos by Kent Chuang/tr. by Phil Newell)


An Old Hakka Town Renewed
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•蕭郢岑


I n 1980 Taiwan Panorama reported on
the pioneering local magazine Today’s
Meinung . Its founde r Huang Se n- sung
numbered among the first wave of young
餐桌上的掌故 returnees to Meinong in Kaohsiung from the
big cities. At Huang’s urging, Lin Hwai-min
這一趟的引路人,是美濃的文史工作者邱國源。作為 led his renowned Cloud Gate Theater dance
美濃第一代「返鄉青年」的他,如今年過七旬,因積極 company “to go down country” and perform
參與故鄉事務,讓他擁有各種斜槓身分,除了曾任旗美 in Meinong. It was a big deal at the time.
商工的教師,也是環境議題的倡議者,更是腳踏實地的 Meinong has long been a place that gar-
ners attention. In the 1960s, the author and
gourmand Tang Lu-sun and then-premier
Chiang Ching-kuo visited Meinong repeat-
edly to enjoy its food scene. They brought
他,為了融入在地生活,餘暇時便盡可能地與在地耆老 attention to local delicacies such as pig’s
相處,學習故鄉事之餘,也累積下了超過40年的大量田 knuckle and Meinong rice noodles.
野資料。 More recently, Meinong became the first
因家族中頗多人從事餐飲行業,好口福的他自言「食 place to cultivate white water snowflake,
歷」豐富,即便是一頓便飯,信手拈來都是故事。好比 and the town is the home base of the Hakka-
language music group Sheng-Xiang & Band.
How come Meinong has so much going on,
and so many captivating stories to tell?

With its warm weather, Kaohsiung’s Mei-

nong District is well suited to visits during
winter. Right at noon, we join the crowds go-
ing to its many local rice noodle shops.
Chiu Kuo-yuan, a cultural historian from
Meinong, is leading the way. A member of the
first generation of returnees from the big cities,
he is now in his seventies and has worn many
hats in Meinong over the years. Apart from
teaching at Chi Mei Vocational High School,
he has also thrown himself into environmental
activism and the study of local cultural history.

Hakka cuisine includes many foods made from rice flour.
Pictured here are classic bantiao rice noodles, which
may be served dry or in soup. They are known in Hakka
as mienpabàn and in Taiwanese Hokkien as kué-á.

Pig’s gum soup




花生豆腐 Peanut tofu

Chung Jen-chen is proud of the Hakka people’s pickling culture.

Hakka radishes, properly pickled complete, but the brown, wrinkled, shrunken radishes
In winter vegetables grow slowly, but they are at their are already giving off an enticing aroma. However,
sweetest. Walking through the streets of this old town, Chung insists that this semi-finished product does not
you see the residents drying vegetables in the sun. compare with the “stinky fermented radish” that his
It is the ‘White Jade’ radish harvesting season. This grandmother used to make. “With its sweetness, a single
variety of miniature daikon radishes was first brought spoonful was enough for a whole bowl of rice porridge.”
here nearly 100 years ago by the Japanese. Although the Through trial and error, Chung has improved upon
radishes are small, they are sweet and crunchy and re- the methods passed down in his family. After harvest-
quire no peeling. They can be consumed raw and are a ing, he doesn’t cut off the tops and the whiskery hairs at
top choice for pickling. the tip, but rather takes the whole radishes and gently
Our group marches off to Shuizun Rice Noodles, rubs them with salt, using 125 grams of salt for each
where we call on its proprietor, Chung Jen-chen, a re- kilogram of radish. He then places the radishes in buck-
searcher and promoter of Hakka pickled radishes. ets pressed down with stones for a week. Next, he takes
Spaces around the old house are filled with radishes the radishes out of the buckets and sets them out in the
drying under the sun. The pickling process is not yet sun for half a month. When the radishes are still soft

Given time to mature, pickled ‘White Jade’ radishes will turn into “black gold.”

稱作老蘿蔔。」鍾仁振強調。 客家菜向來以重鹹、下飯聞名,對於大眾來
蘿蔔營養豐富,有著地下人蔘的美名,客家人 說,渾厚鹹香的食物不無魅力,但邱國源指出,
視滋味溫厚的老蘿蔔為養生聖品,拿來燉排骨、 這樣的飲食特性,與客家族群的生存史,是一體
雞湯,風味一流;曬好的蘿蔔纓(蘿蔔頂端的葉 兩面的表現。
子,美濃人也稱「蘿蔔苗」)可用來料理,拿來 美濃舊稱「瀰濃」,自1736年清乾隆年間開
泡茶,是治療咳嗽、喉嚨痛的民間偏方。鍾仁振 庄,至今已近300年歷史。據豎立在「開基伯
說,美濃鎮上,甚至有封藏超過20年以上的老蘿 公」旁的「瀰濃庄開基碑文」所述,先民「將斧
蔔。 闢遐荒,剷除蔓莖,承先德澤,就殘山剩水為
邱國源則強調,近年坊間受到台式泡菜、日 宗」;描寫著客家人來台的〈渡台悲歌〉也說:
本淺漬文化的影響,流行以醋、糖醃漬的淺漬蘿 「台灣蕃薯食一月,多過唐山食一年,頭餐食了
蔔,但昔時農業社會糖、醋取得並不容易,加上 不肯捨,又想留來第二餐。火油炒菜喊享福,想
帶有甜味、爽口的淺漬蘿蔔,口感似零嘴,一次 食鹹魚等過年,總有臭餿脯鹹菜,每日三餐兩大
可吃掉一大碟,消耗速度尤快。淺漬蘿蔔固然討 盤。」昔時常民生活之艱困,可想而知。
喜,但他強調,唯有老蘿蔔,才能充分體現客家 「重鹹」以外,客家菜也以豐富的醃漬文化著
飲食的傳統精神。 稱,這樣的飲食特徵,是命運顛沛、戎馬倥傯的

but are covered in a fine frosting of salt, he places them down their virtues, settling on land that others had
in sealed jars. At this point, the radishes are not yet passed over.” The hardships of the early settlers are
“aged radishes,” he explains. “To become aged radishes, clear to see.
they’ve got to sit in storage for at least three years.” Apart from its characteristic saltiness, Hakka cui-
The rich nutritional content of daikon radishes has sine also has a rich tradition of pickles. For the Hakka,
earned them the nick name “poor man’s ginseng.” with their history of turmoil and migrations, pickling
Hakkas consider tasty “aged radishes” as an unrivaled is an important component of their gastronomic DNA.
preventive medicine. Pork chops and chicken soups For fear of going short, older generations of Hakkas of-
made with them taste great. Sun-dried radish tops can ten went to great lengths to preserve surplus food. And
also be used to make teas and can be found in herbalist going heavy on salt slows down consumption.
prescriptions to treat coughs and sore throats. “Salt is like the lifeblood of the Hakka,” Chiu ex-
Salt runs in Hakka blood plains. He lists some of the pickles he has seen in Mei-
Hakka cuisine has always tended to be salty and rice nong homes: black beans, radish, cabbage, pineapple,
centric. For most people, its rich, salty and aromatic bamboo shoots, winter melon, taro, Indian cherry,
foods hit the spot. Chiu emphasizes that these special ginger…. For older generations of Hakka, these pickles
qualities are connected to the Hakka people’s history provided a sense of food security.
of struggling to make ends meet. All the rage: White water snowflake
Meinong was first settled by the Hakka in 1736, Even in the face of challenging material circum-
during Emperor Qianlong’s reign in the Qing Dynasty. stances, Hakkas possess the virtue of tenacity. When
A tablet beside the town’s first Earth God temple com- they came to Meinong, which sits next to water at the
memorates the settlement’s founding: “The ancestors foot of the mountains, it spurred them to make the
cleared the land, hacked away the vines, and passed most of their environment to survive. They discovered

Chiu Kuo-yuan, the first
of the “educated youth”
to return to Meinong after
working in the big city, is
now in his seventies. He
has been active as a local
historian for 40 years.

Chung Hua-chen, the “water snowflake granddaddy,” stands by
the wet field where he first cultivated the previously wild plant.

(right) White water snowflake has become popular throughout
Taiwan, used in salads and all manner of stir-fried dishes. In
Meinong it is most commonly used in Hakka bean paste stir fries.
It makes for simple, unpretentious food.

客家人,在食物裡編寫的基因密碼。因為惟恐三 俗輕快,唱出了野蓮從美濃供貨到全台的景象:
餐不繼,老一輩的客家人往往費盡千方百計,把 「野蓮出庄╱野蓮出庄╱從粄條店紅到海產攤╱
多餘的食物保存下來,也藉重鹹的調味,撙節食 炒嫩薑╱脆又爽……」
物的消耗速度。 原生於美濃湖(舊名中正湖)中的「野蓮」,
「鹽,是客家人的血液。」邱國源如此說。 本名為「龍骨瓣莕菜」,台灣坊間慣稱「水
他細數著走訪過的民家所見過的漬菜:豆豉、蘿 蓮」。口感爽脆,滋味清新的野蓮,不僅是台灣
蔔、高麗菜、鳳梨、竹筍、冬瓜、芋荷、破布子 各地老街餐廳、山產店裡頭的必備食材,就連全
(對面烏)、薑……。鍾仁振毫不誇飾地補充, 聯、Costco等超市通路,常有上架販售,顯然已
有些儉省到極致的長輩,「連一粒豆豉,都要切 深入民間家常餐桌。讓人難以想像,對昔日的美
一半來食用。」對於老一輩的美濃人來說,這些 濃人來說,野蓮是貧苦人家才吃的野味。
醃漬蔬菜,是生存的保障,也是安全感的象徵。 第一位開始種植野蓮的農民,是「野蓮爺爺」
即便外在生活條件不佳,但幸好客家人生命力堅 得淋漓盡致的民間好手。他歷歷如繪地講起,兒時
韌,來到依山傍水的美濃,更秉持昔時靠山吃山的 為了幫家裡餐桌「加菜」,年幼的他,在脖子下綁
本能,發掘了不少賴以活命的在地野味,好比福菜 著竹筒,藉著竹筒的浮力,強行冒險潛水到湖中深
(學菜)、尖瓣花,以及如今早已紅遍全台的野蓮。 處拔野蓮,當時的野蓮不似今日以人工種植,規格
生祥樂隊推出過一張以客家食物為主題的專 不過一公尺長,野生的野蓮依照水深,可長到長達
輯《野蓮出庄》,主打歌〈野蓮出庄〉,曲調俚 8∼10公尺,直徑甚至可與免洗竹筷同粗。

how to use many wild plants here in their cooking, in- The first person to farm the plant was Chung Hua-chen,
cluding heartshape false pickerelweed (Monochoria vagi- the “water snowflake granddaddy.” Now in his eighties,
nalis), wedgewort (Sphenoclea zeylanica), and white water the hardships of his former life sound like the stuff of for-
snowflake (Nymphoides hydrophylla), which has recently lorn Hakka folk songs. He vividly recalls picking wild wa-
become popular throughout Taiwan. ter snowflake in his youth to supplement his family’s diet.
Native to Meinong Lake, white water snowflake has He’d swim out to the deeper areas of the lake with a length
a crispy mouthfeel and a fresh, clean taste. Not only is of bamboo tied around his neck to help keep him afloat,
it a staple of “mountain produce” stores and restaurants and dive to cut the plant. Unlike the stringy cultivated wa-
offering Taiwanese cuisine in old streets throughout Tai- ter snowflake sold today, which doesn’t grow more than
wan, it can often be found in major supermarkets such as a meter long, those wild plants could grow to eight or
PX Mart and Costco—a demonstration of just how much ten meters and were as thick as chopsticks.
it has become a standard part of home cooking in Taiwan. Yet when pig farming runoff polluted Meinong Lake,
It may be hard to imagine these days, but Meinong people the water snowflake there disappeared. It wasn’t until
used to regard the wild plant as poor people’s food. an adult Chung stumbled across a few shoots on the

Oilpaper umbrellas have come to be the handicraft most representative of Meinong’s traditional culture.

然而,美濃湖水一度受到養豬廢水汙染,野 拉到在水面上翻甩,整理成束,上岸再次清
蓮消聲匿跡,長大後的鍾華振,意外在湖邊看到 洗,挑去葉子、爛莖,才能包裝出貨。鍾華振
野蓮的幼苗,才帶到自己的田裡信手播下,「誰 說,野蓮易種,但採收費工,至今仍難以用機
知道這個野蓮,就很賤咩!」鍾華振說。「野 器代勞。
來,指定食用,如此一傳十、十傳百,居然發展 美濃的文化符碼,隨著時代演進不斷遞變。從
成菸葉以後,美濃最重要的物產。 建於清代的東門樓、敬字亭等古蹟景點;到後來,
野蓮生產無分季節,一年四季皆能有出產, 客家粄條、美濃油紙傘等客庄形象;晚近則有文學
如今的美濃,每到清晨,便可見身著青蛙裝的 家鍾理和、鍾鐵民、生祥樂隊等藝文代表。
農民,有效率地組織成採收、清洗、包裝的行 可見得美濃小鎮,不僅文化魅力獨具,更有
伍。瀲灩金光的水塘裡,農民俯身水中,從水 著蓬勃的生命力。有人說,是因著地理交通的封
中拔出整株野蓮,他們身手俐落地將整束野蓮 閉,茶頂山、月光山的屏障,以及荖濃溪的阻

The Shizitou Irrigation System, built during the Japanese
era, both nourishes the area’s crops and offers children a
place to splash and play during the summer.

Located in Meinong’s foothills, the
memorial hall to Chung Li-ho displays
diaries, manuscripts and other objects
that once belonged to the author.

banks of the lake that he casually transplanted them to tecture such as the East Gate Tower and the Jingziting
his own fields. “Who knew that the plant would turn (a pagoda-like incinerator for respectfully disposing
out to be so easy to grow!” The rest is history. Because of paper bearing written or printed words), to tradi-
the plant is so delicious, its popularity quickly spread tional Hakka rice noodles and oilpaper umbrellas, to
beyond Meinong, and many people began to travel to modern-day cultural ambassadors such as the authors
the area just to consume it. Its planting area snowballed, Chung Li-ho and Chung Tie-min and the musicians
and it soon overtook tobacco as the biggest local crop. Sheng-Xiang & Band.
Hometown perseverance Meinong is uniquely charming. People say that be-
With changing times, the image of Meinong has cause Meinong is geographically cut off by the Laonong
constantly been evolving—from Qing-Dynasty archi- River and mountains (Mt. Chading and Mt. Yueguang), its
traditional Hakka culture has been
better preserved than in Hakka
communities elsewhere. Yet, de-
spite giving the impression of
being a conservative Hakka com-
munity, for more than a decade
the town has been in the news

The East Gate Tower is Meinong’s
best-known landmark.

Different generations of Meinong returnees: (from left) Wen Chung-
liang, Chiu Kuo-yuan and Huang Sen-sung.

隔,讓這裡的文化留存得格外完整。然而,在這 在氣氛熱絡的席間,才稍加理解了,正如同鍾
保守的客庄,居然也是台灣原鄉意識、環境保護 理和發自肺腑的吶喊:「原鄉人的血,必須流返
運動、社區營造的先驅場域。 原鄉,才會停止沸騰!」正是這一份願意扎根故
因此,與其說是環境封閉使然,不如說是客家 鄉的渴望,以及對於家鄉的認同,持續催動著不
精神在當代的延續與另一重實踐吧。從過往,不 同世代的美濃人,寧願捨棄繁華的都會生活,返
管外在生活如何捉襟見肘,人們勤懇拚搏、奮力 鄉腳踏實地耕耘。
求存,到現代,則轉化對故鄉的強烈認同,以及 如邱國源,長年踏訪民間的考據,讓他對美濃
對理念不輕言放棄的硬頸堅持。 語言、音樂、政治、禮俗了解之深厚,被當地人
此行臨別之際,我們在伯公溝福德祠,當地人 尊稱為智庫的他,完成了《美濃客家語寶典》、
俗稱的「伯公廟」旁野宴。由邱國源作東,與會 《尋找阿嬤的味緒》等著作。也如黃森松,自
的,包括《今日美濃》創辦人黃森松、美濃農村 1974年創辦《今日美濃》,至今仍堅守崗位,以
田野學會理事長溫仲良等在地鄉親。 驚人的毅力持續發刊;歷史系畢業的他,堅持寫
儘管輩份有別,但都是有意識從外地返鄉的 史務必「真正走到田中下田」,他親自走訪千戶
他們,聚在一塊談起美濃事,喧騰熱鬧,各抒己 民家,完成鉅著《看見,美濃三百年》。
見。石桌上的,並非樣板的餐館菜,而是委託家 是這些人,讓美濃小鎮的底蘊持續累積,並保
廚整治的當地經典菜餚,如美濃雜菜、蘿蔔纓蒸 持歷久彌新的活力,如同客家老媽媽珍藏的老蘿
肉餅、瓠瓜粄等。 蔔,經過時間的風霜,仍能散發出鮮活的甘韻。l

as a pioneer in terms of local activism, environmental return to their hometown. As they discuss issues related
conservation, and community building. to Meinong, their enthusiasm for the town is clear to see.
Thus it seems that the area’s character is not so much At the picnic, we begin to understand the meaning
the result of geographic isolation as another expression of Chung Li-ho’s heartfelt cry: “The blood of the natives
of the Hakka spirit. No matter how resource strapped, must return home if it is to stop boiling!” Identification
its people have striven their hardest to make ends meet. with their hometown is continuing to push successive
The current era has brought a transformation, wherein generations of Meinong natives to forsake urban pros-
people strongly identify with their hometown and hold perity and return home to plant their feet firmly in the
a strong desire to hold on to their values. local soil.
Before we leave, we enjoy a picnic by Meinong’s These activist returnees have brought even more
Bogonggou Earth God temple. Hosted by Chiu Kuo- allure to the town. As with the “aged radishes” that the
yuan, those in attendance include local luminaries such Hakka grandmothers hereabout cherish however salty
as Huang Sen-sung, founder of Today’s Meinung, and a frosting they may acquire, these Meinongers offer
Wen Chung-liang, chair of the local association Rural fresh and sweet charms of their own. l
Meinung Field Learning. Despite generational differ- (Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
ences, these natives all made a conscious decision to tr. by Jonathan Barnard)

Nestled between mountains and water, Meinong has so many outstanding stories to tell.


Molding the Spirit of His Times:
Sculptor Pu Tian-sheng
The keenly observant Pu 文•謝宜婷 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•蕭郢岑
Tian-sheng was adept at
capturing the personalities of
his subjects. (courtesy of PTS
Sculpture Memorial Museum)

生命。」──蒲添生 “I have dedicated my life to sculpture, and sculp-
ture, in turn, has given me my life.”
—Pu Tian-sheng
In the course of more than 60 years as a sculptor,
Pu Tian-sheng (1912–1996) experienced a series of
的 精 神 , 如 : 「 三 美 神 」 ── 《 陽 光 》 、 《 懷 stylistic transformations, moving from the tradi-
念》、《亭亭玉立》,為政商名流製作的胸像, tional to the contemporary. While some of his stat-
則充滿寫實精神,寫下台灣近代史的重要一頁。 ues, such as his group of Three Graces—Sunshine,
Reminiscence, and Slim and Graceful—evoke a Greek
家裡經營裱畫店的蒲添生,幼時經常主動臨 spirit, the busts he made of influential politicians and
摹名畫,與當時的畫家林玉山亦為好友。年輕的 businesspeople are realist works that chronicle an
important chapter of Taiwan’s modern history.
Pu Tian-sheng’s family ran a picture framing shop. As
上日本帝國大學的膠彩畫科,但是,有天他看見 a child, Pu taught himself art by imitating famous paint-
雕塑科的教室裡,一道陽光灑在裸女的雕像上, ings, and he later befriended the painter Lin Yu-shan.
人體線條的美麗震懾住他。此後,蒲添生毅然 Eager to develop his skills, he traveled to Japan to study
決然轉往雕塑創作,到日本雕塑大師朝倉文夫門 art, without his parents’ permission. There, after a year’s
下,拜師學藝。 preparation, he passed the entrance exam to study Japa-
nese painting at Teikoku Art School (now Musashino Art
師承朝倉文夫的柔美風格 University). One day, however, in the school’s department
of sculpture, he came across a statue of a nude female
illuminated by a beam of sunlight, and was utterly be-
witched by her beautiful contours. That encounter led Pu
語言不通,只知道要去日本的『高砂寮』,那裡 to change his course. Eventually he was taken under the
是台灣人的宿舍,會有人幫助他。」 wing of the Japanese sculptor Fumio Asakura.
蒲添生一心一意想學雕塑,前三年當學徒時, Asakura’s disciple
掃地、劈材各種雜事都做,也從中磨練了心性。 Pu was unwavering in his new pursuit. During his

朝倉文夫形容:「這個台灣人比我們日本人還像 first three years at Asakura’s studio, he took on all sorts

of chores, from sweeping the floor to chopping firewood.
Physical exertion served to strengthen Pu’s mind. Asakura
thus described him: “This Taiwanese is more like a samu-
銅像時,官方要求他為雕像加上軍帽,但他認為 rai than we Japanese are.” Pu’s personal integrity was
不戴軍帽更能凸顯蔣中正的個人特質,因此冒著 reflected in his uncompromising attitude towards art. Pu
被槍斃的風險拒絕這項要求,幸好,後來雙方經 returned to Taiwan in 1941. In 1946 he was commissioned
溝通後達成共識,維持創作原型。 to make a bronze statue of Chiang Kai-shek. Although he
朝倉文夫的創作風格是柔美的,展現古典主 was specifically instructed to include a peaked cap, Pu
felt that this would obscure his subject’s character. In that
authoritarian era, rejecting official requirements like this
could mean death. Fortunately the two sides reached a
consensus, and Pu was allowed to have his way.
授給他。之後,蒲添生創作出《春之光》,女 Asakura is known for his soft and graceful sculptural
子微側身體,一手放在頭部,展現出人體線條的 style. His attention to balance and harmony reveals the
美麗。這項作品後來也入選日本美術展覽會,成 influence of Western classicism. Pu inherited this style.
為蒲添生代表作之一。台灣美術史專家蕭瓊瑞分 In 1957 Asakura sent a letter to Taiwan, explaining that
his health was failing, and he wanted to pass on all of his

的機長還特別廣播,告訴 是台灣曾經的首富林商號
乘客很幸運能與日展入選 創辦人林歡邦、光復初期
作品搭乘同班飛機。 監察院長于右任、行政院
二戰爆發初期,蒲添 蕭瓊瑞認為,蒲添生的
生決定回家鄉台灣,離別 名人雕像,不僅記錄了台
前,朝倉文夫將珍藏的一 灣近代歷史,也承襲了西
疊孫中山照片交給他,告 方雕塑大師羅丹的理念,
訴他將來必定有用處。後 從作品中可以看出人類學
來,蒲添生在岳父畫家陳 的概念。羅丹有些作品具
澄波的推薦下,製作孫中 有「人名」,針對某位人
山的雕像,台灣第一座國 時,有了「立體」的概念。(蒲添生雕塑紀念館提供) 物創作,背後反映其種
For more than ten years Pu gave sculpture workshops,
父銅像便出於蒲添生之 teaching his students how to capture three-dimensional 族、文化,而蒲添生的名
form. (courtesy of PTS Sculpture Memorial Museum)
手,現在放置於中山堂廣 人雕像也是,從半身像雕
場上。 塑的衣服款式、配件,可
蒲添生與陳澄波的女兒陳紫薇結婚後,生下五 以看出其社會階層。
個孩子,為了養家,他為許多名人製作雕像。像 有些人認為這些名人雕像,不過是歌頌政治人
作品《回憶》刻劃人體變換 但是,藝術會留下。」為仕紳名人做雕像時,蒲
Pu’s Reminiscence shows 蒲浩明到孫科位於陽明山的宅第,觀察他的生
the undulating contours of
a delicately poised human 活、各種表情下肌肉的變化。
body which is ready to move at
any moment. (courtesy of PTS 蒲浩明謹記父親製作胸像時的教導,要先製
Sculpture Memorial Museum)



skills to Pu. Subsequently, Pu created Light of Spring, a fe- and softness that had characterized his earlier works gave
male nude whose torso is subtly twisted, with one hand way to Western vibrancy and forthrightness. Comparing
touching the head. Celebrating the beauty of the human Pu’s 1958 sculpture Light of Spring with later works such as
body, this sculpture was selected for the Japan Fine Arts Slim and Graceful (1981), Sunshine (1981), and the Sports series
Exhibition and became one of Pu’s representative works. (1988–1991), Hsiao observes that Light of Spring shows the
Statues of public figures proportions of an East Asian female body, while the later
At the recommendation of his father-in-law, the re- sculptures are modeled on Western women. Students from
nowned painter Chen Cheng-po, Pu was commissioned Western countries began to come to Taiwan in the 1980s,
to make Taiwan’s first bronze statue of Sun Yat-sen, which and Pu invited some of them to pose for him.
is now on the plaza outside Taipei’s Zhongshan Hall. Pu was inspired to create his Sports series when watch-
Pu and his wife, Chen Tzu-wei, had five children. In ing the gymnastics competitions of the 1988 Seoul Olym-
order to feed his family, Pu made busts and statues of pics on TV. His mind captured memorable moments from
many famous people, such as Lin Huanbang (founder of the gymnasts’ performances, enabling him to delineate the
Lin Shang Hao Plywood, reputedly the wealthiest per- contours of human bodies stretched to the limit.
son in Taiwan at one time), Yu Youren (president of the Hsiao thinks that Pu found his own path late in life,
Control Yuan), Sun Ke (president of the Executive Yuan), gradually distancing himself from Asakura’s gentle and
and Yang Zhaojia (a pioneer of Taiwanese nationalism). introspective style. Pu’s Reminiscence depicts a woman sitting
Art historian Hsiao Chong-ray says that
these statues of Taiwan’s public figures not only
serve to document the island’s modern history
but also reflect Auguste Rodin’s approach, as
they embody anthropological insights. Some
of Rodin’s statues are also named after their
subjects, but while portraying the particulari-
ties of the human figures, they yield access to
larger ethnic and cultural contexts. Pu’s busts
perform the same functions: their particular
sartorial styles and accessories tell us about the
social classes to which the subjects belong.
Some may think that the main purpose of
Pu’s statues was to flatter the rich and power-
ful. In Pu’s eyes, however, these were all art-
works. Pu’s son Hao-chih recalls his words: “In
a hundred years’ time, the political world will
be different, but art will remain.”
Increasing vibrancy
Pu’s style underwent significant changes
when he was in his 70s: the Oriental restraint

Pu’s son Hao-ming (left) is also a sculptor. Another
son, Hao-chih (right), directs the PTS Sculpture
Memorial Museum, collecting stories and historical
records related to every stage of his father’s
life, especially from his time in Japan and his
subsequent career in Taiwan.



覽會。 作品中,而培養一顆敏銳的心,是創作最重要的
Reminiscent of the soft contours of classical Greek sculpture, 基底,「要觀察到人體每個部位的質感不同,嘴
Light of Spring was selected for the Japan Fine Arts Exhibition.
方留學生來台,蒲添生便邀請他們擔任模特兒。 在技法層面,蒲添生創作時,觀察模特兒後,
《運動系列》是蒲添生在電視上觀看漢城奧運 會180度轉身捏泥土雕像,而非像素描一樣,畫
的體操比賽後,腦中記下選手瞬間動作的作品, 布與模特在同一方向。「轉身那一剎那,會有瞬
展現人體極限運動的線條。《藝真氣壯蒲添生雕 間記憶,記住當下最深刻的地方。」
塑集》一書分析,蒲添生晚年的作品中,因模特 蒲添生也是首位開設人像鑄銅廠的台灣藝術
的文化背景,在動作上有些差異,《亭亭玉立》 家,過去鑄銅僅限於機器鑄銅,但他引進人像鑄
與《懷念》刻劃英籍模特拘謹的性格,《運動系 銅的技術,在戰後將一批日本鑄銅技師留下,為
列》則展現法籍浪漫的一面。 台灣奠定翻銅技術。而翻銅指的是,雕塑家先用
蕭瓊瑞認為蒲添生晚年逐漸走出自己的風格, 泥土完成作品,再交由技師將作品經過多道程序
有別於朝倉文夫內斂、柔美的路線。作品《回 製模、火燒,轉換為青銅雕塑。
憶》刻劃一位剛洗好澡的女子,坐在地上的動 回顧蒲添生一生的作品,從為家人創作的雕
作,雖然雕塑是靜止的,但是,那位女性的雙手 像,在老師陶冶下創作出的《春之光》、《三美
與雙腳各自形成支點,進行不同的動作,彷彿下 神》,在大環境下創作的名人雕像,到晚年突破
一秒就要變換姿勢。而雕塑肩上的秀髮,也是值 自我的《運動系列》等,都看出蒲添生一生致力
得觀察之處,頭髮沐浴後濕透,垂掛在胸前,髮 創作的熱情與態度,也讓西方古典藝術在台灣本
絲仍清楚可見,這處細節呈現出雕塑的巧妙。 土有了延續與轉化。 l

The Sports series records the muscular beauty of performing gymnasts,
capturing memorable moments for eternity.

on the ground, having just taken a bath. Even though the Whereas a painter usually faces his model and his
sculpture is static, it seems as if the figure’s delicately poised canvas at the same time, Pu would first observe his model
hands and legs—which hold the body in graceful balance— and then swivel around 180 degrees to shape his clay.
are about to move at any moment. The hair is worth notic- “While he was turning around, the image of the model
ing, too: apparently still wet, it hangs down over her right would instantly flash upon his mind, allowing the most
shoulder, covering part of her chest. The individual strands striking parts to come into focus.”
of hair demonstrate Pu’s subtle attention to detail. Pu was also the first Taiwanese artist to set up a bronze
Pu’s contributions foundry. While bronze casting had been confined to me-
Pu was among the first sculptors to devote themselves to chanical engineering, Pu introduced the techniques for
educating future artists, even before sculpture departments casting statuary and was able to retain a group of Japanese
were established at universities across Taiwan. bronzeworkers after the Republic of China took over Tai-
Pu’s eldest son, Hao-ming, says that at an abstract level, wan from Japan in 1945. Pu thus helped establish the skills
his father’s teaching philosophy is akin to the ideas of the of turning clay sculptures into bronze in Taiwan.
German art critic Johann Winckelmann: Pu thought that From sculptures made for his family to those influenced
Greek and Roman sculpture essentially came down to by Fumio Asakura, such as Light of Spring and The Three
noble simplicity and solemn grandeur, and that an artist’s Graces, and from statues of influential public figures, which
personal character could be discerned in his work. Culti- bear witness to their historical contexts, to the new stylistic
vating acute observational skills was the most fundamen- departures of his later works such as the Sports series, Pu’s
tal task for every sculptor: “One must be able to observe sculptural projects testify to his unswerving dedication
how one part of the human body differs from another in to art. They have also contributed to the continuation and
its texture, and how the lips differ in their softness from transformation of Western classical art in Taiwan. l
the corners of the mouth and the cheeks; our physical con- (Tina Xie/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
dition also shows seasonal differences,” Pu Hao-ming says. tr. by Brandon Yen)


台 式 招 牌 街 景
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑

Signs of the Times:
Shop Signs’ Place in Taiwan’s Streetscapes

「繪聲繪影」呈現了大稻埕街景的熱鬧與活 I n 1930, Kuo Hsueh-hu painted Festival on
South Street, which depicts the vitality and
clamor of a street scene—including countless
shop signs—in Taipei’s Dadaocheng area, and
makes viewers feel as if they are right there rub-
人群裡。2017年,日本雜誌《Brutus》推出 bing shoulders in the crowd. In 2017, the Japanese
的台灣特集,台南的國華街景當上了封面, magazine Brutus put out a special issue on Tai-
形形色色的招牌,透露隨適的生活感,讓許 wan, with a picture of Tainan’s Guohua Street
多日本朋友一眼就識得,「啊,那就是台 as its cover. On seeing the streetscape with its
灣!」 multifarious colorful shop signs and sense of a
comfortable and laid-back lifestyle, many Japa-
nese immediately recognized it as Taiwanese.
Taiwanese streetscapes are by no means orderly or
色,讓人容易親近,林立的漢字招牌永遠像 color-coordinated. But they are approachable and char-
在搶著說「選我、選我」,那麼用力,活力 acterful. The huge numbers of shop signs written in
滿滿,是許多外國朋友對台灣深刻的記憶。 Chinese make the observer feel as if the signs are vying
for attention: “Choose me! Choose me!” The energy and
街頭層層疊疊的風景 vitality of such scenes leave lasting memories in the
喜愛邊走邊讀的社會學家、探照文化執行 minds of many international visitors.
Layered streetscapes
Dr. Lee Ming-tsung, CEO of Searchlight Culture Lab
and a sociologist who loves to read as he walks along,
uses the word “palimpsest” to describe his view of shop
前人寫字在羊皮紙上,需要再書寫時,要先 signs on Taiwan’s streets. A palimpsest is a piece of writ-
刮除之前寫下的,才能夠反覆利用;但是先 ing material such as parchment that has been reused
前的痕跡無法完全刮除,總會殘留下來。 after erasing the original text. During the Middle Ages,
以如此過程來譬喻台灣的街景變化,台 it was common practice in the West to scrape parchment

灣現代化的歷史不算長,剛好可以看到舊時 clean so it could be reused. However, the previous writ-

ing could never be completely effaced: some traces of
the past always remained. In a wider sense, particularly
in architecture and archaeology, the word can refer to
代。「這現象在街上能夠看到最具體而微的 anything that has been altered and repurposed.

Shop signs written in Chinese
characters display personality
and vigor and are a major
component of Taiwan’s

The signs of street vendors aim
to capture maximum attention
by blending different styles and
creative ideas.

表現,大概就是招牌了。」 洲人都要特地去見識,是世界數一數二。
台灣的街景招牌呈現了時間、空間的多元,面 「但是最具有影響力,或會讓設計師迷戀的地
積雖小,卻收容了多元的文化樣態,他娓娓細數: 方,若以東方亞洲來講,應該是香港和東京了,
「首先,不可否認的是華語漢字文化,再來是日 因為他們消化了大量的東西方文明元素。」香港
本殖民的文化,最後當然與全球化有關,尤其來自 曾受英國殖民,西化的腳步先進且快速;而日本
美國的影響,更晚近一些,甚至會發現屬於在地的 一直是把西方當作參照,「當然日本又透過殖
原住民,和來自鄰近的東南亞國家,都被加總進 民,影響了台灣。」李明璁補上一句。翻看台灣
來。」可以說,「招牌是文化的一種縮影。」 日治時期的資料,台灣的招牌設計幾乎與日本同
以招牌文化來講,李明璁指出,歐洲老城鎮的 步,在華人社會算走得很前面。
主義發展歷程緊密交織,美國是資本主義發達的 台灣的招牌文化源自日治時期,招牌也因工商
國家,像紐約時代廣場可見的巨大霓虹燈,連歐 社會的建立而發展。早期的招牌材質,除了鐵皮

Lee applies this metaphor to changes in Taiwan’s cated in Taichung, and it has produced countless wooden
street scapes: Taiwan does not have a very long history, shop plaques. Chen Wen-tsai, the business’s second-
and we can see how people have continually tried to erase generation owner, talks about the glory days of the past:
things from earlier times, but these have never completely As Taiwan’s economy began to take off in the 1970s, all
disappeared. New things are layered over the old without kinds of new social, commercial, and industrial organiza-
entirely replacing them. “The most visible embodiment of tions were established. There was frequent gift-giving in
this phenomenon on our streets is probably shop signs.” the interactions within and between the public and private
Taiwan’s shop signs incorporate multicultural ele- sectors, and demand for wooden plaques continually grew.
ments, as Lee elaborates: “Foremost is undeniably the cul- “In the past there were calligraphers who specialized
ture of Chinese characters, then comes Japanese colonial in writing the characters for wooden plaques, and they
culture, and finally the impact of globalization and espe- could handle all the major calligraphic styles. But mer-
cially American influence. More recently, the cultures of chants mainly asked for ‘regular script’ because it looked
Taiwan’s indigenous peoples and of Southeast Asia have more dignified.” Shop signs were businesses’ outward face,
been added into the mix.” One could say that “shop signs and special care was taken even in their delivery: “After a
are a microcosm of culture.” plaque was carved, it would be decorated with a red sash,
Carved wooden shop signs and a band playing traditional Chinese instruments would
Taiwan’s shop sign culture can be traced back to the era accompany it on its journey when it was delivered.”
of Japanese colonial rule (1895–1945) and signs have fur- “All kinds of businesses ordered custom-made wooden
ther developed with the rise of an industrialized society. shop signs, but they were most often used by firms like
Sheet metal was used for shop signs from the beginning, Chinese herbal pharmacies, medical clinics, and incense
but many signs took the form of carved wooden plaques. stores.” Chen Wen-tsai’s son Chen Hsi-yen flips through
“Chen’s Wood” is a venerable wood carving shop lo- photographs, showing us some of the signs that his family’s

Early handwritten shop signs had freer
calligraphic brushwork and a greater emotional
impact. They have a charm all their own.

Chen Wen-tsai has
found new opportunities
to employ the skills he
has accumulated over
a lifetime.

製外,木刻的招牌匾額是另一大宗。 木刻招牌是集合書法、木刻各式技藝的作品,
位在台中的陳彫刻處,是一間木彫刻的老店, 幾乎可說是一件藝術品。台灣街區多是閩南式建
刻過的招牌匾額不計其數,像是台南孔廟的「全 築,設有騎樓供路人行走,昔日木製招牌掛在門
台首學」,日月潭「玄奘寺」的招牌匾額都是出 楣處,陳文才形容,走過一家一家,就像是戶外
自第二代處長陳文才之手。陳文才聊起當年的盛 的美術館,可以一間間品賞,「有的店家招牌字
況,1970年以降的台灣,經濟起飛,各式社團成 真的很耐看,越看越想看。」
「以前還有專門在寫字的人,人稱作『賣墨 同是來自日本的觀察,日本的字形設計師藤本
的』,他們隸篆行草四種字體都會寫,但是商家 健太郎,出版了《字形散步 走在台灣:路上的
的招牌多以正楷為主,看起來比較端莊。」招牌 文字觀察》,大書特書他走訪台北、台南、嘉義
是商家的門面,連運送都慎重其事,「刻好後要 和高雄四座城市的觀察。台灣與日本同為漢字圈
紅綾裝飾,再插上兩隻金花,與鑼鼓八音的樂團 的國度,但從藤本的眼睛,看到了許多台灣人習
合作,一路奏樂打鼓地把招牌送去。」這陣仗說 以為常卻不自知的趣味。像時尚的服裝業招牌文
得我們嘖嘖稱奇。 字一定有看頭,有華麗的歌德風,或是受日本昭
「訂製木刻招牌的店家,各行各業都有,但是 和風情,展現摩登感,又或是夜市的果汁攤販愛
以蔘藥行、醫院、香鋪等居多。」第三代陳希彥翻 用圓體字,在他看來宛如「一部近未來的賽博朋
著照片,秀出陳彫刻處刻過的招牌,一邊解釋, 客(Cyberpunk)風的科幻電影」。他再舉寺廟

business has carved. He explains, “These kinds of firms de- signs were hung out above the doorway, and Chen Wen-
pend more on their reputations, and they could demonstrate tsai describes how walking past one shop after another
their trustworthiness and respectability through the quality was like strolling through a fine arts museum. “The calli­
of the materials, calligraphy, and carving of their signs.” graphy on some shop signs really was worth savoring,
Combining the skills of calligraphy and wood carving, and it grew on you more the more often you saw it.”
wooden shop plaques can be said to be works of art. The Free rein for creativity
streets of Taiwan formerly had mostly Southern-Fujianese- Japanese typographer Kentaro Fujimoto has written
style architecture, with arcaded frontages providing cov- a book about strolling through the streets of Taiwan-
ered walkways for pedestrians. In the old days wooden ese cities and observing the signage, just as he did in
Japan. Chinese characters are used in both
Taiwan and Japan, but Fujimoto spotted
many interesting things about Taiwan that
Chen Wen-tsai (center), owner of Chen’s Wood, is shown here with his son Chen Taiwanese do not notice because they are
Hsi-yen (right) and daughter-in-law Hang Hui-ching (left). They have worked hard to
reinvent traditional woodcarving to seek a path for the future.
so familiar. For example, the shop signs of
fashion boutiques are well worth looking at
because some use ornate Gothic style writ-
ing while others convey a modern feel with
Japanese Showa style characters. He also
mentions the lanterns often seen in temples
with characters stretched out wide in a way
that made his “heart skip a beat” when he
saw them. He also remarks in the book that
many shop signs in Taiwan are created with
handwritten calligraphy, sometimes with a
degree of freedom beyond his imagination,
even reducing the number of brushstrokes,
in stark contrast to shop signs in Japan.
Taiwanese typography researcher But
Ko wrote a section in Fujimoto’s book in
which he introduces the background to the
use of the written word in Taiwan. He says
that seriously explaining the history of lan-
guage in Taiwan is no easy task, and that
the island’s linguistic diversity has pene-
trated into our shop signs, for example in
the use of the Japanese hiragana syllable の
(no), the letter ê as used in Romanization of
Chinese, or the Mandarin phonetic symbol
ㄟ (ei or ê), in place of the Chinese character
的, meaning “of” (pronounced de in Man-
darin and ê in Taiwanese Hokkien); and the
use of the Japanese word bentō (便當, “boxed
meal”, pronounced biandang in Mandarin).
In Taiwan languages are mixed in complex
and lively ways.

裡常見的燈籠,字體做了扁平的變形處理,讓他 有諧音梗、多語混用、k u s o(惡搞)、甚至是
一眼看到就「怦然心動」。藤本使用了諸多形容 culture jamming(文化反堵),讓1+1不只等於
詞,讓我們發現街頭的招牌是如此眾聲喧嘩。書 2,甚或大於2,非常有趣。」這也是我們想分享
中他也提到,台灣招牌諸多的手寫創意,文字減 給老外朋友的地方,街上的招牌暗藏了諸多中文
省筆畫的自由度超乎想像,與日本截然不同。 詼諧有趣的創意,請朋友們到訪台灣,務必找個
台灣的文字研究家柯志杰在書中以專欄的形 好嚮導,幫你「說文解字」一番。
さん的借字),「就已經隱含太多這片土地語言的 雖說是自由、個性的招牌街景,但整體來看卻
歷史脈絡」,想要認真解釋還真不簡單。語言的多 使得街頭景觀雜亂失控。日積月累下,社會開始有
樣性也融入在我們的招牌中,像用日文的「の」、 另一種聲音討論台灣街景,招牌成為眾矢之的,主
羅馬拼音的「ê」、注音符號的「ㄟ」、日文的 張需加以管制,街區的改造要求管制大小或統一形
「便當」等等,在台灣混用得複雜而生動。 式,但是,這些實驗在台灣都未曾真正成功過。
他也稱台灣的漢字設計,較重視每個漢字的個 「我們先不要急著覺得它是一個必須被消滅
性,以及筆畫造型的氣勢,設計較為感性。這樣 的醜陋,而是應該要去理解,它為什麼會長成這
想想,這些個性的招牌字體,設計匠心獨具的曲 樣?」李明璁提醒我們,不要單看事情的表象,
線和變形,紛陳在街頭,當中訊息量爆表,確實 而該去探究事件的成因。「你可能會發現很多東
可能讓人頭昏眼花呀! 西在1980年代後變得俗豔,直覺地認為是那個時
李明璁則提起台灣住商混合的街區,招牌的 候『長歪掉了』。可是事情總有兩面,如果你從
複雜度高,再加上非正式經濟的部門(攤販)蓬 另一個角度看,經歷了長時期的壓抑,1980年代
勃,商區競爭激烈,如何吸引目光,招牌是店 是台灣社會正經歷解嚴,是正在追求自由解放的
家發揮創意的重點,「不同風格的混融、交雜, 時期。」還有材料科技的因素在裡頭,壓克力塑

Ko also says of the design of Chinese characters in Taiwan
that more emphasis is placed on their emotional impact and
the vigor of the brushstrokes than in Japanese typography.
Lee Ming-tsung, meanwhile, draws attention to streets in
urban neighborhoods with mixed-use zoning, where resi-
dential and commercial premises are mixed and signage is
complex. When you also consider the flourishing number of
street vendors, competition in commercial areas is intense,
and signs become the focal point for businesses to display
their creativity and capture the public’s eye. “The blending
and mingling of different graphic styles, along with the cre-
ative use of homophones, language mixing, kuso, and even
culture jamming, means that one plus one no longer always
equals two, but may be more than two. It’s really fascinat-
ing.” (In Taiwan the word kuso, derived from the Japanese
term kusogē—short for kuso gēmu, literally “crappy [video]
games”—nowadays refers to anything funny or outrageous,
especially parody based in popular culture.) This is some-
thing that we also want to share with our foreign friends:
Taiwanese shop signs contain many whimsically creative
uses of language. Therefore, when foreigners come to Tai-
wan they should find a good guide to explain them.
The freewheeling 1980s
In response to the growing diversity of shop signs,
voices began to appear in society discussing their impact 文化的縮影。
on the streetscape. People called for signs to be regulated For Lee Ming-tsung, Taiwanese shop signs preserve vestiges of
different eras and are a microcosm of Taiwan’s cultural diversity.
as part of urban redesign, and advocated limiting their size
or requiring uniformity. However, such experiments have
never really succeeded in Taiwan.
“We should not rush to conclude that this is a form of to revamp street aesthetics and signage, or even that the
ugliness that must be eliminated. Instead we should try to government should step in. But Lee believes that any-
understand how our present streetscapes came about.” Lee thing that doesn’t grow organically in a locality can be
reminds us that we shouldn’t look only at the surface of a dangerous. “The real solution would start with aesthetic
problem, but must look for its origins. “After a long period education, aesthetic experience, and public understand-
of repression in Taiwan, the 1980s were an era when Tai- ing of beauty. This will take a very long time.”
wanese society was undergoing liberation and people were Moreover, he says, “Taiwan need not try to take any
seeking freedom.” Materials technology also played a part, shortcuts.” When more people in Taiwan are discussing
as acrylic plastic was becoming the dominant material for this issue, and there are more guides on the streets to help
signs back then, making large-scale replication possible. At people to “see” and “discuss” it, gradually the new will
that juncture, businesses sought high visibility, and pre- replace the old and localities will find their own style.
ferred their signs to be eyecatching or even obtrusive. They In fact, in recent years some businesses have been
gave no thought to harmonizing them with the surround- redesigning their shop signs, and thus quietly changing
ing environment. our streetscapes. They are no longer seeking merely to
Finding one’s own style compete for attention, but are considering what they
Some people believe that a major effort should be made want their own image to be.

Hand-carved shop signs from Chen’s Wood combine design with craftsmanship and 舊款的鐵皮招牌因為年代久遠不堪
have become beautiful additions to Taiwan’s streetscapes. (courtesy of Chen’s Wood)
膠成為招牌的重要材質,大量複製變成可能,致 留舊式的字體、排版及特色,讓老店的味道延
使整個街道上都是壓克力燈箱。在那個當口,商 續。台中去年新開幕的咖啡店「1035 collab」,
家追求的是被看見,招牌當然越張狂越好,而無 是1910年代的老屋改建而成,品牌源自日治時期
心去思考與環境的協調性。 的電話番號,陳文才彫刻1035的手勢成了建築的
「大家常認為歐式或日式的街景是優雅的, 體文字招牌的形式再現昔日的招牌風景。台北
值得學習;但是我們又不是他們。」李明璁說地 寧夏夜市的「圓環邊蚵仔煎」,是獲「米其林
義正辭嚴。有人認為台灣的街景招牌需要大力整 餐盤」推薦的台灣街頭小吃,老商家委請設計
治,或藉由政府之力來輔導,但他認為,若不是 師設計,交由陳彫刻處手工製作,以浮彫技法
從在地自己長出來的東西,都是危險的。「這本 刻製,刷舊飛白的方式透露歲月感,招牌上的
來就是要從美學教育、美感經驗、大眾對美的認 蚵仔顯得鮮嫩好吃,是台灣小吃與傳統工藝的
知去著手,要花很多時間的。」 美好加乘。
而且「台灣也不用抄近路」,當社會上有更多 從都市計畫到工匠技藝,招牌能論及的層面,
人來討論,有更多街頭走讀的導覽,帶領大家去 既深且廣,難僅用千字言說,「沒有多元文化,
「看見」、「討論」,慢慢地新陳代謝,就會找 就沒有有趣的招牌。」李明璁的這句話,就當作
到自己的樣子。 此回的暫結語吧! l

Chen’s Wood, which is nearly a century old, has been Taipei’s Ningxia Night Market, the owner commissioned a
hit by the decline of its industry, and Chen Wen-tsai, fac- designer, who then turned his design over to Chen’s Wood
ing a dearth of opportunities to practice his craft, once to carve by hand. They used relief carving techniques as
thought of retiring and closing the shop. However, with well as artificial aging and feibai calligraphy, mimicking
help from the Beautiful Touch design team, Chen’s Wood the strokes of a half-dry brush, to bring out a sense of the
began working with designers from other business com- passage of time, yet the oysters on the sign look fresh and
munities, and has made signs for many designer work- delicious. It is a beautiful combination of a Taiwanese-
shops and start-up brands, including Joe Fang Studio, style snack-food eatery and traditional craftsmanship.
Light House, Bleu & Book, and Fufu Grocery Store. Com- From urban planning to craftsmanship, the topic
bining design and craftsmanship, these carved wooden of shop signs involves many aspects and is difficult to
shop signs have made a distinctive addition to their local summarize in just one article. For now, let’s adopt these
streetscapes. words of Lee Ming-tsung’s as our provisional conclusion:
Every shop sign also has its own story. For example, “Without cultural diversity, we would not have interest-
at Lukang Xi Yue, which produces traditional Chinese ing shop signs!” l
bridal cakes, the calligraphy was done by the father of (Cathy Teng/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)
the family, and the family’s hopes and
dreams were carved into the sign. Tai-
nan’s Wuming Rice Cakes asked Chen’s
Wood to reproduce its old metal sign in
carved wood, preserving its typography,
layout, and style, in order to maintain the
ambience of the old shop. Meanwhile,
1035 collab, a coffee shop in Taichung
that opened last year in a refurbished
house from the 1910s, takes its name
from the premises’ four-digit telephone
number from the era of Japanese rule,
and Chen Wen-tsai carved hand signs
for the numbers one, zero, three and five
into the sign that now hangs on the fa-
cade; it’s very intriguing.
For Hello Tattoo Studio, Chen Wen-
tsai again took up his writing brush and
used three-dimensional characters to
recreate the old-fashioned look of the
signs of yesteryear. For the Michelin-
recommended Yuan Huan Pien Oyster
Egg Omelette restaurant (Oystera) in

Taiwan’s shop signage, a critical element in our
streetscapes, is gradually finding its own style.
Shown here is the facade of 1035 collab, a
coffee shop located in a refurbished old house.


漢 陽 北 管 劇 團 + 梨 春 園

In Tune with Beiguan:
Hanyang Beiguan Troupe and
Li Chuen Yuan Beiguan Club
灣 調

文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑


E very era has its music. Beiguan music was once Taiwan’s main popular music. Today, although Beiguan
has fallen into decline, the Li Chuen Yuan Beiguan club of Changhua—the oldest amateur Beiguan orga-
nization in Taiwan—still rehearses almost every day. Meanwhile, the professional Hanyang Beiguan Troupe
continues to perform year in and year out, acting out traditional dramas that are authentically Taiwanese.


Chen Yu-hwan, director of the Hanyang 腔,聲聲慢地唱出被父親逼著改嫁的淒涼與心酸。
Beiguan Troupe, also plays first fiddle in
musical performances. She is shown here with 18年的等待,無負青春,終於等到丈夫薛平
a kezaixian (a two-stringed spike fiddle with a
sound box made from a coconut shell). 貴回來,緊板的曲調中,接連奸臣相害、兵變謀



Hanyang Beiguan Troupe
“Alas! Although my husband died in the war with the Western Liang, I am deter-
mined to remain chaste and true to his memory.” Wang Baochuan, holding fast in her
broken-down home, sings in the Beiguan xipi yuanban style as she relates her desola-
tion and sadness after her father tries to force her to remarry.
After 18 years of waiting, sacrificing her youth, finally her husband Xue Pinggui,
whom she had believed to be dead, returns from captivity. In an aria performed in
the up-tempo jinban style, she sings a story of treacherous ministers, mutiny, and
rebellion, but one which ends with the happy reunion of husband and wife. This is
the Beiguan drama Dadengdian, which is performed at the annual firewalking ritual
held at Erjie Wanggong Temple in Yilan County, in which barefoot believers carry
statues of deities over hot coals.
The Hanyang Beiguan Troupe (then called the Hanyang Opera Troupe), which is 治時期,為了躲閉日軍搜索,將鑼埋在土裡藏
currently the only professional Beiguan drama company in Taiwan, was founded 起來,才避免大鑼被搜去做成軍需品的命運。
According to Chuang Jin-tsai, founder of the
by Chuang Jin-tsai back in 1988 in accordance with the policy of then Yilan County Hanyang Beiguan Troupe, in the Japanese era
magistrate You Si-kun to “use culture to develop the county.” Current troupe director this old gong was buried in the ground to hide
it from the Japanese army when they were
Chen Yu-hwan recounts the company’s history from the beginning. searching for metal to make armaments.

A Beiguan glossary: Beiguan is a cultural tradition dating back more than 200 years that has developed its
own specialized vocabulary.
Beiguan performance art is divided into professional and amateur levels

北管藝術表演者 上台演出 職業北管劇團

Beiguan performers Stage performances Professional Beiguan troupes

職業 稱為「內行」 亂彈戲 內行班、亂彈班

Professional Called “insiders” Luantan Opera “Insiders” group, Luantan group

業餘 稱為「子弟」 子弟戲 曲館又稱「子弟館」

Amateur Called “younger brothers” “Younger brothers” opera Club hall is called
“younger brothers’ hall”

二、 三、北管樂器分為武場和文場 四、北管的演出
Beiguan instruments are divided into Beiguan performances
two categories: martial and civil
出陣:迎神賽會的駕前鼓吹。 武場:打擊樂器 前場:演出的樂隊
文場:絲竹樂器+吹管樂器 後場:戲曲的演員
Paichang: Musical performance at a
fixed location, with performers sitting in Martial: Percussion instruments First part: Musicians
a straight line or semicircle Civil: “Silk and bamboo” instruments playing music
Shangpeng: Traditional opera (meaning strings and woodwind), Latter part: Actors
performance on stage with full makeup and other wind instruments performing an opera
Chuzhen: Mobile performance at the
head of a deity’s procession

Artist Lee Mei-nyan (left) helps
a performer with her hair and
makeup backstage.

金屬音樂」,也是民眾最耳熟能詳的傳統樂音。 調,老生的唱腔與口白重視「氣口」;花臉重在
宜蘭除了是歌仔戲的發源地,宜蘭的頭城與羅 眼神,這些技藝都需要經驗累積。
東亦是北管西皮、福路兩派的大本營。 隨著社會娛樂愈來愈多,藝師老成凋零,演員
由於兩派在曲調、主奏樂器有所區別,連祭祀 出現嚴重斷層,觀眾也減少,不論職業劇團或是
的戲神也依地區,分祭田都元帥或西秦王爺。據 業餘的北管館閣,均面臨滅社、散館或是倒閣的
傳曾有劇團在西皮的場子演出福路,導致音樂械 情況,團員的生計更是無以為繼。
鬥,一群人在旁邊的甘蔗園就打了起來。 八年前在戲神西秦王爺的神龕前,從莊進才
莊進才創立漢陽北管劇團時,正是北管極盛 化部將漢陽劇團列為「重要傳統表演藝術保存團
期,在台上演出的北管戲又稱「亂彈戲」。隨著 隊」,透過文資局的計畫培養藝生,讓北管傳承
台灣經濟起飛,民眾為了酬神、還願,甚至人際 有了支持的力道。
之間的道歉、打賭的輸贏,也會請劇團演出,戲 努力爭取演出機會的陳玉環,希望實踐「日演
約接不完,極盛期每年演出200多場。 北管,夜演歌仔」的使命,她解釋,北管大戲是做
漢陽又有李阿質、李美娘、王春美等當家花旦 給神明看的,晚上則可演給人看,民眾除了聽到
站台,為劇團撐起一片天。2022年被宜蘭縣認定 北管音樂聲勢奪人的熱鬧之外,亦可以從北管戲曲
為「北管劇曲類保存者」藝師李美娘,在後台邊 中,欣賞演員抑揚頓挫的唱腔與神韻,例如小旦用
梳妝邊說:「我自28歲踏入戲班,至今已40年, 小嗓唱曲的音質與音色;除了小戲(段仔戲)中,
當年,戲台上為了求取戲劇效果,還會吊鋼絲, 丑角可以跳tone,插科打諢說「白話」外,正戲的
演出好評時,戲迷還會打賞給賞金。」 演出都要使用「官話」,從戲語中可以聽到北管保
北管藝師除了要能演藝跌宕起伏的唱腔,「跳 留「官話」的珍貴傳統。而劇中貧賤不移的感動,
台」、「探台」的身段,還要強記不是北京話、 忠孝節義的教化,仍是現今社會無價的資產。
也不是地方話的「官話」為口白。 正如薛平貴最後大登殿,北管樂音齊下,薛平
「單單趙匡胤的台詞我就背了三天,唱詞實 貴唱出:「風調雨順黎民安,君賢臣忠安樂然,
在多,好在我記性好。」李美娘傳授給藝生時強 天下太平萬古傳。」也唱出庶民的心聲。

Traditional folk music The golden age of Beiguan
Founder Chuang Jin-tsai, who passed away in 2021, was Chuang Jin-tsai formed the Hanyang Beiguan Troupe
a key figure in Beiguan circles in Yilan County. He trained at the peak of popularity of Beiguan, which is also called
in the Luodong Fulan Club, which is over 100 years old, Luantan Opera when performed onstage by professionals.
and was involved in the operation of other troupes, includ- Following Taiwan’s economic take-off in the 1970s, citizens
ing the Donglong and Jianlong companies. He could play invited opera companies to perform when offering thanks
any kind of Beiguan instrument well, but was especially to deities, when redeeming vows made to gods, and even
good at the suona (a horn-shaped double-reed woodwind when offering each other apologies and marking gambling
instrument), on which he attained a full and rich tone. He wins or losses. Opera companies were booked up solid, and
was respectfully nicknamed “the suona tiger.” at their busiest could put on more than 200 shows a year.
Beiguan music arrived in Taiwan during the Qing Hanyang boasts three masters of female roles—Lee
Dynasty in the wake of settlers from the southern part of A-ji, Lee Mei-nyan, and Wong Cheng-mei—who have won
China’s Fujian Province. Professor Lin Mao-hsien, chair- admiration for the company. Lee Mei-nyan was designated
man of the Department of Taiwanese Languages and a “preservation artist” for Beiguan Opera by the Yilan
Literature at National Taichung University of Education, County Government in 2022. While applying her makeup
notes that after the separate art forms of Peking Opera, backstage, she relates: “I joined my first opera company
Kunqu Opera, and Xiqin Opera came to Taiwan, they when I was 28, and I’ve been at it for 40 years now. For
were amalgamated by local society into a performance art dramatic effect onstage, I’ve even hung by wires. When we
encompassing both music and theater which was called did a good performance, opera fans would give money as
“Beiguan” (literally “northern pipes”). Beiguan is thus a a reward.”
uniquely Taiwanese phenomenon in traditional music. Besides the rising and falling melodic singing patterns
In comparison to the more elegant Nanguan music required of Beiguan artists, there are also distinctive
(“southern pipes”), which was preferred by people of stage movements and postures, and they must memo-
refined tastes, the boisterous, clamorous Beiguan be- rize the guanhua (“official language”) of Beiguan, an old-
came embedded in the daily life of ordinary people, and fashioned form of Mandarin that is used for spoken parts
flourished in Taiwan’s environment. Lin Mao-hsien calls rather than modern Mandarin or Taiwanese Hokkien.
Beiguan “Taiwan’s heavy metal music,” and it is the vari- As a growing number of leisure and entertainment
ety of traditional music with which ordinary people are options became available in society and Beiguan artists
most familiar and comfortable. aged and passed away, a serious generation gap appeared

Shown here are pieces of stage scenery, metal cases for holding props, and
baskets for weapons, all belonging to the Hanyang Beiguan Troupe.
彰化梨春園 分為職業與業餘,業餘的表演者稱為「子弟」,
走訪全台唯一的彰化縣南北管音樂戲曲館,歷史 幾乎彰化每個鄉鎮都有北管館閣,是全台密度最
最悠久的北管館閣──梨春園北管樂團(以下簡稱 高的縣市,一代傳一代。
「梨春園」)的團員們, 葉金泉說,他的父
一週有五天在此練習。 親葉阿木,除了出錢出
一踏入地下一樓的排 力,擔任負責館務的館
練室,震天價響、震耳 主,還是擅長細曲(指
欲聾的樂音鋪天蓋地而 樂曲類型)的藝師,他
來,團員們神情嚴肅而 掌理的黃金年代,不止
專注,鑼鼓喧天,這群 錄製許多唱片,葉金泉
北管團員「玩b a n d」的 回憶,父親葉阿木每每
歷史已經超過200年。 將曲譜寫在五色紙上,
這個至少出版過36張 台中、彰化縣的子弟
黑膠唱片的「實力派」 時演出隨駕戲。(梨春園提供) 館,以「軒」或「園」
In this picture from the 1960s, the Li Chuen Yuan
樂團,梨春園團長葉金 Beiguan club assists the Fengniyuan opera company of 來區分,86歲的藝師
Dajia, Taichung in staging a performance at a Dajia Mazu
泉說,梨春園究竟有多 procession. (courtesy of Li Chuen Yuan)
老?有很多版本。1982 選的彰化縣長陳錫卿於
年曾有一塊慶祝梨春園創建280年的匾額,如此 1951年上任時,地方上的北管館閣接龍演出三天
算來,梨春園至今有300多年,但因日久毀損, 三夜,所謂「輸人毋輸陣」,當時彰化最大的梨
考證失據。根據音樂家許常惠教授的考究,目前 春園、集樂軒,拚場也拚館,為了拚面子,軒、
拿得出證據的,是一塊由彰化南瑤宮1930年送給 園各自「落人」(làu-lâng)增援,最後不相上
梨春園的牌匾「樂徵韶武」,內容是慶祝梨春園 下,由消防局出動消防車用水柱驅趕才喊停。
在清朝嘉慶辛未年間(1811年)創立120週年,依 楊茂基說:「你想想,單單連續演出三天需要
此推算,梨春園至少有212年歷史。 多少的樂手?」可見其盛況。

梨春園提供 courtesy of Li Chuen Yuan
This drum, known variously as
beigu, bangu, dagu, and toushougu,
is a lead instrument that starts all
operas or songs and sets the rhythm
for the other performers to follow.

in terms of performers willing to take on the art form, Staying in the forefront
while audiences also declined. Both professional troupes Ye Jin-cyuan, director of this talented musical group
and amateur Beiguan clubs faced extinction, and it grew which has put out over 36 vinyl albums, says that accord-
ever harder for troupe members to make a living. ing to research by Professor Hsu Tsang-houei, himself
Chen Yu-hwan took over the reins of the Hanyang a musician and composer, the only evidence now avail-
Beiguan Troupe from Chuang Jin-tsai eight years ago able of the club’s age is a plaque presented to it in 1930
in a ceremony at a shrine to Xiqin Wangye, the deity of by Nanyao Temple to mark the 120th anniversary of its
theater. Chen has continually sought out opportunities to founding in 1811. On this basis, the history of Li Chuen
perform, applying the formula “Beiguan Opera by day, Yuan goes back at least 212 years.
Taiwanese Opera by night.” She explains that Beiguan The 1970s were a golden age of Beiguan in Taiwan. Per-
Opera is performed for the deities, while in the evenings formers of this music have always been divided into “pro-
Taiwanese Opera is staged for people. But by watching fessional” and “amateur” categories, with amateurs being
Beiguan Opera, not only can people get a chance to listen known as “younger brothers,” and back then almost every
to tumultuous Beiguan music, they can also appreciate township in Changhua had its own Beiguan club, and the
the performers’ cadences, melodies, and verve. The touch- county had the highest concentration of Beiguan clubs in
ing stories in these dramas, in which the characters have all Taiwan.
lofty ideals, can inculcate timeless values such as loyalty, Ye Jin-cyuan says that his father, Ye A-mu, not only
filial piety, chastity, and righteousness in the audience, put up money and invested a lot of effort into the club by
and can be a valuable asset in contemporary society. heading it and managing its affairs, but was also an accom-
The Li Chuen Yuan club of Changhua plished artist who was skilled at “refined songs.” During
At the Changhua County Museum of Traditional Nan the golden age under his leadership, when they recorded so
Bei Music and Theatre, the only institution of its kind many disks, Ye Jin-cyuan remembers that his father wrote
in Taiwan, members of Taiwan’s oldest Beiguan club, Li out the music in songbooks, of which there were more than
Chuen Yuan, rehearse five days a week. 200. The notebooks had colored pages, and every time the
As soon as you set foot in the rehearsal room in the pages were turned during club rehearsals, it was like flip-
basement, you hear resounding music that blots out every- ping through a colorful calendar.
thing else. With serious and attentive expressions on their Clamor and cultural identity
faces, the club members produce a thunderous clamor In 2009 Li Chuen Yuan was recognized as an import-
with their instruments. The history of people “playing in a ant group preserving the intangible cultural heritage of
band” at Li Chuen Yuan goes back over 200 years. Beiguan music. However, only two years later Chen Zhulin,

Li Chuen Yuan director Ye Jin-cyuan plans to have the albums previously
recorded by the club digitized, to preserve this precious cultural heritage.


2009年梨春園被指定為重要無形文化資產北管音 梨春園的行政助理、現服務於彰師大的陳瑾
樂的保存團體,但亦因為陳助麟老師過世,面臨傳 毓,更是因為喜歡嗩吶,透過研習班成為團
承、差點停團的危機。完全沒有學過北管,忙著修 員。現今已會多種打擊樂與嗩 呐 ,並且擔任領
車廠業務的葉金泉,決定接下團務。葉金泉說, 奏的頭手鼓。他認為,參加北管,除了學習樂
黑白電視問市後,曲館人數驟減,也讓學習北管 器,成為自身的休閒娛樂,梨春園每年固定在彰
的「子弟」年齡出現斷層。他舉例,現今團員超過 化南街請媽祖,出陣時成為媽祖駕前的樂隊,農
80歲有3位,30歲年輕人有5位,就是沒有50歲的團 曆3月23日南遙宮、6月24日王爺誕辰時上演子弟
員,團員不是親友團,就是來做學術研究的。 戲,為王爺祝壽,信仰的凝聚力,亦是團員向心
南藝大民族音樂所的學生楊雅慧、陳柔樺便 力的所在。
是。他們戲稱自己從局外人變成局內人,因為寫論 團長葉金泉說到,「向心力」讓梨春園傳承
文、作研究而加入梨春園,到喜愛北管成為團員。 百年。不同於以往福路、西皮的結黨械鬥,軒、
每週有五次團練,聚在一起練習,有了向心力,產 園的拚館競爭,葉金泉在民俗專家林茂賢的建議
生了歸屬感,「玩北管樂團」成為生活的一部分。 下,七年前展開至全台的北管社團拜館、以樂會
主修笛子的陳柔樺說:「北管音樂或許不在現 友的聯誼,至今交流近30個館閣,除了刺激各地
在年輕人的生活脈絡裡,但當我接觸北管音樂 館閣認真練習,復振北管,也有大和解之意。
後,發現北管學不完,它的豐富在於,可以是純 原來,對北管的子弟來說,北管是生活娛樂,
音樂的欣賞,也可以是神明遶境時駕前的樂隊; 是社交情誼,也有習藝的成就感與守望鄉里的榮
絲竹樂器可以結合孔廟祭典,成為祭典的奏樂, 譽,更重要的是,北管子弟付出與奉獻的精神,
亦可以是粉墨登場的藝術展演。」 都沒有因為時代的更迭而改變。 l

who taught newcomers and was himself a performer, Li Chuen Yuan’s administrative assistant, Chen Chin-yu,
passed away. The group faced a crisis: There was no one to who works at National Changhua University of Education,
pass along the traditions, and the club nearly broke up. But had a liking for the suona and joined the club after attend-
then Ye Jin-cyuan, who had never studied Beiguan music ing its training classes. He feels that the social cohesion
at all and was busy running his auto repair shop, decided achieved through religious faith is also a force that draws
to take on the task of managing the club’s affairs. the club members together: Li Chuen Yuan leads the annual
Yang Yahui and Bobo Chen, students in the Graduate In- Mazu procession from Changhua City’s Nanyao Temple
stitute of Ethnomusicology at Tainan National University of that visits the former “South Street” (part of today’s Minzu
the Arts, came to the group in a different way. They joined Road), and the club also performs at Nanyao Temple on the
Li Chuen Yuan in order to research their university theses, 23rd day of the third lunar month, and for the birthday of
but by practicing with the group five days a week they the deity Wangye on the 24th day of the sixth lunar month.
gained a sense of attachment and belonging, and “playing It is this cohesion among club members, says director Ye
in the Beiguan band” has become part of their lives. Jin-cyuan, that has enabled Li Chuen Yuan to exist for such
Chen, who majored in the dizi (bamboo flute), says: a long time.
“Beiguan music may not be an integral part of young The fact is that for amateur performers, Beiguan is both
people’s lives today, but after I came in contact with it I a form of entertainment and a medium for social inter-
discovered that it offers endless possibilities. Its richness action and friendship. It offers a feeling of accomplishment
lies in its versatility: It can be played in a purely musical throught learning an art form, and is a way of upholding
performance or by a band leading the procession of a deity, the honor of the locality. Even more importantly, the com-
while its ‘silk and bamboo’ instruments [i.e., strings and mitment and dedication of amateur Beiguan performers
woodwind] can accompany rituals at Confucian temples, has never diminished over time. l
and it can also be part of opera performances.” (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)

There is a real sense of cohesion among the members of Li
Chuen Yuan. In the photo they are shown performing music
seated in a semicircle; this is called paichang.


National Taipei University of Technology organized various
participatory classes on Chinese culture for students in the New
Southbound Policy Elite Study Program.

文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立 版面設計•劉俊良

Taking the
“Taiwan Experience” Back Home
—The New Southbound Policy Elite Study Program

National Quemoy University arranged for Elite Study Program
students to experience wearing the qipao (traditional Chinese
women’s attire). (courtesy of NQU)


Elite Study Program students at NTUT attend a class on the tea ceremony, enjoying the elegance and tranquility of tea culture.

「用三指幅托著茶杯,象徵天地人,讓心與 連結新南向.培育人才
揚的簫聲中,品嚐手中產自南投白茶的清香與甘 擇優錄取50人,參加為期5個月的專班。
甜,心中頓時有著無比的安寧與靜美。 外交部次長田中光在一月七日的結業典禮指
這是國立臺北科技大學專門為外交部舉辦第一屆 出,時間過得很快,開學典禮彷彿昨天,台下
「連結新南向菁英培育專班」(以下簡稱「菁英專 學生紛紛點頭表示贊同。
班」)的學生,所舉辦的茶道課,為了讓他們了解中 田中光表示,人才培育是新南向政策中很重
華文化的美,臺北科技大學臺灣華語教育資源中心 要的元素,新南向國家的年輕人若只從課本、
還安排篆刻、鶯歌畫窯、九份放天燈、八段錦氣功 報章雜誌了解台灣絕對不夠。因此,外交部透
健身操等豐富多元的課外活動。 過專班邀請年輕學生來台學習,除了提供半導
更讓學生收獲最多的是華語與半導體課程,並且 體、生物醫學、區域研究課程,還有學習華
表示若有機會,一定要再來台灣攻讀碩士班。 語、台灣文化等相關課程,展現台灣軟實力。

T he Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently held
the first New Southbound Policy Elite Study
P rog ram , in coope rat ion w ith Taipe i Medical
University of Technology (NTUT) for students at-
tending the first New Southbound Policy Elite Study
Program, organized by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign
University, National Taipei University of Tech- Affairs (MOFA). To help the students better understand
nolog y, and National Quemoy Universit y. T he Chinese culture, the Taiwan Mandarin Educational
one- semester curriculums provided students with Resources Center at NTUT organized a series of extra-
a rich variety of content. Besides informative spe- curricular activities including seal carving, ceramics
cialist courses, they also used time outside of class painting at Yingge, releasing sky lanterns at Jiufen, and
to explore Taiwan and try out Taiwanese cuisine. Baduanjin qigong exercises.
They all expressed the desire to return and study in But what the students at NTUT got the most out of
Taiwan if they have the opportunity. were the classes in Mandarin Chinese and semiconduc-
tors, and they said that if they have the chance, they
“You support the teacup with three fingers, which would like to return to Taiwan to study for their mas-
symbolize heaven, earth, and mankind, and let your ter’s degrees.
mind be at one with the tea. The round teacup contrasts Training elite talent
with the square tea tray on which it stands, and the tea This is the first training program organized by
forms ties of friendship between people.” Tea master MOFA for young people from New Southbound Policy
Xu Yuren bows to the students as he serves tea, and the partner countries. After rigorous review by the three
students reply by politely expressing their thanks for participating universities, a total of 50 people out of 250
the beverage. Musician Richard Huang plays traditional applicants from six countries were selected to come to
Chinese music on the xiao, an end-blown vertical flute, Taiwan for the special five-month program.
and amidst the melodious sounds, as those in atten- Deputy foreign affairs minister Tien Chung-kwang
dance appreciate the delicate fragrance and sweetness of says that developing talent is an important element
the Nantou-grown white tea in their cups, their minds in the New Southbound Policy. MOFA invited young
enjoy a moment of incomparable tranquility and peace. students to come to Taiwan for these special courses,
This is a tea ceremony class held by National Taipei which included not only classes in semiconductors,

Minister’s Prize winners receive certificates and gift packages from Deputy Minister Tien Chung-kwang.

National Quemoy University arranged for students in the Elite Study Program to try their hand at painting ceramics.
(courtesy of NQU)

冬至時期,金門大學菁英專班學生體驗台灣吃湯 北醫大安排菁英專班學生參觀強調全方位照顧的臺
圓的習俗。(金門大學提供) 北癌症中心。圖為設於兒童腫瘤中心的遊戲機。
At the Winter Solstice, Elite Study Program students at Taipei Medical University arranged for Elite Study
National Quemoy University experience the traditional Program participants to visit the TMU Taipei Cancer
custom of eating tangyuan (glutinous rice balls). Center, which emphasizes integrated multidisciplinary
(courtesy of NQU) treatment. The photo shows a game in the children’s
cancer ward.

已是越南胡志明市腫瘤醫院醫師的Chau Hoang
Minh Vu發現,台灣醫學院學生能學中醫藥,中
入半導體行業。 來自印度的菁英專班學生,與印度駐台使節(左2)合影
也是來自馬來西亞拉曼大學機電系的學生張 留念。
Indian students in the Elite Study Program with a staff member
家競,比較在馬來西亞學的半導體課程說,此 (second from left) from the India–Taiwan Association, India’s
representative office in Taiwan.
biomedical sciences, and regional studies, but also Man-
文化課程,多元豐富 darin Chinese and Taiwanese culture, demonstrating
Taiwan’s “soft power.”
Taipei Medical University (TMU) offered more than
60 elective courses for its 15 Elite Study Program stu-
可以選修三門課。國際長顏郁芳表示,因金門 dents. They included not only undergraduate students
特殊的地理位置與歷史背景,金大除安排菁英 but also doctors, nurses, and university teachers from
專班的學生修習華語與專業課程外,也讓學生 countries such as Vietnam and Indonesia. The courses
親身體驗金門獨有的閩南文化與風情;他們不 they took ran the gamut from applied epidemiology, psy-
僅是國際交換生,未來更是台灣在新南向國家 chiatric neuroscience, and international health issues, to
中的好朋友。 quality management and basic computer programming.
Chau Hoang Minh Vu, who is a doctor at Ho Chi
Minh City Oncology Hospital, was surprised to learn
that students in medical school in Taiwan can study
戰地風情的同時,還體驗B B彈生存戰,讓學生
Traditional Chinese Medicine and pharmacology and
們大呼刺激好玩之餘,對台灣的地理位置與國 learn combined Chinese and Western treatments. This
際情勢有更深入的感受與體驗。 is not something that is available to medical students in
金大華語文中心安排學生冬至吃湯圓、彩繪 Vietnam.

Dressed in traditional Chinese clothing, Elite Study Program students at National Quemoy University gather for a group photograph
outside the historic Qing-Dynasty military headquarters on Kinmen. (courtesy of NQU)

燈籠、學習下象棋,每位學生離開台灣之前, 冬被與熱水瓶的募捐行動,讓學生課餘的在地
都有了自己的中文名字。「金門民眾很有人情 連結,能為校園帶來多元文化觀點與對社會的
味,總是很有耐心讓我們練習說中文,他們造 關懷。
地說,表情充滿了自信。 菁英專班的學生們亦不錯過品嚐道地台灣美
不同於其他學校輕鬆的校外教學,北醫大安 食的機會。來自菲律賓的同學王嘉羅、宋建興
排學生至福隆海灘淨攤,並且透過「新事社會 說,他們在北科大所上的華語課,下課馬上就
服務中心」一起拜訪東南亞籍的漁工,以母語 能在逛夜市時派上用場。他與同期的學生利用
關懷他們。 短短的一學期,相偕逛了約十個夜市,烤鳥
北醫大國際長蔡佩珊表示,透過菁英專班學 蛋、手搖飲是每個夜市必吃的,還吃了許多家
生的反映,發現移工們不習慣台灣冬天的寒 的牛肉麵。
冷,尤其需要熱水瓶,因此國際處發動冬衣、 印度學生唐嫣也說,在金門,他們除了遍嚐

NTUT, meanwhile, offered courses in semiconduc- sc hool became aware t hat m igra nt workers from
tor engineering. Lim Dao Xuan, a student of Chinese Southeast Asia are unaccustomed to Taiwan’s cold
ancestry studying at Tunku Abdul Rahman Univer- winters and especially needed thermos bottles. In
sity in Malaysia, notes that Malaysia’s semiconductor view of this, the OGE launched a campaign to donate
manufacturing is centered on Penang, and says that winter clothes, winter quilts, and thermos bottles. In
although he is studying chemical engineering, in the this way the local links the students made outside of
future he wants to get into the semiconductor industry. class introduced a multicultural perspective and con-
The course he took on this subject at NTUT expanded cern for society onto the campus.
his perspective and he benefited from it greatly. Taking the Taiwan experience home
Rich and diverse cultural courses The st udent s i n t he El ite St udy Prog ra m a l so
Kinmen-based National Quemoy University (NQU) enjoyed opportunities to appreciate authentic Tai-
allowed students in the Elite Study Program to take wanese cuisine. Two students from the Philippines,
six credits (three classes) from among all the courses Soriano Ramirez Jarod and Jian Carlo L. Songco, said
offered at the school. Dr. Yvonne Yu-fang Yen, dean of they were able to immediately put to use what they
NQU’s Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, learned in the Mandarin class at NTUT while stroll-
states that in keeping with Kinmen’s unique geo- ing through night markets after class. They and their
graphic position and history, NQU not only arranged classmates visited about ten night markets together
for the students to study Mandarin but also to experi- during the program semester. At each night market
ence Kinmen’s distinctive Minnan (Southern Fujian- they invariably consumed roasted birds’ eggs and
ese) culture and customs . custom-mixed soft drinks. They also ate beef noodle
The university also arranged for the students to soup at many eateries.
visit the August 23 Artillery Battle Museum. As they Tamiliniyaa Rangarajan, a student from India, re-
ascended the Hunan Plateau, the location of a com- lated that in Kinmen they not only tried beef noodle
mand post during the Battle of Guningtou, besides soup and dumplings at many places, they also learned
being able to appreciate the battlefield, they also took to love hotpot.
part in an airsoft-gun survival game. Even as the stu- At the ceremony marking the end of the program,
dents exclaimed about how fun and exciting the game Jonathan Axel Benaya, who attended NTUT and won a
was, they also gained a deeper sense of Taiwan’s geo- Minister’s Prize, put his outstanding achievements in
graphic position and inter national situation. Mandarin class on display by delivering his remarks
In contrast to the relaxed off-campus activities of- in Chinese. He said: “In the Elite Study Program I got
fered by other schools, TMU arranged for the students
to take part in a beach cleanup at Fulong. Moreover,
through the Rerum Novarum Center the students vis-
ited Southeast-Asian fishing-boat crew members and
asked about their wellbeing in their own languages.
Tsai Pei-shan, dean of the Office of Global Engage-
ment (OGE) at TMU, reveals that thanks to comments
from the students in the Elite Study Program, the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs deputy minister Tien Chung-kwang
(third from right) with Indonesian students and teachers at the
opening ceremony of the Elite Study Program.

Students in the Elite Study Program learned a great deal from the classes they attended in Taiwan, and returned home with pleasant
memories of their “Taiwan experience.”

牛肉麵、水餃,還愛上了吃火鍋。 to know friends from many countries, and my experi-

北醫大來自菲律賓的Christine Camille P. Chua ence of life in Taiwan has caused me to fall in love
with Taiwan. In the future I would like to return here
反映,台灣S t a r b u c k s的起司蛋糕、肯德基的麻
for further study. I hope that the Elite Study Program
continues into the future, and after I return home I
will recommend the program to my friends.”
J o n a t h a n A x e l B e n a y a展現優異的華語學習成 After the ceremony, Tien Chung-kwang stated that
果,他用中文致謝辭說:「在菁英專班認識來 the program will continue, and MOFA will consider
自各國的朋友,在台灣的生活經驗,讓他愛上 expanding it to increase the number of participating
台灣,未來還想再來台灣留學,希望專班繼續 universities and students, because these students will
舉辦,返國後也會將專班推薦給朋友。」 take their “Taiwan experience” back home with them.
Tien said that he believes that while studying in Tai-
wan the students gain a deeper understanding of Tai-
wan’s free, democratic, and open society, as well as its
人數,因為這些學員將帶著「台灣經驗」返 global economic and political position and its role in
鄉,相信在台學習的過程,學員更加認識台灣 maintaining regional stability. □
是自由民主開放社會,及我國在全球政經與維 (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
繫區域穩定的角色。 □ tr. by Phil Newell)

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Call of the Wild—Taiwan's Natural World

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Shindigs and Solemnity in Taiwan

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Days of Being Wild: Youth Culture in Taiwan

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A Taste of Taiwan

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Bonds of Friendship, Bonds of Love—Taiwan and Southeast Asia

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Taiwan in the Mind's Eye: Stories and Images of Taiwan

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Ilha Formofa!—The Beautiful Isle!

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Angels of Love: Catholicism in Taiwan



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