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Name: Sayma Akter

Course Code: ENG 151

ID: 191002103
Assignment: Your Activities During Corona Lockdown
Your activities during Corona Lockdown: Domestic and Academic

Bangladesh president Sheikh Hasina on Thursday ordered a lockdown all over the
country due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Flanked by armies and police officials, the
president delivered a meandering, often contradictory address to the nation, leaving
residents scrambling to prepare for a month of potential isolation in a region that already
struggles to provide access to food, water, and medical care to over 1.6 billion residents.
The address left residents tense and perplexed on how to deal with the situation.
The COVID- 19 pandemic that has gripped the world and forced the shutting down of
markets, educational institutes and business establishments across Bangladesh. This
lockdown has been a vacation of sorts, the only difference: we are homebound as the
authorities are advising people to avoid social contact as much as possible. However this
lockdown can be taken as a rare opportunity that boosts our academic progress and
establishes our family relationship in a much more convincing way.
Educational institutes are relying on digital technologies to keep operating and carry on
teaching among them East Delta University has made impressive efforts to digitize
courses and exams, working tirelessly for the students so that we can enjoy their courses
without any halt.

Naturally, my domestic days are long, boring as well as frustrating because I am unable
to visit my favorite places or hang out with friends although being isolated makes me feel
gloomy the isolation has taught me the best lessons of life that I have been missing due to
my busy schedule. Meanwhile I have taken a deep dive into the world of hand sanitizing.
It has become a herculean task to keep myself active. Being stuck at home, I have
developed serious cabin fever and I am eating way too much than needed which has
pushed me to an unhealthy diet. Therefore I decided to make my quarantine time as much
productive as possible by indulging myself in hobbies or to begin a new one. So I started
with cooking, which has been fun. My little sister has been my taste tester and so far she
hasn’t had an upset stomach, being in the kitchen and getting a little creative with my
pasta recipe has helped me divert my mind off of COVID- 19, the disease that has killed
more than 1000 people all over Bangladesh. Lately, I have been spending a lot of time
reading everything from the official World Health Organization website to be as wise as
possible about the current pandemic, like many, I went from cautions to nervous to
panicked at a breakneck speed and developed Coronavirus anxiety, hence I commenced
meditating to destress my life and relax my soul, Moreover, it boosts my stamina and
keeps me active throughout the day, besides I have been utilizing my time trying to grow
plants in my barren garden as of now I have planted coriander, chili, and tomato plants
since fresh vegetables are scarce during this pandemic period, growing vegetables would
save my few bucks and resist me from going out. The quarantine day seems very
prolonged so I have been lazing around with an engrossing book “The Thousand
Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hossein and stacked up more novels to read later and lastly,
the best thing in this period is spending time with my family, since I am locked at my
house like a prisoner, I pulled out some old school games like the ludo from my drawer
and playing with my sibling. I feel overwhelmed that I am fully engaged with my family
members and enjoying every bit of quarantine time with them.

COVID-19 pandemic has been a blessing in disguise for me. It is easy to become
frustrated, scared and downright angry, but focusing on the bad would just make us
angrier rather we should focus and reflect on the good and be productive as much as

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