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Intern’s Details
Name Ronak Jain

College Name Babulal Tarabai Institute of Research and Technology.

Summary Session-1


The session is all about what skills are and what skills are needed to enter and sustain in corporate work
culture. Skills are what that matters the most when you apply for a job. The documentation or certificates
are nothing if you haven't learned some essential skill during achieving them. Communication is a very
important skill that one should learn, people should improve their communication while schooling by
participating in academic activities or you should learn to know how to interact with others and with the
opposite gender. The important skill one needs to have for working in corporates are as follows-

1. Firstly, Academic skill that they have learned while pursuing their courses as per their interest.

2. Second important skill is Operating Computers and Applications like word, excel and powerpoint.

3. The third important skill is Documentation and Reporting Skills. Documentation in the sense you
should know creating, arranging and saving a document. Our mindset should be clear about what
skills we do have.

4. Fourth, important skills, is one which have been discussed earlier, that is Communication, which
implies you should have been good at communicating with others. Not limited to verbal,
communication skills also include writing mails ,notice, reports etc. Communication doesn't mean
that you are good at any language like english but you should also know how to talk, one must
understand what you are saying.

5. The fifth skill is Analytical and Intelligence Skills. The sixth skill is Teamwork and Leadership

The most important thing is that you should have the ability to prove that the skills you presented are the
thing you are really good at. Skills are things you should show to others. The six skills discussed above are
the skills that you can add to your resume. Do not overwrite your resume by adding unnecessary skills
like management, political, socialising, dealing with others, cooking etc,... because they are not the
skills the company looks up to but, they are the skills that are helpful to you yourself and are important in
your life. Always be kind and polite to people you think are important and beneficial to you.

Some skills that i am literally good at and which i have analysed while pursuing this summary session are-
1. Teamwork and cooperation(I believe they make an organisation successful).
2. I believe that I am a good learner and always likes to learn new things.
3. Good at communicating.
4. Know how to operate or work on ExceL, Word, Powerpoint.
The skills I think I am not good at and wants to learn are,
1. Proper data analysis.
2. Documentation and Reporting.
500 Words (Max.)

Summary Session-2


The first thing is to know about your target what you want to do and then you need to start planning
for it, like how you are going to do it, how you will prepare, and then how much you will dedicate to
prepare for it. Whatever you are going to do in future you must have to work hard and do proper
preparation for it. As, without preparation you can't be successful in any field. You should be clear of your
skills. Even if you are just going to apply for a job, you must have to be prepared, you must know the skills
you have, and you need to have a proper structured resume with you. This preparation will not only be
helpful in getting a job but also in exploring yourself and performing well in a job.

As there is a great saying “Follow your passion”, what it indicates is, do what suits you and what you can
do with full willingness and it satisfies you. Passion must be followed by two more P’s that is Purpose
and Practicality. You can only go ahead if you follow all the three P’s. This will create a sense of liking in
you for what you are doing and nobody can stop you. There is a need to do something different and you
should know why you are doing that like for fame, money etc, and that is what purpose is, Purpose needs
to be very strong, in order to succeed. You should be very practical about things, before following your
passion or doing something.

Now, taking a look at what success is? People are usually unable to define success and just want to
succeed. Success is just a single thing at a single point of time. One should have a single purpose only at
a time and the achievement of it would define your success. People try to do a lot of things when trying to
succeed and while doing so they lose their focus on the most important thing they need to do in order to get

For me the success would be to get a job, start earning and become self dependent. Everyone has a
different definition of success, you define your own success. Don't let other people define how you would
be successful. Get your own definition of success by following your dreams. Whatever you achieve in your
life is not only because of your academics and qualifications, there should also be a sense of willingness
and self support which matters a lot.

500 Words (Max.)

Summary Session 3 :

In the previous session, it has been clear what skills are required in the corporate sector and what is success
all about, having passion and importance of purpose and practicality. This session is all about how to
improve your skills, what needs to be done, how to achieve what we want.

In order to achieve something, there is a need to remove all the negative energy from yourself,
anything in you that is creating barriers between you and your success and it should be your first
target. There are many people who know what they want, but still they can’t get it, it is because of the
negativity that resides in them. There is a need to remove all that immediately in order to be focused.
Here are some important points one need to learn-

1. Avoid politicking. Don’t involve yourself in political affairs. It’s completely okay to watch news to
stay updated, but getting involved in anything and debating is not good.

2. Try to remove negative people from your life. Stop chasing people who don’t care about you and
the people who are following you.

3. Start bargaining. Do not pay for things that don't matter to you.

The basic reason why these things matter is that they help us to manage our time and optimise our energy.
Don’t do a lot of unnecessary things and waste your energy. Try to store your energy. Time and energy
are constant. You must know how much energy you need to waste or how much to be used in order to be
productive. Avoid the events and happenings are not useful and non-effective for you. If you can’t
remove such habits that are disturbing to you, you can’t learn anything new.

No matter who you are and what you want to do, you always look at yourself at a position that you want in
the near future. Everyone has a goal to achieve and a vehicle as a means to achieve it. Your health,
family members are important in life. Take care of things that are your main goals in achieving success and
don’t get indulge in other unnecessary things that are not even related to your purpose.

Following are the things that matter a lot in order to learn new skills which couldn’t until you come up with
the habit of avoiding doing unnecessary stuff. Maintenance of time and energy is important and will help
us in improving our productivity and will help us focus on the things that are necessary in accomplishment
of our goals.

500 Words (Max.)

Summary Session 4


Sensitivity is a parameter that defines the dependency of one factor over other factors. Sensitivity analysis
is a financial model that determines how target variables are affected based on changes in other variables
known as input variables.There are three types of sensitivity analysis which plays an important role in your
life, that are as follows-

1. Theoretical sensitivity Analysis-

Theoretical Sensitivity analysis(Sensitivity Analysis to analyze) is the study of how the uncertainty
in output of a mathematical model or system can be divided and allocated to different sources of
uncertainty in its inputs. Sensitivity analysis is used by scientists, data scientists, engineers, doctors.

2. Practical sensitivity analysis -

Practical Sensitivity Analysis (Sensitivity analysis to understand) used when you need to be
selective about what to choose. It is understanding what factors really matter Important points about
sensitivity analysis that students get confuse about are-
a. One should be sensitive about the thing that matters and not on the things that really doesn't
matter to them.
b. Marks don't matter, intelligence matters.
c. English doesn't matter, your communication matters.
d. Your drop out doesn't matter, degree matters and what you have learned matters.
3. Personal sensitivity analysis-
Personal sensitivity (Sensitivity analysis to hide) is about personal reaction to situations. If you are
sensitive towards anything you should not tell that to others, because if you do so people will try to
mold your decision. Try to hide your own personal sensitivity.

Practical sensitivity is the way most political parties work. As a voter, one will be more sensitive about
water, roads and other resources but more than that they will be more sensitive about religion.

500 Words (Max.)

Summary session -5

This is the last and overall summary of a corporate skill development program. There were four summaries
before on four different parts of the corporate skill development program and this will be a brief analysis of
overall topics that are being addressed in this program. Following were the learnings from all the video

a. 1st video session(Analysing the skillset) -

It is basically about what skill set is required for working in a corporate that you can add to your
resume and what skill should not be listed in your resume. The video session is about the analysis of
skill sets one has and what skills they do not have or need to develop.

b. 2nd video session(defining success) -

It is all about what success is and how to make your own definition of success. Passion, Purpose
and Practicality are three important P’s that helps in achieving success. Basically, In order to
succeed you should be clear enough about everything either it is your skills, capabilities,
passion, purpose or something else.

c. 3rd video session(Time and Energy Management )-

This video session is about how to use your energy. Your energy is limited. Try to store energy and
invest energy on the things that are really important to you. You need to remove all the negativity
from yourself in order to learn new skills. Avoiding involvement in politics, starting bargaining
and removing negative people from life are major learning from this session.

d. 4th video session(Sensitivity analysis)-

Sensitivity is a parameter that defines the dependency of one factor over other factors. There are
basically three sensitivity analyses that are theoretical, practical and personal sensitivity analysis.

So, the following were the important topics that are being addressed in this corporate skill
development program offered by vce . The program mainly focuses on four major parts that are
important in achieving the goals that people have and practical applicability of these all the major

So, Completing this vce csd program, I Pledge to-

1. Remove bad things, bad habits,
2. Accept new things.
3. Not waste my time and energy.
4. Start doing sensitivity analysis.
5. Participate in any event that can improve my skills.

500 Words (Max.)

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