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Tema pada projek kami kali ini adalah haze
Budiman Breaking News
Kelompok 3:
1. Nabila Sabrina : Anak SMA, Ibu Dokter
2. Nurul Huda : reporter dalam studio, dan ibu-ibu
3. Rahmi Asrina : reporter
4. Roni Ardiansyah : pasien
5. Siti Rizka Azizzah : reporter dalam studio dan ibu-ibu



a. opening

diawali dengan music pembukaan berita kemudian di susul oleh reporter di studio

b. inti

Nurul dan Rizka : Assalamualaikum, good morning everyone

Rizka : You are watching Breaking News Budiman with us, Siti Rizka and my partner

Nurul : I'm Nurul Huda. We will bring you the latest news from all around Indonesia.

Rizka : the first is Haze in Riau. haze from the forest and land fires, continues to envelop

Nurul : The haze has made the Riau government set an emergency status of the haze

(Nabila : residents complained of shortness of breath, eye pain, and skin irritation. The Riau
government recently dismissed all schools and advised residents to reduce outdoor
Nurul : BMKG Pekanbaru recorded hotspots scattered in 239 points. This condition is the
worst since March 2015 ago.

Nabila : There have been various efforts made by Riau government, students, and citizens
to reduce the haze. The government does various methods by extinguishing fires and giving
masks to the people. Then some residents also put out the fire and some also do fundraising
to help the victims of the haze disaster. And the students also took several actions so that
the government was faster in dealing with the smoke disaster.

Nurul : Alright that was the condition of the haze in Riau. But due to heavy rain that fell a
few days ago, making the smoke haze disappear.

Nabila : The latest information about the situation in Riau will be delivered by our reporters
Vela and Rahmi

Nurul : Alright, Vela how is the condition around the citizen's house now?



Vela: good morning rizka and nurul, at this moment I am in the Bumi Mi'raj housing complex
of Tampan Pekanbaru riau, it can be seen in the air around this housing that has been
repaired because of the rainfall a few days ago. I will ask directly to one of the residents in
this housing estate

Di perumahan bumi mi’raj dan mewawancarai ibu-ibu yang sedang membersihkan halaman

Vela: good morning, how are you?

Ibu-ibu kebingungan untuk menjawab ketika ditanya oleh vela . Sehingga dibantu oleh
reporter penerjemah yakni Rahmi Asrina

Emak: ono opo to ndok?

Rahmi : mohon maaf bu maksud dari teman saya selamat pagi, bagaimana kabarnya bu?

Emak: oalah ngono to alhamdullah saee ndok

Rahmi : she is fine

Vela : So, what do you think about the haze that has happened lately?
rahmi : jadi bagaimana pendapat ibu tentang kabut asap kemarin?

Emak : piye yo ndok, seng tak delok wingi ki asepe yo tebel mripat kunki perih, wes ngono
napas ku ki sesek ndok , susah arep metu seko omah ki, wes ngono aku iki kan dodolan ndok
dadi seng tuku ki sitik mergo ora eneng uwong seng metu seko omah arep tuku bahan-
bahan pun angel ndok ndeok, yo pokoke ra penak lah ndok akeh asep ki.

Rahmi : she said that the haze was thick, she was short of breath, complained of her eyes
hurting, and snot.her daily activities were interrupted, and her shop was empty of buyers.
To go to increase the supply of materials out is also difficult.

Vela : how are you feeling now because the smoke haze is starting to disappear

Rahmi bagaimana perasaan ibu sekarang karena kabut asap mulai menghilang?

Emak : yo Alkhamdulillah ndok aku seneng warung ku pun wes mulai rame meneh wes ra
sesek napas kundok, mripatku pun wes ra perih meneh. Uwes ga ribet meneh arep metu
seko omah ora pala gawe masker lagi arep neg endei-endi.

Rahmi: she said he was very happy, people have started to shop at her store and she also
didn't need to wear a mask anymore.

Vela: okay thanks, for your time

Rahmi : baiklah terimakasi ibu, atas waktunya

Emak : oo oke ndok sami-sami ndok


Di sekolah vela sebagai reporter mewawancarai dua orang anak SMA

Vela : hey , May I ask for a moment? So, what do you think about the haze that has
happened lately?

Siswa-siswa : improve

Vela: Alright, that was a few opinions from residents. Vella Agustin, Pekanbaru, back to the


( kembali ke studio)
Nurul : alright thanks to Vela. Now we turn to Rahmi at the Budiman Farma clinic.

Rahmi : hi, you can see now that clinical activities at this moment are not too crowded, but
at this time I was with one of the patients who had just come out of the clinic. Sorry, sir,
may i know, are you treating?

Roni : I'm here to check my condition because my breath bad, my coughing starts phlegm,
my head feels dizzy and the doctor says I have ARI.

Rahmi : well, what do you think

Roni : for that, you can ask to my doctor now.

Nabilla : alright, in fact, many factors can be cause someone to get ARI, which is if you go
outside and not using a mask. And for the best kind of mask for us in this Haze is N95. what
you wear right now is a surgerical mask. It can protect you, but not maximal.Another
reasons is you do not enough drink mineral water and consume antioxidant like fruit and
some vegetable.

Rahmi : thankyou for your atention. I’m rahmi asrina reported from Clinic, back to the

Ejak dan nurul : ya, thankyou rahmi. Alright, we will back after this break, so stay with us at
Budiman Breaking news.

c. Closing
Video kami diakhiri oleh iklan oreo

Baiklah itu tadi laporan dari projek bahasa inggris kami yang intinya merupakan
pembawaan berita tentang keadaan asap yang sudah mulai membaik dan menanyakan ke
beberapa tokoh tentang kejadian asap. Dan juga terdapat ibu-ibu yang tidak bisa berbahasa
inggris kemudian dua orang anak SMK dan pasien di sebuah klinik. Dan video kami ini juga
kami masukkan beberapa nilai pendidikan tentang bagaimana sikap kita saat terjadi bencana
haze yang disampaikan oleh dokter pada scene terakhir, dan juga terdapat nilai budaya yang
didalamnya juga menggunakan bahasa Jawa.

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