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Shannen Alliayh L.

Capeding HUMSS 12-IRONY

“The choice that I make”

Hard choices are the companion of everyone’s life. Everyone is having a
hard time when making a best decision in life. When making a decision you need
to become more extra careful because one wrong move affect your whole plan in
your life and we need to uphold ourselves for this kind of situation, hard choices
is a risk because when you already decide or choose you need to stand for it.
As I get older, I realized that being an adult is not easy. We need to think
first of others opinion than to ourselves. Sometimes we can still manage to listen
other's opinions than our intuitions and I realized that it's not the proper way of
thinking or the right mind set that we should tolerate
At my stage, I’m having a hard time in choosing a college course. I'm stuck
between heart and practicality. I don't know if I am going to listen on my parents
want or I will pursue on the course that I really want.
Millions of hard choices in life do exist in our lifetime. It will never be gone
but instead be faced. For, through this tough choice we always learn how to
correctly evaluate things and situation. Hard choices in life measures our
personality and it molds us somehow to be a more responsible individual.
Whatever kind of choice it may be that we chose by the end we should also
remember always the responsibility that holds upon the choices that we choose
to. We just always have to remember that it’s never that “we don’t have a choice”
because in everything there will always be choices to have. We just have to be
wise enough to always have the best choice we could have.
Shannen Alliayh L. Capeding HUMSS 12-IRONY

Education is an essential tool that imparts knowledge to improved one’s life

Just like Jose Rizal philosophy, education elevates the country in the highest seat
on the immortal dazzling glory and also, He believes that education is the greatest
benefactor of human being and I must agree by that because education aims at
the making of every citizen a professional man. As a young adult I can say that
education is one of the responsibilities that we need to prioritized because it our
future and hope.
As a part of a new generation or era, there is a lot of changes in educational
system one of this is the adaptation of another program in educational system
which is the K to 12 it is basically a 12 years basic education. The government add
another 2 years of schooling it will be the preparatory in college and it is called
“Senior High” this program can help the students to mold their mind skills it can
also helps the students to decide what course they want.
In the time like this, students need free tuition.
Education is fundamental to development and growth. It is one of the strongest
instruments to reduce poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace and
stability. It is a survival too that we use to improve ourselves to become better in
the society.

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