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Chapter Monogenic Forms of Human CHAPTER


PATHOGENESIS : GENETICS AND LIFESTYLE : Monogenic Forms of Human Hypertension

Beverley Burke, Johannie Gungadoo, Ana Carolina B. Marçano,
Stephen J. Newhouse, Julian Shiel, Mark J. Caulfield, and
Patricia B. Munroe

A monogenic disease can be defined as an inherited

Monogenic forms of hypertension are rare inherited
condition caused by a modification in a single gene. There
conditions with high blood pressure as part of the are over 10,000 monogenic diseases that have been
phenotype. described, and although many are extremely rare they
affect millions of people worldwide.1 In the field of hyper-
Key Findings tension, there are 10 monogenic diseases that have high
■ The mutated gene product usually leads to incorrect blood pressure as part of the phenotype.All diseases have
electrolyte handling in the kidney. now been defined at the molecular genetic level (Table
■ The phenotype of each condition can be variable. 36–1). They include glucocorticoid remediable aldostero-
■ Key features of each include abnormal potassium levels
nism (GRA),2 Liddle’s syndrome,3 pseudohypoaldostero-
(high or low), suppression of plasma renin, metabolic nism type II (Gordon’s syndrome),4 congenital adrenal
alkalosis or acidosis, abnormal aldosterone levels, and hyperplasia (CAH)-11β hydroxylase deficiency5 and -17α
sodium retention. hydroxylase deficiency, apparent mineralocorticoid
■ The ongoing elucidation of monogenic forms of excess,7 the mineralocorticoid receptor in hypertension
hypertension is providing knowledge about new exacerbated in pregnancy,8 hypertension with brachy-
mechanisms of blood pressure control. dactyly,9 hypertension associated with peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma mutations10 and
more recently hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, and


Condition Mode of Inheritance Location Gene and Reference

Glucocorticoid remediable Autosomal dominant 8q24.3 11 b-hydroxylase/ aldosterone synthase
aldosteronism (CYP11B1/CYP11B2) chimera2
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Autosomal recessive 8q24.3 11 b-hydroxylase (CYP11B1)5
with 11b-hydroxylase
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia Autosomal recessive 10q24.32 17 a-hydroxylase (CYP17A1)5
with 17a-hydroxylase
Apparent mineralocorticoid Autosomal recessive 16q22.1 11 b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
excess (HSD11B2)7
Gordon’s syndrome Autosomal dominant 12p, 17q, 1q Protein kinase, lysine deficient 1 and 4
(WNK 1, WNK 4)4
Liddle’s syndrome Autosomal dominant 16q Sodium channel nonvoltage-gated 1, β and
γ subunits (SCNN1B, SCNN1G)3
Hypertension exacerbated by Autosomal dominant 4q31.23 Mineralocorticoid receptor (NR3C2)8
Hypertension associated with Autosomal dominant 3p25 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
PPARγ mutations gamma (PPARγ)10
Hypertension and brachydactyly Autosomal dominant 12p Unknown9
Hypertension associated with Mitochondrial genome Mitochondrial tRNA isoleucine gene11
mitochondrial mutations

Table 36–1. Monogenic Forms of Hypertension

hypomagnesia associated with mitochondrial gene amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC).13
mutations.11 An interesting feature of most of these In the late distal tubule, NCCT and ENaC expression

conditions is that the disease causing mutation directly overlap. Fine control of sodium reabsorption is provided
affects salt/water homeostasis in the kidney. by modulating the activity of NCCT and ENaC via aldos-
Reabsorption of sodium and chloride from the blood- terone and the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR). In turn,
stream in the kidney is achieved through an integrated this is under the influence of the renin-angiotensin-
system of ion channels, exchangers, and transporters distrib- aldosterone system.14 Sodium uptake in the distal tubule
uted throughout the length of the nephron (Figure 36–1).12 is closely linked to potassium and hydrogen ion secretion.
The distal nephron consists of the distal convoluted tubule Altered function in any of the ion transport proteins, or
(DCT), the connecting tubule (CNT), and segments of the their regulators, participating in sodium reabsorption will
cortical collecting ducts (CCD). It is in the distal part of affect blood pressure.
the nephron that the final adjustments to net renal sodium In this chapter we review the monogenic forms of
balance are achieved. In other words, the distal nephron hypertension caused by mutations in proteins now known
is of critical importance in the maintenance of sodium to affect the regulation of salt/water homeostasis in the
homeostasis. The two main ion transport systems in this kidney: GRA, Liddle’s syndrome, Gordon’s syndrome,
part of the nephron are the electroneutral apical thiazide- and two forms of CAH that have hypertension as part
sensitive NaCl co-transporter (NCCT) and the renal of the phenotype; namely, 11 β-hydroxylase deficiency

RAS within circulation

Gordon’s Angiotensinogen
Lumen Blood *Renin
Angiotensin I
Cl – WNK4
Angiotensin II




ENaC Na+


Lumen Blood


Figure 36–1. The major sites of sodium reabsorption in the mammalian kidney tubule.
The distal nephron is of critical importance in the maintenance of sodium homeostasis.
This diagram illustrates the structure of the nephron, indicating the location of the
thick ascending limb of Henle (TAL), the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), and the
cortical collecting duct (CCD). The key channels that regulate sodium homeostasis are
the sodium chloride co-transporter (NCCT) and the epithelium sodium channel
(ENaC). The renal outer medullary potassium channel (ROMK) is a key channel
regulating potassium flux. The channels/hormones mutated in Gordon’s syndrome,
Liddle’s syndrome, and GRA are indicated in italics. Also indicated is the renin-
angiotensin system (RAS) because this is the major regulator of renal salt reabsorption.
Other abbreviations: ACE (angiotensin-converting enzyme), MR (mineralocorticoid
receptor), Na+ (sodium ion), Cl– (chloride ion), and K+ (potassium ion). (Modified from
Cope et al. WNK kinases and the control of blood pressure. Pharmacology &
Therapeutics 2005;106:221–31.)

(11-OHD) and 17 α-hydroxylase deficiency (17-OHD). is a glucocorticoid hormone, synthesized in the zona
Genetic, pathophysiologic, and clinical aspects are fasciculata of the adrenal gland. It is under the control of

GENETICS AND LIFESTYLE : Monogenic Forms of Human Hypertension

discussed for each disorder.The remaining five monogenic adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), and its function
forms of hypertension are briefly discussed in the is to regulate the stress response, energy metabolism, and
summary. blood pressure control. The genes encoding CYP11B1
and CYP11B2, which are 95% identical, catalyze the final
GLUCOCORTICOID REMEDIABLE steps in the production of cortisol and aldosterone, respec-
ALDOSTERONISM tively.22 Cortisol and aldosterone have similar affinities
for binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), which
Definition is responsible for the fine control of renal salt reabsorp-
tion (see Chapter 23). Plasma concentrations of cortisol
Glucocorticoid remediable aldosteronism (GRA), also known are normally/physiologically 100 to 1000 times higher
as familial hyperaldosteronism type I (OMIM: 103900), than aldosterone. Thus, it is aldosterone that regulates the
was first described in 1966.15 It is an autosomal dominant MR, and therefore the amount of salt retained by the
condition characterized by elevated levels of circulating body, under normal circumstances.23
aldosterone (despite suppressed plasma renin levels), meta- In GRA, the chimeric gene allows aldosterone to be
bolic alkalosis, hypokalemia, hypertension, risk of stroke ectopically expressed in the zona fasciculata while being
at a young age, and high levels of the adrenal steroids 18- regulated by ACTH. This increase in aldosterone produc-
hydroxycortisol and 18-oxycortisol. The symptoms of the tion causes the MR to be hyperactivated, resulting in the
disorder can be reversed by glucocorticoid (dexamethasone) retention of salt and water by the kidneys and therefore
administration.16 volume-expansion hypertension.17 However, it appears
that high blood pressure in GRA is caused not just by
Genetics excess aldosterone secretion. Two biochemically unique
Lifton and colleagues discovered the genetic mechanism “hybrid steroids” may also be important.24 18-oxocortisol
causing GRA in 1992.2,17 Analysis of one large multi- and 18-hydroxycortisol are created by the exposure of
generational pedigree with GRA revealed a novel fragment cortisol and corticosterone to aldosterone synthase activity
of the 11β-hydroxylase gene, CYP11B1, to be present only in the zona fasciculata. These compounds are thought to
in affected individuals. Linkage analysis using this fragment have mineralocorticoid receptor activity, thereby con-
as a marker demonstrated complete linkage to GRA with tributing to the salt retention and subsequent high blood
a LOD score of 5.23. Subsequent investigations found this pressure.25
fragment to be part of a chimeric gene consisting of the 5′
tissue-specific and regulatory sequences of 11β hydroxylase Clinical implications and perspectives
(CYP11B1) and the coding sequence of aldosterone syn- The clinical phenotype of GRA is variable. Cerebrovascular
thase (CYP11B2). The chimeric gene segregated with the complications (including hemorrhagic stroke) can occur at
disease phenotype and it was postulated that the gene an early age, and the resultant ruptured intracranial aneurysms
product was the likely cause of GRA.18 Eleven additional are significant events of mortality and morbidity.26 The
GRA kindreds were subsequently tested for the chimeric hypertension in GRA ranges from moderate to severe.
gene in order to prove this was the disease causing muta- However, it can be completely alleviated by suppressing
tion.17 Southern blot analysis revealed all affected indi- steroid production in the inner cortical zones with a low-
viduals to have a chimeric gene. Sister and non-sister dose glucocorticoid such as dexamethasone. The adminis-
chromatid exchange was determined as the mechanism by tration of potassium-sparing drugs or mineralocorticoid
which the chimeric gene was formed.17 receptor antagonists may be required instead of gluco-
The sequence 3′ of exon 5 in CYP11B2 is crucial for the corticoids to avoid disrupting growth in the young.27
preservation of the CYP11B2 activity,19 and the sequence Diagnosis of GRA is now primarily by genetic analysis
5′ of intron 2 of CYP11B1 is thought to be sufficient to using a long template PCR method or Southern blot-
ensure expression in zona fasciculata and responsiveness ting.17,28 Previous diagnostic criteria (including measuring
to ACTH. The crossover site of the chimera therefore the urinary hybrid steroids 18-hydroxy/oxosteroids and
ranges from intron 2 to intron 4 of CYP11B1 in GRA. the dexamethasone suppression test) have been shown to
Since the cause of GRA was originally described, there lack 100% specificity.16,29
have been several other reports of pedigrees with the Although all anomalies of GRA can be remedied by
CYP11B1/CYP11B2 chimeric gene from different ethnic glucocorticoid administration, the phenotypic consequence
groups.20,21 of harboring the chimeric gene is yet to be fully under-
stood. Blood pressure variation has been described between
Physiology and pathophysiology GRA patients within the same family, and recently nor-
Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid hormone expressed motensive individuals carrying the chimeric gene have
in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland, and its been identified.30 These latest findings raise the question
production is regulated by angiotensin II and potassium. of additional undetermined genetic and/or environmental
Its main function is to control salt/water homeostasis, factors being involved in regulating blood pressure in such
blood pressure, and extracellular fluid potassium. Cortisol individuals.

LIDDLE’S SYNDROME for sodium conductance, whereas the β and γ subunits
augment the channels’ activities.

Definition Functional studies illustrating a potential mechanism by

Liddle’s syndrome (pseudohypoaldosteronism, OMIM: which mutations in the β and γ subunits of ENaC lead to
177200) was first described in 1963 in a single kindred.31 Liddle’s syndrome were published in 1995.33,38 A mutated
It is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by β subunit was coexpressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes with
early onset hypertension, hypokalemic metabolic acidosis, rat wild-type α and γ subunits. Similarly, a mutated γ subunit
and suppressed plasma renin and aldosterone levels.32 All was coexpressed with rat wild-type α and β subunits.
affected individuals respond well to triamterene or amiloride, Analysis revealed marked increases in amiloride-sensitive
which are specific inhibitors of the epithelial sodium channel sodium current (five- to sixfold) and increased numbers of
(ENaC), suggesting that defects in this channel or its regu- ENaC channels at the cell surface (two- to threefold) of
lators may cause the condition.3 both mutants compared to the wild type. Increased activity
of ENaC is predicted to lead to increased sodium reabsorp-
Genetics tion and hypertension, the primary clinical features observed
In 1994, Shimkets and colleagues found mutations in the in Liddle’s syndrome.
β subunit of ENaC to cause Liddle’s syndrome.3 Using Liddle’s The Xenopus laevis oocyte studies demonstrated that
original kindred, complete genetic linkage was found with mutant ENaC have increased activity and numbers at the
the gene encoding the β subunit of ENaC on chromosome cell surface compared to wild-type receptors. However,
16, with a LOD score of 7.62. Mutation analysis revealed the reasons were not determined. Since then, there have
a novel variant to be present in affected individuals, but it been a few other studies focusing on delineating the pre-
was absent in the unaffected members of the family. cise mechanism. All mutations causing Liddle’s syndrome
Direct sequencing of this variant revealed a single base affect a conserved proline-rich sequence PPPXY (PY motif)
substitution, a C→T transition at the first nucleotide of present on β and γ subunits. Proline-rich motifs such as
codon Arg-564. This mutation was predicted to introduce those observed in ENaC subunits are thought to be
a stop codon, causing 75 C-terminus amino acids to be involved in protein-protein interactions.
deleted from the protein. Analysis of four further Liddle’s Nedd 4 is a widely expressed ubiquitin-like ligase. In 1996
kindreds found frameshift mutations or premature stop it was shown that WW domains of Nedd4 directly interact
codons in the same region of this gene, confirming that with the PY motif of ENaC.39 As mutations in Liddle’s
mutations in the gene encoding the β subunit of ENaC patients disrupt the PY domain, a mechanism proposed to
caused Liddle’s syndrome.3 explain the increased numbers of ENaC receptors at the
Mutations were not found in the β subunit of ENaC in cell surface and hence overactivity of the channel is that
all families with Liddle’s syndrome, suggesting the condi- ENaC is not being effectively removed via the ubiquina-
tion may be genetically heterogeneous.This was confirmed tion pathway from the cell surface.40 More recently, a
in 1995 when Hansson and colleagues discovered the β Nedd4-like protein has also been shown to directly interact
and γ subunits of ENaC to be closely linked on chromo- via PY motifs in ENaC in vitro, suggesting that more than
some 16, and a nonsense mutation to be present in the one pathway may be important for downregulation of
γ subunit in affected members of a Liddle’s kindred.33 The ENaC.41 One mechanism proposed to explain increased
single base substitution was at codon Trp-574, and this amiloride-sensitive sodium current in Liddle’s patients is
was predicted to lead to deletion of the last 76 amino that mutant ENaC are not totally inhibited by intracellular
acids of the protein. This mutation was in a location (i.e., sodium ions compared to wild-type ENaC, which is known
the carboxy terminus of the protein) similar to those to be downregulated by intracellular sodium levels.42
found in Liddle’s patients with the β subunit mutations.
Thirteen mutations have now been reported in the Clinical implications and perspectives
gene encoding the β subunit (SCNN1B): missense, frame- The clinical phenotype of Liddle’s patients is variable and
shift, and premature stop codons. Three mutations have can also vary within families. However, the primary feature
been reported in the gene encoding the γ subunit in most cases is hypertension. This is usually early-onset
(SCNN1G).34,35 and severe, although there are also cases with mild hyper-
tension.3,33,43 Hypokalemia is found in most cases, but it is
Physiology and pathophysiology not always present.43,44 Therefore, the diagnosis of Liddle’s
The amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) syndrome can be difficult, and it is best made by taking a
plays a critical role in controlling salt/water homeostasis, full clinical history, checking for multiple family members
extracellular volume, and blood pressure and is regulated with the condition, measurement of blood pressure and
by the hormones aldosterone and vasopressin in the distal tests for hypokalemia, reduced plasma renin activity, and
nephron of the kidney.36 ENaC is a heterotrimer com- suppressed plasma aldosterone levels. Genetic screening is
posed of three subunits (α, β and γ) in a ratio of 2:1:1.The also useful because mutations causing Liddle’s syndrome
subunits share 32 to 37% amino acid identity. Each all cluster in the carboxy terminus of the protein, which
subunit consists of a short intracellular amino terminus, a enables easy screening by direct sequencing.
short carboxy terminus, two transmembrane regions, and Administration of the ENaC antagonist amiloride or
an extracellular loop.37 Studies in Xenopus laevis oocytes triamterene in combination with a low-salt diet corrects
have demonstrated that the α subunit alone has the ability the abnormalities observed in Liddle’s patients.45 It has also

been shown that small doses of amiloride can control blood stretch of amino acids that is highly conserved among all
pressure effectively in the long term, can correct plasma members of the human WNK kinases, as well as their

GENETICS AND LIFESTYLE : Monogenic Forms of Human Hypertension

potassium, and can increase plasma renin. However, plasma known orthologs in mouse and rat. The fourth mutation
aldosterone levels remain low.46 (Arg1185Cys) lies within exon 17 at a residue conserved
between the WNK kinases in the second coiled-coil domain
GORDON’S SYNDROME (see material following). None of these mutations was
identified in any unaffected family members.4 Since the
Definition discovery of mutations in WNK1 and WNK4 causing Gordon’s
syndrome, only one novel mutation in WNK4 has been
Gordon’s syndrome, also known as pseudohypoaldostero- reported. Golbang and colleagues (2005) recently reported
nism type II or PHA2 (OMIM: 145260), is an autosomal a missense mutation in exon 7 (Asp564His) in another
dominant disorder characterized by salt-dependent affected kindred.54
hypertension, hyperkalemia (despite normal glomerular
filtration rate) due to impaired potassium excretion, and Physiology and pathophysiology
metabolic acidosis due to decreased urinary H+ excretion.47 WNK kinases
Suppressed plasma renin activity and hyperchloremia are The recently discovered WNK kinases comprise a small
variable associated findings.48 The clinical features of group of unique protein serine/threonine kinases.55,56
PHA2 are chloride dependent and can be corrected with Protein kinases are a superfamily of proteins that regulate
thiazide diuretics, which inhibit salt reabsorption in the the activity of other proteins by phosphorylating certain
distal nephron.49,50 The thiazide diuretics are specific inhibitors amino acid residues (serine, threonine, or tyrosine) in
of NCCT activity, and patients with PHA2 are extremely specific target proteins. Protein kinases play important
sensitive to these drugs.This suggested that increased NCCT roles in signal transduction pathways, activated in response
activity could be responsible for some of the associated to extracellular signals (e.g., cytokines and growth factors),
PHA2 phenotypes. to regulate almost every cellular function—including cell
proliferation, apoptosis, metabolism, gene expression, cell-
Genetics cell communication, and membrane transport.57 Most
PHA2 loci have been mapped in different families to chro- serine/threonine kinases share a highly conserved catalytic
mosomes 1q31 to 1q42 (referred to as PHA2A), 17p11 to domain of 250 to 300 amino acids subdivided into 12
17q21 (PHA2B), and 12p13.3 (PHA2C).51,52 Not all PHA2 domains, with several residues that are usually invariant.58
kindreds map to these regions, suggesting that at least one One of these is a crucial lysine residue located in sub-
other (as yet unidentified) PHA2 locus may exist.53 There domain II that is involved in ATP binding and catalyzing
are therefore at least four different genes that can cause phosphoryl transfer.59 In the WNK kinases, this conserved
PHA2.Wilson and colleagues discovered two PHA2 genes lysine is replaced by a cysteine. Hence the acronym WNK,
in 2001.4 In their study, mutations in two members of a which stands for With no K (K = lysine). In WNK kinases,
novel family of serine/threonine kinases—WNK1 (OMIM the catalytic lysine is found in subdomain I. Despite this
605232, encoded by WNK1) and WNK4 (OMIM 601844, novel substitution, the WNK kinases retain active kinase
encoded by WNK4)—were shown to cause PHA2C and activity.56
PHA2B. The WNKs are widely expressed in many tissues and
Wilson et al. studied a PHA2C kindred that included 10 cell lines. Interestingly, however, both WNK1 and WNK4
living members with typical features of PHA2.4 Genome- are predominantly expressed in the kidney and are exclu-
wide linkage analysis in this pedigree revealed complete sively found in the DCT and CCD—sites involved in net
linkage of PHA2 to a locus at the telomeric segment of renal salt reabsorption as well as net potassium and
chromosome 12p, with a multipoint LOD score of 5.07. hydrogen excretion4 (Figure 36–1). The identification of
The affected family members had a deletion in the interval specific WNK1 and WNK4 mutations in patients with
between markers D12S341 and D12S91. Closer examina- PHA2 proved these to be disease-causing genes. The
tion of this region revealed affected family members having mechanism by which they cause the phenotype of PHA2
a 41-kb deletion within intron 1 of the newly discovered has been shown to be via increased NCCT activity, due to
WNK1 gene.4 Another PHA2C kindred had a 21-kb deletion either loss of normal inhibition or constitutive activation
in the same gene. These deletions were not detected in by mutant WNK1 or WNK4.60,61
any unaffected family members, and no WNK1 coding
mutations were identified in any of the affected members. PHA2 phenotype of hypertension
Using bioinformatics tools, a WNK1 paralog was discovered WNK4 is an effective inhibitor of the NCCT and this is
and was identified as the WNK4 gene.4 This gene mapped dependent on its kinase function.60–62 Mutant WNK4 proteins
to chromosome 17q21, a region that had previously been lacking kinase activity do not have this inhibitory effect.
linked to PHA2B. Examination of the WNK4 gene in four In addition,WNK4 proteins harboring the PHA2 missense
PHA2B kindreds linked to chromosome 17q21 identified mutations (Glu562Lys,Asp564Ala, or Gln565Glu) lose their
four missense mutations that cosegregated with the disease. ability to suppress NCCT activity.These observations demon-
All of the mutations result in a change of amino acid. strate that WNK4 PHA2 mutations prevent inhibition of
Three of these mutations (Glu562Lys, Asp564Ala, and NCCT activity and imply that it is the unrestrained activity
Gln565Glu) lie within exon 7 of the WNK4 gene—in a small of this co-transporter that causes PHA2.

Yang et al. looked at the effects of WNK1 on NCCT PHA2 and hyperchloremia
activity.61 They found that unlike WNK4 WNK1 did not WNK4 is expressed predominantly in the tight junctions

directly affect NCCT activity. The WNK1 protein, of the DCT and CCD in the kidney, suggesting that WNK4
however, was capable of suppressing the inhibitory effect may also have a role in regulating paracellular chloride
WNK4, suggesting that both kinases act in the same flux in the distal nephron.The chloride dependence of PHA2
signaling pathway. The effect of WNK1 on WNK4 had the further supports this notion.Two independent studies have
net result of increasing NCCT activity. These findings now shown that wild-type WNK4 increases paracellular
revealed a previously unrecognized interaction between ion conductance secondary to a twofold increase in absolute
the two WNK kinases. It is important to note that the paracellular permeability to chloride ions.64,65 This effect
inhibition of WNK4 by WNK1 requires the full-length is kinase dependent, and is greatly enhanced by the WNK4
kinase active isoform (L-WNK1). In PHA2, overexpres- missense mutations that cause PHA2.65,66 In addition,WNK4
sion of L-WNK1 inhibits WNK4 activity, leading to increased was shown to physically interact with and phosphorylate
NCCT activity and thus increased sodium reabsorption claudins 1 through 4.65 These are major tight-junction
and hypertension. membrane proteins known to be involved in the regula-
There are two main WNK1 transcripts expressed in the tion of paracellular ion permeability.67 In support of the
kidney—the full-length “long” isoform (L-WNK1) and “chloride-shunt” hypothesis proposed by Schambelan et
the more abundant “short” kidney-specific isoform (KS- al., PHA2-mutant WNK4 demonstrated increased asso-
WNK1)—and until recently little was known about the ciation with and increased phosphorylation of these tight-
role of KS-WNK1 in the regulation of renal ion transport. junction proteins—providing a possible mechanism for
Recent work by Naray-Fejes-Toth et al. has suggested that increased paracellular permeability to chloride ions in PHA2
KS-WNK1 might be an important regulator of ENaC patients.50 These findings suggest that WNK4 regulates
activity.63 They expressed functional mineralocorticoid paracellular Cl- transport by phosphorylating claudins.
receptors in a kidney cell line and demonstrated rapidly
induced expression of KS-WNK1 but not L-WNK1 in Clinical implications and perspectives
response to aldosterone at physiologic concentrations. The clinical symptoms of PHA2 vary from family to family.
This overexpression of KS-WNK1 resulted in increased However, all affected individuals have sodium-dependent
transepithelial sodium transport via ENaC, suggesting hyperkalemia and hypertension.47 Hyperkalemia is the
that KS-WNK1 might be part of the mechanism by which feature always present and is used to distinguish it from
aldosterone regulates sodium reabsorption in the CCD. other monogenic forms of hypertension. The severity and
These observations suggest that WNK1 might play an age of onset of hypertension varies.68
important role in aldosterone-induced sodium retention After the discovery of mutations in WNK kinases causing
and the development of hypertension. Thus, in PHA2 Gordon’s syndrome, genotype/phenotype comparisons
patients high aldosterone levels as a result of hyperkalemia were made. It has been observed that clinical symptoms
(potassium ions are a strong stimulator of aldosterone) differ between families with PHA2B or PHA2C. Patients
could contribute to increased sodium reabsorption and with WNK1 mutations usually present with milder symptoms
therefore to hypertension via aldosterone-induced WNK1 of the disease with a later age-of-onset of hypertension,
expression. normal calcium levels, and in some patients a milder
degree of plasma renin suppression. In contrast, patients
PHA2 phenotype and hyperkalemia with WNK4 mutations develop hypertension at an earlier
One of the major features of PHA2 is hyperkalemia, age, and have hypercalciuria and marked suppression of
suggesting that the WNKs could have a direct effect on renin levels. Hyperkalemia is always present, but hyper-
ROMK1—the major K+ secretory channel in the distal tension severity is variable even within families.This could
nephron.62 Using Xenopus laevis oocytes in expression be due to extrinsic factors such as low sodium intake.49,68,69
studies, Kahle et al. demonstrated that wild-type WNK4 is Diagnosis of PHA2 is a combination of taking a clinical
also a potent inhibitor of ROMK1 activity. In contrast to history, measuring blood pressure, and analysis of urine,
NCCT inhibition, inhibition of ROMK1 activity by WNK4 plasma, and serum.The transtubular potassium gradient is
is not dependent on its kinase function. Instead, used to detect low potassium concentrations in the urine
inhibition is mediated by clathrin-dependent endocytosis from affected subjects. The presence of low plasma renin
of ROMK1 from cell surface membranes, a mechanism and high serum aldosterone concentrations are indicative
distinct from WNK4 inhibition of NCCT. In addition, of the condition. Genetic diagnosis is possible through
WNK4 constructs carrying the PHA2 mutations Q565E mutation screening. However, this is not used routinely.
or E562K increased inhibition of potassium current and Thiazide diuretics are an effective treatment for PHA2.
surface expression of ROMK1.Thus, PHA2 mutations that They act by inhibiting NCCT activity and therefore preventing
increase NCCT activity act to decrease ROMK1 activity. excess sodium reabsorption in the distal nephron.70 However,
This would result in increased sodium chloride reabsorp- the long-term use of these drugs leads to side effects (espe-
tion by NCCT and contribute to elevated blood pressure cially on glucose metabolism), with subsequent development
and reduced potassium reabsorption—leading to hyper- of type II diabetes.70 The recent discovery of mutations in
kalemia as a result of ROMK1 inhibition. This would WNK kinases causing PHA2 places them as putative targets
explain most of the physiologic abnormalities seen in for new drugs for the condition.61,62,71 However, a more
PHA2 patients. detailed understanding of WNK kinase functions and their

interactions in various tissues will be required before any found in 11 of 12 affected individuals from 6 Jewish families
attempts should be made for their use as therapeutic agents. of Moroccan origin with 11OHD. The families were not

GENETICS AND LIFESTYLE : Monogenic Forms of Human Hypertension

related, but Moroccan Jews have a high prevalence of 11OHD
CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA and it is likely the mutations in this population result from
a founder effect.5
Definition Subsequent analysis of the CYP11B1 gene in other
families with 11OHD has revealed mutations in all coding
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a term used to regions, but there is some clustering in exons 2, 6, 7, and
define a group of autosomal recessive conditions in which 8.75,76 To date, there have been over 30 reported mutations
affected individuals have abnormal steroid hormone in CYP11B1 causing 11OHD, and they include premature
production. Two forms of CAH exhibit hypertension: 11 termination codons, missense mutations, frameshift muta-
β-hydroxylase deficiency (11OHD, OMIM: 202110) and tions, splice site changes, insertions, and deletions.76–79
17 α-hydroxylase deficiency (17OHD, OMIM: 202110). Most of the recorded mutations result in complete loss of
11OHD only accounts for 5 to 8% of all CAH cases world- enzymatic activity. However, partial impairment also
wide, whereas to date only 150 validated cases of 17OHD occurs.75,80
Distinguishing clinical features of these two forms include Physiology and pathophysiology
cortisol deficiency, aldosterone suppression, high ACTH 11 β-hydroxylase is a mitochondrial cytochrome P450
levels, adrenal cortex hyperplasia, hypokalemia, and hyper- enzyme that catalyzes the last step of glucocorticoid
tension. In 11OHD, the enzyme deficiency also results in biosynthesis to produce cortisol and corticosterone
androgen excess, whereas in contrast 17OHD patients suffer (Figure 36–2). In 11OHD individuals, a deficiency of 11
from signs of sex hormone deficiency.74 The symptoms of β-hydroxylase leads to reduced cortisol and corticosterone
CAH are treated with hormone replacement therapy and biosynthesis. The reduced levels of cortisol trigger the
are aided by moderate dietary salt intake. ACTH-dependent feedback mechanism, resulting in the
overproduction of steroid precursors within the adrenal
CAH due to 11OHD cortex. In the case of 11OHD, the steroid precursors
Genetics 11-deoxycortisol (S) and 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC)
Mutations in the 11 β-hydroxylase gene CYP11B1 cause accumulate. The accumulation of unwanted metabolites
11OHD.5 A single point mutation in exon 8 (G448A) was results in two principal clinical effects: (1) inappropriate


Zona glomerulosa Zona fasciculata Zona reticularis

Pregnenolone Pregnenolone Pregnenolone Pregnenolone

Progesterone 17-hydroxypregnenolone Estrogens and
CYP21A androgens
11β-deoxycorticosterone (DOC)
11β-deoxycorticosterone (DOC) 11β-deoxycortisol (S)

18-OH-corticosterone CYP11B1 CYP11B1

Corticosterone Cortisol

Figure 36–2. The biosynthetic pathway for steroids in the adrenal gland. The site of synthesis of each steroid
and its precursor in the adrenal gland are shown in bold. The genes encoding enzymes in the pathway are
indicated in italics. CYP11B1 encodes 11β-hydroxylase, which converts DOC to corticosterone and S to cortisol.
This gene is mutated in 11OHD. CYP17A1 encodes an enzyme with two functions: (1) 17α hydroxylase
activity (which catalyzes the initial step of cortisol synthesis) and (2) 17,20-desmolase activity, which is
crucial for the production of sex hormones. This gene is mutated in 17OHD.

activation of the mineralocorticoid receptor, resulting in CAH due to 17OHD
salt retention and hypertension, and (2) excessive produc- Genetics

tion of androgens, resulting in the symptoms of andro- 17OHD is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by
genic excess.27,81 mutations within the CYP17A1 gene.The CYP17A1 gene
DOC is a potent mineralocorticoid of relative unimpor- is located on chromosome 10q24.32 and encodes the 17
tance in healthy individuals. However, in 11 OHD patients α-hydroxylase enzyme, which is expressed in adrenal
excessive levels of DOC and its metabolites cause mineralo- gland and gonads.92
corticoid receptor hyperactivation and thus hypertension The molecular basis of 17OHD was discovered in 1988
develops despite reduced aldosterone levels.27 when affected individuals were found to harbor mutations
The abnormalities in sex steroid synthesis arise as excess within exons 1 and 8 of the CYP17A1 gene.6,93 Over 48
steroid precursors are shunted into the pathway of androgen disease-causing mutations have since been described,
biosynthesis.Thus, affected females present with masculin- including missense, nonsense, splice site, deletions, and
ized external genitalia and males with hyperandrogenic insertions.94–101 Enzymatic function can be completely or
symptoms such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and phallic partially abolished by these mutations.27 Most of the muta-
enlargement.82 tions are random and spontaneous. However, clusters of
Despite the functional characterization of several muta- patients with the same mutation have been described in
tions, at present no clear correlations between genotype Dutch and Brazilian populations, suggesting a founder
and severity of hypertension or the degree of virilization effect.102,103
have been made.75,78 For reasons unknown, patients with
identical CYP11B1 mutations demonstrate a range of different Physiology and Pathophysiology
phenotypes.76,83 17 α-hydroxylase is also a member of the mitochondrial
cytochrome P450 enzyme family. It has two distinct
Clinical implications and perspectives activities: 17 α-hydroxylation within the cortisol synthesis
The clinical and biochemical phenotype of 11OHD is pathway and 17,20 desmolase activity within the sex
variable. Hypertension has been reported in 66% of 11OHD steroid synthesis pathway (Figure 36–2). Thus, it is
cases and usually develops late in childhood or in early essential for the synthesis of cortisol and sex steroids.
adolescence.74 Premature closure of the epiphyses leads to Affected 17OHD individuals are unable to catalyze the
short stature in adulthood, despite rapid somatic growth 17α-hydroxylation of pregnenolone or progesterone,
and bone age acceleration in childhood.27 The cortisol defi- and/or to carry out the 17,20 desmolase reaction of 17-
ciency in 11OHD patients can expose affected individuals hydroxypregnenolone, resulting in reduced secretion of
to frequent minor illnesses because they lack the ability to cortisol and/or androgenic steroids, respectively. Hyper-
mount a stress response.80 Rarely reported clinical features tension occurs when the action of 17α-hydroxylase is
include dilated cardiomyopathy84 and the development of impaired. In this case, the excess pregnenolone is shunted
a retroperitoneal mass,85 both of which are alleviated by down the corticosterone synthesis pathway, resulting in
hydrocortisone therapy. both corticosterone and DOC accumulation. Therefore,
Multisteroid analysis after an ACTH-stimulation test similar to 11OHD patients develop hypertension due to
reveals abnormal circulating DOC and S levels in 11OHD an excess of ligands for the MR.93,104
patients.86 Confirmation by molecular genetic analysis using When 17,20 desmolase activity is abolished, individuals
mutation screening is available but is not routinely used. fail to synthesize adrenal androgens or gonadal steroids—
Initial treatment depends on the severity of the pheno- resulting in hypogonadism in females and pseudohermaph-
type and actual metabolite levels, but the attenuation of roditism in males. Individuals with isolated 17,20 desmo-
symptoms is usually achieved by the administration of lase deficiency have normal blood pressure levels.105
glucocorticoids such as hydrocortisone or dexamethasone.
In general, hydrocortisone is the drug of choice because it Clinical implications and perspectives
is short acting, can be given in pulses that mimic natural 17OHD was first reported in a patient with sexual infan-
cortisol secretion, and has a lower potential for growth tilism and hypertension.106 Previously thought to be extremely
retardation in children.80 rare, the recent discovery of several novel CYP17A1 muta-
Prenatal diagnosis, through the presence of elevated tions suggests that the incidence rate of 17OHD is perhaps
tetrahydro-S in the amniotic fluid or direct DNA sequence not as low as originally thought. In fact, 17OHD is rela-
analysis from a chorionic villus sample, may be of signifi- tively common in Dutch Mennonites102 and Brazilians of
cant use in populations with increased 11OHD prevalence, Spanish/Portuguese origin.103
such as the Jewish families of North African origin.76,87,88 As with 11OHD, the phenotype of 17OHD varies con-
Immediate prenatal therapy to prevent genital masculin- siderably and depends on which of the enzyme’s two activi-
ization has been successfully achieved with the adminis- ties is disrupted. Reasons for morbidity and mortality
tration of dexamethasone.89 In this instance, it is the preferred caused by 17α hydroxylase disruption include the delayed
treatment because compared with other glucocorticoids it recognition of hypertension resulting in strokes, myocardial
crosses the placenta more efficiently, has a longer half-life, infarction, and chronic renal failure. Deficiencies in sex
and shows minimal unwanted side effects to the developing steroid synthesis can cause sexual ambiguity, infertility,
fetus.90,91 and malignant degeneration of gonads.73,107

Similar to 11OHD, the ACTH stimulation test can be used act as antagonists. Progesterone levels increase 100-fold in
to measure precursor/product ratios in 17OHD. In 17OHD, pregnancy, and therefore females with MR S810L muta-

GENETICS AND LIFESTYLE : Monogenic Forms of Human Hypertension

serum levels of DOC, corticosterone, 17-deoxysteroids, tion develop severe hypertension in pregnancy through
and progesterone rise to 5 to 10 times that of normal.72 MR hyperactivity.
The condition can be further characterized by the reduc- Mutations within the peroxisome proliferator-activated
tion of urinary 17-hydroxysteroid-derived compounds, and receptor gamma (PPARγ) gene have recently been attrib-
by elevated circulating levels of follicle stimulating hormone uted to a rare monogenic syndrome, which displays hyper-
(FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Molecular genetic tension as part of the phenotype (the underlying cause of
diagnosis by direct sequencing is the most sensitive diag- which is currently not yet understood).10 Further implica-
nostic tool but is presently only available in research tions that PPARγ has an important role in blood pressure
laboratory settings.96 regulation come from the successful use of PPARγ agonists
Glucocorticoid replacement therapy is usually sufficient in the attenuation of hypertension.109
for normalizing the blood pressure of 17OHD individuals, Recently, a mutation in the mitochondrial genome has
but on occasion additional hypertensive drugs such as been found to cause hypomagnesia, hypertension, and
mineralocorticoid antagonist or calcium channel blocker hypercholesterolemia.11 The results from this paper suggest
may be required.72 Surgery, including reconstruction of there may be links between the age-related loss of mito-
ambiguous genitalia and removal of testicles, may be required chondrial function and increases in both high blood pressure
in cases where sex steroid synthesis/17,20 desmolase activity and cholesterol as people get older.
is severely disrupted. Finally, hypertension and brachydactyly type E, a
condition which was first described in 1970s. The gene
SUMMARY has yet to be found, and therefore the pathogenesis is
not yet fully understood.9,110 A recent description of
In this chapter we have reviewed five monogenic forms of neurovascular anomalies associated with the condition
human hypertension: GRA, Liddle’s syndrome, Gordon’s may prove significant in understanding its mechanism of
syndrome, and two hypertensive forms of CAH (11β- hypertension.111
hydroxylase deficiency and 17α-hydroxylase deficiency). Since the discovery of the first gene causing a monogenic
All of these have been characterized at the functional form of hypertension there has been a lot of excitement over
level and in all cases hypertension is due to increased the possibility that more subtle genetic variants in these
renal sodium and water retention. genes may contribute to essential hypertension in the general
There are at least five other monogenic forms of hyper- population.3 In support of this hypothesis, associations
tension (Table 36–1), some of which still remain to be have now been reported between WNK1,112 WNK4,113,114
fully characterized at the genetic and physiological level. the β subunit of ENaC,115 and CYP11B2116 and essential
These include apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME) hypertension in various populations.The discovery of novel
caused by mutations in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase mutations within these genes and their functional charac-
gene (11-HSD-2).108 Mutations in 11-HDS-2 lead to terization may reveal some of the mechanisms leading to
cortisol binding to the mineralocorticoid receptor, and it is essential hypertension.
this inappropriate activation that disrupts renal electrolyte In summary, research into the causes of monogenic forms
excretion and intravascular volume leading to hypertension. of hypertension has proved extremely successful, and we
Hypertension exacerbated by pregnancy is caused by believe further studies in this area are likely to lead to the
mutations within the MR gene itself.8 The mutant receptor development of preclinical diagnostic tests and new thera-
has altered ligand specificity, allowing it to be activated by peutic targets. These efforts might also shed light on the
progesterone and other mineralocorticoids, which normally mechanisms causing essential hypertension.

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