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FACEBOOK Live Show Interview –

Script (90 min)

Medical & Spiritual Understanding on Fasting

by Dr. Om Murti Anil (Senior Cardiologist), Er. Rupesh Joshi (Spiritual Guru) with
Moderator Sandeep Chhetri

A. Welcome to Audience & Self Introduction by Moderator (2 min)

B. Brief Information about Ekadasi (2 min)
a. As per our vedic culture, we have been observing and celebrating Ekadasis since time
immemorial. I remember my Mother, Grandmother used to observe fasting on this day. I
also try NOT to indulge in bad habit on this day.
C. Brief Information about ISKCON (2 min)
a. This understanding of our culture is very nicely presented in a scientific way by one
organization in particular, that is ISKCON. It’s a worldwide organization sharing vedic
timeless wisdom to all.
Introduction: Today we have two doctor one of body and other of soul. Our first guest is celebrated Dr.
Om Murti Anil (Senior Cardiologist) & Popular Spiritual Guru Sri Rupeswar Prabhu ji (President
ISKCON Kathmandu)
Welcome Dr. Om It’s a pleasure to have you on the program today. Welcome to our Guru Sri Rupeswar
Prabhu ji too
Consent & Permission I would humbly like to ask your permission & blessings to start the program
RGP: Please

SC: My first question is for Guru ji? In our culture, in Nepal we have many festivals like Dashain, Tihar
and many more. Do we really need to observe Ekadasi, that too every 15 day?
RGP: Our culture teaches us to celebrate every moment, every day. Why NOT Ekadasi? We all, should
observe Ekadasi by fasting from grains as per our best capacity.

SC: Dr. Om, you have conducted Nepal’s Largest research on cardiac health, what do you suggest, is
fasting good for health?
DR: Yes, Definitely. Benefits of Fasting are;
SC: Guru ji, These are the Physical Benefits, there must be spiritual aspect into it? Kindly enlighten us on
RGP: Apart from Physical, I would like to answer that in 6 different planes;
a. Physical Plane – Helps balance Tridosha (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA)
b. Mental Plane – Gives us immense willpower
c. Spiritual Values – Mercy, Austerity, and Cleanliness & Truthfulness are the pillars of human
life. Fasting is one from of Austerity. It helps develop soft intuitive skills.
d. Karma Principle – Any grain eaten is eating SIN. According to Puranas, the SIN gets stored
every 15 day in grain
e. Social Values – We are contributing to the society by
a. Saving Food for a day
b. Teaching by own example to our kids thus Saving our dying culture
f. Scientific Plane – JUNK DNA STORY

SC: Wow! That was amazing piece of information. Now I can understand how you are so popular among
So Dr. Om you both came to same conclusion that its beneficial. Kindly tell us any condition where we
need to cautious and consult Medical Doctor before observing fasting?
Dr Om:

SC: Dr. Om, Kindly clear my doubt, isn’t it that fasting can cause gastritis?
Dr Om:

SC: Guru ji, you said fasting should be for grain? Does that mean we can eat something? Kindly explain
us the right way to observe fasting so that we can have spiritual benefits too?
RGP: Yes we can eat. We can eat Roots & Fruits, Items made from Fafar & Saburdana. The right day-
schedule to observe Ekadasi is;
a. Wake-up early, have morning bath
b. Spend time on meditation
c. Eat Once in a day (Roots & Fruits)
d. DO NOT indulge in Smoking, Intoxication, Gambling, Sexual Activity
e. Read Spiritual insights
f. Visit temples with family
g. Feed Saints or feed Poor

SC: Thank you again Guru ji. This is nourishing information for my soul, if anyone would like to more,
where to find more knowledge?
RGP: About Bhagavad Gita As It Is

SC: It was wonderful conversing with both of you. We would like to utilize our rest of the time by taking
few questions from our audience?
Q1 10 min

Q2 10 min

Q3 10 min

At the end, we would like to

a. Thank (in particular) to ISKCON Nepal for organizing this session.
b. Entire technical Team
c. Thank our Guests
d. Thank our Audience

Take Away Message

- New Perspective on fasting
- How essential is Spiritual Knowledge
- Reading Bhagavad Gita as a Manual of our Life.
Thank you all, SC – Signing off.

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