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(Introduction to Aagri-Fishery Art 2 Final Examination)



1. Agricultural Economics is study of the allocation, distribution and utilization of the

resources used, along with the commodities produced, by farming. It concerns itself with
the study of the production and consumption of food in both developed and developing
countries along with analysis of the policies that shape the world’s largest country. In
relation to banana (latundan, lakatan, cardava) production and marketing chain, make a
case analysis citing the existing situation of this commodity and make recommendations.
Use case analysis template from your module.

“Banana industry faces land problems in Davao Region”

The Philippines is one of the top five exporters of bananas, with some 2.85 million metric
tons exported in 2017. In 2018, the country produced some 9.36 million metric tons of
bananas on 447,889 with Cavendish cultivars accounting for about 52% of total banana
production, Saba (27%) and Lakatan (10%). The tropical race 4 strain that causes
Fusarium wilt (also known as Panama disease) in Cavendish cultivars, was confirmed in
2005. Fusarium wilt of banana s a lethal fungal disease caused by the soil-borne fungus.
It is the first disease of bananas to have spread globally in the first half of the 20th
century. A common way of spreading Panama disease is in soil attached to equipment. In
2013, the Mindanao Banana Farmers and Exporters Association specially in Davao
Region, which represents small-scale farmers growing Cavendish cultivars for the export
market, has reported that about 5,900 hectares of their members’ aggregate plantation
area had been infected, including 3,000 hectares that have been abandoned.

Title: Banana Industry faces problems in Davao Region

Problems or Issues and Concern:

 Panama Disease

Alternative Course of Action (ACA):

 To stop the Disease, Use clean planting material, such as tissue culture plants. Avoid
sharing farm machinery and equipment with other growers.
 To cure the disease the most effective is control measure for Panama disease is the
exclusion of the pest and simple farm hygiene procedures.

Since the Philippines is the top exporters of the banana production, the farmers should
ask some help from the government to solve the problem. In a way of asking a financial
support and a guidance from an expert and as a government they should support the
farmers. To cure the problem the most commonly used practices include mostly
sanitation and quarantine practices to prevent the spread of Panama disease out of
infected fields. However, the most effective tool against Panama disease is the
development of banana plants resistant to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense.

2. What are the four (4) branches of agriculture? Give its importance.

The branches of Agriculture may include the Livestock Production or Animal Husbandry,
Crop Production or Agronomy, Agricultural Economics, and Agricultural Engineering.
Livestock Production or Animal Husbandry is important in raising meat, fiber, milk,
eggs, or other products. While, Crop Production or Agronomy is important in raising
flowering crops, fruit cops, and vegetable crops that we can used as our daily food. And
also, Agricultural Economics is important in the production and consumption of food in
both developed and developing countries. Lastly, Agricultural Engineering is important
in making design, construction, and improvements in the farm area.

3. Figure below is a soybean crop: There is period of the year that soybean exhibits
substantial yield, affected by photoperiodism. What is the effect of photoperiodism in
plants, given the soybean as subject crop?

The term "photoperiodism" was coined to describe a plant's ability to flower in response to
changes in the photoperiod: the relative lengths of day and night. Photoperiodism is
responsible for the growth of the plants and developmental responses of plants specially to
those plants that bloom or release flowers such as soy beans. Because flowers produce seeds,
flowering is crucially important for the plant to complete its life cycle.
4. What is the importance of preventive maintenance of farm equipment? Justify.

Preventive maintenance is keeping everything work properly specially to your

equipment. To keep your equipment work well and work properly you need a
maintenance to your equipment such as Sharpen tool before and after use, Oil or grease
metal parts, Dry tools after use, and many more. The importance the goal of a successful
preventive maintenance program is to maintain the performance and safety of the
equipment at the workplace.

5. Contrast primary tillage and secondary tillage. Correlate this to conventional (man-
animal) and mechanized tillage.

Primary tillage is the first soil tillage after the last harvest. It is necessarily conducted
when the soil is wet enough to allow plowing and strong enough to give reasonable levels
of traction. This can be done immediately after the crop harvest or at the beginning of the
next wet season. And also, this primary tillage can be done through machineries and man
power. While, secondary tillage is done after primary tillage to reduce clod size, control
weed, incorporate fertilizers, puddle and level the soil surface. And, this tillage
undertaken by the used of machineries, animal and man power.

6. Pump irrigation is most feasible for high value crops like flowers and vegetables when
Method is by drip irrigation. Why?

Drip irrigation method has the ability to save water to be absorb by the plants such as the
flower, vegetables and fruits. It helps preserve water that even their was no rain there are
still water to be absorb by the plants to survive.

7. Case Analysis: Make a case analysis using the template from your module.
Fish culture, as an aspect of aquaculture, is one of the answers to the pressing
needs of increasing food production. As a subsidiary of aquaculture it deals with the
cultivation of fishes in ponds and in other aquaculture facilities, such as cages, fish pens,
tanks, raceways and rice paddies. Since many freshwater and brackish water species are
cultured in ponds. Fish is a business for it is a source of income, food and livelihood if it
can be cultured for commercial purposes and marketed properly. Fishery is the business
of catching, handling, taking, marketing and preserving of fish and other fishery products.
The marine water type of fish cultivation is carried out in salt waters or open ocean
waters. The farms are positioned in deeper and less sheltered waters, where currents are
stronger than they are inshore. The structures used for this type are fish cage, fish tank,
fish pond and raceways. The species of fish that are shellfish like prawns, or oysters and
seaweed. Meanwhile, there are various fishing gear used in catching fish and other fish
products and different methods of construction and operation are involved. Small scale
fishermen and their relatives practice these different ways of constructing a gear to
augment family income. Their sustainability most of the time anchored to some financers
providing them cash advances prior to fishing. This financers in return bought their catch
at their dictated price. The LGUs on the other hand are also giving small bancas to
selected fisherfolks as livelihood support as well as small loans to peoples organiztion.
The main purpose of capture fisheries is to provide and sustain seafood in the highly
demanding market. Trawl is one them, it is a large net that boat pulls along the bottom of
the ocean to catch fish. This method of fishing is extensively used within the fishing area
of Davao Oriental. On the other hand, commercial fishing boats from other provinces
dominating fish captures, and bringing the catch outside the province making substantial
profits exclusively the Dabawenos. General Santos city is known to be the absorber of
big fish catch supplying the domestic and export market, manufacturing and processing
of tuna, canning and other related products because of their huge fish storage facilities
provided by the government, favorable legislations, budget allocations, and good sea and
air ports. Businessmen are renting this facilities making them sustainable and profitable
for several decades.
Title: Fish Culture

Problems or Issues and Concern:

 Small scale fisherman sustainability most of the time anchored to some financers
providing them cash advances prior to fishing. In returns, the financer bought their catch
at their dictated price.

Alternative Course of Action (ACA):

 The LGUs gives bancas to selected fisherfolks as livelihood support as well as small
loans to people’s organization.

Recommendation: To maintain the sustainability of fish capture, the government must

put huge of fish storage around Davao region most especially in the Davao Oriental as it
is one of the most vulnerable for fish capture.

8. Differentiate the characteristics of fresh and stale fish.

The characteristics of fresh fish includes the eyes that is bright, bulging pupils velvet, black
corneas transparent. The gill is bright red, covered with clear slime, fresh odor under gill cover.
The flesh is firm, stiff body; impression made by fingers do not remain. The body walls are
intact. The muscle tissue is white. The vent is pink and not protruding. The odor is fresh and
fishy odor; and the color is bright. While, the characteristics of Stale fish includes the eyes that is
dull, wrinkled, sunken pupils, dull black corneas opaque. The gill is dull brown or gray, slime
cloudy, odor under gill cover sour and offensive. The flesh soft and flabby; impression made by
fingers remain. The belly walls are often ruptured, viscera protruding the muscle tissue is
pinkish, especially around backbone. The vent is pale brown protruding the odor is stale, sour or
putrid the color is faded and dull

Prepared by: Dr. N.A. Baldoz

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