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Analyze the following, and give a written report/work.

1. Recall an experience wherein you have to work with other people. Describe
how the instructions were given. Did it come from one person? What is
his/her designated position in the group? Have you ever worked in an
organization or a team in which the lines of authority were unclear? How
did this interfere with the organization/team's functioning?

- The leader usually give us a task to do. He/she usually appoint what are
we going to do. Then, we share and discuss our works, so that we can
learn and also correct our works. I don’t have experience working in an
organization, but I usually work in a team. Sometimes there are
misunderstanding, but we talk about it and find a solution in order to
unity and be as one. The team became stronger and there is a teamwork
if we accept opinions and ideas of our team mates in order to have a
successful outcome.

2. Do you believe that the "one boss/one person" rule is a good idea? If you
have worked in a situation (e.g. planning an event) in which you had more
than one boss, what was the result?

- No. It was really a big mess. We don’t understand each other and we
can’t communicate properly. There’s no acceptance of suggestions and
ideas. The boss is always command what the things that we will be
done. He/she always wants to do this and that right away and she/he
never listen to the ideas and suggestions of the groupmates. It not a
good idea to have a one boss/one person in the group.

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