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Introduction Results
Th e Europe an Com m ission publish e d an article in 2015 1)Th e 417m .buf fe r applie d to bus stops (points)re v e als th at 5,056outof 2)Th e ne twork analy sis re v e als th at 8,
553out of50, 029re sid e ntialunits
aim ing at m e asuring acc e ss to public transportation 50, 029re sid e ntialunits are outsid e ofth is th re sh old re pre se nting10.1% of are outsid e ofth e f iv e -
m inute th re sh old re pre se nting 17,09% oftotal
ac ross th e c ontine nt.Th e article consid e rs apasse nge r is total re sid e ntial units.Th is m e ans th at,ac cord ing to th e Europe an re sid e ntial units.Th is m e ans re sid e nts oc cupy ingth ose 8, 553re sid e ntial
willing to walk f or f iv e m inute s in tim e or 417m e te rs in Com m ission,re sid e nts occ upyingth ose 5,056units liv e too f ar f
rom abus units liv e too f ar f
rom a bus stop and would not be willing to use th is
d istanc e to re ac h a bus stop.With 364 bus stops, stop and would notbe willingto use th is ty pe ofpublictransportation. m e ans oftransportation.
Ensc h e d e appe ars to h av e a robust ne twork ofbus line s
and bus stops with in its c itylim its.Th is re se arch analy ze s
spatial d ata to v isualiz e and calculate th e pe rce ntage of
re sid e ntial units loc ate d outsid e ofboth th e f iv e -
m inute
and th e 417- m e te r walk ingrange .

Data and methodology

Bus stops ( point d ata) and road s ( line d ata) we re
prov id e d .A c ad aste r ( polygon d ata)containing spe cif ic
build ing ty pe inf orm ation—suc h as barn,cabin,c h urc h,
c olle ge ,h istorical,of fice ,or h ouse —was d ownload e d f rom
Ope nStre e tMap. Th rough a d e f inition que ry , only
re sid e ntial units ( type : h ouse , apartm e nt, h ote l,
re sid e ntial)we re c onsid e re d from th e c ad aste r sh ape file .
Both a 417- m e te r buf fe r and a f iv e -m inute walk ing tim e
ne twork analysis f rom point d ata re pre se nt th e spatial
analysis ofth is stud y .Furth e rm ore ,f or th e ne twork
analysis,e ac h road se gm e nt was assigne d two ad d itional
pie ce s ofinf orm ation:a 5 k m / h r walk ing spe e d and th e
tim e ( in m inute s)itwould tak e to walk itatth atspe e d .Se e
re fe re nce boxf or walk ingspe e d justif ication.

EP SG:28992. EP SG:28992.
Am e rsf
oort/RDNe w-Ne th e rland s P roje c
tion. Am e rsf
oort/RDNe w-Ne th e rland s P roje c

Figure 2: 417-meter buffer polygons were generated around bus stops to calculate Figure 3: a five-minute walking time network analysis was performed to generate
the number of residential units that fall outside this threshold. These units polygons around bus stops. Similar to the buffer analysis, these polygons allow to
represent 10.1% of Enschede's total residential units. visualize and calculate residential units that fall outside of this threshold. The
Figure 1: Spatial analysis consisting of two different approaches: units represent 17.9% of Enschede's total residential units.
a 417-meter buffer (left) and a five-minute walking distance Conclusion
network analysis from bus stop point data (right). Th is analy sis sugge sts th at th e pe rce ntage ofre sid e ntialunits out ofre ach Furth e rm ore ,I t would be use f ul to also c alc ulate a 417- m e te r walk ing
ofbus stops v arie s d e pe nd ingon th e analy sis.10, 1% ofre sid e ntialunits in d istanc e ne twork analy sis and ,ultim ate ly ,th e total num be r ofre sid e nts
Ensc h e d e are consid e re d to be locate d too f ar f rom a bus stop ifa 417- wh o liv e outsid e ofth e se th re sh old s to be tte r und e rstand th e issue .
m e te r buf fe r is applie d to e ac h bus stop.Howe v e r,th e pe rce ntage of
re sid e ntialunits outofre ac h incre ase s to 17. 09% if ,inste ad ,th e analy sis is Re fe re nc
e s:
-Europe an Com m ission,Work ingP ape rs,Re gional Work ingP ape r 2015,Me asuringAc
ce ss to
calc ulate d tak inginto ac countaf iv e -
m inute walk ingtim e at5k m / h r spe e d . P ublicTransportin Eurpe an Citie s.
-Morph ocod e .com /
th e -
5-m inute -
walk /
-Ope nStre e tMap,CityofEnsch e d e


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