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Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 1

Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom

University of the People

EDUC 5240: Creating Positive Classroom

Professor Matthew Ewers

April 28, 2021

Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 2


This paper seeks to determine whether certain rules and procedures can promote or hinder a

positive classroom. It will highlight which rules and procedures should be encouraged and

discouraged and how teachers can assess whether he/she has created a positive classroom

environment by implementing rules and procedures.

Keywords: rules, procedures, positive classroom

Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 3

It has been established that the most important aspect of effective classroom management

is the ‘design and implementation of classroom rules and procedures’ (Marzana et al, 2003).

Sieberer-Nagler (2015) stated that in order for a teacher to be successful and for effective

learning to take place, the teacher must be able to establish appropriate behaviour in their

classroom so as to maximize time for learning. The establishment of rules and procedures

therefore, aids in establishing a positive classroom environment, conducive to learning (Sieberer-

Nagler, 2015).

‘Effective teaching and learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom’

(Marzano et al., 2003). The lack of rules and procedures to guide behaviour would result in

‘disorderly and disrespectful students and chaos would then become the norm for that classroom’

(Marzano et al., 2003). The term rules in its very definition, vary from procedures ‘as they

determine what the classroom looks like, what type of behaviour is acceptable and encouraged,

and help students to work towards a common goal (Learn Well, 2017), while procedures creates

an atmosphere of purpose, surety and calm for students (Wong, 2014).

The development and establishment of rules in a classroom assist the teacher in

identifying which behaviours are positive and should be reinforced; it is seem as a critical step

towards increasing positive interaction and communicating in advance the expectations for the

classroom (Banks, 2014). Students with in a class that has implemented rules and procedures are

less likely to be disruptive compared to those would are not (Marzano et al., 2003). As such,

there are certain rules and procedures that should be encouraged and certain ones that shouldn’t

be. ‘Rules and procedures that are clear and democratic’ (Nguyen. 2019), are those that should

be encouraged due to the fact that ‘clear and concise rules are important for students’ academic
Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 4

and social behaviour, as they work better in an environment that is well-defined’ (Sieberer-

Nagler, 2015). Creating those clear boundaries helps students to understand what is expected of

them and allows them to avoid learning bad habits or wasting valuable time trying to decipher

unclear rules. Rules such as ‘inappropriate clothing is not permitted,’ are too vague as one’s

perception of what is inappropriate may differ from student to student. Giving a list of what is

deemed as appropriate clothing or inappropriate would leave little room for interpretation. A

better rule such as, ‘there is to be no walking around the class during teaching time without

permission from the teacher,’ is a more clear and concise rule.

A well-managed classroom can go unnoticed; this is due to the fact that it is running

smoothly without distractions, however a classroom that is not well-managed is noticeable

because of its chaotic nature (Wong, 2014). To assess whether implemented rules and procedures

are effective in promoting a positive classroom one can look at the effects of the rules and the

procedure on both the students and the teacher.

Effective rules and procedure would result in students’ compliance and cooperation to the

established rules. Students would be accustomed to the procedures and routine of the class and

would follow them with little or no prompting from the teacher. In class activities would be done

and completed in an orderly and timely fashion. Students would transition smoothly from one

task to the next or from one class to the next since they are in compliance with the known

procedures. They would manage they time effectively and remain engaged, on task and focused

on their learning.
Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 5

Teachers with effective classroom rules and procedures, spend very little time modifying

behaviours. Their lessons would run smoothly with little to none interruptions and the maximum

time is spent in the delivery of instruction or checking on students’ progress in given tasks.

In conclusion, one can determine that the implementation of the right rules and

procedures promotes a positive classroom, where students’ can benefit from a positive,

conducive to learning environment.

Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 6


Banks, Tachelle. (2014) Creating Positive Learning Environments: Antecedent Strategies for

Managing the Classroom Environment & Student Behavior Retrieved from

Learn Well (2017) The Importance of Classroom Rules & Procedures for Hospital Classrooms

Retrieved from

Marzano, R.J., Marzano, J.S., & Pickering, D. (2003). Classroom management that works:

Research-based strategies for every teacher. Association for Supervision &

Curriculum Development. 

Marzano, R.J., Marzano, J.S., & Pickering D.J. (2003) Chapter 1. The critical role of classroom

management. Classroom Management that Works. Retrieved from

Role-of- Classroom-Management.aspx

Nguyen, Thuy Lien. (2019) GOOD TO GREAT “TEACHER”: Why and How We Should

Build-up from Effective Instructional Techniques to Positive Classroom Rules.

Retrieved from

teacher-why- and-how-we-should-build-up-from-effective-instructional-techniques-to-

Rules and Procedures: Promoting a positive classroom 7

Sieberer-Nagler, K. (2016). Effective classroom-management & positive teaching. English

Language Teaching, 9 (1). Retrieved from

Williams, Chandra. (2019). Establishing Classroom Expectations. Retrieved from

Wong, H.K. (2014). Proceed with intent: At the heart of a classroom management plan is

practice and more practice of key procedures.

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