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Jacob First Birthday!

Good Evening Everybody!

I request everyone to please come forward and take your seats.
Tonight, we are gathered here to celebrate life, especially the gift of life that he has given to our little
Jacob, who is celebrating his first birthday!
It is no less than a milestone in the life of a baby, and above all to praise the almighty for his enduring
kindness and blessings upon this family.

We are celebrating the miracle of birth of a unique person who was brought into this world. We wish
you grow up to be smart, tough and wise, but also hope that you always have the same innocence in
your eyes!
Let us begin with a small prayer for Jacob.
God of all creations, we offer you grateful praise for the gift of life. Hear the prayers for Jacob, your
servant, who recalls today the day of his birth and rejoices in your gifts of life & love, Family and Friends.
Bless him with your presenceand surround him with your love, that he may enjoy many happy years, all
of them pleasing to you. We ask this in your mighty name.
Oh Lord, Amen.
So, without further ado, let me invite Kora and Elsu and their handsome prince, Jacob.
Let us put our hands together for the entrance of our star for the night – Jacob Kora!
Kora & Elsu –
Your lives have changed and time has flow by. You’ve done a brialliant job this past year with this sweet
lil guy! It’s not just his birthday, but also your first year of parenthood. May this celebration lead to the
beginning of joyous years ahead with your son!
And Jacob –
It was your first trip around the sun, and I sure hope that it was a funfilled one! You are still too young to
realise how happy we are today. But the Pictures you see of your first birthday will surely give you an
idea of the joy we have for having you!
You are the family’s little wonder. Today is your day to steal the thunder. Happy first birthday!

Ladies and Gentlemen, every happy occasion must end with something sweet, and a birthday can never
have too much cake! So, let us cheer with happiness and sing “Happy Birthday” to our little champ!
-Music – (Cuts cake)
James Uncle and Elsy Aunty, please come forward to share their happiness.
Rekha aunty, please join them in their joy.
Joseph and Lakshmi, Please come forward.
I would like to appreciate and thank you all for coming all the way here, inspite of the pandemic. The
stage is now open for all. You may now come over and bless this family!

The Cocktail counters are now open. Please enjoy the food & drinks!

And Jacob, You light up our days with your sweet and innocent ways.
Today, you are officially one—I wish you a happy birthday full of fun!

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