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República Bolivariana de Venezuela

Ministerio del Poder Popular de Educación

U.E Colegio Manuel Carlos Piar



Alumna: Ana Hurtado

Cedula: 31.277.499

Año: 3 °

Profesor: Ramsés Solarte

2da actividad del III lapso

I PARTE (Valor: 10%)

Redactar, en inglés, un diálogo de 20 interacciones por cada interlocutor dónde uses la

estructura de presente perfecto. En el diálogo debes pretender tener una conversación
con alguien que no has visto en mucho tiempo y se están poniendo al día de lo que han

Maria: Hi, Ana

Ana: hi, Maria, it's been a while since we've seen each other
Maria: How have you been?
Ana: excellent, and what have you been doing?
Maria: Well, I have a food sale in a shopping mall.
Maria: and you, Ana?
Ana: waiting to study, I almost finished a postgraduate degree in mathematics.
Maria: ah ok, I'll buy you a coffee, so we can continue talking.
Ana: ok, great let's go
Maria: there is a coffee shop across the street.
Ana: my friend, what have you heard from Pedro?
Maria: this week, we went out to the movies and we were talking about our adolescence.
Ana: hahaha, yes, I'm thinking of doing a reunion.
Maria: I think it's a good idea.
Maria: my friend! Look, I still have the pictures of the closing of the project.
Ana: Ah, my friend, I remember I was so nervous.
Maria: Right! Hahaha
Ana: friends, I'm going to take this call
Ana: I already left my friend, my mom called me; she is coming back from a trip.
Maria: ok! my friend, we will be in touch for the reunion.
II PARTE (Valor: 10%)

Redactar oraciones en inglés que se ajusten a las características solicitadas. Usando la

estructura del presente perfecto.

A. 2 oraciones en las que hagas mención a lugares donde has estado

1) _______I have gone to the park__________

2) _______I have been to my grandmother's house_________________

B. 2 oraciones en las que indiques actividades que has hecho esta semana

1) _________________I have been studying______________________

2) __________________I have gone to my friends' house _________________

C. 2 oraciones en las que hagas mención a platillos exóticos que has comido estando de

1) ____________I have eaten strawberries with cream_________________

2) __________I have had chicken broster with orange sauce_______________

D. 2 oraciones en las que hagas referencia a películas que hayas visto

1) ______I have seen Fast and Furious 8_________________________

2) ______I have seen miracle in cell 7____________________________

E. 2 oraciones donde menciones cosas que te has comprado con tu propio dinero.

1) ________I have bought some socks______________________________

2) _________I have bought a lot of candy___________________________

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