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Ms Martinez 3rd

 Dancing break! Students will take a break

from work and stretch and wiggle for grade class
about three minutes. Song choice of the
week: Can’t stop the feeling.
 Applause: Oh yeaaaa!
Students will tap their legs twice, clap
twice and raise their hands while saying
oh yeaaa! APPS:
 Attention getter: Teacher says “holy moly  movement a
and students respond with guacamole!” part of your day at school and at
 YOUTUBE channel: Have fun

Children learn more from who you

are than what you teach.

A market where a few firms

compete against each other is
known as:
a. a monopoly.
b. an oligopoly.
c. monopolistic competition.
d. perfect competition.

Seating: Each student will be given a maraca of a certain color, they will have to look for
the matching maraca to find their desk.

Management tip: Student with exemplary behavior will be given “leader cash”. Whichever
kid has the most cash at the end of every two weeks will be able to win a price of their

Calling on students: The teacher will use popsicle sticks to call on students. If students
need help with question when called on, they will have the option to phone a friend.

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