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Name: Alex Castaneda LESSON PLAN GUIDE

TEKS: (C2) Objective: (C3)

130.204.(C)9(H) Demonstrate first aid, vital signs CPR and AED skills in a Students will be able to administer rescue breathing to an adult
laboratory setting. /child /infant.
Students will be able to administer CPR to an adult /child and infant.
Student will be able to demonstrate using an AED.
Specific Measureable Attainable Relevant _Time
10-12 Health Science
Grade: Subject:

Strategy to teach Language: (C4)

Task Analysis: (C4) What lang. must be taught: What skills must be


Assessment: (C5)

Strategies for Success: (C6) Element of Technology: (C6)

Students will answer scenario-based questions and demonstrate skills. Kahoot – Students will use this to review material,
Individualized instruction (if needed). Effective feedback – Provide written answer questions, and check for understanding.
and oral feedback on CPR techniques, AED administration, prioritization of
procedures. Flexible grouping – Provide grouping of students for different
roles during a mock hospital code (Compressions, AED, AMBU bag,
Learning Styles Addressed: (C6) Resources / Materials needed: (C6)
Students will be able to demonstrate administration of correct rate and depth of compressions for adults, children and infants when administering CPR.
Medical Terminology
American Heart Associationinstructions.
2021 high quality CPR guidelines
– willstudents
Visual willproperly
be able to watch an AHAanvideo
place AED as
to well as watch
an adult, childaand infant and administer shock per defibrillator
demonstration of applying correct skills.. Adult & Infant CPR Review student’s prior knowledge of medical terminology.
Auditory – students Automated External Defibrillator (AED) (with adult/infant pads, &
Critical thinking, obtaining
will pulse,
practiceChest compressions,
to the tempo rescueStudents
on the mannequin. breathing,
listen for instructions from other students designated as the physician Razor)
(code leader).
Kinesthetic – Adult & Infant AMBU Bag
students will do hands-on compressions, check for pulses, press
buttons on AED, and compress ambu. bag.
Higher Order Questions to ask: (C6)
Analyze - students will differentiate and compare agonal vs apneic vs tachypneic breathing.
Evaluate - Student can evaluate depth and rate of compressions for adults and infants.
Create - students can design a plan of care and collaborate with other healthcare team members and anticipate care and patient needs.


Hook: (C7) Closure: (C7)

Students will hear stories involving first aid and CPR that quickly Closure is obtained via an exit ticket. Students answer a question. For
engages students and leads to material. example: 60-year-old Hispanic male is driving down a very busy street. You
see him park his car, open the door, and clutch his chest. He collapses to the
ground on the busy street. What action is your highest priority? (ANS: create
a safe area – move the patient onto the sidewalk).
1. Teacher Input / Direct Instruction / Modeling: (C6)
Instruction will be a combination of direct instruction by the teacher, modeling techniques by the teacher and student
return demonstration.

2. Student Activities / Guided Practice: (C6)

Students will first see teacher demonstrate CPR / first responder techniques for various scenarios.

3. Independent Practice: (C6)

Students will practice CPR techniques (rate and depth of compressions, placement of AED leads, hand position and
administering breaths) using mannequins. Students will act as first responders in various scenarios involving CPR
and practice using an AED.

Modifications / Accommodations: (E6) Comprehensible Input Techniques: (R6)

ELL students: Five strategies I would use for the English Language Learners (ELL) supporting that lesson's instructional
strategies and content/skills aligned to your objective.
1. Provide instructions written in their native language as well as orally (in English).
2. Provide American Heart Association videos in their language which parallel the English version content.
3. Arrange for student group work to include ELL students in the groups so they can interact.
4. Find bilingual dictionaries and have them in the class. Model using the dictionary for them.
5. Label items in the classroom, to help students learn simpler words.
Name: Alex Castaneda
OBJECTIVE: Students will be able to administer rescue breathing to an adult, child & and infant.
Students will be able to administer CPR to an adult, child & and infant.
Rigor Students will be able to demonstrate using an AED with an adult, child & and infant.

Retrieval Today, we are going to continue our look at first aid and specifically we’re going to focus on one of the main skills of first aid: CPR.
First who can tell me what CPR is an acronym for? Has anyone had to ever give CPR to anyone? (If so, can you tell us what

Relevance SWBAT describe a safe scenario, (or create a safe scenario). Students need to be able to find the carotid artery (demonstration)
and differentiate between no pulse and not breathing.

Routing ME: Model recognizing a safe scenario (or creating one). Model approaching the patient, finding a pulse, checking for respirations, calling
EMS, finding an AED, and starting high quality CPR within 10 seconds of establishing pulse and breathing.

Retaining / Rehearsing
Students practice on adult mannequin, physical landmarks, hand positions, rate & depth of compressions. Students also work in groups with one
student calling the “code” and directing and instructing other students during the mock code.

Students practice and correct each other during independent practice.


Students work in groups of 4, under different scenarios (some safe, others not so safe) to reinforce understanding, critical thinking, and prioritization.

Students will be individually asked questions to check for understanding. Evidence will be correct responses questions or
correcting poor technique (oral questioning and demonstration).

American Heart Association 2020 guidelines, Adult, Child & infant CPR mannequins, AED with pads, Adult & infant AMBU

Students will end with short 5 question Kahoot regarding various scenarios to assess knowledge and critical thinking.

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