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From Initial Education to Working Life

Making Transitions Work

How did the transition from compulsory education to work change during the
1990s and which types of transition policies worked best? The experiences of 14
OECD countries are examined in this volume to address these two key questions,
for as requirements for knowledge and qualifications and skills rise and
populations age, few countries can afford to have their young people enter the
labour force unequipped for longer term participation in changing career patterns.

Taking a broader view of transition outcomes than many previous comparative

studies, this study reveals the complex and many-faceted national institutional
arrangements that can result in successful transitions to working life. It argues not
for single solutions or models, such as the adoption of apprenticeship, but for
coherent national policy packages that draw from a limited number of key success
ingredients: a healthy economy and labour market, well organised pathways from
initial education to work and further study, opportunities to combine study and
workplace experience, safety nets for those at risk, effective information and
guidance systems, and policy processes involving both governments and other

It also looks at the ways that countries are trying to lay solid foundations for
lifelong learning during the transition phase through changes to educational
pathways and institutions and through adopting more learner-centred approaches
to teaching and learning.

Worked= trabajo

Examined= examinando

Address= habla a

Unequipped= sin equipar

Changing= cambiando

Taking= tomando

Many-faceted= multifacético
Organised= organizado

Study= estudiar

Involving= involucrado

Transition= transición

Education= educación

Experiences= experiencias

Requirements= requerimientos

Participation= participación

Falsas Cognadas
Policies= políticas

Rise= aumento

Force= fuerza

Patterns= patrones

Safety= seguridad

De que trata el texto

Habla de la educación inicial a la vida laboral, como 14 países aumentan los
requisitos de conocimientos, calificaciones y habilidades y la población envejece y
como pocos países pueden permitirse que sus jóvenes ingresen a la fuerza laboral
sin estar preparado en los patrones cambiantes de la carrera. También analiza las
formas en que los países están tratando de sentar bases sólidas para el
aprendizaje permanente durante la fase de transición mediante la adopción de
enfoques de enseñanza y aprendizaje más centrados en el alumno.

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