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Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in

brackets in its correct position.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often)

Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.
1. He listens to the radio. (often)

2. They don’t read a book on the bus. (usually)

3. Adam gets angry. (never)

4. Is Tom’s friend very friendly? (always)

5. I take sugar in my tea. (sometimes)

6. Jack and Oliver are hungry. (often)

7. Laurie helps her mother in the kitchen. (usually)

8. They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)

9. My father smokes. (never)

10. My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)

Este material educativo es para uso exclusivo de los alumnos del Programa de Educación a Distancia del
Liceo Naval “Almirante Guise”
I. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

Next – Finally – After – Then – First - After that

What do you do in the morning?

I get up early at 6 o'clock in the morning.

I brush my teeth and wash my face.

I put on my clothes and comb my hair.

I eat breakfast. I go to

school. At school we study different subjects. I also play

with my friends at school. I go


Este material educativo es para uso exclusivo de los alumnos del Programa de Educación a Distancia del
Liceo Naval “Almirante Guise”
II. Number the sentences below according to the right

Next a plant grows. It needs water and light.

After that bees come to the flower and the

flower makes new seeds.

Finally, new plants, flowers and seeds grow again.

The seeds fall to the ground again and the wind

takes the seeds to new soil.

First, seeds fall to the ground and their roots

grow into the soil.

Then, a flower grows.

Este material educativo es para uso exclusivo de los alumnos del Programa de Educación a Distancia del
Liceo Naval “Almirante Guise”
Este material educativo es para uso exclusivo de los alumnos del Programa de Educación a Distancia del
Liceo Naval “Almirante Guise”

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