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After graduating from university, his life has changed

a lot
2. Is there any change in this brochure.
3. I ,must complete this report by this Friday
4. This is a complete plan .
5. The client made a phone call to delay the
6. Yesterday, due to bad weather condition, there was
an unexpected delay at the airport.
7. She sounds angry
8. You look beautiful today!
9. It remains strong
10. She is a professional in this field
11. I really want to work in a professional working
Những từ nguy hiểm,hay giăng bẫy ta, vậy các bạn hãy thuộc để tránh bẫy nhé
1. Change ( V-N): thay đổi
2. Complete ( V_adj )hoàn thành : vừa là động từ mà lại vừa là tính từ
3. Delay ( V-N): trì hoãn
4. Professional ( adj : tính từ : là chuyên nghiệp
Professional ( n): cũng là danh từ chỉ người : chuyên gia
5. Deliver (v): chuyển hàng , giao hàng
Delivery (n):
6. Renew(v): kí lại, làm mới ( thường ghép với danh từ hợp đồng: contract/ agreement)
Renewal( n)
7. Withdraw (v): rút tiền, rút lại
8. Arrive (v): đến
Arrival (n)
9. Approve (v): đồng ý, chấp thuận
Approval (n)
10. Emphasize(
Emphasis (n)
11. Criticze( v): phê bình
Critic(n): nhà phê bình
12. Base on ( v): dựa vào, nền tảng là
Basis (n):
13. Cover (v): bao phủ, bao bocj
Cover(N): vỏ ngoiaf , bìa
Coverage (n) bảo hiểm
Coverage option : lựa chọn gói bảo hiểm
Medical coverage: bảo hiểm y tế
14. Register (v) : đaqngư kí, đặt chỗ= reserve = book
Registration (n)
15. Respond to (v)= reply to = answer st : trả lời , hồi đáp
16. Report (v- n): báo cáo
17. Review (v-n): xem xét lại
18. Increase in ( v): tăng
Increase (N)
19. Satisfy (v)
Satisfaction (n)
Be satisfied with : hài lòng với
Satisfactory + N : hài lòng, vui với
20. Succeed In Ving= manage to V: thành công trog việc gì
Successful (adj)
Successfully (adv)
Success (n): sự thành công
Successor (n): người tiếp quản, người kế nhiệm

Vd: Mr. Sam said that next month he is retiring , and the successor will keep using his
buseness strategy

1. Maintenance staff: 6. Pension plan

2. Interest rate 7. Living cost= cost of living
3. Exchange rate 8. Standard price
4. Assembly line 9. The suggested retail price
5. Research program 10. Identification number
11. Safety regulation
12. Coverage option
13. Weather forecast
14. Production plant
15. Confirmation number
16. Account number
17. Power failure = power outrage
1. You can ………………your key at the front desk when you go out.
A, to leave B, leave c, leaving D, leaves

2. We are …..seeking new university graduates to join our sales team

A, current B, currently C, currency D, currentness
3. Identification cards must be …………..displayed
A, clear B, clearly C, clearance D, clarity
4. All you have to do is register and you are ready to ……..posting and browsing for books.
A, to begin B, beginning C, began D, begin

5. The hotel is ………….located within easy walking distance of the beach.

A, perfect B, perfectly C, perfection D, perfecting

6. You have to present your……………

A, identify B, identification C, identifiable D, identified
7. The company is ………….implementing new vacation policy.
A, active B, activity C, actively D, activate
8. We are looking for an ………person for our sales department.
A, experienced B, experience C, experience D, to experience
9. The president had a meeting with employees during his …………visit to the plant.
A, recently B, recentness C, recency D, recent
10. The ………….was considered final .
A, decisive B, decided C, decision D, deciding

11. My supervisor had me……the morning taking inventory.

A, spend B, to spend C, spent D, spending

12. Mr.Kim ……………the seminar in the conference room.

A, attended B, attending C, to attend D, attendance

13. The director had her assistant ……….the memo.

A, signing B, signed c, will sign D, sign
14. The ……………….result will be announced next week.
A, finalized B, finally C, finalist D, final

15. The result was ……….predicted before this quarter.

A, original B, origin C, originally D, originality
16. Many physicians …………….that exercise is benefit to our health.
A, agreement B, to agree C, agreeing D, agree
17. It is not …………….to argue about small details.
A, advise B, advice C, advising D, advisable
18. We recommended a ….review of all of the facilities in the hospital.
A, comprehensive B, comprehend C, comprehensively D, comprehensiveness

19. Applicants should …………necessary documents to the personnel office.

A, submitting B, submitted C, to submit D, submit
Dr.Marriot recently completed a………………study of economic trends.
A, detail B, details C, in detail D, detailed
20. You must …….your supervisor when you are late for work.
A, notify B, to notify C, notification D, notifying

21. The lawyer usually ……………high fees for her consulting service
A, charge B, charges C, charging D, is charging
22. This hotel can easily ……………a large tour group.
A, accommodate B , to accommodate C, accommodated D, accommodation
23. My secretary ……………the memo to the department managers.
A, sending B, to send C, sent D, sender
24. The company will ……its new high-speed copy machine
A, introduction B, introducing C, introduced D, introduce
25. Many people ………………for the position .
A, applicant B, application C, applied D, to apply
26. The plant manager ……………………..a day-long safety workshop.
A, organizing B, to organize C, organization D, organized
27. The company will spend more money on the …………….of environment- friendly vehicles.
A, develops B, developed C, develop D, development
28. The sales department ………..sales goals for the last quarter.
A, reached B, to reach C, reachable D, reaching
29. If you are interested in this item , please………………….me at 555-786
A, contacting B, contact C, to contact D, contacts
30. ………………for the government contracts is usually intense.
A, competitive B, competition C, compete D, competively
31. Every month , our company …………….some money for local elementary schools.
A, donates B, donation C, donating D, are donated

32. Construction workers have to know how to use the … …………equipment

A, protect B, protects C, protectively D, protective
33. The distributors have ………….us that they should receive the samples by next week
A, informing B, inform C, informed D, informs
34. It is expected that the board of directors will ……………..the proposal.
A, approved B, be approved C, approve D, approval
35. Beginning next month , our new environment- friendly product will… ……go on sale
A, final B, finally C, finalize D, finalized
36. ………….the profile before publishing them
A, verification B, verify C, Verified D, Verifying
37. The price reform bill has been proceeding …… …..through Congress, resulting in a substantial
increase in real energy prices.
A, steadiness B, steadiest C, steadily D, steadies
38. A commercial delegation of prospective investors from the US is …………….to visit India very
A, like B, likeness C, likable D, likely

39.After spending his childhoods on a

farm without electricity, he had
difficulty … …….to city life
A, adjusted B, adjust
C, adjustment D, adjusting
41. MS.Gibson is reviewing a thesis that deals with the… …….of this year’s
marketing strategy.
A, effecting B, effectiveness C, most effective D, least
42. The sales force has expanded so rapidly this year that it will…… …. be
split into different teams next year.
A, inevitable B, inevitability C, inevitably D,
inevitable that
43. Let’s be … and accept his offer.
A, really B, realism C, realistic D, realized

44. The minor breakdown in Ms. Blackwell’s stereo system can …… …………
be repaired.
A, easy B, easily C, easier D, easiness
45. Ms. Corn has been a highly …… ….member of the Sales Team from
the beginning, and her dedication to our division is outstanding.
A, value B, values C, valuable D, valuing
46. New tax laws were…… responsible for the decision to raise Dayto
Motors’ prices on their vehicles
A, part B, partly C, parts D, parting
47. The newspaper stated that many buildings were … ……damaged during
the earthquake and estimated that the city will spend more than 80
million dollars on repair.
A, severely B, severe C, severity D, severest

48. We cannot start our project until the

executive board has done
…… of the related
documents, which may takes some
A, complete B, completing C,
completely D, completion

49. Her extensive resume and her glowing

reference letters prove that
she is a competent ……… …in the field.
A, profession B, professorial C,
professional D, profess

50. As steady cash flow is a …… …..necessity,

therefore, a seasonal business is not optimal.
A, finance B, financier C,
financed D, financial
51. Activities abroad contributed more
than half of both total sales and …………
A, operator B, operation C,
operating D, operated
52. By placing an……..on the way a toaster is used,
HS Electronics has made its toaster oven one of
the best sellers this year.
A, emphatically B, emphasis C,
emphasized D, emphasizing
53. HAS Gametech signed a three- million-
dollar………. to develop the body-
controlled computer game system.
A, contract B, contracts C,
contracting D, contracted
54. In an effort to provide you with better
banking ………….., we at Asmouth Bank invite
your comments and feedback.
A, servings B, service C, will
serve D , serve
55. Faster Express guarantees, the ………of
your package to any international
locations within forty eight hour.
A, delivered B, deliverable C,
deliver D, delivery
56. In accordance with industry practice, we
record revenues for music and book products
when the products are … … to retailers.
A, shipped B, shipment C, ships
D, shipping
57. Typical clerical support…….perform many
duties, including bookkeeping, typing , and
maintaining records and files.
A, work B, works C, workers D,
58. Sign up for direct deposit and your payroll,
government, pension or dividend funds will be
…………..deposited into City Bank account and will
be available immediately.
A, automate B, automatic C,
automated D, automatically
59. This pages contains Java Script routines to
compute a ……..of descriptive statistics and create
a stem and leaf display.
A, various B, vary C, variety
D, varied
60. The scope of work included a complete……..of
the existing facility, including completely new
electrical work and installation of Y2K compliant
A, renovation B, renovate C, renovated
D, renovates
61. Please ensure that any additional sheet is attracted …adv .to your application form.
A, secure B, securely C, security D, securable
62. The adj ….event of the Consortium was an excellent conference held by the a university of
Victoria from October 26-27,2011
A, cultimate B, cultivating C, cultivated D, cultivation
63. The Chrysler corporation posted ……adj…….profit on Friday 17 th of January.
A, impress B, to impress C, impresses D, impressive

64. The US government remains … ….to

provide further assistance to the
earthquake victims as more detailed
assessments of the damage are available
a, ready B, readier C, readily
D, readiness
65. ………….for the money management
seminar will be forward to all the managers
A, invite B, invitations C, inviting
D, Invitation
66. Even if residents in the area have shown strong …N……to the project, the city government may
not be hesitant to proceed with it.
A, resisting B, resistant C, resisted D, resistance
67. The manager said that it is…adj …… test emergency equipment frequently to avoid any
A, appropriate B, appropriateness C, appropriately D, most appropriately
Cấu trúc câu chủ ngữ giả : It be adj To V
Thật là làm sao để làm gì
68. The unexpected operating complexity was more serious than …adv…anticipated.
A, origin B, original C, originally D, originated
69. Applicants must possess a master of business administration or …………experience in a related
A, compare B, compared C, comparable D, comparing
70. . you’ve taken on a lot , are you sure this goal is…adj
A, , real B, realistic C, realized D, realist

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