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A Minor Project Report

Submitted in Partial fulfilment for the award of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering

Submitted to


Submitted by
Ajbuddin Ansari[0533CS171009]
Nikhil Upadhyay [0533CS171047]
Prasoon [0533CS171052]

Under the supervision of

Prof. Sonal Yadav
CSE Department of TCST, Bhopal

Truba College of Science & Technology, Bhopal (M.P.)

Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Session 2019-20


This is to certify that the work embodied in this Minor Project work entitled “BLOOD
BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” has been satisfactorily completed by Ajbuddin
Ansari(0533CS171009), Nikhil Upadhyay(0533CS171047), Prasoon (0533CS171052). It
is a bonafide piece of work, carried out under the guidance, Prof. Sonal Yadav, from
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Truba College of Science &
Technology, Bhopal, for the partial fulfilment of the Bachelor of Technology during the
academic year 2019-20.

Prof. Sonal Yadav Prof. Manoj Tyagi Dr. Nilesh Diwakar

(Project Guide) (HOD, CSE) (Principal)
TCST, Bhopal TCST, Bhopal TCST, Bhopal




This foregoing project work is hereby approved as a creditable study of Engineering carried
out and presented in a manner satisfactory to warranty its acceptance as a prerequisite to the
degree for which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval the undersigned
do not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion
drawn there in, but approve the project only for the purpose for which it has been submitted.

Prof. Sonal Yadav Prof. Manoj Tyagi Dr. Nilesh Diwakar

(Project Guide) (HOD, CSE) (Principal)
TCST, Bhopal TCST, Bhopal TCST, Bhopal




We, Ajbuddin Ansari(0533CS171009),Nikhil Upadhyay(0533CS171047), Prasoon

(0533CS171052), student of “Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science &
Engineering”, session: 2019-20, Truba College of Science & Technology, Bhopal (M.P.),
hereby declare that the work presented in this project entitled “BLOOD BANK
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is the outcome of our own work, is bonafide and correct to
the best of our knowledge and this work has been carried out taking care of Engineering
Ethics. The work presented does not infringe any patented work and has not been submitted
to any other University or anywhere else for the award of any degree or any professional

Ajbuddin Ansari [0533CS171009]

Nikhil Upadhyay [0533CS171047]

Date: Prasoon [0533CS171052]



We express our deep sense of gratitude to Prof. Sonal Yadav, Department of Computer
Science & Engineering, Truba College of Science & Technology, Bhopal, whose valuable
guidance and timely help encouraged us to complete this project.

A special thanks goes to Prof. MANOJ TYAGI, Prof. & Head of Department, who helped us
by providing timely suggestions in completing this project work. He exchanged his
interesting ideas & thoughts which made this project work successful.

We would also like to thank our Institution and all the faculty members without whom this
project work would have been a distant reality.

Ajbuddin Ansari [0533CS171009]

Nikhil Upadhyay [0533CS171047]

Date: Prasoon [0533CS171052]


The purpose of BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is to simplify and

automate the process of searching for blood in case of emergency and maintenance the
records of blood donors, recipients, blood donation programs and blood stocks in the blood

Our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project is the project which helps
the owner of the system admin to manage the blood which are available in the blood bank
stock. In our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, the admin can easily manage all
the blood available in the stock. The person who want to give their blood or he want some
blood so, he had to come to the clinic and simply give their information, such as name,
address, blood group, mobile number etc. By use of this information the admin stores all the
details about the blood donor or the blood accepter and add it to their available blood list.

Admin can also able to manage that how much blood is currently available in the
stock. While making of this project we are using programming language JAVA, and the tools
which we are using is NetBeans, and for the database connection we are using MySQL, and
we using the server wampp.


1. Introduction

1.1 Overview

1.2 Motivation

1.3 Problem Definition

1.4 Objective

1.5 Outcomes

2. Literature Survey

3. Proposed Methodology

4. Programming Tools

5. Proposed work and result

5.1 Software Requirement Analysis

5.2 Software Designing(System Model, Flow Chart, Data Flow Diagram etc.)

5.3 Software and Hardware Requirement(Minimum Requirement and Feasible

Requirement )

5.4 Screenshots

6. Conclusion and Future Work



Figure 4.1 - NetBeans Interface

Figure 4.2 - Java Logo

Figure 4.3 - MySQL

Figure 5.0 – SDLC Diagram

Figure 5.1 - E- R Diagram

Figure 5.2 - Use Case Diagram

Figure 5.3 - Zero Level DFD

Figure 5.3 - First Level DFD

Figure 5.4 - Second Level DFD

Figure 5.5 - Login Page

Figure 5.6 - Home Page

Figure 5.7 - Admin Page

Figure 5.8 - Registration Page

Figure 5.9 - Donor Form Page

Figure 5.10 - Donee Form Page

Figure 5.11 - Packets Available


Blood is one of the most important thing for the human life. In an adult human
there is about to 2 to 2.5 litres of blood available in human body. So, the blood is one
of the basic entity to live their life.
Now if I talk about our project then our project is mainly focusing on the
maintenance of blood which is available in the blood bank. Our project is very helpful
to manage the blood which is available in the blood bank.
The BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project is designed for
successful completion of project on blood bank management system.
This BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM basic building aim is to
provide blood donation service. Our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
is desktop application which is designed to store the blood, process the blood, retrieve
the blood and analyse information concerned with the administrative and inventory
management within a blood bank.
This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood donors
and blood accepters of different blood groups available in blood bank and help them
to manage in a better and easy way.
Our project is also providing transparency in the field of blood donation or
blood acceptance process, our project is also helpful to obtain the blood in each blood
bank very hassle free and corruption free and make the system of blood bank
management effective.


Our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM can collect blood form many
donators in short from various sources and distributed that blood to needy people who
want the blood at that time or in emergency or whenever they want,
To do this we required some high-quality software application to that the work can be
done easily and accurately.


 A Simple and Attractive Welcome Page

 Login Page
 Donor Registration form
 Donors List
 Accepters Registration form
 Accepters List
 Stock Available

All the above modules are available in our project which is very easy to use and
not so handy. Our application is mainly focusing on the easy availability of the blood
in any situation and in anywhere.

By the help of BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, the management

of blood is very easy to handle without any hard work.

In our project we simply create a donor’s ID which is very helpful to find the
blood in the blood bank whether the blood is available or not in the blood bank.

If we talk about blood, so the “Blood is a body fluid in humans and other
animals that delivers necessary substances such as nutrients and oxygen to the
cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. In
vertebrates, it is composed of blood cells suspended in blood plasma.”

So, in this world the blood is the basic entity of human life, but availability of
the blood in today’s scenario is very difficult, “According to zee news , India
has population of 1.2 billion people and annually requires overs 12million
blood units several deaths can be caused due to severe blood loss in case there
is a shortage of blood, plasma, or platelets. “

So, for the easy availability of the blood we are very concern about that we are
going to develop the BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM which helps
the people to make the availability of blood very easy and also for maintenances
of the blood in the blood bank.


At present, the public can only know about the blood donation events through
the conventional media means such as radio, newspaper or television
advertisements. There is no information regarding the blood donation programs
available on any of the portal or any computer application or software.
The current system that is using by the blood bank is manual system. With the
manual system, there are the problems in managing the donor’s records, recipient
records, and the record of the blood which is available in the blood bank. The
records of the donor or the recipient might not be managed safely and there might
be missing of donor’s records due to human error or disasters. Besides that, errors
might occur when the staff keeps more than one record for the sane donor or
There is no centralized database of volunteers of donors and the receivers of
the blood. So, it becomes really tedious for a person to search blood in case of
emergency. The only option is to manually search and match donors and then
make phone calls to every donor. Without an automated management system,
there are also problems of keeping track of the actual amount of each and every
blood type in the blood bank.
So, these some problems which is related to the blood bank management is
helps to create a such of application that can easily maintain the blood which is
available in the blood bank.
In our project there is very easy and centralized database system, which is
very useful to maintain the blood and the blood can be easily retrieved from the
stock. This application is also helpful to maintain the blood of all type of groups
which are available in the field of blood.


There are so many goals and objectives of the BLOOD BANK

MANAGEMENT SYSTEM , but some main and important goals and objectives
are shown below :-

1. To provide a means for the blood bank to publicized and advertise blood
donation programs. It will also helpful to provide the blood to every needy
person who want blood or whether he or she want to give their blood to
other person.
2. If someone want blood so he or she can easily get the blood by our
BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It provide the blood of
each and every group type if the blood is available in the blood bank or
3. To improve the efficiency of the blood stock management by alerting the
blood bank staffs when the blood quality is below it par level or when the
blood stock has expired.
4. To provide the easy management of the blood which is available in blood
bank stock and they can easily retrieves of the blood.
5. To easy access of blood and also to provide immediate storage and
retrieval of data and information.
6. To provide synchronized and centralized donor, accepter and blood stock
database, which allows the admin to easy access of the blood and make the
blood transition easy.


Our project is mainly made for proper management of the blood in the blood
bank. Our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM is focuses on the effective
availability of the blood.

There are some Outcomes which we are expecting after the completion of
the project are as follows :-

1. Makes the blood available in blood banks if the blood banks advertise or conduct the
seminar or camp on blood donation.
2. It will provide easy access and management of the blood.
3. Information retrieval from the blood bank make very easy.
4. Maintenance of the blood of different types in the blood bank makes it very easy to
5. Blood bank manager can generate the donor ID for the person who give their blood.
6. Reduce paper work to store the information about the donor and the receiver which
makes it more effective and time saving.
7. Searching of any donor or any receiver is very easy.
8. Searching of blood packets of different type are very easy.


During the literature survey we collected some information about the blood
bank management system through internet and we also collect some information
from the blood donation camps and clinics and from the blood banks. This is very
helpful to us to make this project and we collected the information which is
currently be used in the current scenario in the blood banks. In now a day the
records available in the blood banks and manages manually means on the paper
which is very difficult to handle and manage the data about the blood donor,
receiver and stock available in the blood bank.

By all this information we collect the requirements for the application which
the blood bank application needs to maintain the blood donors and receivers list
and the stock of bloods of different groups of blood.

Our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM mainly contains the

module of blood donor list, blood receivers list and the list of blood groups which
is currently available in the stock. In our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM all the modules are maintain by the blood bank staff or by the manager
of that blood bank.

So, all the requirement which we collected by some surveys and all collected
information now we are trying to implement it on our BLOOD BANK
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM project to make blood management easily and

During a literature survey we collect some of information about the blood

bank management system located in city and rural area , Some of the hospital
have its own blood bank unit with each and all technical facilities in city but this
conduction is poor in rural area.

Some of the country maintain an online blood bank system like in Sri Lanka
this project have combination of three sub modules which is blood module,
patient module, donor module. In this project blood bank staff has authorized
access permission to maintain the all module. Blood module can manage the
types, quantity and expiry dates for each category of blood that stored in blood
transfusion unit. With reference article India total blood collection in 7.5 million
units yearly, 2% of blood is discarded (minimum) due to various reasons. If we
deduct 2% of discarded blood, the total usable whole blood or red cells will be
6460,000 units in India.

For blood components, let us take a conservative estimate that only 25%
blood is separated into components. In that situation, we will have about
1,365,000 components for patients. Now to find out the total revenue generation
across the country, let us take the service charge ceiling laid down by the National
AIDS Control Organization (NACO). NACO has prescribed Rs. 850 per unit of
whole blood or RBC and 6460,000 units will generate Rs.549,1000,000. On the
other hand, components will attract revenue of Rs.68,2500,000 (@ Rs.500 per
component on an average).

Total revenue generated by whole blood/ red cells and components is

Rs.617,3500,000 (or US$123270000 @ 1 USD = Rs.50). We have four types of
blood banks/centers (from the administrative point of view) in India. They are
managed by the public (government) sector, Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS),
nongovernment organizations (NGOs, on not for profit basis) and corporate or
commercial sectors. Let us discuss today how efficiently more than 2,460 blood
banks in India are managed. Roughly, about 55% blood banks are from the
government sector, 5% from the IRCS, about 20-25% are from the NGO sector
and the rest are from corporate or profit-making sectors.

In this article author present a one major Problem every year our nation
requires about 4 Crore units of blood, out of which only average 5 Lakh units of
blood are available. It is not that, people do not want to donate blood. Often, they
are unaware of the need and also, they do not have a proper facility to enquire
about it. As a result, needy people end up going through a lot of pain. India has
many blood banks, all-functioning in a decentralized fashion. In the current
system, individual hospitals have their own blood banks and there is no
interaction between blood banks.

The management is adhoc with no semblance of organization or standard

opera ting procedures. Donors cannot access blood from blood banks other than
the bank where they have donated blood.3.2 Present System All the blood banks
are attached to hospitals and there is no stand-alone blood bank. Its more
comparative Research Analysis we are include in the next chapter.


The process of managing the blood bags that is received from the blood donation
process needs a proper and systematic management of that blood packet or bag. The
blood packet must be handled with care and treated thoroughly as it is related to
someone’s life and very useful for others life. The development of our BLOOD
BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM application based on desktop application
software is proposed to provide a management functional to the blood bank in order
to handle the blood bag.

In kuala Terengganu, east peninsular cost of Malaysia has only on government

hospital that handles blood bank currently is using a standalone system. This
BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM desktop-based application developed
to meet the requirements of the better management of the blood packets which is
available in the blood banks stock. This software application can be easily handled by
the blood bank management staff or by the manager of that blood bank.

The technology that we using to create this BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT

SYSTEM project are four major factors of our project which are shown below: -

NETBEANS: - For the GUI design (Graphical User Interface) we using NetBeans. It
provides the solid and attractive structure to our project Graphical User Interface.
NetBeans is one of most famous and most robust IDE to develop the desktop
applications and software’s by use of one of the most popular programming
languages called JAVA.

NetBeans IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a free, open source,

integrated development environment (IDE) that enables you to develop desktop,
mobile and web applications. The IDE supports application development in various
languages, including Java, HTML5, PHP and C++. The IDE provides integrated
support for the complete development cycle, from project creation through

debugging, profiling and deployment. The IDE runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X,
and other UNIX-based systems.

The IDE provides comprehensive support for JDK 7 technologies and the
most recent Java enhancements. It is the first IDE that provides support for JDK 7,
Java EE 7, and JavaFX 2. The IDE fully supports Java EE using the latest standards
for Java, XML, Web services, and SQL and fully supports the GlassFish Server, the
reference implementation of Java EE.

JAVA :- For the Logical work in the project we using programming language JAVA
which is one of the most famous and robust programming language in modern era.
There are so many applications are available which is build by the use of JAVA
programming language. There so many versions are available in the website of oracle
to download java but in our we are using JAVA 11 for the coding work.

Now if I talk about java programming language, Java is a programming

language created by James Gosling from Sun Microsystems (Sun) in 1991. The target
of Java is to write a program once and then run this program on multiple operating
systems. The first publicly available version of Java (Java 1.0) was released in 1995.
Sun Microsystems was acquired by the Oracle Corporation in 2010. Oracle has now
the steer Manship for Java. In 2006 Sun started to make Java available under the GNU
General Public License (GPL). Oracle continues this project called OpenJDK.
Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-
based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation
dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers “write once, run
anywhere” (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that
support Java without the need for recompilation.

For example, you can write and compile a Java program on UNIX and run it on
Microsoft Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX machine without any modifications to the
source code. WORA is achieved by compiling a Java program into an intermediate

language called bytecode. The format of bytecode is platform-independent. A virtual
machine, called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), is used to run the bytecode on each

MySQL :- For the database connectivity we are using MySQL(structured query

language) which store all the data of the donors, receivers and the blood packets
which available in the stock.
MySQL is an open-source, fast reliable, and flexible relational database management
system, typically used with PHP.

Main Features of MySQL :-

 MySQL server design is multi-layered with independent modules.

 MySQL Handles large databases.
 MySQL Works on many different platforms.
 MySQL Server works in client/server or embedded systems.
 MySQL is fully multithreaded by using kernel threads. It can handle multiple
CPUs if they are available.
 MySQL provides transactional and non-transactional storage engines.
 MySQL has a high-speed thread-based memory allocation system.
Who Uses MySQL :-

 Content Management Systems (CMS) like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla,

phpDB etc.
 Some of the most famous websites like Facebook, Wikipedia, Google (not for
search), YouTube, Flickr.
 A large number of web developers worldwide are using MySQL to develop
web applications.


For the accessing of the information from the computer system or data from the
computer system we have to use server. And in our project we are using wamp
server which is helpful to provide various functionalities and services to access
the data from the database.

WAMP is stands for "Windows, Apache, MySQL, and PHP." WAMP is a

variation of  LAMP  for Windows systems and is often installed as
a software bundle for (Apache, MySQL, and PHP). It is mainly used for
development of the websites and the testing of the site, but in some case it is also
helpful to serve live websites.

The main important part of the WAMP package is Apache server (or "Apache
HTTP Server") which is used to run the web server within Windows. By running
a local Apache web server on a Windows machine, a web developer can
test webpages in a web browser without publishing them live on the Internet
which one of the most important advantage of WAMP server.

WAMP also includes MySQL and PHP, which are two of the most common

technologies used for creating dynamic websites. In today’s scenario the MySQL
and PHP are the most important technologies to build a quality web sites for the
internet in very less time with a huge quality.

MySQL is a high-speed database, while PHP is a scripting language that can be

used to access data from the database. By installing these two components locally,
a developer can build and test a dynamic website before publishing it to a public
web server. While Apache, MySQL, and PHP are open source components that
can be installed individually, they are usually installed together. One popular
package is called "WampServer," which provides a user-friendly way to install
and configure the "AMP" components on Windows.


Programming tool or software development tool is a computer program that

software developers use to create, debug, maintain or otherwise support other programs
and application.

Modern computers are very complex to understand but to make learning of

computer programs is made very easy by the use various types of programming language
which gives the system or the computer instruction that how the thinks will gonna work
in the system.

To develop the GUI for the project we are using: -

NetBeans: - It provide the solid and attractive structure to our project Graphical User
Interface. NetBeans is one of most famous and most robust IDE to develop the desktop
applications and software’s by use of one of the most popular programming languages called

Figure 4.1

JAVA :- For the backend programming we are using programming language JAVA SE. It is
one of the most popular and most robust programming languages in the modern era. In
today’s scenario there are many software which are made by the use of programming
language JAVA.

Figure 4.2

MySQL :- For the backend programming and to store information provided by the user is
stored by the MySQL data base system. MySQL is one of the most popular database
connection which is used to store the information given by user and record of the blood
which is available in the blood bank.

“For the database connectivity we are using MySQL(structured query language)

which store all the data of the donors, receivers and the blood packets which available
in the stock. MySQL is an open-source, fast reliable, and flexible relational database
management system, typically used with PHP. ”

Figure 4.3


5.1 Software Requirement Analysis

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) :-

The software development life cycle is a framework defining tasks

performed at each step in the software development process. SDLC is a
structure followed by a development team with in the software organization. It
consists of a detailed plan describing how to develop, maintain and replace
specific software. The life cycle defines a methodology for improving the
quality of software and the overall development process. The software
development life cycle is also known d the software development process.

Figure 5.0

5.2 Software Designing

5.2.1 E-R Diagram

Figure 5.1


Figure 5.2


Figure 5.3

Figure 5.3

Figure 5.4

5.3 Software and Hardware Requirement

We are using three main things to make the project which are as follow: -

Programming Language :- JAVA SE

IDE :- NetBeans

Database :- MySQL

To run our BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM desktop application software

the hardware component requirements are as follow:-

Operating System :- Windows 7 or above

RAM Required :- 2 GB or Higher

Processor :- AMD or Intel Processor

Processor Speed :- 1.6 GHz dual core or higher


Figure 5.5

Figure 5.6

Figure 5.7

Figure 5.8

Figure 5.9

Figure 5.10

Figure 5.11

6. Conclusion and Future Work

6.1 Conclusion

The conclusion of the project is that the availability of the blood for everyone is must
because blood is the most important entity to stay fit. And today’s scenario the availability of
blood is going difficult day by day. And the management of that blood is also an issue now a
So our project is very helpful to maintain the blood in blood bank very easily. By the
use of our project the manager of that blood bank or the staff members of that blood bank can
easily manage the blood available in the stock.
On the other hand, an active quality management program also is an effective way of
assuring both management and external inspector of that systems are in control.
It provides the continuous learning and professional development of all the staff. In
today’s scenario the technology is increased very rapidly so it’s our responsibility to stay
connected to the technology because the technology is become a very important part of our
daily life.

6.2 Future Work

In our project we tried to centralized the work of the staff member and manager of
that blood bank to handle all the information about the donor, about the receiver and the
blood available in the blood banks stock all these thinks are come together in the single
application which made by us whose name is “BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM”. It also helps to analyse the condition of the bloods available in the particular

There are also few features can be integrated with this system to make it more flexible.

Below list shown the future point to be consider: -
a. In future we will give the facility to use the BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM for the mobile application for androids which leads to the more use of
this application which make the blood donation easier and more flexible.
b. In future we will add some more point which are requires by the user or as per
user requirement.
c. In future we are set to add the user communication to the BLOOD BANK
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM so that he or she can easily get the required blood.
d. We all set to the provide the sign-up option for the user of that BLOOD BANK
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM application in the android phones.
e. In future we are going to add the feature of review so, that the developer or the
admin of the blood bank can get the actual review about the application from the
users, and this is very helpful to provide some extra feature to the application.
f. In future we all set to add the blood bank from our nearest location so that blood
can be available in very quickly and very fast availability of the blood.
g. In future we are going to convert this desktop application into the android
application so, that every person who use smartphone’s can easily get the blood as
quick as possible.


6. “Java -The Complete Reference” book by “Herbert Schildt” publisher “McGraw Hill”
Second edition.
7. “SQL- The Complete Reference” book by “James R. Groff, Paul N. Weinberg”
publisher “McGraw Hill” Third edition.


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