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Quarter 3 - Module 4
Critique a Literary Selection

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

What I Need to Know

Welcome to this module! You must be very eager to start with the learning activities
prepared for you. The activities in the module have been designed to provide you with
rich and stimulating learning experience.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. compare and contrast the structuralist/formalist, moralist, Marxist, feminist, and
historical approaches in a literary selection,
2. critique a literary selection based on the five approaches.

What I Know (Pre-Test)

Activity 1
Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer. Use another sheet of paper.
1. It is an in-depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public
insight into the story.
A. Relating C. Composing
B. Critiquing D. Evaluating
2. In making a review of a literary work the following are to be considered except____.
A. context/focus C. personal reflection
B. author’s intention D. reader’s technique
3. This approach in writing a literary work follows a physical format and uses the
elements of the selection to present thought.
A. Marxist C. Feminist
B. Structuralist D. Moralist
4. This approach in writing a literary is inspired by story of Karl Marx wherein the
character has to struggle to obtain power and authority.
A. Marxist C. Feminist
B. Structuralist D. Moralist
5. “Considering that we are all part of the Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community
of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny; unexcitement
gratefully acknowledging that Mother Earth is the source of life and nourishment.” is
an example text for __________.
A. Marxist B. Structuralist C. Feminist D. Moralist

Lesson Critique a literary selection based on

1 structuralist/formalist, Marxist, Moralist, Feminism

This module aims to broaden your mind on the five approaches of the literary selection.
This will also help you critique a literary selection using these approaches.

What’s In

Activity 2

Directions: The task below shows the approaches of a literary work. Write its
meaning or explanation on the space provided. Use another sheet of paper.

Approaches in a
Literary Work






What’s New
Activity 3
Directions: Read the paragraphs and answer the questions after.
“A Day in A Country” Summary
'A day in the country' is written by Chekhov. It pays homage to an unsung hero, a
homeless cobbler whose name is Terenty. In the beginning of the story a beggar girl named
Fyokla, who is 6 years old comes running through a village. The village is preparing for an
approaching storm. She addresses everyone as “uncle”. She is searching for some particular
person. She finally finds Terenty in the kitchen-garden. He is a “tall old man with a thin, pock-
marked face, very long legs, and bare feet, dressed in a woman’s tattered jacket”. He does not
look like a hero.

But Fyokla is searching desperately for someone to help in freeing her brother
Danilka, whose hand is stuck in a tree. Terenty does not give importance to the approaching
storm and talking reassuringly in fatherly tones he goes to free Fyokla’s brother.

The story tells us that Terenty “answers all questions, and there is no secret in
Nature which baffles him. He knows everything”. The writer further adds that indeed “all the
villagers, generally speaking, know as much as he does”. But the difference is that Terenty is
willing to share his knowledge and time with the two orphan children. The children love him for
this reason.

The two children retire to a deserted barn after spending the day with Terenty. And
Terenty goes to the tavern. Chekhov further tells about Terenty's sincerity and love for the two
orphan children. Terenty comes back later and puts bread under their heads making the sign
of the cross while they are asleep. In this way Terenty is tries to make the lives of Fyokla and
Danilka a little better than his own.
1. Describe the setting of the story.
2. Who are the characters in the story? Describe each of the character.
3. Aside from settings and characters, what other elements of a short story are present in
this narrative?
4. What approach used in the literary work? Why?

The Story of Keesh Summary

The story of Keesh is a short story which was written by Jack London that was first published in
January of 1904. Keesh was the son of a great huntsman, who was well known and respected in his
tribe. Unfortunately, Keesh’s father died when Keesh was very young. As is often the case, the
legendary exploits of Keesh’s father was forgotten with time.
After many years, the child grows to be thirteen. Inspired by tales of his father’s skills as a hunter,
and emboldened by his self-confidence and the lackluster amount of food being gathered by the tribe,
he addressed the village elders in the Igloo of the tribe’s chief. A child addressing the tribal elders was
seen as precocious. Keesh declared that he would honor his father’s memory and became a great
hunter, and bring back a wealth of meat for his people. He was scorned, and they allowed him to go off
on his own. Many never expected to hear from him again.
Four days later Keesh returned, with an enormous burden of freshly-killed meat over his
shoulders. He explained that an entire polar bear’s carcass laid a day’s travel from the village. The
villagers were stunned by this boy having endured the elements and succeeded in his quest, became
suspicious. After several more hunting excursions on Keesh’s part, all alone and all resulting in
enormous amounts of meat for the tribe, the villagers begin whispering that Keesh is undoubtedly
practicing witchcraft. However, they had no choice but to be loyal to this manchild, as he had begun to
provide them all with bounteous food. Keesh had the appreciative villagers construct for him an
enormous Igloo, rivaling that of the chief.
After more speculation and Inuendo as to the source of Keesh’s hunting prowess, it was decided
to send two scouts to follow him on a hunting exhibition. They returned several days later, having been
successful in trailing Keesh to his kill, an enormous (and dangerous) polar bear. They told a tale that
the tribal council simply couldn’t believe. Upon his return, the tribe gathered in Keesh’s igloo to accuse
him of witchcraft. He answered their charges well. Keesh explained the source of his hunting success.
He explained why the two scouts sent to follow him observed him striding up to the bear, enraging it,
and convincing it to follow him.
He explained why the scouts witnessed his leaving small round balls of food on the ice for the
bear, and why the bear soon became ill, and deranged. He explained how he was then able to spear
the bear without endangering himself.
1. Describe Keesh and his father.
2. What was Keesh address to the village elders?
3. How Keesh proved himself to be like his father?
4. What approach is used in this selection? Why?

To Build a Fire Summary

A miner and a dog trek through a frozen wasteland. They are in Canada, in the Yukon, heading toward a
mining camp. The dog (which is actually part wolf) feels that they should be hunkered down out of the cold, but the
man pushes on. He's not worried about traveling, even though he should be. He thinks back on advice he had from
an older miner, who told him never to travel alone if the temperature was under 50 degrees below zero. Distracted,
the man falls through some ice and gets his feet wet. He decides to stop and build a fire. (The alternative at this
point is to freeze to death).
He manages to get a fire started, and pulls some twigs off a tree to feed it. But snow falls from the branches
and puts out his fire. He tries to restart it, but his hands are too frozen, and he can't make his fingers work. 'And all
the while the dog sat and watched him, a certain yearning wistfulness in its eyes, for it looked upon him as the fire
provider, and the fire was slow in coming.' This quote shows the true relationship between the man and the dog.
While the dog may seem loyal, it is actually staying with the man out of self-interest. The dog knows that the man
represents food and warmth.
The man begins to panic and decides to kill the dog to warm his hands. He plans to strangle the dog and
cut its belly open. He calls the dog over and tries to crush it, but he can't do that either, so decides to make a run
for it. He dashes toward the mining camp, which is still miles away, and quickly collapses. He thinks about the other
miners finding his body, especially the old man who told him not to travel alone. The freezing man imagines telling
the elder that he was wrong,and falls into a deep sleep.
The man dies, and the dog waits a moment for him to get up. Then the dog begins to howl and finally trots
away from the frozen miner. The dog heads toward the camp, where it imagines it will find fire and food.
1. Describe the character of the story.
2. What morals did the older miner gave to the man?
3. What is the natural event that happened in the story?
4. What approach is used in the selection? Why/

Proposal Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth (Preamble)

We, the peoples and nations of Earth:

- considering that we are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and
interdependent beings with a common destiny;
- gratefully acknowledging that Mother Earth is the source of life, nourishment and learning and
provides everything we need to live well;
- recognizing that the capitalist system and all forms of depredation, exploitation, abuse and
contamination have caused great destruction, degradation and disruption of Mother Earth, putting
life as we know it today at risk through phenomena such as climate change;
- convinced that in an interdependent living community it is not possible to recognize the rights of
only human beings without causing an imbalance within Mother Earth;
- affirming that to guarantee human rights it is necessary to recognize and defend the rights of Mother
Earth and all beings in her and that there are existing cultures, practices and laws that do so;
1. What are the qualities of a nature? Of a mother?
2. Why is nature compared to a mother? Cite examples.
3. What approach is used in the selection?
The Song of Roland Summary

The Song of Roland is considered a chanson de geste, or song of deeds, that dates from
around 1100. French Epic poems like the Song of Roland were inspired by historical events and
celebrated heroic deeds, particularly military accomplishments from the time of Charlemagne.
The Song of Roland is based on a historically insignificant battle between Charlemagne's
army and Basque forces at Roncesvalles, or Roncevaux in the eighth century. This conflict was
exaggerated and transformed in the epic poem into an important battle between the Christian army
of the Franks under Charlemagne and Muslim forces, or Saracens, from Spain.
The story begins with peace negotiations between Charlemagne's representative Ganelon
and Marsile, the Saracen king of Saragossa. Ganelon, however, is angry that his stepson Roland
had suggested Ganelon to undertake the perilous mission to Saragossa. He thus seeks revenge on
Roland by arranging a surprise attack by the Saracens on the rear guard of Charlemagne's army,
which is led by Roland.
Roland's forces are quickly overwhelmed and outnumbered by the Saracens. Roland is
advised by his close friend Olivier to blow his horn, or oliphant, to summon help and alert
Charlemagne of the attack. Roland refuses to follow the advice of the wise Olivier out of pride. This
is a fatal mistake, however, and the Saracens crush Roland's forces. By the time Roland finally
sounds the horn, it is too late. Charlemagne's army turns back to help, but when they arrive, they find
that Roland, Olivier, and the others lay dead on the battlefield.
Charlemagne avenges their deaths and is eventually victorious over the Saracens.
Charlemagne then captures Bramimonde, the wife of Marsile, and takes her back to the Frankish
capital of Aix where she converts to Christianity. Ganelon is found guilty of treason and is executed
by having each arm and leg tied to galloping horses.
1. Who are the characters? Describe each.
2. What is the significant of the blowing of the horn or the Oliphant?
3. What approach is used in the selection? Why?

What Is It
Critiquing a selection is usually in the form of an essay. It is an in-
depth evaluation of the story for the purpose of giving the reading public
insight into the story. Writing a critique requires you to resemble the
elements in such a way that your intended audience has better
understanding of the story’s flaws and highlights.
Below is a sample critique.

Structuralist/formalist Approach - illustrates how a story’s meaning develops from its overall
structure rather than from each individual story’s isolated theme. According to Aristotle, all
narratives develop longitudinally, from beginning to middle and the end through the casual
selection and temporal combination of events. This includes the usage of the elements of a
narrative and other literary devices to develop the story.

Marxist Approach- It is through the theories of class struggle, politics and economics that Marxist
literary criticism emerged. The thought behind Marxist criticism is that works of literature are mere
products of history that can be analyzed by looking at the social and material conditions in which
they were constructed. Put simply, the social situation of the author determines the types of
characters that will develop, the political ideas displayed and the economical statements
developed in the text.

Moralist Approach – A tendency—rather than a recognized school—within literary criticism to

judge literary works according to moral rather than formal principles. – Judging literary works by
their ethical teachings and by their effects on readers.

Feminist Approach- informed by feminist theory, or more broadly, by the politics of feminism. It
uses the principles and ideology of feminism to critique the language of literature. This school of
thought seeks to analyze and describe the ways in which literature portrays the narrative of male
domination by exploring the economic, social,
political, and psychological forces embedded within literature.

This way of thinking and criticizing works can be said to have changed the way literary
texts are viewed and studied, as well as changing and expanding the canon of what is commonly
taught. It is used a lot in Greek myths.

Historical Approach-, also known as the historical-critical method or higher criticism, is a

branch of criticism that investigates the origins of ancient texts in order to understand "the world
behind the text".

What’s More
Activity 4
Directions: Write a critique of the short story below.
Use separate sheet of paper.

The Elephant Rope (Belief)

A gentleman was walking through an elephant camp, and he spotted that the elephants weren’t
being kept in cages or held by the use of chains.

All that was holding them back from escaping the camp, was a small piece of rope tied to one
of their legs.
As the man gazed upon the elephants, he was completely confused as to why the elephants
didn’t just use their strength to break the rope and escape the camp. They could easily have
done so, but instead, they didn’t try to at all.

Curious and wanting to know the answer, he asked a trainer nearby why the elephants were
just standing there and never tried to escape.

The trainer replied;

“when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at
that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they
cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The only reason that the elephants weren’t breaking free and escaping from the camp was
that over time they adopted the belief that it just wasn’t possible.


What I Have Learned

Activity 5

Directions: Re-read the summaries of the stories above then, compare and contrast
the approaches in critiquing a selection by completing the table below. Use another
sheet of paper.

Approaches in a
Similarities Differences
Literary Work






What I Can Do
Activity 6

Directions: From the summaries above, critique each story based on the
five approaches. Use the sample critique as your reference. Use another
sheet of paper.

1. Structuralist/Formalist
2. Marxist
3. Moralist
4. Feminist
5. Historical
Be guided with the following rubrics:
4 3 2 1
Content and Very informative Somewhat Give some new Gives no new
Focus and well- informative and information but information and
organized. Well-organized. poorly organized. very poorly
(50%) organized.
Spelling and All spelling and It has 1-3 wrong It has 4-5 wrong It has 6 or more
Grammar (30%) grammar are spelling and 1-3 spelling and 4-5 wrong spelling
correct. errors in grammar errors in grammar and errors in
9 grammar

Word Count The critique work The critique work The critique work The critique work
(10%) has 350 or more has 300-349 has 150-299 has 149 below
words words words words.

Formatting Paper uses all 4 Paper uses 3 of Paper uses 2 of Paper uses 1 of
(10%) formatting the 4 formatting the 4 formatting the for 4
requirements requirements requirements formatting

Activity 7
Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.
Use separate sheet of paper.
1. This is written in a form of an essay and in-depth evaluation of the selection being read.
A. Evaluating C. Connecting
B. Critiquing D. Recalling
2. It is an approach of critiquing a literary device where criticism is that the works of literature are
mere products of history that can be analyzed by looking at the social and material conditions in
which they were constructed.
A. Marxist C. Feminist
B. Moralist D. Historical
3. It is an approach where judging literary works is done by their ethical teachings and
their effects on readers.
A. Marxist
B. Moralist
C. Historical
D. Feminist
4. Which does not describe a feminist approach?
A. Uses the ideology of feminism
B. Seeks to analyze the ways which literature portrays male domination.
C. Uses over-all structure to build up the story
C. Informed by feminist theory

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