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(Replace this text with Your Name)


Phase 1: Scheduling

(Replace this text with Term and Year)

(Replace this text with the Date Submitted)

(Replace this text with your Professor’s Name)


1. Using the Work Breakdown Structure included here, address the major tasks in this

part of the project.

The major tasks are design, development, and testing. The design starts from the

specification of the system, produces design documents, and provides a detailed description of

how the system is built. Implementing a computer program based on a given design document

and taking into account the environment in which the system operates (for example, specific

hardware or software that can be used for development) (Jovanovic & Beric, 2018).The

implementation can be completed in phases, usually using the first system that can be verified

and tested before the final program is released for use. Testing compares the system used with

the construction document with the definitions of requirements, and presents a report of

acceptance, or generally, a list of errors and errors that need to be reviewed in the analysis,

construction, and implementation process for correction (testing often results in waterfall

modeling resistance activities throughout life) (Jovanovic & Beric, 2018).

2. Using the Work Breakdown Structure included here, identify all tasks that have

predecessor tasks.

Design (primary Task)

Kiosk Interface (predecessors)

Database Design (predecessors)

Network Interface (predecessors)

Development (primary Task)

Kiosk Interface Development (predecessors)

Database Development (predecessors)

Testing (primary Task)

Kiosk Software Testing (predecessors)

Database testing (predecessors)

Work dependence is a relationship in which an activity or landmark depends on other

tasks to be completed (in whole or in part). This is also called meaningful relationships. A logical

relationship can be a dependent relationship between project activities or between tasks and

major steps. Tasks can be linked or dependent on each other. The activities involved in this

dependence are preliminary activities or follow-up activities. The previous task comes first, then

the next task follows later. Previous tasks are tasks that must be completed or at least started

before another project can be started. Follow-up activities to follow the activities of the

predecessor. A precursor to a function that precedes another function, not in chronological order,

but based on dependence between them.

A pre-event can have many direct tracking functions. To determine the pre-employment,

you must specify which tasks should be completed before starting the activity you are currently

looking at (the reason could be technology, organization, or approach) (Jovanovic & Beric,

2018).. To determine who will replace you immediately, you need to specify which jobs can start

only after completing current tasks (reasons could be technical, organizational, or

methodological). There are four possible types of meaningful relationships: end-to-end (task

must be completed before work begins "for him"), end-to-end (task must finish before end of

task "to him"), and then begin to finish (task must be completed before task "a" completed) and

from start to finish (task must begin before task "a" is completed) (Jovanovic & Beric, 2018).

3. Using the table at the end of this document, complete a projected schedule for your part

of the project.
The project manager has entered the estimated hours for each subtask. Be sure to identify the

predecessor tasks and roll up the hours from each set of tasks to their major task.

ID Task Hours Start Date End Date Predecessors

2 Design
3 Kiosk Interface Design P
4 User Interface 16 7/19/2021 1/1/2022
5 Use Case Diagrams 8 7/2/2022 2/26/2022
6 Database Design P
7 16 3/20/2022 4/16/2022
Class Diagrams
8 Data Flow Diagrams 8 4/17/2022 4/17/2022
9 Network Interface P
10 Internal Network Design 32 3/21/2022 5/2/2022
11 Web Interface Design 4 6/1/2022 6/1/2022
12 Development
13 Kiosk Interface Development P
14 Check Out Code 48 2/7/2022 2/28/2022
15 Check In Code 16 2/28/2022 3/21/2022
16 Overdue Fines Code 4 3/21/2022 4/11/2022
17 Internet Search 4 4/11/2022 5/23/2022
18 Database Development P
19 Create Database 2 5/2/2022 5/23/2022
20 Create Tables 8 5/23/2022 6/13/2022
21 Testing
22 Kiosk Software Testing P
23 Login Functionality
24 Scan Library Card 2 6/14/2022 6/20/2022
25 Enter Account Number 2 6/21/2022 7/5/2022
26 Check Out Functionality P
27 Scan Bar Code 2 7/6/2022 7/14/2022
28 Search Library Database 2 7/15/2022 7/22/2022
29 Search Library Interloan 2 7/23/2022 8/3/2022

30 Search Internet 2 8/12/2022 8/18/2022
31 Librarian Assistance 2 8/29/2022 9/8/2022
32 Print Receipt For Patron 2 9/9/2022 9/16/2022
33 Check In Functionality P
34 Scan Bar Code 2 9/17/2022 9/28/2022
35 Print Receipt For Patron 2 9/29/2022 10/9/2022
36 Overdue Fines Functionality P
37 2 10/10/2022 10/18/202

Check if Fines Due 2

38 Calculate Fines 2 10/19/2022 10/28/202
39 Collect Fine 2 10/29/2022 11/9/2022
40 2 11/10/2022 11/18/202

Print Receipt For Patron 2

41 2 11/19/2022 11/28/202

Internet Search Functionality 2

42 Database Testing P
43 Relational Integrity 4 11/29/2022 12/8/2022

Jovanovic, P., & Beric, I. (2018). Analysis of the available project management

methodologies. Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management

Solutions in Emerging Economies, 23(3), 1-13.

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