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Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516

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Extension of the frequency range of resonant sound absorbers using

two-degree-of-freedom Helmholtz-based resonators with a flexible panel
Akira Sanada a,⇑, Nobuo Tanaka b
Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture, 5301 Haga, Okayama-shi, Okayama 701-1296, Japan
Tokyo Metropolitan University, 6-6 Asahigaoka, Hino-shi, Tokyo 191-0065, Japan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: To enhance the effect of a sound absorber having Helmholtz resonators in a wide frequency range, a
Received 17 August 2012 sound absorber with two-degree-of-freedom (two-DOF) Helmholtz-based resonators is proposed. The
Received in revised form 24 September 2012 resonator has a flexible panel installed in its cavity so that the panel can be vibrated by incident sound.
Accepted 30 September 2012
Thus, the resonator acts as a two-DOF system. The resonant frequency of the system consisting of the
Available online 5 December 2012
panel and back cavity is designed to tune to that of a conventional resonator system, splitting the absorp-
tion resonant peak into two. Moreover, by adjusting the dimensions, damping, and other characteristics
of the proposed resonator, the absorption coefficient can be improved. However, the effect of these
Resonator-type sound absorber
Helmholtz resonator
parameters is complicated; therefore, it is difficult to design a sound absorber with the appropriate char-
Two-DOF system acteristics. Hence, in this paper the fundamental characteristics of the proposed absorbers are investi-
Absorption coefficient gated. The absorption coefficient and specific acoustic impedance are derived analytically using
Sound-absorbing material dimensionless parameters. The effects of the parameters are examined, and a practical method of broad-
Biot parameter ening the frequency range of the effective sound absorption is discussed. Furthermore, a method in which
the absorbent material is installed into the back cavity is proposed in order to extend the frequency range
of the resonator-type sound absorber. Finally, experimental results are presented to confirm the validity
of the proposed resonator.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction absorber to suppress noise in a wide frequency range, the opening

ratio to one resonator becomes small. Hence, in this case it is diffi-
A Helmholtz-resonator-type sound absorber has commonly cult to obtain high performance.
been used to suppress sound in the low- and medium-frequency Dean [4] introduced a series-coupled resonator consisting of
ranges. It has one absorption coefficient resonant peak because two Helmholtz resonators in series to broaden the effective fre-
the Helmholtz resonator is based on a one-degree-of-freedom quency band of sound-absorbing liners for aircraft engines. The
(one-DOF) system. Consequently, an absorber can typically be used series-coupled resonator constitutes a two-DOF system. In his
for sound of a specific frequency but not for noise in a wide fre- work, attenuation of the liner with the coupled resonators was pre-
quency range. Several methods are typically used to broaden the dicted and measured to confirm the performance of the liner. How-
effective frequency range of the absorber. For example, a resistive ever, if the coupled resonator is used as a sound absorber, it is
material, such as a porous material, is inserted into a hole or a cav- again necessary to adjust the damping at a hole using a resistive
ity to add damping of the resonator system [1,2], which requires a material, as in a conventional resonator-type sound absorber, in or-
high opening ratio. However, in many cases, a resistive material der to obtain an effect in a wide frequency range.
cannot be used because, in places where there is much dust, the Therefore, in this study, a sound absorber consisting of Helm-
pores in the resistive material get clogged with the dust, which holtz-based resonators and a flexible panel is proposed. The flexi-
prevents sound waves from entering through the holes of the ble panel is installed in the resonator cavity so that it can be
absorber. Another method of broadening the frequency range is a vibrated by incident sound. Thus, the resonator acts as a two-
combination of resonators with different resonant frequencies DOF system. The operational principle of the resonator relies upon
[3]. However, if many such resonators are combined in one the frequency properties of the flexible panel, which makes it pos-
sible to broaden the effective frequency range of sound absorption.
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +81 86 286 9622; fax: +81 86 286 9630. The resonance frequency of the additional system consisting of the
E-mail address: (A. Sanada). panel and back cavity is designed to tune to that of a conventional

0003-682X/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
510 A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516

resonator system, so the absorption coefficient resonant peak is transmitted through the absorber would be problematic. Thus,
split into two. This implies that the proposed resonator can be Cavity 2 is necessary in order to prevent sound transmission in
effective for sound including two frequencies. Thus, the absorption the backward direction.
of sound characterized by the resonant peaks becomes effective In this section, the normal-incidence absorption coefficient of
over a wide frequency band. the absorber having the proposed resonators is derived analytically
However, it is difficult to design the proposed absorber with using the calculation model shown in Fig. 2. A plane sound wave
appropriate properties because they are affected by many param- with amplitude pi and angular frequency x is assumed to be inci-
eters, for example, hole radius, hole depth, cavity volume, and dent normally. In this study, the dimensions of the resonator’s
opening ratio. Hence, this study investigates the fundamental char- components, such as the pitch of the holes, hole radius, and cavity
acteristics of sound absorbers having the proposed resonators and dimensions, are assumed to be smaller than the wavelength. Under
considers a method of broadening their frequency range. First, a this assumption, the wave reflected at the panel is considered a
mathematical model of the resonator that describes the resonator plane wave, the wave inside the resonator also propagates as a
system is presented. Next, the absorption coefficient and specific plane wave in the direction perpendicular to the surface of the pa-
acoustic impedance of the absorber are derived analytically using nel, and the air in the hole acts as a mass. Because the sound field
dimensionless parameters. Then, the effects of the parameters in the resonator is considered to be one-dimensional, the sound
are examined. A method of broadening the frequency range of pressure at any section of the axis perpendicular to the surface of
the effective sound absorption is then discussed, and a practical the panel (the x axis) is assumed to be uniform, and the particle
method of adding damping to the two-DOF resonator system by velocity is obtained as the space-averaged velocity. For simplicity,
installing a porous material into the back cavity is proposed. In this the cross section of the resonators is assumed to be circular.
case, even if a porous material is used, the clogging problem may On the basis of this condition, the equation of motion of the air
not occur because the back cavity is hermetically sealed. Finally, mass in the hole can be expressed as
experimental results are shown in order to confirm the validity 2
of the proposed sound absorber. d xh ðtÞ dxh ðtÞ
st0h q 2
þc ¼ p1 ejxt s  p10 ejxt s; ð1Þ
dt dt
2. Theory where xh represents the displacement of the air mass in the hole, s is
the cross section of the hole, t0 h = th + d (where th is the depth of the
2.1. Theoretical model of a two-DOF resonator-type sound absorber hole, and d is its open-end correction), q is the density of air, c is the
viscosity resistance at the hole surface; p1 is the pressure amplitude
The proposed absorber is shown in Fig. 1. The resonator has a at the surface of the absorber, and p10 is the pressure amplitude at
flexible panel that divides the resonator cavity into two (Cavities the cross section 10 . Here, d is expressed as
1 and 2). The flexible panel and Cavity 2 act as a one-DOF system.
d ¼ de þ di ; ð2Þ
Hence, we consider that the system consisting of the flexible panel
and Cavity 2 is added to the system of a conventional Helmholtz where de and di are the end corrections on the outside and inside of
resonator. Thus, the entire proposed resonator may constitute a the hole, respectively. They are expressed as [5]
two-DOF system. In this paper, the system of the flexible panel
and Cavity 2 is termed the additional system. de ¼ a; ð3Þ
Even if Cavity 2 is removed, the entire system can constitute a 3p
two-DOF system similarly. However, without Cavity 2, sound di ¼ 0:48  s1=2 1  1:25 ; ð4Þ
where a denotes the radius of the hole, and R denotes the radius of
the cavity. In addition, p10 is expressed as
sv h
p10 ¼ Z 10  v 10 ¼ Z 10 ; ð5Þ
where v 10 denotes the space-averaged particle velocity amplitude at
the cross section 10 , vh is the vibration velocity amplitude of the air
in the hole, Z 10 is the specific acoustic impedance at the cross

Fig. 1. Sound absorber with two-DOF Helmholtz-based resonators using a flexible

panel. Fig. 2. Theoretical model of sound absorber with the proposed resonator.
A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516 511

section 10 , and S is the cross-sectional area of the cavity. Assuming where C represents the sound speed; k is the wave number, and l2 is
harmonic excitation, from Eqs. (1) and (5) the acoustic impedance the depth of Cavity 2. Assuming the dimension of Cavity 2 is suffi-
of the hole is obtained as ciently smaller than the wavelength, Eq. (17) is rewritten as
p1 c s qC 2
zh ¼ ¼ jxqt0h þ þ Z 10 : ð6Þ Z 20 ¼ j ð18Þ
vh s S xl 2

Then, the specific acoustic impedance Z1 at the surface of the sound Hence, Eq. (13) is rewritten as
absorber can be expressed as
SM 1 xf SM1 1
p S0 p1 1 c  1s Z2 ¼ g þj x  x22 ; ð19Þ
Z1 ¼ 1 ¼ ¼ þ jxqt 0h þ Z 0; ð7Þ B x B x
v 1 s v h e s eS 1
where x2 represents the natural angular frequency of the additional
where v 1 denotes the space-averaged particle velocity amplitude at
system consisting of the flexible panel and Cavity 2. This is obtained
cross section 1, and e denotes the opening ratio,
e ¼ s=S0 ; ð8Þ
qC 2 B
where S denotes the panel area per hole. x22 ¼ þ x2f ; ð20Þ
l2 SM1
Next, the equation of motion of the flexible panel can be
expressed as where xf denotes the natural frequency of the flexible panel, which
is determined using
@ 2 xp ðr; tÞ
D0 r4 xp ðr; tÞ þ qs h ¼ p2 ejxt  p20 ejxt ; ð9Þ K 1 =M1 ¼ ð1 þ jgÞx2f : ð21Þ
@t 2
where xp represents the displacement, r is an arbitrary position on The relationship between the specific impedances at cross sec-
the panel, qs is the density of the panel, h is its thickness, D0 tions 10 and 2 is expressed as
[=D(1 + jg)] represents the bending rigidity including the internal Z 2 cos kl1 þ jqC sin kl1
damping (g: loss factor), p2 is the pressure amplitude at cross Z 10 ¼ qC ; ð22Þ
j Z 2 sin kl1 þ qC cos kl1
section 2, and p20 is the pressure amplitude at cross section 20 .
In this paper, only the first vibration mode is considered where l1 denotes the depth of Cavity 1. Assuming the dimension of
because the target frequency range is assumed to be dominated Cavity 1 is sufficiently smaller than the wavelength, kl1 is small.
by the first mode. Thus, the vibration velocity amplitude of the Then, Eq. (21) is rewritten as
flexible panel is expressed as
Z 2 þ jxql1
Z 10 ¼ : ð23Þ
v p ðrÞ ¼ w1 ðrÞ  v p1 ; ð10Þ j qlC1 2 xZ 2 þ 1
where w1 denotes the first mode shape function, and vp1 denotes
Finally, from Eqs. (7), (19), and (23), the specific acoustic imped-
the first mode velocity amplitude. When the edge of the flexible
ance at the surface of the absorber is given as
panel is clamped, for example, the first mode shape function is
2 n  o3
expressed as 2 Ma1 2 2
    1 4c m 1 K gxf þ j 1 þ Me1 x  x2 5
k0 k0 Z1 ¼ þj x ; ð24Þ
w1 ðrÞ ¼ J 0 ðk0 Þ  I0 r  I0 ðk0 Þ  J 0 r ; ð11Þ e s s s x x2  x2  S22 K  jgx2
2 s Me1 f
where J0 is the Bessel function of the first kind, I0 is the modified where m represents the mass of the air in the hole, K is the stiffness
Bessel function of the first kind, k0 = 3.19622, r is radial distance of the air in Cavity 1, Me1 is the mass of the flexible panel, and Ma1 is
of the flexible panel. The radius of the flexible panel is the same the mass of the air in Cavity 1. These quantities are expressed as
as that of the cavity (R). The space-averaged vibration velocity m ¼ sqt 0h ; ð25Þ
amplitude of the flexible panel can be written as 2 2
qC s
R R K¼ ; ð26Þ
v ðrÞds
S p
w ðrÞds l1 S
v p ¼ ¼ S 1 v p1 : ð12Þ
S S S2 M 1
Me1 ¼ ; ð27Þ
Then, from Eqs. (9), (10), and (12), the specific acoustic imped- B
ance at cross section 2 is written as Ma1 ¼ ql1 S: ð28Þ
  The absorbed sound power in the absorber is expressed as
p2 S 1
Z2 ¼ ¼ K 1 þ jxM 1 þ Z 2 0 ; ð13Þ
v p B jx Z re 2Z re
W ab ¼ jv 1 j2 ¼ jpi j2 ; ð29Þ
where Z 20 denotes the specific acoustic impedance at cross section
2 jqC þ Z re þ j Z im j2
20 . Further, where Zre and Zim denote the real and imaginary parts of Z1, respec-
Z tively. The incident sound power is Wi = |pi|2/(2qC). Thus, the
K1 ¼ D0 w1  r4 w1 ds; ð14Þ absorption coefficient is expressed as
W ab 4qCZ re
M1 ¼ qs hw21 ds; ð15Þ a¼ ¼ : ð30Þ
S Wi ðZ re þ qCÞ2 þ Z 2im
Z 2
B¼ w1 ds : ð16Þ Fig. 3 shows the calculated normal-incidence absorption
S coefficient of the absorbers, the specifications of which are shown
The specific acoustic impedance at cross section 20 is given as in Table 1. Absorbers A and B have conventional resonators that
constitute a one-DOF system. A0 and B0 have the proposed
cos kl2 resonators, which constitute a two-DOF system. In the calculations,
Z 20 ¼ jqC ; ð17Þ
sin kl2 the edge of the flexible panel is assumed to be clamped. The
512 A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516

of the proposed absorber are investigated using dimensionless

parameters, as in a dynamic vibration absorber.
Here, the dimensionless parameters are defined as
H ¼ c=C c : damping ratio, where C c ¼ 2 mK is the critical
b ¼ S=S0 : ratio of the cavity cross section to the panel area,
l ¼ m=Me1 : mass ratio of the air in the hole to the flexible panel,
n ¼ M a1 =m: mass ratio of the air in Cavity 1 to the air in the hole,
k ¼ x=x1 : frequency normalized topthe ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffinatural frequency of
the Helmholtz resonator, x1 (x1 ¼ K=m),
c ¼ x2 =x1 : natural frequency ratio of the additional system to
the Helmholtz resonator, and
m ¼ l2 =ðl1 þ l2 Þ: ratio of the depth of Cavity 2 to that of the entire
Fig. 3. Calculated normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient.

These parameters are chosen by using the analogy of the dy-

namic vibration absorber [8]. Using these dimensionless parame-
Table 1
Specifications and dimensionless parameters of the absorbers. ters, the normalized specific acoustic impedance is written as

Absorber A A0 B B0 Z1 1
¼ pffiffiffi
a 4 mm 4 mm 7.5 mm 7.5 mm qC e n
" #
th 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm 2 mm
1 2 gfc2  lðb=eÞ2 1m mg þ jfð1 þ lnÞk2  c2 g
R 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm 40 mm  2Hk þ jk  2 :
h 15 mm 15 mm 30 mm 30 mm k k  c2  lðb=eÞ2  jgfc2  lðb=eÞ2 1mg m
h Non 0.930 mm Non 1.023 mm
h Non 20 mm Non 20 mm
S’ 80  80 mm 80  80 mm 80  80 mm 80  80 mm
In practice, these parameters cannot be established indepen-
f1(=x1/2p) 482.8 Hz 482.8 Hz 508.9 Hz 508.9 Hz
f2(=x2/2p) 482.8 Hz 508.9 Hz
dently. For example, if the hole radius is changed, H, l, n, and k will
c 2.84E04 2.84E04 3.33E04 3.33E04 also change. However, these are the fundamental elements that
e 7.854E03 7.854E03 2.761E02 2.761E02 determine the characteristics of the absorbers. Thus, the effects
g 2.000E02 2.000E02 of these parameters on the proposed resonators are examined.
H 7.595E02 7.595E02 1.821E02 1.821E02
First, the natural frequency of the proposed resonator is dis-
b 7.854E01 7.854E01 7.854E01 7.854E01
l 4.373E05 2.210E04 cussed. If the viscosity resistance at the hole surface can be ig-
n 1.791E+02 6.440E+01 nored, the specific impedance would be derived as
c 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 ( )
m 5.714E01 4.000E01 Z1 1 1 ð1 þ lnÞk2  c2
¼ j pffiffiffi k  : ð33Þ
qC e n k k2  c2  lðb=eÞ2

When resonance occurs, Z1 would be 0. Then, the natural fre-

material of the flexible panel is assumed to be vinyl chloride. Its
quencies of the resonator are obtained as
properties were measured with the center impedance method
[6,7] using a beam specimen. The measured results are as follows: u
u 2
density: qs = 1.339E3 kg/m3, Young’s modulus: 2.41E9 Pa, Poisson’s t1 þ c þ G  l  ð1 þ c02 þ G  lÞ  4c2
k1 ¼ ; ð34Þ
ratio: 0.38, loss factor: g = 0.02. The viscosity resistance at the hole 2
surface was obtained by measuring the surface impedance of a vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
u 2
conventional Helmholtz resonator with the same radius and open- t1 þ c2 þ G  l þ ð1 þ c2 þ G  lÞ  4c2
ing ratio as the proposed absorber. It can be estimated as k2 ¼ ; ð35Þ
c ¼ seZ R ; ð31Þ where

where ZR is the real part of the surface impedance of the resonator, G ¼ ðb=eÞ2 þ n: ð36Þ
which can be measured by an impedance measurement tube.
Eqs. (34) and (35) show that the natural frequency of the reso-
The natural frequencies of A and B are similar, but their opening
nator depends on l, c, and G. Fig. 4 shows the variation in the nat-
ratios differ. That of A is 0.79%, and that of B is 2.76%. The figure
ural frequencies with l and G when c = 1. The difference between
shows that A0 and B0 have two sound absorption coefficient reso-
the two natural frequencies is widened when l is close to 1, which
nant peaks because these absorbers have two-DOF resonators.
implies that the mass of the air in the hole is close to that of the
Thus, the proposed resonator can be effective for sound including
flexible panel. That is the same phenomenon as in a dynamic
two frequencies.
vibration absorber. When G is large, the difference between the
two natural frequencies is also wide.
2.2. Fundamental characteristics of the proposed absorber Next, the absorption coefficients of the absorber are discussed
using these dimensionless parameters. First, we consider the case
The characteristics of the proposed sound absorber are affected of absorber A0 , which has a comparatively small opening ratio (e)
by many parameters, e.g., hole radius, hole depth, cavity volume, (0.79%). The values of the dimensionless parameters for absorbers
plate stiffness, plate damping, opening ratio of the perforated pa- A0 and B0 are given in Table 1. Fig. 5 shows the calculated results of
nel. Hence, it is difficult to simply state the effects of these param- the normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient. This figure
eters because they are too complicated. This is a problem in demonstrates the effect of the loss factor of the flexible panel g.
designing the absorber. Therefore, the fundamental characteristics Here, g is varied from 0.02 to 0.8, and the other parameters are
A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516 513

Fig. 4. Variation in natural frequencies of the proposed resonators with l and G Fig. 7. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with l.
when c = 1.

Fig. 8. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with b.

Fig. 5. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with g for a
small opening ratio (e = 0.79%).

Fig. 9. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with n.

Fig. 6. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with H. internal damping of the flexible panel and the viscosity damping
in the hole have different effects on the sound absorption. To adjust
the viscosity in the hole, a resistive material, such as metal mesh or
fixed at the same values as those of absorber A0 . When the damping porous material, must be used.
is large, the valley of the absorption coefficient curve between the Figs. 7 and 8 show the effects of l and b, respectively. As Fig. 4
two peaks is improved. Hence, the absorber becomes effective over indicates, the frequency width between the two peaks widens
a wide frequency band. However, in this case, the absorption coef- when l or b is large. This indicates that it is necessary to enlarge
ficient at the peaks decreases as the damping of the flexible panel l and b in order to widen the effective frequency band.
increases. The absorption coefficient at the peaks increases when n
Fig. 6 shows the effect of the damping ratio on the viscosity in becomes large, as shown in Fig. 9, and the peak frequency changes
the hole. Because the viscosity is large, the Q factor of each peak with c, as shown in Fig. 10. If the natural frequency of the
decreases. Hence, the effective frequency band is widened for each additional system is tuned to a frequency below the resonance
absorption peak, but the valley between the two peaks is not im- frequency of the Helmholtz resonator, the effective frequency can
proved, and the peak value decreases. It becomes clear that the be shifted to a lower frequency range.
514 A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516

e is large, G is small. Then, the frequency width between the two

peaks becomes narrow. The tendency of changes with the other
parameters is similar to those in Figs. 5–10.

2.3. Broadening the frequency range

To broaden the effective frequency range of the absorber with

the proposed resonator, the frequency width between the two
peaks must be widened, and the valley of the absorption coefficient
curve between the two peaks must be improved. The preceding
section showed that the following things are required in order to
broaden the frequency range of the absorber. (i) The flexible panel
should be lightweight in order to bring the mass ratio of the air in
the hole to the flexible panel (l) close to 1. (ii) The opening ratio (e)
should be large, and the loss factor of the flexible panel (g) should
Fig. 10. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with c.
be as large as possible.
To make the flexible panel light, it has to be thin or the density
has to be low. However, when the panel is light, it is practically dif-
ficult to add damping to it. Hence, these two requirements may not
be satisfied simultaneously. Thus, we propose a method of insert-
ing a sound-absorbing material, such as a porous material, into
Cavity 2 in order to add damping to the additional system consist-
ing of the panel and Cavity 2. In this case, even if a sound-absorb-
ing material is used, the clogging problem may not occur because
Cavity 2 is hermetically sealed.
When Cavity 2 is filled with the absorbent material, the sound
pressure in it can be expressed as

pm ðx; tÞ ¼ pmþ ejðxtkm xÞ þ pm ejðxtþkm xÞ ; ð37Þ

where pm+ represents the pressure amplitude of the wave propagat-

ing in the +x direction, pm is the pressure amplitude of the wave
propagating in the x direction, and km is the wave number in
Fig. 11. Variation in normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient with g when the sound-absorbing material. The particle velocity in Cavity 2 is ex-
the opening ratio is large (e = 2.76%). pressed as
pmþ jðxtkm xÞ pm jðxtþkm xÞ
v m ðx; tÞ ¼ e  e ; ð38Þ
Zm Zm
where Zm denotes the characteristic impedance of the sound-
absorbing material.
Because the back wall of Cavity 2 is rigid, vm is zero at x = l1 + l2.
Hence, from Eq. (38),

pmþ ejkm ðl1 þl2 Þ

¼ jk ðl þl Þ : ð39Þ
pm e m 1 2
Then, the specific impedance at cross section 20 is derived as

p20 ejkm l2 þ ejkm l2

Z 20 ¼ ¼ Zm : ð40Þ
v20 ejkm l2  ejkm l2
The sound absorption coefficient can be calculated by using Eq.
(40) instead of Eq. (18).
Fig. 12. Calculated normal-incidence sound absorption coefficient of the absorber Fig. 12 shows the effect of inserting the sound-absorbing mate-
when the sound-absorbing material is inserted into Cavity 2 (solid line: absorber B0 , rial into Cavity 2. The solid line represents the absorption coeffi-
dotted line: th = 0.5 mm, dashed-dotted line: th = 0.5 mm and recycled felt is
inserted into Cavity 2, dashed-two-dotted line: th = 0.5 mm and recycled urethane
cient for absorber B0 for reference. The dotted line indicates the
is inserted into Cavity 2, faint line: conventional resonator-type absorber having a result when the panel thickness of absorber B0 is changed to
cavity depth of 50 mm). 0.5 mm. The dashed-dotted and dashed-two-dotted lines show
the results for the same panel thickness when recycled felt and
recycled urethane foam, respectively are inserted into Cavity 2 as
Next, we consider the case of absorber B0 , which has a compar- the sound-absorbing material. In addition, the faint line indicates
atively large opening ratio (2.76%). Fig. 11 shows the effect of the the result for a conventional resonator having a cavity depth of
loss factor of the flexible panel g. As Fig. 5 indicates, when the 50 mm, which is the sum of the depths of Cavities 1 and 2. The
damping is large, the valley of the absorption coefficient curve be- materials that are assumed to be used in the simulation are
tween the two peaks is improved. Furthermore, the absorption commonly used for noise control. Their characteristic impedances
coefficient at the peaks increases as the damping of the flexible pa- and wave numbers were calculated using the Johnson–Champoux–
nel increases in this case. However, the frequency width between Allard model [9] and the Biot parameters of these materials, which
the two peaks is narrower than that in Fig. 5. From Eq. (36), when are listed in Table 2. These parameters are the measured values
A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516 515

Table 2 Table 3
Biot parameters of the sound-absorbing materials used in the calculation. Specification and the dimensionless parameters of the tested absorbers, which were
used in the experiments.
Material Recycled felt Recycled urethane foam
Specification Dimensionless parameters
Porosity 0.965 0.877
Bulk density (kg/m3) 49.88 177.74 a 7.5 mm e 2.250E02
Flow resistivity (Ns/m4) 22523 182659 th 2 mm g 2.000E02
Tortuosity 1.07 1.91 R 40 mm H 1.821E02
Viscous length (lm) 79.3 9.5 I1 30 mm b 6.400E01
Thermal length (lm) 146.2 121.2 h 0.5 mm l 4.530E04
I2 20 mm n 6.440E+01
S0 0.052  p m2 c 8.510E01
f1(=x1/2p) 508.9 Hz m 4.000E01
f2(=x2/2p) 433.0 Hz
obtained by porous material characterization equipment: a poros- c 3.33E04

ity meter, static air flow resistivity meter, and tortuosity meter
(Mecanum Inc.). The characteristic lengths were estimated using
the measured normal incidence absorption coefficient and acoustic
property identification software with an inverse algorithm (ESI: chloride panel was used as flexible panel. The edge of the panel
Foam-X). When the panel is made thin, the width between the was clamped to the wall of the cavity. Hence, it is considered that
two peaks increases because l becomes large. The peak frequency the first mode shape function of the flexible panel in this experi-
of the lower resonance is lower than that for the conventional res- ment can also be expressed as Eq. (11).
onator having a cavity depth of 50 mm. This indicates that the pro- The dimensionless parameters of the resonator are also shown
posed absorber can target a lower frequency range than the in Table 3. Recycled urethane foam was used as the sound-absorb-
conventional resonator-type absorber. When the absorbing mate- ing material, as in the simulation in the previous section. The mate-
rial is inserted into Cavity 2, the absorption coefficient become rial was inserted so as to avoid contact between the material
large, and the effective frequency range becomes broad. Moreover, surface and the flexible panel. Thus, the vibration of the panel
the absorption coefficient between the two peaks when the recy- was not directly affected by the material.
cled urethane foam is used is larger than that when the recycled Fig. 14 shows the calculated and measured normal-incidence
felt is used. This implies that it may be possible to obtain higher absorption coefficients. The solid and dotted lines indicate the
performance if the optimal material can be chosen. These simula- measured and calculated results, respectively, when the sound-
tion results suggest that the absorber employing the proposed res- absorbing material was inserted in Cavity 2. The faint solid and
onator is effective for extending the frequency range of the dotted lines indicate the measured and calculated results, respec-
resonator-type sound absorber. tively, without the sound-absorbing material. In the calculation,
the open-end correction d is calculated using the following
equation to account for the experimental conditions.
3. Experiment
To verify the validity of the proposed method, an experiment de ¼ 0:48  s1=2 1  1:25 0 ; ð41Þ
was performed using the setup shown in Fig. 13. An impedance
measurement tube (B&K 4206) was used to measure the normal- where R0 denotes the radius of the measurement tube.
incidence absorption coefficient. The measurement was based on The calculated and measured results are in good agreement
the two-microphone transfer function method [10]. A resonator overall, suggesting that the calculation model is appropriate. When
was installed at the end of the measurement tube. Although the the absorbing material is inserted into Cavity 2, the absorption
absorption coefficient of a single resonator was measured, the coefficient became large, and the valley between the two peaks
measured result can be considered to correspond to that for an was improved. Finally, it is confirmed experimentally that this
absorber having the same opening ratio. The dimensions of the method is effective for broadening the frequency range of the
resonator are shown in Fig. 13 and Table 3. A 0.5-mm-thick vinyl Helmholtz-resonator-type sound absorber.

Fig. 13. Experimental setup.

516 A. Sanada, N. Tanaka / Applied Acoustics 74 (2013) 509–516

dimensionless parameters that determine the fundamental charac-

teristics of the absorber. The effects of these parameters were
examined. The results showed that to broaden the effective fre-
quency range of the absorber, the flexible panel must be light-
weight, and the opening ratio and internal damping must be
large. Then, a method in which a sound-absorbing material is in-
serted into the back cavity was proposed, and the absorption coef-
ficient was derived analytically. Finally, an experiment was
presented to demonstrate the validity of the proposed absorber.


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