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Company name: Telerm

Idea: Imagine you live in Australia and your spouse/ partner lives in USA. You maintain
your relationship virtually. You want to make a baby with your partner, but due to many
reasons you are not able to meet your partner in person. That is where Telerm comes
in! Telerm will be a sperm transport service which will collect and carry sperms form a
male subject to a female subject over long distance so that the female subject can get
pregnant with that sperm. Our service will enable long distance couples to make babies
even without meeting each other in person.
Couples will be able to order our service through our website or app. Once the order is
confirmed from both of the partners, we will collect sperm from the male partner. We
will provide the male partner necessary equipment and instructions for sperm
collection. Our current technology allows us to store sperms for years. But we won’t
need to wait that long. After collection, we’ll be able to send the sperms to the female
partner within hours or days. Once reached, we’ll also provide necessary equipment and
instructions to the female partner about using the sperm properly.

How will we make money?

We will charge the customers for our service.

Our target markets

Long distance couples

Why will people use our service?

In some cases it will be easier for people to send or get sperm rather then meeting their
partner in person. In those cases, people will use our service. For example-

• When meeting their partners in person will cost more than sending sperm.
• If one of the partners cannot get visa or permission to enter another country
where their partner or spouse live in.
• It will save valuable time when both of the partners are busy with their job/
study or career.
Our future
As the world gets busier, and yet virtually closer, there will be a huge demand for our
service. In today’s world, it is possible for a person to start and maintain a real
relationship or even get married virtually. Our service will enable people to take the
next step in their long-distance relationship. And when humans will become a
multiplanetary species, which means humans will live in another planet, for example
Mars, people on earth will be able to make babies with their partners living in mars by
using our service. There are many more scenarios like this where our service will be a
practical and feasible option for continuing one’s lineage.

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