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10th April, 2020

Islamabad Medical & Dental College (IM&DC)

1st Year BDS
Assignment (Head & Neck, Lymphoid System)


1. It is mandatory for all students to timely submit this assignment.

2. Attempt all questions.
3. No assignment can be uploaded & accepted after due date.
4. This assignment will contribute towards the internal assessment & attendance of Block-
5. Use Microsoft Word (MS word) Times New Roman, 12 font size with line spacing 1.5
for your assignment.
6. The questions of assignment should be attempted in sequence.
7. Upload your assignment in a single file.
8. Copy paste is NOT allowed.
9. If plagiarism is found, no mark will be given to the assignment.
10. Maximum marks of this assignment are 25.

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Q1. Name the points marked from A to J.

(0.5 mark each=5 marks)



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Q2. List the components of pharyngeal apparatus and cells lining each component. (4 marks)

Q3a. Name the points marked from A to F. (0.5 mark each=3 marks)


Q3b. A middle-aged man presented in surgical OPD with swelling in the region of posterior
triangle of neck. Examination revealed enlarged lymph nodes and biopsy was advised.

i. Name the lymph nodes involved.

ii. Which nerve can be damaged during its biopsy?

iii. What will be the complications/clinical conditions if the nerve gets damaged during biopsy?

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(1+1+2=4 marks)

Q4. Briefly describe the formation of ansa cervicalis along with its branches. (4 marks)

Q5a. Name the histological structures marked as A and B. (0.5 mark each=1 mark)

Q5b. Identify the histological structure marked as A and write its functions. (1+1=2 marks)

Q5c. Explain the histological features and importance of secondary lymphoid follicle. (2 marks)

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