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This mini-research is prepared to fulfill the Research Skill for Thesis Study final

As the Lecturer by:

Prof. Asfah Rahman, M. Ed., Ph. D.


TEACHERS (A Case Study at MAN 2 Model Makassar)”







A. Background 1
B. Problem Statement 4
C. Objective of the Research 4
D. Significance of the Research 4
E. Scope of the Research 6
A. Previous Related Studies 7
B. Pertinent Ideas 12
C. Conceptual Framework 14
A. Research Design 15
B. Subject of the Research 15
C. Research Instruments 16
D. Procedure of Collecting Data 17
E. Technique of Data Analysis 18


This chapter of Introduction consists of background of the research,

problem statement, objective, the significance and scope of the research. The
contents of the chapter will be explained briefly below.

A. Background
Education is very crucial for a nation. The function of education is to
develop students’ abilities and build good characters to face the world.
According to Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education
System that The National Education System is “an integrated system of all
educational units and activities related to one another to achieve the goals of
national education.” National education functions to develop capabilities and
shape the character and civilization of a nation with dignity in order to educate
the nation's life which aims to develop the potential of students to become
human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have a noble character, are
healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a
democratic and responsible citizen (Depdiknas, 2003).
Education systems exist to assist children in developing the skills
necessary to function competently and productively as adults in the
communities in which they live (Abbott, O’Donnell, Hawkins, Hill,
Kosterman, & Catalano, 1998). There are many risks associated with low
academic performance. Some of the short-term risks include increased
behavior problems (Algozzine, Wang, & Violette, 2011), retention (Bali,
Anagnostopoulos, & Roberts, 2005), and placement in more restrictive
educational environments (i.e., special education; Gottlieb, Gottlieb, &
Trongone, 1991). It is evident from those risks that ensuring students have
optimal opportunities to be successful in school should be of utmost concern
for teachers, administrators, and other school element personnel.

Cohen, Lotan, and Leechor (1989) note that much of the variance in
student performance can be accounted for by classroom differences. More
specifically, research has demonstrated that student learning has been
consistently related to classroom management and learning opportunities
(Brophy & Good, 1986, as cited in Abbott et al., 1998).
As a foreign language, English is one of the most important languages
in the world. This language has become a tool that people in the world use to
communicate with each other. The students of primary school, secondary and
high school, and even in the university formally learn this language, but they
have limited time to learn it. So, the teacher has to make good strategies to get
better results in teaching. Harmer (2007).
Generally, English is taught in the teaching and learning process
covers the four English skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This
subject is tested in the national exam which shows the importance of this
subject. English is anxious subject material to students because they feel
difficult to learn a foreign language. According to Good & Jare [ CITATION
Goo03 \n \t \l 1033 ] that teachers are not aware of everything that goes on in
the classroom and this lack of awareness may interfere with their
Classroom management has been defined in many different ways; Tal
(2010) defines classroom management as “the ability of the teacher to lead the
class…toward achieving the socio-emotional welfare and learning of the
students” (pg.144). Malone and Tietjens (2000) define classroom management
as “how teachers maintain order in a classroom” (pg. 160). Little and Akin-
Little (2003) define classroom management as a set of procedures that, if
followed, should help the teacher maintain order in the classroom and involve
both antecedent and consequent procedures that can be combined to provide a
comprehensive approach to classroom management (as cited in Little & Akin-
Little, 2008, pg. 228).
Classroom management is needed in every teaching and learning
process, including the English teaching and learning process. Classroom

management is a form or supports that English teaching and learning.
Teachers should pay attention to the classroom condition. The managing
classroom is not only about maintaining the condition but also the condition of
the class itself which should be retained well.
One of the most important skills that teachers should have in the
teaching and learning process is the ability to manage the classroom.
According to Marzano [ CITATION Mar03 \n \t \l 1033 ], the most
important role of teachers among the other roles is as a manager. Teachers
should be able to manage classes well and provide conditions that enable
students to learn in order to obtain the expected results. If teachers cannot
properly manage the classrooms, the teaching and learning process would not
run effectively. According to McLeod, et al[ CITATION McL03 \n \t \l 1033
], that teachers have a crucial role in classrooms is as a leader of instruction.
To fulfill that role, teachers should pay attention to the social, intellectual and
physical classes. So, teachers could carry out their roles appropriately.
Classroom management influences the teaching and learning process,
including English in the class. It is one of the things that are important in
determining the students’ learning outcomes. Students should feel comfortable
with the situation of the class. Classes are convenient not only on how nice
and neat the classroom, but also in terms of teacher teaching in the class.
According to Nunan [ CITATION Nun91 \n \t \l 1033 ] that in the teaching
and learning process, classroom management plays an important role to
establish and maintain a workable system in the classroom. Furthermore, he
states that classroom management can be used to organize and manage the
The problems identification in the classroom that occur in process
teaching and learning process at this time such as the teachers using textbooks
to tell the material, the students disturb the teaching-learning process, the
teacher does not master the material, and the teacher is bound to only one
method. According to Setyowati (2017) in her research, classroom
management was the classical problem such as the discipline of the class. The

students usually talk to their friends when the teacher talks too. The other
study investigated the teaching and classroom management strategies used by
master teachers of the English language in the classrooms in Indonesia and the
effects on the students; the research was conducted at a religion school. They
addressed their concerns on the students’ misbehavior during the lessons
especially when they were being inappropriate, were noisy and chatted loudly,
and fell asleep in the classroom [ CITATION Rid16 \l 1033 ].
Based on the identification of the problems, the researcher is interested
in analyzing the classroom management applied by English teachers to get an
effective teaching and learning process in the classroom. The behavior of
students in different classes at the MAN 2 Model Makassar is the main
attraction for researchers to conduct research. The researcher will analyze the
method of teaching and learning process in the XII MIPA I and XII MIPA IV
the classroom management that applied by English teachers in the school.

B. Problem Statements
Based on the background stated previously, the researcher formulates
the problem statements in the following:
1. How do the English Teachers manage the classroom at MAN 2 Model
2. What are the problems faced by the English Teachers in terms of applying
classroom management in the classes at MAN 2 Model Makassar?

C. Objective of the Research

Based on the problems above, the objectives or the aims of the
research are formulated as follows:
1. To describe the classroom management that was applied by the English
teachers at MAN 2 Model Makassar.
2. To explain the problem faced by the English Teachers in terms of applying
classroom management in the classes at MAN 2 Model Makassar.

D. Significance of the Research
The significances of the research study are as follows:

1. Theoretically
Theoretically, the result of this research is as a reference to reading
material in the library. It is also like the additional information and
knowledge within the research for teachers in general and further
researchers specifically regarding applying Classroom Management in the
classroom. Besides, doing this research also hopes it can improve the
models and strategy for Classroom Management in order for the teaching-
learning process to run well in classes.

2. Practically
The explanation practically will be explained briefly in the following:
a. For the Teachers
The researcher hopes that the result of this study will give benefits to
the teachers in the teaching and learning process. The teacher will have
an alternative improvement of the quality of the English teaching-
learning process, specifically related to the English classroom
b. For the English learners’
The researcher hopes that the result of this study will be useful and
give more impact on students at MAN 2 Model Makassar. Thus, they
can do the variance of improvisation in the teaching-learning English
process effectively in the classroom. Besides, students also have
optimal opportunities to be successful in school, student performance
can be accounted for since the effectiveness of classroom management
that teachers have applied in the whole class without discriminating
against students. More specifically, research has demonstrated that
student learning has been consistently related to the effectiveness of
the classroom.

c. For the Researchers
This research will give information to the other researchers who have
the same topic of the study.
Furthermore, the researcher also hopes that the result of the study is
applicable to the student and teacher and can contribute significantly
theoretically and practically as stated previously. The finding of this
research can become an input in understanding and making any policies to
improve the quality of the English teaching-learning process.

E. Scope of the research

To make the analysis of this research more concentrated, the researcher
focused only on two classes and the twelfth grade English teacher of MAN 2
Model Makassar. The researcher takes the data from two classes with two
teachers in MAN 2 Model Makassar. By discipline, it is applied under the
Pedagogic. By content, the researcher focuses to investigate the classroom
management applied by an English teacher in the twelfth grade of MAN 2
Model Makassar. By activity, the researcher observed and interviewed the
English teachers at MAN 2 Model Makassar. The researcher comes to the
class and observed the teaching and learning process. After a few meetings,
the researcher interviewed the teachers and students to identify the classroom
management applied by English teachers. By location, this research will
conduct at MAN 2 Model Makassar.


In this chapter, the researcher needs several theories to be used in

collecting and analyzing the data. Thus, the researcher tried to present the
review of several related kinds of literature dealing with some related research
findings. Many studies had been performed by the researcher related to the use
of strategies, approaches, methods, techniques, or media, in motivating the
learners to improve their teaching-learning process in terms of Classroom
Management. Furthermore, the researcher quotes and explains some sources
related to the topic of this research study. This chapter consists of some of the
previous related studies.

A. Previous Related Studies

For the previous study, the researcher learns some thesis having
similarities and differences with the researcher’s thesis as follows:
Yasar (2008) in his thesis entitled “Classroom Management
Approaches of Primary School Teachers”. He found that research indicated
that primary school teachers prefer to use student centered management
approach rather than teacher-centered approach. That is teachers’ management
approaches are consistent with the constructivist instruction. His study aimed
at investigating classroom management approaches of primary school teachers
and exploring if their management approaches are consistent with the
constructivist curriculum. The data were gathered from the participants via
Classroom Management Inventory developed by the researcher. Both
descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyze the data. Mixed
design ANOVA (within subjects and between subjects) was employed to
investigate the dominant classroom management approach that teachers use.

The similarities are researcher analyze about classroom management and in
his research used qualitative descriptive. The differences in the object, Yasar’s
research focus analyzing the classroom management that teachers applied in
primary school and used mixed design ANOVA.
Monica Rose Root (2013) in her thesis entitled “The Effect of Teacher-
Identified Classroom Management” in Portland State University. She stated
that the framework of this study was monitoring classroom management
strategies and student behaviors in the classroom, then providing strategies
and feedback to increase effective classroom management and decrease
problem student behaviors. There were 15 evidence-based practices that were
researched and used in the study. Specifically teachers were asked to focus on
5 of them. These practices were: using 5 positive feedback comments to 1
negative comment; having classroom rules and expectations that were posted,
taught, practiced, consistent, and positively reinforced; using an attention
getting cue that had been taught, practiced and positively reinforced; having
continuous active supervision including moving and scanning; and managing
minor problem behaviors positively, consistently and quickly. Teachers filled
out a self-assessment tool on how well they think they implemented these
strategies in the classroom, and then received coaching sessions on how to use
them more effectively in the classroom. These coaching sessions were given
throughout the study as teachers had days where they needed positive
reinforcement themselves. As the results of these coaching sessions and the
use of the strategies are presented in this study.
Kellen Hughes (2014) in his thesis entitled “The Effect of Classroom
Management Strategies on Math Fluency Growth Rate”. The results of the
study showed that the average math fluency scores for all three classrooms
increased as a result of the intervention. One major implication of these results
is the gains that were observed with very little effort. Directions for future
research include conducting a similar study with a more representative
population, training teachers to run the intervention, and using a different
dependent variable.

Nicole Lynn Russo (2014) in his thesis entitled “The Impact of
Adapting Classroom Management on an Elementary Teacher’s Perception of
Student Behavior” in Brockport, State University of New York. He stated that
the study has shown, it is crucial for teachers to adapt their current classroom
management approaches in order to meet the various needs of their students.
This assessment of student needs should be done throughout each school year
as the make-up of students and their needs changes from year to year as well
as throughout the year. If teachers do not make the necessary changes to their
classroom management practices then students are unable to reach their true
potential socially and academically and are denied the opportunity to grow in
a supportive environment. As teachers, we enter the profession in order to
make a difference in the lives of our students, to help them discover a love of
learning, and most importantly to guide them toward personal overall success.
It is important that we never lose sight of our purpose.
Kurtianti (2017) in her thesis entitled “A Descriptive Study on
Classroom Management Conducted By English Teacher At The Third Year Of
Mts N Klaten In Academic Year 2017/2018”. She conducted a study to 32
students and the English Teacher in MTs N Klaten in order to find out a
problem that most of male students made noisy during the learning activity.
Observation, interview, and questionnaire were used to gather the data. The
result showed that the Teacher conducted classroom management elements
proposed and the students’ response toward classroom management were 29%
of students feel they are less confident toward themselves and they feel that
they are alone; 31% of students take themselves out from several discomforts;
while 40% of students show their willingness to learn by giving hard effort in
learning. The similarities of the previous research are applied qualitative
method and the researcher’s descripte classroom management applied in
English teaching learning process. The difference in the object, kurtianti’s
research object is MTs N Klaten.
Setyowati (2017) in her thesis entitled “Classroom Management
Applied in Teaching English by Tenth Grade English Teacher of SMA Negeri

1 Wonosari in the Accademic Year 2015/2016”. The subject of the research
was the tenth grade English teacher of SMAN 1 Wonosari. The data was
collected by using observation and interview. The result of this research show
(1) that classroom management divided into five aspects. (2) The problem
faced by English teacher was habit of the students and class discipline. The
similarities of the previos research are applied descriptive qualitative method
and descripte classroom management applied in English teaching and learning
process. The difference in the object, Setyowati’s research object is SMAN 1
Meria Santy Sibarani (2017) in her thesis entitled “English Teachers’
Strategies in Managing a Large Class at SMP Negeri 4 Kota Jambi” in
University of Jambi. She stated that the result of study, there are some
strategies that used by teacher to manage large class. There are organization,
rules, and communication. First, strategies in classroom management
organization include three sub-themes, there are; preparing lesson plans,
making well established routine in classroom and giving intruction for make
students comfortable in classroom. Second, strategies in classroom
management rules include five sub-themes, there are; making students
disciplined in classroom, making students enthusiastic in classroom, making
grouping discussion for students in classroom, giving punishment to students
in classroom. The last is strategy in communication include one sub-theme,
that is bilingual strategy.
Fhemy Putri Hayu Andany (2018) in her thesis entitled “Classroom
Management Employed by Effective Teachers in English Classes” in the State
Islamic Institute (Iain) of Tulungagung. After conducting observation and
interview, the researcher found the result of the study. The activities that
effective teachers doing in employing their classroom are refer to prerequisites
of effective teacher. Those are Verbal Ability, Content Knowledge,
Educational Coursework, Teacher Certification that refer to Pedagogical
Competence of Teacher, and Teaching Experience. Every point has some sub
point that must be done as effective teachers when managing their classroom.

Both of two subjects also said that those points are important for their learning
and influence their learning.
Siti Rosnani (2019) in her thesis entitled “English Teacher’s
Classroom Management in Teaching English at Junior High School (SMP
Islam Al-Falah Jambi)” in The State Islamic University of Sultan Thaha
Saifuddin of Jambi. He stated that the purpose of this research was to
investigate classroom management applied by English teacher at the eight
grade in Islamic Junior High School (SMP Al-Falah) Jambi City. The design
of this research was descriptive qualitative. With the data methods such as
observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show
that the English teacher has been going well and has made a plan based on the
lesson plan implementation plan (RPP) that has been formulated before, then
preparing the material and the media will be taught, then the teacher
enchances the positive atmosphere by providing motivation and physical
arrangements of the class that need to support the teaching and learning
process in the classroom such as, ventilation, lighting and storage in the
classroom all perfectly organized to create a quiet and comfortable classroom.
So, that the process of teaching and learning activities in Islamic Junior High
School SMP Al-Falah Jambi city runs effectively and efficiently.
Nurhikmah (2019) in her thesis entitled “Deixis and Functions in EFL
Classroom Interaction”. She found that all five kinds of deixis, and social
deixis appeared in the classroom interaction and she found the functions of
deixis by using theory of meaning based on lexical meaning and pragmatic
meaning. In her research, she applied a qualitative method. The similarities of
the previous research are applied qualitative method and observe in the
classroom. The differences are the previous research only focus on function of
deixis in classroom interaction and the subject of her research was one of EFL
teacher of the third semester at undergraduate program of English Education
Department at Universitas Negeri Makassar in 2018/2019 academic year.
Classroom management is consistently identified as an important
factor in student learning. In other words, the researcher could state that

classroom management is any action which the teacher uses for building a
good collaboration of social interaction, active engagement in learning, and
motivation in the teaching and learning process [ CITATION Mar03 \t \l 1033
]. This study will be conducted at MAN 2 Model Makassar and using
descriptive qualitative Methods. The novelty of this study from the similarity
of ten previous researchers with this research is the discussion about this study
chooses schools bases on religion to analyze the balancing of students’
language learning, general and religion toward classroom management used
by English teachers.

B. Pertinent Ideas
1. The Concept of Classroom Management
a. Definition of Classroom Management
In general, Classroom management is the process by which
teachers and schools create and maintain appropriate behavior of
students in classroom settings. According to experts that the Definition
of Classroom Management itself are the following below:
Classroom management is a term that teachers use to describe
the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly without
disruptive behavior from students compromising the delivery of
instruction. According to Scrivener (2005) classroom management
involves both decisions and action. The decision is made by observing
the classroom situation. Teacher as a decision maker have to decide an
action to overcome anything happen in the classroom included
disruption. According to Levin and Nolan in (Retnaningtyas 2011: 23),
teachers who manage their classroom effectively report enjoying
teaching more and having greater confidence in the ability to affect
pupil achievement. According to Marsh in [ CITATION Kur17 \p 25 \t
\l 1033 ] classroom management aims to provide effective learning
opportunities for students on planned activities, whether they are
teacher-directed or student-initiated, the greater learning. Students are

the members of the class should be activated to take part in the
Based on theory above, classroom management deals with
controlling and managing the classroom to be effective teaching and
tackling the problems happen in learning activity. Classroom
management is about the process of planning, organizing, leading, and
controlling human, financial, material, and information resources to
achieve educational goals in an efficient and effective manner.
b. The Key Elements of Classroom Management
The efficient use of time is an important variable in helping
students achieve learning goals and making the classroom a pleasant
place for teachers and students (McLeod, 2003).
1) Time and Classroom Space
a) Setting up the Classroom
b) Managing Instructional Time
c) Managing Administrative Tasks, Transitions and Interruptions
d) Managing Teacher Time
e) Student Behavior
f) Instructional Strategies
g) Whole-Class Strategies
h) Small Group Strategies
i) Working in Pairs
j) Working as an Individual

2. Concept of Teaching English

According to [ CITATION Har08 \l 1033 ] there are many
metaphors to describe the teacher such as teacher is actors because they are
always on stage, teachers are orchestral conductors because direct
construction and set the pace and tone and the last is the teacher is
gardeners because they plant the seeds and then watch them grow. In

teaching learning process, the teacher has to gine facilities for the students
to make teaching learning process are easy, active and more comfortable.
In the teaching process, teacher not only doing/holding the teaching
process technically, but also realizing his/her work and responsibility as
well as possible (Gulo, 2008) in Setyowati (2017: 44). Therefore, the
effectiveness of the teaching learning process based on the teacher roles.
The success of teaching is also based on the teacher quality.
The typical learning activities in situational Language Teaching
generally consist of guided repetition and substitution activities which
include chorus repetition, dictation, drills, and controlled oral-based
reading and writing tasks. Pair practice and group work are also sometimes
used. Such practices are based on the concept of behaviorist habit- learning
theory which focuses primarily on the processes rather than the conditions
of learning[ CITATION Fau14 \l 1033 ].
According to [ CITATION Tom98 \l 1033 ] stated that teaching is
used to refer to anything done by materials developers or teachers to
facilitate the learning of the language. This could include the teacher
standing in front of the classroom explaining the conventions of direct
speech in English; it could include textbook providing samples of language
use and guiding learners to make discoveries for them, it could include
textbook inviting learners to reflect on the way they have just read a
passage or it could the providing the language a leaner need whilst
participating in a challenging task. Education consists of teaching and
learning. Teaching is process involves the teaching learning process,
(Yusuf, 2009).

C. Conceptual Framework
The researcher tries to reveal a part of the facts concerning classroom
management. The focus of the research is describing the classroom
management that applied and can be observed at MAN 2 Model Makassar.
The researcher came into MAN 2 Model Makassar to observe and note all the

views of the classroom in the school. The researcher identified the classroom
management applied in the school. In order to make the data become more
varied and supported each other, the researcher interviewed some of the
students and teachers.


In this research, the researcher is using descriptive qualitative form

research. This study used several the classroom management applied by English
Teachers in the teaching-learning process of MAN 2 Model Makassar.

A. Research Design
Research design is the conceptual structure about the way collecting
the data and analysis of data. This research is descriptive qualitative research.
Cresswell (1998) defines qualitative research as an inquiry process of
understanding based on distinct methodological traditions of inquiry that
explore a social or human problem. The researcher builds a complex, holistic
picture, analyzes words, reports detailed views of informants, and conducts
the study in a natural setting (Hashemnezhad, 2015).

B. Subject of the Research

The research was conducted through a management classroom in
teaching the English learning process in the classroom. This research was
conducted at MAN 2 Model Makassar, located in Makassar, South Sulawesi.
This research applied the purposive sampling technique in taking the subject

of the research. It is supported (Sugiyono, 2013), the purposive sampling
technique is one of the techniques used to determine the participants by
considering something. The researcher chose that school because of the many
classes within and also many teachers teaching English in the school would
make it easier for the researcher to obtain the required data. The researcher
needs more than one teacher with a different classroom to observed. It would
be better to take the data from students from different classes.

C. Research Instruments
In qualitative research, the experts express the opinion that the research
instrument is the researchers themselves, or with the help of others who
constitute the main data collection tool [ CITATION Sug13 \t \l 1033 ].
There are two instruments of the research that the researcher used; they are
observation notes and interview guides. In observing the subject the researcher
also used field notes and a camera to takes photos or videos of the activity in
the classroom. Researchers used these instruments because they could make
the observation easier; get a better result, complete and systematic in order to
make the data easy to be processed. The detailed information can be classified
as follows:

1. Observation sheet and field note

This method implies the collection of information by way of the
investigator’s own observation. The information obtained relates to what is
currently happening. Marshall (1995) said, “through observation, the
researcher learns about behavior and the meaning attached to those
behaviors” (Sugiyono, 2013). The researcher conducted observation to
write something that happens in the classroom, how the teachers manage
in a class.

2. Interview Guide
According to Esterberg (2002) interview is a meeting of two
persons to exchange information and idea through questions and
responses, resulting in communication and joint construction of meaning
about a particular topic. The interview used as a technique for data
collection if the researcher needs to know about something deep in from
the respondent. According to Susan Stainback (1988), interviewing
provide the researcher a means to gain a deeper understanding of how the
participant interprets a situation or phenomenon that can be gained through
observation alone. In qualitative methods, observation methods are often
combined with in-depth interviews. In conducting observations, the
researcher also conducted interviews with the people in it.
This research was conducted at MAN 2 Model Makassar. The
subjects of this research are teachers who teach English in twelfth grade
and students from XII MIPA (twelfth grade) at MAN 2 Model Makassar.
The total class of the XII MIPA (twelfth grade) consists of five class,
the XII MIPA V. The whole class consisted of 5 classes excepted the tenth
grade. The class in school started from the X (tenth grade) it has consisted
of 10 classes XI (eleventh grade) has consisted of 5 classes and XII
(twelfth grade) has the same total as well. Each class consisted of 30
students or can be less so the population is approximately 600 students.
The researcher will only take two classes from different
departments is XII MIPA I and XII MIPA IV, which is chosen as it is
considered as the highest achievement class but besides that, in other class
as the comparative has significant problems where has students who
disturb the teaching and learning process in the classroom. The students
are selected based on the criteria needed that are high and low-
achievement students. The English teachers are selected based on their
experience, their ability, and seniority.

D. Procedure of Collecting Data
The following are the procedures describing the way the researcher
collected the data needed:
1. The researcher proposes a permission letter to MAN 2 Model Makassar.
2. The researcher met the teacher to get the schedule;
3. The researcher observed the classroom management applied by English
Teachers in the teaching and learning process by using video recording.
4. The researcher interview teacher and students to get data about the
effective classroom management applied by English teachers in teaching
and learning.
5. The researcher transcript the data that the researcher got from the video or
audio recording.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the researcher uses the following technique to analyze
the data. The technique of data analysis which is used in the qualitative is by
using technique of data analysis that suggested by[ CITATION Mil14 \l
1033 ]. According to Gay, Mills, & Airasian (2012), the process of analyzing
the qualitative research data consists of three steps, namely
reading/memorizing, describing, and classifying. Therefore, the researcher
adopts and combines these steps in order to get comprehensive and suitable
procedures/steps in analyzing the data based on the objective of the research.
Furthermore, these steps are explained as follows:
The data through interview will analyze through an interactive model
of miles & Huberman (2014), namely: (1) data condensation, (2) data display,
and (3) conclusion drawing and verification.

Figure 1.2 Interactive Model of Data Analysis

(Miles, Huberman & Saldana 2014)

Based on the procedure above, the steps in analyzing data in this
research were: Firstly, the researcher will collect the data through observation,
documentation, and interview, then the researcher selected, transcripted, and
focused on the data by referring to the formulation of the research problems
beings investigated in the study. In other words, the irrelevant data should be
discarded while the relevant data should be included. After collecting and
reducing the data, the researcher displays those transcript data in the form of
descriptive text.
The process of reducing and displaying the data should be based on the
formulation of the research problems. After displaying the data, conclusions
are drawn. In this study, the researcher uses temporary conclusion and final
conclusion drawing to make then the data valid. The conclusion drawn is
started at the beginning of the research after the data are collected by making a
temporary conclusion. Further, in the last step researcher draws the final
The application of the model is outlined as follows;
1. Data collection: the researcher collected the data related to the research
question. In collecting the data, the researcher observed the classroom and
teachers’ during the teaching process in the classroom. The researcher
observed the teaching and learning process by sitting at the back while
filling the field note.
2. Data display: After collecting the data through classroom observation,
audio recording, and field notes, the researcher transcripted the process of
teaching and learning in the class which is related to how they conducted
their teaching and learning process from audio recording, then write it on
3. Data condensation: After transcribing the data into the written transcript,
the researcher identified (coding), selected (labeling), and classified based
on the analyzing needs which were related to the problem statement 1 and
2. The transcript was used to answer the problem statement.

4. Conclusion-drawing/verifying: After displaying and coding the data, the
researcher chose some pictures to show that all kinds of classroom
management effective in applied in-classroom observation. The last step
was taking discussion and conclusion from the display data based on the
problem statement set in chapter one.


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