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I remember my very first course in the DLL program. We were given so

much freedom using the COVA method, I thought to myself, “How am I
going to make sure they like what I am putting out there?”. As time went
on, I finally realized there is no right way. We were handed the
appropriate tools to make decisions on our own and we had the
opportunity to be the director of our own learning environment. After a
few weeks of navigating through the COVA method, I quickly realized
that I wanted to bring that method into my very own classroom. Shorty
after, I began creating my ePortfolio.

As stated before, the COVA method for me was challenging at first. I am so used to
having guidelines and rules in order to complete assignments that when I was told
that I could do anything … literally anything, I was very shocked and nervous
honestly. I have always had rules to follow and with all this freedom I had no idea
where to start. After I made it through a few assignments with positive feedback, I
began to become more confident in the assignments that I was doing. I quickly
learned that I thrive off of using the COVA method because I get to choose how I do
everything. It is quite honestly freeing. It made me excited to do the work.

Although I love using this method, there were obvious growing pains. I had been
taught to “learn” one way my entire life. Making these adjustments were not easy -
but they were so worth it in the long run. There is no other way I would want to learn.
Promoting Change

When most people hear the word change, they tense up. Change is not easy but it is
sometimes necessary, especially when the world is changing around them.

When I first began to “promote change” most of my colleagues would look at me

sideways. They would say, “Well, we have been doing it this way for years and it has
always worked, so why would he change?”. It was exhausting to hear that. I almost
made me not want to share my ideas with them anymore. But as time went on and I
began incorporating change within my classroom, big things were happening. My
students were happy and ready to learn. Eventually, I was asked to present my ideas
again. My colleagues became more open and they even wanted to read through my
innovation plan. I began to get excited again. Promoting change is not always easy,
but it can be so worth it.
Applying COVA

Endless possibilities can - Every project we do, I give

be created when using the endless options for them
COVA method. Not only to choose from.
will it challenge students to
learn it will make them - I allow them to correct
enjoy it - key word enjoy. I their mistakes for no
love the idea of my points off.
students being their own
master of learning.] - Creating ePortfolios
however they want to.
Here are some ways I am
applying COVA to my - Technology is
classroom. incorporated at least once
a day.

When preparing our students for the future, it is important to teach them the ways of the
world. The world doesn’t always have guidelines. Sometimes it is our job to figure it out
on our own and come up with a plausible solution.

Technology is a big part of everyone's’ lives today. If you are not using technology, then
you probably are not using every resource you have in order to elevate your current
situation. It is important to teach our kids to use the resources around them. This ties
directly into project based learning - which we see in my innovation plan. It is so
important that we teach not only our students, but also our parents and colleagues that
we must have a growth mindset.n We cannot get tied up in thinking we always have to
be right.
Final Remarks

As we all know, the world is constantly changing around us each and everyday. It
is so important to not only teach our students this, but also be open as educators to
change and adapt as well. Teaching our students to become lifelong learners is
going to create individuals who are willing to be open to constructive criticism as
well as applying that to their specific situation. It is our job as educators to teach
our students that is okay to fail as long as we are failing forward. I am so excited
to continue to bring this new way of learning into my very own classroom.

Harapnuik, D. (2017) CSLE+COVA. Retrieved from

Harapnuik, D. K, Thibodeaux, T. N., & Cummings, C. D. (in press).

Creating significant learning environments through choice,

ownership, voice, and authenticity. Retrieved from

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