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Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a Secondary ELA classroom

Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a Secondary ELA classroom

Action Research Plan

Kelsi Edgell

EDLD 5315

Lamar University
Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a Secondary ELA classroom

Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a secondary ELA classroom : An Action Plan

Learning has become more and more challenging for the everyday student. The average
attention span for teenagers/young adults is only 8 seconds. That means you have to capture their
attention fast … or unfortunately, they will not be interested in what is happening around them.
So what can educators do in order to keep their students’ attention span and keep them engaged
throughout an entire lesson? They can use their resources .. in other words, use what
teenagers/young adults are used to, technology and hands on learning!Technology and
project-based learning(PBL) have truly transformed the education world. My innovation plan is
incorporating PBL into everyday lessons/learning. PBL gives students and educators the
opportunity to live up to their greatest potential. You are given real-world situations and
problems and are asked to solve them through everyday lessons. This promotes life-long learning
and that should be our main goal for students. The focus of my action research plan is to
determine if digital resources, when incorporated with project-based learning, provide each
student the opportunity to develop the appropriate knowledge and skills while increasing
engagement in the ELA classroom. ​Accordingly, this action plan will ​define my fundamental
research question, discuss the information of my study, explain my research design and method,
lay out a timeline, analyze data collection, communicate results, and provide a final reflection.

Fundamental Research Question

The main goal of my innovation plan is to make sure that students are provided with
adequate and engaging teachings but also given the opportunity to become the dictator of their
own learning while becoming life-long learners. Studies show that kids show what they learn as
they journey through the unit, interact with its lessons, collaborate with each other, and assess
themselves and each other. They don't just take a test or produce a product at the end to show
their learning (Eudotpia). With this information, I wanted to dive a little deeper and do a study
on a particular lesson and find the outcome. Therefore, my research question ​is, ​“How is student
engagement impacted when they incorporate a social justice topic into service learning?”.

Study Information

As the​ ​Buck Institute for Education​ (BIE) explains, with PBL students "investigate and
respond to an authentic, engaging, and complex problem, or challenge" with deep and sustained
attention (Schoology). If we incorporate our social justice topic with PBL, we are going to be
able to tell just how far students are willing to go in their learning. ​Teague Tubach is an educator
that implemented this same topic into her classroom this past year. She goes on to mention, “​My
objective, as an educator, is always to enable students to discover themselves—and, in doing so,
help them gain the knowledge, skills, and courage to understand and improve the human
condition. I believe that almost all social problems can be traced to a lack of education and
empathy, and that 21st-century educators must work to combat ignorance and injustice. By using
Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a Secondary ELA classroom

the topic of “social justice” we can easily incorporate PBL with activities and lessons such as
choosing a social justice topic of their interest, do research, read two non-fiction books on the
topic, write a proposal and share what they learned on social media or find a way to give back to
the community. This is a perfect example of learning by doing and it is instilling life-long
learning into the students. They are able to truly see what it takes to learn about a topic and do
something about it.

Research Design

This will involve the mixed-method study. Both the qualitative and quantitative research
designs will be utilized in this study.​This is going to allow me to mix qualitative (open-ended)
and quantitative (closed-ended) questions when collecting my data.

Research Method

I will be using measurement instruments such as student surveys on google forms and
student interviews.This is going to allow my students to have a voice in their learning process.
This has been one of my main goals throughout this entire program of study. My using student
surveys and student lead interviews, the data being collected will be relevant to the students
using the digital resources/project-based blended learning method

​Data Collection and Analysis

By using “mixed-method” research I am going to be able to look at both the “qualitative”

and the “quantitative” method. The qualitative method is going to allow students to share
opinions and perceptions of the different project-based blended learning they are given through
different digital resources. The quantitative method will give the actual “stats” for the analysis
and measurement.

Other Phases of Research

Once all of the data is collected and analyzed, I will complete a final and complete
mixed-method study. This next section is going to provide an implementation timeline and the
results. The final reflection will have an overview of the overall study.

Implementation Timeline

Planning Stage

April 2021 (Phase I): Plan

- Present Proposal Letter to Administration

- Develop a Scope & Sequence for upcoming year
- Plan Project-Based Blended Learning Activities based on Scope & Sequence and
Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a Secondary ELA classroom

- Develop classroom Expectations and Procedures

- Develop Project-Based Blended Learning grading procedures

June 2021 (Phase II): Implement “Pilot Program”

- Touch Base with Administration to Discuss Further Clarification or Any

- Gather Student Data from previous academic year
- Develop Formative and Summative assessments to measure student
- Introduce Project-Based Blended Learning to students
- Present the first Project-Based Blended Learning scenario to students
- Review Students Research from first Project-Based Blended Learning scenario
- Have Student create a Final Product and Presentation that synthesize their
- Asses the Students’ Research and Product/Presentation

August - December 2021 ( Continue Phase II)

- Collect Data from the “Pilot Program”
- Mark any Inconsistencies or Issues
- Have Students Complete a Reflection on their Experience with PBBL

January 2022 (Phase III) Reflect & Review with English Dept. &

- Review Student Data

- Have each English Teacher Present their Findings & Student Data
- Discuss Positive Feedback from Colleagues and Administration
- Discuss Concerns from Colleagues and Administration
- Make Changes to upcoming PBBL Scenarios if Needed
During the beginning of 2022, we will continue to adjust the necessary changes and
modifications that will be made for Spring 2022.

Sharing and Communicating Results

Results will be shared with Rick Kana, Principal of Barbers Hill High School, and the
rest of the administration team. The results will also be shared online on the school website. The
9th grade English team will discuss the results and modify the plan if needed for the formal
implementation of Project Based Blended Learning.

Final Reflection

The literature review goes into great detail on the major benefits project-based blended learning
has in a secondary classroom. PBL promotes lifelong learning skills and allows each student to become
the dictator of their own learning environment. It is so important that we take a look at the issue at hand
and actively fix what is going on and that is student engagement. This action plan will acknowledge the
Digital resources/Project-Based Learning in a Secondary ELA classroom

successes and challenges of PBL and it will motivate educators to use PBL inside of their classrooms in
order to allow students to be more engaged and become life-long learners.

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