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Teacher: Érika Cordeiro

Common mistakes

Spot the mistakes in the following situations. In each, there may be more than one mistake.

Situation number 01

I need to improve the listening part and a good exercise can be listening different accents. But my
speaking it is ok.

Regarding my fluency and accurate I need to improve it, but I feel l'll achieve this.

Situation number 02

It is important to learn English since you are a child because is easier when you are an adult. You're
likely developing a native accent.

Situation number 03

A: When I can visit your house?

B: When you feel like coming.

A: What about tomorrow night?

B: Oh, it isn't going to be possible. I will meet my parents. They will come for lunch. Why don't you
come on Friday?

A: I'll think about it and call you later.

Situation number 04

A: Can I have a word whit you?

B: What is it, Pedro?

A: Please give me a chance. I will think I do it by Friday! I promise. I'm sure will do it well!

B: Let's discuss about this later. I don't have time right now.

Situation number 05

Teacher: Érika Cordeiro
In general, I'm very happy with my life. I'm doctor and I live in town all my life. My brother is 30
years old architect and, as he lives in the countryside, he don't comes here often. That's one of the
negatives things about my life.

Situation number 06

The accident was terrible. By the moment is not clear the cause.

Everyone were shouting and in panic. When arrived the paramedics and the police, everyone calmed
down already.

Situation number 07

Write a news report of 120 words describing the events in Hustle.

Dear Mrs Johnson,

This is to let you know today I have seen strange people near your house.

I have already reported this to the police.

Please, take care.



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