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As you can imagine, their presence is considered unhygienic.

This happens even though the

majority of cases don’t have anything to do with a lack of hair care.

The problem is that lice are very annoying. This is because they easily reproduce and cause skin
problems. These include causing lumps and a recurring itching feeling.

Fortunately, there are many natural home remedies to treat these little pests. After being
applied, they control these problems while they help to get rid of them.

In this article, we want to tell you about 5 guaranteed options to get rid of these nasty little

If you or a family member ever suffers from lice, give these great home remedies at try!

1. Garlic

Garlic has sulphur compounds and a penetrating smell. These make it a great natural repellant
when fighting lice.

Its ingredients are easily absorbed into your scalp. In addition, it also fights fungus and
bacteria at the same time.

 8 cloves of garlic
 3 table spoons of lemon juice


 Crush the cloves of garlic until you have a thick paste.

 Then, mix it with the lemon juice.
 Separate your hair into locks. Spread the solution on your scalp and let it work for 20 to
30 minutes.
 Rub all of your hair to cover the affected area.
 After 30 minutes, rinse and use your regular shampoo to wash your hair.
 Repeat this treatment three times per week.

2. Olive oil
Olive oil makes a great solution for eliminating lice and nits. This is because of both its oily
texture and its antioxidant compounds.

Applying it fights inflammation caused by these insects. It also alleviates itching and
excessive dryness.


 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

 1 table spoon of lemon juice


 Heat the olive oil until it reaches a warm temperature that’s warm enough to put on your
 Then, mix it with lemon juice and rub it all over your hair.
 Cover your hair with a shower cap and let it work all night.
 In the morning, remove the nits with a fine-tooth comb. Then, wash your hair with a
herbal shampoo.
 Use this treatment every day until you get rid of the lice.

3. Coconut oil
Coconut oil is not only a lubricant, but it’s also an anti-parasitic and an antibacterial.
Combined, these encourage the removal of lice and nits.

Using coconut oil prevents these nasty bugs from reproducing. It also controls the
inflammation and reddening of your skin.


 6 tablespoons of coconut oil

 1 teaspoon of rosemary oil


 Fist, mix the coconut oil with the rosemary oil.

 Heat it in a double boiler.
 Then, rub it all over your hair and scalp.
 Massage it well for several minutes. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let it work
for 6 to 8 hours, preferably overnight.
 The next day, remove the insects with a fine-tooth comb. Then, wash your hair with your
regular shampoo.
 Repeat the treatment at least three times per week.

4. Sesame seed oil

Sesame seed oil has several properties. Among them, this product is an antibacterial,
antifungal, and an anti-inflammatory. This makes it a very beneficial treatment when fighting

Using it on your skin removes nits and fights itching. If that wasn’t enough, it leaves your hair
shiny and strong.


 6 tablespoons of sesame seed oil

 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil


 Mix the two oils and rub them on your scalp with a gentle massage.
 Be sure to cover all of the infected areas. Let it work for two hours then rinse it off.
 Don’t forget to use a fine-tooth comb to remove the lice.
 Use this treatment once to twice a week.

5. Lavender essential oil

Lavender oil has a great smell and acts as an antibacterial and an anti-inflammatory. Both of
these work to stop lice and nits from reproducing in your hair.

Using it eliminates the presence of these insects. It also reduces the damage they cause to
your scalp.

 1 table spoon of essential lavender oil

 2 table spoons of olive oil


 Combine the essential lavender oil with the olive oil. Rub this mixture all over your hair
with a gentle massage.
 Let it work for at least two hours.
 Pass a fine-tooth comb through your hair, then rinse it out.
 Repeat this treatment until your get rid of the insects.

Now that you know natural ways to fight lice and nits, get rid of them with these great
solutions. Don’t turn to products with harsh chemicals.

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