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Management Team

Seedland have five founding members, who are 2nd year students of institute of business &

We will hire web developers to help build the website, and will grow our staff commensurate
with the growth of our organization. By our sixth year, we plan to have a total of eleven people
on staff;

• The CEO is Asadullah who has experience in the field of agriculture, and founded a small
online education organization;

• The CTO is a Talha who knows web development & an expert web developer is hired to
ensure smooth running of business;

• The COO is Jannat who will oversee the day to day administrative & operational development
of the business;

• The CAO is Amina who will see the process of recruitment & hiring of new employees;

• The CFO is Samavia and she will be managing the cash flow and financial planning as well as
analyzing the company's financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing corrective actions;


Mobile communications: Cellphones have gone from being nice-to-have to being a must-have.
Specifically, you need a smartphone that’s capable of accessing various applications for
maximum efficiency, whether or not you’re in your office. You might even require a tablet (such
as an iPods), too. These devices are important tools to help you manage your online business.
Moreover, online consumers are researching and purchasing products and services directly
from mobile devices, so you need to be able to test functionality and accessibility of your
website from those devices. Not to mention, one of the benefits of having an online business is
that you aren’t necessarily hemmed into a certain geographic location; a smart device helps you
stay mobile and work from anywhere.

Digital photography: You might not be used to including a camera in the category of business
tools. Yet, in building and maintaining an online business, a digital camera and a video camera
might be a requirement, especially if you have an eBay store or any other online retail type of
store. Cameras are increasingly important with the growing use of social media as a marketing
tool. Sharing pictures on social networks such as Pinterest or Instagram or uploading videos to
YouTube, for example, is almost a necessity.

Computer: One important piece of equipment for your new online business is a computer. It’s
the heart and soul of your office because all your valuable data resides on it and you use it to
communicate with folks in all kinds of ways.

Printing: Although most of your correspondence can be conducted online, you still need to print
invoices, offline marketing materials, and hard copies (printouts) of items for your files. You can
choose from different types of free-standing or desktop printers with various capabilities.

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