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The United States is a world power and the subject of many studies.

Why should it
be? It´s located in North America, is one of the largest countries in the world, its
economy and its great technological innovations are what categorize it as a world
power to this day.

In spite of mention its liberal power, whose wealth depends, in large part, on its ability
to promote the free trade model throughout the world. It has a constant interest in
keeping the routes that make world trade possible open and secure, making it a
major trading power.

The U.S is the largest importer and exporter of goods, as well importer and exporter
of commercial services. The U.S exports in 2019 were refined petroleum oils,
followed by automobile and Imports, crude oil, telephone system devices,
computers, and drugs. The U.S. economy and foreign trade in particular, were hit by
the COVID-19 crisis, falling 12.6% and 12.3% in 2021

Finally, the U.S shares international land borders with two nations; Canada and
Mexico. The U.S and Canada, allows taking advantage of the opportunity to
complement the economy with the productive processes of Canada and the U.S,
facilitating the exchange of goods, services and inputs and promoting the attraction
of productive investments.

In conclusion, the reason to visit United States is business, it is useful to know that
the United States is ranked 8th out of the 190 "Doing Business". The U.S. is the
perfect country to start making investment and business activities inside or outside
the country.

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