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Welcome to India's largest AI Revolution - #AIForIndia

Please watch this video before attempting the

Guinness World Record

Please fill the below form to participate in the

Guinness World Record Attempt

First Name Last Name

Saravanan Bhojan

! Kindly check your name, This name will reflect on your certificate


Phone Number


Preferred Language for Video

Choose a language
! Lessons will be taught in the selected language

Terms and Conditions to participate in Guinness Record

Rules to participate in the Guinness World Record Attempt

1. Throughout the whole attempt, you should not leave the
2. You are not allowed to switch tabs, refresh or move to
another page until the completion of video.
3. Video cannot be skipped or fast forwarded. All the options
will be disabled.
4. You need to complete the video and all the quiz to be
eligible for Guinness World Record
5. Only by completing the Basics of Python lesson, you will be
eligible for Guinness World Record

If you violate any of the rules, your Guinness World Record

attempt will be rejected.

I agree that I will not violate the above rules

I agree that I accept to all the terms and conditions by




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