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Properties of Light:5.

3 Light Refraction

Learning objectives

• At the end of Pdpc students will be able to,

• Expresses light can be refracted through observation through various
• Clarifying through examples of light can be refracted by performing an
• Describe the formation of a rainbow by performing an activity.
5.3.1 Light can be refracted
• When light travels through two different mediums,
the direction of movement of the light will change.
This phenomenon is called light refraction.
5.3.2 Examples of light refraction


The pencil appears bent The image looks shallow The image of pen looks
and not deep bigger
5.3.3 Rainbow formation

• When the Sun emits light during or after rain, a rainbow will
• When the light of the Sun hits a raindrop, the light will be
refracted and will form a rainbow.
The importance of
properties of light in
daily life
1. The nature of light reflection allows us to
see the face in the mirror.
2. The nature of the light moving straight
allows the flashlight to be used.
3. The nature of refracted light allows the
short -sighted to see clearly by using glasses.

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