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i .oN,/t .

uoqecnpa Jeqceel
'luotun4sut Aentns rtcercy1
,u"*rff te Taqcee1
oql qclrlM u! ,':i sreLfceat
xoruoc or.ll ot curco( ,:::H:11
qcns {ue ,"n"^o, jj:f" aq prnoqs
,;; tvto Jo s,o^or
Lrl,,vl roqce. olocs or orqe "lr"r, ol ro.r"u,
" _;:'",,:t,T:H:: "i;::,_r rvrc ro fo^or at6nbape
"Jl" [:*,',?"ifl
: :":, : ] u ";
i1 :.,Fuec eope;mouy
^1.:;'fi -3;l s
uorecnT ;;;;,;il;""tte ror.,cea, ,ol
r:,,",io,"I:;'ili:?Ijj:l :11,1 Du;ryoan,lJr. ,rllnr.r,
e 6 en 6 u ',"J, "::Y,
e; :"::TIII,
;,T -e'rd 1
";; :"fi,i o" ouue#o.solnlrlsur
",', r,,o ",n :#lJi
slxoluoc snouen,-u' "iJf "H;:,
";; lsoy., raL'ilnJ pouuar pue
:x*,",;l:,Hlt*iru:^r;t*ttfi ;,k#,,,*,,rrrx
ut outute,l qono.roq ur sturol ,ecruqcar
,"^ u*]te o"],;;Jueussosse
660 ey
;; ""lY.;]:r#;:iHi"fi;?E;::;';l;
qlt/v\ uorreredooc ul luaruornseoru u
-;;,;;;;;,::;!""^::,:;;;::::o{1srearu611","0*" lrcunoo leuo,eN oql
aqr .srxoluoc o'" oYetd z{q pedolenep
laqceat o, ''
,"r::"j'"'lr,:,,,,.1:*ttassv l
p," ;;ff]r". saulunoc ;il'ffi'"J,ff'ri":;ffi
lo"rr* 'X,,i1"""T;":,ffi,:l:,1?,::,:,^1ueu,n4su,"r. I
"ui"ffr,T,l uooJssel^
:lJ":i.::y::::," t"" ,," pultvrgo ul sll!)s pue
-"'-'vvlsqr Lool*.","
rsrvr,-iJffi ff :1:ffJ^,fi I,,,,1*:,:,,",?T#,H,uelji*:I".fi iJ"lI,,?
luooJsse,c s!r.11
lNlWnUtSNt :tHI
u1 ce 1ue1rd_s11q.peqe.reprq@qsolues InOgV uu[
VUIVdVHVW HSOINVS iti,ffi .T;::."
Acvuu,', .*
=iilr*?ti'Ilfiti,?i woo u ssv.r o
1. a)'
The foilowing assessment task (based
on an unseen passage) was used b)t
by a teacher to assess students, (crass
VI to vilr) reading comprehension
skills in a crassroom. Look at it carefuily
and try to answer the questions c)T
given below it.

Read the passage and answer the questions
that fo[ow using fuil and
correct sentences. rt's notjust a fort, buta
tiny ritfle kingdom in itserf, untouched
by the ravages of time. of course, the iii)
onry arien giveaways are the prastic
covers and litter strewn around everywhere.
But learn to ignore them like you
would do anywhere erse in the city, and a)
a visit to Gorcondais rike discovering
time machine. The stories surrounding a
Gorconda are many. rf you rike Boilywood b)
masala in your ancient tares, your best c)
bet are the tourist guides who swarm
the entrance. They are fuil of stories that
are ir-,Lr.r, Lagicat and most d)
probablyfancifur and true. But they are stories
throughout your rong crimb up the fort.Here,s
that wifi rrrt/t you entertained {

the true story. ""p

Gorconda or,,Gora e)
, uln century Fort, buirt by the iino,
f:::,1,STr:,I^.^:T) :
1 Kakatiya kings. 0 \
According to a regend, a shepherd
to the construction of a mud fort bythe
boycame across an idor ;;;;; ffililr'[. s) !
then Kakatiya dynasty rurerof the kingdom
around the site. In the 16th century, Gorkonda
was tne fortress city
of the Qutub shahi kingdom, near "rfiitrtand
Hyderabad. The citywas home to one of the
iv) k
ry,,:nates in the resion and was the centre Ir
diamond trade. a. why is Golconda considered to
of a ftourishing
,,untou"n;;;;;;;#: d
of time"? (30 words, 2 marks) b. why a) Giyi
does the author ask us to ignore prastic
covers and ritter? (20 words, 2 marks)
c. what does the author mention about b) Kee
2 marks) d. when was Gotconda buirt? (10 c) Add
1 mark) e. when did eutub shahis words,
make Gorconda (:,,';;ffi, d) Add
1 mark) f. Give a suitabre tifle for
the passage. (6 words, 2 marks) '" "rJ"ii e) Prol

i) Which skill/s does the task assess? 2. Th

a) only reading b) onry writing c) both reading and
writing d) onry vocaburary fr€
ii) lf students do weil on this test (7 marks or
more), what wiil be the best

Vol. 17, No. 1 & 2 June - December zOfElSStflzsoZffil

qt0z r .oN ,LL.toA
9z-0922 NSSr
"rnr z 8 t
/v\olloJ leql suollsenb
qono.rql oo aq1 JolAsul
4 sess e c),.J:ll, l',"1*:*; :,; ffi ffil^":i
; IX** t r/v\
Ysel oulano;|oJ eq1 .z
osuo, lsed eldu s
;':fTriH f:::ffil":,ffi#
&elnqecoa {e1 uo suorrsenb
.suorlsenb uriooo f,
lenlceJ {1uo Ourdeay (q
aztutunu ol s6Cy\l
Or^lC f"
6utpee'r Duunseeu 'sluopnls
ur oleJncce oJor.u yspr 1o fil1rqe
(e) ,^ror,^,ra,r...
louuec qc!Lr^^ pue (a) ,",
:ffi,il"I"ffi (ar
ruoorsserc e 6uunp )sel s*.,
rorsru*.upe or e;qrssod
.luosqe (6
lsotufe ele suollsent ", il:-;:fT
lo ,*",-rr)suorrsan, ;,
il,irT:i#:i5ill (s
ro^sue eq1 6u'rocs ur serq rolrceor
1o {lrlrqrssod 6uor1s , ,,ri:Jff
'sluopnls .ro1 (p
{q16uel oo} st
,r", (c
.*,",1i1il:liHH".# ;,Ti :f ..:
o^oqe oLfl roJ (1) eslel
ro (D onrl are surelqo.rd
6umnoJ101 aql ror..floq/v\
orrr^ pue 1ene1 {,ncr*p
rerrurs ro e'essed
{ue puels.r"rJ:i;"#:::J"^Tr.
sJo/v\sue poqs
'.ren e}u/v\ pue e.essed uanr6 pue}sJopun pue
'qr 0"", ,"J,llrr r, s$.
popueruep se rpce.uoc pue {1e1er.rdo.rdde {l"
sro^ sup ,or.
1;em eOessed uearO oLll ,, iin
puelsr"orn ^Jno,i]ilt#Alr,
fr" peor uec {eq1 (e
Write a paragraph on one of the following topics in about 100 words. I

1. Yourfamily 2. Your best friend 3. The person you like most

Total marks: 10 (Content = 3 marks, Organization = 3 marks,

ii) r

Vocabulary=2 marks, Grammar= 1 mark, Overall = 1 mark)

Maximum time allowed: 30 minutes I

i) State whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) for the above I


a) Scoring students' writing in this task involves very little possibility of teacher-
bias. iii) r

b) Using the scoring criteria may lead to bias in the scoring of students'writing.

c) Students' low scores in individual areas like 'Content', 'Organization', etc. I

indicate their problem in those areas.

3. A teacher used the following task in a class test to assess students' (Class
Vll/ Vlll) ability to interact in familiar situations. Look at the task carefully
and answer the questions given below the task.
Given betow is a dialogue, with a few responses missing.
Fill in the missing resPonses:
Revathi: l'm really scared. I hope the teacher does not ask me to speak
on my first day in this school. 4.
Rashid: You don't really have to. The teacher .....-.........
Revathi: Tell me about your.......... tr*
I ower
Rashid: Well, I still remember my first day here. When .'.........'. I"
Revathi: I also wish to have ........
Rashid: l'm sure you ..........
I ".oo
Revathi: Thank you I ". t,,

(2X5 = 10 marks)
wz-0922 NSS| 9l0z reqruoceo _eunr .oN ,LL.toL
'lededsrreu s,{epo1(peel) .o
.qo[firu .p
lrnb o1(ep;cep) t
eoJol.,l(euloc) oql uol.l^ iv\oul noI oq .c
'oru lootu ol oroq
(euroc) uroLll Jo llv.q
'unasnu oql ltst^ ol
lou (eprcap) ---.- .e
oql u! uen;6
lcetloc 6u!sn secuelues oulrnoltol oql u! s{uelq eq} u!
{11celoc lueueelbe q.renlcefqns osn o1
(tttn of ;4) ,sluepnls ssosse or ralrceor fir;rqe
e {q pesn se^ rsel .uranoJJol eq1 .v
'luapnls qcea ol epe.r6 e6elene.ue
uOrsse ueql
pue 'rceJalur o1 {1111qe
,sluopnrs epe.r6 0} sroqceol lcerqns oL* Ire
lsenbei (p
ruJal oql Jo puo oql le Jaqceal oql ol
sue;qord pue sser60.rd -rraql lnoqe procal
lt ltuqns pue
e urerureu or luopnls &ane >1se (c
'slsol puo
-.'IJJOI pue lrun ur ocueuJorad pue
teqceel aql pue sreed qu/r^ uorrcBJolur
ruooJsserc Lrloq lnoqe pJocoJ e urBruret,, pue;ur
'oql 1ce110c (q
leql 'lsol ut
ocueuJorod rreql ro pJocor pue
lsol ruJol-ro-puo ue olu/v\ ol sluopnls lse (e
aslMs uotlceralur uelods 1o 6ululee; eqg
ol pareroJ sure;qord pue sser60-rd
,s1uapn1s lnoqe eepr q'no.roLrl e 1e6 01
roqceol qsr16u3 oql roJ {erur anrlcego
}soru oq} sl Duranol;ol or1l }o qclqM (t1
o/vu uooMloq uotlceJolut ue lo1 senooletp
oltJM ol polse sluepnlg (p
'crdo1 uenr6 {lsnornerd
e uo olnuru ouo .ro1 sleeds tuapn}s qce3 (c
'ro.{ceo} aq} peprno.rd scrdol 0rr}
}o ouo uo srred ur rcero}ur sluepnl3 (q
rerlrueJ e uo suorlsenb luepnls qceo slse
roqceer eqi ie
4scrdol JetlttueJ uo lceJolut o1 Alrlrqe ,sluopnls
0urssesse JoJ lsel ontlcoJ1o lsoru oql oq uec 6urrrol1ol oql Jo ouo qctLlg (ll
6urpee.r pue Ourluan qtoq (p
6ur;uan ['uo (c
{1uo (e
pue 6ur>1eeos q10q 1q
assosse lsel 'urleads
a^oqe oql saop s11r1s Ouranollol oql Jo r.lclllM (l
i) whether the forowing probrems
are true (T) or farse (F)
l::l*" for the above
a. The task uses a very
limited context.
b' The task uses rear rife contexts
in which ranguage is used.
c. Having multiple drruwers
answers to
to each question promotes
students.,v,rryrE learning among

r answers to each question

creates confusion for
:::':";:Tre students

e. The task does not help

in assessing
eesDorr tg students,
sruoents' ability to use
verb agreement correc,y. subject- c)s
f. The task provides very good ORG
information about students,
subject_verb agreement
correcfl y.
abirity to use m
5. Ms. Sameera Istuc
she wants ,"
pe rfo rm a n
ce so th a t th e y ca

can be the most effective
I _i,?:
skirrs or her crass Vnr

;: JT 5,.J::: Ji: ;-H,ilf


;l,lT["::]:?:amount of time? (choose one ano at the same time, t,
and ,d,.)
a) she creates a grid in
the best option out of ,a,, ,b,, ,c,

Trl. are assigned for categories rike

;Jol,ro*, etc and each
d)As ir
P,,,o"o into ror"iiinn' i,nJil}lll'ilI;"n"'l to preg
Organization 3=Can"
;;"r,"j, ,:::.,n",
make a meaninsrur parasraph
that is
f stuoerr
2 = can organize the main orn
idea and the supporting /No.
e paragraph. I answer
(3marks) 1 = Can organize sorne
0 = Needs to work hard
of the ,O"rrffi I No. ofwr
to f"rrn f,oi, to organize l"nr*"r=
paragraph. ideas in a
6. The
Vol. 17, No. 1 & Z
recember 2015 |SSN
LtSZ-0922 NSSI 9I0z requreseo_eunr z 8l.oN,LL.pA
'(,x,) as;e; are qctLl^ puB (,7)
en4 oJe uoql Jo qclLuv\ alectpul 'luorussosse
tuooJSselc ol uotlelal ut
sluoruolels otuos eJe mojeq uenr0 sacuoluos orll '9
e sJol^Sue
6uoyn lo 'oN
e sJon sue
<- luapnls
I v t Z L oql Jo 'ou Jlou
'lsal lxou oql u! r
llo/v\ oJocs uec {eq1}eq} os ;;ervr e.redeld o1
sluopnls Jaq srse oqs 'srol sue lcoJJoc ro1{|uo srJelu suorsse ilt
oqs ,]sal e sr 1r sy(p
:clo'uvy\y\tvu e AUV] n Evc on, No u\rzt
rNfrNoS a1r1 seuooalec JoJ peuorsse oJe srJeru qclll/\ ur pu6 e saleoJc oqs (c -t
0 L lelol Jo *
lno poutelqo
'suorls.JJoc orrt .uoiJ uJeor
ilr/v\ ruopnls Lrceo sedoq pr" ,*o1
-oq uiv\oqs se luapnls qceo ol srJetu suorsse ,ldrrcs Jolv\sue qceo
slcaJJoc oqs (q
ldeally, classroom assessment should:

a) encourage students to learn the language skills.

b) help the teacher to identify the strengths and weaknesses of individual


c) help the student to know where they need to improve'

d) be part of the teaching Process.

e) use real world contexts.

0 not involve students in the process of task selection, criteria of assessment

and method of assessment.
g) not put students under pressure or anxiety.
h) take into account students' performance across an academic semesterl year
while assigning the final grade.

i) make use of paper-pencil tests rather than getting into portfolios, journals,

j) not include self- and peer-observation as modes of assessment.

7. Which of the following sequencing of steps is the best for designing
classroom assessments?

a) Deciding the objective/s of assessment ) taking a look at available

resources ) preparing sound assessment tasks ) designing the assessment
criteria writing the scoring key ) scoring and grading students'
performance ) giving feedback to students ) declaring assessment

b) Deciding the objective/s of assessment ) designing the assessment

, criteria ) taking a look at available resources ) preparing sound
assessment tasks ) writing the scoring key ) scoring and grading
students' performance)declaring assessment results ) giving feedback
to students
L1SZ-OiZZ NSSI grOZ reqtuaceo -eunr z ? ! 'oN'zl 'pA
sluopnls ol
peqpoel 6urnl6 e sllnsal luaussesse oupelcep e acueuJopad ,s1uepn1s
6u;per6 pue ouuocs E Ia1 6ur.rocs eq1 oulu|t e eualuc lueussosse
aql 6uru61sep e s)sel luoulssossE punos ourrederd e luaussesse
e 6u1>1e1 (p
1o sTenucelqo oql burprcep € socrnoser alqelle^B le Iool
sluapnls ol
ICBqpeol 6urnr6 € sunsal lueussesse oupelcep € ocueulo;led ,s1uepn1s
6ugper6 pue $uuocs 6 Ael 6u1tocs eq1 $u4trrn e Slsel luo1ussosse
punos $uueda.ld e eueyJc luaussesse oql $u;u$tsap e luotussasse
e 6u11e1 (c
1o sTenrlcetqo eq1 Ourplcep e soclnosor olqBlle^e le )ool

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