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3/25/2021 General Science Bullet Points – GKmojo

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Bullet Points

1) Disease and their causing bacteria/virus/protozoa

a. Malaria – Plasmodium Vivax Protozoa

b. athlete’s foot- caused Fungi
c. chicken Pox- Vericella zoster Virus
d. Typhoid fever-salmonella typhi Virus
e. TV: Mycobacterium tuberculosis Bacteria
f. Zika: It is caused zika virus. It resembles like dengue fever. Its name comes from the Zika
Forest of Uganda.

2) Well-known human vitamin deficiencies involve Vitamin B1 or thiamine (beriberi),

Vitamin B3 or niacin (pellagra), vitamin C (scurvy), and vitamin D (rickets).

3) Various Instruments used to measure

a. Bolometer: Instrument for measuring radiation means of the rise in temperature.

b. Hydrometer: Instrument for measuring the density of liquids.
c. Hygrometer: Instrument for measuring the humidity of the air or a gas
d. Lactometer: Instrument for measuring the amount of water in milk
e. Anemometer: Instrument for measuring wind force.

4) Common name of chemicals

a. Washing soda: Sodium carbonate

b. Baking soda: Sodium bicarbonate
c. Quick Lime: Calcium oxide
d. Chalk: Calcium carbonate
e. Dry ice: Solid Carbon dioxide
f. Talc or talcum: Magnesium silicate
g. Plaster of paris: Calcium sulfate
h. Caustic soda: Sodium hydroxide

5) Units of measurement
a. Current: Ampere
b. Thermodynamic Temperature: Kelvin
c. Amount of Substance: Mole
d. Luminous Intensity: Candela
e. Pressure: Pascal
f. Power: Watt
g. Electric Charge: Coulomb
h. Potential Difference: Volt
e. Magnetic Flux Density: Tesla

Important information about human body 1/9
3/25/2021 General Science Bullet Points – GKmojo

1) Blood groups: They are of four types, viz.

(i) A-type (ii) B-type (iii) AB-type (iv) O-type
AB- type is called universal recipient as it can receive all the four types (mentioned above) of
blood and O-type is called as universal donor as it can be given to any of the four types of blood
groups (mentioned above).

2) Bones:
(i) There are 206 bones in the skeletal system of an adult.
(ii) The largest bone is femur present in the thigh.
(iii) The shortest bone is the stirrup which is present in the middle ear.

3) Other important facts about the various organs of the human body:

A. The largest organ of the human body is skin

B. Heart is responsible for regulating the circulation of blood in the body. The heart beat of
adult males is 72 beats per minute.

C. Liver is the largest gland of the human body. It is concerned with the digestion of the food

D. Two kidneys are responsible for the filtering of nitrogenous waste of the body and throw it
all in the form of urine.

E. Pituitary gland is called the master gland as it influences the growth and metabolism
controlling the other ductless glands, viz. thymus, thyroid, adrenal, prostrate, pancreas and

One Liner Questions

Which carries blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs to pick up a fresh supply of
Ans. The pulmonary artery

Which gas is most popular as laughing gas?

Ans . Nitrous oxide

For the cultivation, name the crop required of water-logging?

Ans . Rice

To measure the Humidity in air, what instrument used?

Ans . Hygrograph

Basically the heavy water is used which type of industries?

Ans . Nuclear Power Generation plants

What is the best source of Protein?

Ans . Soybean 2/9
3/25/2021 General Science Bullet Points – GKmojo

Which was the first satellite of India, go into the orbit?

Ans . Aryabhata

‘White Revolution’ is related to what?

Ans . Milk Production

Name of vegetable which is also known as a flower?

Ans . Broccoli

Highest electrical conductivity found in which element?

Ans . Silver

Light Year is
Ans . the distance traveled light in one year

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) is mainly a mixture of

Ans . propane and butane

The Ozone layer lies in the

Ans . Stratosphere

Anemometer is an instrument used for measuring?

Ans . Wind speed

Some other important Bullet Points

Param is the first Super Computer of India.

Lack of protein Causes kwashiorkor and Marasmus disease in children.

Kwashiorkor: In this disease, hands and legs of children get slimmed and the
stomach comes out.

Water Gas is a mixture of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen. It is obtained passing

water vapour over red hot carbon. It is widely used in the manufacture of ammonia and
methyl alcohol.

Atomic bomb is based on nuclear fission and hydrogen bomb is based on nuclear

The ‘Apsara’ reactor in India is called the swimming pool reactor’ because in it heavy
water is used as a moderator. 3/9

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