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It’s time to transform.

Are we missing out something? Whenever this question will arise, the answer will be YES. We always missed out
something to conquer the upcoming time. Pre-Action against this pandemic is one of those missing things which
are taking down the world’s economy. Just three months ago, no one knew about this virus. Now, the whole world
is on knees in front of it. The world always reserves budget to kill humanity, but never to save humanity. Means,
Every country reserve more budget for defence instead of health. Isn’t clarifying the priorities?
The world faced many pandemics and humanity felt the heat of it. World Wars, Spanish flu and now COVID-19.
Every time, the economy suffered badly and took way too much time to be back normal.

Anyhow, these are the macro factors and we cannot control them. But we can definitely prepare ourselves to
tackle them and we are missing out in it.

This pandemic, THE NOVAL CORONA VIRUS affected the whole world brutally and will more. It is spread almost
186 countries and we cannot stop its multiplicative effect. Hospitals are reached to its fullest capacity.
Unemployment increasing day by day because of markets are empty and the businesses are getting bankrupt. They
don’t have enough working capital to pay wages without any business activity. This is creating a decline in buying
power. The decline in buying power, effecting the other businesses which were not directly affected by the
lockdown. In short, the chain of money circulation is getting a break.

According to studies, all country’s growth rates will fall significantly in the 2020s. EIU predicts that the growth rates
of China, India and Turkey will fall by 6% to -1.5%, 6% to -1% and 4% to -5% respectively.

It will definitely affect the growth rate of Pakistan. Economists are predicting that the GDP could fall by 4% to 9%,
the Inflation rate could increase by 9% to 15% and 3 to 5 Million people could lose their jobs.

Here the question arises, what we need to do?

We have to win this battle in any case. Winning this battle means, minimizing the COVID-19’s multiplicative effect
by producing safety equipment & test kits domestically, establishing the private labs, keeping social distancing and
focus on making a vaccine. Helping those who need you the most in this critical time.

What about businesses? How to get back the normal money circulation?

As we know, conventional business models are crashing and trying to keep their previous financial statuses.

Here another question arises, so which business model will be the key model?

5G technology is on the verge of the world so the E-Business is the futuristic model. Conventional businesses
should adopt this model as soon as possible. They have to integrate their old business model with the new one to
keep their financial cycle smooth. Consumer turnover in market will not be same as in past.

E-Business model will create opportunities for manufacturing, packaging, logistics and marketing companies to
fulfil the demands of new e-businesses.
Till yet, digital reforms are just taken for granted. But now, we cannot survive in the upcoming time without
making digital reforms for the E-Com industry, online banking & payment systems and logistics. In short,
establishing the whole new Digital Eco-System for e-business model on priority besides health reforms.

After all these reforms, we will see the increase in GDP of Pakistan, employment, technology innovations, buying
power and decrease in the trade deficit. Resulted as both business models will booming again with the
collaboration of each other.

Experts already predict the potential of E-Business Model.

Industry experts estimate Pakistan’s e-commerce B2C market current worth to be around $120 million, with its
size multiplying every year, growing at a compound annual growth rate of more than 100 per cent. As per Google’s
analysis, this trend will continue during the next three to five years with the result being the surpassing of the $1
billion marks by 2020.

In addition, the B2B front has also been doing well, with the country’s software industry aiming to enhance its
exports to $5 billion by 2020. At the same time, medium-sized IT firms in Pakistan earn around $530 million

Closing: Pandemics are not new. They came & gone and this will too. But after this, things will not work like the old
ways. We have to take innovative and smart reforms for the future.

In the end, we all should keep the hope of betterment and pray to Allah Almighty for the mercy.

Better days are coming. In Sha Allah!

Peace Out!

Faiq Hassan Janjua

A person like all of you.

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