You are on page 1of 31


Replace with Title of Incident

Location of Incident:
Delete this box and insert
your company logo Date of Incident:

Version Number:
Version Date:

Area Worksheet Description

Title Page This worksheet
Versions Evolution of this workbook and contributors
Investigation Information
Contacts People / Contact info. of those involved with the analysis
CM Steps Cause Mapping method, steps and tools
Step 1. Define the Problem 1. Problem Define the problem with the problem outline
281-412-7766 phone Step 2. Conduct the Analysis 2. Cause Map 5-Why basic Cause Map to get started
281-412-7761 fax Step 3. Select the Solutions 3. Solutions Action Items table listing solutions, owner, due dates Additional Information & Tools Matrix Evaluate possible solutions for implementation
Timeline Sequence of events with date, time, description
Need Help? Diagram Diagrams, drawings and images Photos Photographs and pictures
Template Version: 2018-v1 Work Process Steps of related work processes written as a flowchart
Copyright 2018 ThinkReliability, Novem, Inc. Notes Notes, emails, documents
Info To Get Information to collect during the investigation
END Extra material past this worksheet
Excel Tips Tips for using the template in Microsoft® Excel®
Examples & Resources
Examples Example Cause Maps
Versions Version
(clock) (in(inhours)
The versions tab is used to keep a log of the evolution of the investigation. This can be Version Date
Date Interaction
InteractionTypeType Description
Description Time
Time Duration
Duration Update
By Contributors
11 July
2014 Conference
ConferenceCallCall Initial
captured 1.00
1.00 John
Smith Tom
helpful with larger, ongoing investigations that build out in multiple iterations. The log will 22 July
2014 Meeting (in person) One on one with operator, initial map build, updated timeline
Meeting (in person) One on one with operator, initial map build, updated timeline 1:00 PM1:00 PM 0.50
0.50 John Smith
John Smith Jim
help track the different versions along with the type of interaction and involvement. 33 July
2014 Remote
Remote Map
Cleanup 0.75
0.75 John
Keeping track of the time and duration is optional. Meeting
Meetingwith withOperations
Operations- -expanded
added Operations
Team- -
44 July
2014 Meeting
person) Action
Items 8:00
AM 1.50
1.50 John
Smith Jim,

(clock) (in hours)

Version Date Type Description Time Duration Update By Contributors

Total Investigation Hours 0.00

535083807.xlsx 08/03/2021 14:52:05

Use this tab to keep track of contact information for any investigation resources and participants.

Organization Name Location Role Email Office Mobile Note

Houston, TX Training & Facilitation Services 281-412-7766

Step 1. Define the Problem (Outline)
Timeline Diagram Photos Notes
The sequence of events. Any drawings or diagrams. Any photos or pictures. Notes related to the investigation.

When Date

Different, unusual, unique Timeline
Date Tim e Description Diagram Photos
Where Facility, site Use the drawing tools to add any diagram to this work sheet.
Delete these object s if they are not needed.
Ex amp le objec ts
(indust rial) I nsert any pictures on this worksheet .
Cylinder Drum
Unit, area, equipment
Task being performed Pump

Impact to the Goals

Impact to Safety Valve

Impact to Environment
Impact to Customer Exchanger

Impact to Regulatory
Production/ Schedule
Capture specifics about the problem as well as the
Impact to
Property/ Equipment
Impact to Use t hi s box a picture label

Labor/ Time
impact to each of the organization's overall Goals.
Impact to

This incident $0

Additional Tools - Use as needed to capture specific information during the investigation.
Annualized Cost $0

- Answer each question in the Outline.

Step 2. ...add as much detail as necessary to thoroughly explain the issue Work Process
Start a 5-Why Cause Map Step 2. Analysis Possible Solution: AND Why? Process Map Decisio n point

The flow of a

Copy and use as needed
Steps within a Task

Effect Cause



work process
that is relevant
Evidence: AND/OR Basic Cause-and-Effect Relationship

Cause Map
to the incident.

Im pact t o AND

Lay out the cause-and-effect relationships for the incident.


Info to Get Any information that


- Write down one of the Goals that was impacted. need to be collected
- Write the impact to that Goal in the next box. Basic AND
during the investigation
- Answer the question "Why did that happen?", then ask Im pact to
Investigation Action List

"Why" again.
This tab is used to track specific information gathering or support task s for the investigation.
The 'Solutions' tab will capture the action items that are selected by the investigation team.

No. Action Item Owner Date Created Due Date Status Completed

- In the more detailed analysis, ask as many Why questions



as necessary to thoroughly explain the issue.

Propose Possible Evaluate Select Best Specify Each action item is essentially a project.

3. Solutions Solutions
Capture ideas in a solution box and
Solution Options
Consider the Effort IN to the
Solution versus the Result OUT
Impact and Risk to each
Goal should be reduced to
Action Plan Follow-up should evaluate its effectiveness.
Solutions may be a change in work process.

attach it to the cause it controls. an acceptable level. Ref Possible Solution Cause Controlled
Work Process
(process to be improved)
(yes or no)
Specific Actions
(specific actions to be taken)
Due Date
(how will we verify completion
and effectiveness)

Identify the specific actions that will be taken to reduce


Risk Curve

the risk of a similar issue from occurring.



- Brainstorm possible solutions and capture them on the Cause




- Evaluate the different possible solutions. Select the best. Low Medium

Effectiveness of Solution(s)

- Capture the best solutions in an action plan for implementation.

Use the proble m outline to de fine the proble m. T he proble m outline prov ide s a struc ture d che ckl ist to
Problem Outline sta rt an inve stiga tion. T he outli ne format move s the focus from i ndi vidual perspe ctiv es to how the
org aniza tion se es the proble m (goa ls i mpac te d).

What Problem(s) Grúa no levanta o sostiene, pérdida de dinero por grúa parada -
por paro de operaciones hasta 1 00 millones en pérd ida
When Date Lunes 11 de Noviembre
Time 11.00 am hasta las 10:30 pm
Different, unusual, unique La grua llega tarde a la zona de operación
Where Facility, site Tribal PARK, Llanogrande
Unit, area, equipment Zona de operación plana (Estable)
Task being performed Levantamiento de mesa de comensales
Impact to each GOAL
Customer Cliente Insatisfecho
Production, Schedule Perdida de utilidad por hora $765,000
Property, Equipment Costo de válvula holding + Costo de Motobomba hidraúlica $5,000,000
Clien te Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente
Rent Area del patio destinado para la grúa por paro de operaciones $350,000 Customer Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
Labor, Time cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
15 dias maximo por importación de pieza, 1 día Reemplazo pieza,
10 horas / día
This incident $127,750,000
Mantenimiento correctivo de la válvula y la motobomba , según la
hoja de vida proporcionada por la empresa , ning uno de los dos se
suele cambiar durante el año y solo en 2018 se desintalo la Bomba
para hacerle mantenimiento

Annualized Cost $127,750,000

Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Clie nte Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsa tisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe Customer
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho ch o cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Cliente Cliente Cliente C liente C liente C liente C liente C liente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente Cliente
Insatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerIn satisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe CustomerInsatisfe
cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho cho
Operación de Dinner in The Sky Detenida
Possible Solution: OR
Cause Map Version DRAFT


No levanta la No se despliega
carga el Boom

¿Porque? ¿Porque?

Pérdida de Clientes Mal funcionamiento

Impacted Goal ¿Porque? Perdida de
utilidades insatisfechos de la grúa


Perdida de
No sostiene la

Possible Solution:
Cambio de mangueras

Cristalizacion de exposicion a la
Mangueras rotas
las mangueras interperie

Possible Solution: En lo
posible masillar, sino
cambiar tanque.

fuga de aceite
contenedor Desgaste

Possible Solution:
Cambio de pieza.

Racor defectuoso

Possible Solution:
cambio de empaque

Perdida de fuerza Perdida de

hidraulica presión
fallas en la Bloque fisurado
valvula holding


Possible Solution:
Rosca del tornilloCambiar tornillo.
No sostiene la Piston hidraulico desgastada
carga se contrae

Possible Solution:
unir y aislar cables
Possible Solution:
Falta de contacto
Cambio de pastas. Señal electrica
entre cables
Tambor de hilos Freno del tambor
defectuso desgastado

Possible Solution:
Capacitar operario.

Impact to Mal
Cliente No recive señal Conexion Mal manejo del
funcionamiento Joystick en falla
Customer insatisfecho de despliegue desgastada
de la grua operario.

Possible Solution:
Cargar el
acumulador .
Perdida de 765 No cumplimiento
Impact to mil pesos por de estandares de Acumulador
Labor, Time hora de grua calidad exijidos hidraulico
parada por el cliente despresurizado

Possible Solution:
Cambio de fusible.
Falla de la fallas en la carga
Fusible fundido
bomba hidraulica electrica

Possible Solution:
Cambio de filtro.
Obstrucción de la
Cavitación del linea de succión de Desgaste en filtros.
liquido hidraulico la bomba

Possible Solution:
Calibrar valvulo a
Possible Solution: condiciones optimas
Cambiar eje.
Vibraciones Valvula de alivio en
Rotura del eje
excesivas falla.
el boom no se Presion
despliega insuficiente

Possible Solution:
Cambiar manguera

Mangueras rotas

Nivel bajo de Fugas en el

aceite hidraulico sistema
Possible Solution:
Resanado o cambio
de tanque

Tanque perforado

No levanta la No sale piston

carga hidraulico
Solutions Possible solutions proposed on the Cause Map control specific causes. For each Evaluate and select the best solution(s) that red
Solutions Matrix can be used to evaluate Effort I
solution, identifying the cause controlled provides continuity from the analysis.
Matrix Tab.
Preventive solutions must make changes to your work process. Identify the
process that will be changed or affected by the proposed solution. Each solution selected for implementation shou
assigned an owner and due date.

Possible Solutions for Consideration

Ref. Possible Solution Cause Controlled

Evaluate and select the best solution(s) that reduce risk to an acceptable level. The
Solutions Matrix can be used to evaluate Effort IN vs Results OUT. Click here to go to the
Matrix Tab.
Solutions Matrix
Each solution selected for implementation should identify the specific actions to be taken,
assigned an owner and due date.

Select Implementation - Action Plan

Work Process Implement? No. Specific Actions Owners

(process to be improved) (yes or no) (specific actions to be taken) (names)
Due Date Measurable
(how will we verify completion Status
and effectiveness)
Solutions Matrix The solutions matrix is a qualitative cost / benefit analysis tool that can be used
evaluate possible solutions. To use the tool, copy your possible solutions from the A B C
Cause Map and place them on the matrix relative to each other. If considering a large
number of solutions, letters or numbers can be used to represent your different options.


Benefit Medium

Low Medium High

C D Use letters or 1 2 3 4
numbers to rank
the solutions.
G H 5 6 7 8

Used this tab to capture details of the sequence of events leading up to the problem in chronological order.

Date Time Description

Source, Reference
Diagram Label (no border)
Use the drawing tools to add diagrams to this worksheet.
Label (border)
Insert any supporting pictures on this worksheet. Label (no border)
Copy the symbols to the left and paste/adjust
them to highlight specific areas of the photo.
Label (border)
Work Process
Capturing the detailed steps of the work process can help Label (no border)
reveal where the specific breakdowns occurred. Use the YES Notes:
shapes to the right to document the process from the Decision #1
"people closest to the work". Identify where the breakdowns Label (border)
occurred then use the Cause Map to ask "why?".

Process step Decision point NO Notes Opportunity, gap Text label

Insert process
name here
Use this tab to keep track of any supporting notes, emails or documents.
Info To Get
Use this tab to keep track of any information required to complete the investigation.

Info To Get
No. Investigation Action Items To Get: Owner Date Created Due Date Status Completed

535083807.xlsx Info To Get Page 29 of 31

Attend a Cause Mapping
(click to see upcoming workshops)

Quick Access Toolbar Select Objects

Save (default)
Undo/Redo (default)
The Quick Access Toolbar, located in the upper left hand corner of your
Excel program, allows you to add any Excel command for quick and easy Elbow Arrow Shapes (menu)
access. To customize, Select File, then Options, then click on Quick Access Connector
Toolbar. Once open, you must change the list of commands to All
Commands. You can now select any command to add to the toolbar. Some
of the commonly added Cause Mapping commands are shown to the right. Align (menu)

Top 3 tips you must

know… Version Date Interaction Type Description
(clo ck) (in hou rs)
Time Duration Update By Contributors

Copy using Control-Drag Connector “Alt- Select Objects Cursor

1 July 9, 20 14 Confe renc eCal Initialinformationcaptured 1.00 Joh n Smith To m K., Ro be rt C.
2 July 10 ,201 4 Meeting (in perso n) Oneonone withope rator,initial map build ,upda te dtimeline 1:0 PM 0.50 Joh n Smith Jim P.
3 July 10 ,201 4 Remote MapCleanu p 0.75 Joh n Smith
Meetingwith Operations - ex pan ded Ca useMap, added Opera tion s Te am -
4 July 13 ,201 4 Meeting (in perso n) Action Items 8:0 AM 1.50 Joh n Smith Jim,Kath y, Ph il

To quickly copy and paste a new box, left click

Excel has built in “Hot Keys” that allow you to The arrow cursor allows you to select
directly on the border of an existing box. While quickly select a function from the Quick Access
still holding down the left click, drag the box to drawing objects and should be added to
Toolbar above. Tap and release the Alt key to pull your Quick Access Toolbar (see above).
the desired location. Before releasing the left up numbers on the Quick Access Toolbar.
mouse button, hold down the Ctrl button on Once the function is selected, left click and
the keyboard. You must release the left click hold in open space and drag the window to
before releasing Ctrl. NOTE: Elbow Arrow Connector highlight the objects you want to select. An
in 1 position object will only be selected if it is entirely
inside the shaded selection window.

Started here
If you have placed the Elbow Arrow Connector in the
first position, then tapping the 1 key will give you a
connector that can be added to the Cause Map.

then then Connect the

Hold down Ctrl when boxes
Left click & drag releasing object
… … (see Connector
Tap & release Tap & release Basics below)
Dragged to here

Rotate The handle can be used

Box Basics to rotate the object. Moving / copying boxes in a straight
line Shift
When moving an object, hold down on the
Add Text Shift key to move the box only at 90-degree Hold Shift as you drag
text… angles (left, right, up, or down). The shift the box
Simply start typing function also works when copying something in only a straight line to
after selecting the maintain alignment. We call this the Ctrl-Shift-Drag method.
box to add text.
At the corners and To move a box with text, focus on
midpoints of the box grabbing the edge of the box. As you
are nodes that can be move the cursor to the edge, it changes
used to resize the box. to a move icon (shown above) allowing
you to grab and move the object.
Align multiple boxes Ve rsion Date Inte raction Type De scription
(c loc k) (in hours)
Time (in hours
Duration Upda te By Contributors

with alignment
(c lock) )
1 Da te
July 9, 2014 Conference Call De scription
Initial information captured 1.00 Update
John By
Smith Tom K., Robert C.
Ve rsion Interaction Type Time Dura tion Contributors
1 2 JulyJuly 10, 2014
9, 2014 Meeting (in
Conference Callperson) One
Initial on one with
information operator, initial map build, updated timeline 1:00 PM 1.000.50 John
captured John Smith
Smith TomJim
K.,P.Robert C.
2 3 JulyJuly
10, 10,
2014 Remote
(in person) OneMap
0.500.75 John
John Smith
2014 Meeting on one with operator, initial map build, updated timeline 1:00 PM Smith Jim P.
Meeting with Operations - expanded Cause Map, added Operations Team -
3 July 10, 2014 Remote Map Cleanup 0.75 John Smith
4 July 13, 2014 Meeting (in person) Actionwith
Meeting Items
Operations - expanded Cause Map, added 8:00 AM 1.50 John Smith Jim, Kathy,
Operations TeamPhil
4 July 13, 2014 Meeting (in person) Action Items 8:00 AM 1.50 John Smith Jim, Kathy, Phil

functions Align Left

Zoom-in and Zoom-out shortcut If you want to align multiple objects together,
select the boxes using either the Select Objects
Align Center
Align Right
cursor or holding down the Shift key as you
select the objects. Once the objects are selected, Align Top
A quick way to Zoom in and out on the spreadsheet is done by
holding the Ctrl key down and then scrolling up or down with the click on the appropriate command to align the Align Middle
scroll wheel on an external mouse. boxes. Hint: Make sure you don’t select the Align Bottom
connectors or they will align as well.

Hold down Ctrl

and use the scroll
wheel on the mouse
Cause Map Examples
Optional Objects
Cause Map
2-Whys Paper jam ?
Why ? Why ?

Hazard OR
Impact to Employee contacted Fire Fuel
Safety injured hand unprotected
Out of paper ?

Printer is not Info to Get:

Failure Modes Toner cartridge
4-Whys empty ?
Parallel Causes (a split)

This Cause Map shows how one effect OR

can require more than one cause.
(injury producer)
No power ?
Stress applied
Impact to Employee contacted
Safety injured hand unprotected
hand Stress exceeds
Fracture AND
exposed hand

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