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Kilovoltage cone-beam CT: Comparative dose and image quality evaluations in partial

and full-angle scan protocols

Sangroh Kim, Sua Yoo, Fang-Fang Yin, Ehsan Samei, and Terry Yoshizumi

Citation: Medical Physics 37, 3648 (2010); doi: 10.1118/1.3438478

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Published by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine

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Kilovoltage cone-beam CT: Comparative dose and image quality
evaluations in partial and full-angle scan protocols
Sangroh Kim
Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710
Sua Yoo and Fang-Fang Yin
Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710
and Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710
Ehsan Samei
Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710; Carl Ravin
Advanced Imaging Laboratories, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710;
and Duke Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710
Terry Yoshizumia兲
Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710;
Department of Radiation Oncology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710;
Department of Radiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina 27710;
and Duke Radiation Dosimetry Laboratory, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710
共Received 5 November 2009; revised 8 May 2010; accepted for publication 10 May 2010;
published 21 June 2010兲
Purpose: To assess imaging dose of partial and full-angle kilovoltage CBCT scan protocols and to
evaluate image quality for each protocol.
Methods: The authors obtained the CT dose index 共CTDI兲 of the kilovoltage CBCT protocols in an
on-board imager by ion chamber 共IC兲 measurements and Monte Carlo 共MC兲 simulations. A total of
six new CBCT scan protocols were evaluated: Standard-dose head 共100 kVp, 151 mA s, partial-
angle兲, low-dose head 共100 kVp, 75 mA s, partial-angle兲, high-quality head 共100 kVp, 754 mA s,
partial-angle兲, pelvis 共125 kVp, 706 mA s, full-angle兲, pelvis spotlight 共125 kVp, 752 mA s, partial-
angle兲, and low-dose thorax 共110 kVp, 271 mA s, full-angle兲. Using the point dose method, various
CTDI values were calculated by 共1兲 the conventional weighted CTDI 共CTDIw兲 calculation and 共2兲
Bakalyar’s method 共CTDIwb兲. The MC simulations were performed to obtain the CTDIw and
CTDIwb, as well as from 共3兲 central slice averaging 共CTDI2D兲 and 共4兲 volume averaging 共CTDI3D兲
techniques. The CTDI values of the new protocols were compared to those of the old protocols
共full-angle CBCT protocols兲. Image quality of the new protocols was evaluated following the
CBCT image quality assurance 共QA兲 protocol 关S. Yoo et al., “A quality assurance program for the
on-board imager®,” Med. Phys. 33共11兲, 4431–4447 共2006兲兴 testing Hounsfield unit 共HU兲 linearity,
spatial linearity/resolution, contrast resolution, and HU uniformity.
Results: The CTDIw were found as 6.0, 3.2, 29.0, 25.4, 23.8, and 7.7 mGy for the new protocols,
respectively. The CTDIw and CTDIwb differed within +3% between IC measurements and MC
simulations. Method 共2兲 results were within ⫾12% of method 共1兲. In MC simulations, the CTDIw
and CTDIwb were comparable to the CTDI2D and CTDI3D with the differences ranging from ⫺4.3%
to 20.6%. The CTDI3D were smallest among all the CTDI values. CTDIw of the new protocols were
found as ⬃14 times lower for standard head scan and 1.8 times lower for standard body scan than
the old protocols, respectively. In the image quality QA tests, all the protocols except low-dose head
and low-dose thorax protocols were within the tolerance in the HU verification test. The HU value
for the two protocols was always higher than the nominal value. All the protocols passed the spatial
linearity/resolution and HU uniformity tests. In the contrast resolution test, only high-quality head
and pelvis scan protocols were within the tolerance. In addition, crescent effect was found in the
partial-angle scan protocols.
Conclusions: The authors found that CTDIw of the new CBCT protocols has been significantly
reduced compared to the old protocols with acceptable image quality. The CTDIw values in the
point dose method were close to the volume averaging method within 9%–21% for all the CBCT
scan protocols. The Bakalyar’s method produced more accurate dose estimation within 14%. The
HU inaccuracy from low-dose head and low-dose thorax protocols can render incorrect dose results
in the treatment planning system. When high soft-tissue contrast data are desired, high-quality head
or pelvis scan protocol is recommended depending on the imaging area. The point dose method
can be applicable to estimate CBCT dose with reasonable accuracy in the clinical
environment. © 2010 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. 关DOI: 10.1118/1.3438478兴

3648 Med. Phys. 37 „7…, July 2010 0094-2405/2010/37„7…/3648/12/$30.00 © 2010 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 3648
3649 Kim et al.: Kilovoltage cone-beam CT: Dose and image quality evaluation 3649

Key words: partial-angle scan, cone-beam CT, CTDI, point dose method, BEAMrnc, Monte Carlo

I. INTRODUCTION new CBCT scan protocols included in the advanced imaging

system based on the scan locations and image qualities. With
Cone-beam CT 共CBCT兲 has become an essential tool to lo- the reductions in peak x-ray tube voltage 共kVp兲, tube current
calize the treatment target in image guided radiation therapy 共mA兲, and number of projections with rotation angles, the
共IGRT兲. With relatively higher soft-tissue contrast compared CBCT imaging dose from the new protocols was expected to
to megavoltage CBCT and three-dimensional 共3D兲 imaging decrease significantly. In addition, ⬃200° partial-angle irra-
capabilities, on-board kilovoltage CBCT systems enable diation technique was introduced in the new protocols which
more accurate patient setup in the treatment room.1–4 The further reduced the imaging dose. This angle is approxi-
positioning deviations can be corrected immediately after mately equivalent to 关180° +fan angle兴, the minimum angle
comparing 3D anatomical information between planning CT to achieve a perfect image reconstruction. Hereafter, we
and on-board CBCT when the patient is on the treatment refer this 200° CBCT scan as “partial-angle scan 关180°
table. However, the use of the CBCT imaging should be +fan angle兴” and the 360° CBCT scan as “full-angle scan.”
carefully justified by its clinical needs and radiation dose, By extending the concept of the conventional CT dose
since the imaging volume is much larger than the treatment index 共CTDI兲, Dixon11 proposed a point dose method to
volume and additional imaging dose will be added to healthy evaluate the radiation dose of the MDCT scanner. The point
tissues.5 Thus, accurate assessment of the imaging dose to dose method measures a single point dose at the center of the
the healthy tissues/organs from the CBCT scan is crucial in phantom while scanning the entire phantom with sufficient
managing the cumulative dose resulting from the fraction- length. Conceptually, this point dose has been used to repre-
ated treatments. sent the equilibrium dose that is fundamentally equivalent to
There have been several efforts performed to evaluate the the CTDI of the CT scan protocol. We have investigated the
radiation dose from kilovoltage CBCT scans. Islam et al.6 applicability of the point dose method to CBCT.
investigated patient dose from the x-ray volume imaging To the best of our knowledge, no accepted dose metric
共XVI兲 system. They found that the maximum dose for a body currently exists for CBCT. The present work is a natural
phantom 共30 cm diameter cylinder兲 was in the range from extension of previously published works of CTDI in MDCT.
1.8 to 2.3 cGy for 120 kVp and from 2.8 to 3.5 cGy for 140 In particular, we adopted the point dose method in CBCT
kVp beams. For a head phantom 共16 cm diameter cylinder兲, geometry to estimate the CTDI of the new CBCT protocols.
the maximum dose values ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 cGy for Further, this paper presents new CTDI data, not previously
100 kVp and from 2.6 to 3.4 cGy for 120 kVp beams. Note available, pertaining to the partial-angle scan in CBCT.
that these CBCT scans were performed with relatively The purpose of this study is, therefore, to evaluate the
smaller tube-current-time-product 共660 mA s兲 compared to radiation doses via various CTDI calculation methods along
those of an On-Board imager® 共OBI兲 system. The mean with the image quality analysis in the new CBCT protocols.
tube-current-time-product of the OBI system for the full ro- We measured the CTDI for the new scan protocols of the
tation scan was 1340 mA s. Wen et al.7 measured patient OBI system using Dixon’s method11 with an ion chamber
dose from their OBI system using thermoluminescent dosim- 共IC兲 and results were compared to the old scan protocols
eters 共TLDs兲 and a RANDO® pelvis phantom 共The Phantom 共standard-dose head and body modes兲. We also performed
Laboratory, Salem, NY兲. They found that the surface doses at Monte Carlo 共MC兲 simulations using BEAMnrc/EGSnrc
the anterior and posterior locations ranged from 3 to 6 cGy code12,13 to estimate the CTDI values. In addition, we as-
and the largest doses were 6–11 cGy at femoral head and sessed the image quality parameters for the new protocols
neck. Song et al.8 reported the weighted CT dose index using the CBCT image quality assurance 共QA兲 protocol.14
共CTDIw兲 of the CBCT scan for both XVI and OBI systems. Five parameters were tested: Hounsfield unit 共HU兲 linearity,
They found that the CTDIw values from their OBI system spatial linearity, spatial resolution, contrast resolution, and
were 8.3 cGy for a head scan and 5.4 cGy for a body scan in HU uniformity.
standard-dose mode. Ding et al.9 found that radiation doses
to radiosensitive organs can be ⬃300 cGy in total for a II. METHOD AND MATERIALS
whole treatment procedure if CBCT scans are performed at
II.A. Point dose measurements
every treatment. The situation parallels to the cumulative
dose effects of the repeated scans in multidetector CT OBI V1.4 system 共Varian Medical Systems, Palo Alto,
共MDCT兲. It should be noted that all the above results are CA兲 consists of a kilovoltage x-ray source and a kilovoltage
produced from full-angle 共360° rotation兲 CBCT scan amorphous silicon detector orthogonally mounted on the lin-
protocols. ear accelerator.10 All the CBCT scans in this study were per-
In early 2008, Varian Medical Systems10 released the ad- formed using this OBI system. A total of six new CBCT scan
vanced imaging system 共OBI V1.4兲 using new cone-beam protocols were employed: 共1兲 Standard-dose head, 共2兲 low-
CT scan protocols, with an intention to reduce the imaging dose head, 共3兲 high-quality head, 共4兲 pelvis, 共5兲 pelvis spot-
dose and time while maintaining similar CBCT image qual- light, and 共6兲 low-dose thorax. Table I provides the scan
ity of the previous scan protocols 共OBI V1.3兲. There are six parameters for the six scan protocols. Note that all the head

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TABLE I. Detailed scan parameters and CTDIw values for new and old CBCT scan protocols.

New scan protocol Old scan protocol

Standard-dose Low-dose High-quality Pelvis Low-dose Standard Standard

head head head Pelvis spotlight thorax head body

Peak voltage 共kVp兲 100 100 100 125 125 110 125 125
Tube current 共mA兲 20 10 80 80 80 20 80 80
Exposure time 共ms兲 20 20 25 13 25 20 25 25
Rotation range 共deg兲 200 200 200 360 200 360 360 360
Number of projections 377 376 377 679 376 677 670 670
Exposure 共mA s兲 150.8 75.2 754 706.2 752 270.8 1340 1340
Fan type Full-fan Full-fan Full-fan Half-fan Full-fan Half-fan Full-fan Half-fan
Default pixel matrix 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384 384⫻ 384
Slice thickness 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

protocols 共standard-dose, low-dose, and high-quality兲 and Fig. 1共b兲 for body scan兴. Five cavity positions were labeled
the pelvis spotlight protocol use the “partial-angle scan” as 3, 6, 9, 12 o’clock, and center positions. Thus, five CBCT
technique while the pelvis and low-dose thorax protocols use scans produced one set of scan data. When one cavity was
“full-angle scan” technique. used in the measurements, the others were filled in with four
We measured the point doses with a 0.18 cm3 ion cham- PMMA rods to avoid the influence of the cavity on the mea-
ber 共Model: 10⫻ 5-0.18, Radcal Corporation, Monrovia, surements. For comparison purposes, old CBCT scan proto-
CA兲 at the center of the head and body CTDI phantoms, cols 共standard head and body scan兲 were also employed in
which were constructed of polymethyl methacrylate this study. The scan parameters of the old scan protocols are
共PMMA兲 with a density of ␳ = 1.19 g / cm3. The head phan- also shown in Table I. For each scan mode, several sets of
tom has a diameter of 16 cm and the body phantom has a scans were performed to check the systematic stability of the
diameter of 32 cm. Both phantoms have the same longitudi- IC measurements. The f-factor of 0.873 was used to convert
nal length of 15.2 cm. The head phantom was scanned with the measured exposures to the absorbed doses to the air.
standard-dose head, low-dose head, and high-quality head These point doses were considered as the CTDI values, as-
scan modes, and the body phantom was scanned with pelvis, suming that dose equilibrium was achieved as described in
pelvis spotlight, and low-dose thorax scan modes. Note that Dixon’s point dose method.11
the head phantom was generally scanned with “full-fan”
mode, a typical cone-beam scanning method using a “full- II.B. Monte Carlo simulations
bowtie” filter, whereas “half-fan” mode was used with a
The CTDI values of the new CBCT scan protocols were
“half-bowtie” filter for the body phantom. In the half-fan
also calculated based on simulations performed by using the
mode, the kilovoltage amorphous silicon detector was shifted
BEAMnrc/EGSnrc MC system.12,13 CBCT beam outputs
by 14.8 cm laterally so that the opening of the blades 共colli-
were characterized by the peak tube voltages and filtrations
mators兲 is automatically adjusted corresponding to the loca-
in the MC simulations; all the six scan protocols were cat-
tion of the detector; the x-ray beam partially covers the por-
egorized into four CBCT beam output modes: 100 kVp full-
tion of the body phantom 共see Fig. 2兲.
bowtie, 125 kVp full and half-bowtie, and 110 kVp half-
For each CBCT scan, the IC was sequentially placed at
bowtie. These four CBCT modes were simulated in the
the midpoint of the cylindrical cavities located in the center
BEAMnrc system. Thus, a total of four corresponding phase-
and four peripheral positions 关Fig. 1共a兲 for head scan and
space files were acquired from the BEAMnrc simulations. As
dose is linearly proportional to tube-current-time-product
共mA s兲, all the MC results were normalized by mA s. It may
be noted that the pelvis mode scan parameters in the new
protocol were the same with those of the old protocol, with
the exception of the tube-current-time-product. Thus, the
phase-space file of the old scan protocol was reused for the
pelvis scan simulation of the new protocol.
A Varian G242 x-ray tube model 共Varian Medical Sys-
tems, Palo Alto, CA兲 was built in the BEAMnrc/EGSnrc
system using the XTUBE component module 共CM兲 with a
FIG. 1. Experimental setups for new CBCT scan protocols. 共a兲 Standard- pure tungsten target, CONSTAK CM for the tube exit window,
dose head, low-dose head, and high-quality head scans with a head CTDI
JAWS CM for the blades 共i.e., collimators兲, and SLABS CM for
phantom 共16 cm in diameter兲; 共b兲 pelvis, pelvis spotlight, and low-dose
thorax scans with a body CTDI phantom 共32 cm in diameter兲. Note that both the window of the OBI system. For both full-bowtie and
CTDI phantoms are in the length of 15.2 cm. half-bowtie filters, we employed JAWS CM. The detailed tube

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divisions. With the normalization factor, absorbed doses

were calculated from MC simulations using the following
DMC_norm = NF ⫻ DMC_phantom ,

NF = 共D̄IC /D̄MC兲 ⫻ 共NPMC/NPIC兲,

cal cal

DMC_norm = normalized MC dose to the measurements

FIG. 2. Varian OBI x-ray tube geometries for each full-fan mode and half-
fan mode. Full-fan mode uses full-bowtie filter and half-bowtie is used for
half-fan mode. Note that the opening of the blades 共collimators兲 is different DMC_phantom = MC dose before the normalization.
in each mode.
To determine the exact phantom geometry for the MC
simulations, the phantoms were scanned with a GE
geometries for full-fan and half-fan modes are shown in Fig. Lightspeed® RT 共GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, WI兲 scanner.
2. The MC x-ray tube models were validated by comparison Then, CTCREATE user code22 was used to create a MC phan-
to the x-ray spectrum, half value layer, and lateral/depth dose tom by converting the HU into the physical density based on
profiles in the previous studies.15,16 the CT calibration curve used for the CT scanner. Converted
Mainegra-Hing and Kawrakow17 have reported the ineffi- voxel dimension was 2 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 2 mm3. DOSXYZ_SHOW user
ciency of x-ray tube MC simulations without variance reduc- code24 was used to find the axis locations of the individual
tion techniques due to the small number of bremsstrahlung cavities in the CT phantoms to extract the point dose values
photons produced from low energy incident electrons. To from the 3D dose files.
increase the simulation efficiency, we used the variance re-
duction technique known as directional bremsstrahlung split- II.C. CTDI estimations with various methods
ting with a splitting number of 10 000. We also enabled the
following low energy physics options for accurate simulation Leitz et al.25 proposed a method to estimate the average
referred from their study: Electron impact ionization, bound CTDI values for a single slice CT scan in CT phantoms.
Compton scattering, photoelectron angular sampling, Ray- Assuming two premises, 共1兲 dose outside the nominal slice
leigh scattering, atomic relaxation, and simple bremsstrah- thickness is zero and 共2兲 a linear dose decrease between the
lung angular sampling. For the bremsstrahlung cross- peripheral and center positions, they derived the average
sections, NIST data18,19 were used in all the simulations and dose equation by integrating the CTDI in the phantoms. This
XCOM data20 were used for photoabsorption and Rayleigh concept is equivalent to the current weighted CTDI 共CTDIw兲,
scattering cross-sections. We also used an electron splitting which is well known as follows:
method to prevent high-weighted electrons from interacting CTDIw = WcenterCTDIcenter + WperipheriesCTDIperipheries ,
with other materials in the tube component. Both electrons
and photons were tracked to the threshold energy of 1 keV. where
To create the material data for the 1 keV cutoff energies, we Wcenter = weighting factor for CTDIcenter ,
reproduced all the relevant material data by using PEGS4 user
code.21 Wperipheries = weighting factor for CTDIperipheries ,
After the BEAMnrc simulations were completed, phase-
space files from the BEAMnrc were used to run DOSX- CTDIcenter = a point dose at a central axis,
YZnrc user code22 in order to calculate absorbed doses in the
phantoms. We used a source type 8 共phase-space source from
multiple directions兲 to simulate the rotational irradiation of CTDIperipheries = an average point dose at peripheries.
the CBCT scans.
They found that the CTDIw equation with Wcenter = 1 / 3
Since the number of projections for each CBCT scan was
and Wperipheries = 2 / 3 produces the average dose in the phan-
slightly different even in the same protocol, we introduced a
normalization factor 共NF兲 in order to account for the varia-
Recently, Bakalyar26 investigated the accuracy of the nu-
tion; NF is defined by the ratio of the normalized average ion
merical coefficients in this CTDIw method. On the basis of
chamber dose, D̄IC cal
/ NPIC to the normalized average MC six premises: 共1兲 A homogeneous cylinder phantom, 共2兲 full
dose, D̄MC / NPMC for several calibration points, where D̄IC
cal cal
lateral coverage of the CT beam to the phantom, 共3兲 smooth
and D̄MC represent the average doses of the five point doses variation in the CT beam density, 共4兲 uniform 360° irradia-
and NPIC and NPMC are the number of projections for ion tion, 共5兲 monotonic dose delivery rate, and 共6兲 smooth
chamber measurements and MC simulations, respectively. change in the bowtie filter thickness, he found that the nu-
Note that this normalization factor concept is similar to that merical coefficients Wcenter = 1 / 3 and Wperipheries = 2 / 3 are not
in a previous study,23 except for the number of projection best fits because the discontinuity of the dose gradient at the

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center position is not physically real in the CT dosimetry. formulating a 5 cm square in the CTP 404 module. The
From the second order 共parabolic兲 Taylor expansion, he distance between two adjacent rods was calculated us-
found the numerical coefficients Wcenter = 1 / 2 and Wperipheries ing “Distance” tool in the Eclipse system. The toler-
= 1 / 2 produce a more accurate fit in averaging the volumetric ance range was ⫾0.5 cm 关see Fig. 3共b兲兴.
CT doses. 共c兲 Spatial resolution. The CTP 528 module contains 21
In this study, four calculation methods were used to esti- line pair/cm high resolution test gauge and w ⫾ e deter-
mate the CTDI values: 共1兲 Conventional CTDIw calculation mined the least discernable bar group in the test. The
共Wcenter = 1 / 3 and Wperipheries = 2 / 3兲, 共2兲 Bakalyar’s method acceptance tolerance was 6 lp/cm 关see Fig. 3共c兲兴.
共CTDIwb: Wcenter = 1 / 2 and Wperipheries = 1 / 2兲, 共3兲 averaging 共d兲 Contrast resolution. The CTP 515 module contains
the absorbed doses within a center slice 共CTDI2D兲, and 共4兲 three groups of nine supraslice disks with diameters of
averaging the absorbed doses through entire phantom slices 2–15 mm and subject contrast of 0.3%, 0.5%, and
共CTDI3D兲. Note that methods 共3兲 and 共4兲 numerically aver- 1.0%. We visually inspected the image to determine the
age the dose distribution in a slice and a volume, respec- lowest contrast disk visible. The recommended toler-
tively, without using CTDIw equations. Methods 共1兲 and 共2兲 ance was 1% fourth disk 关see Fig. 3共d兲兴.
were applied to the ion chamber data, and all four methods 共e兲 HU uniformity. The CTP 486 module consists of a
were applied to the MC data. To perform methods 共3兲 and single uniform disk of 20 cm diameter. We measured
共4兲, 3D dose distribution data from MC simulations were mean HU for five selected ROI regions: Center, top,
imported into MATLAB system 共Mathworks, Natick, MA兲 and left, right, and bottom. The size of ROI was about
analyzed to calculate the average slice and volume doses. All 1.0⫻ 1.0 cm2 and the acceptance criterion was ⫾40
the results were cross-compared to each other. In the analy- HU 关see Fig. 3共e兲兴.
sis, we assume that the CTDIw of the method 共4兲 is the most
accurate CTDIw estimate because it is the numerically aver-
aged value directly calculated from the 3D dose distribution
in the phantoms; that is, there are no assumptions employed III. RESULTS
in method 共4兲, such as the fitting and dose equilibrium used Table II presents the CTDI values obtained from IC mea-
in methods 共1兲 and 共2兲. Note that the results of the method surements and MC simulations and CTDI differences be-
共3兲 are not expected as accurate as those of the method 共4兲 tween each calculation method. All the CTDI values
because the dose also decreases along the longitudinal 共CTDIw, CTDIwb, CTDI2D, and CTDI3D兲 of the new CBCT
direction. protocols ranged from 3 to 29 mGy for both IC measure-
ments and MC simulations, while those of the old protocols
II.D. Image quality analysis ranged from 39 to 85 mGy. The CTDI of the new protocols
were found to be lower by about a factor of 14 for a
We performed the CBCT image quality QA protocol to
standard-dose head scan mode and 1.8 times for standard
evaluate the image quality of the new protocols following the
body scan mode 共pelvis兲 than the old head and body proto-
work of Yoo et al.14 At the present time, no standard CBCT
cols, respectively. Note that the CTDIw per 100 mA s calcu-
image quality QA protocol exists. We employed the Catphan
lated from method 共1兲 are similar across same kVp and fil-
504 phantom 共The Phantom Laboratory, Salem, NY兲 for all
tration to 7%.
the image quality tests. The Catphan 504 phantom consists of
As can be seen in Table II, the differences between IC
four different modules and each module serves its own pur-
measurements and MC simulations were ⬍2% for method
pose in the QA test. The CT images of each module are
共1兲 and ⬍3% for method 共2兲. The differences between meth-
shown in Figs. 3共a兲–3共e兲. The phantom was hanged at the
ods 共1兲 共conventional CTDIw method兲 and 共2兲 共Bakalyar’s
end of the couch with the aid of its wooden case as a coun-
CTDIw method兲 were less than 2% for the head scans, while
terbalance and was aligned to the treatment isocenter. Six
they were about 8%–12% for the body scans. The differences
CBCT scan protocols were evaluated and each image was
between point dose method of IC measurements 共CTDIw and
assessed for the five QA criteria: HU linearity, spatial linear-
CTDIwb兲 and central slice averaging method 共CTDI2D兲 were
ity, spatial resolution, contrast resolution, and HU unifor-
found as ⬍4% for head scans while ⬍6% for body scans.
mity. All the image tests were performed in an Eclipse treat-
Large differences 共9%–21%兲 were found between the results
ment planning workstation 共Varian Medical Systems, Palo
of method 共1兲 共conventional CTDIw method兲, 共2兲 共Bakalyar’s
Alto, CA兲.
CTDIw method兲, 共3兲 central slice averaging method, and that
共a兲 HU verification. The CTP 404 module contains seven of method 共4兲 共entire volume averaging method兲.
materials which have different densities. The materials Two-dimensional 共2D兲 dose distributions of each CBCT
and corresponding HU values can be referred from the scan protocol were visualized in the MATLAB system as
manual of the phantom. We selected a region of interest shown in Fig. 4. The differences of dose distributions are
共ROI兲 in the designated material section using the noted between partial-angle and full-angle CBCT scan pro-
“Area profile” tool to measure the mean HU values. tocols, i.e., the partial-angle CBCT scan protocols show
The ROI size was about 0.7⫻ 0.7 cm2 and the accep- larger dose along the scanning angles than in the nonirradia-
tance criteria was ⫾40 HU 关see Fig. 3共a兲兴. tion angles, while full-angle CBCT scan protocols produce
共b兲 Spatial linearity. There are four rods of 3 mm diameter uniform angular dose distribution. The phantom size effect in

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3653 Kim et al.: Kilovoltage cone-beam CT: Dose and image quality evaluation 3653

FIG. 3. CT images of the CATPHAN

504 phantom for the image quality
tests of 共a兲 HU verification 共module:
CTP 404兲, 共b兲 spatial linearity 共CTP
404兲, 共c兲 spatial resolution 共CTP 528兲,
共d兲 contrast resolution 共CTP 515兲, and
共e兲 HU uniformity 共CTP 486兲.

the dose distribution of the short scan can be also noticed every material except air. As can be seen in Fig. 5, the mea-
between the head and body protocols; pelvis spotlight proto- sured HU values of the low-dose head scan start to deviate at
col delivers more crescent-shaped dose distribution 关Fig. the nominal value of ⬃340 HU and the deviation becomes
4共c兲兴, while head protocols show more half-moon dose dis- more significant in the higher HU region. The low-dose tho-
tribution 关Fig. 4共a兲兴. rax protocol shows same pattern; the HU values increase at
Table III shows the results of image quality QA tests for the nominal HU of ⫺1000 and the deviation becomes larger
new and old scan protocols. In the HU verification test, all as the HU increases. All the tests of the spatial linearity,
the protocols were within the tolerance 共⫾40 HU兲 except spatial resolution, and HU uniformity met the manufacturer
low-dose head and low-dose thorax scan protocols; low-dose suggested tolerances. In the contrast resolution test, only
head failed in Teflon and Delin and low-dose thorax failed high-quality head and pelvis scan protocols were within the

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TABLE II. CTDI values and comparisons between the CTDI values acquired from method 共1兲–共4兲. The CTDI differences were calculated by following
equation: 共CTDIfront − CTDIrear兲 / CTDIrear ⫻ 100. Note that the abbreviations IC and MC represent ion chamber measurements and Monte Carlo simulations.

New scan protocols Old scan protocols

Standard-dose Low-dose High-quality Pelvis Low-dose Standard Standard

CTDI values head head head Pelvis spotlight thorax head body

CTDIw IC 共mGy/100mA s兲 4.00 4.24 3.84 3.60 3.16 2.83 6.27 3.41
IC 共mGy兲 6.03 3.19 28.96 25.44 23.78 7.68 83.97 45.75
MC 共mGy兲 5.99 3.16 28.78 25.09 23.53 7.58 83.50 45.22
CTDIwb IC 共mGy兲 6.08 3.24 29.27 23.44 21.97 6.99 84.94 42.03
MC 共mGy兲 6.01 3.17 28.85 22.66 21.40 6.77 83.87 40.84
CTDI2D MC 共mGy兲 5.93 3.13 28.48 24.34 22.40 7.30 83.65 43.88
CTDI3D MC 共mGy兲 5.36 2.83 25.74 21.52 19.72 6.43 75.68 38.80

Comparison between each CTDI value

CTDIw共IC vs MC兲 共%兲 +0.67 +0.95 +0.63 +1.39 +1.06 +1.32 +0.56 +1.17
CTDIwb 共IC vs MC兲 共%兲 +1.16 2.21 +1.46 +3.44 +2.66 +3.25 +1.28 +2.91
CTDIw vs CTDIwb 共IC兲 共%兲 ⫺0.82 ⫺1.54 ⫺1.06 +8.53 +8.24 +9.87 ⫺1.14 +8.85
CTDIw vs CTDIwb 共MC兲 共%兲 ⫺0.33 ⫺0.32 ⫺0.24 +10.72 +9.95 +11.96 ⫺0.44 +10.72
CTDIw vs CTDI2D 共IC兲 共%兲 +1.69 +1.92 +1.69 +4.52 +6.16 +5.21 +0.38 +4.26
CTDIwb vs CTDI2D 共IC兲 共%兲 +2.53 +3.51 +2.77 ⫺3.70 ⫺1.92 ⫺4.25 +1.54 ⫺4.22
CTDIw vs CTDI3D 共IC兲 共%兲 +12.50 +12.72 +12.51 +18.22 +20.59 +19.44 +10.95 +17.91
CTDIwb vs CTDI3D 共IC兲 共%兲 +13.43 +14.49 +13.71 +8.92 +11.41 +8.71 +12.24 +8.32
CTDI2D vs CTDI3D 共%兲 +10.63 +10.60 +10.64 +13.10 +13.59 +13.53 +10.53 +13.09

acceptance level 共disk 4 in supraslice 1.0% group兲. In addi- CTDIwb values. As expected, the CTDI values of the head
tion, a crescent effect was found especially at the interface of protocols were linearly proportional to the tube-current-time-
two different materials in the partial-angle scan protocols product 共mA s兲; standard-dose head protocol produced twice
shown in Fig. 6共a兲. higher dose than low-dose head protocol and five times
lower dose than high-quality head protocol did. In the body
IV. DISCUSSION protocols, pelvis protocol produced higher dose than pelvis
spotlight protocol did in spite of its lower mA s. This is
Since the introduction of kV CBCT imaging technique to
caused by the fan-type differences directly related to the
radiation oncology, significant efforts6–9 had been made to
shape of the bowtie filters as well as irradiation pattern; a
accurately quantify CBCT imaging dose in order to minimize
full-bowtie has ⬃2.8 cm thick aluminum filter in both left
it. Theoretically, one can perfectly reconstruct a 3D image of
and right off-axial locations, while a half-bowtie has the
a fan-beam CT scan with a partial-angle scan which acquires
the projections of 180° plus fan angle. With the similar fan thick part of the filter only in right off-axis location 共see Fig.
geometry, this concept may also be applicable to the CBCT 2兲. The irradiation patterns between full-fan and half-fan
scan. The partial-angle CBCT scan protocols has been em- modes are also different as described in Sec. II. These dif-
ployed in the new OBI system 共V1.4兲 in order to achieve ferences between full-fan and half-fan modes cause different
lower dose while maintaining similar CBCT image quality. attenuations of the off-axial beam which consequently
To the best of our knowledge, this paper presents the first brought the nonlinearity in CTDI. Note that CTDI values of
dosimetric data for the partial-angle CBCT scan protocols pelvis protocol 共new兲 are proportionally smaller than those
where the dose distribution is angularly inhomogeneous. In of the standard body protocol 共old兲 with smaller mA s.
addition, no suitable technology exists to accurately measure We noticed that the differences between the conventional
the whole nonuniform 3D dose distribution for kV energy CTDI method 共CTDIw兲 and Bakalyar’s CTDI method
range at the present time. Radiochromic film or a large num- 共CTDIwb兲 for head scans were relatively smaller than those
ber of TLDs may be used to acquire the 2D dose distribution; for body scan. To analyze this effect, we acquired lateral
however, the latter, in particular, would be highly labor in- profiles from the 3D dose data of head and body scans 共old
tensive and time consuming. To overcome these limitations, protocols兲 at center, middle, and edge location in the CT
we employed the MC method. phantoms. As can be seen in Figs. 7共a兲 and 7共b兲, the profiles
In this study, we have estimated the CTDI for both partial from the head scan are relatively linear, while those of body
and full-angle CBCT scan protocols by using the point dose scan are in parabolic shapes. In a linear curve such as the
method and numerical averaging methods. MC simulations head profile, there will be no large differences between linear
were also performed to benchmark the accuracy of CTDI of and parabolic fittings, while large differences could be ex-
the point dose measurements. As shown in Table II, MC pected in a parabolic curve 共body profile兲 because linear fit-
simulations were validated by the comparison of CTDIw and ting is inappropriate for parabolic functions.

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FIG. 4. Visualization of the 2D dose distribution for each new CBCT scan protocol: 共a兲 Head, 共b兲 pelvis, 共c兲 pelvis spot light, and 共d兲 low-dose thorax scans.
The start and end points for the partial-angle scan was marked in Fig. 4共a兲. Note that the color scale is in the unit of mGy.

We found that the CTDI differences between the Bakal- that linear and parabolic fits do not produce significant dif-
yar’s CTDI method 共CTDIwb兲 and central slice averaging ferences for the head scan, whereas parabolic fitting pro-
method 共CTDI2D兲 are smaller than those between the con- duces more accurate dose estimation than linear fitting for
ventional CTDI method 共CTDIw兲 and central slice averaging the body scan.
method 共CTDI2D兲 for the body scans 共see Table II兲, whereas Although we expected that the central slice averaging
the opposite results were found for the head scans. This can method 共CTDI2D兲 yields a better dose estimation to entire
be explained by the previously described fitting effect for volume averaging method 共CTDI3D兲 than the Bakalyar’s
different size phantoms. The lateral profile of the head scan CTDI method 共CTDIwb兲 does, opposite results were found in
is relatively flat 共linear兲, while that of the body scan shows a the body scan data; the differences between CTDI2D vs
parabolic shape for the center profiles 关see Fig. 7共b兲兴; thus, CTDI3D was larger than those between CTDIwb of IC vs
one can expect that linear fitting 共fit method A兲 will produce CTDI3D 共or CTDIwb of MC vs CTDI3D兲 for the body scan,
smaller differences for the head scans, while parabolic fitting while those between CTDI2D vs CTDI3D was smaller for the
共fit method B兲 will produce smaller errors for the body scan. head scan. This can be also explained with the fitting effect;
To validate this observation, we performed linear and para- as can be seen in Fig. 7共b兲, the parabolic fitting curve is
bolic fittings to the lateral profiles of the center slice for both lower than the true lateral curve, while the linear fitting curve
head and body scans using a MATLAB function, POLYFIT. is higher than the true lateral curve. Thus, one can expect
Then, we estimated the dose profile integral 共DPI兲 using true that the parabolic fitting 共fit method B兲 will underestimate
values and fitted curves to evaluate the deviations of the DPI the dose, while the linear fitting 共fit method A兲 will overes-
values. In the results, the DPI deviation of the linear fit was timate it for the body scan. This trend can be seen in Table II;
11.1% and that of the parabolic fit was 11.4% for the head the differences of CTDIwb of IC vs CTDI2D are all negative,
scan. The deviation of the linear fit was 24.7% and that of while CTDIw of IC vs CTDI2D are all positive. In summary,
parabolic fit was 16.3% for the body scan. Thus, we verified because the Bakalyar’s CTDI method 共CTDIwb兲 underesti-

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TABLE III. Results of image quality QA tests for new and old CBCT scan protocols. Note that all the QA data of the old protocols are referenced from Ref.
14. The HU differences were calculated by following equation: 共HUmeasured − HUnominal兲. Note that the abbreviation n.HU represents nominal HU.

New scan protocols Old scan protocols

Standard-dose Low-dose High-quality Pelvis Low-dose Standard Standard

QA parameters head head head Pelvis spotlight thorax head body

HU Material n.HU Image quality analysis

verification Air ⫺1000 −991⫾ 13.8 −998⫾ 3.8 −996⫾ 5.7 −994⫾ 16.0 −999⫾ 2.2 −980⫾ 22.9 −1022⫾ 1.8 −1023⫾ 1.9
Teflon 990 996⫾ 37.9 1135⫾ 41.8 1001⫾ 17 985⫾ 20.3 1019⫾ 16.4 1155⫾ 19.1 970⫾ 7.3 964⫾ 20.4
Delin 340 352⫾ 43.4 395⫾ 48.2 344⫾ 17.2 336⫾ 10.7 365⫾ 17.0 465⫾ 12.7 349⫾ 13.4 343⫾ 18.0
Acrylic 120 123⫾ 33.6 133⫾ 35.8 121⫾ 16.6 116⫾ 10.6 123⫾ 14.3 211⫾ 12.8 128⫾ 5.8 128⫾ 13.9
Polystylene ⫺35 −45⫾ 38.9 −51⫾ 39.3 −41⫾ 14.8 −43⫾ 11.0 −39⫾ 13.1 35⫾ 13.3 −39⫾ 5.2 −44⫾ 13.8
LDPE ⫺100 −99⫾ 32.9 −110⫾ 40.6 −100⫾ 13.8 −98⫾ 8.4 −99⫾ 12.4 −19⫾ 13.4 −94⫾ 3.6 −99⫾ 11.0
PMP ⫺200 −192⫾ 34.9 −215⫾ 30.4 −193⫾ 14.3 −187⫾ 10.3 −192⫾ 11.5 −115⫾ 13.1 −189⫾ 8.2 −193⫾ 10.4
HU Air Unit: %, +9 +2 +4 +6 +1 +20 ⫺22 ⫺23
difference Teflon tolerance: ⫾40 +6 +145 +11 ⫺5 +29 +165 ⫺20 ⫺26
Delin HU +12 +55 +4 ⫺4 +25 +125 +9 3
Acrylic +3 +13 +1 ⫺4 +3 +91 +8 8
Polystylene −10 ⫺16 ⫺6 ⫺8 ⫺4 +70 ⫺4 ⫺9
LDPE +1 ⫺10 0 +2 +1 +81 +6 +1
PMP +8 ⫺15 +7 +13 +8 +85 +11 +7
Spatial linearity 共cm兲 4.99⫾ 0.01 4.99⫾ 0.02 4.99⫾ 0.02 5.00⫾ 0.01 5.01⫾ 0.01 4.98⫾ 0.02 4.97–5.01 4.97–5.01
Spatial resolution 共group兲 8 8 9 6 8 6 8 6
Contrast resolution 共disk兲 0 0 4 5 3 1 5 4
HU ROI #1 共HU兲 12⫾ 32.6 14⫾ 31.4 12⫾ 15.2 −9 ⫾ 7.5 13⫾ 12.2 74⫾ 8.5 12⫾ 8.3 14⫾ 48.1
uniformity ROI #2 共HU兲 −6 ⫾ 32.1 −12⫾ 34.1 −6 ⫾ 13.6 2 ⫾ 8.7 −6 ⫾ 12.2 82⫾ 11.8 −2 ⫾ 4.5 −15⫾ 20.9
ROI #3 共HU兲 −3 ⫾ 32.4 −9 ⫾ 36.0 −4 ⫾ 14.4 4 ⫾ 8.7 0 ⫾ 10.8 80⫾ 11.8 −1 ⫾ 3.8 −19⫾ 20.0
ROI #4 共HU兲 −12⫾ 33.1 −19⫾ 31.7 −11⫾ 15.4 −4 ⫾ 7.8 −11⫾ 12.3 80⫾ 11.9 −3 ⫾ 5.1 −20⫾ 18.4
ROI #5 共HU兲 −4 ⫾ 34.6 −9 ⫾ 34.3 −1 ⫾ 15.2 −1 ⫾ 9.1 −1 ⫾ 12.4 80⫾ 12.7 −7 ⫾ 5.1 −20⫾ 12.7
Mean ⫺2.6 ⫺7 ⫺2 ⫺1.6 ⫺1 79.2 ⫺0.2 ⫺12
Standard deviation 8.9 12.4 8.6 5.1 9.0 3.0 7.2 14.7

mates the dose compared to central slice averaging method aging method 共CTDI3D兲, which is theoretically assumed to
共CTDI2D兲, results from the Bakalyar’s CTDI method represent a most accurate model among the methods.
共CTDIwb兲 are closer to results from the entire volume aver- We noted large CTDI differences between the results of
methods 共1兲–共3兲 and that of method 共4兲, as shown in Table II.
This can be explained by the nature of the calculation meth-
ods. Methods 共1兲–共3兲 use the point dose or plane dose in the
central axial plane of the phantoms, while method 共4兲 nu-
merically averages the entire volumetric dose distribution.
The differences are due to the variation in the longitudinal
dose distribution. As can be seen in Fig. 8, the dose in the
longitudinal direction for both head and body scans de-
creases with distance from the central plane; this effect is not
considered in methods 共1兲–共3兲. We also found that CTDIwb of
IC is slightly inferior to CTDIw of IC for the head phantom
but remarkably better for the body phantom compared to
CTDI3D. Again, this is mainly due to the fitting discrepancies
previously described.
Therefore, when IC measurements are chosen to estimate
CBCT dose, such as in the clinical environment, the use of
method 共2兲 is recommended to estimate the CBCT dose more
accurately than method 共1兲, especially for the body scans. In
addition, it should be noted that methods 共1兲 and 共2兲 always
FIG. 5. HU linearity test for the new CBCT protocols. Legends are as fol- overestimate the CTDI values compared to method 共4兲 and
lows: CBSDH: Standard-dose head; CBLDH: Low-dose head; CBHQH:
the amount of radiation dose is as small as in the mGy level.
High-quality head; CBPEL: Pelvis; CBPSL: Pelvis spotlight; CBLDT: Low-
dose thorax; CBFFold: Old full-fan; and CBHFold: Old half-fan. The Thus, the use of methods 共1兲 and 共2兲 would be still accept-
negCriteria and posCriteria represent the acceptance criteria of ⫾40 HU. able from the patient safety viewpoint.

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FIG. 7. 共a兲 Cross-sectional profiles obtained from standard head scan and 共b兲
FIG. 6. CBCT images for the HU uniformity test obtained from 共a兲 CBHQH from standard body scan. The solid circle, open square, and open circle
共partial-angle scan兲 and 共b兲 CBPEL 共full-angle scan兲 protocols. Note the denote the profiles acquired at center, middle, and edge location in the CT
crescent effect at the interface of the two different density materials in the phantoms.
Fig. 6共a兲.

The image qualities of the new CBCT protocols were not counted for. In addition, it should be noticed that only high
comparable to the old CBCT protocols as expected, e.g., mA s protocols such as high-quality head and pelvis proto-
low-dose head and low-dose thorax could not pass the accep- cols passed the contrast resolution test. Thus, when high soft-
tance criteria of HU verification and contrast resolution tests tissue contrast images are needed, the use of high-quality
and most of the new protocols could not pass the contrast head or pelvis protocol is recommended depending on the
resolution test except high-quality head and pelvis protocols. imaging area. It should be noted that the image quality of all
Note that all the old protocols had been passed every test of the new scan protocols was still clinically acceptable for the
the QA protocol which referred from the paper of Yoo et al.13 localization of the treatment target in IGRT.
From our results, we conclude that low x-ray intensity As seen in Table III, it can be found that high-dose pro-
共mA s兲 and fan type are the main causes of HU deviation; tocols 共high-quality head, pelvis, and pelvis spotlight兲 pro-
low-dose head and low-dose thorax protocols failed the HU duced smaller standard deviations in HU verification and
verification test which both used the low mA s. However, it uniformity tests; larger photon statistics of higher dose pro-
should be mentioned that the standard-dose head protocol tocols reduced the noise levels of the CBCT images obtained
did not fail the HU verification test though its mA s was from higher dose protocols. It is interesting to note that low-
lower than that of low-dose thorax protocol. Thus, one would dose thorax protocol passed the HU uniformity test with
expect that the HU values could be affected from the com- small standard deviation 共3.0兲 though it provided different
bination of both low x-ray statistics and half-fan scan geom- HU values 共80 HU兲 compared to other protocols 共⫺3 HU兲.
etry. Due to the HU inaccuracy, CBCT images from low- Thus, every QA test should be performed to accurately
dose head and low-dose thorax protocols are inadequate for evaluate a certain CBCT protocol. It should be noted, how-
the purpose of dose calculations unless corrections are ap- ever, that the main point of the OBI system is positional
plied. Systematic inaccuracies can be expected and ac- accuracy which cannot be captured by simple image charac-

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data are needed, high-quality head protocol or pelvis scan

protocol is recommended depending on the imaging area.

The authors thank Robert E. Reiman of Duke Radiation
Safety Division for the editorial assistance.
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Medical Physics, Vol. 37, No. 7, July 2010

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