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1. 政府可以通过电视广告来提高公众对于环境问题的认识。
The government could launch a campaign of television commercials to raise public
awareness of environmental issues.

2. 倡导不健康饮食习惯的广告应该被限制甚至是禁止。
Advertising promoting unhealthy eating habits should be restricted or even banned.

3. 在全球化日益增强的背景下,规模化生产使得全世界大部分地区的人们能够购买到廉价 且
In an increasingly globalised world, mass production makes it possible for people
in many parts of the world to buy high-quality products at affordable prices.

4. 动物实验所带来的医学上进步并不能让动物所遭受的痛苦显得理由正当(justify)。
Medical advances involving animal testing cannot justify the suffering caused.

5. 人类活动比如大规模的森林砍伐严重破坏了野生动物的栖息地。
Human activities such as large-scale deforestation have caused enormous damage to
habitats for wild animals.

6. 动物园能够同时发挥教育和娱乐的作用。
A zoo serves both educational and entertaining purposes.

7. 大量的年轻人从农村搬到城市会导致农村地区劳动力的锐减。
The massive influx of young people into cities would lead to a dramatic decrease
in the number of workers in rural areas.

8. 久坐的生活方式和很多慢性疾病(比如肥胖和高血压)有着直接的联系。
A sedentary lifestyle is directly linked to many chronic diseases such as obesity
and hypertension.

9. 经常接触互联网上的暴力内容会导致青少年的行为问题。
Excessive exposure to violent content on the Internet is to blame for behavioral
problems of children.

10. 大规模的失业可能会导致犯罪率的上升。
Widespread unemployment may result in a crime wave.

11. 罪犯的量刑应该根据其罪行所导致的后果而不是罪犯的年龄来制定。
The punishment/sentence should fit the consequences of a crime rather than the
criminal’s age.

12. 在激烈竞争的社会里,受过高等教育对于找到一个体面的工作几乎是一个必要条件。
1 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)
In a highly competitive society, a university degree seems necessary for finding
a decent job.

13. 远程教育给偏远地区的学生提供了平等的接受高等教育的机会。
Distance learning provides students in geographically isolated regions with equal
access to higher education.

14. 尽管电脑在现代教学中发挥着良好的辅助作用,但是老师依旧占据着课堂上的主导地位。
Although the computer could act as an optimum assistant, human teachers still play
a leading role in modern schooling.

15. 互联网可以为贫困国家的青少年打开了解外面世界的大门。
The Internet opens the door to a wider world for teenagers in economically deprived

16. 有经验的教师能够设计出适合不同学习基础学生的课程。
Experienced teachers are capable of designing courses tailored for students at
different levels.

17. 大学教育不仅应该帮学生实现个人抱负,也应该将他们培养为对社会有用的人。
On top of helping students realise/fulfill their personal ambitions, the university
should also prepare them to be productive members of society.

18. 大学的录取应该根据学生的成绩而不是学生的背景或地理位置。
University admissions should be based on the academic performance of students
instead of their backgrounds or geographical locations.

19. 接受过良好高等教育的人在求职时会获得竞争上的优势。
An advanced degree gives the graduate a competitive edge over other job-seekers in
the labour market.

20. 有很多行业看重创造能力胜过实践能力 (比如广告业)。

Many industries such as advertising value creativity above practical skills of an

21. 对于能源日益增长的需求促使人类在偏远地区开采化石能源。
The soaring demand for energy has prompted human beings to exploit fossil fuels in
remote regions.

22. 人类所造成的气候变化会对会对生态平衡造成灾难性的破坏。
Human-induced climate change would exert disastrous effects on the ecological

23. 政府应该鼓励可再生能源的开发,比如核能和太阳能。
2 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)
The government should encourage the development of renewable sources of energy, such
as the nuclear reactor and solar panels.

24. 如果人们选择乘坐公共交通而不是开私家车上班,他们的碳足迹(注:个人活动所产生 的
There would be a dramatic decrease in people’s carbon footprints if they commute
to the workplace by public transport instead of private cars.

25. 对一次性产品征收高税额能够有效地减少家庭垃圾的产生。
Levying high taxes on disposable goods could significantly reduce the accumulation
of household waste.

26. 很多双职工家长不得不请求他们的亲人来承担照顾孩子的责任。
Many working parents have no choice but to ask their relatives to assume the childcare

27. 夫妻双方平分家务活有利于一个更加紧密的家庭关系。
It is beneficial to a strengthened family bond if both marriage partners share
equal household chores.

28. 近些年来,家庭的结构和大小发生了很大的变化。
Recent years have witnessed a huge shift in the family structure and family size.

29. 因为繁重的工作量,很多工作的人很难保持工作和家庭的平衡。
Due to heavy workloads, numerous working people have difficulty in juggling work
with family commitments.

30. 因为得不到家人足够的关心,很多在大城市工作的年轻人可能在情感上是不合群的。
Without sufficient support from family, many young working adults in large cities
are emotionally isolated.

31. 很多人认为政府应该给和公民的生活质量直接相关的公共服务拨款。
Many people hold the view that the government should allocate funds to public
services that are immediately relevant to living standards of its citizens.

32. 政府可以通过投资运动设施来鼓励公民经常锻炼。
The government could encourage the general public to take regular exercise by
investing in sports facilities.

33. 对私家车征收“绿色税”是一项能够有效减少碳排放的举措。
Imposing “green taxes” on drivers of private cars could effectively reduce the
emission of carbon dioxide.

34. 尽管摄像头能够起到震慑(犯罪)的效果,但是也在一定程度上侵犯了人的隐私。
3 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)
While the security camera could act as a deterrent to crime, it violates individual
privacy to some extent.

35. 在一些国家,失业的人或者没有稳定收入的人可以向政府申请补助。
In some parts of the world, the unemployed and those without stable sources of income
could claim benefits from the local government.

36. 一个逐渐老龄化的社会对年轻的负税人造成了不小的负担。
An increasingly aging society has placed a heavy burden on young taxpayers.

37. 政府对于医疗上的投资能够让公立医院招收更多临床经验丰富的医生。
Sufficient government funding/public money poured into health services makes it
possible for public hospitals to recruit more doctors with a wealth of clinical

38. 人类社会应该立即采取措施减少对化石燃料的使用。
The human society/international community should take immediate action to reduce
the consumption of fossil fuels.

39. 近些年来,青少年的肥胖问题越来越流行。
Obesity gets increasingly prevalent among adolescents/young teenagers in recent

40. 更多的食物选择意味着人们更容易保持一个均衡的饮食。
More choice of food usually means that it is easier for people to maintain a balanced

41. 尽管人们不一定需要通过吃肉来保持健康,但是每个人都应该有自己选择饮食习惯的权力
Although meat is not necessarily required for a healthy diet, people should have
the right to choose their own dietary habits.

42. 很多工作繁忙人群不得不选择吃一些含有高糖分,高热量和脂肪的快餐。
Owing to the hectic work schedule, numerous working adults have to eat fast food
loaded with sugar, fat and calories.

43. 因为职场上的激烈竞争,很多人在持续的高压下工作。
Because of the fierce competition in the workplace, numerous employees are
experiencing a high level of stress.

44. 很多人会开车去一些在步行范围内的超市和商场。
Many people drive to supermarkets and shopping malls that are within walking

4 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)

45. 出国旅游是一种常见的逃离忙碌的现代生活。
It is common for people to escape the hustle and bustle ofmodern life by travelling

46. 针对儿童的广告应该被限制,因为他们很容易受到广告的影响。
Commercials aimed at children should be restricted because they are particularly
susceptible to advertising.

47. 环保人士认为自然保护区能够有效地防止濒危动物的灭绝。
Environmentalists believe that nature/wildlife reserves could effectively protect
endangered animals from extinction.

48. 城市的肆意扩张造成了环境恶化以及城乡之间对自然资源的竞争。
Urban sprawl has created environmental degradation and natural resource competition
between cities and the countryside.

49. 现代生活的高流动性(注:经常搬家)通常意味着人们很难和他们的邻居建立感情。
The increased/high mobility means that there is less chance for people to establish
relationships with their neighbours.

50. 因为很难重新融入社会,很多刑满释放的罪犯会重新犯罪。
The difficulty in reintegrating themselves into society is to blame for the re-
offending of many rehabilitated prisoners.

51. 社区服务对于重犯来说是一个太轻微的处罚以至于他们不会意识到自己的罪行所造成 的
Community service is too soft for serious offenders to realise the consequences of
their crimes.

52. 一些在海外学习的学生因为语言障碍而很难去适应新的文化环境。
The language barrier makes it difficult for some overseas students to accommodate
themselves to the new cultural environment.

53. 学生应该有自主选择自己感兴趣的课程的自由。
Students should have the right to choose their courses of interest (based on their
own preferences).

54. 一些青少年往往由于同龄人的压力而沾染上一些不良习气,比如抽烟和霸凌。
Because of peer pressure, some teenagers develop some behavioral problems such as
smoking and bullying.

55. 学生和老师之间缺乏面对面的交流是网络课程最主要的弊端之一。
The lack of face-to-face communication between students and instructors is one of
the principal drawbacks of distance learning.
5 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)
56. 很多商家通过使用了不可降解材料进行了精美包装的商品来吸引顾客。
In order to attract customers, many companies wrap their products in fancy packaging
which is usually non-biodegradable.

57. 人口的持续性增长导致了急剧上升的消费品需求量。
The growing population results in a soaring demand for consumer goods.

58. 政府可以制定法律来强制人们对垃圾进行回收。
The government could enact laws to enforce the recycling of household waste on its

59. 因为不断上涨的生活成本,夫妻双方不得不都进行全职的工作。
Due to the dramatic increase in the cost of living, both marriage partners have to
work full-time jobs.

60. 近些年来,男人在家里照顾孩子的现象越来越被社会所接受。
In recent years, it gets increasingly socially acceptable for men to stay at home
and take the responsibility of childcare.

61. 一些有独特外观设计的建筑可能会成为旅游景点。
Some constructions with distinctive outward appearances could act as tourist

62. 因为高昂的日常维护和修缮费用,一些老建筑应该被拆除。
Some old buildings should be demolished/knocked down due to the considerable cost
of regular repairs and maintenance.

63. 政府需要建设更多的高层公寓楼来给更多人提供居所。
The government should build more high-rise apartment blocks to accommodate a larger

64. 老旧居民区的很多疾病都来源于不完善的排污设施。
Many illnesses in run-down residential areas are the result of inadequate

65. 当地政府在规划新建筑时应该让它们适应当地的历史建筑。
New constructions planned by the government should fit in with local historic

66. 有时候,语言的准确性在在机器翻译中丢失了。
The accuracy of the language is sometimes lost in machine/automatic translation.

67. 小学应该设置第二语言课程,因为儿童有天生的语言天赋。
Primary schools should design courses on a second language because children have
6 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)
an innate ability to learn it.

68. 在一些国家,英语的流行导致了本国语言被边缘化。
The expansion of English has led to the marginalization of native languages of some

69. 少数民族语言(小语种)的消失会影响一个国家的文化多样性。
The extinction of minority languages would negatively influence the cultural
diversity of a country.

70. 一些广告鼓励人们把高的社会地位和名牌产品联系在一起。
Some commercials encourage customers to associate famous brands with higher social

71. 很难去精准定义幸福,因为人们幸福的来源不同。
It is difficult to precisely define happiness because people have different sources
of enjoyment.

72. 很多人从工作中获得满足感,而其他人则从家庭生活中获得幸福感。
Many people get a sense of achievement from work while others derive happiness from
their family life.

73. 由于安全方面的担忧,政府应该限制极限运动,比如蹦极和单板滑雪。
For safety concerns, the government should put restrictions on (physically)
dangerous sports such as bungee jumping and snowboarding.

74. 极限运动是人们释放能量和压力的好办法。
Extreme sports provide (working) people with an unparalleled opportunity to release
energy and stress.

75. 竞技体育激励孩子们的团队协作精神。
Competitive sports encourage children to work together as a team.

76. 经常换工作的人很难向新公司展现自己的忠诚度。
It is difficult for employees who change jobs frequently to demonstrate loyalty to
a new company.

77. 经验丰富的员工更有可能被公司委以重任。
Experienced staff members are more likely to be appointed to a position of trust.

78. 一些公司通过提供奖金的方式来鼓励员工提高工作效率。
Some companies enhance their employees' productivity by providing financial

7 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)

79. 很多年轻人通过体验不同的工作来积累不同行业的经验。
Numerous young working people (tend to) gain experience (in different areas) by
changing jobs.

80. 很容易理解一些人会为了更高的薪水而选择跳槽。
It is understandable that some working people would shift their jobs in search of
better salaries.

81. 一个明确的职业规划通常意味者更好的职业前景。
A defined career path contributes to better job prospects for an employee.

82. 大多数毕业生刚进入职场时都得从基础工作开始做起。
Most graduates have to take entry-level jobs when they first enter the workforce.

83. 工作不应该只是一个收入的来源,也应该让职员获得满足感。
A job should act as a source of satisfaction on top of providing income for the

84. 相比于高薪,很多人更看中职业稳定性。
Many people prefer job security to decent salaries.

85. 工作环境和职场关系也是很多人选择工作时的重要考量。
The working atmosphere and personal relationships in the workplace are vitally
important when choosing a job.

Mechanization (of factories) has made a large number of manual workers redundant.

87. 过度地依赖政府导致很多失业者没有寻找工作的动力。
Excessive reliance on (unemployment benefits from) the government makes the
unemployed less motivated to find a job.

88. 远程工作的人可以灵活地安排自己的工作时间。
Teleworkers could arrange their schedules flexibly.

89. 很多移民者愿意从事当地人不愿意干的工作。
Many immigrants are willing to take jobs that local people would not accept.

90. 有很多行业的发展依赖于廉价的劳动力。
Many industries rely on sweated labour.

91. 转基因的抗旱农作物有更高的产量。
Genetically modified crops with resistance to drought are more high-yielding (than
traditional varieties).
8 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)
92. 熟知营养知识的人容易养成良好的饮食习惯。
People who know about nutrition are more likely to adopt healthy eating habits.

93. 年轻人更喜欢用社交媒体(比如,Skype 和 Facebook)来和朋友亲戚保持联系.

Young people prefer to keep in touch with their friends and relatives using social
networking sites such as Skype and Facebook.

94. 文化全球化使得国家之间的差异越来越小。
Differences between countries become less evident because of cultural

95. 大量涌入的难民给发达国家的社会安全造成了影响。
Refugees pouring into developed countries have posed a serious threat to public
safety (in the host countries).

96. 反对进口食物的观点主要是环境方面的。
The major argument against importing food is environmental.

97. 博物馆需要通过收门票的方式来保持日常的运营和维护。
Museums need to charge an entrance fee to support the daily operation and

98. 毒品和酒精的泛滥是青少年犯罪上升的根本原因。
The infestation of drugs and alcohol (among teenagers) is the root cause of the rise
in youth crime.

99. 很多历史建筑没用完善的设施来适应现代人的居住要求。
Many historic buildings do not have appropriate facilities for modern-day living.

100. 相较于体育和娱乐明星,教育和医疗从业者对社会发挥着更大的作用。
Compared with sports and entertainment stars, people in the medical and educational
professions play far more important roles in society.


9 Complied by Weizi and His Friends (Wechat: yangweizi911; QQ: 2683675148)

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