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动物的物种生存 (动物对抗天敌的本领) Animals have

speci c characteristics and behaviours to protect

选出正确的答案 Choose the correct answer.

* Required

1. 写出你的名字 Write your name. *

2. 1. 以上的动物利用什么外形特征自卫?What characteristics do the above animals use to defend themselves? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

尖刺 sharp spines

硬壳 hard shells

角 horns

坚硬的鳞片 hard scales

3. 2. 遇到危险时,河豚身上的__________会随着身体的膨胀而竖起。When in danger, the __________ of the puffer 10 points

fish will stand up as the body expands. *

Mark only one oval.

鳞片 scales

毒牙 poisonous sting

硬壳 hard shells

尖刺 sharp spines

4. 3. 以下哪个动物和鳄鱼的自卫方法相同?Which of the following animals and crocodile defend themselves in the 10 points
same way? *

Mark only one oval.

蛇 snake

河豚 pufferfish

鲸鱼 whale

穿山甲 pangolin
5. 4. 以下的动物都使用角来攻击天敌,除了 The following animals all use horns to attack natural enemies, except * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

鹿 deer

羚羊 antelope

犀牛 rhinoceros

老鼠 mouse

6. 5. 蝎子和蜜蜂拥有相同的自卫方法,它们都用什么自卫?Scorpions and bees have the same self-defense 10 points

methods. What self-defense do they both use? *

Mark only one oval.

毒刺 poisonous sting

尖刺 sharp spines

硬壳 hard shells

角 horns

7. 6. 当马陆遇到危险时,它会?When millipedeis in danger, will it? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

缩进壳里 Indented in the shell

伪装 camouflage

自断身体部位 detach certain parts of their body

蜷曲身体 Curl up its body

8. 7. 竹节虫和螳螂都有相同的特殊本能,其特殊本能是?Stick insects and praying mantises have the same special 10 points

instincts. What is their special instinct? *

Mark only one oval.

群居 live in group

蜷曲身体 Curl up its body

伪装 camouflage

自断身体部位 detach certain parts of their body

9. 8. 以下那些动物和大象拥有一样的特殊本能?Which of the following animals have the same special instincts as 10 points

elephants? *

Mark only one oval.

猴子 monkey

蛇 snake

穿山甲 pangolin

老虎 tiger

10. 9. 面对天敌的攻击时,这种动物会有什么反应?How would this animal react when faced with an attack from a 10 points

natural enemy? *

Mark only one oval.

蜷曲身体 Curl up its body

分泌毒液 Secrete venom (mengeluarkan cecair yang beracun)

分泌胶乳 Secretion of latex

自断身体部位 detach certain parts of their body

11. 10. 遇到危险时,壁虎如何保护自己?How can lizard protect themselves when in danger? * 10 points

Mark only one oval.

释放臭气 bad smell

自断身体部位 detach certain parts of their body

缩进硬壳里 Indented in shell

蜷曲身体 Curl up its body

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