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The Final Examination

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Ⅰ.Single Choice(4 points per question)

1.Preauricular lymphadenopathy and tenderness are most common in:( )
A. Bacterial conjunctivitis
B.Inclusion body conjunctivitis
C.Allergic conjunctivitis
D.Viral conjunctivitis

2.Dacryocystorhinostomy is suitable for. ( )

A. Puncta is missing.
B. Obstruction of the lacrimal duct.
C. Obstruction of the lacrimal canaliculi.
D. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction

3. The key to bacterial keratitis treatment is:( )

A. High concentration of antibiotic eye drops
B.Systemic high-dose antibiotics
C.Collagenase inhibitor

4. The wrong thing about contact dermatitis is. ( )

A.Glasses frame, cosmetics, hair dye and so on can cause.
B.Is the eyelid skin to some chemical substances produced by the allergic
reaction or irritant reaction.
C.Certain drugs are also common sensitizers.
D.The eyelid skin has sharp pain and tenderness.

5. Which of the following drugs cannot be used for the treatment of dendritic
and map corneal ulcers?( )
C. Glucocorticoid

6. Regarding the normal cornea, the following statement is correct ( )

A. thin center, thick around
B.the horizontal diameter is smaller than the vertical diameter
C. peripheral 2/3 is called optic zone
D. In the refractive system of the eye, refractive power is second only to the

7.Which of the following is not part of the lacrimal drainage system Secretory
system?( )
A.lacrimal gland
D.lacrimal sac
8.The features of Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment include all except___? (
A. a full-thickness retinal break
B. vitreous traction
C. intraretinal hemorrhage
D. liquified vireous
E. lattice degeneration
9.Which of the following characteristics is not related to retinigtis pigmentosa? (
A.night blindness
B. central vision field loss
C. narrowing of retinal arterioles
D. peripheral retinal pigment clumping
E. no effective treatment
10. Which of the following is not characteristic of non-proliferative diabetic
retinopathy? ( )
A. vitreous hemorrhage
B. intraretinal hemorrhage
C. macular edema
D. Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
E. microaneurysms
11. The characteristics of central retinal artery occlusion include all
except_____? ( )
A. catastrophic visual loss
B. the superficial retina becomes opacified
C. cherry-red spot in macula
D. the first emergency of the ophthalmology
E. good prognosis
12. Leukocoria be found in which of the following diseases? ( )
A. retinitis pigmentosa
B. retinoblstoma
C. central retinal vein occlusion
D. hemorrhage retinal detachment
E. diabetic retinopathy
13. Which of the following is not characteristic of papillitis? ( )
A. Subacute vision loss
B. Pain in the region of the eye
C. contrast sensitivity impaired
D. normal color vision
E. steroid therapy works

14. The clinical features of papilledema include all except ___? ( )

A. greater elevation of the optic nerve head
B . nearly normal visual acuity
C. normal pupillary response to light
D. associated intracranial pressure
E. an intact visual field except for a central blind spot
15. Where is the cell nucleus of photoreceptor? ( )
A.Cone and Rod cells layer B.Ganglion cells layer
C.Nerve fiber layer D.Bipolar cell
16. Which structure dose possess regeneration ability in cornea? ( )
A.Bowman’s membrane B.Descemet’s membrane
C.Endothelial cell layer D.Stroma
17. What the arrangment of the uvea from front to back is?( )
A. Iris- Choroid- Ciliary body B. Ciliary body- Iris- Choroid
C.Choroid-Iris- Ciliary body D. Iris- Ciliary body-Choroid
18. Which is errors of Ciliary body? ( )
A. Adjusting intraocular pressure
B. Generating aqueous humor
C.Ciliary muscle belongs to smooth muscle
D. Ciliary muscle is innervated by Sympathetic nerve
19. Which is correct of vitreous volume of normal human? ( )
A. 4.5ml B.4ml C.3.5ml D.3ml

20.Which structure of cornea does be replaced by scar tissue after injury? ( )

A.Bowman’s membrane B.Descemet’s membrane
C.Endothelial cell layer D.Stroma

21.The refractive system of the eye does not include( )

a. Pupils
b. crystalline lens
c. Cornea
d. vitreous body
e. aqueous humor
22.At present, the total number of cataract blindness in China is( )
a. 80%
b. 10%
c. 50%
d. 30%
e. 20%
23.After the lens is removed from emmetropia, its refractive state becomes (

a. High hyperopia
b. Mild hyperopia
c. High myopia
d. Mild myopia
e. emmetropia

24.Diabetes is easy to cause.:( )

a. metabolic cataract
b. Complicated cataract
c.Senile cataract
d. Congenital cataract
e. Traumatic cataract
25.The main differences between acute angle closure glaucoma and acute
iridocyclitis are as follows:( )
a. Corneal transparency in patients with acute angle closure glaucomab.
Complicated cataract
b. Pupils often dilate
c.Very shallow anterior chamber
d. Intraocular pressure increased significantly
e. Iridocyclitis can only have ciliary hyperemia

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