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Lesson 1 week 5 ; (Main components of a Computer ) 2020

Name :
Answer the following questions.

1. Why does RAM erase itself every time you shut down your
computer? because the Ram memory is temporary and not permanent

2. What is the purpose of RAM in a computer? To act as a storage


3. Identify two differences between a RAM and ROM ? RAM is

temporary memory while Rom is permanent memory

4. What is ROM? ROM is Read Only Memory

5. What is the purpose of ROM in a computer? To store permanent


6. What is CPU ? Central Processing unit.

7. What is the purpose of CPU in a computer ? To process instructions

in a computer

8. What is the name of the main circuit board in the computer ?

Mother Board

9. What is the purpose of BIOS in a computer ?

10. Identify two peripheral devices of your choice and describe their
respective functions .
Keyboard: enters instructions into computer
Printer: prints documents in paper

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