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hereditary rule in politics

role of media
The Media is the nomenculature given to the service of information disbursal pro
vided by trained professionals. the name comes from the greek princess Media, wh
o was charged with disbursing information from the Gods at Olympus. The media is
a unyielding force, armed to the teeth. The way the media operates could make s
pecial forces run for their money worth. The media personnel themselves resemble
the stromtroopers as they quickly stake out their positions, and defend them. F
or them their honour is their loyalty to the truth.
Their equipment is at par with that used by the modern troops. Their Broadcast v
ans, resemble the APC,s The antennae and other broadcast equipment resembles the
radar. the media personnel themselves look like they stepped out from some futu
ristc movie, their cameras resembling some advanced weapon.
The media is both detested and adored by the entertainment hungry public. One do
es hate the media with that degree of vitriol and love them with more affection
than one gives to one's loved ones.
the 5 good things of mEDIA
they are the standard bearers of justice
their honour is their loyalty to the truth
they make people aware
they cause great things to happen
they bring about swift change
bad things
News and information can be purchased
Media is the right hand of anarchy
Masala news
The corruption by disinformation
Links with politicans and businessmans
dynasty rule
India has been governed by kings and emperors since its inception more than 1000
0 years ago. While a few kings were noble, some were honourable, the others were
self centered autocrat tyrants who came from outside the nation and plundered o
ur wealth. I see no good point in dynastic rule, as we are ourselves are witness
to some of the worst tyrants the world is unfortunate enough to bear upon itsel
f. these foriegners have looted us plundered us with such lack of principles tha
t would make machiavelli shudder and the atrocities commited by them can disgust
even Vlad the impaler himself.
Examples are far too numerous to provide here, but few name stands infamous - Na
dirshah , Akbar, his ancestors and his descendents, who did nothing but gorge th
emselves on debased pleasures while the sublects writhed in agony. Not only this
but a few citizens turned traitors and destroyed many noble rulers. The worst e
xample namely Ghaddar E - Hind Meer Jaafer.
who was the key for the British Empire's grip on us. The words uttered by Amrish
puri as Mogambo are most prophetic, while the hero is fictitious, the villain i
s real. Since there cannot be any good points, as no matter the orign , cause or
purpose Dynastic rule degnerates the nation, as here power is given but not res
ponsibility. Today we have politicians ruling us, but apart from the change of K
hadi in place of Silk, Ambassador in place of Chariots, Votebanks in place of ja
girs, everything else remains same.
Some day, there will be an overthrow of the current situation. A Noble and kindh
earted man will truly arise, and unleash hell upon these traitors. The corrupt p
eople will be slaughered most unmercifully, their last rites done by dogs crows
and vultures, traitors and plunderers will burn, their will be raised mountain r
anges of their corpses, and the rivers shall turn red from their hated blood. Th
e angst rage and rancour of the commonm man will fuel truly the above violence.
the fires of justice shall vaporise these people their systems, the fuel of veng
eance coal of justice shall smelt the system forging a new India that shall trul
y rise like a Light Phoenix.
If the present situation of Coalition Dharma is not changed, the above paragraph
shall truly become reality. Such a revolution shall take place destroying dynas
ties far more powerfully and swiftly than the Romanovs as done by the Bolkshevik
The Bad things of Dynastic rule are
Cult of Personality
Power being inherited corrupting one gradually.
Propaganda as information
Personal welfare given more priority than national welfare
Thieves and dacoits are protected while the law abiding ones crucified.

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