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TPACK Creating Assignment Template - Jamie Hooper

C Subject Physical Education

e Grade Level First
n 1.1 The student will demonstrate approaching mature form
Learning Objective
o and the correct critical elements (small, isolated parts of the
w The objective of the lesson is what students will be able to do
as they finish the activity. For this objective, use the
whole skill or movement) of locomotor, non-locomotor, and
le Standards of Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus manipulative skills.
g You can find the SOLs at look on the right of the
e screen for the subjects and go from there. Demonstrate critical elements used and distinguish between
galloping, leaping, skipping, and sliding.

Demonstrate non locomotor skills of twisting, curling,

bending, stretching, and balancing on different body parts.

Demonstrate approaching mature forms (at least two critical

elements) for use in manipulative skills (e.g., rolling ball
underhand to target, underhand throw to targets,
underhand toss and catch to self and with a partner,
dribbling with hand in general space, dribbling with foot,
kicking stationary ball to target, striking stationary object
with hand or with short-handled implement, throwing
underhand, volleying object upward with various body

Demonstrate at least two critical elements for the

manipulative skills of catching, throwing underhand, striking,
dribbling, and kicking, while moving.

Demonstrate simple educational gymnastic skills, to include

balancing at different levels, two different rolls (narrow or
curled), moving in two different directions, and transfer of

Demonstrate moving to a beat or rhythmic pattern in

personal (self-space) and general space.

Perform a teacher-led dance.

Demonstrate forward, sideways, backwards (slow), and side-

to-side directions.

Demonstrate low, medium, and high levels.

Demonstrate straight, curving, and zigzagging pathways.

Demonstrate fast, slow, and moderate speed movements.

Demonstrate consecutive jumps (more than one) with a self-

turn rope.

Demonstrate consecutive jumps with a long rope (student-


P Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:
a In this activity, my students are going to use Scratch to create a story of
g their own, showing the movements of bodies .

P Activity The students should be able to show the movements

e they have learned in gym class using Scratch. This
d coding website allows students to show motions on a
a character, using their computers, or mobile devices.
g 1. The student will be required to make their
y own creations on, showing the
body movements that they have talked about
in class.
2. The students will begin on Scratch and are
able to make up their own story line, but their
creation has to involve 5 movements that
they have learned. The humans in their story
must complete the movements.
3. The student will have to make the movements
noticeable, and recognizable, though they
should not be labeled in the story. The
classmates watching will have to point out the
motions that are being made.

4. Sounds and backgrounds are allowed, but

they should not distract from the movements.
T Web 2.0 Technology
ec tutorial=getStarted
ol The students will use Scratch.Com to code
movements of the body. They will use their
computers (or mobile devices if available) to
create their project. The students will have to
click and drag the motions onto their platform,
they are able to add sounds and costumes, as
well as backdrops.

Link to the example product you

made pretending to be a student

Mobile App Option Scratch is available for free on the apple

app store, for Ipads and MacBooks, as
well as on Android tablets. This could be
utilized in a classroom that has iPads
available, but Chromebooks have been
given out to students in school divisions
and Scratch is available for free online.

Name: Scratch

Price: Free

App Store: Android & Apple

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