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Honduras University of Technology.

English V

Vegan Food.

Madelin Mercedes Moreno Avila


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Vegan philosophy is a lifestyle that is positioned against speciesism and

discrimination according to the species. But by not consuming food from animals,
the big question arises: what does a vegan eat?

Most people consume a large amount of animal meat, dress in their skins, and
research with them to make treatments or creams. This is what veganism is
opposed to.
What is to be vegan?

The vegan rejects animal exploitation. Unlike the thinking of most people,
veganism is a philosophy of life, not only a diet with food restrictions, it cares for
and defends any animal discrimination.

A vegan is a person who does not consume any animal food or elaborate from
animals. For this reason, not only do you avoid eating meat and fish, but you also
do not include dairy, eggs or honey in your diet.

Their diet is based on vegetables and fruits. But the problem of not consuming all
the food groups that form the basic diet of any person, is the risk of presenting
deficiencies of some nutrients.

Although these deficiencies can be counteracted with a good vegan diet and with
the help of sports supplementation suitable for vegans.

What a vegan eats?

Everyone knows that a vegan diet is based on vegetables and fruits, but not
everything ends here! Know the foods most consumed by vegans.

1. Seitan 2. Pumpkin seeds

3. Vegan bars 4. Chickpeas

5. Tofu

Vegan supplementation

As we mentioned earlier, vegan diets are at risk of deficiencies, so

supplementation for vegans is essential. Proteins cannot be missing! And by not
consuming meat, this task is complicated. Therefore, protein shakes from soy
protein are one of the supplements that a vegan eats after training or at any time of
the day, to increase protein intake. Vegans also tend to lack group B vitamins,
these are mostly present in foods of animal origin, so My protein provides them in
convenient capsules. Get the most complete vitamin B complex.

● A vegan diet has been shown to not only be perfectly healthy, balanced and
complete, but can help prevent some serious illnesses.
● Drastic reduction of cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases by removing
saturated fats from the diet.
● A vegan diet is totally safe and balanced at any stage of life. It has been
endorsed and recognized by international organizations such as the World
Health Organization itself or the American Dietetic Association. Meat and
dairy products are not nutritionally necessary at any time of life, nor to carry
out any type of physical activity. Being vegan is healthy


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