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Running Head: Abrahamic Faiths and Truth

Abrahamic Faiths and Truth

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Abrahamic Faiths and Truth 1

Abrahamic Faiths and Truth

Abrahamic faiths refer to the world's three major religions: Christianity, Judaism, and
Islam. The three religions are called Abrahamic faiths because they believe in Abraham as the
first Prophet of God. Abrahamic highlights the important role of Abraham in each of these
religions and the link between these three faiths have. The belief followed by the three religions
Christian Belief
Christians believe that Jesus is God incarnate and came to die for humanity's sins by
bridging the gap from the original sin created by Adam and Eve, for a second chance for
humanity to have an inter-personal relationship with God the father. The religion believes Jesus
as the Son of God and the second person of the holy trinity. According to Matthew (28:18):
As per the Gospel of Mathews, Jesus is Lord. Lord is a term indicating respect for a man who is
in power and has authority over others. Therefore, Jesus has all the authority on the earth as
well as in heaven.
Islamic Belief
Muslims believe Jesus to be a prophet but not God incarnate. In contrast, Christians
believe that Jesus is not only a prophet but the Son of the Living God. Muslims do not believe in
the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, whereas these are the Christian
faith's fundamental truths. The Islamic belief is that Jesus has been sent as a prophet to guide the
people about following the straight path and doing things that can lead them to heaven in the life
hereafter. The guiding book of Islam, the Quran, mentioned Jesus as Prophet:
Truly, Allah created Jesus (Issa in Arabic) from dust, and the likeness of Issa with God is similar
to the likeness of Adam with God. God said to Issa, 'Be,' and he became. (3:59)
Judaist Belief
Believers of the Jewish faith argue that God is one and that Jesus is not God and that they
are different. Although acknowledging Christ's existence, they disagree that Christ is the
Messiah. Judaist beliefs that Jesus is born from jew man and women and that he is not God and
those who claim him to be God are liars.
In Deuteronomy, the concept of Trinitarian God is ruled out by Torah. Israel, listen carefully.
There is only one Lord, which is our God. (6:4)
According to Jerusalem Talmud:
If someone claims to be a God, he is no other than a liar (Ta'anit 2:1)
There are differences in Christian, Islam, and Judaist religions' beliefs, but many
similarities force to refer these three religions combined. The first and the most important belief
is God's worship; all three religions follow the same God but worship him in different manners.
The Abrahamic faiths believe in God's power, creations, the purpose of creating the world, and
Abrahamic Faiths and Truth 2

his commanding to save us from heaven. The three religions also believe in the concept of life
hereafter and know that we will be getting rewards or punishments based on our deeds in the
world one day. Christians, however, beliefs that they will be sent back to the saviour who will
heal their wounds faced by them in the world. The main difference between the three religions is
the belief in Jesus Christ. Christians consider him to be God's incarnate. In contrast, Islam and
Judaism strictly follow the belief that there are only one God and those who consider any other
God or consider God's incarnate are liars or sinners.
Since Jesus Christ guides people on how to live life, what needs to do and what not, the
things that can lead to heaven and by dying, he also taught about eternal life; thus, He was sent
by God to teach all the things required for passing life. He is the Son of God, and his sending
was the good news which is termed as Evangelical. The belief lies on four factors:
o Bible has no error.
o The only way to succeed is to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ
o Acceptance of salvation by individuals
o To spread the good news of Jesus Christ among all the people.
Mainline protestants differ from the Evangelical concept and argue that Bible today do not have
all the correct information. Islam also believes that the Bible is now miswritten and does not
represent God's correct teachings. Protestants argue that other than the salvation of Jesus Christ,
there are other ways for salvation. Due to these differences in Abrahamic faiths, this report has
been made to analyze the difference of opinion in Christians, Islam, and Judaism. By debating
about Father Abraham his descendants, Issue with eternity, Issue with prayers, and the father of
the Christian faith and Mediator, the difference in faith will be analyzed with proving the
teachings that Christianity is unique and is the one true faith because of Jesus Christ who knows
everything that God wants and hence is the Son of God which Islam and Judaism do not follow.
Father Abraham and His Descendants

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