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- Lanao School of Science and Technology, Inc.
Maranding, Lala, Lanao Del Norte

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Operation Management


(Prince Kennex Reguyal Aldama)







Lanao School of Science and Technology, Inc.
Maranding, Lala, Lanao Del Norte

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Major in Operation Management













What is Mathematics?

“We have developed a formal system of thought for recognizing, classifying, and exploring patterns called
mathematics.” (Stewart, p.1)

As we all know that most of us have a skewed relationship with math: we hate it for it is so difficult for us to
understand and solve a certain mathematical problem or love it for its consistency, but usually we don’t have
a sense of the whole picture of it. Well in fact, mathematics is an art.

Mathematics – is the art of patterns and connections embedded in nature and in our environment.

We can use the following concept map in defining Mathematics.

Study of patterns

Is a/an …
Art Language

Set of problem – Process of thinking

solving tools

Where is Mathematics?

We can see mathematics everywhere in this world though we sometimes ignore its presence. Everybody
enjoys nature however, not everyone is interested in exploring more intensely the mathematical idea in it.

For us to see Mathematics, we have to observe and notice hints and clues: In nature, in our daily routine, in
our work, in people and communities, and in events.

The Fibonacci Numbers

Fibonacci numbers – is an integer in the infinite sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13 … of which the first two terms are
1 and 1 and each succeeding term is the sum of the two immediately preceding. The numbers are named after
Fibonacci, also known as Leonardo of Pisa or Leonardo Pisano.

Golden Mean – is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by
the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the loner part.
It is often symbolized using phi ¿), it is after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.
a a+b
In an equation form, it looks like this: =
b a

Fractals – is a rough or fragmented shape that can be subdivided in parts, each of which is (at least
approximately) a reduced size copy of the whole. (B. Mandelbrot)

Stewart (1995)– said that “life itself is a process of symmetry creation”. The universe creates and replicates
these patterns.
The symmetry may be broken on one thing but part of it is still there and creates a pattern which makes
nature more beautiful and more fascinating.

Some examples of a fractals are: the tale of a peacock and the branches of the trees.

What is Mathematics For?

The proof of mathematics existence in nature and in our world implies that it is significant to human.

Some importance of mathematics

 Mathematics helps us unravel the puzzles of nature
 Organizes patterns and regularities as well as irregularities
 Enables us to make to make predictions
 Helps us control weather and epidemics
 Provides tools for calculations
 Provides new questions to think about

What is Mathematics About?

Well mathematics is all about:

 Numbers, symbols,, notations
 Operations, equations, and functions
 Processes and “thingification” (The fact or process of turning something into a thing; reification.
Proof – a story rather than a sequence of statement

How is Mathematics Done?

Mathematics is done by curiosity, with a penchant for seeking patterns and generalities, with the desire to
know the truth, with trial and error, without fear of facing more questions and problems to solve.

Who uses Mathematics?

 Mathematicians (pure and applied)

 Scientists (natural and social)
 Everyone in this world uses Mathematics.
But different people use different Math at different times, for different purposes using different tools, with
different attitudes.

Why is Mathematics Important to Know/Learn?

All of us agrees that learning math can be difficult, but some people believe math is important and some
people believe math is not important (Bianco, 2015). Math is important for many reasons and few of these
reasons are the following: Math puts order in disorder, Math makes us better persons, and Math makes a
world a better place to live in.

We all know that as children grow, they need to learn patience. Patience is precisely what math teaches us. It
also teaches us curiosity; for example, why is this rule used here? Why would that number be negative? Why
is that equation set up like that? These are the questions that they will learn to ask if they are taught math.

Math can help us understand better the world around us. The concepts in Math can help us better understand
physical phenomena. It gives us a way to understand patterns, to quantify relationships, and to predict the
future. It helps us understand the world – and we use the world to understand math. The world is
interconnected. Everyday math shows these connections and possibilities. Also, the perfection of math is
visible within living structures in the world, but we can also use its accuracy and inherent wisdom to improve
our own lives.




Take a picture of a plant, a tree, a building, or an object in your surroundings and discuss how mathematics is
embedded in your chosen object


Write an essay discussing the following ideas:

 What knew ideas in mathematics have you learned or change you previous beliefs about mathematics?
 What is most useful in mathematics for humankind?




Mathematics of Language and Symbols

“The laws of nature are written in the language of mathematics” (Galileo Galilei)

 Language is important to understand and express one’s ideas, feelings or opinion. Language serves as
the transmitter of information and knowledge. It helps us to construct social identity.
Misunderstanding of one’s language leads to confusion and misconceptions.

 Mathematics has its own language. It was designed so we can write about things (i.e.. numbers, sets,
functions, etc.) and can do something (i.e.. add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc.) on those things. And
just like human language, mathematics language consists of structural rules governing the use of
symbols representing mathematical objects.

Definition of Language

Language – is a systematic way of communicating with other people by the use of sounds or conventional
symbols. It is a system of words used in a particular discipline.

Importance of Language

Language was invented to communicate ideas to others (to transmit information), to understand the
expressed ideas, to acquire knowledge or information and to construct social identity.

Components of the Language of Mathematics

1. Discreteness – conveys that language consists of minimal units.

2. Grammar – tells that language consists of rules and patterns to arrange units.
3. Productivity – shows that language create totally novel statements that could be understood.
4. Displacement – reveals that language can convey imaginary, distant, past, present, and future

The Vocabulary of Mathematics

The language of mathematics has an abundant vocabulary of specialist and technical terms and also uses
symbols instead of words which are essential to the power of modern mathematics.

Some of the symbols commonly used in mathematics are the following:

 The 10 digits: 0, 1, 2,…9
 Symbols for operations and sets: +, -, x, ÷, ∩, ∪, ⊂ , ⊃,etc.
 Symbols that “stand in” for values: x, y, …
 Special symbols: π ,=,< ,≤ , …
 Logic symbols: ˄ ,˅ , ϵ ,𝝨, etc.
 Set notations: N, Z, R, Q, C, etc.

Often (but not always) letters are used in a mathematical statement. And these letters have special uses:

Examples What they usually mean

Start of the alphabet: A, b, c, … Constants (fixed values)

From I to N : I, j, k, l, m, n Positive integers (for

End of the alphabet: … x, y, z Variables (unknowns)

Characteristics of the Mathematics Language

 Precise – able to make very fine distinctions or definitions.

 Concise – able to say things briefly.
 Powerful – able to express complex thoughts with relative ease.




A. Translate each sentence using mathematical symbols

1. X is multiple of 5
2. X belongs to both sets A and B
3. The square of the sum of x and y is not more than 20
4. The sum of two consecutive numbers is 31
5. X is an odd number

B. Translate each of the following phrases into a mathematical expression. Use as

few variables as possible:

1. The sum of a number and 10

2. The product of two numbers
3. Five more than three times a number
4. Twice a number
5. The square of the sum of 5 and a number




Problem Solving and Reasoning

Every day in our life, whether we’re a student, parent, an ordinary person, a businessperson, or the president
of a country, we always face so many problems that need solving. For example, you want to buy your favorite
pair of shoes but you don’t have enough money, or you want to travel from one place to another by taking the
shortest distance, if possible. Whether the problem is big or small, we all set objectives for ourselves, face
hardships, and make every effort to overcome them. There is a common and essential way to answer
problems, and that is through problem solving.

So, to begin the discussion, let us first define a problem.

The word problemmay have different meaning depending on context. In English, problemis defined as – any
question or matter involving doubt, uncertainty, or difficulty or a question proposed for solution or discussion.
In Business, they also defineproblemas – a perceived gap between the existing state and the desired state, or
deviation from norm, a standard or status quo.
And in Mathematics we define problem as – a statement requiring a solution usually by means of a
mathematical operation or geometric construction.

Those are the three different meaning of problem in different context. And our focus here will be problems in
Mathematics. Just like for instance the Old McDonald problem:
“Old McDonald has 56 chickens and carabaos in the farm.
All in all, there are 152 feet. How many chickens and
carabaos are in his farm?”

What is Problem – Solving

Before we will proceed to the detailed discussion of problem – solving, we have to understand first these
three words: “method”, “answer”, and “solution”.

 Method – is the ways or techniques used to get an answer which will

usually involve one or more problem strategies.
 Answer – is a number, quantity or some other entity that the problem is
asking for.
 Solution– is the whole process of solving a problem, including the
method of obtaining an answer and the answer itself.

We can summarize the discussion above by this very simple equation which can be applied in problem solving:
Method + Answer = Solution

Problem – solving – is a process – an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to discover what we
don’t know.

3 Basic functions of problem – solving

1. Seeking information
2. Generating new knowledge
3. Making decisions

In addition problem – solving is the ability to identify and solve problems by applying appropriate skills

4 Steps in problem – solving

1. Understand the problem

2. Device a plan
3. Carry out the plan
4. Look back

Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning – is a process that uses our knowledge in making a general inference about unfamiliar
occurrences based on observation and patterns. It is using specific examples to make a general rule.

1. Use inductive reasoning to find the next two terms.
a. 5, 50, 500, 5000, ______, ______
b. a, 6, c, 12, e, 18, ______, _______

a. Looking at the terms given in the sequence, notice that the succeeding terms are multiplied by the
power of 10. Hence we can deduce that the next term will also be a product of a power of 10. Since
we are looking for the 4th and 5th terms, then we multiply the 4th rem by 10 and 5th term by 10.
So, the next two terms in the sequence are 50000 and 500000.
b. By examining the terms given in the sequence, observe that letters and numbers are alternate. The
letters are those that are in the odd position in the alphabet while the numbers are multiples of 6.
Thus, the next two terms in the sequence are the letter is g and the number is 24 (6x4).

Counterexample – is an example that contradicts the assumption and shows that the statement is false.

1. Every number that is a multiple of 10 is divisible by 4.
All we need to do first is, we have to list some numbers that are multiples of 10. So we have; 100, 110,
120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200

Next, we check if all numbers in the list are divisible by 4.

100 ÷ 4 = 25 120 ÷ 4 = 30 110 ÷ 4 = 27.5
Since, the quotient of 110 and 4 is 27.5, which is not a whole number, so we say that 110 is not
divisible by 4. And with this example, we have shown that not all multiples of 10 is divisible by 4. So we
can call 110 as a counterexample.

2. All prime numbers are odd.

First, we list some prime numbers. Then we’ll have 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, etc. among the given prime
numbers one of them is not odd. It is the even number 2. Now, 2 is considered as counterexample
because the statement “All prime numbers are odd” is proven false.
Deductive reasoning – is the process by which conclusions are made based on previously known facts
or by employing general assumptions, procedures, or principles. It is applying a general rule to specific
- It is also the way of showing that certain statements follow logically from agreed – upon
assumptions and proven facts and there is a need to justify every step with a reason.

1. Use deductive reasoning to show that when a number is multiplied by 10, the product is decreased
by 8, the difference is divided by 2, and 4 is added to quotient, then the number is five times the
original number.
Let x be the original number. Then,
A number is multiplied by 10: 10x
The product is decreased by 8: 10x – 8
10 x−8
The difference is divided by 2: = 5x – 4
4 is added to quotient: 5x – 4 + 4 = 5x
Since from the original number, x, we got 5x, the statement therefore is proven.

2. Solve for x in the equation 3(x + 4) – 2x = 20. Justify your answer.


Statement Justification
3(x + 4) – 2x = 20 Given
3x + 12 – 2x = 20 Distributive property
3x – 2x + 12 = 20 Commutative property
X – 12 = 20 Closure property
X = 20 – 12 Transposition
X=8 Closure property

Note: Deductive reasoning is commonly used in Geometry

particularly in proving geometric statements.




A. Use inductive reasoning to guess the next three terms in the given sequences. Show your solutions.

1. 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, _____, _____, _____

2. 105, 95, 85, 75, 65, _____, _____, _____

3. 18, 20.5, 23, 25.5, 28, ______, _____, _____

4. 32, 3.2, 0.32, 0.032, _____, _____, _____

5. 2, 5, 13, 26, 34, 57, _____, _____, _____

B. Solve for x in the equations given:

Note: Justify your answers.
1. 4(x + 3) – 3x = 15

2. 5( 2x + 4) – 2x = 20


Problem Solving Strategies

Strategy 1: Identifying a Sub – goal Strategy
- Is used when solving math problems that need to be solved in more than a single step and each
step can be solved separately.
 Magic Square Problem – are square grids with a special arrangement of numbers in them. These
numbers are special because every row, column and diagonal adds up to the same number.

Arrange the numbers from 1 to 9 in a 3x3 magic square so that the sum of every row, column and
diagonal adds up to the same number.

First you have to understand the problem. Remember that we have the numbers 1 to 9 which are to be
arranged in a square subdivided into nine smaller squares, where each small square contains a different
number. And you have to make sure that the sum of every row, column and diagonal adds up to the same
number and make sure also that the numbers are not repeated.

Take note that enable for the square to be a magic square, we must first know what the common sum is.
To find the common sum we just add all the numbers from 1 to 9. So we have, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 +
9 = 45.

Notice also that 45 is 3 times the sum of one row or column.

Since, we have already the sum of all numbers now, we have to find the common sum bydividing the sum
of the nine numbers, 45, by 3.
45 ÷ 3 = 15. So we get 15 as the common sum.

Then we decided as to what number is to be placed in each square. Try dividing the common sum by 3
(remember, this is not applicable to all magic squares). So, we get the quotient 5. Now place this at the
center most square (figure a). Next, place the other numbers in the remaining squares such that the even
numbers will occupy the center squares (figure b) and the odd numbers, the middle squares (figure c). You
can do trial and error on this. So our magic square would look like (figure d):

2 6 7 2 7 6

5 5 9 5 1 9 5 1
4 8 3 4 3 8
Fig. a fig. b fig. c fig. d

Note: There are other possible arrangements here. Try finding others.

Now, we have to check to check if our answer is reasonable. To do this, we, have to examine if the sum of
the numbers in each row, column and diagonal adds up to 15.


2 + 7 + 6 = 15 2 + 9 + 4 = 15 2 + 5 + 8 = 15
9 + 5 + 1 = 15 7 + 5 + 3 = 15 6 + 5 + 4 = 15
4 + 3 + 8 + 15 6 + 1 + 8 = 15

Since, all rows, columns and diagonals sum up to 15, then this means that our answer is correct and

Strategy 2: Making a Table Strategy

- Is a problem solving strategy that students can use to solve mathematical word problems by writing
the information in a more organized format.

Steps in Making a Table

 Set up the table with correct label.

 Enter known data into the table.
 Look for a pattern and extend the table.
 Find the answer in the table.

1. Joy takes up jogging as her form of exercise. She jogs daily in their barangay auditorium. On the first
week, she jogs for 15 minutes per day, on the second week she jogs for 20 minutes per day. Each
week, she wants to increase her jogging time by 5 minutes per day. If she jogs six days each week,
what will be her total jogging time on the sixth week?

We know that in the first week Joy jogs 15 minutes per day for six days and on the second week she
jogs 20 minutes per day for six days.
We also know that in each week, she increases her jogging time by 5 minutes per day and she jogs 6
days per week.
Our aim here is to find Joy’s total jogging time in the sixth week.

All we need to do here is to make a table and list the given data in a table and use the given
information to find new information.
So our table will look like this:


1 15 90
2 20 120

We all know that each week Joy increase her jogging time by minutes per day and jogs 6 times per week. We
can use this information to continue filling in the table we get to week six.


1 15 90
2 20 120
3 25 150
4 30 180
5 35 210
6 40 240

Based on the data in the table, we can see that on the sixth week, Joy was able to jog for 40 minutes per day
and so her total jogging time at the end of the sixth week is 240 minutes.

Now, we have to check our answer. Joy increases her jogging time by 5 minutes per day. She jogs six days per
week. This means that she increases her jogging time by 30 minutes per week.
So, Joy starts at 90 minutes per week and she increases by 30 minutes per week for five weeks
This shows then that the total jogging time is of Joy is 90 + (30 x 5) = 240 minutes.
So, our answer is correct.

Strategy 3: Making an Organized List

- Is used to solve problems that have multiple solutions and this is done by writing down all the
combinations or possibilities in an organized list.
1. Rachel has 2 blouses, 2 skirts, and 2 pairs of sandals. How many different outfits does she have?

The problem tells us that Rachel has 5 blouses, 2 skirts, and 2 pairs of sandals. Now she has to combine each
of the blouses, skirts, and sandals to come up with an outfit. So what we need to do here is to determine the
possible outfits that she can have.
For us to answer the problem easily, we will utilize the Making an Organized List Strategy. We will make an
organized list of all possible answers using a tree diagram. This will help us to ensure that no answer will be
repeated. So we have:


Sk1 S2

B1 S1
B2 Sk1



Considering the diagram above, we can see that the possible combinations are: (B1, Sk1, S1), (B1, Sk1, S2), (B1,
Sk2, S1), (B1, Sk2, S2), (B2, Sk1, S1), (B2, Sk1, S2), (B2, Sk2, S1), (B2, Sk2, S2).
Hence, there are 8 possible outfits that Rachel could have.

Strategy 4: Eliminating Possibilities

- Is a strategy in which students remove possible answers until the correct answer will remains. This
strategy can be used to solve basic or simple math problems or logic problems.

Wally asked Joy how old she was. Joy said to him that she would give him three clues and see if he
could guess her age. Joy wrote down the clues and let Wally make a guess.

1. My age is between 18 and 35
2. My age is a multiple of 3
3. My age is an odd number
4. The digits of my age are repeated

How old is Joy?

The problem is telling us that Wally has to guess Joy’s age and to be able to guess
her age he needs to use the different conditions given.

In solving the problem we need to use the four different clues given.
Clue 1:Joy’s age is between 18 and 35, so we can list all the numbers between 18 and 35. (when we say
“between” in mathematics we mean the numbers excluding the boundaries.) We have:
19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

Clue 2:The clue says that Joy’s age is a multiple of 3. Then, we need to remove from the list all those numbers
that are not multiples of 3. So we have;

21 24
27 30 33

Looking at the table above, we can see that there are only 5 numbers left to choose from.

Clue 3:Joy’s age is an odd number.

Among the five numbers left in the list, the only odd numbers are 21, 27, and 33.

Clue 4: the digits of my age is repeated

The only number in the list with repeating digits is 33.

Let us check if our answer is correct

 Clue 1: 33 is between 18 and 35
 Clue 2: 33 is a multiple of 3
 Clue 3: 33 is an odd number
 Clue 4: the digits of 33 is repeating.

Therefore our answer is correct..

Strategy 5: Writing an Equation and Using a Variable

- Is a strategy that is done by translating word problems into mathematical statements using any
letter that would represent the unknown in the problem.

1. Find two numbers whose sum is 28 and whose product is 192.

We need to find the two numbers whose sum is 28 and whose product is 192.
To solve the problem we make use of the strategies using a variable and writing an equation.
So we let x be the first number
y be the second number.

► the working equation now is

x + y = 28 and xy = 192
We will now solve the problem using the given equations.
x + y = 28 and xy = 192
► first, we express x in terms of y in equation 1.
► so, we will have, x = 28 – y
► next, we substitute x = 28 – y in equation 2
► then, we have (28 – y) y = 192
► simplify the resulting equation. We have
28y - y² = 192
y² - 28y + 192 = 0
► use factoring to find the value (s) of y in the equation.
(y – 12)(y – 16) = 0
► then we let y – 12 = 0 and y – 16 = 0 and we solve for y
y = 12 and y = 16
► if y = 12, x = 16 and if y = 16, x = 12

Therefore the two numbers are 12 and 16.

To check so we have: 12 + 16 = 28 and 12 x 16 = 192
Then, our answer is correct.




Solve the following problems comprehensively show all your solutions.

1. There are eight runners on a relay – race team the first team member runs 360 meters. Each team
runs 45 meters less than the runner before. How many meters did the last team member run in a
relay – race?
2. There are 15 people in a room, and each person shakes hand exactly one with everyone else. How
many handshakes take place?
3. A leech was at the bottom of a well 30 feet deep. It climbs 3 feet each day and slides back 2 feet
each day. How many days will it take to reach the top?
4. Rachel is six years older than Irene. Six years ago, she was twice as old as Irene. How old are they
at present?
5. Place the numbers 1 to 9 in each empty circle so that the numbers on each side of the triangle adds
up to 20.

6. Complete the soduko below.

2 13
11 10
12 6
1 4 15




Mathematical Problems Involving Patterns

Strategy 6: Looking for a Pattern Strategy

- A strategy in which students look for patterns in the data in order to solve the problem.
- It can be used also to solve many math problems and can be used in combination with many other
strategies, including make a table, make a list, or simplify the problem.

1. Find the next three terms in the given sequences:
a. 2, 5, 8, 11, ___, ___, ___
b. 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, ___, ___, ___

In the given sequences, we need to find a pattern based on the given terms and then we will use it to find the
next three terms.

What we will do here is to see whether the terms are increasing or decreasing and by how many units.

In the given sequence letter a. If we are to examine the terms in the given, we’ll notice that each term
increases by 3. So, if this pattern continues, the next three terms in the sequence would be 14, 17, and 20.

Looking at the terms of the sequence given in letter b. It seems that the second term is 4 greater than the first
term. Same is true for the third term, the fourth term, and so on. If this pattern continues, then the next three
terms in the sequence would be 21, 25, and 29.

To check if our answers are reasonably correct, then we determine the difference between each of the given
terms then we add this difference to the last given term until we produce the next three terms. So, we have;

a. 2 5 8 11 14 1720

-3 -3 -3 +3 +3 +3

b. 1 5 9 13 17212529

-4 -4 -4 -4 +4 +4 +4

Thus, this shows that our answers are correct.

The Fibonacci Sequence

- Is the series of numbers such that the next number is found by adding up the two numbers before

Here is a list of some terms of the Fibonacci sequence:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711,
28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811 …
 The 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1)
 The 3 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+2)
 And 5 is (2+3)
 And so on!

The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a “Rule”. First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this:
n= 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 14 …
xn 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 1 21 34 55 89 14 233 37 …
3 4 7

So term number 6 which is 8, is called x 6.

Hence, the “Rule” is F n=F n−1+ F n−2

 F n is term number “n”
 F n−1 is the previous term (n – 1)
 F n−2 is the term before that (n – 2)
1. Find the 10th term in the Fibonacci sequence.
F 10=F10−1 + F10−2 = F 9+ F 8=34+21=55
Therefore the 10th term in the sequence is 55 or F 10=55

2. Find the 13th term in the Fibonacci sequence.

F 13=F 13−1+ F13−2 = F 12+ F 11 = 144 + 89 = 233
Therefore the 13th term in the sequence is 233 or F 13=233.

Historical Note:
Fibonacci sequencewas invented by the Italian Leonardo
Pisano Bigollo (1180 – 1250), who is known in mathematical
history by several names: Leonardo of Pisa (Pisano means “from
Pisa”) and Fibonacci (means “son of Bonacci). The Fibonacci
sequence was the outcome of a mathematical problem about
rabbit breeding that was posed in the Liber Abaci.
Fibonacci Day is November 23rd, as it has the digits “1, 1, 2, 3”
which is part of the sequence.




Solve the following problems comprehensively. Show all your solutions.

1. What is the next 3 figure in the pattern?

2. Write down the first 8 terms of the Fibonacci sequence. Solve using F n.

3. Recall the song “Twelve Days of Christmas”

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me:
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me:
Two Turtle Doves and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

a. If the song will continued, which gifts did my true love give the most?
b. How many gifts did my true love give me on the 12th day?
c. How many gifts all in all did my true love give me?


More Problem Solving Strategies

Strategy 7: Working Backwards Strategy

- Is used to solve problems that include a number of linked factors or events, where some of the
information has not been provided, usually at the beginning of the problem. To solve those
problems it is usually necessary to start with the answer and work methodically backwards to fill in
the missing information.

Wally is four years younger than Phillip but Errol is 24 years older than Phillip. If Errol is 35, how old is

 What we know in the problem are the following:
 Wally is four years younger than Phillip.
 Errol is 24 years older than Phillip.
 Errol is 35 years old.
 What we need to find is the age of Wally.

We will begin the information that we know, Errol’s age, and we work backwards to calculate Wally’s age.

To solve the problem, we start from Errol’s age.

 Errol is 35 years old.
 He is 24 years older than Phillip.
 So, 35 – 24 years = 11.
 Therefore, Phillip is 11 years old.
 Wally is four years younger than Phillip.
 So, 11 – 4 = 7
Therefore, Wally is seven years old.

To verify our answer, this time we work forward.

7 + 4 = 11
11 + 24 = 35
Hence, our answer is correct.

Strategy 8: Guess and Check Strategy

- A problem – solving strategy that students can use to solve mathematical problems by guessing the
answer and then checkingthat the guess fits the conditions of the problem.
Cheenee, Tannie, and Shack are friends. The product of their ages is 1664. No one is of the same age
as the other. What are their ages?


 What we know in the problem are the following:
 The product of their ages is 1664.
 They don’t have the same age.
 What we need to find are ages of Cheenee, Tannie, and Shack.
We will guess three random numbers and we will multiply them. If the product is too small, we will guess
larger numbers and if the product is too large we guess another set of numbers. Then, we see if any patterns
develop from our guess.

Guess 1:10, 12, and 15 years

→ (10)(12)(15) = 1800 years too big

Guess 2: 9, 13, and 16 years

→ (9)(13)(16) = 1872 years still too big

Guess 3: 8, 12, and 15 years

→ (8)(12)(15) = 1440 years too small

Guess 4: 8, 12, and 16 years

→ (8)(12)(16) = 1536 years still too small

Guess 5:8, 13, and 16 years

→ (8)(13)(16) = 1664 years √

Therefore, the ages of Cheenee, Tannie, and Shack are 8, 13, and 16 years.

To verify our answer, we check if the conditions in the problem are satisfied.
8 x 13 x 16 = 1664 the ages of the 3 friends resulted to a product of 1664.
None of the ages is repeated.
This only shows that our answer is correct.

Strategy 9: Solve a Similar but Simpler Problem

- Is something that mathematicians do all the time. They get good at identifying ways to make a
problem simpler, and applying what they learned from the simpler problem to give them insight
into whatever they’re trying to figure out.
Jodie walks from her house 3 blocks west and 4 blocks north to the bakeshop. She then walked 4 blocks
west and 6 blocks north to the mall. How far away is Jodie’s house from the mall?

 What we know in the problem are the following:
 Jodie walks from her house 3 blocks west and 4 blocks north to the bakeshop.
 She then walked 4 blocks west and 6 blocks north to the mall
 What we need to find is the distance of Jodie’s house from the mall.

To solve the problem, we will break it down to simpler problems.

First, we have to determine the distance from Jodie’s house to the bakeshop.
3blocks (west) + 4blocks (north) = 7 blocks
(from Jodie’s house to the bakeshop)
Next, we determine the distance from the bakeshop to the mall.
4blocks (west) + 6blocks (north) = 10 blocks
(from the bakeshop to the mall)
Lastly, we determine the distance from Jodie’s house to the mall. We now consider the first two distances that
we have determined.
7blocks + 10blocks = 17 blocks
Therefore, Jodie’s house is 17 blocks away from the mall.



Solve the following problems comprehensively. Show all your solutions.

1. Juliana walked from Balaoan to San Juan. It took her 1 hour 45 minutes to walk from Balaoan to
Bacnotan. Then it took her 1 hour 15 minutes to walk from Bacnotan to San Juan. She arrived in San
Juan at 5:45pm. At what time did she leave Balaoan?

2. Zenadine takes a lace that is 36 inches long and cuts it in two pieces. One piece is two times as long as
the other. How long is each piece?

3. One of the 16 iconic architectural structures in the Philippines is the National Theater – Cultural Center
of the Philippines Complex. In front of it is a pond that is shaped like a regular octagon. What is the sum
of the measures of the angles of an octagon?

4. Find the sum of the first 100 whole numbers.




Recreational Problems Using Mathematics

Recreational mathematics

- Mathematics is done for recreation or as a hobby and intended to be fun. Typically

it involves games puzzles that relate to mathematics, although the term can cover
other material. Typically, recreational mathematics involves general logical and
lateral thinking skills, as opposed to advanced mathematical concepts, so that the
average person is at least able to understand and appreciate a recreational
problem and its solution. Recreational puzzles can also increase people’s
appreciation of mathematics as a whole.




1. From the arrangement below of 15 matches, remove 6 to leave 10

2. Arrange 11 sticks such that the eleven sticks will become 9 without removing a stick.

3. Sudoku is easy to play and the rules are simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and
each of the nine 3x3 grids should contain one instance of each numbers 1 through 9.

4 5 7
1 2 8
7 9

3 6 4 2
8 3 6

9 8 5
1 5 8

3 6 1


Review of the Basic Concepts in Statistics

- Is a field of mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation
of quantitative data.
Collection of data
- The process of gathering relevant information from the population.
Organization of data
- Refer to the systematic arrangement of data into tables, graphs, or charts so that logical and
statistical conclusions can easily be derived from the collected information.

Analysis of data
- Refers to the process of deducing relevant information from the given data so that numerical
description can be formulated.

Interpretation of data
- All about deriving conclusion from the data that have been analyzed. It also involves making
predictions or forecasts about large groups based on gathered data from small groups.

Collect Survey, test, interview, observe, experiment, register

Organize Tables, graphs, texts

Analyze Numerical analysis (“most”, “how many percent”,


Give the meaning/implication of the findings, conclude


Two Fields of Statistics

Statistics may be subdivided into two fields: the Descriptive and the Inferential fields.

1. Descriptive Statistics
- Consist of the collection, organization, summarization, and presentation of data.
Here, the statistician tries to describe a given situation.

2. Inferential Statistics
- Another area of Statistics concerned with drawing conclusions about large groups of data called the
population based on selected elements of that population, known as sample.

Here, the statistician tries to make inferences from samples to population. This area also
makes use of the concept of probability.


Measure of central tendency or measure of central location

- Is a summary measure that describes a whole set of data with a single with a single quantity that
represents the middle or center of its distribution the way in which a group of data that cluster
around a central value. In short, this is a measure that tells where the center of a data set is

3 Measures of Central Tendency

1. Mean
2. Median
3. Mode

Mean (x́)
- Also called as the “average” or “arithmetic average”, is the most commonly used measure of
central tendency. It is said to be the most reliable measure of central tendency and has the least
probable error but does not supply information the homogeneity of the distribution.

Ungrouped Data
a. Simple Mean
- In getting the simple mean, means that we are giving equal weight to each value in the data set.

To compute the mean of ungrouped data, we use the formula:

x + x + x + …+ x N
x́ = 1 2 3
The ages of five contestants in a Statistics Quiz Bee are the following: 18, 17, 18, 19, and 18. Find
their average age.
x́ = add all the values (ages)
x́= 18 then divide the sum by 5.
Therefore, the mean age of the contestants is 18.

b. Weighted Mean
- Is mean calculated by giving values in a data set more influence according to some attribute of the
- It is an average in which each quantity to be averaged is assigned a weight, and these weightings
determine the relative importance of each quantity on the average. Weightings are the equivalent
of having that many like items with the same value involved in the average.

The formula for weighted mean is WM=

∑ wx ,
w is the weight of each value
x is the matching value

1. Xandra bought different fruits for New Year. She bought 3 apples at 10 pesos each, 5
ponkans at 5 pesos each, 3 pears at 15 pesos each, 4 pieces of chico at 25 pesos each. What is
the average price of each fruit that Xandra bought?

∑ wx
3 ⦁ 10+5 ⦁5+ 3⦁ 15+ 4 ⦁ 25
3+5+ 3+4
30+25+ 45+100
Thus, the average price of each fruit bought by Xandra is 13.33 pesos.

- Is defined as the middle value/observation in an organized list of numbers and falls in the middle –
most position of the whole data.

Ungrouped Data
- Median value in an ungrouped data is determined by first arranging the numbers in value order
from lowest to highest or vice versa. If there is an odd amount of numbers, the median value is the
middle most number, with the same amount of numbers below and above. If there is an
evenamount of numbers in the list, the middle pair must be determined, added together and
divided by two to find the median value. The median can be used to determine an approximate

A college professor at a certain university assigns Statistics practice problems to worked via the net.
Students must use a secret code to access the problems and the time of log – in and log – out are
automatically recorded for the professor. At the end of the week, the professor examines the amount of
time each student spent solving the assigned problems. Find the median. The data are:
15 28 25 48 22 43 39 44 43 49 34 22 33 27 25 22 30

First, arrange the data in ascending or descending order.
15 22 22 22 25 25 27 28 30 33 34 39 43 43 44 48 49

Next, divide the data set into two equal parts.

15 22 22 22 25 25 27 28 30 33 34 39 43 43 44 48 49
 Since there is an odd number of values in the data, we take the middle most number/value which is 30
as the median of the data set.

Therefore, the median of the given data in the problem is 30.

- The number/observation in a data set which appears the most number of times. If the number in
the list is repeated, then there is no mode for the list. However, it is also possible to have more
than one mode for the same distribution of data.
 Uni – modal
 Bi – modal kinds of mode
 Multi – modal

Ungrouped Data

To find the mode of an ungrouped data, find the frequency of each number/value/observation in the given
data set. Then, choose the number/value/observation having the highest frequency as the mode.
Mode = number/value/observation with the highest frequency

Find the mode of the given data set: 15 28 25 48 22 43 39 44 43 49 34 22 33 27 25 22 30

First, arrange the data given in ascending or descending order.
15 22 22 22 25 25 27 28 30 33 34 39 43 43 44 48 49
Next, determine the number that appeared the most number of times.

In the given data, the number that appeared the most number of times is




Find the mean, median, and mode of each of the following data sets. Show all your solutions.

1. 20, 27, 23, 28, 23, 25

2. 45, 59, 52, 46, 41, 26, 36, 34, 38, 41, 39, 38, 30, 49, 46, 51

3. 157, 133, 232, 267, 289, 247, 321, 348, 188, 432

4. Six employees are working as call center agents. Their salaries are as follows: 23,500, 24,300, 25,800,
23,900, 24,100, 24,950. What is the average salary of the employees?

5. At MJR fitness and health society, 60% of the members are women and 40% are men. What is the
average age of all the members if the average age of the women is 35 and the average age of the man is




Mean, Median, and Mode for Grouped Data

Mean Grouped Data

- One method that can be used to find the mean of grouped data is the class mark or midpoint

Class mark or Midpoint Method

- In this method, the class mark of each interval has to be known and then it will be multiplied to the
corresponding frequency of every class interval. The formula for the mean using this method is

x́ =
∑ cfX where cf = ith frequency
X = ith class mark
n = total number of observations
Consider the frequency distribution below:

CI cf
75 – 79 5
70 – 74 7
65 – 69 8
60 – 64 10
55 – 59 7
50 – 54 9
45 – 49 5
N = 50

Determine the mean of the distribution.

First, get the midpoint or class mark of each class interval. Next, multiply the frequency of each class
to the corresponding midpoint or class mark. Then, get the sum of the products. The table is shown below:

CI cf X cfX
75 – 79 5 77 385
70 – 74 7 72 504
65 – 69 8 67 536
60 – 64 10 62 620
55 – 59 7 57 399
50 – 54 9 52 468
45 – 49 5 47 188
N = 50 ∑ cfX =3100
From the values in the table above, we can now compute for the value of the mean by substituting the
computed n = 50and ∑ cfX =3100 in the formula.

x́ =
∑ cfX =
=62thus, the mean of the data is 62.
n 50

Median Grouped Data

The formula for the median for grouped is as follows:

X = LB + 2
MC [
−¿ CF b
cf MC
i ]
LB MC = exact lower class boundary of the median class
<CF b = less than cumulative frequency below the median class
i = class size
cf MC = frequency of the median class

Steps in computing the median:

a. Compute for the <CF of the data.

b. Determine the median class by computing for the value of .
c. Locate the computed value for N/2 at the <CF column (must be within one of the <CF). The interval
corresponding to this <CF value is the median class.
d. Look at the <CF corresponding to the median class. Then get the <CF before the median class.
e. Subtract the <CF b from .
f. Divide the answer in the step e by the frequency of the median class.
g. Multiply the answer in step f by the value of i.To determine the value of i, subtract the lower limit from
the upper limit in any of the class intervals then add 1.
h. Add the answer in step g to the exact lower limit ( LB MC) of the median class. The answer in this step is
the median value of the data set.

The record of 21 people in a 100m race is summarized in the given frequency table.

Time Frequency
(in seconds)

51 – 55 2
56 – 60 7
61 – 65 8
66 – 70 4
N = 21

Time Frequency <CF
(in seconds)

51 – 55 2 2
56 – 60 7 9
61 – 65 8 17
66 – 70 4 21
N = 21

 Using the formula we will have

X =
−¿ CF b
cf MC
X = 60.5 +
[ ]

X = 60.5 +
[ 8 ]

X = 60.5 + 0.9375
X = 61.4375 ≈ 61.44
Hence, the median of the data set in the problem is 61.44 seconds.

Mode Grouped Data

To find the mode of grouped data, we use the formula

X = LB MoC + [
^ ¿i
∆1 +∆ 2
LB MoC = modal class or the class with the highest frequency
∆1 = difference between the frequency of the modal class and the
frequency above it.
∆ 2= difference between the frequency of the modal class and the
frequency below it
i = class size/interval

Steps in finding the mode for grouped data:

a. Identify the modal class by determining the interval with the highest frequency.
b. Determine the exact lower limit LB MoCof the modal class.
c. Calculate ∆ 1 and ∆2
d. Determine the value of i by substituting the lower limit from the upper limit in any of the class intervals
then add 1.
e. Substitute the values in the formula.

Note:To ensure accuracy in the computations and to avoid rounding off the values
(especially for non – terminating decimals) along the computation process, it is best
to compute for the final value simultaneously using your calculator.

The record of 21 people in a 100m race is summarized in the frequency table below:
Time Frequency
(in seconds)

51 – 55 2
56 – 60 7
61 – 65 8
66 – 70 4
N = 21

Find the mode of the given data.


a) Identify the modal class by determining the interval with the highest frequency.
The highest frequency is 8 and the corresponding interval is 61 – 65. This means that the
modal class is the interval 61 – 65.
b) Determine the exact lower limit LB MoC of the modal class.
LB MoC = 60.5
c) Calculate ∆ 1 and ∆2
∆1 = 8 – 7 = 1
∆2 = 8 – 4 = 4
d) Determine the value of i by subtracting the lower limit from the upper limit in any of the class intervals
then add 1.
i = 65 – 61 = 4
e) Substitute the values in the formula.
X = LB MoC + [
^ ¿i
∆1 +∆ 2
X = 60.5 + [ ¿5
1+ 4
X = 60.5 + [ ¿ 5
X = 60.5 + 1
X = 61.5

Therefore, the mode of the data set is 61.5




Find the mean, median, mode of the following grouped data. Show all your solutions.
1. Weight of 50 women in a fitness club.

Weights (lbs) Frequency

129 – 136 2
121 – 128 7
113 – 120 6
105 – 112 5
97 – 104 10
89 – 96 12
81 – 88 8

2. Weights of Employees in RAFY Company

Weight (cm) Frequency

170 – 179 3
160 – 169 12
150 – 159 20
140 – 149 28
130 – 139 15
120 – 129 2




Measures of Relative Position

- are used to locate the relative position of an observation in a set of data and they are said to be the
natural extension of the median.

 Quartiles
 Deciles common measures of relative position
 Percentiles
 Standard score/z – scores


- are natural extension of the median that divide a distribution into four equal parts. The lower
quartile Q1(first quartile) is the value of the variable below which 25% of the cases lie.
Q 1= 25%
Q 2 = 50%
Q 3 = 75%
Q 4 = 100%

Formula for ungrouped data:

k (N +1)
Qk = thitem


The monthly salary in pesos of 18 salesmen are as follows: 15,693, 13,066, 12,685, 11,128, 13,760,
13,657, 11,995, 11,372, 11,313, 9,656, 9,518, 9,116, 10,503, 10,264, 10,466, 10,896, 12,912, 14,718. Find the
3rd quartile.

First, arrange the observations in an array.
9,116, 9,518, 9,656, 10,264, 10,466, 10,503, 10,896, 11,128, 11,313, 11,372, 11,995, 12,192, 12,685, 13,066,
13,675, 13,760, 14,718, 15,693

Using the formula we have:

k (N +1)
Qk = th, substitute 18 to N. So we have;
Q3 =
Q3 =

Q 3 = 14.25 ≈ 14th item, which is 13,066.

This means that 75% of the salesmen have salaries that are below or lower than 13,066.

- are the values that divide the data set into ten equal parts.
D1 = 10% D4 = 40% D7 = 70%
D2 = 20% D5 = 50% D 8 = 80% D10 = 100%
D3 = 30% D6 = 60% D9 = 90%

k (N +1)
Dk = th item

The monthly salary in pesos of 18 salesmen are as follows: 15,693, 13,066, 12,685, 11,128, 13,760,
13,657, 11,995, 11,372, 11,313, 9,656, 9,518, 9,116, 10,503, 10,264, 10,466, 10,896, 12,912, 14,718. Find the
6th decile.

First, arrange the observations in an array.
9,116, 9,518, 9,656, 10,264, 10,466, 10,503, 10,896, 11,128, 11,313, 11,372, 11,995, 12,192, 12,685, 13,066,
13,675, 13,760, 14,718, 15,693

Using the formula we have:

k (N +1)
Dk = th, substitute 18 to N. So we have;
D6 = 6 ¿ ¿
D6 = th
D6 = 11.4 ≈ 11th item, which is 11,995.

This means that 60% of the salesmen have salaries that are below or lower than 11,995.

- are values that divide the distribution into 100 equal parts. There are 99 percentiles, denoted by P1
, P2,…, P99. They are generally used to characterize values according to percentage below them.
k (N +1)
Pk = th item
1 00

The monthly salary in pesos of 18 salesmen are as follows: 15,693, 13,066, 12,685, 11,128, 13,760,
13,657, 11,995, 11,372, 11,313, 9,656, 9,518, 9,116, 10,503, 10,264, 10,466, 10,896, 12,912, 14,718. Find the
18th percentile.

First, arrange the observations in an array.
9,116, 9,518, 9,656, 10,264, 10,466, 10,503, 10,896, 11,128, 11,313, 11,372, 11,995, 12,192, 12,685, 13,066,
13,675, 13,760, 14,718, 15,693

Using the formula we have:

k (N +1)
Pk = th, substitute 18 to N. So we have;

P18 = th
P18 = th
P18 =3.42 ≈ 3rd item, which is 9, 656
This means that 18% of the salesmen have salaries that are below or lower than 9,656.

Box and Whiskers Plot

- Box and whiskers plot or sometimes called as the boxplot was invented by John Tukey in 1977. It
displays data broken into four quartiles, each with an equal number of data values graphically. It
doesn’t show frequency and each individual statistic, but it clearly shows where the middle of the
data lies. It can be use to analyze how data is skewed.
- Boxplots present graphically the location and spread of a variable at a quick look. They also provide
some indication of the data’s symmetry and skewness. The difference of boxplots to other
methods of displaying data is that, boxplots show outliers while others do not.
- are observation points that are distant or “too far away”from other observations. They “lie
outside” the range in which we expect them.
- are values that lie more than one and a half times the length of the box from either end of the box.

To find the outliers, we use the formula 1.5 ⦁ IQR = Q 3 - Q 1

where: IQR means inter – quartile range.

Inter – quartile range (IQR)

- is the length of the box in the box – and – whiskers plot. This means that anything less than Q 1 - 1.5
IQR or anything greater than Q 3 - 1.5 IQR will be an outlier.

Given the following scores of students in a 100 – item test, find in the given data set the outlier: 94,
90, 50, 68, 78, 84, 72, 87, 70, 69, 65, 88, 85, 83, 72.
First, we arrange the given data in ascending order.
50, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 72, 78, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 94

Second, we determine Q 1&Q 2.

50, 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 72, 78, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 94

Q 1 = 69 and Q 3 = 87

Next, we solve for IQR.

IQR = Q3−Q1 Then, we compute for Q 1 - 1.5 IQR and Q3 - 1.5 IQR
IQR = 87 – 69 Q 1 - 1.5 IQR = 69 – 1.5(18) = 42

IQR = 18 Q 3 - 1.5 IQR = 87 – 1.5(18) = 60

Hence, the outliers are at 65, 68, 69, 70, 72, 72, 78, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 94




Find the Q 1, Q3, D9, P38, P77 of each of the following data sets. Show all your solutions.

1. 20, 27, 23, 28, 23, 25

2. 45, 59, 52, 46, 41, 26, 36, 34, 38, 41, 39, 38, 30, 49, 46, 51

3. 157, 133, 232, 267, 289, 247, 321, 348, 188, 432




Quartiles, Percentiles, Deciles Grouped Data


Qk = LBQ +
[ 4
−¿CF b
cf Q

Q k = kth quartile
LBQ = lower class boundary of the kth quartile

¿ CF b = less than cumulative frequency below kth quartile class

cf Q = frequency of the kth quartile class

i = class size/class interval

N = total number of observations


Consider the frequency distribution table below. Find the first quartile.
Scores of 30 students in a Math test

Score Frequency
70 – 79 2
60 – 69 3
50 – 59 2
40 – 49 7
30 – 39 9
20 – 29 7
N = 30

First, compute for the <CF of the data

Score Frequency <CF
70 – 79 2 30
60 – 69 3 28
50 – 59 2 25
40 – 49 7 23
30 – 39 9 16
20 – 29 7 7
N = 30

Next, find the first quartile class

kN 1⦁ 30
= =7.5
4 4

Then, locate the 7.5 in the <CF column, and it is within <CF 16, and identify the interval that corresponds to it,
30 – 39.

Score Frequency <CF

70 – 79 2 30
60 – 69 3 28
50 – 59 2 25
1st Quartile Class
40 – 49 7 23
30 – 39 9 16
20 – 29 7 7
Next, solve using the N = 30 formula. So we have,


Qk = LBQ + k
[ 4
−¿CF b
cf Q k
i ]
Q 1 = 29.5 +
[ 9 ]
Q 1 = 29.5 + [0.056]10
Q 1 = 29.5 + 0.56
Q 1 = 30.06
This means that 25% of the students scored below/lower than 30.06 points.



Dk = LB D +k
[ 10
−¿CF b
cf D k
i ]
Dk = kth deciles

LB D = lower class boundary of the kth decile

¿ CF b = less than cumulative frequency below kth decile class

cf D = frequency of the kth decile class

i = class size/class interval

N = total number of observations

Consider the frequency distribution table below. Find the 3 rd decile.

Scores of 30 students in a Math test

Score Frequency
70 – 79 2
60 – 69 3
50 – 59 2
40 – 49 7
30 – 39 9
20 – 29 7
N = 30


First, compute for the <CF of the data.

Score Frequency <CF

70 – 79 2 30
60 – 69 3 28
50 – 59 2 25
40 – 49 7 23
30 – 39 9 16
20 – 29 7 7
N = 30

Next, find the 3rd decile class.

kN 3 ⦁30
= =9
10 10 Score Frequency <CF
70 – 79 2 30
Then, locate the 9 in the <CF column, and it is within <CF 16,
and identify the 60 – 69 3 28 interval that corresponds to it, 30 – 39.
50 – 59 2 25
40 – 49 7 23
30 – 39 9 16 53
20 – 29 7 7
3 Decile Class
N = 30
Next, solve using the formula. So we have,

Dk = LB D + k
[ 10
−¿CF b
cf D
D3 = 29.5 +
[ ]
D3 = 29.5 + [0.22]10
D3 = 29.5 + 2.2
D3 = 31.7

Thus, this means that 30% of the students scored below/lower than 31.7 points.



Pk = LB P k +
[ 100
−¿ CF b
cf P
i ]
Pk = kth percentile
LB P = lower class boundary of the kth percentile

¿ CF b = less than cumulative frequency below kth percentile class

cf P = frequency of the kth percentile class

i = class size/class interval

N = total number of observations


Consider the frequency distribution table below. Find the 68 th percentile.

Scores of 30 students in a Math test

Score Frequency
70 – 79 2
60 – 69 3
50 – 59 2

40 – 49 7
30 – 39 9
20 – 29 7
N = 30

First, compute for the <CF of the data.

Score Frequency <CF

70 – 79 2 30
60 – 69 3 28
50 – 59 2 25
40 – 49 7 23
30 – 39 9 16
20 – 29 7 7
N = 30

Next, find the 68th percentile class.

kN 68 ⦁ 30
= =20.4
100 100

Then, locate the 9 in the <CF column, and it is within <CF 23, and identify the interval that corresponds to it,
40 – 49.

Score Frequency <CF

70 – 79 2 30
68th percentile
60 – 69 3 28
50 – 59 2 25
40 – 49 7 23
30 – 39 9 16
20 – 29 7 7
N = 30

Next, solve using the formula. So we have,

Pk = LB P k +
[ 100
−¿ CF b
cf P
i ]
P68 = 39.5 +
7 [10 ]
P68 = 39.5 + [0.63]10
P68 = 39.5 + 6.3
P68 = 45.8

This means that 68% of the students scored below/lower than 45.8 points.

Standard Score ( z – score)

- specifies how many standard deviations an observation is from (above or below) the mean.
- it can be calculated using the formula.
X−μ X− X́
z= or z=
σ s
z = the value of the element
μ = the population mean
σ = population standard deviation

- Z – scores are also a way to compare results from a test to a “normal” population.

1. Convert the following scores to z – scores where μ = 65 and
σ = 15
a. 55 b. 70 c. 85

X−μ 55−65
a. z = σ = 15
X−μ 70−65
b. z = σ = 15
X−μ 85−65
c. z= σ = 15

2. A standard score of 1.2 was found from an observation coming from a normal distribution
with mean 16 and standard deviation 5. Find the raw score.

Given: z = 1.2, μ = 16, σ =5

 From z= σ , we can derive the formula for X which is
X = zσ + μ .
 By substitution we’ll have,
X = (1.2)(5) + 16
X = 6 + 16
X = 22

In this example, your score is 22 standard deviations above the mean.

3. Adriel Josh takes two exams in Accounting. He scored 72 in the first exam where the mean
was 65 with standard deviation of 8. He got a score of 60 in the second exam where the
mean was 45 and the standard deviation was 12. In which exam did Adriel Josh do better?


Given: First exam: X́ 1 =65, s1=8, X 1 =72

to determine which between the two exams did Adriel Josh do better.

X 1− X́ 1
 Exam 1: Using Z1 = ,we’ll have
72 65 7
Z1 = = =0.875
8 8
X 2− X́ 2
 Exam 2: Using Z2 = ,we’ll have
60−45 15
Z2 = = =1.250
12 12

Comparing the two results, we can say that Adriel Josh did better in the second exam because he has a higher
standard score in the second than in the first exam.

4. A consumer group tested a sample of 100 batteries. The mean life expectancy of the
batteries was 842 hours with a standard deviation of 90 hours. One particular battery from
the BAT Company had a z – score life expectancy of 1.2. What was the life span of this

Given: z = 12, X́ =842, s = 90

Rq’d : X

X − X́
 from z= , we can derive the formula for X which is
X = zs + X́
 by substitution we’ll have,
X = (1.2)(90) + 842
X = 108 + 842
X = 950

This shows that the life span of the battery is 950 hours.

Note: If the z – score, mean and standard deviation are given

use either of this two formulas: X = zσ + μ .
X = zs + X́

Friendly Reminder

In solving the class frequency or <cf you need to consider the

arrangement of the given class interval or scores. If the highest interval
is at the top you start solving the <cf at the bottom, but if the lowest
interval is at the top therefore, you start solving at the top…




Note: Show all your solutions

1. Convert the following raw scores to z – scores if the mean is 50 and the standard deviation is 10
a. 84 b. 68 c. 45

2. An IQ score has a z – score of 1.75. What is the score if the mean is 100 and the standard deviation is 15?

3. Find the 1st quartile, 3rd quartile, 6th deciles, and 58th percentile of the following grouped data.
Heights of the Athletes in a University

Height (cm) Frequency
111 - 119 3
120 – 128 12
129 – 137 20
138 – 146 28
147 – 155 15
156 – 164 2




Measures of Variability
- Variability refers to how spread apart the values/observations of the distribution are or how much
the values/observations vary from each other.
Mean Absolute Deviation 4 measures of variability
Standard Deviation

- is the difference between the highest value and the lowest value. It is the simplest measure of
variability to calculate.
The formula is as follows:

R = highest – lowest (R = h – l)

Find the range of the following group of numbers: 10, 12, 5, 16, 7, 13, 4.
The highest number is 16, and the lowest number is 4
so applying the formula we have;

R = 16 – 4
R = 12
Therefore, the range is 12.

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)

- is the average distance between each observation and the mean.
- it gives us an idea about the variability in a data set
Steps in calculating the MAD

Step 1: Calculate the mean

Step 2: Calculate how far away each value/observation is from the mean using positivedistances. These are
called absolute deviations
Step 3: Add those deviations together
Step 4: Divide the sum by the number of values/observation

Formula for ungrouped data:

∑|x −x́|

MAD = mean absolute deviation

x = raw score

x́ = mean score
N = number of observations

A group of mountaineers went on hiking to Mt. Pulag, Philippines to study the different species of
plants existing in that area The ages of the mountaineers are 34, 35, 45, 46, 49, 32. What is the MAD of their

34+35+ 45+46 +49+32
x́ =
x́ = 40.17

x x−x́ |x− x́|

34 -6.17 6.17
35 -5.17 5.17
45 4.83 4.83
46 5.83 5.83
49 8.83 8.83
32 8.17 8.17

∑|x −x́| = 39 =6.5 ≈ 7
N 6

Therefore, the mean absolute deviation is 7 yrs. old.

- is the average of the squared deviations of the set of observations from the mean. It measures how
far a data set is spread out.
- there are two types of variance the population variance and the sample variance

Formula ungrouped data:

Population Variance: σ N =
∑ ( x−μ) ²
where: σ 2N = population variance
x = raw score
μ= population mean
N = number of observations

Population Variance: S2n−1=∑ ¿¿ ¿

where: Sn−1 = sample variance
x = raw score

x́ = sample mean
n = number of observations

A group of mountaineers went on hiking to Mt. Pulag, Philippines to study the different species of
plants existing in that area. The ages of the mountaineers are 34, 35, 45, 46, 49, 32. What is the variance of
their ages?


34+35+ 45+46 +49+32

x́ =
x́ = 40.17

x x−x́ (x - x́ )²
34 -6.17 38.07
35 -5.17 26.73
45 4.83 23.33
46 5.83 33.99
49 8.83 77.97
32 8.17 66.75
∑ ¿¿ = 266.84

( X−μ)²
a. σ ²N = =44.47
N 6
b. Sn−1=∑ ¿¿ ¿

Standard Deviation
- Is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean.
- It is determined by calculating the positive root or square root of variance.
- A large standard deviation indicates that the data points are far from the mean (heterogeneous)
and a small standard deviation indicates that they are clustered closely around the mean

So in standard deviation we have;

Population Standard Deviation: σ = √σ ²
Sample Standard Deviation: σ = √s ²

Note: In finding the standard deviation of the data you must find first the population variance and
the sample variance, because standard deviation is just the square root of the variance
A group of mountaineers went on hiking to Mt. Pulag, Philippines to study the different species of
plants existing in that area The ages of the mountaineers are 34, 35, 45, 46, 49, 32. What is the variance of
their ages?

σ = √ σ ²=√ 44.47 = 6.67

σ = √ s ² = √ 53.37 = 7.31




Note: Show all your solutions

Solve for the range, MAD, variance and standard deviation of the following data sets.
1. 20, 27, 23, 28, 23, 25

2. 12, 18, 24, 27, 13, 17, 18, 20

3. 54, 54, 54, 55, 56, 57, 57, 58, 58, 60, 65

4. 45, 59, 52, 46, 41, 26, 36, 34, 41, 39, 38, 30, 49, 46, 51

5. 157, 133, 232, 267, 289, 274, 321, 348, 188, 432




Range, Mean Absolute deviation, Variance and Standard Deviation

Range Grouped Data

- in computing the range grouped data you have first to find the class boundaries of the data set.

How to compute the class boundaries?

- subtract .5 in the lower case and
- add .5 in the upper case

just like this:

53 – 58

.5 +.5


Given the frequency distribution table below, compute for R.

Scores of 40 students in a 60 – point quiz

C.I cf
53 – 58 3
47 – 52 4
41 – 46 1
35 – 40 2
29 – 34 10
23 – 28 11
17 – 22 4
11 – 16 3

5 – 10 2
N = 40

First, determine the class boundaries. So we have,

C.I cf CB
53 – 58 3 52.5 – 58.5
47 – 52 4 46.5 – 52.5
41 – 46 1 40.5 – 46.5
35 – 40 2 34.5 – 40.5
29 – 34 10 28.5 – 54.5
23 – 28 11 22.5 – 28.5
17 – 22 4 16.5 – 22.5
11 – 16 3 10.5 – 16.5
5 – 10 2 4.5 – 10.5
N = 40
Next, get the difference between the highest class boundary and the lowest class boundary. Then we will
R = highest class boundary – lowest class boundary

R = 58.5 – 4.5
R = 54
Thus, the range of the data set is 54 points

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) Grouped Data


∑ cf |x −x́|

MAD = Mean absolute deviation

cf = frequency
x = raw score
x́ = mean score
N = number of observation


Given the distribution table below, find the MAD.

Scores of 40 students in a 60 – point quiz

C.I cf
53 – 58 3
47 – 52 4
41 – 46 1
35 – 40 2
29 – 34 10
23 – 28 11
17 – 22 4

11 – 16 3
5 – 10 2
N = 40

C.I cf X cfX |x− x́| cf|x− x́|

53 – 58 3 55.5 166.5 25.2 75.6
47 – 52 4 49.5 198 19.2 76.8
41 – 46 1 43.5 43.5 13.2 13.2
35 – 40 2 37.5 75 7.2 14.4
29 – 34 10 31.5 315 1.2 12
23 – 28 11 25.5 280.5 4.8 52.8
17 – 22 4 19.5 78 10.8 43.2
11 – 16 3 13.5 40.5 16.8 50.4
5 – 10 2 7.5 15 22.8 45.6
N = 40 1,212/40 384
= 30.3
x́ = 30.3 ∑ cf |x−x́|=384
Where did we get the value of X or the raw score?
- so, we get the value of X by adding the lower case value and the upper case value of the data set
and divide by 2.

Where can we get the lower case and the upper case?
- we get the lower case and the upper case in the C.I or class interval
see illustration below..


53 – 58
53 + 58 55.5
= 111/2
= 55.5
47 – 52
47 + 52 49.5
= 105/2
= 49.5

Where did we get the value of cfX?

- in getting the value of cfX, just simply multiply the cf or class frequency and the value of X

C.I cf X cfX

53 – 58 3 55.5
55.5 x 3 166.5
= 166.5
47 – 52 4 49.5
49.5 x 4 198
= 198

How we get the value of absolute value of x minus mean?

- so, we get the value of the mean by simply subtracting the value of the X and the value of the
we have, 55.5 – 30.3 = 25.5

Where did we get the value of the cf|x− x́|?

- simply multiply the value of cf and the value of your absolute value of x minus mean.
so, we have; 25.5 x 3 = 75.6

And after completing the table, we will now get the value of the MAD by substituting using the formula, so we

∑ cf |x −x́|
MAD= =9.6 ≈ 10

Variance Grouped Data

cf ( X−μ) ²
Population Variance: σ N
=∑ N

Sample Variance: S²n−1=∑ cf ¿ ¿¿

Given the distribution table below, find the MAD.

Scores of 40 students in a 60 – point quiz

C.I cf
53 – 58 3
47 – 52 4
41 – 46 1
35 – 40 2
29 – 34 10
23 – 28 11
17 – 22 4
11 – 16 3
5 – 10 2
N = 40


C.I cf X cfX X −x́ (X − X´ ¿ ² ¿ cf(X − X´ ¿ ² ¿

53 – 58 3 55.5 166.5 25.2 635.04 1,905.12
47 – 52 4 49.5 198 19.2 368.04 1,474.56
41 – 46 1 43.5 43.5 13.2 174.24 174.24
35 – 40 2 37.5 75 7.2 51.84 103.68
29 – 34 10 31.5 315 1.2 1.44 14.4
23 – 28 11 25.5 280.5 4.8 23.04 253.44

17 – 22 4 19.5 78 10.8 116.64 466.56
11 – 16 3 13.5 40.5 16.8 282.24 846.72
5 – 10 2 7.5 15 22.8 519.84 1,039.68
N = 40 1,212/40 cf(X − X´ ¿ ² ¿
= 30.3 = 6,278.4
x́ = 30.3

To get the value of (X − X´ ¿ ² ¿ just simply squared the value of X −x́

o 25.2² = 635.04 in other word multiply by itself.

To get the value of cf(X − X´ ¿ ² ¿ multiply the value of your cf and the value of your (X − X´ ¿ ² ¿
o 3 x 635.04 = 1,905.12

After completing your data table you may now substitute the values using the two formula for variance.

cf ( X−μ) ²
² 6,278.4
Population Variance: σ N = 40

² 6,278.4 6,278.4
Sample Variance: Sn−1=∑ cf ¿ ¿¿ = 40−1 = 39

Remember, to find the value of the standard deviation you just get the square root of the result of your
population variance and sample variance.
Population Standard Deviation: σ =√ σ ² = √ 156.96 = 12.53
Sample Standard Deviation: s= √ S ² = √ 160.98 = 12.69




Find the range, MAD, variance, and standard deviation of the following grouped data.

1. Cost of printing spent by 160 students per day

Cost Frequency
(in pesos)
50 – 65 19
66 – 81 13
82 – 97 38
98 – 113 24
114 – 129 10
130 – 145 36
146 – 161 18
162 – 177 2

2. Distance of Residential Houses from Barangay Hall

Distance (km) Frequency

23 – 28 10
17 – 22 15
11 – 16 13
5 – 10 12




Normal Distribution
- The data can be “distributed” (spread out) in different ways.
- It can be spread out more on the left or more on the right, or it can be all jumbled up.

Chart Title Chart Title

4.4 4.5 14
5 4.3
3.5 12
4 3 2.8 10
2.4 2.5
3 2 2 8
2 6
1 4
Category Category Category Category 0
1 2 3 4 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4

Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Figure 1 Figure 2

But there are many cases where the data tends to be around a central value with no bias left or right, and it
gets close to a “Normal Distribution” like this:

Normal Distribution

- Is a bell – shaped curve called the normal curve which shows the probability distribution of a
continuous random variable.

 Heights of people
 Size of things produced by machines examples that follow a
normal distribution
 Blood pressure and many more

The normal curve has the following characteristics

1. The curve is symmetric

2. The values of the mean, median, and mode are the same
3. The curve represents a uni – modal distribution
4. The area under the curve is 1 or the probability under the curve is 100%
5. The tails are asymptotic to the horizontal line and they extend to infinity

The empirical rule in a normal distribution

 68% of the data will fall within 1 standard deviation of the mean
 95% of the data will fall within 2 standard deviations of the mean
 Almost all (99.7%) of the data will fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean

Areas under the Normal Curve

- The area under a normal curve can be calculated using a z – score table where the left most column
tells you how many standard deviations above the mean to 1 decimal place, the top row gives the
second decimal place, and the intersection of a row and column gives the probability.

1. Given the standard normal distribution, find the area under the curve that lies:
a. To the right of z = 1.84 b. between z = -1.97 and z = 0.86

a. P(z > 1.84)
*illustrate the problem using the bell shaped curve to visualize it.

*first, plot in the curve as in a Cartesian plane then shade the area to the right of 1.84.

*to find the probability, use the Table for Area under a Normal Curve (see page 60 of your module) and
determine the value that corresponds to
z = 1.84. So we will have then;
P(z > 1.84) = 0.5 – P(z = 1.84)
= 0.5 – 0.4671
= 0.0329 or 3.29%

Therefore, the probability under the curve is 3.29%

0.5 is constant

b. P(-1.97 < z < 0.86)


P(-1.97 < z < 0.86)

*illustrate the problem using the bell shaped curve to visualize it.

*then, plot in the curve as in a Cartesian plane then shade the area to the right of 1.84.

*to find the probability, use the Table for Area under a Normal Curve (see page 60 of your module) and
determine the value that corresponds to
z = -1.97 and z = 0.86. So we will have then;

P(-1.97 < z < 0.86) = P(z < -1.97) + P(z < 0.86)
= (0.5 – 0.4756) + (0.5 – 0.3051)
= 0.0244 + 0.1949
= 0.1293 or 21.93%

Therefore, the probability under the curve is 21.93%

2. Say that you will have to wait for a bus. Assume that the amount of waiting time is normally distributed
between 0 and 15 minutes. Suppose that the mean waiting time of a person is 8 minutes and the
standard deviation is 1.8. What is the probability that you will wait for less than 12.5 minutes?

Let x be the number of minutes it will take you to wait for a bus.
We need to find P(x < 12.5).
First, convert x = 12.5 to a z – score. Hence

x−x́ 12.5−8
Z= s = 1.8

Next, we find P(z < 2.5) using the table. We’ll have

P(z < 2.5) = 0.5 + 0.4938

= 0.9938 0r 99.38%

This means that you will wait for less than 12.5 minutes is 99.38%

Areas Under The One – Tailed Standard Normal Curve

This table provides the area between
The mean and some Z – score.
For example, when Z – score
TABLE OF= 1.45
The area is = 0.4265

Z 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09
0.0 0.0000 0.0040 0.0080 0.0120 0.0160 0.0199 0.0239 0.0279 0.0319 0.1359
0.1 0.0398 0.0438 0.0478 0.0157 0.0557 0.0596 0.0636 0.0675 0.0714 0.0753
0.2 0.0793 0.0832 0.0871 0.0910 0.0948 0.0987 0.1026 0.1064 0.1103 0.1141
0.3 0.1179 0.1217 0.1255 0.1293 0.1331 0.1368 0.1406 0.1443 0.1480 0.1517
0.4 0.5554 0.1591 0.1628 0.1664 0.1700 0.1736 0.1772 0.1808 0.1844 0.1879
0.5 0.1915 0.1950 0.1985 0.2357 0.2389 0.2088 0.2123 0.2157 0.2190 0.2224
0.6 0.2257 0.2291 0.2324 0.2357 0.2389 0.2422 0.2454 0.2486 0.2517 0.2549
0.7 0.2580 0.2611 0.2642 0.2673 0.2704 0.2734 0.2764 0.2794 0.2823 0.2852
0.8 0.2881 0.2910 0.2939 0.2967 0.2995 0.3023 0.3051 0.3078 0.3106 0.3133
0.9 0.3159 0.3186 0.3212 0.3238 0.3264 0.3289 0.3315 0.3340 0.3365 0.3389
1.0 0.3413 0.3438 0.3461 0.3485 0.3508 0.3531 0.3554 0.3577 0.3599 0.3621
1.1 0.3643 0.3665 0.3686 0.3708 0.3729 0.3749 0.3770 0.3790 0.3810 0.3830
1.2 0.3849 0.3869 0.3888 0.3907 0.3925 0.3944 0.3962 0.3980 0.3997 0.4015
1.3 0.4032 0.4049 0.4066 0.4082 0.4099 0.4115 0.4131 0.4147 0.4162 0.4177
1.4 0.4192 0.4207 0.4222 0.4236 0.4251 0.4265 0.4279 0.4292 0.4306 0.4319
1.5 0.4332 0.4345 0.4357 0.4370 0.4382 0.4394 0.4406 0.4418 0.4429 0.4441
1.6 0.4452 0.4463 0.4474 0.4484 0.4495 0.4505 0.4515 0.4525 0.4535 0.4545
1.7 0.4554 0.4564 0.4573 0.4582 0.4591 0.4599 0.4608 0.4616 0.4625 0.4633
1.8 0.4641 0.4649 0.4656 0.4664 0.4671 0.4678 0.4686 0.4693 0.4699 0.4706
1.9 0.4713 0.4719 0.4726 0.4732 0.4738 0.4744 0.4750 0.4756 0.4761 0.4767
2.0 0.4772 0.4778 0.4783 0.4788 0.4793 0.4798 0.4803 0.4808 0.4812 0.4817
2.1 0.4821 0.4826 0.4830 0.4834 0.4838 0.4842 0.4846 0.4850 0.4854 0.4857
2.2 0.4861 0.4864 0.4868 0.4871 0.4875 0.4878 0.4881 0.4884 0.4887 0.4890
2.3 0.4893 0.4896 0.4898 0.4901 0.4904 0.4906 0.4909 0.4911 0.4913 0.4916
2.4 0.4918 0.4920 0.4922 0.4925 0.4927 0.4929 0.4931 0.4932 0.4934 0.4936
2.5 0.4938 0.4940 0.4941 0.4943 0.4945 0.4946 0.4948 0.4949 0.4951 0.4952
2.6 0.4953 0.4955 0.4956 0.4957 0.4959 0.4960 0.4961 0.4962 0.4963 0.4964
2.7 0.4965 0.4966 0.4967 0.4968 0.4969 0.4970 0.4971 0.4972 0.4973 0.4974
2.8 0.4974 0.4975 0.4976 0.4977 0.4977 0.4978 0.4979 0.4979 0.4980 0.4981
2.9 0.4981 0.4982 0.4982 0.4983 0.4984 0.4984 0.4985 0.4985 0.4986 0.4986
3.0 0.4987 0.4987 0.4987 0.4988 0.4988 0.4989 0.4989 0.4989 0.4990 0.4990
3.1 0.4990 0.4991 0.4991 0.4992 0.4992 0.4992 0.4992 0.4992 0.4993 0.4993
3.2 0.4993 0.4993 0.4994 0.4994 0.4994 0.4994 0.4994 0.4995 0.4995 0.4995
3.3 0.4995 0.4995 0.4995 0.4996 0.4996 0.4996 0.4996 0.4996 0.4996 0.4997
3.4 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4997 0.4998
3.5 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 0.4998 75
3.6 0.4998 0.4998 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999
3.7 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999
3.8 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999 0.4999



Find the area under the normal curve. Draw the figure

1. Between z = 0 and z = 0.68

2. Between z = 1.28 and z = 2.18

3. To the right of z = -1.91




Measures of Divergence from Normality

1. Skewness
- A distribution is said to be skewed when it is bent to the right or to the left: that is, when the
different points in the distribution and the center of gravity is shifted to one side or the other.

2 types of skewness

a. Negatively skewed

- If the scores pile at the upper score end, the curve is bent to the left.
- It represents a bright class or very easy test.

b. Positively skewed

- The scores pile at the lower score end, the curve is bent to the right.
- Representing a dull class or very difficult test.

2. Kurtosis
- Refers to the “peakedness” or “flatness” of a frequency distribution as compared with the normal.
Types of kurtosis

a. Leptokurtic
- more peaked than normal

b. Platykurtic
- Flatter than normal

c. Mesokurtic
- When the graph is normal just like the normal curve.

Norma Curve
- Was developed mathematically in 1733 by De Moivre as an approximation to the binomial
- His paper was not discovered until 1924 by Karl Pearson. Laplace used the normal curve in 1783 to
described the distribution of errors.
- Subsequently, Gauss used the normal curve to analyzed astronomical data in 1809.

Albert De Moivre
- A mathematician who devised the formula for polar coordinates and complex numbers.

Karl Pearson
- Regarded as the Father of Mathematical Statistics.

Carl Friedrich Gauss

- Princeps mathematicurum who introduced the normal distribution, the congruent symbols or
modulus in number theory, a method in finding the etchelon of a matrix and first to devise the
formula in finding the sum of the given sequence.
- The normal curve is often called as the Gaussian distribution.

Grading Systems
5 Types of Grading Systems

1. Norm Reference Grading

- A student’s grade is placed in relation to the performance of the grouped.
- It promotes competition to the extent that students would rather not help fellow students because
by doing so the mean of the class would be raise and consequently it would be more difficult to get
higher grades.

2. Criterion – Reference Grading

- Are based on a fixed criterion measure
- There is a fixed target and the student must achieved that target in order to obtain a passing grade
regardless of how the other student in the class performed
- It is an ideal system to use in collaborative group work.

3. Alternative Grading System

- Uses pass/fail
- It includes also the non – graded evaluation

4. Standardized Test Scoring

- are developed by norming the test using national samples of test takers centering the scoring
formula to assure that likely score distribution describes a normal curve when graph.

5. Commulative and Averaging Systems of Grading

Purposes of Grading

 Certifying learners mastery of a specific content or level of achievement

 Identifying, selecting and grouping learners for particular academic programs
 Helping learners improved their school performance

Item Analysis

Important Characteristics of an Item

1. Item Difficulty
- The number of students who are able to answer the item correctly divided the total number of the

2. Discrimination Index
- Is the difference between the proportion of the upper group who got the item right and the
proportion of the lower group who got the item right
- This index is dependent upon difficulty of an item

Benefits Derived from Item Analysis

 It provides useful information for class discussion of the test

 It provides data which helps students improve their learning
 It provides insights and skills that lead to the preparation of better test in the future

Kinds of Test

1. Intelligence test
- It measures the intelligence quotient (IQ) of an individual as very superior, superior, high average,
average, low average, border line or mentally defective.
- Its function is to establish the ability to think abstractly or to organize parts of a situation into a
coherent whole.

2. Personality test
- A test that measures the ways which individuals interest with other individual or in terms of the
roles an individuals ascribed to himself and adapts in the society.
- Examples: Children personality test, 16 personality factor, Rorshach test

3. Aptitude test
- A predictive measure of a person’s likelihood of benefits from instruction or experience of a given
field such as art, music, clerical work and academic studies.

4. Prognostic test
- It predicts how will a person is likely to do in a certain school subject or task.

5. Performance test
- A measure which often makes use of manipulative materials which involves no or a minimum of
verbal instructions.
- Examples: Koh’s block design and Army beta

6. Diagnostic test
- It identifies the weakness of an individual’s achievement in any fields and serves as basis for
remedial instructions.

- Example: Lowa Silent Reading Test

7. Achievement test
- It measures what has been learned by the student of the subject matter taught in school.

8. Accomplishment test
- A measurement of achievement usually for individual subjects in the curriculum or a sampling of
the curriculum as a whole.

9. Preference test
- It measures vocational or avocational interest or aesthetic judgements by requiring the testee to
make forced choices between members of paired or grouped items.
- Example: Kuder Preference Research

10. Scale test

- The items are arranged in the order of difficulty.
- Example: Binet – simon scale

11. Speed test

- It measures the speed and accuracy of the examinee with in the time limit imposed.
- It also called as alertness test.
- This consists of items of uniform difficulty.

12. Power test

- It is made up to a series of test items graded in difficulty from the easiest to the most difficult.

13. Standardized test

- This is carefully prepared by experts in the light of accepted objectives.
- Exact procedures in controlling the method of administration and scoring are provided.

14. Teacher – made test

- Prepared by teachers for classroom use.

15. Placement test

- This is used to measure the type of job an applicant should fill, or a test used to determine the
grade level or year level a student or pupil be enrolled after ceasing from school.




I. Multiple Choices.
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write it in the space provided before the

___1. What do you call the bell – shaped curve which shows the probability distribution of a continuous random
a. Normal Distribution
b. Distribution of data
c. Measures of central tendency
d. Kurtosis

___2. Who was the first to developed the normal curve?

a. Karl Pearson c. Albert De Moivre
b. Jacob Bernoulli d. Carl Friedrich Gauss

___3. What do you call the graph if the scores pile at the lower – end and the curve is bent to the right?
a. Leptokurtic c. Mesokurtic
b. Positively skewed d. Negatively skewed

___4. It refers to the peakedness or flatness of a frequency distributions compared with the normal?
a. Kurtosis c. Platykurtic
b. Skewness d. Leptokurtic

___5. Who used the normal curve to analyzed astronomical data in 1809?
a. Karl Pearson c. Albert De Moivre
b. Jacob Bernoulli d. Carl Friedrich Gauss

___6. How do you call the graph if the scores pile at the upper – score end and the curve is bent to the left?
a. Leptokurtic c. Mesokurtic
b. Positively skewed d. Negatively skewed

___7. who used the normal curve in 1783 to described the distribution of errors?
a. Karl Pearson c. Albert De Moivre
b. Jacob Bernoulli d. Carl Friedrich Gauss

___8. What do you call the distribution that is flatter than a normal distribution?
a. Kurtosis c. Platykurtic
b. Skewness d. Leptokurtic

___9. Who is regarded as the father of mathematical statistics?

a. Karl Pearson c. Carl Friedrich Gauss
b. Karl Friedrich Rieman d. Diophantus

___10. What do you call if the student’s grade is placed in relation to the performance of the group?
a. Criterion-referenced grading
b. Standardized test scoring
c. Alternative grading system
d. Norm-reference grading

__11. How do you call the difference between the proportion of the upper group who got an item right and the
proportion of the lower group who got an item right?
a. Item difficulty c. index of difficulty
b. Index of discrimination d. item analysis




Geometric Designs
- Is a branch of geometry that deals with the construction and representation of free
– form curves, surfaces, or volumes.

- It focuses on curve and surface modeling and representation.

- It emphasizes the construction and manipulation of curves and surfaces given by

a set of points through the use of polynomial, rational, piecewise polynomial, or
piecewise rational methods.

 Shipbuilding
 Aircraft some applications of geometric shapes
 Automotive industries
 Architectural design

- It was also utilized in designing perfume bottles and shampoo containers by

shipbuilders in 1960.

Geometric models

- Can be built for objects of any dimension in any geometric space.

- These geometric models are used in computer graphics.

Two dimensional models

- Are involves in computer typography and technical drawing.

Three dimensional models

- Are utilized to computer – aided design and manufacturing.
- It is also used in applied technical fields such as geology and medical image

Geometric shape
- Is the result of moving a shape around, enlarging it, rotating it, or reflecting it in a
mirror is the shape as the original, and not a distinct shape.

 Many two – dimensional geometric shapes can be defined by a set of points or

vertices and lines connecting the points in a closed chain, as well as the resulting
interior points. Such shapes are called polygons and include triangles, squares, and
pentagons. Other shapes may be bounded by curves such as circles or the ellipse.

 Many three – dimensional geometric shapes can be defined by a set of vertices, lines
connecting the vertices, and two dimensional faces enclosed by those lines, as well as
the resulting interior points. Such as shapes are called polyhedrons and include
cubes as well as pyramids such as tetrahedrons. Other three – dimensional shapes
may be bounded by curve surfaces, such as the ellipsoid and the sphere.

- Is a way of making patterns into two – dimensional plane. These patterns, usually
shapes or polygons, are structured in such a ways that there are no gaps or


Types of Tessellation

1. Regular Tessellation

- Is a pattern made by repeating a regular polygon.

- Regular polygons are polygons with the same measure of sides.
- There are only 3 regular tessellations


Squares hexagons 6.6.6

- Notice that the vertex (corner point) of the regular polygons (triangle, square and
hexagon) is the meeting point and these polygons meet at a certain vertex.
- Regular tessellations are structured in such a way that the pattern is identical to
each vertex.

Use regular polygons that add up to 360 degrees to
construct a regular tessellation.

2. Semi – Regular Tessellation

- Are patterns that are made up of two or more regular polygons.



Notice that the patterns are made up of several polygons. Semi – regular tessellations are
structured in such a way that the patterns at each vertex are identical.

Did you notice?

Tessellations are named based on the number of sides of the polygon and
the number of curves that meet on the vertex.

3. Demi – regular Tessellation

- They are called “demi – regular” because the patterns considered are not polygons
but it also considers shapes that are not polygons.




Let us increase your brain activity!

In - circle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following do not make a regular tessellation?
a. Squares c. Equilateral Triangles
b. Rectangles d. Regular Hexagon

2. Two different pentagons can be used to make?

a. A regular tessellation
b. A semi – regular tessellation
c. A tessellation that is neither regular nor semi – regular
d. No tessellation at all

3. Square are rhombuses can be used to make?

a. A regular tessellation
b. A semi – regular tessellation
c. A tessellation that is neither regular nor semi – regular
d. No tessellation at all

4. Regular hexagons and rhombuses can be used to make?

a. A regular tessellation
b. A semi – regular tessellation
c. A tessellation that is neither regular nor semi – regular
d. No tessellation at all

5. This semi – regular tessellation is?

a. 4.8.8
b. 4.6.12
d. 3.12.12


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