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IR and Raman spectra of liquid water: Theory

and interpretation
Cite as: J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 (2008);
Submitted: 30 January 2008 . Accepted: 18 April 2008 . Published Online: 12 June 2008

B. M. Auer, and J. L. Skinner


Raman Spectral Studies of Water Structure

The Journal of Chemical Physics 40, 3249 (1964);

Temperature dependence of the low- and high-frequency Raman scattering from liquid water
The Journal of Chemical Physics 85, 6970 (1986);

Hydrogen bonding definitions and dynamics in liquid water

The Journal of Chemical Physics 126, 204107 (2007);

J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 (2008); 128, 224511

© 2008 American Institute of Physics.


IR and Raman spectra of liquid water: Theory and interpretation

B. M. Auer and J. L. Skinnera兲
Theoretical Chemistry Institute and Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin 53706, USA
共Received 30 January 2008; accepted 18 April 2008; published online 12 June 2008兲

IR and Raman 共parallel- and perpendicular-polarized兲 spectra in the OH stretch region for liquid
water were measured some years ago, but their interpretation is still controversial. In part, this is
because theoretical calculation of such spectra for a neat liquid presents a formidable challenge due
to the coupling between vibrational chromophores and the effects of motional narrowing. Recently
we proposed an electronic structure/molecular dynamics method for calculating spectra of dilute
HOD in liquid D2O, which relied on ab initio calculations on clusters to provide a map from nuclear
coordinates of the molecules in the liquid to OH stretch frequencies, transition dipoles, and
polarizabilities. Here we extend this approach to the calculation of couplings between
chromophores. From the trajectories of the fluctuating local-mode frequencies, transition moments,
and couplings, we use our recently developed time-averaging approximation to calculate the line
shapes. Our results are in good agreement with experiment for the IR and Raman line shapes, and
capture the significant differences among them. Our analysis shows that while the coupling between
chromophores is relatively modest, it nevertheless produces delocalization of the vibrational
eigenstates over up to 12 chromophores, which has a profound effect on the spectroscopy. In
particular, our results demonstrate that the peak in the parallel-polarized Raman spectrum at about
3250 wavenumbers is collective in nature. © 2008 American Institute of Physics.
关DOI: 10.1063/1.2925258兴

I. INTRODUCTION classes of hydrogen-bonded environments, sometimes with

further designations of symmetric or antisymmetric stretch
Understanding the structure and dynamics of liquid wa- normal modes.2,4–9,12 The results from such a procedure, to-
ter remains an important and challenging research problem. gether with the observation of approximate isospestic points
Infrared 共IR兲 and Raman spectroscopies in the OH stretch in temperature-dependent spectra, have been interpreted as
region have played a major role in this regard, since OH supporting mixture models of water.2,4–9,12 However,
stretch frequencies are very sensitive to molecular environ- Geissler has recently shown that isospestic points can occur
ments. The IR spectrum of water at room temperature and quite generally, and therefore do not necessarily imply mul-
1 atm pressure1–3 is peaked at about 3400 cm−1, has a weak tiple species.13
shoulder at about 3250 cm−1, and a full width at half maxi- Others have argued that the complications of intramo-
mum 共FWHM兲 of about 375 cm−1. Raman spectra are quite lecular and intermolecular vibrational couplings make simple
different:4–11 the parallel-polarized 共VV兲 spectrum is bimo- interpretations of these spectra difficult.10,11,14–17 In fact,
dal, with strong peaks at about 3400 and 3250 cm−1, and a many believe that the lower-frequency peak in the VV Ra-
FWHM of about 425 cm−1, while the perpendicular- man spectrum arises from a collective mode.10,11,15,16 By per-
polarized 共VH兲 spectrum peaks at about 3460 cm−1, is quite forming isotopic replacement studies, in particular, focusing
asymmetric and has a FWHM of about 300 cm−1. Note that on the case of dilute HOD in D2O,14,17–19 the effects of both
the gas-phase water molecule has symmetric and antisym- intramolecular and intermolecular vibrational couplings of
metric stretch fundamentals 共both of which are IR and Ra- the OH stretch to other vibrational modes are mitigated. To
man active兲 at 3657 and 3756 cm−1, respectively, and so the the extent that the structure and dynamics of D2O are similar
liquid-state spectra are significantly redshifted from these to those of normal water, then, the HOD molecule functions
values, and furthermore, the breadths of the liquid-state spec- as an excellent localized probe of liquid water. In any case,
tra are substantially larger than this gas-phase splitting. the IR spectrum in the OH stretch region for this system
A common interpretation of these spectra comes from shows a slightly asymmetric but monomodal line shape,
fitting them to several Gaussians, centered at different posi- peaked at about 3400 cm−1 with a FWHM of about
tions, each with a different width. One then often attributes 250 cm−1. In this case, the VV and VH Raman spectra are
each Gaussian to a particular molecular environment and/or quite similar to each other,4,5 peaking at about 3430 cm−1,
normal mode. Thus, for example, both IR and Raman spectra with a quite prominent shoulder at about 3600 cm−1, and a
of liquid water have been deconstructed in this way, and the FWHM of about 300 cm−1.
various Gaussians are attributed to molecules in different The monomodal shapes of the HOD / D2O IR and Raman
spectra and their simple temperature dependencies might
Electronic mail: seem to favor continuum 共over mixture兲 models of water.14,17

0021-9606/2008/128共22兲/224511/12/$23.00 128, 224511-1 © 2008 American Institute of Physics

224511-2 B. M. Auer and J. L. Skinner J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

To quote from the 1966 paper by Falk and Ford: “The infra- more limited, as this system is substantially more compli-
red spectra of HDO thus fully support the continuum models cated 共as alluded to above兲. Rice and co-workers emphasized
and are incompatible with the existence in water of any dis- the role of intramolecular and intermolecular vibrational cou-
crete molecular species differing in the extent of hydrogen plings, diagonalizing the vibrational Hamiltonian for con-
bonding.” Indeed, from the viewpoint of modern liquid-state figurations 共albeit time averaged for 66 fs兲 generated from a
statistical mechanics the continuum picture seems more natu- MD simulation.15,16 A similar approach has been imple-
ral. As an attempt to find some common ground between the mented more recently by Bouř.43 A related approach was also
extremes of mixture and continuum models, we note that presented by Reimers and Watts.44 An alternative and much
with a suitable hydrogen bond definition,20 one can always easier approach for this problem is to treat classically all
classify any molecule according to its instantaneous degrees of freedom 共including the OH stretches兲, and hence
hydrogen-bonding environment.21–23 If the frequency distri- calculate spectra from the classical dipole time-correlation
butions of these classes are relatively narrow and nonover- function from a MD simulation of flexible molecules,45–49 or
lapping this would support a mixture model,12 but if the fre- from a Car–Parrinello simulation.50 These classical ap-
quency distributions are relatively broad and overlapping this proaches might be suspect because the OH stretch is very
would support a continuum model. Our latest theoretical anharmonic and has a frequency high compared to kT; thus a
work in this regard23 indicates that many of the frequency classical simulation does not access the part of the anhar-
distributions are broad and overlapping, thus supporting the monic potential that is relevant for vibrational spectroscopy.
continuum picture, although the frequency distributions cor- Very recently mixed quantum/classical approaches that
responding to HOD molecules lacking a hydrogen bond to include dynamical effects have been presented by Buch et
the H are relatively narrow. al.51,52 and by Torii.53 In the former calculation the configu-
All of these vibrational spectra have generated signifi- rations were generated by MD simulation; the local-mode
cant theoretical interest. Focusing first on the relatively sim- anharmonic OH stretch frequencies were determined by a
pler case of HOD / D2O, most of the theoretical calculations map of the nature described above 共but in this case param-
have been of a mixed quantum/classical nature. With the etrized from spectroscopic experiments on clusters54 rather
exception of the OH stretch all the molecules are treated as than from ab initio calculations33–36兲, and were then time
rigid 共nonvibrating兲. The thinking here is that since 共ប times兲 averaged for 1 ps to approximate the effects of motional nar-
the frequencies of bend and OD stretch modes of all mol- rowing. Intermolecular couplings were taken to arise from
ecules are significantly higher than kT, and since none of interacting transition dipoles for the OH stretch chro-
these modes is thermally or otherwise excited 共all of these mophores. Similar calculations by Torii53 exactly treat the
modes exist in their ground quantum states兲, it is perhaps effects of motional narrowing, but in doing so require exten-
better to keep them rigid than to allow them to vibrate sive numerical computations.
classically. The translations and rotations of all molecules are The calculation of vibrational line shapes and other spec-
treated classically with molecular dynamics 共MD兲 simula- troscopic observables for the case of many coupled chro-
tion. One should note here that this classical treatment of the mophores is a difficult theoretical problem, and has captured
relatively high frequency librational motions is highly ques- the attention of a number of theorists in recent years.24,51–65
tionable. For a given molecular configuration generated by If dynamics are unimportant 共the inhomogeneous limit兲, the
the simulation the OH stretch is then typically treated quan- problem simplifies considerably. If the dynamics are impor-
tum mechanically. The solvent-induced frequency shift from tant, but the problem can be treated adiabatically, the prob-
a reference gas-phase value can be calculated using the em- lem is still relatively simple. However, for several problems
pirical simulation potential and certain diagonal matrix of experimental and theoretical interest 共such as water, and
elements,21,22,24–26 or by solving the one-dimensional 共1D兲 coupled amide stretches in peptides and proteins兲, neither the
quantum mechanics of the OH stretch adiabatically and de- inhomogeneous nor adiabatic approximations are appropri-
termining the fundamental frequency.27–31 Alternatively one ate. Nonetheless, within the mixed quantum/classical ap-
can use ab initio electronic structure 共ES兲 calculations to proach, the problem can still be formulated exactly, thus
determine the appropriate adiabatic potential.32 Two groups fully including nonadiabatic effects and motional narrowing.
have married this approach to MD simulations with the use For a few coupled chromophores this approach can be imple-
of “maps” from nuclear configuration of the solute/solvent mented relatively easily,55,58,65,66 but for many interacting
system to OH stretch frequency.33–36 Any of these ap- chromophores such an exact calculation represents a daunt-
proaches allow one to calculate a frequency trajectory from ing task,53 and it can be difficult to obtain good statistics.
the simulation, and hence an approximation to IR and Raman Given the above, and especially considering the case of
line shapes that includes the effects of motional nonlinear observables, it would be useful to develop less
narrowing.24,37–39 In addition, non-Condon effects 共the mag- time-consuming 共but necessarily more approximate兲 ap-
nitude of the OH transition dipole depends on the molecular proaches to this problem. In a recent paper55 we proposed a
environment of the HOD molecule兲 are important for water, strategy to this end. It is based on the idea that motional
and these can be taken into account in a similar narrowing can be thought of as arising from a distribution of
manner.23,40–42 Our latest work along these lines23 gives IR time-averaged frequencies. For an isolated chromophore,
and Raman spectra in reasonable agreement with experi- motional narrowing occurs when the dynamics of the fre-
ment. quency fluctuations are sufficiently fast that they “self-
Theoretical work on vibrational spectroscopy in H2O is average” 共to some extent兲. The idea then is that one can
224511-3 IR and Raman spectra of liquid water J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

average a frequency trajectory over time windows of dura- correlation function of the component of the dipole, ␮ p,
tion T, to obtain a distribution of these time-averaged fre- where p denotes one of these axes.
quencies, which is of course narrower than the actual distri- In a typical Raman experiment the incident beam is po-
bution of frequencies. This idea has antecedents in earlier larized in a particular direction, call it ⑀ˆ 0, and the scattered
papers by Rice,15 Hermansson,38 Buch,51 but was only re- beam is polarized in the ⑀ˆ s direction. Analogous to the IR
cently formalized.55 From an analysis of the Kubo model,37 line shape, the Raman line shape is the Fourier transform of
we showed55 that the appropriate averaging time is approxi- the quantum polarizability time-correlation function:68
mately given by the very simple formula T ⯝ 5 / ⌫, where ⌫ is
the FWHM of the actual line shape. Of course for an isolated
chromophore, there is no problem obtaining the actual line
shape, and consequently no need to use the time-averaging I共␻兲 ⬃ Re 冕0

dte−i␻t具⑀ˆ 0 · ␣គ 共0兲 · ⑀ˆ s⑀ˆ 0 · ␣គ 共t兲 · ⑀ˆ s典, 共2兲
approximation 共TAA兲. However, for many interacting chro-
mophores, the proposed strategy is to calculate first the line
shape for noninteracting chromophores, identify the appro- where ␣គ is the polarizability tensor operator for the system.
priate averaging time T, and then apply the TAA to the If the scattered light has the same polarization as the incident
coupled system. We have tested the TAA on simple models light, this is referred to as the VV or parallel-polarized line
with two coupled chromophores 共the two OH stretch local shape. On the other hand, if the scattered light has a polar-
modes in water兲 by comparing to exact calculations.55 We ization perpendicular to the incident light this is referred to
expect that the TAA will work well for many coupled chro- as the VH or perpendicular-polarized line shape. Thus the
mophores as long as the dynamics are not too fast, and the VV and VH line shapes can be determined by calculating the
coupling between chromophores is not too large, as in the time-correlation functions of the appropriate tensor elements
case of water discussed herein. ␣ pq, where p = q for the VV line shape, p ⫽ q for the VH line
In this paper we present calculations for liquid H2O that shape, and as above p and q denote the X, Y, or Z axes in the
are similar in spirit but different in detail from those of laboratory frame.
Buch51,52 and Torii.53 The MD simulations are of the SPC/E To calculate these spectra, we will consider a mixed
model.67 Local-mode anharmonic frequencies are generated quantum/classical approach. The rotations and translations of
from our most recent map developed for the HOD / D2O the rigid water molecules will be treated by classical me-
system,23 as are our transition dipoles. The relatively small chanics, with a MD simulation. The OH stretches will be
intramolecular coupling fluctuates with molecular environ- treated quantum mechanically. For the purposes of this paper
ment, and is determined herein by a separate map param- we will ignore the bends, thereby assuming that the 2:1
etrized from ab initio calculations on clusters. The form of Fermi resonance 共the stretch frequency is roughly twice that
the intermolecular couplings is transition dipole, which is of the bend兲 does not appreciably affect these spectra. There-
tested and parametrized from additional ab initio calcula- fore, we write the vibrational Hamiltonian for the liquid in
tions. The effects of motional narrowing are approximately the basis of single excitations of each OH chromophore.
taken into account with the TAA.55 Our results are in reason- Thus at time t the 共anharmonic fundamental兲 vibrational fre-
ably good agreement with experimental Raman 共VV and quency of chromophore i is denoted ␻i共t兲, and the coupling
VH兲 and IR spectra. Our analysis of the instantaneous vibra- 共in frequency units兲 between chromophores i and j is de-
tional eigenstates, which extend over up to 12 OH stretch noted ␻ij共t兲. As indicated, these frequencies are time depen-
chromophores, shows that attempts to interpret spectra with dent since they depend on the configurations of the classical
concepts involving the molecular environments of single wa- variables. In the next section, we will describe our model for
ter molecules are misguided, and that, for example, the ori- the approximate calculation of these frequencies.
gin of the VV Raman peak at about 3250 cm−1 is indeed The dipole operator can be written as a sum of operators
collective in nature. for each chromophore. Of interest in this mixed quantum/
classical approach is the 共laboratory-fixed兲 component p at
II. MIXED QUANTUM/CLASSICAL AND TIME- time t of the transition dipole for chromophore i, which we
AVERAGING APPROXIMATION APPROACHES will call mip共t兲. Note that this changes in time as the mol-
ecule that contains chromophore i rotates, and hence the pro-
Both IR and Raman line shapes can be written in terms
jection of its 共molecule-fixed兲 unit vector on the laboratory
of quantum time-correlation functions. In the IR case, if the
axis fluctuates. In addition, the magnitude of the transition
electric field of the excitation light is polarized in the ⑀ˆ di-
dipole itself depends on the classical variables 共what we and
rection, the linear absorption line shape is68
other have been calling non-Condon effects兲. In a similar

I共␻兲 ⬃ Re 冕0

dte−i␻t具⑀ˆ · ␮
ជ 共0兲␮
ជ 共t兲 · ⑀ˆ 典, 共1兲
manner the polarizability tensor can be written as a sum of
operators for each chromophore, and we will call aipq共t兲, the
pq component at time t of the transition polarizability for
where ␮ ជ 共t兲 is the Heisenberg expression for the dipole op- chromophore i. In the next section, we will describe our
erator of the system at time t, and the brackets indicate a model for calculating these transition dipoles and polarizabil-
quantum equilibrium statistical mechanical average. Taking ⑀ˆ ities.
to be along one of the laboratory-fixed X, Y, or Z axes, the Within this mixed quantum/classical approach the IR
line shape can then be calculated from considering the time- line shape can be written as55
224511-4 B. M. Auer and J. L. Skinner J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

I共␻兲 ⬃ Re 冕 0

dte−i␻t 兺 具mip共0兲Fij共t兲m jp共t兲典e−t/2T1 ,
共3兲 L共␻兲 =
␻ + 共1/2T1兲2
2 共11兲

where Fij共t兲 are the elements of the matrix F共t兲, which sat- to take into account lifetime broadening. Expressions for the
isfies the equation Raman line shapes are identical, except mip共t兲 is replaced by
aipp共t兲 or aipq共t兲. The ensemble average in Eq. 共9兲 is imple-
Ḟ共t兲 = iF共t兲␬共t兲, 共4兲 mented as a time average over different starting points in the
subject to the initial condition that Fij共0兲 = ␦ij, and with
In our derivation of the TAA we suggested an algorithm
␬ij共t兲 = ␻i共t兲␦ij + ␻ij共t兲共1 − ␦ij兲. 共5兲 to determine the averaging time T. Consider first the line
shape for an uncoupled chromophore, without non-Condon
Thus ␬共t兲 is a matrix whose diagonal elements are the fluc-
effects, and rotational and lifetime broadening. We showed
tuating transition frequencies, ␻i共t兲, and whose off-diagonal
that to a good approximation the TAA result reproduces this
elements are the fluctuating couplings ␻ij共t兲. The angular
line shape if the averaging time is given by T ⯝ 5 / ⌫, where ⌫
brackets now denote a classical equilibrium statistical me-
is the FWHM of the line shape. Now for the coupled prob-
chanical average. Within this approach the effects of the life-
lem, including non-Condon effects and rotational and life-
time of an OH stretch excitation in water, T1, must be in-
time broadening, we simply choose the same averaging time.
cluded phenomenologically, as shown; the value for T1 will
be taken from experiment.
The formulas for the Raman line shapes are similarly III. DETERMINATION OF THE FLUCTUATING


dte−i␻t 兺 具aipp共0兲Fij共t兲a jpp共t兲典e−t/2T1 ,
IVV共␻兲 ⬃ Re
0 ij In order to calculate IR and Raman line shapes for liquid
共6兲 H2O, we need to be able to relate the OH stretch frequencies
␻i, the couplings ␻ij between the local modes, the compo-
nents of the transition dipoles mip, and the components of the

IVH共␻兲 ⬃ Re 冕 0

dte−i␻t 兺 具aipq共0兲Fij共t兲a jpq共t兲典e−t/2T1 ,
transition polarizability tensors aipq, to the instantaneous en-
vironments of the OH stretches of interest. Thus in this sec-
tion we provide prescriptions for obtaining the trajectories of
共7兲 the required fluctuating quantities from a MD simulation.
where p ⫽ q.
It is computationally demanding to solve repeatedly the A. Fluctuating transition frequencies
matrix differential equation in Eq. 共4兲 for a large number of
In the ES/MD approach originally developed by Corcelli
coupled chromophores. To this end several approximate re-
et al.33 and most recently implemented by Auer et al.23 ran-
sults have been derived for line shapes for a system of
dom clusters of a solute molecule and the surrounding sol-
coupled chromophores. We will focus on one of these, the
vent molecules are extracted from a MD simulation. In the
so-called TAA.55 The basic idea behind the TAA is that for
present case both the solvent and solute are H2O. We gener-
an isolated chromophore one can approximate the effects of
ate 999 clusters by first selecting a H in our simulation of
motional narrowing by considering a distribution of frequen-
SPC/E water67 at random every 500 fs to define the bond of
cies averaged over an appropriate time window. For the case
interest. Any molecule having its oxygen within 4 Å of this
of coupled chromophores the approximation is to average the
hydrogen is included in the cluster, which results in an aver-
matrix ␬共t兲. Thus in the TAA we replace ␬共t兲 in Eq. 共4兲 with
age cluster size of 9.25 waters. Finally, any other molecules

␬T =

dt⬘␬共t⬘兲, 共8兲
within 7.831 Å have their positions recorded, as these nuclei
will be included as point charges 共using the SPC/E values兲 in
the subsequent ES calculations. This set of clusters will be
which depends parametrically on the averaging time T, and referred to as hydrogen centered. All ES calculations re-
in the case of the IR line shape we replace m jp共t兲 by m jp共T兲. ported herein are performed at the B3LYP/ 6-311+ + G**
For any one realization of the trajectory ␬共t兲, ␬T is diagonal- level using the GAUSSIAN 03 software package.69
ized by the orthogonal transformation NT␬TN, and then the Next we calculate the local-mode OH stretching funda-
line shape can be written approximately as55 mental frequency for the bond of interest in each cluster.
This is done by keeping all nuclei fixed except those on the
I共␻兲 ⬃ 兺 具dk共0兲dk共T兲L共␻ − ␥k兲典, 共9兲 molecule containing the bond of interest, and the relevant
OH stretching coordinate is allowed to vary 共keeping the
where center of mass and orientation of the molecule fixed兲, map-
ping out a 1D Born–Oppenheimer potential energy surface.
dk共t兲 = 兺 mip共t兲Nik , 共10兲 Then we find the two lowest eigenvalues using a discrete
variable representation 共DVR兲.70 We treat the H2O as a
and ␥k are the eigenvalues of ␬T. The delta function in our pseudodiatomic, with a reduced mass of 0.951 44 amu. For
original work55 has now been replaced by the Lorentzian the gas-phase molecule this procedure yields a local-mode
224511-5 IR and Raman spectra of liquid water J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

TABLE I. Empirical relationships for the transition frequency, dipole de-

rivative, intramolecular coupling, and matrix elements. The electric field, Ei,
at the H and in the direction of the OH bond, is in a.u. as are the matrix
elements and intramolecular coupling kija. The correlation coefficient, R, and
rms deviation of each fit are also listed.

Empirical relationship R rms deviation

␻i = 共3762− 5060Ei − 86225E2i 兲 cm−1 0.90 70.1 cm−1

xi = 0.1934− 1.75⫻ 10−5共␻i / cm−1兲 1.00 1.1⫻ 10−4
␮i⬘ / ␮⬘g = 0.7112+ 75.59Ei 0.92 0.41
pi = 1.611+ 5.893⫻ 10−4共␻i / cm−1兲 1.00 2.8⫻ 10−3
kija = −0.008149+ 0.1087共Ei + E j兲 0.93 1.0⫻ 10−3

anharmonic frequency of 3723 cm−1. The corresponding ex-

perimental local-mode OH stretch fundamental in H2O is of
course unknown, but within the confines of the OH-stretch-
only model, it can be estimated to be halfway between the
symmetric and antisymmetric stretch frequencies, which
gives 3706.5 cm−1. The comparison of the calculated and
experimental numbers suggests that our local-mode frequen-
cies should all be multiplied by a scale factor of 0.9956.
These scaled ab initio frequencies for each cluster are then
fitted to a quadratic function of the component of the electric
field along the OH bond, at the hydrogen, and the electric
field is due to the 共SPC/E兲 point charges on all molecules
共except the tagged one兲 within the cutoff of 7.831 Å. It turns
out that this map, giving the local-mode frequency for a FIG. 1. Bottom panel: OH stretch frequencies, ␻i, for water clusters and the
given electric field, is nearly identical to that determined ear- surrounding point charges vs electric field Ei 共in a.u.兲. The solid line is the
best quadratic fit 共the formula for the fit is given in Table I兲. Top panel:
lier for the OH stretch of HOD,23 and so for simplicity we Dipole derivative, ␮i⬘, 共relative to the gas-phase value兲 for water clusters and
will use the previous formula, which is given in Table I. the surrounding point charges vs electric field Ei. The solid line is the best
Calculated frequencies for a random subset of the clusters, linear fit.
together with the electric field fit, are shown in Fig. 1. The
rms deviation of the ab initio frequencies from the fit is a not dipole derivative is given by ␮⬘ = 兩共d␮ ជ / dx兲x=0兩. To calculate
insubstantial 70 cm−1. On the other hand, as shown in Fig. 2 this we begin by optimizing the OH bond length 共using ab
of Ref. 23, the distribution of frequencies obtained from the initio calculations兲 keeping the center of mass fixed. Then at
MD simulation and the map is in good agreement with the this optimized structure a harmonic frequency calculation
actual distribution of ab initio frequencies. Thus while for provides the dipole derivative. In Fig. 1, we also plot the
any one configuration the map is not particularly accurate, ratio of the dipole derivative to that of the gas-phase versus
for the ensemble as a whole it works surprisingly well. the projection of the electric field along the OH bond. The
dipole derivative is fitted well to a line with correlation co-
efficient 0.92 and rms deviation of 0.41; the formula for this
B. Fluctuating transition dipoles
line is given in Table I.
The projection of the transition dipole moment for the
ith OH stretch on the laboratory-fixed p axis is approxi-
C. Fluctuating transition polarizabilities
mately given by23,40–42
To compute Raman spectra we need the transition polar-
mip = ␮i⬘xiûi · p̂, 共12兲
izability for each local-mode OH stretch. In previous work it
where ␮i⬘ is the magnitude of the dipole derivative, xi is the has been found that the isotropic transition polarizability is
0-1 matrix element of the OH stretch coordinate x 共x = r − r0, much less sensitive to solvation environment than is the tran-
where r is the OH distance and r0 is the equilibrium bond sition dipole.40,71 Therefore, in this work the effects of the
length兲, and ûi is the unit vector of the OH bond. The matrix varying transition polarizability will be ignored. In order to
element is easily calculated within the DVR scheme, and calculate the VV and VH spectra, however, we need to be
since the ground and excited local-mode vibrational states able to determine the transition polarizability in the labora-
depend on the solvation environment, so does this matrix tory frame. A bond-polarizability model will be employed in
element. A simple way to parametrize this dependence is this work, following that of others,15,51 in which it is as-
through the local-mode frequency; in Fig. 2, one sees that sumed that the transition polarizability has three constant
there is an outstanding linear correlation between the matrix components in the molecular frame, one along the bond and
element and the frequency. The linear fit is given in Table I two identical components perpendicular to the bond. In ice it
and has a correlation coefficient of 1. The magnitude of the is believed that the ratio of the parallel and perpendicular
224511-6 B. M. Auer and J. L. Skinner J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

FIG. 3. Intramolecular coupling, kija 共in a.u.兲, for water clusters and the
surrounding point charges vs the electric field sum Ei + E j 共in a.u.兲. The solid
line is the best linear fit.

parametrized with the local-mode frequency, as discussed

above and shown in Table I. The momentum matrix element
can also be fitted to the local-mode frequency, as shown in
Fig. 2; the corresponding formula is given in Table I. To
obtain the intramolecular coupling constants kaij, a new set of
100 clusters was generated. These clusters, which are oxygen
FIG. 2. Bottom panel: Position matrix elements, xi 共in a.u.兲, for water clus-
centered instead of hydrogen centered, were generated by
ters and the surrounding point charges vs frequency ␻i. The solid line is the choosing an oxygen at random in the simulation and includ-
best linear fit. Top panel: Momentum matrix elements, pi 共in a.u.兲, for water ing in the cluster any water with an oxygen within 4.07 Å of
clusters and the surrounding point charges vs frequency ␻i. The solid line is the central oxygen. The distance was chosen to give approxi-
the best linear fit.
mately the same number of waters in these clusters as in the
hydrogen-centered clusters. Once again point charges were
components of the transition polarizability is about 5.6,72,73 included up to a cutoff of 7.831 Å. The two bonds of the
and that value will be used in this study. Thus, for example,15 central water were again minimized keeping the center of
⬘ + 共␣⬘储 − ␣⬜
aiZZ = ␣⬜ ⬘ 兲cos2 ␪ , 共13兲 mass fixed. A harmonic frequency calculation was performed
at this minimum geometry to obtain the second derivative.
and Our strategy is once again to relate kaij to the electric field on
aiXY = 共␣⬘储 − ␣⬜
⬘ 兲sin2 ␪ cos ␾ sin ␾ , 共14兲 the hydrogen of the molecule of interest. We find that in this
case kaij is well correlated to the sum of the two electric field
where ␣⬘储 and ␣⬜ ⬘ are the parallel and perpendicular bond- projections. In Fig. 3, we plot the ab initio kaij versus Ei + E j.
polarizability derivatives, and ␪ and ␾ are the usual polar There is a good linear correlation and the resulting fit is
and azimuthal angles of the OH bond vector in the laboratory given in Table I. This leads to the formula for ␻ij:
␻ij = 关兵− 1789 + 23 852共Ei + E j兲其xix j − 1.966pi p j兴cm−1 ,
D. Fluctuating intramolecular coupling 共16兲
In the local-mode basis to lowest order the coupling fre- and the formulas for the matrix elements in terms of the
quency ␻ij between the two OH stretches on the same mol- frequencies are given in Table I. When Ei = E j = 0, and xi and
ecule is74 pi are evaluated for the gas-phase molecule 共␻i
= 3707 cm−1兲, this gives ␻ij ⯝ −58 cm−1, which is close to
ប␻ij = kaijxix j + cos共␾兲pi p j/mO , 共15兲
the value of about −50 cm−1, as inferred from the gas-phase
where kaij is the second derivative of the potential energy with splitting between symmetric and antisymmetric stretch vibra-
respect to both bond lengths, evaluated at the minimum, xi is tions. Sampling molecules at random from a SPC/E MD
the same position matrix element as before, pi is the 0-1 simulation, and using the electric fields on the two hydrogens
momentum matrix element, ␾ is the HOH bond angle 共tetra- of each molecule to determine the local-mode frequencies,
hedral in the case of SPC/E water兲, and mO is the oxygen and then the relevant matrix elements, and finally the in-
mass. The momentum matrix element can easily be calcu- tramolecular coupling frequency, produces the distribution of
lated again within the DVR scheme. these frequencies shown in Fig. 4. One sees that the average
For molecules in the liquid, each with its own solvation frequency, −27.1 cm−1, is roughly half as small as in the gas
environment, the values of kaij, xi, and pi are all different. xi is phase, and that the distribution is quite wide.
224511-7 IR and Raman spectra of liquid water J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

FIG. 4. Distribution of intramolecular coupling frequencies ␻ij.

E. Fluctuating intermolecular coupling

For the vibrational coupling between OH stretch chro- FIG. 5. Calculated 共ab initio兲 intermolecular coupling kije 共in a.u.兲 for water
mophores on different molecules the simplest assumption is clusters surrounded by point charges vs transition dipole approximation ob-
that of transition dipole interactions.51,53 In this case the cou- tained from Eq. 共18兲.
pling frequency is given by
lar coupling frequencies are comparable 共although for a
ប␻ij = keijxix j , 共17兲
given chromophore there are more of the latter than the
where xi is the same matrix element as before and keij is given former兲.
keij = ␮i⬘␮⬘j 兵ûi · û j − 3关共ûi · n̂ij兲共û j · n̂ij兲兴其/r3ij , 共18兲
where n̂ij is a unit vector along the line connecting the di-
A. Molecular dynamics simulations
poles, and rij is the distance between the dipoles. A question
arises: Where along each OH bond should one place the MD simulations of H2O were performed using the
transition dipole? A number of different positions have been SPC/E model.67 Our NVE simulation contained
suggested;53,75 here we turn to comparison with ab initio 128 molecules at the experimental density at 298 K. Periodic
calculations to guide us. We will focus on a dimer within a boundary conditions were employed, and the electrostatic
cluster to determine where to place the dipole. This is a forces were computed using an approximation to the Ewald
reasonable approach since one would expect the nearest- sum.76 The classical equations of motion were integrated
neighbor couplings to be the largest and most important with the leapfrog algorithm with a 1 fs time step,77 and the
ones. A set of 100 of the hydrogen-centered clusters was rotations were treated using quaternions.78 Velocities were
chosen. Then the closest oxygen to the hydrogen of interest rescaled and equilibrated repeatedly until the desired tem-
in the cluster was determined. The four OH bonds in the perature of 298 K was obtained.
resulting dimer were optimized and a harmonic frequency At each step in the simulation, at each H atom the elec-
calculation was performed to determine the ab initio cou- tric field from point charges on waters within the cutoff is
plings for the four pairs of bonds. Then using the ab initio computed. From this one obtains the local-mode frequencies
transition dipoles it was determined which spot along the ␻i. From the frequencies one obtains the matrix elements xi
bond gave the best fit between the ab initio coupling and the and pi, which together with the electric fields and the atomic
transition dipole coupling. We find that a position along the positions allows one to obtain the intramolecular and inter-
bond 0.58 Å from the oxygen gives the best fit. To assess the molecular coupling frequencies ␻ij. Performing this for each
overall accuracy of the transition dipole approximation, in time step produces the trajectory of the matrix ␬共t兲. Simi-
Fig. 5, we plot the ab initio coupling versus the transition larly, at each time step we calculate the dipole derviative ␮i⬘,
dipole approximation to it. Despite significant scatter this is and from the instantaneous configurations one obtains ûi · p̂,
probably an acceptable approximation. which allows one to calculate the dipole moment trajectory
Using this transition dipole approximation and a SPC/E mip共t兲. Using the bond-polarizability model, one obtains the
simulation, for a given OH chromophore one can calculate trajectory aipq共t兲. Thus from the simulation, one obtains the
its largest 共in magnitude兲 intermolecular coupling frequency. trajectories needed to calculate the spectra. Within the TAA,
The average over many chromophores of these largest fre- one needs to time average ␬共t兲 for a time T 关as per Eq. 共8兲兴,
quencies is −28 cm−1, which can be compared to the average diagonalize this average matrix, from each eigenvector com-
intramolecular coupling frequency of −27.1 cm−1. Thus the pute the quantities dk共0兲 and dk共T兲 关see Eq. 共10兲兴, sum over
magnitudes of the intramolecular and important intermolecu- all k, and then perform the ensemble average. The latter is
224511-8 B. M. Auer and J. L. Skinner J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

FIG. 6. Theoretical and experimental 共Ref. 3兲 IR line shapes.

effected by time averaging ␬共t兲 over different pieces of the

trajectory. The experimental lifetime, for use in L共␻兲, is T1
= 260 fs.79

B. Line shape calculations

In order to calculate the IR and Raman line shapes
within the TAA, we need to specify the averaging time T. To
determine this time we follow our earlier suggestion,55 cal- FIG. 7. Bottom panel: Theoretical and experimental 共Ref. 6兲 Raman VH line
shapes. Top panel: Theoretical and experimental 共Ref. 6兲 Raman VV line
culating the line shape for the uncoupled chromophore, ne- shapes.
glecting rotations, non-Condon effects, and lifetime broaden-
ing. Thus we use Eq. 共3兲 to calculate the line shape, setting
all couplings to zero, and setting the transition moments to 1 tions for liquid water. Their calculations and ours involve
and the lifetime to infinity. For completeness we note that in many details, concerning frequency and coupling maps and
these limits Eq. 共3兲 reduces to the familiar form calculations of spectroscopic observables, which differ

冓 冔
among our three studies. For example, Torii does not include
I共␻兲 ⬃ Re 冕 0

dte−i␻t 兺
exp i 冕
d ␶ ␻ i共 ␶ 兲 . 共19兲
intramolecular coupling, and treated non-Condon effects
with an adjustable parameter. Buch treated the ratio of the
parallel and perpendicular bond-polarizability derivatives as
The resulting line shape has a FWHM of ⌫ = 349 cm−1. As an adjustable parameter, and used a somewhat different map
previously discussed,55 the averaging time is determined us- for local-mode frequency fluctuations. In terms of the line
ing the simple relationship T = 5 / ⌫. This results in an aver- shape calculations, Torii treated the coupled chromophore
aging time of T = 76 fs, which gave an excellent approxima- problem exactly by numerical integration of the Schrödinger
tion to the motionally narrowered line shape,55 and which equation, while Buch dealt with motional narrowing approxi-
will be used in all subsequent calculations. mately by averaging the local-mode frequencies over 1 ps.
We first focus on the IR line shape. In Fig. 6, we plot the Regarding line shape results, Torii’s calculations for the iso-
calculated 共298 K兲 and experimental3 共298 K兲 line shapes, tropic and parallel-polarized Raman spectra and IR spectra
area normalized to the same value. The calculations agree are in qualitative agreement with experiment, although the
well with the experiment, both in terms of position and splitting between the two peaks in the isotropic Raman spec-
FWHM, although the theory misses the weak shoulder at trum is somewhat too large 共compared to experiment兲. His
about 3250 cm−1. Turning now to the Raman line shapes, the calculations show that it is important to include non-Condon
VV and VH line shapes are calculated using Eqs. 共6兲 and 共7兲, effects. Buch is primarily concerned with the vibrational
respectively. The normalized calculated 共298 K兲 and the sum-frequency-generation spectrum of the liquid-vapor in-
experimental6 共295 K兲 VV and VH line shapes are plotted in terface, but does also present Raman 共parallel- and
Fig. 7. The theoretical VV line shape captures the double- perpendicular-polarized兲 and IR results for the bulk liquid
peaked nature of the experiment, although the relative inten- 共actually for the first five layers of a water slab兲 that are quite
sity of the two peaks is not quite right. Moreover the theory similar to ours.
captures 共but overemphasizes兲 the weak shoulder at
3650 cm−1. The theoretical VH line shape is in good agree-
C. Line shape interpretations
ment with experiment, both in terms of its peak position and
markedly asymmetric shape. Given that the theoretical line shapes provide a reason-
As discussed in the Introduction, both Buch et al.51,52 able approximation to experiment, we can now attempt to
and Torii53 have recently performed similar spectral calcula- understand the differences between the different line shapes,
224511-9 IR and Raman spectra of liquid water J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

FIG. 9. Theoretical distributions of instantaneous frequencies for the un-

FIG. 8. 共Color online兲 Theoretical IR and Raman VV and VH line shapes, coupled 关Pu共␻兲兴 and coupled 关Pc共␻兲兴 chromophores, and the inverse partici-
and the same three line shapes when all coupling between chromophores is pation ratios R共␻兲 and Rm共␻兲.

and to interpret the various spectral features. As a first step in P c共 ␻ 兲 = 兺 具␦共␻ − ␻k兲典,
2N k
this direction, in Fig. 8 we show the theoretical IR and Ra-
man VV and VH line shapes, all on the same graph, so one where ␻k are the 2N eigenvalues 共N = 128, the number of
can see how different they really are. The three line shapes molecules兲. As shown in the figure, these two distributions
peak at about 3375, 3250, and 3475 cm−1, respectively, and are quite similar. Perhaps this is not too surprising, since the
have distinctly different shapes. It is also instructive to cal- typical coupling matrix elements 共−25 cm−1兲 are quite a bit
culate these same three line shapes but now in the absence of smaller in magnitude than the fluctuations in the diagonal
any coupling among chromophores; these results are also frequencies 关say, the FWHM, roughly 400 cm−1, of Pu共␻兲兴.
shown in the figure. One sees that for the VH line shape this Next we can consider the instantaneous eigenstates
makes a relatively small change, for the IR line shape the themselves. At each time step the ␬ matrix is diagonalized by
change is more pronounced, and for the VV line shape the the orthogonal transformation BT␬B. One can get a rough
change is quite dramatic indeed. We have also calculated idea about over how many local-mode chromophores the
these line shapes including only intramolecular coupling, and eigenstates extend by considering the inverse participation
the results 共not shown兲 are significantly closer to the un- ratio:

冉兺 冊
coupled line shapes than to the fully coupled ones. These 2N −1
observations provide strong evidence that the origin of the Rk = 兩Bik兩 4
. 共22兲
somewhat mysterious peak at 3250 cm−1 in the VV Raman i=1
spectrum is due to the intermolecular coupling. Also note
that our calculations for the uncoupled problem should yield For example, if eigenstate k is equally spread among n
reasonable approximations to the experimental line shapes chromophores, then for n terms in the sum 兩Bik 兩 = 1 / 冑n, and
for the OH stretch of dilute HOD in D2O, which they do23 is zero for the other terms, and so Rk = n. Thus the value of
共although here one should remark that the lifetime in the the inverse participation ratio is roughly the number of chro-
latter system is somewhat longer,80 and the molecular dy- mophores involved in any given eigenstate. One can average
namics is somewhat slower, both of which will have minor Rk over eigenstates within a narrow frequency window to
effects on the line shapes兲. obtain R共␻兲, formally given by
To examine this issue of coupling between OH stretch 1
chomophores further, in Fig. 9 we compare the distribution R共␻兲 = 兺 具Rk␦共␻ − ␻k兲典/Pc共␻兲.
2N k
of frequencies of the uncoupled chromophores to that for the
fully coupled system. Thus the former is simply the distribu- This is also shown in Fig. 9. Remarkably, R共␻兲 is as large as
tion of local-mode frequencies ␻i, formally given by 12 near the center of the band. Moreover even 100 cm−1 on
either side it is still about 8. Thus the eigenstates are surpris-
ingly delocalized. However, one can recall from studies of
Pu共␻兲 = 具␦共␻ − ␻i兲典. 共20兲 Anderson localization81 that to produce localization 共in the
exponential sense兲 the width of the diagonal disorder must be
significantly larger than that of the off-diagonal interactions,
This distribution shows a maximum at about 3490 cm−1, and and even when the states are localized they can still extend
a shoulder that has been attributed to non-hydrogen-bonded over many chromophores. Thus in terms of delocalization, a
OH chromophores22,21,33,40 at about 3650 cm−1. To obtain the little coupling goes a long way!
distribution for the coupled system, at every time step we It is also of interest to determine, on the average, if the
diagonalize ␬共t兲, and then the distribution is eigenstates extend primarily over OH groups on different
224511-10 B. M. Auer and J. L. Skinner J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

molecules, or over both OH groups on each involved mol-

ecule. That is, if an eigenstate extends over n OH chro-
mophores, are these chromophores on as many as n mol-
ecules, or are they on closer to n / 2 molecules? To this end,
let us replace the chromophore label i by an equivalent set of
two indices: ␣, which runs over the N molecules, and ␤,
which goes from 1 to 2, indicating the two OH chro-
mophores on each molecule. We can then define a molecular

冉兺 再兺 冎冊
inverse participation ratio for each eigenstate k, by
N 2 2 −1
Rmk = 兩B␣␤k兩2 . 共24兲
␣=1 ␤=1

Consider again the situation where an eigenstate is equally

spread over n chromophores, such that for n ␣␤ pairs
兩B␣␤k 兩 = 1 / 冑n 共while the others are zero兲. If the eigenstate FIG. 10. 共Color online兲 Theoretical distribution of instantaneous frequencies
involves OH groups on different molecules, then for each for the coupled chromophores, as well as weighted frequency distributions
involved molecule only one term 共with ␤ = 1 or 2兲 contrib- under the various circumstances described in the text.
utes, and so Rmk = n. On the other hand, if the eigenstate is on
both OH groups of each involved molecule, then for those tors, and in addition, mip involves non-Condon effects. Let us
molecules terms with ␤ = 1 and 2 both contribute, leading to first ignore these differences, and let mip = aipq = 1, in which
Rmk = n / 2. Thus in either case Rmk is roughly the number of case
molecules over which the eigenstate extends. One can aver-
age over eigenstates as in Eq. 共23兲 to obtain Rm共␻兲. This is dk = 兺 Bik 共28兲
also shown in Fig. 9. One sees that Rm共␻兲 is closer to R共␻兲 i

than to R共␻兲 / 2, showing that for the most part the eigen-
simply involves linear combinations of the expansion coeffi-
states extend over OH groups on different molecules. Thus,
cients alone. Under these conditions, we compare Pw共␻兲 to
for example, at the center of the band, the eigenstates extend
Pc共␻兲 in Fig. 10. Remarkably, Pw共␻兲 is very different from
over approximately ten molecules. Similar conclusions were
Pc共␻兲, peaking at about 3250 cm−1, with shoulders at about
reached by Buch et al. in their analysis of the eigenstates in
3475 and 3700 cm−1, the latter two of which are near the
the top five layers of water at the liquid-vapor interface.52
characteristic frequencies of the 共coupled兲 frequency distri-
In order to understand the effects of delocalization on
bution itself. Thus the seemingly modest coupling between
spectroscopy, it is instructive to consider the line shapes in
the local modes, which indeed produces a modest change in
the inhomogeneous limit 共that is, when dynamical effects are
the frequency distribution, produces a weighted frequency
neglected兲. For this exercise we will also neglect lifetime
distribution 共relevant for the spectroscopy兲 that is dramati-
broadening. In this limit ␬共t兲 can be replaced by its initial
cally different from the frequency distribution itself, includ-
value in Eq. 共4兲, and so F共t兲 = ei␬共0兲t, in which case the IR line
ing the introduction of a new frequency at about 3250 cm−1.
shape is given by55
In addition, it is clear that the latter is a direct result of the
I共␻兲 ⬃ 兺 具d2k ␦共␻ − ␻k兲典, 共25兲 significant delocalization of the eigenstates. This intensity
k enhancement at low frequencies is reminiscent of, and in-
deed has the same origin as, the enhanced optical activity of
where the eigenstate at the bottom of the exciton band for linear
arrays with negative coupling among local-mode states.82
dk = 兺 mip共0兲Bik . 共26兲
i This discussion corroborates earlier arguments in favor of
collective excitations in liquid water and their role in vibra-
As before, for the Raman line shapes mip is replaced by aipq. tional spectra.10,11,15,16,52
Recall that B is the matrix that diagonalizes ␬共0兲. This inho- In Fig. 10 we also show the weighted distributions rel-
mogeneous line shape can be written in normalized fashion evant for the Raman line shapes, that is, when the angular
as factors aipq in Eq. 共26兲 are included. One sees that the distri-
Pw共␻兲 = 兺 具d2k ␦共␻ − ␻k兲典
冒兺 k
具d2k 典, 共27兲
butions relevant for the VV and VH spectra are dramatically
different. The VH distribution is very similar to the fre-
quency distribution itself, while the VV distribution is simi-
for comparison with other normalized frequency distribu- lar to the weighted distribution 共making the Condon approxi-
tions. mation and neglecting rotations兲 described above.
Thus in this limit the normalized line shape is a weighted Presumably this is because aipp 关see, for example, Eq. 共13兲兴
frequency distribution, where the weighting factor is d2k . The has a constant term, and so dk is more similar to Eq. 共28兲,
IR and Raman VV and VH spectra differ because in each whereas for aipq 关see, for example, Eq. 共14兲兴 the different
case dk is a different linear combination of the expansion orientations of the different chromophores partially destroy
coefficients Bik. mip and aipq involve different orientation fac- the linear combination. In the same figure we also show the
224511-11 IR and Raman spectra of liquid water J. Chem. Phys. 128, 224511 共2008兲

relevant distribution for the IR spectrum, but within the Con- same distribution at about 3650 cm−1 due to hydrogen atoms
don approximation 共only including the rotational contribu- not involved in hydrogen bonds. The experimental IR and
tion兲, that is, taking mip = ûi · p̂. This is somewhat different Raman VV and VH spectra emphasize these three character-
from both Raman distributions, but is more similar to the VH istic frequencies to different extents. In particular, the VV
distribution. Finally, we show the relevant distribution for the spectra shows a pronounced peak at about 3250 cm−1 due to
IR spectrum, including non-Condon effects 关that is, mip is this collective mode. The IR spectrum is redshifted from the
given by Eq. 共12兲兴. As expected,40 we see that these non- local-mode peak at 3490 cm−1 as a result of non-Condon
Condon effects significantly shift the IR distribution to the effects. Our analysis, which emphasizes the role of coupling
red. between chromophores, indicates that for neat liquid H2O
In summary, then, we see that the relatively modest cou- spectral peaks cannot be meaningfully assigned to individual
pling between local-mode chromophores produces a rela- molecules in different molecular environments. Moreover,
tively small difference between the distributions of local- substantial symmetry breaking due to the local molecular
mode frequencies and of frequencies for the coupled environment means that the symmetric and antisymmetric
chromophores. On the other hand, the coupling is large normal modes of water are not a useful basis, and it is not
enough to delocalize the instantaneous eigenstates over up to meaningful to make spectral feature assignments based on
12 chromphores. In terms of spectroscopy, this delocalization these normal modes.
has profound consequences, as it significantly affects the Despite these successes there remains room for improve-
weighting of the different eigenstates. In particular, this de- ment in the theoretical calculations. There surely exist better
localization is responsible for the appearance of a new col- maps from nuclear coordinates of the liquid molecules to the
lective characteristic frequency at about 3250 cm−1. The IR OH stretch frequency of a tagged bond, as well as better
and Raman VV and VH spectra are all different because of maps for the transition dipoles and polarizabilities and the
the different angular factors in the linear combinations in Eq. intramolecular coupling. One can surely improve upon the
共26兲. Circumstances are such that in the VV spectrum the transition dipole approximation for the intermolecular
collective mode is prominent, whereas in the VH and IR coupling.83 One should probably include the bend vibrational
spectra it is not. The IR spectrum is significantly redshifted degrees of freedom, as they may couple to the stretches
from the VH spectrum due to the non-Condon effects. through a 2:1 Fermi resonance. As mentioned earlier, using a
classical simulation model, especially with regard to the li-
brations, may be problematic.
V. CONCLUSION One exciting prospect of this work is that it can easily be
The vibrational spectroscopy of neat liquids presents a extended to other important situations such as the Raman and
formidable theoretical challenge because of the computa- IR spectra of ice Ih, and the vibrational sum-frequency-
tional difficulty in dealing with coupling between chro- generation spectroscopy of the water liquid-vapor interface.
mophores 共the vibrational exciton problem兲 and the effects of Interpretations of these spectra have also been controversial,
dynamics 共motional narrowing兲. We have presented theoret- and we hope that our theory and results for these systems
ical calculations of the Raman and IR line shapes for water 共which we intend to report on shortly兲 will be accurate
in the OH stretching region. We have extended our ES/MD enough to help resolve these issues. In addition, the TAA can
method33 to calculate trajectories of not only the OH stretch- be extended to nonlinear ultrafast spectroscopy,84 meaning
ing frequencies and transition dipoles and polarizabilities but that one is now in the position of calculating two-
also the couplings between vibrational modes. We find that dimensional IR spectra for liquid water, which would allow
intramolecular coupling is non-negligible and varies consid- for direct comparison to results from exciting new
erably from molecule to molecule 共as a result of different experiments.85,86
molecular environments兲. The intermolecular couplings are
more difficult to approximate—we used the familiar transi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
tion dipole model. To account for dynamical effects, we used
a recently developed time-averaging approximation.55 The We are grateful for support from the National Science
experimental IR and Raman VV and VH spectra are quite Foundation, through Grant Nos. CHE-0446666 and CHE-
different from each other. Our theoretical results are in good 0750307. We thank Professor Will Polik and Hope College
agreement with experiment and reasonably accurately cap- for the use of their MU3C computer cluster, on which some
ture these differences. of the calculations reported herein were performed. We thank
The interpretation of these experimental spectra and Steve Corcelli for helpful conversations during the early
their differences has been controversial. Our analysis indi- stages of this work.
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